Portfolio Meet in Action (english)

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ORIGINALITY & PASSION FOR MEETINGS OF EXCELLENCE: MEET IN ACTION. MIA was the first meeting industry network to be established in Italy, by professionals specialising in the design of different types of event. Conferences, symposiums, workshops, kick-off meetings, advisory boards, summits, forums, journeys and incentive projects, design and management of experiential training programs, team building, artistic and theatre productions. A strong focus on the originality of the formats used – invariably dynamic, interactive and supported by leadingedge technologies – and excellence of the results, combined with the interactive work of a highly qualified team, have made MIA into a leader in the conference sector in Italy.

MEET IN ACTION TEAM MATTEO BELLOMI EXPERTISE Scientific conference organisation and incentive project

RENATO BELLOMI EXPERTISE Made-to-measure events & travels, sports & destination management

ROB HERMAN BUDDE EXPERTISE Strategic event direction

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ELISABETTA CAMINITI EXPERTISE Incentive travels in Italy and abroad

PAOLA CASENTINI EXPERTISE Product launch and luxury travel

ROSARIO GAGLIARDI EXPERTISE Training for development in healthcare, medicine and pharmaceuticals

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MADDALENA MILONE EXPERTISE Design & organisation of conferences, conventions and training activities

SERGIO MOSCATI EXPERTISE Special interest events and meeting design

GIOVANNA POSSIO EXPERTISE Technical-scientific conference design & organisation

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SUSANNA PRIORE EXPERTISE Design and organisation of medical – scientific events

MARGHERITA RUGGIERO EXPERTISE Destination management and incentive travel

MARIA GRAZIA SAPIGNI EXPERTISE Motivation projects and experiential learning

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Branch Offices:

Bari - Lecce - Messina - Milan - Naples Rimini - Rome - Turin - Verona





Incentive projects; Destination management; Design & organisation of meetings and events.

Cooking; Handicrafts (cabinetwork and restoration); History and traditions; Science and new technologies; Skiing and mountain sports; Travelling.

ONE OF MY SUCCESS STORIES INTERNATIONAL NEUROSCIENCE MEETING IN VERONA 700 participants and many companions, a joint conference of European science societies EBBS (European Brain Behaviour Society) and EBPS (European Behavioural Pharmacology Society). Four days of intensive exchange on the new developments of research in the fields of brain and behaviour, lifestyles and the so-called risk behaviours, leading towards a better understanding of correlated phenomena and mechanisms. The international scientific community had an opportunity to appreciate Italy’s hospitality and organisational style. Among the wide range of activities conducted in parallel with the event, we proposed “small doses” of conscious and sustainable good deeds. WHY DID I CHOOSE THIS STORY? All the objectives envisioned were reached. • A moment for dialogue and socialisation, an opportunity for people from different social and cultural backgrounds to get to know one another. A test bench to offer international conference attendees the highest hospitality and conference services based on the application of ethical, corporate social responsibility and sustainability principles. • Particularly appreciated was the added value of empathy and maximum proactivity. Organising and coordinating the event in collaboration with the University of Verona was a motive of pride. Special attention was devoted to the positive potential that this event had to offer to the participants coming from many different countries in terms of getting to know Italy, its traditions of hospitality, the beauty of the land and the originality of its people. • The event won the Event Sustainability Award (#BeeSustain) promoted by the events office of Copenhagen, Denmark.


Branch Offices:

Bari - Lecce - Messina - Milan - Naples Rimini - Rome - Turin - Verona


Branch Offices:

Bari - Lecce - Messina - Milan - Naples Rimini - Rome - Turin - Verona





Made-to-measure events & travels; Sports & destination management.

Travels; Skiing and mountain sports; Cycling.

