NEW NOTES Dec 2011

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NEW NOTES TawagAwit Newsletter z

December 2011

OG 5 SPREADS CHRISTMAS SPIRIT TO NEW MIGRANTS Every Sunday prior to Christmas Day since 2007 (see photo below), TawagAwit hosts new migrants in OG: Open Gathering. For the 5th consecutive time, OG will happen again in Blessed John Paul II Mass Centre, Massey University, Albany, Auckland. This year’s event carries the theme, “The True Spirit of Christmas”, consistent with the effort of sharing food, giving gifts, singing Christmas carols and having fun as a community. Fr Sam Pulanco of the Auckland Catholic Tertiary Chaplaincy has given his full support to this year’s activity, with the encouragement that “the spirit of the season be extended to both Filipino migrants and other ethnicities.”

We Need You TawagAwit invites you to help in spreading God’s Word through music and other acts of love. You can be a: (1) member; (2) supporter or (3) organizer A member is one who can attend to the regular activities of the Ministry. The minimum participation are: attendance during practice sessions of songs, usually once a week or once every two weeks AND singing with the group during the assigned mass usually once a month or once every two months. A supporter is one who can donate services or resources to the Ministry. There are special events that TawagAwit organizes and the events need finances or helping hands. An organizer is one who initiates the formation of a chapter in a parish. The Ministry will provide all the assistance within its means to help in the vital task.

Organizers have invited generous couples and individuals to be Santas tasked in bringing new migrants to the venue, donating a gift or sharing a favorite dish or dessert. In his message, Bro Mel B Libre, Lead Servant of TawagAwit, said: “Going into different environment mean adjusting to people, processes and norms. A new migrant may feel isolated without family or friends. A new migrant may feel frustrated, having the required work experience only to receive rejection letters for applications. A new migrant may feel abandoned, as there seems to be no one to turn during the stressful time of fitting into society. The most difficult season for a new migrant is during Christmas, when families gather to celebrate the birth of Christ. Without your loved ones, Christmas can truly be “blue”, as one song goes.” We therefore invite everyone to make a difference this Christmas: be a Santa. And to new migrants, OG is meant primarily for you, as you are special to God, you are special to us. Come to Jesus’ birthday party. Register now, email:


Our Vision: Harmony in the World

Our Mission: To spread God’s Word through music and other acts of love.

Our Values: Godliness We believe in God and live His Word. Offering We share our talents, time and resources for God’s greater glory. Devotion We commit ourselves to the mission of the Ministry. Love We love God with all of our heart will all our soul, with all our minds and with all our strength. Originality We promote artistry and creativity to express our faith. Victory over Sin We fight Satan in each and every moment of our lives. Evangelization We bring the Light of God to those who are in the dark. Sustainability We contribute and manage our resources effectively. Unity We are one with the Lord, one with the Church, one with the community, and one with the Ministry.

For more information about TawagAwit, please contact Bro Mel Libre sl at

Kids feted during GigAlive Celebrating Our Children in St Mary’s Northcote

Quick Notes: Servant Leaders of TawagAwit held its final quarter Business Meeting & Fellowship on November 6 in Our Lady of Lourdes Glen Eden. The SLs agreed to pursue the TawagAwit Songbook and the finalization of the papers for the registration of the ministry as a trust. Fr Sam Pulanco thanked the SLs for adopting Blessed John Paul II as TawagAwit’s patron, as the mass center in Albany named after the Pope will soon have an image brought from Rome to be installed on December 18…GigAlive Celebrating our Children was successfully staged on November 27 in St Mary’s Northcote. The audience witnessed the outstanding performances of Yes Way Jose, Mia Go, John Fabian, Fr Larry Rustia, the T-Kids of St Patrick’s Pakuranga; and the beneficiary Eleanor Adviento and her friends. The proceeds of the event were evenly divided for Eleanor’s participation in the Winter Youth Olympic in Austria and for OG. The raffle winners were: Carol Deles, Sergio Nicdao and Ching Mandawe…OG 5 will feature as performers People’s Choice winner in Pinoyz Got Talent the power pop trio KIS; World Top 3 Zumba “Pause” Video Competition choreographer Jam Parado; acoustic artist Cecille Muhal; the band OBG; and singer-composer Fr Sam Pulanco…In support of this year’s Sow & Harvest, Romy Loay of Manurewa, has donated vegetable seedlings to be distributed during the OG 5 to all who want to grow vegetables in their backyards…Sis Nida Gray, one of the pioneering members of TawagAwit-Blessed John Paul II Mass Centre, Albany was elected as parish coordinator. The mass centre was given approval by Bishop Patrick Dunn to hold regular Sunday mass. Our congratulations to Sis Nida and let us give her our all-out support…TawagAwit has been invited to sing in the Novena Mass for the Sto Nino de Cebu on January 8 in Good Shepherd Parish, Balmoral. The ministry has been singing in the novena mass every year since 2008.


