LEAP Program Guide

Page 1

Gerald Haman – Formulate-to-Innovate >

Kathryn Humphreys – Standing on Chairs: Finding Creativity in the Everday >

Matt Dollinger – Creating a Social Media Strategy >

Richard Aaron – Breakthrough Concepts: Changing the World of Events for 2010 >

Monday, April 26, 2010

Sheraton Chicago Hotel & Towers

Connie Lindsey – Leadership Through Social Responsibility >

Bruce MacMillan – Thinking Outside the Room >


Letter from the President Welcome and thank you for attending the Leadership Education and Awards Program (L.E.A.P.)! Unfortunately, the recession has lasted longer than we hoped. Thank goodness last year the board had the foresight to combine MPI-CAC’s Educational Conference with the Awards Gala. As a result, this temporary move has reduced some financial risk to our meetings portfolio for 2010. I firmly believe that the L.E.A.P. content may be the best ever constructed by the Chapter. I am particularly pleased with the Chicago-centric community tone of the Chrissy Ward, CAE Society of Gynecologic Oncologists

program. In addition, we assembled an outrageous lineup of experts to share their knowledge and vision for the meeting industry’s future. The conference framework utilized is modern, extracting the most salient points for knowledge delivery while weaving the resulting core messages into an overarching and entertaining whole.

The L.E.A.P. and Awards Selection Committees have worked extremely hard to provide an innovative platform in which to celebrate our award nominees. MPI-CAC has a prodigious list of noteworthy winners. I hope you delve further into what makes these folks “stand-out” and that you contemplate cultivating similar winning qualities while building your own meetings career. MPI International Headquarters has also been a great support to MPI-CAC this year. We welcome MPI President and CEO Bruce MacMillan and Associate Editor for One+ magazine, Jason Hensel. We will host MPI yet again in May with our Strategic Value of Meetings and Events program. Thanks Dallas! Of course, the awards ceremony is historically the final celebration for all MPI-CAC leadership including its committees and governing board. Not so for 2010! We still have two full months of activity to keep doggedly working our plan. MPI-CAC’s committees will celebrate officially in early June at the All Committee Day when we identify and toast the committee that best exemplifies outstanding achievement of the Chapter’s strategic plan. The Committees and Board have worked hard to keep the Chapter financially solvent, the friendliest in the global MPI family, and the most innovative by revamping all our Chapter education and networking offerings. If you want to join them to help create an even stronger Chapter, please sign up for a committee or take on a leadership position. The L.E.A.P. program would not have been possible without the generous support of our sponsors, hotel and destination partners, and the numerous audio visual, multimedia and event production experts that have lent their time and talents to make us look so good. Here’s to you, Chicago!

Chrissy Ward, CAE 2009-2010 MPI-CAC President


The Genesis of L.E.A.P.

Spotme Interactive Community

When the decision was made to combine the MPI-CAC

Get ready to experience the future of conference technology

Educational Conference and the Annual Awards Recognition

at L.E.A.P. 2010! Spotme will help you put a name to a

Gala for the first time in 2010, the two committees came

face and a face to a name, be your concierge, and enable

together with a blank slate before them, setting out to

conversations with individuals as well as the whole group.

craft an entirely new event to provide robust educational offerings and recognize top achievers. Through a series of

You will be able to use your Spotme device to find people

creative brainstorming sessions, the committee settled on

that you want to connect with. It also allows you to send

something totally new – an event concept modeled after

messages, exchange photo business cards electronically,

the most innovative conferences of our time – the TED

view session descriptions in your agenda, navigate the venue

Conference (www.ted.com). Occurring annually since 1984,

with maps, and interact with presenters through live voting

this wildly successful conference brings together leaders to

sessions and Q&A. You won’t need to carry stacks of paper

discuss technology, education and design

– everything will be on Spotme, and all of the information in your electronic briefcase will be emailed to you immediately

The Leadership Education & Awards Program (L.E.A.P.) is an

following L.E.A.P!

all-day education and awards program. The day will consist of a series of unique, 18-minute talks given by “big thinkers”

Spotme alerts you of incoming messages with a discreet

discussing “big ideas,” MPI award-winner recognition

vibration. To go to your inbox, select messages on the

elements, networking opportunities, and mesmerizing talent

main menu. Other than messages, the inbox will contain

performances. The event is designed to connect and educate

feedback surveys and the ability to submit questions directly

the audience, as well as expose them to new concepts and

to speakers during the sessions. There is also an ongoing

ideas from those at the forefront of their industries.

section where you can submit comments about what the sessions will inspire you to do.

