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Space lab kit guidelines 1. Always ask for adult assistance when handling hot water. 2. You may need to clean some of the lab kit components before starting another new experiment. 3. Always keep the experiment area clean and tidy.

Contents Page


Components 3-5

5.2 Mixing Liquids 5.3 Filtration 5.4 Density Sandwich 5.5 Freezing Point 5.6 Volcano 5.7 Bubbling Raisins 5.8 Yeast Farm 5.9 Pigment Mixtures 5.10 Rusty Iron

Water Introduction - Water 1.1 Molecule Model 1.2 Water Escape 1.3 Melting Ice 1.4 Magic Tray 1.5 Water Fountain 1.6 Water Pipe System

6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Magnetism Introduction - Magnetism 2.1 Magnetic Earth 2.2 Wacky Compass 2.3 Attract and Repel 2.4 Ball Chain

13 14 15 16 17

Sound Introduction - Sound 3.1 Rain Maker 3.2 Sound Amplifier 3.3 Sound Phone 3.4 Water Music

18 19 20 21 22

Optic Introduction - Optic 4.1 Mirror Play 4.2 Magic Coin 4.3 Magic Word 4.4 Circular Lens 4.5 Mystical Shadow

23 24 25 26 27 28

Chemistry Introduction - Chemistry 5.1 States of Matter 2

29 30

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39

Force Introduction - Force 6.1 Basic Scale 6.2 Weight Scale 6.3 Bouncing Balls 6.4 Double Bounce 6.5 Whiz Ball 6.6 Curving Ball 6.7 Marshmallow Launcher 6.8 Mighty Structures 6.9 Super Triangle 6.10 Sturdy Arch 6.11 Degravitator 6.12 Surface Tension

40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52

Earth Introduction - Earth 7.1 Broken Plates 7.2 Rock Collection 7.3 Water Blaster 7.4 Soil Erosion 7.5 Ocean Waves 7.6 Wave Making 7.7 Magnum Spout 7.8 Water Cycle 7.9 Rain Gauge 7.10 Weather Charts

53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63


Small funnel Filter paper

Water tank Stirrer Volcano model

Long plastic rods

Modelling clay


Long string

Big funnel

Compass Sound amplifier unit Ball bearings

Tall cylinder with plugs

Large beaker with cover

Small beaker

Bar magnet


Marshmallow launcher

Card holder

Paint brush Plastic strips and bolts Colour palette


2 Ein-o cards 3







Scale unit

Rubber bands

Short beaker with lid

Test tubes with holder Plastic beads

Rain maker halves


Rock samples

Magnifying glass

Small ball

Large ball

Plastic tray

Different mirrors (Mirror shapes may vary)

Water pipes and connections










Long & short tube

Beaker with outlet cover

Hydro pump

Water pump


EIN-O SCIENCE™ is a worldwide trademark of cog ltd.

EIN-O SCIENCE™ is a worldwide trademark of cog ltd.

EIN-O SCIENCE™ is a worldwide trademark of cog ltd.

Weather charts

Circular lenses

Plate cutouts



Introduction - Water Water is a powerful force! It can be pumped into long networks of pipes and can create a lot of pressure when forced out a hose! It can shoot out of huge fountains, or can thunder down a waterfall. With the following experiments, you will discover what water molecules are made of, learn about the water cycle, how a hydraulic pump works, how surface area affects melting rates of ice, and why water can be so sticky! 1.1 Molecule Model 1.2 Water Escape 1.3 Melting Ice 1.4 Magic Tray 1.5 Water Fountain 1.6 Water Pipe System


What you have:

What you need:

1 Long straw Modelling clay



1.1 Molecule Model

Instructions 1. Make one big ball from the modelling clay 2. Make 2 other small balls from the modelling clay 3. Cut the long straw into three equal pieces 4. Connect the two small balls to the larger ball with the straws 5. Now you have a model of a water molecule!

Oxygen atom

Modelling clay


Hydrogen atom

Hydrogen atom

Explanation Water molecules (H2O) are made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. The oxygen atom is much larger than the hydrogen atoms (16 times larger). The hydrogen atoms attach themselves to the larger oxygen atom, as hydrogen and oxygen have opposite electrical charges. Opposite charges attract while the same charges repel. 7


1.2 Water Escape What you have:

What you need:

2 Large beakers 1 Large beaker cover


Instructions 1. Fill both beakers with water 2. Put the cover on one of the beakers 3. Put both beakers under the sun 4. After a few hours, check up on the beakers 5. Is the water level in both beakers different or the same?

Large beaker Cover Large beaker

Explanation When water is heated under the sun, it begins to evaporate. Evaporation occurs when enough heat energy is created to make liquids turn into a gaseous state. The water molecules turn into water vapour and move up into the air. Clouds collect the water vapour created by evaporation, and when they become heavy, the water falls in raindrops. In the experiment, the beaker with the cover trapped the water inside and it could not evaporate. The open beaker, however, allowed the water vapour to escape into the air. 8

What you have:

What you need:

Water tank 1 Large beaker 1 Small beaker



1.3 Melting Ice

Instructions 1. Fill one small beaker with water 2. Pour the water into the large beaker 3. Fill the small beaker with the same amount of water as before 4. Put both beakers with water into the freezer 5. Fill the water tank with water 6. Remove the beakers from the freezer when the water has frozen 7. Put the ice from both beakers into the water tank 8. Which piece of ice melts first?