Vatican Notes: Papal Intentions December 2011 General: That all peoples may grow in harmony and peace through mutual understanding and respect. Missionary: That children and young people may be messengers of the Gospel and that they may be respected and preserved from all violence and exploitation ... The

GigAlive ELEANOR ADVIENTO Plus Mia Go, T-Kids, Yes Way Jose, and John Fabian 27 November, 2011 @ 2pm St Mary’s Social Hall, Onewa Road, Auckland


Vatican said Pope Benedict XVI greeted with a smile the news that a German citizen had filed a complaint against him for not wearing a seat belt in his pope mobile. The Vatican spokesman, Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi, said Nov. 30 that the complaint was not being taken seriously at the Vatican. "It continues to provoke curiosity and smiles of amusements, beginning with the pope himself," Father Lombardi said. Father Lombardi said it was well known that the pope mobile does not travel long distances, moves at a very slow speed and doesn't generally run the risk of encountering other vehicles in its path....Pope Benedict XVI urged international leaders to reach a credible agreement on climate change, keeping in mind the needs of the poor and of future generations. The pope made the remarks at his noon blessing at the Vatican Nov. 27, the day before officials from 194 countries were to begin meeting in Durban, South Africa, to discuss the next steps in reducing greenhouse gases and stopping global temperatures from rising. "I hope that all members of the international community can agree on a responsible, credible and supportive response to this worrisome and complex phenomenon, keeping in mind the needs of the poorest populations and of future generations," the pope said‌On a three-day visit to Benin, Pope Benedict XVI urged African Catholics to witness the hope of the Gospel in their daily lives and make the church a model of reconciliation for the entire continent. In a particular way, the church must be "attentive to the cry of the poor, the weak, the outcast," the pope said at a Mass Nov. 20 for more than 50,000 people who filled a stadium in Cotonou. "I would like to greet with affection all those persons who are suffering, those who are sick, those affected by AIDS or by other illnesses, to all those forgotten by society. Have courage! The pope is close to you in his thoughts and prayers," he said. The pope stressed the urgency of evangelizing and said the church must make a special effort to reach those "whose faith is weak" and who think selfish satisfaction and easy gain is the goal of human life... Through volunteer work, Christians become signs of God's love in the world, Pope Benedict XVI said. Especially at a time of serious economic crisis, moral uncertainty and social tension, Christian volunteers show "that goodness exists and that it is growing in our midst," the pope said Nov. 11 in a speech to participants at a Vatican meeting on Catholic volunteer activity in Europe. The two-day meeting, sponsored by the Pontifical Council Cor Unum, which promotes and coordinates Catholic charity, was held in conjunction with the European Year of Volunteering. It brought together about 160 bishops and representatives of charitable organizations from 25 countries. The pope thanked the European volunteers and "the millions of Catholic volunteers who contribute, regularly and generously, to the church's charitable mission throughout the world." As he wrote in his first encyclical, "Deus Caritas Est" ("God Is Love"), the

NEW NOT ES Page 4 So Laff :-) “Believe in Christmas, believe in Christ.” Invitation: +TawagAwit invites everyone to join the ministry: (1) St Mary’s Church, Northcote (2) St Thomas More Church, Glenfield (3) Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Glen Eden (4) St Mark’s Church, Pakuranga (5) St Patrick’s Church, Taupo (6) Blessed John Paul II Mass Centre, Albany (7) Good Shepherd Church Balmoral +Should you be in another area in New Zealand or other parts of the world, TawagAwit will help organize a chapter. Existing music groups or choirs can also affiliate as a chapter. Email: Photo at right: TawagAwit-St Thomas More chapter members Outogether in Hamilton during the Labour Weekend.


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