This innovative program will simultaneously challenge the brain, inspire the mind and move people to action. All

Spotme can also help you connect with others by vibrating

knowledge is interconnected. When we are able to draw a

when a person you would like to meet is nearby! To do so,

new association between the latest scientific technology and

go to people, search for the profile of a person you want

what we do as meeting professionals, we take a great LEAP

to meet and then select at the top. You can spot as many

forward. Get ready for our very own L.E.A.P. day!

participants as you wish. Spotme will alert you, but not the

Continuing Education Credits CEUs: 0.425 for the full day (For those not participating in the entire day, each hour of education equates to 0.1 CEUs) CMP Blueprint Domain: 1 – Strategic Event Planning Process CMP Contact Hours: Full Day – 3 hours Morning Session – 1.67 hours

Afternoon Session – 1.33 hours **SPECIAL NOTE** The Convention Industry Council has

participant you are spotting, so you can still decide if the moment is right to go over and shake hands. If it is, why not Exchange Business Cards? Simply select the icon at the bottom of the main menu, then hold the touchpoint on the back of your Spotme onto the touchpoint of your acquaintance’s device until their photo shows up on the screen. Business cards will be saved in your Spotme Briefcase, backed up on the server, and sent to you by email at the end of the event. Questions? Stop by the Spotme Helpdesk anytime. www.spotme.com

changed its requirements to apply for the CMP exam. Future applicants for this exam must complete 25 Contact Hours of programming that conforms to the CIC Blueprint. Visit www.conventionindustry.org for more information. 3

Agenda At-A-Glance 7:00 AM - 8:15 AM

Registration and Continental Breakfast Entertainment: Power Jumper Undertones

7:30 AM - 8:00 AM

New Member Orientation

8:30 AM - 9:55 AM

General Session & Awards Presentation Speakers:

Richard Aaron, CMP, CSEP

Torey Malatia

Kathryn Humphreys

“Breakthrough Concepts:

Chicago Public Radio

“Standing on Chairs: Finding

Changing the World

“Driving off the Beaten Path:

of Events for 2010”

Ways to Keep Innovation

President of BizBash Media

President & CEO of

Hubbard Street Dance Studio Creativity in the Everyday”

from Missing the Off Ramp” Award Presentation: Student Member of the Year Entertainment:

Culture Shock - a non-profit 501(c)(3) hip-hop dance troupe dedicated to cutting-edge entertainment, dance education and outreach to diverse communities Alternative Education Demonstration by the Hubbard Street Dance Company 9:55 AM - 10:15 AM

Networking Break

10:15 AM - 12:00 PM

General Session & Awards Presentation Speakers: Matt Dollinger

Connie Lindsey

“Creating a Social

Trust Company; President of Girl Scouts of America

Media Strategy”

“Giving to Get: Leadership Through Social Responsibility”

Avraham Mor

Mike Walsh

“Lighting - Can’t see without it,

50 States in Rented Shoes

everyone says they design it”

“Being Open to Dumb Luck”



Executive Vice President of The Northern

Author - Bowling Across America:

Awards Presentation: Tomorrow’s Leader

Chapter Leader of the Year Entertainment:

Piano Performance by MacArthur Genius Grant Winner, Reginald Robinson


Agenda At-A-Glance 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM

Lunch and Awards Presentation Awards Presentation:

Hall of Fame - Organization Kathy Osterman Industry Award President’s Awards Entertainment:

Million Dollar Quartet 1:30 PM - 2:50 PM

General Session & Awards Presentation Speakers:

David Causton

Bruce MacMillan, CA

Charna Halpern

McCormick Place

“Thinking Outside

“The Power of “Yes, And”;

the Room”

Getting the Most out of

General Manager, “The Changing Business

MPI President & CEO

Model at McCormick Place”

Founder of iO

Groups by Learning to Listen”

Awards Presentation:

Eleanor H. Woods Supplier Member of the Year Planner Member of the Year Entertainment:

Performance by Kid-A, a tribute to one of the greatest bands of the modern era, Radiohead Improv Game led by the iO experts 2:50 PM - 3:10 PM

Networking Break

3:10 PM - 4:30 PM

General Session Speakers:

Gerald Haman

Dr. Leeann Alonso

Nancy Spears


“Into the Wild: Exposing

“Open Your Eyes

Solutionman’s 8 Great Ideas for

Nature’s Secrets”

and LEAP!”