Ice from large beaker

Ice from small beaker

Water tank

Explanation The water inside the tank was warmer than the ice blocks, and provided the energy needed to melt the ice. The ice block with the larger surface area from the large beaker melted quicker than the ice block from the smaller beaker with the smaller surface area. Ice that has larger surface areas, when exposed to heat, melts faster. 9


1.4 Magic Tray What you have:

What you need:

Plastic Tray

Water Flat tabletop

Instructions 1. Pour some water onto a flat surface 2. Press the plastic tray against the wet surface 3. Try to lift the plastic tray straight up 4. Why is it so sticky? 5. Try to lift it from the side 6. Why is it easier? Water

Lift the plastic tray

Plastic tray

Explanation Water molecules stick to each other because the ends of the water molecules have opposite electrical charges. When the same molecules stick together (such as water), this process is called cohesion. Different molecules of different substances can also stick together. This process is called adhesion. In the experiment, the water molecules both stuck to each other and to the table. This created a seal that was difficult to break by lifting the plastic tray straight up. 10

What you have:

What you need:

Water pump Beaker with outlet cover 1 Short tube 1 Long tube



1.5 Water Fountain

Instructions 1. 他 fill the beaker with water 2. Attach the short tube to the 1st inside outlet, 3. Fix the outlet cover to the beaker 4. Attach one end of the long tube to the water pump nozzle 5. Attach the other end to the 2nd outside outlet 6. Start pumping with the water pump 7. What happens?

Long tube

1st outlet

2nd outlet

Short tube

Beaker with outlet cover

Water pump

Explanation When you pulled the handle of the pump back towards you, air was sucked in from the 1st outside outlet of the beaker. This air then pushed down on the surface of the water and forced the water coming out from the 1st open outlet as spray. 11


1.6 Water Pipe System What you have:

What you need:

Hydro pump Water pipes and connections Water tank


Instructions 1. Fill the tank with water 2. Connect the pipes and connections together (Optional: Use different water pipes and connections to design your own water pipe system.) 3. Secure one end of the pipe network to the connection at the top of the Hydro Pump 4. Put the nozzle of the Hydro Pump into the water in the tank 5. Keep pumping the Hydro Pump 6. What happens?

Hydro pump Water pipes and connections

Water tank

Explanation By pulling the handle of the pump up, you decreased the air pressure inside the pump, creating a vacuum. The outside air pressure pushing down on the water was therefore greater than the pressure inside the pump, and the water was forced up into the pump. The water then ran through the connected pipes and came out the end. Hydraulic pumps work the same way, and pump huge amounts of water from dams and rivers everyday. 12

Our world is one giant magnet! The centre of the world (the core) is believed to create magnetism and the magnetic north, which guides our compasses. Birds are also believed to follow magnetic forces when finding their way home. In the following experiments, you will learn why the needle of a compass always points north, why the different poles of a magnet attract and repel, and why metal objects are attracted to magnets. Complete the following experiments to find out more about magnets!


Introduction - MAgnetism

2.1 Magnetic Earth 2.2 Wacky Compass 2.3 Attract and Repel 2.4 Ball Chain



2.1 Magnetic Earth What you have: Compass

Instructions 1. Hold the compass 2. Move around to different position 3. Observe the direction of the compass needle 4. Does it always point North? Compass









Explanation The Earth has a magnetic pole in the north, and this attracts the needle of the compass. The magnetic north draws the magnetic needle of the compass towards it, so that the needle always points in that direction. 14

What you have: Compass Bar magnet



2.2 Wacky Compass

1. Hold the bar magnet close to the compass 2. Move the magnet around the compass 3. Observe how the compass needle moves

Bar magnet






Explanation A compass relies on magnetism to work. The needle must line up with the North Pole so you know which way is North, as well as East, West, and South. When you hold a magnet close to the needle, the attractive force of the magnet you are holding is stronger than the force of the magnetic north, and this affects the movement of the needle. 15


2.3 Attract and Repel What you have: 2 Bar magnets

Instructions 1. Hold the bar magnets close together at their ends 2. Do they repel or attract each other? (a) 3. Try different ends 4. What do you notice? (b) (a)

Bar magnet


Explanation The same magnetic poles of the magnets repelled each other and the magnets were unable to stick together. This is because they have the same charges that push away from each other. When you hold the opposite poles of the magnets together, the magnets stick together, because the opposite charges attract each other. 16


2.4 Ball Chain What you have: 3 Ball bearings 2 Bar magnets

Instructions 1. Use one bar magnet to lift a ball bearing 2. Try to lift another ball bearing with the first ball bearing (a) 3. See how many ball bearings you can lift up with one bar magnet 4. Join the two bar magnets together and repeat the above steps 5. See how many ball bearings you can lift now (b) (a)


Bar magnet

Ball bearing

Explanation The magnetic force passes through the metal ball bearings, causing them to stick together. This is because the ball bearings are made of metal, which is a ferromagnetic ore. Joining more magnets together creates greater magnetic force, so the joined magnets can lift more ball bearings. 17


Introduction - Sound Our eardrums are very small, but they can pick up a huge range of sounds from a quiet whisper to a jet taking off. A tiny bone in our eardrums vibrates as all these noises (which are produced by vibrations) reach our ears. Find out how sound can be created in the following experiments. 3.1 Rain Maker 3.2 Sound Amplifier 3.3 Sound Phone 3.4 Water Music