ONE OF MY SUCCESS STORIES THE SKI SAFARI, WITH MORE THAN 80 SKIING AND SNOWBOARDING EXPERIENCES FROM 2001 TO 2016 What is meant by ski safari? The Swahili word safari means journey/transfer, and precisely thanks to the ski safari we ski together day after day to transfer from one ski resort to another. WELL-KNOWN AREAS: Italian, French, Austrian and Swiss Alps. Ski safaris in Japan and Colorado (in the resorts of Aspen, Snowmass, Vail and Beaver Creek). Back in 1989 I was already organizing journeys to Canada for “ambitious heliskiers”, in collaboration with Canada’s best heliski organisations. I went with them many times on these marvellous adventures and experienced the thrill of skiing down open ground or down smooth slopes surrounded by trees and covered with “champagne powder” (the powdery snow of Canada). Skiing with no encumbrance, no rucksack on your back, while your luggage is carried to the next destination by our minivans; discovering new sceneries, always new, always breathtaking.

WHY DID I CHOOSE THIS STORY? • I turned my passion into an occupation! • I acquired great knowledge that I want to put at your disposal. • I coordinate a highly motivated staff specialising in made-to-measure events, driven by passion and guided by long-standing experience.


Branch Offices:

Bari - Lecce - Messina - Milan - Naples Rimini - Rome - Turin - Verona


Branch Offices:

Bari - Lecce - Messina - Milan - Naples Rimini - Rome - Turin - Verona





Strategic event direction; Edutainment; Web observer.

Shiatsu; Meditation; Experiential travels; Singing.

ONE OF MY SUCCESS STORIES MY EXPERIENCE WITH THE REPUBLIC OF SAN MARINO In August 2015, the government of the republic asked me to serve as designer and strategic manager of all their events, with the aim of making the country into a place of attraction for an Italian and international clientele. The goal to be met before the end of 2016 is to achieve a 40% increase in the inflow of tourists to San Marino. Over a three year period, the goal is a 100% increase.

WHY DID I CHOOSE THIS STORY • This experience epitomises my professional capabilities: designing a spectacular, experiential event and directing it toward a sales objective. • From my long-term experience working with companies, in fact, I have learned to organise spectacular and experiential events with a view to generating sales for a product, while all the time remaining true to my origins as a director (theatre & television directing degree from the University of Amsterdam: unlike here in Italy, in the Netherlands you cannot claim you are a director without a specific university degree). • Why? Because it is stimulating to realise that even a State needs to sell itself, to attract tourists, in other words, customers, and it does so through unique experiences, suitably planned and targeted. • Because when talking to a client, the case story of the Republic of San Marino could be particularly impactful. • I’m working under a one-year contract, which is renewed only if I meet the annual targets I agreed to (100% business rationale).


Branch Offices:

Bari - Lecce - Messina - Milan - Naples Rimini - Rome - Turin - Verona


Branch Offices:

Bari - Lecce - Messina - Milan - Naples Rimini - Rome - Turin - Verona





Outbound incentive travel; Conventions.

International Etiquette; Theatre; Flowers; Unconventional food; Glamping.

ONE OF MY SUCCESS STORIES ANDALUSIA… COLOSSAL STYLE! With its 200 km stretch of beach, Cabo da Roca, in Almeria, was the fascinating venue of the event. Energy, adrenaline and fun were the ingredients of our proposal for the staff of a major multinational in the insurance sector. The guests engaged in an enthralling Triathlon: a kayak regatta followed by snorkelling. The guests came ashore and restored their strength with a lavish bio-buffet snack on the beach. Here they found their mountain bikes for the last stage of this experience. The clou of the event saw our guests change into actors of a typical spaghetti-western in a village constructed for Sergio Leone. This activity was supported by a staff of 60 professionals (set and costume designers, make-up artists, etc.) who helped our guests perform as true cowboys and can-can dancers. The event ended with a gala dinner in an original location on the Almeria coast, situated in an old stone quarry, where the award giving ceremony was held. These are just a few of the experiences savoured in the course of the event, featuring a “tapas tour”, visits to breathtaking Unesco sites, flamenco and paella lessons!!

WHY DID I CHOOSE THIS STORY? This destination had been imposed by our client, who wanted us to build something interesting around it. We have realised that for the awardees the event was not fully satisfactory as an incentive, so we decided to transform it into an unforgettable experience, to our own satisfaction and that of our client and all the participants. If was a strong, enriching experience, where everyone had a chance to get involved and be a protagonist, and in the meantime discover a new country, where different languages and different communication signs are used. I believe that learning by doing - a methodology that relies on a continuous cycle of experience, reflection and transfer of emotions and fresh discoveries - is one of the most effective learning methods.