Founder of Solution People

Conservation International

Author - Buddha: 9-5

Designing Meetings, Events & Experiences that Produce ROI (Return On Innovation)“ Entertainment:

Young Chicago Authors Poetry Jam 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM

Networking Reception & Award Winner Highlights Entertainment:

Rodney Brown & Hotrod


Speaker Descriptions and Biographies Richard Aaron, CMP, CSEP - President of BizBash Media www.bizbash.com

Breakthrough Concepts: Changing the World of Events for 2010 Do you seek fresh direction each year to stimulate new excitement for your events or meetings? Then plan to attend this not to be missed session to hear the latest big trends that will influence meeting and event design for 2010! Join Richard Aaron, President of BizBash NYC, as he delivers new insights into these latest forces in cultural engagement that will be shaping your creative strategies for meetings and events in 2010. Richard will also spice up this session with the latest BizBash discoveries in design, lighting, and themes to help you create the most memorable event experiences. Discover the top thought leadership trends concepts in a session which separate the fads and trends for planners. Mr. Aaron is called, “The King of Edu-tainment” as he delivers this session in a fast-paced, high-energy that is guaranteed to energize and inspire you as well as increase your event IQ in 2010. Biography Former Broadway actor Richard Aaron has been hailed as a pioneer in creating the modern event profession and has been honored by numerous organizations as one of the most respected event professionals in the country. As president of BizBash Media, Aaron is responsible for numerous annual events. Before joining BizBash, Aaron was president of the meeting and events division of Mallory Factor Inc. where he produced thousands of innovative events nationwide for Fortune 100 corporations and associations.

Torey Malatia - President & CEO of Chicago Public Radio www.chicagopublicradio.org • www.vocalo.org www.thislife.org • www.soundopinions.org

Driving off the Beaten Path: Ways to Keep Innovation from Missing the Off Ramp Torey Malatia will discuss some of the hard realities of the romanticized concept of product and systems innovation—and what it takes to be sure that it defies the gravitational pull of the status quo. When an organization strikes out to innovate, staff acts as though they have finally been given the chance to set things right. The entire organization is energized by the goal of discarding the old and creating a better, brilliant new day for the company. Soon, self-congratulation fills the air like a persistent cheer. And then, when the new idea is introduced to an eager public, the sober realization dawns that the “innovation” is almost identical to the product it was supposed to replace. Creating something really new is not recreational—it is a process that involves, discipline, determination, and the discomfort of failure, demolishment, and starting again. Malatia will discuss ideas for structuring successful innovation processes that have the best chances of advancing an organization. Biography Torey Malatia joined the staff of Chicago Public Radio in July 1993 as vice president of programming, was soon appointed station manager and now its CEO. In 1995, he co-founded, with Ira Glass, This American Life, a weekly radio series for which Glass and Malatia jointly received several George Foster Peabody Awards and two Emmys in 2008 for its TV show. Under Torey’s leadership, Chicago Public Radio has developed its most significant initiatives and programs including Vocalo.org, Sound Opinions, and Wait, Wait. . . Don’t Tell Me!, a co-production with National Public Radio in Washington, D.C. He has also created numerous award-winning local programs including Odyssey and Eight Forty-Eight. 6

Speaker Descriptions and Biographies Kathryn Humphreys - Hubbard Street Dance Studio www.hubbardstreetdance.com

Standing on Chairs: Finding Creativity in the Everyday Teaching dance in a wide variety of settings to students of all abilities requires a new way of thinking about the art form and the places we find inspiration. This session will serve as a brief introduction to exploring creativity and finding new ways to move through environments. Participants will encounter Humphreys’ creative process curriculum and learn how it is utilized, both with students and teachers, to create meaningful learning experiences. Biography As the Education Director for Hubbard Street Dance Chicago, Kathryn Humphreys develops and implements dance education initiatives designed to improve teacher and teaching artist practice and collaboration to affect whole school change and further the field’s understanding of the role of dance in public education. With more than a decade of experience in arts education, her work supports local and national groups as they work to understand and implement dance education in the public schools utilizing the model developed by Humphreys at HSDC. She holds an MA in Dance from Texas Woman’s University and a BA in English Literature from the University of Arkansas.

Matt Dollinger - @Properties www.@properties.com Blog: www.theyoufactor.com Creating a Social Media Strategy The topic of Social Media and Social Networking has not only been a consistent hot button in the current news world but has also evolved from “a what to a why to a how” part of business today. With more and more businesses (and consumers) moving their marketing and advertising dollars online and into the “social” web – what and where is the best place to start? Based on implementable and analytical findings we will explore the mentality of the modern-day online consumer, what companies are doing effectively on the social web, and how to develop a metrics based campaign to engage your online audience. Biography Matt Dollinger is a Performance Coach/Solutions Engineer with @properties, the marketshare leading residential real estate company in Chicago, Illinois. An environmental engineer, Matt feels that these process oriented methods have enabled him to bridge the gap between technology and business. He is a regular contributor to numerous online blogs and publications, has spoken on both the local and national level on subjects such as social media, customer relations, and company humanization. His blog, The You Factor, is his outlet for ideas, opinions, and insight on many different industries.