What you have: 2 Rain Maker halves Plastic beads 4 Rubber bands


3.1 Rain Maker

Instructions 1. Open the bag of plastic beads 2. Empty the plastic beads into one half of the Rain Maker 3. Fix the two halves of the Rain Maker together 4. Use the four rubber bands to secure the two halves together 5. Shake the Rain Maker and listen to the sound it makes 6. Try shaking it at different distances 7. Listen to the sounds it makes Rain maker halves

Rubber band Plastic beads

Explanation The beans rattle against the inside of the Rain Maker. This rattling noise creates vibrations against the plastic body of the Rain Maker. The vibrations then move out into the air and reach your eardrum, which absorbs the vibrations and translates them into sound. When you hold the Rain Maker to the side, the vibrations reach your ears directly and the sound is louder in one ear. When you hold the Rain Maker behind you, the vibrations do not reach your ears directly, and the sound is more muffled. When you hold the Rain Maker in front of you, the sound is distributed evenly to both ears. 19


3.2 Sound Amplifier What you have: Large and small rims Amplifier connectors Rim cover Long string Cardboard insert

Instructions 1. Attach the small rim to the large rim with the connectors 2. Attach the rim cover to the smaller rim 3. Curve the cardboard insert and place it inside the amplifier 4. Thread one end of the string through the hole in the rim cover 5. Tie a knot behind the rim cover 6. Put the open end of the amplifier close to your ear 7. Run your fingers along the string 8. What sounds can you hear? 9. Try plucking the string and listen to the different sounds Connectors

Rim cover


Large rim

Sound waves

Small rim


Cardboard insert

Explanation Sliding your fingers up and down the string or plucking the string produces vibrations. These vibrations are carried along the string to the rim cover. The vibrations then move into the empty space inside the amplifier and then make the sound become louder. 20


3.3 Sound Phone What you have: 2 Large and small rims Amplifier connectors 2 Rim covers Long string 2 Cardboard inserts

Instructions 1. Assemble both sound amplifiers 2. Connect the sound amplifiers with the string 3. Hold the amplifiers apart from each other so the string is tight 4. Ask a friend to hold one of the amplifiers to his/her ear 5. Speak into the other amplifier 6. Can your friend hear your voice? 7. Now hold the amplifier to your ear 8. Ask your friend to speak into the other amplifier 9. Can you hear any sound? Long string Sound waves


Explanation The vibrations from you and your friend’s voice carried down to the narrow end of the amplifiers. They were concentrated in the small area at the end of the amplifiers and were carried along the string to the other amplifier. Once the vibrations reached the other amplifier, they were projected out into the wider end of the amplifier and you or your friend was able to hear them.



3.4 Water Music What you have:

What you need:

4 Large beakers Water Pen

Instructions 1. ¼ fill the 1st beaker with water 2. ½ fill the 2nd beaker with water 3. ¾ fill the 3rd beaker with water 4. Fill the 4th beaker to the top with water 5. Tap the top of the beakers with the pen 6. Can you hear the sounds? 7. Why do some make a higher sound and others a lower sound?


Large beaker


Explanation Tapping on the beakers makes the plastic vibrate and this is the sound you hear. The beaker filled full with water made the lowest sound. The beaker ¼ full made the highest sound. When there is more air inside the beakers, vibrations move quicker, and this produces a higher sound. Less air makes the vibrations move slowly, and this produces lower sounds. 22

Illusions are everywhere! Mirrors, shadows, bending light - you don’t have to be a magician to work magic! In the following experiments you will learn how light reflects off mirrors and shiny surfaces, how light refracts through water, how it can bend to create optical illusions, and how shadows are created.


Introduction - Optic

4.1 Mirror Play 4.2 Magic Coin 4.3 Magic Word 4.4 Circular Lens 4.5 Mystical Shadow



4.1 Mirror Play What you have: Different mirrors

Instructions 1. Position the mirrors at different angles 2. See if you can reflect different objects from one mirror to the next 3. Can you arrange the mirrors to reflect the same image on all mirrors?

Different mirrors


* Mirror shapes may vary

Explanation Light reflected off a mirror directly comes straight back to the source of the light. However, when a mirror is turned at an angle, the light reflects in a different direction. Several mirrors will reflect the original light or image back and forth when positioned at the right angles. In the experiment, you were able to reflect the images from one mirror to the next by turning the mirrors at different angles. 24

What you have:

What you need:

2 Large beakers

Water Small coin


4.2 Magic Coin

Instructions 1. Put the coin under the middle of the large beaker 2. Look at the coin from the side of the large beaker 3. Can you see the coin? (a) 4. Now fill the other beaker with water 5. Pour the water from the other beaker into the first beaker 6. Can you see the coin now? (b) 7. How does it disappear? Large beaker (a)


Small coin

Explanation When you look at the coin under the beaker without the water, light enters the beaker in a straight path. However, when you pour water into the beaker, the path of light is bent so that the angle of refraction changes and you are unable to see the coin. 25


4.3 Magic Word What you have:

What you need:

Large beaker Paper Pen Water

Instructions 1. Write the word ‘wow’ on a piece of paper 2. Fill the beaker to the top with water 3. Hold the paper sideways with the word behind the beaker 4. Try to look at the word from different angles and distances 5. Can you see the reversed reflection of the word through the beaker?


