NEW NOTES TawagAwit Newsletter z
September 2011
BLESSED JOHN PAUL II IS TAWAGAWIT PATRON During the third quarter Servant Leaders Business Meeting and Fellowship on August 14, 2011 in St Mary’s Social Hall, Northcote, attendees agreed to adopt Blessed John Paul II as TawagAwit patron. One of the longest serving popes, Blessed John Paul II propagated the faith to as many countries as he was physically able, and initiated the holding of World Youth Day to highlight the importance of young people in spreading God’s Word to the ends of the earth. “The papacy of Blessed John Paul II embodies the mission of TawagAwit in spreading God’s Word through music and other acts of love,” Bro Mel B Libre, Lead Servant, told the servant leaders, “He was a lover of music and arts, and he taught about the important roles of the family and young people in evangelization.”
“As a prerequisite to sainthood, Blessed John Paul II needs miracles to happen to people that seek his intercession, and we could become instruments, should circumstances require JP II’s help,” added Bro Mel.
We Need You TawagAwit invites you to help in spreading God’s Word through music and other acts of love. You can be a: (1) member; (2) supporter or (3) organizer A member is one who can attend to the regular activities of the Ministry. The minimum participation are: attendance during practice sessions of songs, usually once a week or once every two weeks AND singing with the group during the assigned mass usually once a month or once every two months. A supporter is one who can donate services or resources to the Ministry. There are special events that TawagAwit organizes and the events need finances or helping hands. An organizer is one who initiates the formation of a chapter in a parish. The Ministry will provide all the assistance within its means to help in the vital task.
TawagAwit had suggested to Fr Sam Pulanco, Auckland Catholic Tertiary Chaplain, earlier this year to name the mass centre in Albany, Auckland after Blessed John Paul II, to which Auckland Diocese Bishop Patrick Dunn consented to. Fr Sam, upon knowing of TawagAwit’s decision, was thrilled with the Servant Leaders’ decision, and looked forward to the involvement of the ministry in the development of the mass centre into a parish. Other matters approved during the Servant Leaders Business Meeting and Fellowship included the publication of a songbook that will contain the most popular missal songs that chapters sing; the formation of a special choir that will have representation from the chapters to be trained by a vocal coach; and a more inclusive OG: Open Gathering.
Our Vision: Harmony in the World
Our Mission: To spread God’s Word through music and other acts of love.
Our Values: Godliness We believe in God and live His Word. Offering We share our talents, time and resources for God’s greater glory. Devotion We commit ourselves to the mission of the Ministry. Love We love God with all of our heart will all our soul, with all our minds and with all our strength. Originality We promote artistry and creativity to express our faith. Victory over Sin We fight Satan in each and every moment of our lives. Evangelization We bring the Light of God to those who are in the dark. Sustainability We contribute and manage our resources effectively. Unity We are one with the Lord, one with the Church, one with the community, and one with the Ministry.
For more information about TawagAwit, please contact Bro Mel Libre sl at
TaYo: TawagAwit Youth and friends after the Students’ Mass in St Patrick’s Cathedral, Auckland. (photo by Ferdie Esclamado)
Quick Notes: Families observed the 40-days Prayer Journey to All Blacks victory by reciting the rosary and the prayer on their assigned dates in their respective homes during the month of August, namely: Gayaman, Borgueta, Campo, Gapultos, Tomaquin, Soriano, Villanueva, Guantero, Duhig, Babaran, Santillan,Lao, Mendoza, Bas, Matiga, Adviento, Nacario, Bonilla, Esclamado, Hebia, Menchavez, Libre, Guido, Amiscua, Mandawe, Magtibay, De la Cruz, Jose, Angeles, Halili and Cutten. In the week leading to the September 9 Rugby World Cup opening, the St Patrick’s Taupo chapter is assigned to recite the rosary and prayer. In the Blessed JP II Mass Centre, Albany, brethren recited the rosary and the prayer prior to the mass during all Sundays of August. Bro Mel B Libre who observed daily the prayer/rosary since July 30 is asking all members of the chapters to recite the prayer during the days when the All Blacks play and if possible gather together to witness the games.. On August 14, TaYo: TawagAwit Youth led in the singing of all the songs in the Students’ Mass at St Patrick’s Cathedral, Auckland. Sponsored by the Auckland Catholic Tertiary Chaplaincy, the mass was wellattended and at its conclusion, the congregation applauded the group for its offering. Among the highlights were the singing of the psalm by Kayth Ycong and the medley rendition of “How Great is Our God” and “You are my Strength” during the communion...On August 20, during the occasion of the 40th birthday celebration of Fr Sam Pulanco, TawagAwit members of Blessed JP II Mass Centre dressed in their favorite comic characters such as Popeye, the Queen of Hearts and Fairy God Mother. Our Lady of Lourdes chapter was also represented with Bro Sendo-Sis Claudia Menchavez...Bro Mel B Libre will speak during the Father’s Day “A Celebration of Parenthood for Today’s Family” on September 3 in Our Lady of Assumption Parish Hall, Onehunga. The other speakers are Ado Flores and Paulo Garcia on the topic, "Tackling the Challenges of Parenting”. The organizer is the Sto Nino Devotees New Zealand Trust...Katilingbang Bisaya sa New Zealand is sponsoring GigAlive, a concert of inspirational and spiritual songs on September 4. To be featured are: TaYo, Mia Go, KIS, OBG, Muteboxx and the beneficiary of the activity, Alex Gandionco, who is on a performing arts scholarship in Idyllwild Arts Academy in California, USA. Bro Mel B Libre hosts the fundraising event.
