Social value report 2015 16 final

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Our social value Making a difference 2015 - 2016

Annual review 2012-2013

Medway Community Healthcare CIC providing services on behalf of the NHS Registered office: MCH House, Bailey Drive, Gillingham, Kent ME8 0PZ Tel: 01634 337593 Registered in England and Wales, Company number: 07275637

Table of Contents Welcome ...................................................................................................................................... 2 Our year ....................................................................................................................................... 3 Award winning care ...................................................................................................................... 5 Our social enterprise .................................................................................................................... 6 Our values.................................................................................................................................... 7 Our vision ..................................................................................................................................... 7 Growing our social value: ............................................................................................................. 8 Our impact … on the people we care for...................................................................................... 9 Our impact … on local people and our communities .................................................................. 11 Our impact … on our people ...................................................................................................... 13 Promoting clinical research ........................................................................................................ 14 Improving through innovation ..................................................................................................... 15 Telehealth and telecare technology ........................................................................................... 15 Virtual desktop technology (VDI) ................................................................................................ 15 Electronic patient record system ................................................................................................ 15 Ideas from our people ................................................................................................................ 15 Growing social enterprise........................................................................................................... 16 Our charity – Medway Cares...................................................................................................... 17 Our environment ........................................................................................................................ 19 Looking ahead ........................................................................................................................... 20

Our social value 2015 - 2016

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Welcome Welcome to our social value report – our chance to tell you about the positive impact we have made for our patients, our staff and the communities we serve. Medway Community Healthcare (MCH) became an independent Community Interest Company in 2011. This year (2016) therefore marks our five year anniversary as a social enterprise providing high quality NHS health and social care services in Medway and beyond. Being a social enterprise means social value is at the heart of our business culture and embedded into our decision making and strategies, supporting us to innovate and deliver additional benefits for our patients and our communities. During our first five years we have successfully achieved surpluses that we’ve used to further improve our clinical services, and that we have reinvested in our communities for the benefit of local people. We’ve implemented new programmes to deliver added social value and welcomed more than 75% of our staff as shareholders, influencing how our organisation develops and grows. We’re proud of all our achievements and I would like to thank our staff for their dedication and the care and compassion they continue to show for our patients and service users.

Martin Riley Managing Director

Our social value 2015 - 2016

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Our year

In our fifth year as a social enterprise we are continuing to work hard to make a difference; building on our achievements so far and developing new ways we can deliver added social value for the people we care for and our communities. In 2015-16, we: 

Provided high quality care and 882,717 appointments for the people we care for;

Saw an increase of 124% in feedback from our patients and 97% of people who responded told us that the care they received was good or very good – a 2% increase on last year;

Received 1,690 compliments from the people we care for – compliments outnumbered complaints 7:1. Our commitment to listening to our patients and responding to feedback helps us learn and continue to improve our services for the people we care for.

Saw our specialist dementia care nursing home, Darland House, inspected by the Care Quality Commission; who rated it Good in all categories;

Continued to prioritise buying from local businesses, buying 19% of our goods and services locally and spending £1.6m with local businesses;

Recruited another sixteen local young people onto our apprenticeship programme, supporting them to take the first step in their careers;

Relocated MedOCC, our out-of-hours GP service, to MCH House in Gillingham; providing an improved clinic environment for patients and greater access to public transport;

Joined the Medway Dementia Action Alliance to help improve the lives of local people affected by dementia by sharing best practice and supporting the Medway towns to become dementia friendly;

Worked in partnership with the Prince’s Trust charity to deliver our second Get into Health and Social Care programme, providing training and work experience opportunities for unemployed local young people;

Welcomed the second MCH Academy intern for the start of their paid placement year to gain valuable experience with our business teams;

Welcomed 249 new members of staff;

Set up walk-in clinics at our Sunlight Centre GP Surgery, making it easier for patients to access same day appointments and help reduce waiting times;

Offered work experience placements across our services to enable local people to improve their skills and gain experience in health and social care and business services;