Branch Offices:

Bari - Lecce - Messina - Milan - Naples Rimini - Rome - Turin - Verona


Branch Offices:

Bari - Lecce - Messina - Milan - Naples Rimini - Rome - Turin - Verona





Product launch and Luxury travel expert.

Psychology; Eurhythmics; Emotional painting; Bach flower remedies; Keen on individual and organisational growth.

ONE OF MY SUCCESS STORIES PERFUMES A LA MODE On behalf of two prestigious Italian fashion labels, I had to present two new perfumes to an international group of dealers. A theme night was dedicated to each product, in keeping with the style, the colours and the message of the brand concerned. Ad hoc venues were selected: with a strong personality and at same time adaptable to the design requirements of the events. For the first theme night, the choice fell on Open Colonna, the rooftop restaurant of Palazzo delle Esposizioni, in the heart of the historic city centre: a large space, with a contemporary and minimalist flair, especially evocative at night, where the facades of the ancient palaces all around may be seen through the large glazed walls. The venue chosen for the second night was Spazio Novecento, in Rome’s EUR district: a perfectly white space for a brand that is characterised by a black and gold colour combination. The nights were part of a two-day visit to the city.

WHY DID I CHOOSE THIS STORY? In my work I often have to deal with an international clientele and with this project I was able to give pride of place to two Italian excellences in the realm of “perfumed” beauty. I also highlighted two totally different locations: from the museum in the city centre to the modern location in the district built in Mussolini’s time. Because with its 2,700 years old history Rome can offer a wide range of style options. This example is all about beauty, aesthetics and harmony, the ingredients required for excellence in our work. Moreover, the high-end clients called for a solution embodying a high level of professional competence, another indispensable factor for the success of a corporate event.


Branch Offices:

Bari - Lecce - Messina - Milan - Naples Rimini - Rome - Turin - Verona


Branch Offices:

Bari - Lecce - Messina - Milan - Naples Rimini - Rome - Turin - Verona





Training for the development in the fields of Healthcare, Medicine and Pharmaceuticals; Social and Health Care Management; Effective Physician-Patient Communication (Gestalt-Transactional Analysis Neurolinguistic laboratory).

Reading, Cooking, Sports (Rugby), Psychobiology; Metasemantic Poetry.

ONE OF MY SUCCESS STORIES MANAGEMENT, COMMUNICATION AND COUNSELLING PROJECT WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES OF OSPEDALE DI GALATINA HEADED BY DR. P. TUNDO Indubitably, this project was a success story considering the situation of the Department before the intervention and the results obtained. Conflicts between the nurses and the physicians, disruption of normal health care management processes, no effective and functional communication modalities. The project was developed along two basic lines, one addressing various aspects of Clinical Governance (audits, organisation and clinical risk) and the other in the field of counselling and communication.

WHY DID I CHOOSE THIS STORY? The results were amazing and went beyond the objectives envisaged, also thanks to the enlightened collaboration of the head physician. A proper allocation of roles, functions and responsibilities between both nursing personnel and medical personnel was re-established. Management aspects were returned to the normal cycle of Planning, Organisation, Management and Control. Counselling activities restored a climate of trust, willingness to listen, recognition of the value of the group. The neurolinguistic lab made it possible to transfer the communication skills and motivational elements necessary to make the department effective and functional. Outcome evaluation results improved to a very significant extent.


Branch Offices:

Bari - Lecce - Messina - Milan - Naples Rimini - Rome - Turin - Verona


Branch Offices:

Bari - Lecce - Messina - Milan - Naples Rimini - Rome - Turin - Verona





Design & organisation of conferences, conventions and training activities.

Reading; Travelling; Communication; Technologies applied to learning events.