Large beaker


Explanation The beaker and water act like a lens. When light rays pass through the water and the curved sides of the beaker, they cross over each other, and make a reversed image. As the letters ‘W’ and ‘O’ can make another letter when reversed, you see a new word reflected through the beaker. 26


4.4 Circular Lens What you have: Transparent lens Translucent lens Opaque lens

Instructions 1. Hold one of the lenses in front of different objects 2. What can you see? 3. Try the other lenses 4. What is the difference between each lens?

Transparent lens

Translucent lens

Opaque lens

Explanation Transparent material is clear and allows light to pass through easily. It is easy to see objects through transparent material. The clear lens is made of this material. Translucent material is a little fuzzier than transparent material, and images viewed through this material are not clear. Opaque material is not seethrough, and it casts a dark shadow. 27


4.5 Mystical Shadow What you have:

What you need:

2 Ein-o cards Card holder

Flashlight Sticky tape

Instructions 1. Insert one of the Ein-o cards into the card holder 2. Use sticky tape to secure the card onto the holder 3. Turn off the lights 4. Hold the Ein-o card holder in front of a wall 5. Turn on the flashlight and shine it on the card 6. Hold the flashlight closer 7. Are the shadows bigger or smaller? 8. Move the flashlight further away from the card 9. Are the shadows bigger or smaller now?

Ein-o card Flashlight Cutout holder

Explanation Light passes through transparent and translucent material easily, but is blocked by opaque material. Opaque material casts a dark shadow when light is passed around it. The Ein-o cards in the experiment were made of cardboard, an opaque material. The light therefore cast a shadow of the cards on the wall. The closer the flashlight was to the cards, the larger the shadows became, and the further the flashlight was from the cards, the smaller the shadows became. 28

Let’s start experimenting with chemistry! There are so many fun facts and interesting experiments that you can do. In this section, you will learn about density, the three states of matter, acids and bases, growing yeast, why iron rusts, solutes, and more!


Introduction - Chemistry

5.1 States of Matter 5.2 Mixing Liquids 5.3 Filtration 5.4 Density Sandwich 5.5 Freezing Point 5.6 Volcano 5.7 Bubbling Raisins 5.8 Yeast Farm 5.9 Pigment Mixtures 5.10 Rusty Iron



5.1 States of Matter Attention: Adult assistance required! What you have: What you need: 3 Small beakers

Hot water Tap water

Instructions 1. Fill two beakers with tap water 2. Put one beaker in the freezer 3. Take it out when the water has frozen 4. Ask an adult to fill the third beaker with hot water (Attention: Hot water must be handled by an adult!) 5. Line up the beakers side by side 6. Observe the vapour escaping from the hot water beaker 7. Which one is solid, liquid, and gas?

Small beaker



Hot water




Explanation There are three basic states of matter – solid, liquid, and gas. Solids come in many different forms, from rock to wood, and are rigid. Their atoms are tightly packed together and do not move around. Liquids flow and their molecules move around more easily. Many liquids can also become solids when they freeze and gases when they are boiled or evaporate. Gases have the most free-moving molecules and therefore take up more space. In the experiment, you saw how water can be a liquid, a solid (ice), and a gas (water vapour). 30

What you have:


5.2 Mixing Liquids What you need:

2 Small beakers Tap water Stirrer Sand Salt

Instructions 1. Fill both beakers with tap water 2. Add some salt to one beaker (a) 3. Add the same amount of sand to the other beaker 4. Stir both mixtures with the stirrer (b) 5. Which one dissolves and which one does not?




Small beaker

Water with salt

Water with sand

Explanation When you mix some substances in water or other liquids, they break down into tiny particles and form a solution. Salt and sugar are examples of dissolvable substances. Other substances, such as sand, do not dissolve or break down any further. 31


5.3 Filtration What you have:

What you need:

Funnel Filter paper Large beaker

Sand mixture from previous experiment

Instructions 1. Curve the filter paper and put it around the inside of the funnel 2. Put the narrow end of the funnel into the large beaker (a) 3. Pour the sand mixture from the previous experiment into the funnel 4. Does the water drip into the large beaker? (b) 5. What happens to the sand? (a) Filter paper



Large beaker Water with sand

Explanation The filter paper has fine pores that absorb the water molecules but block larger particles such as sand from entering. The water soaks into the paper and runs down into the narrow end of the funnel and into the beaker. The sand is caught in the fine paper and does not run into the beaker. This is an example of a simple filter system. Other filter systems also use different chemicals to clean the water. 32

Attention: Adult Assistance Required! What you have: What you need: Large beaker 4 Small beakers Water paint Paint brush Stirrer

Hot water Cold water Salt


5.4 Density Sandwich

Instructions 1. Mix some cold salt water with some water paint in the 1st beaker 2. Mix some cold water with another colour in the 2nd beaker 3. Mix some hot salt water with another colour in the 3rd beaker (Attention: Hot water must be handled by an adult!) 4. Mix some hot water with another colour in the 4th beaker 5. Pour the cold salt water into the large beaker first 6. Next pour the cold water into the large beaker along the stirrer 7. Next pour the hot salt water into the large beaker along the stirrer 8. Lastly pour the hot water into the large beaker along the stirrer 9. Why do the different levels stay separate from each other? Hot water with water paint Hot salt water with water paint Cold water with water paint

Large beaker

Cold salt water with water paint

Explanation Salty water is denser than normal tap water. When there is a very high concentration of salt in water, people can even float in it without swimming (like in the Dead Sea)! Cold water is denser than hot water, as the molecules in cold water pull together, while hot water molecules move further apart. In the experiment, you would have found that cold salt water remained at the bottom of the large beaker, cold water was next, followed by hot salt water, and lastly hot water. 33


5.5 Freezing Point What you have:

What you need:

3 Small beakers Tap water Stirrer Cooking oil Salt

Instructions 1. Fill two beakers with tap water 2. Add salt to one of the beakers and stir 3. Fill the last beaker with the same amount of oil 4. Put the three beakers in the freezer 5. Check up on the beakers from time to time 6. Which one freezes first? 7. Which one freezes last?