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Set up a pilot telephone service offering advice and assessment for speech and language therapy patients who struggle to travel to clinics, supporting people to see the right clinician the first time;

Launched a pilot employee volunteering scheme in partnership with the Prince’s Trust charity, giving our staff the opportunity to volunteer as mentors to offer local young people the support they need to gain employment;

Supported fundraising activities by our staff who successfully raised over £13,900 for local and national charities in the past year;

Launched the Medway Accident Prevention Scheme for families in need to buy home safety equipment at cost price in local children’s centres; funded by our charity Medway Cares and established by our health visiting service;

Coordinated a Christmas collection for Medway Foodbank, collecting food kindly donated by our staff and the people we care for;

Purchased the Balfour building, home to our Zone, our activity centre for people with disabilities; enabling us to plan for refurbishments and improvements

Expanded our social nail care service to make it available in care homes and in people’s own homes;

Increased the range of specialist palliative rehabilitation services and therapeutic services available at our Wisdom Hospice for patients and their carers.

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Award winning care

We are continually working to improve our services for the people we care for and are proud to have won a number of awards in 2015-16 in recognition of our high quality care and the commitment shown by our staff, including: 

MCH was shortlisted at the Friends and Family Test Awards 2016, within the ‘Best FFT initiative in any other NHS-funded service’ category.

Our children’s therapy service won the ‘Little things that matter’ category at the North Kent Clinical Commissioning Group patient experience awards for their programme supporting children with specialist needs to access the gym at a local leisure centre;

Our health visiting service was awarded UNICEF’s level 3 Baby Friendly accreditation for the care of pregnant women and new mothers: this international award is the highest level available and recognises excellence in care;

Our musculoskeletal physiotherapy service won the ‘Turning it around when it goes wrong’ award at the Patient Experience Network National (PENN) Awards and the ‘Transforming patient experience category’ at the North Kent Clinical Commissioning Group patient experience awards in recognition of their innovation, leadership, positive patient feedback (99% of patients would now recommend the service), reduced waiting times and improved access for patients;

Our tissue viability team in partnership with Medway Maritime Hospital was awarded Highly Commended for Innovation in Service Delivery by the Molnycke Wound Academy for their development of a pressure ulcer passport. The passport gives patients ownership of their condition and helps improve continuity of care for patients moving between care providers;

Our Board was awarded NHS Governing Body of the Year at the Kent Surrey and Sussex Leadership Recognition Awards 2015 in recognition of the Board's drive to ensure all our staff work together to provide high quality care for the benefit of our local community;

Our health visiting service won the Sign up to Safety award at the North Kent Clinical Commissioning Group patient experience awards for establishing the Medway Accident Prevention Scheme; a programme enabling families in need to buy home safety equipment at cost price

MCH was shortlisted as Health and Social Care Enterprise of the year at the Social Enterprise UK Awards 2015 in recognition of excellent vision and strategic direction, clear leadership and management, a high degree of customer satisfaction, a clear, evidenced, social, environmental and community impact and sustainability of profit and growth;

Our patient experience team was awarded runner-up Team of the Year at the Patient Experience Network national awards for their can-do approach, using initiative and creativity

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to engage with patients and staff, and for promoting a positive, open culture across the workplace; 

Our stroke team was highly commended in the Professional Excellence category at the Stroke Association Life After Stroke Awards;

Our occupational therapists were runners up in the Outstanding Service / Innovation category at the Occupational Therapy Show Awards 2015.

