The Short Look on design-oriented workshops organised in Europe
MEDS ‘Meeting of Design Students’ was founded in 2010 by students from different countries and different departments of design. It was created with the aim to join all design departments together. Architecture, interior architecture, industrial design, graphic design and all other departments of design.
STRU CTURE MEDS MEDS organizes international events for students of all design disciplines to pursue their ideas and showcase their talent in different cultural environments. Events take part each summer in different countries, focusing on various issues, themes, topics and settings that will help any designer to expand their experience. It is a chance to get in touch with diverse approaches to design, different building techniques, traditions and skills. MEDS events are not only practical but also theoretical with several conferences taking part.
MENC MENC is a meeting for the MEDS team and national contacts. Each year it is held in a different country and unites the MEDS family. It is organized to discuss the progress of MEDS, events, workshops, future work etc. All NC's attend this meeting to represent their country. The aim of MENC is to improve MEDS as an organization as a team and to share ideas for forthcoming events.
PEOPLE JOE MURPHY international director
ZANA KOPITAR founder, previous CEO
CAN BAYSAL co-founder, previous CEO
NATIONAL CONTACTS multiple nationalities
We work and worked as a union to develop workshops whole year, as a part time activity. To do that , we need to discuss and point out ideas, and also as part organisers of every edition.
Every year’s edition selects proposal for a project made by design students and young proffesionals starting their career in project oriented district. Due to diffrent skills and backgrounds, tutors and participants creates projects with suprisingly diffrent manner and result:
As a polish National Contacts , we won the proposal for Meeting of National Contacts in Katowice, Wuth the date set on 11-15 October 2015. Our goal is Encourage fereigners
MENC KATO 2015 Conference of Young Architects and Designers organanising international design workshops
PLEASE S UPPORT US ! If you’re curious for more information, read our sponsorship offer: Or check out our sites and materials: for DESYN magazine by MEDS and current materials: Official Site: Current Workshops Site: