FE AS T Issue 2 Feb 15, 2011
The year 2010 was a blessed one for TawagAwit, as it established two new chapters outside of the North Shore area. With the endorsement of Fr Reno Alima, TawagAwit formed a chapter in Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Glen Eden; while the initial group that was formed with South Auckland residents eventually became the East Auckland chapter under the leadership of Bro Estoy-Sis Elvie Duhig. TawagAwit-Our Lady of Lourdes chapter made its first missal offering in February at Good Shepherd Parish, and with the permission given by Fr Bernard Dennehy, parish priest of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, it made its debut at the Glen Eden
Parish on May 16. Among the major accomplishments of the group were organizing Fr Douglas Rowe’s first Awakening Retreat in Auckland and singing all-Bisaya missal songs during the KBNZ Family Day and the ethnic mass in the parish. It sings every other month. Bro Estoy carried the task of invigorating TawagAwit-Good Shepherd (East Auckland) chapter, after two families that formed the core of the initial group opted to withdraw after its first missal offering in the Filipino Mass on June 6, 2010 at the Good Shepherd Parish, Balmoral. Other than singing in its assigned masses (on October 3, the group sang in two masses in Good Shepherd and in St Patrick’s both in Auckland City), the group actively participated in the Food & Music FEAST and OG: Open Gathering. At present, five families compose the group. For its part, the mother chapter – St Mary’s Parish, Northcote (led by Bro Cyril-Sis Rose Bas), has developed tremendously in its harmonic rendition of missal songs with the help of pianist Jenny Fox, while at the same time, strengthening its ties with the parish through get-together events. The TawagAwit-St Thomas More Parish, Glenfield, has doubled its membership under the leadership of Bro Peter-Sis Jamelle Gayaman. It continues to conduct Alay Laya parish reach-out programs. The camaraderie of the group has further been enhanced by social activities (birthdays, baby shower, anniversary celebrations, etc) organized by members.
All the chapters contributed much to the successful holding of Outogether in February, Food & Music FEAST in July and OG: Open Gathering in December. Blessed indeed is TawagAwit because its servant leaders and members remain committed to the mission of the Ministry, that is, “spreading God’s Word through music and other acts of love”. Thank you, one and all. Thank you, Lord.
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