Water with salt Cooking oil

Explanation Different substances when mixed with water cause it to freeze slower. The beaker with the fresh water has the highest freezing point. Salt causes water to freeze at a lower temperature, and freezes after the fresh water. The oil has the lowest freezing point and freezes last. 34

What you have:

What you need:

Volcano model Small beaker Plastic tray Stirrer

Baking Soda Vinegar Red food colouring Detergent (optional) Old newspaper


5.6 Volcano

Instructions 1. Cover the experiment area with old newspaper 2. Put the volcano model on the plastic tray 3. Put some baking soda inside the volcano 4. Mix the vinegar, detergent (optional), and food colouring in the beaker with the stirrer 5. Slowly pour the mixture into the volcano (a) 6. Get ready for an eruption! (b) Small beaker Volcano model Mixture


Plastic tray


Explanation Baking soda is a base and vinegar is an acid. Bases and acids react, sometimes violently, when mixed together. When you poured the vinegar into the volcano, it reacted with the baking soda and the mixture frothed and bubbled until it flowed out of the top of the volcano. The detergent thickened the mixture and the red food colouring made it look like lava. 35


5.7 Bubbling raisins What you have:

What you need:

Large beaker Raisins Stirrer Baking soda Vinegar Water

Instructions 1. Fill the beaker with water 2. Pour some vinegar into the water and stir 3. Add some baking soda into the mixture (a) 4. Wait until the mixture begins to bubble 5. Drop the raisins into the beaker one by one (b) 6. See what happens to the raisins (a)



Large beaker Raisin Mixture

Explanation The reaction between the vinegar and baking soda causes bubbles to form in the water inside the beaker. The raisins sink to bottom of the beaker but rise to the surface when the bubbles cling to their surfaces. Once the raisins reach the surface, the bubbles pop and the raisins sink again. They will continue to rise and fall until the reaction between the baking soda and vinegar stops. 36

Attention: Adult assistance required! What you have: What you need: 4 Test tubes with covers Test tube holder

Yeast Sugar Tap water Cold water Hot water


5.8 Yeast Farm

Instructions 1. Put the test tubes in the test tube holder 2. Put the same small amount of yeast into each test tube Yeast & Yeast & 3. Add the same small amount of sugar sugar with sugar with tap water Hot water to each test tube 4. Do not add water to the first test tube 5. Fill the second test tube half full with tap water 6. Fill the third test tube with cold water 7. Fill the last test tube with hot water (Attention: Hot water must be handled by an adult!) 8. Cover all four test tubes with the test tube covers 9. Observe the different reactions Yeast & Yeast & in the four test tubes sugar sugar with cold water

Explanation Yeast feeds on sugar and continues to thrive under the right conditions. In the dry test tube there was no sign of any activity. In the second test tube, the yeast thrived best in the tap water and produced gas that pushed the cover up. The yeast was slowed down in the cold water and only a little froth formed at the top. The yeast in the hot water was killed by the heat and could not survive. You would be able to see the dead yeast as a cloudy layer at the bottom of the test tube. 37


5.9 PIGMENT MIXTURES What you have:

What you need:

Water colour paint Water Paintbrush Paper

Instructions 1. Use a paintbrush to add some water to the water paint 2. Paint different colours on the blank paper 3. Mix different water paints to create new colours 4. Paint the new colours on the paper and compare with the other colours 5. How many different colours can you make?
















Explanation Different paints absorb different coloured light. For example, the pigment (colour) in yellow paint absorbs blue light and the pigment in cyan paint absorbs red light. When you mix different paints together, they reflect different coloured light. For example, mixing cyan and yellow produces green because green light is reflected. The secondary colours (red, blue, and green) in pigments are made up of the primary colours, which are cyan, yellow, and magenta. 38

What you have:

What you need:

4 Test tubes with covers Different small metal objects Test tube holder (iron, steel, aluminum, copper, etc.) Water


5.10 Rusty Iron

Instructions 1. Fill all 4 test tubes with water 2. Drop the different metal objects into the test tubes 3. Leave the objects in the test tubes for a few days 4. Which ones rust? 5. Which ones don’t?