Vatican Notes: September 2011 Pope’s General Intention: For all teachers, that they may convey love in truth and educate in authentic moral and spiritual values. Missionary Intention: That the Christian communities spread throughout the Asian continent may proclaim the Gospel with fervor, bearing witness to beauty with the joy of the faith... Cradle Catholics haven't done enough to show people that God exists and can bring true fulfillment to everyone, Pope Benedict XVI told a group of his former students. "We, who have been able to know (Christ) since our youth, may we ask forgiveness because we bring so little of the light of his face to people; so little certainty comes from us that he exists, he's present and he is the greatness that everyone is waiting for," the pope said. The pope presided at a Mass Aug. 28 in Castel Gandolfo, south of Rome, during his annual meeting with students who did their doctorates with him when he was a professor in Germany. May God let people who are searching for water elsewhere know that the only thing that will quench their thirst is God himself and that he would never let "people's lives, their thirst for that which is great, for fulfillment, drown and suffocate in the ephemeral," the pope told his former students. "We want to ask (God) to forgive us, that he renew us with the living water of his spirit and that he helps us to celebrate properly the sacred mysteries," he said...Pope Benedict XVI saw that 1.4 million young people could be buffeted by gusty winds and drenched by a driving rain and still fall silently to their knees to adore the Eucharist. At the final Mass closing World Youth Day Aug. 21 in Madrid, the pope challenged the Catholic pilgrims to take that faith, make it grow and share it with the world. In his homily, he said, the vision of that sea of happy souls "fills my heart with joy." "I think of the special love with which Jesus is looking upon you. Yes, the Lord loves you and calls you his friends," the pope told the young. To the joy of the crowd, particularly the Brazilians present, at the end of the Mass, the pope announced that the next international gathering of World Youth Day would be held in Rio de Janeiro in 2013. In his homily at the Mass, Pope Benedict said faith is not about understanding a bunch of facts, "it is an ability to grasp the mystery of Christ's person in all its depth." Even if it feels like a struggle at times, faith is not primarily about people working out their thoughts about God; it starts with the gift of God's love and God's reaching out to each person, he said...
Getting off the grid and leaving behind the city is a great way to bring some much-needed silence to one's life, Pope Benedict XVI said. "Silence is the condition of one's surroundings that best fosters
Vision: Dedicated volunteers spreading God’s Word through teachings and through example Mission: To carry on the command of Jesus Christ to spread the Gospel to all peoples of the world
contemplation, listening to God and meditation," he said Aug. 10 as he held his weekly general audience in the courtyard of the papal summer villa at Castel Gandolfo. Many people spend a few days at a monastic community or spiritual center, which, as "places of the spirit, are a backbone of the world," he said, “such places bring together two important elements: the beauty of creation and the Creator, and silence that comes from being far from the city and major channels of communication." "God speaks in silence; however, it's necessary to know how to listen to him. For this reason monasteries are oases in which God speaks to humanity," he said. (Taken from Catholic News Service)
NEW NOT ES Page 4 So Laff :-) It is crucial if only a few attend the choir rehearsal. If only one attends, that is critical. If no one comes, that certainly is lethal. TawagAwit sings: Sept 11 8:30am St Mark’s Papakura Sep 11 10:30amSt Mary’s Northcote Sep 18 10:00amSt Thomas More Glenfield Sep 18 10:30am Our Lady of Lourdes Glen Eden Sep 25 10:00am St Mark’s Papakura Sep 25 10:30am Blessed John Paul II Mass Centre, Albany Invitation: +TawagAwit invites everyone to join the ministry: (1) The St Mary’s Church, Northcote (2) St Thomas More Church, Glenfield (3) Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Glen Eden (4) St Mark’s Church, Pakuranga (5) St Patrick’s Church, Taupo (6) Blessed John Paul II Mass Centre, Albany (7) Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church Epsom (8) Good Shepherd Church Balmoral +Should you be in another area in New Zealand or other parts of the world, TawagAwit will help organize a chapter. Existing music groups or choirs can also affiliate as a chapter. Email:
Photo at right: Blessed JP II Albany chapter singing during one of the masses in the mass centre.
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