Our social enterprise MCH is a Community Interest Company that is co-owned by our 1,349 staff. This year we are celebrating our five year anniversary as a social enterprise providing high quality NHS health and social care services with added social value for the communities we serve. We provide over 40 NHS community services and personalised social care services in Medway and the surrounding area – from community nursing and dementia care to specialist children’s therapy and rehabilitation teams, caring for a population of around 280,000 people. As a social enterprise we are a for better profit organisation and we reinvest any surplus into improving our health and care services and into the local community. Being a social enterprise means:  Our staff have a say in developing our business plans for the future;  Our patients, our staff and members of the local community have a say in designing how we provide our services;  We are flexible and able to adapt to meet the changing needs of the people we care for; and  We are committed to delivering added social value and wider benefits for our communities alongside our high quality health and social care services. In 2015-16 we provided care in local settings such as healthy living centres and Children’s Centres, as well as our inpatient services – the Wisdom Hospice, St Bartholomew’s Hospital (now closed) and Darland House Nursing Home – and in people’s homes.

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Our values   

We are caring and compassionate We deliver quality and value We work in partnership

Developed with the help of our staff and stakeholders, our values support us to work together with a shared understanding in everything we do; they shape how we operate, define our culture and help us achieve our vision.

Our vision A successful, vibrant community interest company that benefits the communities we serve

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Growing our social value: In our first five years we have successfully embedded social value into our business culture, using our understanding of the communities we serve to set up new initiatives and continue to build on work we are already doing to help us meet the wider needs of local people. In five years we have:     

Included social value objectives in our strategic and annual planning; Supported our teams to develop their own social value initiatives and incorporate them into their work; Introduced a new role to support the development and growth of social value across our organisation; Worked in partnership with third sector and voluntary organisations for the benefit of our patients and local people; and Reinvested £240,000 of our surplus into our charity Medway Cares to be used for the benefit of our local communities.

Critical success factor: Acting in a socially responsible manner, adding value to the communities we serve

Our social value 2015 - 2016

Our strategic aim is to maximise the impact of our business on the quality of life and life chances of local people, and to enhance the sustainability of the communities in which we work

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Our impact … on the people we care for In our fifth year as a social enterprise we are proud to continue to enhance the care we provide and deliver additional social value to make a positive impact on the health and wellbeing of the people we care for. In 2015–16, we: 

Started an exercise pathway supporting children aged 12 and above with physical disabilities to access the gym, working in partnership with staff at a local leisure centre to design appropriate exercises for the children to do independently;

Set up a pilot telephone service offering first-line advice and assessment for speech and language therapy patients who find it difficult to attend a clinic, supporting people to see the right clinician the first time and saving time for patients;

Introduced walk-in clinics at our Sunlight Surgery GP practice in response to patient feedback to make it easier for patients to see a GP and help reduce waiting times;

Provided education and training for midwives and staff working in obstetrics and gynaecology at Medway Maritime Hospital to raise awareness of physiotherapy treatments for women’s health, helping them support their patients;

Set up a Patient Participation Group at the Sunlight Surgery, empowering patients to use their experience to help improve our service;

Loaned self-test machines to patients taking warfarin for them to carry out their own regular blood tests, helping people take control of managing their condition and promoting self-care;

Supported families with children with complex neurological conditions to access free consultation and advice sessions at the specialist Bobath Centre in London; one child was chosen by the Centre to receive a free two week course of intensive therapy;

Our integrated discharge team works closely with three voluntary organisations: Carers First, Carers Support and Care Navigators, to support patients in Medway Maritime Hospital to return home safely and access the support they and their carers need to continue to live independently and well;

Provided training on the importance of weight management to carers of our service users with learning disabilities, helping the carers support people to make healthy choices;

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Began trialling new technology such as video calling and remote monitoring to assess whether it could help empower patients with long term conditions to self-manage their care, enabling them to continue to live independently and well in the community;

Progressed our GAINing Insights programme of internal mock inspections of our services following the Care Quality Commission’s inspection model; inspecting more than 80% of our services by March 2016 and supporting them to develop action plans to ensure good practice continues and services improve for patients;

Set up a pregnancy support group offering specialist nutritional advice during and after pregnancy for patients with a high BMI;

Championed the “Hello my name is” campaign to promote compassionate, person-centred care;

Implemented a new system enabling the people we care for to text us their feedback free of charge, making it easier for people to tell us about their experience using our services and helping us continue to improve;

In response to feedback from our patients, made comfort calls to patients expecting a home visit by a clinician from MedOCC, our out-of-hours GP service.