Test tube with cover

Test tube holder

Different metal objects

Explanation The reaction between oxygen and iron produces rust, or iron oxide. Water is made of one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms. In the experiment, the oxygen in the water reacts most with the metal objects that are not protected by any paint or plastic. However, if some of the paint has been scratched away, the metal will still rust. Another method of protecting metals is through galvanizing. This involves using a lighter metal called zinc to protect the iron underneath. 39


Introduction - Force There are a lot of forces at work around us! Gravity is the force that keeps us on the ground and stops us from floating away. Friction causes your wheels to stop when you apply the brakes on your bike. With the experiments in this section, you will learn about balance, kinetic energy, elastic energy, surface tension, and what makes some structures stronger than others. 6.1 Basic Scale 6.2 Weight Scale 6.3 Bouncing Balls 6.4 Double Bounce 6.5 Whiz Ball 6.6 Curving Ball 6.7 Marshmallow Launcher 6.8 Mighty Structures 6.9 Super Triangle 6.10 Sturdy Arch 6.11 Degravitator 6.12 Surface Tension


What you have: Scale unit Weights


6.1 Basic Scale

Instructions 1. Assemble the scale as shown 2. Put a different number of weights on both sides of the scale 3. Observe which side is heavier or lighter 4. Now try to balance both sides using the same number of weights









Scale unit

Explanation The balancing arm of the scale rests on a central point called a pivot. This point is also the centre of gravity around which all the weight of the scales hangs. Objects of the same weight keep the balance even, while heavier objects make it tilt one way. By putting different objects on either end, you are able to measure which ones are heavier and which ones are lighter. 41


6.2 Weight Scale What you have:

What you need:

Scale unit Weights

Small objects (pen, paper, etc.)

Instructions 1. Put a small object on one side of the scale 2. Try to put the weights on the other side to balance the scale 3. Experiment with other heavier and lighter objects 4. Record the weights of different objects


Small object





Scale unit




Explanation The weights used in the experiment help you find out the weight of each object you weigh. When the scales are even, you know that the object weighs the same as the measurement on the other end. When the scales tilt down at the end on which the object is placed, you know that the object is heavier. If the scales tilt down on the side of the weights, you know the object is lighter than the weights. 42

What you have: 1 Large plastic ball 1 Small plastic ball


6.3 Ball collision

Instructions 1. Put the small ball on the ground 2. Roll the larger ball to hit the small ball (a) 3. How far does the small ball travel? 4. Now roll the smaller ball to hit the larger ball (b) 5. How far does the larger ball travel? (a) Small ball Large ball


Explanation Potential energy is stored energy that has not yet been used. When you hold one of the balls and aim it towards the other ball, that ball has the potential energy to roll along the ground and hit the other ball. When you roll that ball, potential energy is converted into kinetic energy, which is moving energy. Once the first ball hits the second, this kinetic energy is transferred from the first ball to the second. The largest ball, because of its weight would have passed on a greater amount of kinetic energy and made the smaller ball roll further. 43


6.4 Double Bounce What you have: 1 Large plastic ball 1 Small plastic ball

Instructions 1. Hold the smaller ball on top of the larger ball 2. Drop both of the balls together at the same time 3. What happens?

Small ball

Large ball

Explanation Balls contain elastic energy and therefore reflect easily off surfaces. The more elastic energy a ball has, the higher it bounces after hitting the floor. The larger ball hits the ground first and as it bounces it passes on its kinetic (moving) energy on to the smaller ball. This makes the smaller ball bounce higher than it would if you dropped it by itself without the larger ball. 44


6.5 Whiz Ball What you have: Small plastic ball

Instructions 1. Throw the ball through the air 2. How far does it travel? Flowing air

Wide zone of turbulent air

Flight path

Flowing air breaks away

Narrow zone of turbulent air

Flowing air hugs the ball’s surface

Flight path

Explanation Turbulent air flowing around the surface of a normal ball creates a wide area of rough air behind the ball. This produces drag and the ball slows down quickly because of the loss of energy. A golf ball, like the plastic ball in the experiment, flies further. The reason for this is because of the dimples in the surface of the ball. The dimples cause air to hug the surface of the ball. The area of rough air behind the ball therefore becomes narrower. 45


6.6 Curving Ball What you have: Big plastic ball

Instructions 1. Throw the ball to your friend without twisting your hand 2. The ball moves in a straight line (a) 3. Now twist your hand as you throw the ball to your friend 4. Do you notice how the ball curves? (b) (a)


Large ball

Explanation The side of the ball spinning in the direction of flight makes the air slow down. The side of the ball spinning backwards makes the air speed up. Faster air creates lower pressure on the side of the ball spinning backwards, and the ball curves in this direction. Pitchers can use this principle (called the Bernoulli principle) to curve any direction they like to fool batters. 46

What you have:

What you need:

Marshmallow launcher



6.7 Marshmallow Launcher Instructions 1. Put a marshmallow on the launcher 2. Pull the launcher back into firing position 3. Let go of the launcher arm 4. Watch the marshmallow fly! 5. Try using different amounts of force and observe how far the marshmallow launches


Mallow Launcher

Explanation Pulling the launcher back creates the potential energy for the launcher to throw the marshmallow forward. When the launcher is released, this potential energy is converted into the kinetic energy and the marshmallow flies forward. The kinetic energy passed from the launcher to the marshmallow can be increased by applying greater force. This produces greater velocity (speed) and makes the marshmallow fly higher and further. 47


6.8 Mighty Structures What you have:

What you need:

6 Plastic strips 9 Plastic bolts

Metal coin

Instructions 1. Make different shapes according to the diagram 2. Secure the strips with the bolts 3. Use a metal coin to tighten the bolts 4. Press against the sides of each shape 5. Which shape is strongest? Plastic bolts (a)




Plastic strip

Explanation Architects choose designs carefully building. Structures with more supports are often the strongest, but the shape of a structure also determines its strength. Triangles are very strong because they have less corners and remain rigid. The square supported by the strips crossed over each other in the middle is also quite rigid, as the strips in the middle keep sides from moving. The square with only one strip in the middle was less strong and the empty square was weakest. 48

What you have: Straws Modelling clay


6.9 Super Triangle

Instructions 1. Make a 3-dimensional triangle with the straws and modelling clay 2. Push down on the point of the triangle with your finger 3. How much pressure can it stand before it breaks?

