NEW NOTES TawagAwit Newsletter
February 2011
VIVA PIT SENOR! TawagAwit once more gave support to the organizers of the Feast of the Sr Sto Nino de Cebu in Auckland during the 9-days Novena masses and in the grand Sinulog celebration on January 16. On January 9, Our Lady of Lourdes chapter rendered the missal songs at Good Shepherd Parish, Balmoral and on January 13, the same group led the Katilingbang Bisaya sa New Zealand (KBNZ) in the song offerings. In both instances, the missal songs were 100% Bisaya, as a way of bringing the true Cebuano flavor of the celebration that originates from the cradle of Christianity in the Philippines, Cebu. During the Sinulog event in the North Shore Event Centre on January 16, nearly 7,000 joined the celebration that started with a procession, the Mass and a program that featured some of the finest Filipino entertainers in Auckland and highlighted by the performances of seven cultural groups that gave tribute to the Child Jesus.
We Need You TawagAwit invites you to help in spreading God’s Word through music and otherPLACE acts of love. PHOTO HERE, OTHERWISE DELETE BOX You can be a: (1) member; (2) supporter or (3) organizer A member is one who can attend to the regular activities of the Ministry. The minimum participation are: attendance during practice sessions of songs, usually once a week or once every two weeks AND singing with the group during the assigned mass usually once a month or once every two months. A supporter is one who can donate services or resources to the Ministry. There are special events that TawagAwit organizes and the events need finances or helping hands. An organizer is one who initiates the formation of a chapter in a parish. The Ministry will provide all the assistance within its means to help in the vital task.
In a message to TawagAwit members, Bro Mel B Libre, Lead Servant, wrote: “We were invisible (as a group), yet we contributed (individually)…The Borguetas were all in the outstanding Waray group presentation (see photo below); the Esclamados were the lead dancers in the KBNZ group that consisted of many members from the Our Lady of Lourdes chapter; members of St Thomas More chapter were also in the North Shore groups and with the Waray dancers; also the Amiscuas were dancing as well; St Mary’s had Bro Bob and Sis Cez Nacario attending to the VIPs – while others came to give support (Bro Peter-Sis Jamelle, Bro Bert-Sis Rosana, Bro JerrySis Josie, among others).” He concluded: “What a great way to start 2011 – dancing and praising God for all the blessings, and seeking His intercession.
Our Vision: Harmony in the World
Our Mission: To spread God’s Word through music and other acts of love.
Our Values: Godliness We believe in God and live His Word. Offering We share our talents, time and resources for God’s greater glory. Devotion We commit ourselves to the mission of the Ministry. Love We love God with all of our heart will all our soul, with all our minds and with all our strength. Originality We promote artistry and creativity to express our faith. Victory over Sin We fight Satan in each and every moment of our lives. Evangelization We bring the Light of God to those who are in the dark. Sustainability We contribute and manage our resources effectively. Unity We are one with the Lord, one with the Church, one with the community, and one with the Ministry.
For more information about TawagAwit, please contact Bro Mel Libre sl at
TawagAwit-St Mary’s first gathering of 2011 with Fr Craig Dunford .
Quick Notes: On January 3, Sis Jamelle Versoza Gayaman gave birth to a baby girl, Petresse, and husband, Bro Peter, was ecstatic. The couple has been totally engaged to their little angel, having sleepless late nights until early morning, as she has yet to adjust to PLACE regular waking/sleeping hours. Our PHOTO HERE, congratulations to the Gayaman family!...TawagAwit-St Mary’s Northcote had its first gathering of the year on January 23. Other than its usual practice, the members welcomed new recruits - Bro Ian Roca and wife Sis Aya, Bro Jet Conde and Sis Pinky Sagun – and marked the birthdays of Sis Cez Nacario and Bro Bert Adviento…The Auckland Catholic Filipino Chaplaincy will host a farewell dinner for Fr Ruben Elago as parish priest of Good Shepherd Parish, Balmoral on February 6, 2011, 5pm, in Mt Eden War Memorial. Five hundred people are expected to attend. Fr Ruben will continue to serve as ACFC chaplain...TawagAwit Alay Laya Parish Reach Out will visit St Patrick’s Parish in Taupo on February 27, 2011. Upon the invitation of Edwin Silerio and Deogen Chua, a joint delegation from Our Lady of Lourdes and the Good Shepherd (East Auckland) chapters has been formed, while invitations have been sent out to prospective members of the projected first chapter outside of Auckland…Bro Mel B Libre in a general letter to members appealed for support to the TawagAwit 2011 wish list, namely: regular singing during the parish masses; Food & Music FEAST (on May 15) and OG: Open Gathering (on Dec 18); Outogether family picnics; Recruitment of more members to TawagAwit within the parish; Organise new chapters in other parishes; Do at least one community help out project during the year; and Conduct Songwriting Wor(k)ship.