Speaker Descriptions and Biographies Connie Lindsey Executive Vice President of The Northern Trust Company; President of Girl Scouts of America www.northerntrust.com

Giving to Get: Leadership Through Social Responsibility This presentation will focus on the methodology for strategic engagement and the societal and economic impact of meaningful environmental, social and governance programs. The practice creates measurable growth and value for stakeholders leading to the promise of a more enlightened approach to improved overall conditions in society. Biography On September 1, 2009, Ms. Lindsey was named Head of Corporate Social Responsibility. Prior to this appointment, Ms. Lindsey led the client servicing teams in the Public Entities and Institutions segment in C&IS. Over the course of her 16year Northern Trust career, she has held a number of leadership roles including Deputy Business Head-Operations and Technology, Group Head in Northern’s Personal Financial Services business, Director-Enterprise Relationship Management, and Manager-Treasury Management Consulting and Product Management. Prior to joining Northern Trust, Ms. Lindsey worked at Ameritech Corporation where she held various positions in finance and accounting.

Avraham Mor - Lightswitch Architectural www.architecture.lightswitch.net Blog: avisblog.architecture.lightswitch.net

Lighting - Can’t see without it, everyone says they design it Owners, architects, meeting planners, event planners, home owners, and restaurateurs think of lighting as a commodity. Lighting is what sets the mood, draws attention, and provides direction. It’s one of the most costly items on your electric bill but is required to see anything in a building. Lighting is either a key element of design, or something lurking in the shadows. Through the use of images and examples this presentation will discuss the issue of lighting in spaces, costs, and the future dealing with LEDs and energy issues. Biography Avraham “Avi” Mor, IALD, LEED AP, Partner, Lightswitch Architectural, is a respected lighting designer with diverse experience. His work spans commercial, hospitality, educational, and residential projects. Key design credits include Dyson USA; Ancient Americas at The Field Museum; The Shedd Aquarium and The Wit Hotel. Avi’s deep understanding of advanced lighting technology has been recognized by the U. S. Department of Energy, where he serves as a committee member and forum reviewer for The Next Generation Lighting Industry Alliance. Avi frequently offers his insights and expertise as a speaker on the future of Solid State Lighting (SSL) and luminaire technology. Avi received his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Architectural and Theatrical Lighting design from the University of Kansas in Lawrence.


Speaker Descriptions and Biographies Mike Walsh - Author Bowling Across America: 50 States in Rented Shoes www.BowlingAcrossAmerica.com Being Open to Dumb Luck Drawing on his experience as a travel writer and agency account director, Mike Walsh will take the audience on a spin through a world view where the phrase, “Sure, I’ll try that” opens doors never imagined. Where journey is destination, reality is perception, and where the sweet old lady behind the bar has a mouth like a sailor. Where being open to possibilities and pursuing them with relentless passion can help you reach goals you may not even know you have. Biography Mike Walsh is the author of Bowling Across America: 50 States in Rented Shoes, a travel memoir that captures America as seen through the smoke-filtered lens of its bowling alleys. A tale of perseverance against small odds, the book captures the hearts and minds of people everywhere who have ever thought about risking it all to follow a dream. Walsh’s career outside of writing has been a balanced mix of providing high-level strategic communications consulting for Fortune 100 companies, and driving the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile to hot spots across the Great Plains. He resides in Chicago.

David Causton - General Manager of McCormick Place www.McCormickPlace.com

The Changing Business Model at McCormick Place Briefing to MPI members on the current progress in changing the business model at McCormick Place. Biography David Causton is a 25 year veteran of the convention and tradeshow industry. Currently serving as General Manager of McCormick Place in Chicago, he is responsible for the overall management of the nation’s largest convention center. Mr. Causton’s introduction to the convention industry began in the early 1980’s when he managed a consumer event for the City of Baltimore for three years. After two years he was promoted to Director of Sales and Services for the Baltimore Convention Center. In 1994, Causton moved to Chicago to open and oversee a new midsize convention facility being built as part of the redevelopment of Navy Pier.


Speaker Descriptions and Biographies Bruce MacMillan, CA - President & CEO of Meeting Professionals International www.mpiweb.org

Thinking Outside the Room The industry is changing forever but is the way we think about our roles as meeting and event professionals? Technology, a recovering economy and performance accountability are driving a new perspective requiring us to think outside the room. Find out what this means to your success in our changing industry as Bruce shares data from FutureWatch and business leaders everywhere. Biography He was appointed President and CEO of Meeting Professionals International in December 2006. MacMillan joins MPI from Tourism Toronto, the Toronto Convention and Visitors Association, where he served as president and chief executive officer since January 2003. With a background in corporate and association management, Bruce is a proven change agent with the strategic business skills, international experience and industry knowledge necessary to drive the development of an organizational structure and business model that will take MPI, its members and chapters to new levels of success.