Modelling clay Straw

Explanation Triangles are very strong structures. They were used to create the pyramids which have stood for thousands of years. The reason they are so strong is because the four triangularshaped faces meet at a central point. This point can therefore hold a lot of weight and support the four walls of the triangle. 49


6.10 Sturdy Arch What you have:

What you need:

2 Cardboard pieces Large beaker

Books Small weights

Instructions 1. Stack two piles of books opposite each other 2. Rest one of the cardboard pieces between the two piles of books 3. Put the beaker on the middle of the cardboard (a) 4. Can the cardboard support the beaker? 5. Curve the other cardboard piece into a ‘u’ shape 6. Put the curved cardboard between the piles of books (b) 7. Put the flat cardboard between the books over the curved cardboard 8. Put the beaker on the middle of the flat cardboard 9. Try to add more weights into the beaker 10. How much weight can the bridge hold now? Large beaker




Large card

Explanation The curved walls of the arch shape beneath the bridge spread the weight of the cardboard and the water-filled beaker above it evenly down its sides to the ends of the curve. This means that no single point of the dome is supporting the full weight of the beaker. Such structures are often used for buildings, such as sport domes or concert halls because of their strength. 50

What you have:

What you need:

2 Small funnels 2 Long plastic rods



6.11 Degravitator

Instructions 1. Make a small pile of books on a flat surface 2. Rest the 2 long plastic rods against the pile of books 3. Arrange the rods so the ends are further apart over the books Books 4. The other ends of the rods should be slightly closer together (b) 5. Snap the funnels together (a) 6. Rest the assembled funnels on the lower end of the rods (b) 7. What happens? (a) Funnel Long plastic rod

Explanation The centre of gravity is in the middle of the hollow space between the joined funnels. This centre of gravity moves downwards as the leading edge moves forward, up the incline. The narrower space between the plastic rods at the lower end force the joined funnels to move toward the wider space at the higher end of the incline. 51


6.12 Surface Tension What you have:

What you need:

Magnifying glass Plastic tray

Different liquids from your kitchen (Examples: Water, milk, vinegar, oil, detergent, etc.)

Instructions 1. Put drops of each liquid on the plastic tray 2. Use your magnifying glass to observe the different shapes of the drops of different liquids 3. Which ones stand out more on the plastic tray?

Vinegar Water

Magnifying glass



Explanation Surface tension is created when molecules in a liquid are attracted to each other and stick together. This tension is what produces a ‘skin’ on the surface of water, and allows small objects such as paper clips to float. Different liquids have different amounts of surface tension. In the experiment you would have noticed that some liquids stood out more and bulged above the surface of the plastic tray. These liquids had the strongest surface tension. Liquids that spread out flat against the plastic tray had the weakest surface tension, as their molecules could not pull together as strongly. 52

Earth is a fascinating place! There are so many different things to explore and see on our planet! We can also learn things about the past from studying different forces at work on our planet, such as the weather and activity under the ground. In these experiments, you will learn about tectonic plates, different types of rocks, erosion, volcanoes, ocean currents, and more!


Introduction - Earth

7.1 Broken Plates 7.2 Rock Collection 7.3 Water Blaster 7.4 Soil Erosion 7.5 Ocean Waves 7.6 Wave Making 7.7 Magnum Spout 7.8 Water Cycle 7.9 Rain Gauge 7.10 Weather Charts



7.1 Broken Plates What you have:

What you need:

4 Paper plate cutouts


Instructions 1. Cut out the 4 paper plates (a) 2. Move the plate cutouts around 3. Try to fit them together into one piece (b) (a)

Paper plate

(b) Europe

North America

Africa South America

Explanation Many scientists believe that all the continents on Earth today were joined together as one landmass. The surface of the Earth is broken into different pieces called tectonic plates. There are believed to be around 20 tectonic plates. These plates move from time to time, pushing or pulling against each other. This causes volcanic eruptions and earthquakes, as well as tsunamis. Originally the tectonic plates were joined together in one huge continent called Pangaea. A long time ago, these tectonic plates began moving apart from each other, causing the continents to drift to their current positions. You can see how easily the continents fit together in the experiment. This shows how they may have been joined at one time. 54

What you have:

What you need:

Rock samples Magnifying glass

Pen Note pad


7.2 Rock Collection

Instructions 1. Use the magnifying glass to observe the structures of different rock samples 2. Write down and record what you observe in your note pad 3. Collect other samples and look at them under the magnifying glass Magnifying glass

Rock samples

Rock facts There are three main types of rocks. These are Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic: - Igneous rocks are created from magma that cools down after a volcanic eruption. - Sedimentary rocks are made from different layers of dead animals or plant matter, or from other layers of rock or sand. A lot of pressure is needed to sandwich these layers together to form rocks. - Metamorphic rocks are Igneous and Sedimentary rocks changed by pressure and/or heat. These rocks are most often formed during mountain forming processes. 55