These achievements are thanks to the passion and dedication of our staff who consistently go the extra mile in their efforts to provide the best care for patients and service users, considering people’s wider needs as well as their immediate health and social care needs.

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Our impact … on local people and our communities As well as the difference we make to our patients, we continue to work for the benefit of local people and our communities; both through our own initiatives and in partnership with charities and community groups to help them make a difference. Including in 2015-16: 

Running interactive health information events in locations around the community; helping people to live independently and well by offering advice ranging from how to prevent pressure ulcers, staying safe in the sun and eating a nutritious diet;

Providing dementia education sessions to local organisations to help them understand and support the needs of people with dementia, helping Medway become a dementia friendly community;

Continuing to support our stroke survivor support group developed in partnership with our patients; and setting up a carer support group for carers of stroke survivors, in response to popular demand;

Working with local community support groups to provide specialist tailored information, advice and support for people with serious illnesses or living with long term conditions; such as communication and swallowing support for the Medway MS Society by our speech and language therapy team, nutritional advice for cancer support groups from our nutrition and dietetics team, and pelvic health advice talks for local people by our physiotherapy team;

Our cardiology team provided Basic Life Support training to 30 Year 6 pupils at a local primary school, teaching them how to perform CPR, put a person in the recovery position and what to do if someone is bleeding;

Donating specialist orthotics including splints, footwear and lycra garments outgrown by children using our children’s therapy service to a clinic in Tanzania to be reused for children with therapy needs;

Our health visitors are providing training on perinatal mental health and how to recognise signs and symptoms for local branches of Home Start and Family Action, to support parents with new babies to access the care they need;

Supporting local businesses to join our supply chain by inviting local suppliers to quote for contracts valued under £35,000;

Working to improve the lives of local people affected by dementia by joining the Medway Dementia Action Alliance and attending the local Dementia Engagement Forum sessions to share best practice and discuss new initiatives; helping Medway become a dementia friendly community.

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Our commitment to our communities includes supporting local people to gain employment and some of the ways we do this are:

Our strategic aim is to be recognised as providing real opportunities for local people to develop their skills and careers in local communities

Our apprenticeship scheme supports local young people to gain qualifications and work experience – we’ve offered 58 apprenticeships over our five years including employing 16 local young people as apprentices in 2015-16; and we’ve recruited 36 apprentices into full time permanent positions with us once they qualified.

Running a work experience scheme for local students with learning disabilities in partnership with MidKent College, supporting them to develop their confidence as well as their communication and team working skills;

Our MCH Academy supports local students from families on low incomes to study a business degree at Canterbury Christ Church University; offering each student £3,000 in sponsorship each year and a 12 month paid internship with our business teams. So far we’ve offered two internships for students already studying at Canterbury Christ Church University and we are sponsoring two students, who joined us as interns in August 2016.

Offering multiple work experience placements across our services to enable local people to improve their skills and gain valuable experience in healthcare, social care and business services;

Running our second Get into Health and Social Care programme with the Prince’s Trust charity in March 2016, offering training and work experience opportunities to 14 unemployed local young people to help them develop the skills they need to gain employment;

Continuing our membership of the MidKent College Advisory Committee to share expertise and offer business insight to ensure their offer continues to lead to successful outcomes for students;

Our pilot employee volunteering programme enabling our staff to volunteer as mentors with the Prince’s Trust charity to support unemployed local young people to move into employment or training.