Charna Halpern - Founder of iO chicago.ioimprov.com

The Power of “Yes, And”; Getting the Most Out of Groups by Learning to Listen How do groups become powerful ensembles and not just a bunch of individuals? How do you turn every idea into a great one? How do you inspire every person in your business to become a motivated genius? Comedy guru Charna Halpern has learned how to do all of those things as she’s redefined the art of long form improvisation and created a thriving business at the iO Theater. Come learn her secrets and redefine the way you think about making ideas great and employees thrive. Biography Charna Halpern has been teaching people how to work together for more than 28 years. Her world-famous iO theaters in Chicago and Los Angeles are the meccas for improvisation, and act as a “recruiting” stop for television shows like “Saturday Night Live,” “The Colbert Report” and many more. Specializing in creating a “group mind,” Charna shares her techniques and secrets in order to give businesses the edge they need to compete in the corporate world. She has worked with Fortune 500 companies, the American Embassy, the CERN particle physics laboratory, and countless businesses that have learned to consistently create genius.


Speaker Descriptions and Biographies Gerald Haman - Founder of SolutionPeople www.InnovationTrainingWorkshops.com www.SolutionPeople.com

Formulate-to-Innovate: Solutionman’s 8 Great Ideas for Designing Meetings, Events & Experiences that Produce ROI (Return On Innovation)

If you always think what you always thought, you’ll always get what you always got. It’s time to think of new models, better methods and different tools for designing experiential meetings that yield more ROI. Don’t expect another boring “talking head” – Solutionman will get you out of your seats and into the heads of innovative people. Discover radical ideas that facilitate communication, collaboration, and innovation. Learn to turn traditional meetings into “Questionated” experiences that engage audiences to generate innovative ideas. Find out secrets from The Thinkubator® and how Solutionman helped audiences generate millions of ideas valued at billions of dollars. Biography Gerald “Solutionman” Haman is founder of SolutionPeople®, developer of the Chicago Thinkubator®, adjunct professor of innovation at Northwestern University. He is recognized by clients as “Solutionman” because of his ability to quickly help people develop breakthrough solutions. Formerly with Procter & Gamble and Arthur Andersen, he is the award-winning inventor of the KnowBrainer innovation tool that has proven to increase creativity by over 500%. He also created the world’s first innovative thinking programs for the iPods (the PodBrainer), the FlashBrainer and Innovation Activator software programs.

Dr. Leeanne Alonso - Conservation International www.conservation.org

Into the Wild: Exposing Nature’s Secrets Conservation International’s Rapid Assessment Program (RAP) is a leader in the exploration of remote areas of the world. RAP scientists have discovered hundreds of new plant and animal species and provide key biological data to guide conservation. All these species are at risk from increasing degradation of their habitats and global climate change. Our own actions contribute to both of these threats through our purchasing choices and resource use. Leeanne will introduce us to some of the most interesting creatures she has encountered and give us tips on how we can help protect the environment for these species and for ourselves. Biography Dr. Leeanne Alonso is a Vice-President at Conservation International, an international environmental non-profit organization. Leeanne oversees the Rapid Assessment Program (RAP), an innovative program that employs teams of expert scientists to rapidly collect biological information in unexplored tropical areas. Leeanne received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Liberal Arts and a Bachelor of Science degree in Zoology from the University of Texas at Austin, and a Doctorate in Biology from Harvard University, working with Dr. E.O. Wilson. Leeanne’s research focuses on tropical ecology and conservation, with a particular emphasis on ants.


Speaker Descriptions and Biographies Nancy Spears - Author Buddha: 9 to 5 www.genConnect.com www.NancySpearsinc.com Open Your Eyes and LEAP! Authentic and effective communication involves finding the sweet spot of communication that connects us to others. Today, that connection can happen face to face, over the phone, online through email or even in social networking. Regardless of the form of communication, the formula for experiencing a genuine and ultimately successful exchange is to LEAP: Listen, Explore, Appreciate and Present. Nancy will share a 2,500 year old tradition for communicating that is more helpful than ever in today’s pressured business world, as well as share tips for how to effectively share and communicate online through the power of social networking. Biography Nancy Spears is the CEO of genConnect, a social networking website designed to connect users to mentors in three primary areas of life: career, health and love. Previously, Nancy was the founder and CEO of a national marketing and production agency providing strategic marketing communications counsel and services to fortune 100 companies who value quality of thinking, execution and service. Her wide-ranging experience includes marketing, strategic planning, branding, meeting and event design and production, collateral design, audio/video production, speech writing and promotions for numerous Fortune 500 companies. In 2008, Nancy published Buddha: 9 to 5, The Eightfold Path to Enlightening Your Workplace and Improve Your Bottom Line. The book offers profound ways to integrate values based leadership into corporate America and shares timeless communication tips.