ONE OF MY SUCCESS STORIES LEGO© SERIOUS PLAY© APPLIED TO HEALTHCARE LEARNING EVENTS Based on what I knew about the Lego© Serious Play© methodology and the fact that it is used by many major companies all over the world and across entire industries to address strategic issues and ensure the active involvement of all team members, I developed a version to be used in CME healthcare personnel training programmes. Lego© Serious Play© is a tool for social dialogue, so I thought: “why not use it in the medical and scientific communities to foster dialogue amongst various healthcare professionals in a multidisciplinary fashion?” My proposal was immediately supported by one of my clients and a first cycle of learning events for physicians was developed. The objectives envisaged were successfully attained as we managed to facilitate dialogue to foster synergistic collaboration and ensured that each meeting participant was actively involved and contributed with his/ her knowledge and opinions. The learning model was highly appreciated as it broke the mould of classical training methods in the field of healthcare.

WHY DID I CHOOSE THIS STORY? With the support of Fabrizio Faraco (certified Lego© Serious Play© facilitator), we designed an interactive and experiential learning format which leverages the contribution of each participant and values co-creation in medicine through a simple and engaging game. The Lego© Serious Play© method generates active participation and garners more ideas and greater insight, leading to more efficient group decision-making through easier consensus building. Via the Lego© Serious Play©, I was the first in Italy to demonstrate that the role of a CME Provider is to deliver added value to continuing education activities and that continuous research and experimenting with new ideas are crucial for our profession.


Branch Offices:

Bari - Lecce - Messina - Milan - Naples Rimini - Rome - Turin - Verona


Branch Offices:

Bari - Lecce - Messina - Milan - Naples Rimini - Rome - Turin - Verona





Special interest events; Meeting design.

Baroque music; Cooking; Technology; Design.

ONE OF MY SUCCESS STORIES LISTENING EXPERIENCES Our client wanted this event to be a small trade fair for a niche sector: Hi-Fi products. We transformed it into a 360-degree project, by organising a wealth of side events: theme conferences, technical workshops, hands-on demonstrations, music tastings, live concerts. The Ramada Naples Hotel was totally revolutionised, as rooms were emptied and furniture was moved to obtain sufficient exhibition space; while 14 rooms where used for workshops and listening sessions, as well as wine tastings paired with music, with a sommelier selecting the most appropriate wine for the music playing. At the end of the day, a jazz concert gave the guests a chance to relax and go on talking about music and sound systems.

WHY DID I CHOOSE THIS STORY? Thanks to our intervention, the client’s initial idea, a small exhibit to generate sales, morphed into a much more complex project, which attracted and engaged the attention of a number of participants well beyond the expectations, generating a big return on investment, in terms of image and financial gains. We were able to shift the attention from the means (the Hi-Fi equipment) to the end (the music), making the event interesting to a much wider audience. We transformed an event that pursued a single objective (promoting sales) into an event that achieved three different objectives (promotion, communication and training).


Branch Offices:

Bari - Lecce - Messina - Milan - Naples Rimini - Rome - Turin - Verona


Branch Offices:

Bari - Lecce - Messina - Milan - Naples Rimini - Rome - Turin - Verona





Technical-scientific conference design & organisation (e.g., events commissioned and promoted by various departments of Politecnico di Torino).

Conception and creative development of objects and thematic installations; Carefully designed parties; Singing.

ONE OF MY SUCCESS STORIES MOVING PICTURE EXPERT GROUP (MPEG) MEETING (Chair: the engineer who invented MP3) Hyper-tech meeting: all the participants, more that 600 of them, at their stations connected to the Internet and to the mains, worked night and day for over ten days on end to produce the results they were aiming for. Many classrooms of the Politecnico, the Turin Engineering School, were thoroughly remodelled through painstaking preparatory works (e.g., installing the wires to have one power outlet per participant) that lasted months to accommodate the 12 working groups addressing as many different aspects, from telephony to movies. The next edition, the 119th MPEG Meeting, will be held in Turin from 11 to 21 July 2017.

WHY DID I CHOOSE THIS STORY? • Working on this project created a truly unique motivation for the organising team; • We broke all endurance records, working non stop on challenging tasks for 11 days on end; • We were selected again for the next edition of the conference, to take place in 2017; • Working with engineers is fantastic!


Branch Offices:

Bari - Lecce - Messina - Milan - Naples Rimini - Rome - Turin - Verona


Branch Offices:

Bari - Lecce - Messina - Milan - Naples Rimini - Rome - Turin - Verona





Medical–scientific events; CME Provider and consultant for public and private organisations; Social Healthcare Management; Diagnostic, Therapeutic and Care Processes (Percorsi Diagnostici Terapeutici Assistenziali - PDTA).