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Our impact … on our people Our success in providing high quality care and added social value is thanks to the passion and commitment of our staff. Making MCH an employer of choice for local people is a priority and some of the ways we are doing this are: 

LEAD, our internal training programme, is designed to support staff to develop the skills, knowledge and aptitudes for successful leadership and is underpinned by our values;

As a social enterprise, our staff can choose to become co-owners and take part in making decisions for our future. Our elected members’ forum of co-owners works in partnership with our Board and plays an active role in representing the views of our staff;

Employing 1,069 local people living in Medway and Swale within our workforce;

Running Schwartz Center Rounds® in 2015-16, a forum for non-blame learning and reflection, to discuss the social and emotional dilemmas that arise in caring for people. The Rounds give staff a chance to share their experiences, promoting understanding of how issues may have different emotional effects on ourselves and our colleagues, and promoting compassionate care;

Our 270 volunteers are an integral part of our teams, bringing energy and compassion and helping us to deliver care and make a positive impact on the health and wellbeing of our patients, our staff and the volunteers themselves;

Developing clear career pathways for our staff, enabling our people to progress and make the best use of their skills and abilities;

Our Recognising Excellence annual staff awards received 92 nominations from the people we care for and our colleagues in 201516, showing the significant difference our people make every day and acknowledging the value of the impact they have;

Paying the Living Wage (above the National Living Wage) as a minimum to all our staff, helping to support quality of life by enabling people to earn a wage that supports a basic standard of living;

Recognising the value of a healthy work-life balance and offering a flexible working policy to help support health and wellbeing;

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Our wellbeing at work programme supports staff to care for their physical, emotional and mental wellbeing and this year we trialled a new partnership with a local organisation to offer staff discounted wellbeing treatments and massages;

In consultation with staff, redesigning our preceptorship programme for newly qualified clinical staff in response to their needs; ensuring they are fully supported when they begin their careers.

Promoting clinical research We are committed to offering the best care to our patients and are increasing our involvement in clinical research to support the development of new treatments and techniques that could benefit the people we care for. Just some of the studies we are currently involved in are:      

Corka – a study looking at physiotherapy following knee replacement; Alcohol – a study looking at the effects of alcohol on the terminally ill and their carers; MOCAM – a physiotherapy study regarding lower back pain; EMBARC – a respiratory study; STAR – a study looking at resistance training for patients with cerebral palsy; and PLORAS – a study looking at patients who have had strokes.

We are proud of the work we have done in 2015-16 to strengthen the culture of research within MCH, including: 

Supporting clinical leads within our services to become research champions, promoting and delivering research within their teams;

Employing our first dedicated clinical research nurse;

Overachieving our target number of patients to recruit into research studies by nearly 40%;

Enabling more than 50 members of clinical staff to participate in research studies covering stroke, palliative care and musculoskeletal physiotherapy;

Broadening our research scope to include projects focusing on organisational form in addition to our clinical research.

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Improving through innovation We are proud of the high quality care we provide for our patients and work to continually develop and improve our services. One of the ways we are doing this is to invest in and trial new technology, including exploring new ideas and new developments within healthcare to ensure we continue to offer our patients the best care. Some of the things we are doing are: Telehealth and telecare technology Video consultations: Our community nursing teams have successfully trialled video consultations with a selection of patients who are contacted using their televisions in their own homes. We plan to extend our trial across other MCH services in discussion with patients to find out if using this technology could benefit more of our patients and service users. Remote monitoring: Our community nursing teams have also successfully tested Bluetoothenabled health equipment that supports patients to measure their own blood pressure, heart rate, weight, respiratory condition and blood glucose level. Virtual desktop technology (VDI) We have begun rolling out VDI (also known as cloud based computing) for some of our staff, meaning they can now access their files and applications from anywhere with an internet connection; helping us to respond more quickly to requests to provide new and existing patient services from different locations. We will extend this roll-out to the rest of our staff over the next year, helping us to be flexible and further improve our efficiency. Electronic patient record system We have introduced an electronic patient record system designed around the needs of our patients and services. This makes it easier for staff to find out when patients are receiving care from several different MCH services and helps staff work together to provide the best care for our patients. It also means essential information about the patient can be safely shared more easily with other care providers, as well as being more environmentally friendly. Ideas from our people Through our staff suggestion scheme, My Idea, we encourage our staff to pitch ideas that could benefit their patients and we’re currently supporting development and implementation of two exciting new ideas: New therapy toolkit: Designed by a member of our children’s therapy team, this is a new language therapy programme to support children who have language difficulties to improve their communication. It is designed to be simple to use and user friendly as well as engaging and motivating to children. New care pathway pilot: Proposed by a member of our musculoskeletal (MSK) physiotherapy team, this pilot scheme places an orthopaedic practitioner physiotherapist in our Sunlight Surgery GP practice to see a majority of patients who have MSK physiotherapy needs. Developed in response to NHS England’s call for new care pathways to help reduce pressure on GPs, this pilot aims to decrease waiting times and improve care for patients by supporting people to see the right clinician the first time.