Moderators General Session Moderator Brian Burkhart – President and Chief Story Teller of 7th WAVE Communications www.sevenwave.com Biography Brian serves as the President and Chief Storyteller of 7th WAVE Communications, a Burr Ridge, Illinois based creative communications company. Whether it’s launching a new product or brand at a live event, writing a CEO’s keynote address, or producing custom media, Brian adheres to proven strategies that focus on end results and audience engagement. Working with clients including McDonald’s, GMAC, ACNielsen, Better Homes & Gardens, Sprint, and more, Brian has helped these giants tell their unique stories, in a multitude of ways, with impact. A graduate of Indiana University’s Political Science and Communications programs, as well as the University of Chicago Entrepreneurial Program, Brian is most proud of his “Ducktorate” from Disney University. Living in downtown Chicago, Brian and his wife Shawna are continually thankful for all the amazing experiences they’ve enjoyed and the promise of many more.

Awards Luncheon Moderator Jeff Rogers – President of ZAP Creative Inc. www.zapcreativeinc.com Biography Jeff Rogers is a Best Selling Author, Professional Meeting Host, Award Winning Performer and sought after Public Speaker with 20 years experience entertaining corporate and public audiences. A veteran of The Second City Theater, Jeff performed with Steve Carell, Stephen Colbert and Tina Fey. Jeff is also a critically acclaimed playwright of “Auditions Tonight” and the author of the Amazon Bestseller Office Sportz - The Official Office Games Handbook. Jeff started ZAP Creative to deliver on his client’s strategic goals for an event and then making them happen across all media. Jeff is also active on a number of charitable fronts with an ongoing role as the Co-Host for Cure Autism Now/Autism Speaks annual Oscar Party Fundraiser as well as an active sponsor for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.


Awards Categories Student Member of the Year Award

Candidates for this award are MPI-CAC student members whose most recent contributions have demonstrated their dedication to the chapter and shows promise as a future leader of MPI-CAC through education and desire to pursue careers in the meeting and hospitality industry. 2008-2009 Winner Svetlana Kramarova

Tomorrow’s Leader Award

This award recognizes MPI-CAC members whose most recent contributions have demonstrated their dedication to our chapter. These members show promise as future leaders of our chapter through commitment, enthusiasm, and ability to lead others. 2008-2009 Winners Courtney M. Anderson, CMP - Summit Executive Centre Pamela Patsavas, CSEP - Freeman Alison Ray, CMP - Metropolitan Meeting & Event Group Erin Stahowiak - McDonald’s Corporation Jeffrey Urban, CMP - Independent

Chapter Leader of the Year Award

This award recognizes a chapter member who has contributed significantly to MPI-CAC in the current fiscal year. Nominees’ contributions may include motivating other volunteers, recruiting/retaining members, creating new initiatives or acting as a catalyst to bring about exceptional results in the chapter. 2008-2009 Winner Cherai M. Lewis - Projection Presentation Technology

Planner Member of the Year Award

This award recognizes a planner member who has made significant contributions to the meetings industry and is an exemplary representative of the profession. Note: Current MPI-CAC Board members are not eligible for this award. 2008-2009 Winner Barbara Thavis, CMP - Select Meeting Sites, Inc.


Awards Categories Eleanor H. Woods Supplier of the Year Award

This award recognizes a supplier member who has made significant contributions to the meetings industry and is an exemplary representative of the profession. Note: Current MPI-CAC Board members are not eligible for this award. 2008-2009 Winner Lisa L. Meredith, CMP - Chicago Convention and Tourism Bureau

Hall of Fame Award – Organization

The MPI-CAC Hall of Fame is comprised of esteemed members who and organizations that have made significant contributions to the awareness, professionalism and growth of the meeting industry. These members and organizations have served in a leadership capacity and given time and/or resources to MPI either locally or internationally. 2008-2009 Winner Mexico Tourism Board, Teresa Matamoros, CMP

Kathy Osterman Industry Award

Kathy Osterman was a dynamic public servant known for incredible events that brought diverse groups together and raised awareness of community issues making Chicago a great community. This award recognizes a seasoned professional who has brought a heartfelt passion to the meeting industry. The person has contributed to the public’s awareness of our profession and/or chapter. Note: Winners are not required to be members of MPI. 2008-2009 Winner Carol E. Kuc, CMP, Complete Conference Coordinators, Inc.

President’s Award

The MPI-CAC President selects recipients of a special recognition award aptly named, the President’s Award. 2008-2009 Winners Joyce Paschall, CAE, CMP - American College of Occupational & Environmental Medicine Beth Whitman Chitnis - Meeting Expectations

*The 2009-2010 Committee of the Year Award will be awarded at the All Committee Day and New Member Luncheon on Wednesday, June 2, 2010 at The Horseshoe Casino.


Awards Nominees Congratulations to the following individuals and organizations nominated for a 2009-2010 MPI-CAC Award.