7.3 Water Blaster What you have:

What you need:

Water pump Plastic tray

Soil Water

Instructions 1.Make a mound of soil on the plastic tray 2. Load the water pump with water 3. Spray the water against the mound from the side 4. Continue spraying the mound until it collapses

Water pump Water

Soil Plastic tray

Explanation Water is very powerful when used in a concentrated force. Water can erode rock over a long period of time, or it can carve out large chunks at one time if it is moving fast enough. For example, miners use high pressure jets of water to blast away rock. In the experiment, you would have seen how fast the water from the pump cut away at the soil. 56

What you have:

What you need:

Plastic tray Object to elevate tray Large beaker (e.g. wooden or plastic block) Soil Water


7.4 Soil Erosion

Instructions 1. Fill the tray up to the rim with soil 2. Lean one end of the tray against an object 3. Fill the beaker with water 4. Hold the beaker above the higher end of the tray 5. Tip the water slowly out onto the soil 6. Observe how much soil it erodes 7. Fill the beaker with water again 8. Tip the water out quicker this time and observe the results Large beaker Water

Plastic tray


Explanation Water wears away soil and rock either quickly or over a long period of time, depending on its speed and force. Rivers often erode soil such as silt or sand very quickly, but take longer to erode clay and rock. Rivers get wider and deeper as they cut into the soil and rock over time. In the experiment, you were able to see the different formations the water made. This is similar to a real river. 57


7.5 Ocean Waves What you have:

What you need:

Water tank

Water Talcum powder

Instructions 1. Fill the tank with water 2. Sprinkle talcum powder over the surface of the water 3. Rest your chin just above the top of the tank 4. Blow the powder over the water 5. What patterns do you see forming in the powder and water? Blow

Talcum powder Water tank


Explanation Currents move in different directions around the ocean. When ocean currents hit continents, some move in an anticlockwise direction, while others move in a clockwise direction. You could see this happening in the experiment when the water hit the other side of the tank. The powder made the currents in the water visible. 58

What you have:

What you need:

Water tank Water Ruler


7.6 Wave Making

Instructions 1. Fill the tank with water 2. Hold the ruler in the water 3. Move the ruler up and down vertically 4. What kind of waves do you make? 5. Try moving the ruler from side to side 6. What kind of waves do you make?


Water tank


Explanation When the ruler moves up and down vertically in the water, the water moves out away from the edge of the tank. Therefore the waves moving away from the stick are longer than the waves behind the stick. Different currents in the ocean, together with the wind, determine the direction and length of the waves. 59


7.7 Magnum Spout Attention: Adult assistance is required! What you have: What you need: Water tank Short beaker with lid Water colour paint Paintbrush

Hot water Cold Water

Instructions 1. Fill the tank with cold water 2. Fill the short beaker with hot water (Attention: Hot water must be handled by an adult!) 4. Mix one water colour paint with the water in the beaker 5. Put the lid back onto the beaker 6. Put the beaker in the tank 7. What happens?

Water tank Short beaker with lid Water

Explanation Hot water is less dense than cold water. Therefore, when hot water is placed inside cold water, it rises above the cold water. In the ocean this produces currents that determine the direction of water flow. These are called convection currents. In the experiment, you could see the hot water rising above the cold water because of the colouring which made the currents visible. 60

Attention: Adult assistance required! What you have: What you need: 1 Large beaker with cover


7.8 Water Cycle Hot water

Instructions 1. Half fill the beaker with hot water (Attention: Hot water must be handled by an adult!) 2. Put the cover back on the beaker 3. Wait for a few minutes and take the cover off 4. Can you see the water vapour clinging to the bottom of the cover?

Large beaker with cover

Hot water

Explanation When water is heated, the water molecules escape into the air as water vapour. This water vapour can collect on ceilings or walls when it is trapped. In the experiment, the vapour rose into the air inside the beaker and then rested in condensed drops on the bottom of the beaker cover. A similar process is used to collect water in the desert. Holes are made in the ground and are covered with plastic. Moisture from the air collects at the end of the day inside the holes and runs down the plastic into a container. 61


7.9 Rain Gauge What you have:

What you need:

Big funnel Tall cylinder 3 Plugs Modelling clay

Pencil Note pad

Instructions 1. Put the narrow end of the funnel into the top of the tall cylinder 2. Use some modelling clay to secure the funnel to the cylinder (Do not seal around the funnel and mouth of the cylinder) 3. Put the 3 plugs into the holes in the cylinder 4. Rest the assembled rain gauge in an open place to catch the rain 5. Secure the rain gauge to the ground with modelling clay 6. Measure and record the water level after each rainfall

Big funnel

Tall cylinder Plug Rain water

Modelling clay

Explanation Rain gauges are used to collect rain over a period of time and record rainfall. Weather forecasters can then use these measurements to make future predictions about different weather patterns. In the experiment, the wider end of the funnel allowed a greater amount of rain to collect and run into the cylinder. The measurements on the side of the cylinder allow you to record the amount of rain. 62

What you have:

What you need:

Weather chart



7.10 Weather Charts Instructions 1. Observe the weather over several days 2. Record the weather with symbols on each day


Weather chart SUN









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Explanation By collecting information every month, weather forecasters can understand weather patterns every year, and predict future patterns. Studying such weather patterns also help scientists to understand how the weather is changing, and understand how different factors such as pollution are affecting the environment. 63

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