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Growing social enterprise In our first five years we have grown as a social enterprise and created opportunities to expand and diversify our business; developing our health and social care services as well as investing in new products and business services to generate income which we reinvest to improve all of the services we deliver. Our MCH+ services are delivered by our expert staff and designed to meet the needs of our communities: 

Our children’s therapy service provides speech and language training for teachers and schools to help school staff better support pupils with therapy needs;

Our musculoskeletal physiotherapy service runs Pilates classes for local people led by a qualified physiotherapist;

Our social activity centre our Zone provides a social care showering facility, used 296 times to date;

The Walter Brice Centre runs a professional catering service for meetings and lunches;

Our musculoskeletal physiotherapists are trained to use acupuncture to manage pain and offer a low cost drop-in service accessible to all;

our Zone offers non-members the opportunity to use the sensory / relaxation room, used 234 times to date;

The Walter Brice Centre offers a bathing service with specialist equipment and trained staff to support patients;

MCH Creative provides organisations with the tools they need to effectively market to their customers, clients and stakeholders;

Our social nail care service was developed in response to requests from our patients and helps people to care for their feet and toe nails.

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Our charity – Medway Cares Established in 2012, to date Medway Cares has awarded £113,887 in funding to support local people. We are proud of the positive impact that Medway Cares has had in the community and of the positive outcomes the charity has achieved for local people. In 2015-16 Medway Cares awarded £32,956 to new projects nominated by our staff, one of the ways our staff and coowners have a say in how our surplus is reinvested for the benefit of the local community. The awards include:

Medway Cares supports projects and activities that enhance the health, care and wellbeing of local people and aims to address health inequalities in the local community.

£3,400 to purchase a stock of walking aids to loan to families with very young children with complex disabilities; supporting children to get on their feet and gain the recognised benefits of independent mobility;

£5,000 to fund an apprenticeship position with the MCH children’s therapy service, giving a local young person the opportunity to take the first step with their career;

£545 to fund 100 goody bags to be distributed to children who have frequent appointments with the MCH phlebotomy, wound clinic, dermatology and children’s therapy services;

£135 to buy sensory toys for goodie bags given out at the MCH children’s therapy service Teddy Bears’ Picnic for families with children with a diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Disorder;

£500 to fund two new exercise bikes for the use of musculoskeletal physiotherapy patients during appointments;

£693 to buy a tablet equipped with a specialist communication programme to enable a young man with learning disabilities with no verbal communication skills to communicate;

£500 to fund hydrotherapy sessions for physiotherapy patients to support their rehabilitation and promote self-care;

£5,994 to buy new lockers for patients as part of the refurbishment of the Wisdom Hospice;

£492 to purchase a laptop computer and aphasia therapy software for a stroke patient to increase his independence with therapy and support his rehabilitation;

£520 to pay for new costs of venue hire for the MCH stroke survivor support group and the new carer support group for carers of stroke survivors;

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£1,446 to purchase a Sara Stedy versatile standing aid for the use of patients at the Walter Brice Centre who are anxious or have a short standing tolerance, supporting patients to mobilise;

£560 to pay for lunches for young people on the Prince's Trust Get into Health and Social Care programme for their placement days with MCH services;

£600 for Christmas presents for patients spending Christmas at St Bartholomew’s Hospital in Rochester;