Individuals Brian Burkhart - 7th WAVE Communications Tracy Carlson - BMO Capital Markets Diane Cole - The Horseshoe Casino Hammond Hali Cooper, CMP - Helmsbriscoe Conor Cunneen - IrishmanSpeaks Danielle M. Czyz - Northern Trust Charles Dreiske, CMP - Hotel Orrington Loralynne Evans - Event-Garde LLC Mary Friel Melissa Garski - US Poker & Casino Parties Christie Gillespie - The Drake Hotel Rhonda Grizzard - SmithBucklin Zandria Hardmann - Maxvantage Meetings Kyle Hillman, CMP - NASWIL Joe Hirsch - PSAV Presentation Services Bethany Johnson - One Smooth Stone Victoria Johnson, CMP, CMM - Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. Meghan Keelean - American Student Dental Association Brad Kenaga - Joliet Junior College Kim Kutzrock Jonanna Leopold - Conference Planning Resources Sean Lynch - NHS Charlene Martin - Edward Fox Photography, LLC Frances Maxwell - Wynn Las Vegas Jiwon McCartney - ALLURE Event and Meeting Productions Lisa Meredith, CMP - Chicago Convention & Tourism Bureau Emily Miller - One Smooth Stone Cynthia Minarovic - Ovation, Inc.

Organizations Chicago 2016 Committee Chicago Indoor Racing, LLC The Drake Hotel Productions USA, Inc. Starwood Hotels & Resorts


Bob Moisan - Intelligent Lighting Creations Denise Mongoven - San Diego Convention Center Jennifer Monti - Stefani Signature Events Kristine Morgan, CMP - APICS-The Association for Operations Management Daniel Morris - Meeting & Events USA Jane Matteson Mundell, CMP - Association of Legal Administrators Diane Murray, CMP - DMM Strategic Meeting & Events Management Kathleen Nelson - Chicago Is ..., Inc. Kristi Nihiser Maureen O’Brien - Celtic Connections LLC Louise Olson, CMP - Zest Events, Inc. Katie Ortiz - NHS Carolyn Paradowski Terry, CMP - CNA Guy Parker, CMP - O’Hare-Midway Limousine Service Pamela Patsavas, CSEP - Freeman Peggy Pissarreck, CMP - American Bar Association Will Renken, CMP - Clock Tower Resort & Conference Center Douglas Sanford - Directions, Inc. Char Shada, CMP - Experient Stephanie Smith - Meeting Trader, Inc. Lee Swanson, CMP - American Bar Association Jan Tolle MacDonald, CMP, CMM - Travel Alberta Thomas Waldofsky - Meeting Tomorrow Audiovisual

Sponsors Presenting Sponsors Starwood Hotels & Resorts

Mexico Tourism Board

Area Director of Sales and

Deputy Director, Midwest

Marketing - Chicago







*Financial Contributor to the 2010

*Providing venue and food and beverage

Leadership Education & Awards Program

Alan Fabris

Teresa Matamoros, CMP

Legacy Sponsors PSAV Presentation Services

ZAP Creative

Vice President - Branch Sales








*Providing audio visual and production

*Providing executive production,creative direction

Joe Hirsch

Jeff Rogers

and General Session production management

Diamond Sponsor

Platinum Sponsor


7th WAVE Communications

Director of Sales








*Providing audience response system

*Providing custom video elements and both

Sheerin Florio

Brian Burkhart

creative and content scripting

Gold Sponsors Edward Fox Photography

Intelligent Lighting Creations, Inc.

Director of Marketing & Sales

VP Sales & Marketing







*Providing event photography

*Providing General Session lighting

Charlene Martin

Bob Moisan


Sponsors Silver Sponsors BBJ Boutique Linens

Shoreline Productions

Senior Sales








*Providing linen

*Providing production of opening video

Lanie Hartman

Pat Mongoven

Bronze Sponsor Overture Promotions Cody Sanderson

Promotional Branding and Marketing Consultant 847-996-1560 codys@overturepromo.com www.overturepromotions.com *Providing USB flash drives containing speaker and sponsor materials