Cooking; Gardening; Reading; Interior design.

ONE OF MY SUCCESS STORIES DESIGN AND REALISATION OF THE FIRST MASTER DEGREE IN SOCIAL HEALTHCARE MANAGEMENT, INNOVATION AND DEVELOPMENT 2nd level Master Program, in partnership with the University of Salento, within the framework of a FORMEDICA - UniSalento memorandum of intent for the development of postgraduate education in medical-scientific fields.

WHY DID I CHOOSE THIS STORY? • First of all it was the first public-private partnership in university level medical education in a city where there is no medical school. • The organisation and the realisation of an event of this kind required a series of tests that got us engaged in a challenge between disciplines, skills and behaviours, for some of which we had to draw on our experience while others we had to learn as we went. • A great result, in terms of participation, widespread approval and appreciation on the part of the medical and academic world.


Branch Offices:

Bari - Lecce - Messina - Milan - Naples Rimini - Rome - Turin - Verona


Branch Offices:

Bari - Lecce - Messina - Milan - Naples Rimini - Rome - Turin - Verona





Destination management; Incentive travel expert.

Languages; Technology; History; Travelling.

ONE OF MY SUCCESS STORIES AN ITALIAN EXPERIENCE Travel prize offered by a British company specialising in dietetic products. The winners were selected in the course of a one-year long incentive campaign. The company chose Italy to create an atmosphere that would be fun and at the same time challenging, so that the guests would feel the company really counted on them. The objectives were those typically associated with travel prizes: building up the loyalty of the participants, improving internal relations, encouraging the winners to achieve excellent results again the following year! All these objectives were met successfully by devising a program that included fun socialisation experiences, special moments of interaction with the local inhabitants, breathtaking sites – from the panoramic farm on a hill to the medieval castle on the sea coast. Thus, the journey was transformed from a holiday to a memorable experience. WHY DID I CHOOSE THIS STORY? Because I am persuaded that the Destination Manager knows what’s what better than the Internet. I navigate the web a lot, but I am fully aware that a first-hand knowledge of a location is indispensable to give good advice and be able to determine whether the images of a place can be relied on and whether the service will be on a par with the location! Furthermore, expert Destination Managers are able to understand the needs of their customers and can pass on the information to local suppliers because they can speak their language, in every sense! They understand the expectations of the participants based on country of origin, age and religion. At the same time, they know the strong and weak points of a place, they are updated on the latest developments. They know how to obtain a preferential treatment, circumvent an obstacle, negotiate a good price, avoid intercultural communication problems. How can you do without them?


Branch Offices:

Bari - Lecce - Messina - Milan - Naples Rimini - Rome - Turin - Verona


Branch Offices:

Bari - Lecce - Messina - Milan - Naples Rimini - Rome - Turin - Verona





Motivation projects; Experiential learning; Innovative social interaction processes.

Tai chi; Nordic walking; Experiential travels; Corporate social responsibility.

ONE OF MY SUCCESS STORIES EXPERIENCE DESIGNED AND IMPLEMENTED FOR ALFA WASSERMANN IN GENOA An event for the launch of an innovative communication approach for a pharmaceutical products line through an on-line magazine.

WHY DID I CHOOSE THIS STORY? • This experience embodies the core of my professional capabilities: to be able to condense brand communication in a single event using innovative communication modalities, so that it becomes an active experience for the participants while it provides tangible learning contents. In other words, to do effective communication while providing training for company employees. • Because the event has been included in MIA’s blog page. • So that when you talk to a customer, the case story can be found in MIA’s website and there is no need to visit the site of my own company (let me stress the importance of qualifying oneself as a person, not as a company!!!). If we are a team of experts who have joined forced under the same banner, it is important that our stories be published on the MIA website. The details of the case story can be found in MIA’s blog section.


Branch Offices:

Bari - Lecce - Messina - Milan - Naples Rimini - Rome - Turin - Verona

HEAD OFFICE Meet in Action Rete di Impresa Via Valpolicella, 1 - 37125 Verona, Italia info@meetinaction.com | +39 045 942000 | meetinaction_italia

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