Vatican Notes:
Food & Music
F EA S T Counting the Blessings
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February 2011 General Intention: That the family may be respected by all in its identity and that its irreplaceable contribution to all of society be recognized. Missionary Intention: That in the mission territories where the struggle against disease is most urgent, Christian communities may witness to the presence of Christ to those who suffer… Benedict XVI sent a message in connection with the celebration of the 400th anniversary of Manila's Pontifical University of Santo Tomas on January 28, feast of St. Thomas Aquinas, patron of the university. The Holy Father highlighted the contribution the university has offered for centuries "to the educational, cultural and religious development of young people," carrying out a valuable service to "spread and confirm the Catholic faith in Asia." The Bishop of Rome praised "the constant faithful action and the merits" of the university, and expressed his hope that it will continue forward, "so that faith in Christ will obtain the first place." (… Pope Benedict XVI is encouraging young people, those suffering illnesses, and newlyweds to find an example in Sts. Timothy and Titus, disciples of St. Paul. The Pope made reference to the two saints, whose feast day falls on January 26, when he concluded the general audience with his traditional greetings to youth, the ill and the newly married. "Dear young people, like these faithful servants of the Gospel, I invite you to make your following of Jesus ever more strong and convinced, to be true witnesses in this society," he said. The Holy Father encouraged the sick to follow the saints' example and "to make your own the sentiments of Christ, to find comfort in him, who continues his work of redemption in the life of every person." Finally, he urged newlyweds to "discover every day in conjugal life the mystery of God who gives himself for the salvation of all, so that your love is ever more true, lasting and solid toward others." (… On January 24, Pope Benedict XVI invited Christians to join online social networks in order to spread the Gospel through digital media and discover "an entirely new world of potential friendships." At the same time, the pope warned of the limits and the dangers of digital communication, including the risks of constructing a false online image and of replacing direct human contact with virtual relationships. "Entering cyberspace can be a sign of an authentic search for personal encounters with others, provided that attention is paid to avoiding dangers such as enclosing oneself in a sort of parallel existence, or excessive exposure to the virtual world," the pope said in his message for the 2011 celebration of World Communications Day (CNS)… Jesus was a refugee -- a fact that should be remembered as societies deal with modern issues of emigration and immigration, Pope Benedict XVI said. "Migration today sometimes is voluntary and at other times, unfortunately, is forced by wars or persecution, often in dramatic conditions," the pope said Jan. 16. From its very beginnings, the church has taken an interest in these situations, he said."The parents of Jesus had to flee their own land and take refuge in Egypt, in order to save the life of their child: the Messiah, the son of God, was a refugee," he said. The pope made the remarks at the Vatican on a day that was celebrated in most countries as the World Day for Migrants and Refugees. Late last year, he issued a message on the theme of this year's celebration, "One Human Family." The pope said he wanted his message to underline that in the church's vision, human migration has a unifying goal: to form a single human family that is enriched by differences but that lives without barriers. (CNS)
NEW NOTES Page 4 So Laff :-) If only there were more people lining up to join the church choir than auditioning for American Idol, what a blessed world this would be. Mass Offerings in New Zealand February 13 10:30am St Mary’s Parish, Northcote February 27 9:00am St Patrick’s Parish, Taupo Invitation: +TawagAwit invites everyone to join the ministry: (1) The St Mary’s Church, Northcote meets every Sunday 11:30am at St Mary’s Church at Onewa Road (2) St Thomas More Church, Glenfield meets every other Friday 7:30pm at St Thomas More Church in Glenfield (3) Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Glen Eden meets every other Sunday afternoon (4) Good Shepherd Church Balmoral (East Auckland) chapter meets every other Saturday
+Should you be in another area in New Zealand or other parts of the world, TawagAwit will help organize a chapter. Existing music groups or choirs can also affiliate as a chapter. Email:
Photo at right: Bro Peter Gayaman with daughter Petresse
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