£800 to fund a Christmas carol concert at Rochester Cathedral for the volunteers who dedicate their time to support our health and social care teams, in partnership with Medway Hospital;

£5,000 to support Medway Voluntary Action to undertake a mapping exercise of the voluntary sector in Medway, to identify the range of services available for local people in need of support;

£3,556 to buy a Cura Porter Chair for the use of frail or elderly patients at MedOCC, our out of hours GP service; the specialist chair has a leg rest facility, posture support and pressure relief to ensure patients are comfortable and safe when sitting for long periods;

£30 to fund transport for a family on a low income to a short notice appointment for their 6 week old baby at King’s Hospital, London;

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Our environment We take pride in respecting our environment and continue to work towards reducing our impact on the world we live in. Some of the ways we are doing this are: 

Introducing a new Sustainable Development and Environmental Strategy in 2016 to support us to embed sustainability into our practices and reduce our carbon footprint;

Successfully implementing an electronic patient record system across our services, saving paper and reducing journeys back to base to access patient information;

Planning the refurbishment of our newly purchased Balfour building to make it more environmentally friendly; including the installation of sustainable fixtures and fittings such as new energy efficient boilers and protective window film;

Saving energy and reducing our carbon footprint by installing LED light bulbs in all buildings for which we are responsible;

Training and educating our staff on the importance of waste management, ensuring we have high adherence to waste policies across our organisation;

Supporting recycling across the organisation and buying recycled wherever possible;

Including a recycling clause in our confidential waste disposal contract, ensuring all sensitive paperwork is disposed of securely and then recycled; and

Including social and environmental considerations as appropriate when we tender for new contracts.

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Looking ahead We are proud of our success in embedding social value into our business culture and of our achievements in our first five years as a social enterprise. Continuing to make a positive impact for our patients and our communities is central to our plans for the future as we continue to grow as a social enterprise. Our plans for 2016-17 include: 

Opening a nurse-led health clinic at the Universities at Medway run by our Sunlight Surgery GP practice, making it easier for students to access medical advice and care;

Recruiting a third local student into our MCH Academy, who will receive sponsorship to study for a business degree at Canterbury Christ Church University and the opportunity of a paid 12 month internship with our business teams;

Supporting our staff to improve their skills by introducing a programme of education sessions about long term conditions, run by specialists in our cardiology, diabetes and respiratory services; helping staff to refresh their knowledge and support their patients to better manage their conditions;

Our Home First pathway to support patients leaving hospital to return home safely and receive any ongoing rehabilitation or social care in the community; making sure patients are confident, independent and supported by us every step of the way;

Working more closely with local charities and social care services to help the most vulnerable patients access the support they need to continue to live independently and safely at home;

Welcoming our first two MCH Academy sponsorship students joining us as interns for the start of their placement year to gain experience working with our business teams;

Exploring opportunities to introduce a new telephone system at our Sunlight GP Surgery to improve telephone access for patients, making it easier for people to access care and support;

Our Elected Members Forum of staff representatives will be working with our directors to recruit a new Chair of the Board who shares our values and our commitment to delivering added benefits for the people we care for and our communities;

Offering MCH magnets for our patients who receive care from multiple providers to display in their homes, helping to promote continuity of care and promote better understanding of health conditions.

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How to provide feedback on this report We would like to hear your comments and feedback on this report and any suggestions you may have for the future. Your feedback For further information or to request a hard copy of this report please contact the or call 01634 334686. Other languages This information can be made available in other languages and formats. To become a member of our community forum Find us You can find us on:Facebook - Twitter - LinkedIn - Google+ - YouTube - Or visit our website at or by scanning the following QR code into your phone:

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Medway Community Healthcare CIC providing services on behalf of the NHS Registered office: MCH House, Bailey Drive, Gillingham, Kent ME8 0PZ Tel: 01634 337593 Registered in England and Wales, Company number: 07275637 Our social value 2015 - 2016

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