Friends of the Chapter GES


Craig Takehara

National Sales Manager






*Providing graphic production



and onsite graphic operator


*Providing signage

*Providing musical and talent entertainment

Mary Liz Davis, CEM

Barbara Lee Cohen, CMP

including Power Jumper, Undertones, Culture One Smooth Stone

Shock and Rodney Brownand Hotrod


PS America

Harry Speros

*Providing production


management of


Awards Luncheon

speros@4sum.com www.4sum.com *Providing stage manager for Awards Luncheon


312-642-4225 richardkallen@sbcglobal.net for General Session

Producer bjohnson@onesmoothstone.com

Richard Allen

*Providing stage manager

Bethany Johnson 630-427-4238


Entertainment (in order of appearance) Power Jumper

Culture Shock

Barbara Lee Cohen, CMP

Barbara Lee Cohen, CMP







Andres Baines - This guy is amazing! Born and raised on the

A non-profit 501(c)(3) hip-hop dance troupe dedicated to

near westside of Chicago in one of the city’s low income

cutting-edge entertainment, dance education and outreach



areas, Andres did not have the resources to pursue his passion for tumbling, which he discovered he had at the age of 5. Selftrained and motivated with the will to succeed, Andres has performed acrobatics professionally now since the age of 12. He is one of the original members of the Chicago Boyz Acrobatic Team founded in 1999. He has had the opportunity to perform for and travel with Ringling Brothers, the Harlem Globetrotters, the Chicago Bulls, as well as many other circuses, TV shows, theme parks and other organizations worldwide. Currently, Andres runs an acro-dunking (a mix of mini trampoline acrobatics and basket ball dunking) team called the Sky Squad that performs all over the Chicagoland area.



to diverse communities.

Hubbard Street Dance Kathryn Humphreys

khumphreys@hubbardstreetdance.com 312-850-9744 www.hubbardstreetdance.com Learn a new way of thinking about the art form of dance and the places we find inspiration. Explore creativity and find new ways to move through environments.

Reginald Robinson

reginald_r_robinson@yahoo.com Reginald R. Robinson is a self taught pianist/composer. His interest in ragtime started in 7th grade while attending an assembly. In 2004, Reginald

Barbara Lee Cohen, CMP

received a John D. & Cathering


T. MacArthur “Genius Grant”


for his innovation in ragtime.


Reginald released Man Out of


Time in 2006. In 2007 Orbert Davis, head of the Chicago Jazz

The Undertones are an award-winning co-ed acappella

Philharmonic Orchestra, arranged

group from Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois.

and conducted “Concerto for

Formed in 2001, the Undertones have released two studio

a Genious” which consisted

albums “Seriously Now” and “enter soUnd,” and are

of four of Reginald’s original

currently recording a third album to be released in May 2010. The Undertones regularly compete in the International Competition of Collegiate A Cappella, this year placing first in their Quarterfinal and receiving awards for best a cappella arrangement in both the Quarterfinal and Semifinal rounds.

compositions. He has recently released a 3-disc compilation called Reflections. Between composing, recording, and performing, Reginald is at work on a film documentary about the history and development of ragtime music.


Entertainment Million Dollar Quartet Suzanne Santos

Marketing Director, Allied Live 773-935-6100

the basic concepts of improvisation are applied directly to business situations.

Young Chicago Authors Robbie Q. Telfer


Director of Performing Arts

MILLION DOLLAR QUARTET is the new smash-hit musical


inspired by the famed 1956 recording session that brought together rock ‘n’ roll icons Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins and Elvis Presley for the first and only time. Don’t miss your chance to be a fly on the wall of fame at MILLION DOLLAR QUARTET! Now playing at Chicago’s

773-486-4331 www.youngchicagoauthors.org Young Chicago Authors (YCA) encourages self-expression and literacy through creative writing, performance and publication. YCA provides student-centered, artist-

Apollo Theater.

led workshops free to youth ages 13-19 in schools and

Kid A

mentorship, and creating safe spaces where a young

John Mastro 224-565-4476 jmastro16@yahoo.com www.facebook.com/kidatribute

communities. Our process emphasizes artistic development, person’s life matters. We believe that through their words, young people can promote tolerance and remove barriers to transform their lives and society.


Rodney Brown & Hotrod

Kid A is a tribute to one of the greatest bands of our

Barbara Lee Cohen, CMP

generation - Radiohead. Based in Chicago, IL, Kid A formed in March of 2009, and have since increased their fan base exponentially. Kid A’s intention has been to play Radiohead

c/o PRODUCTIONS USA, Inc. President 773-296-6200


songs live - just as they play them. Kid A has spared no

Rodney Brown started down

expense in recreating Radiohead’s blissful music. The result

his musical path at the age 6,

is a complete Radiohead experience, allowing the audience

after 7 years of classical piano,

to be swept away, if only for the duration of the show, to an

and 4 years of percussion in

actual Radiohead performance. From their earlier guitar-

High School he began his love

driven rock all the way through the electronic soundscapes

affair with the saxophone.

of recent releases, Kid A delivers a mesmerizing show.


players, he continues to implement the sound of legends


contemporary blues, jazz, and soul.

Charna Halpern charna@ioimprov.com 773-880-0199

into his energetic, intelligent, funky, groovy interpretation of

Rodney’s road career started in 1972. Since that time he’s


toured the world with various artists. Now out on his own, he

We provide the secrets that make our ensembles so

well rounded musicians and has been working all over the

successful on stage. iO’s improvisational corporate workshops demonstrate through active participation how 20

Influenced by legendary

has put together a fabulous collection of uniquely talented, country. So let “Rodney Brown & Hotrod” take you on a one of a kind musical journey.

Leadership Education & Awards Program Committee Members Vice President of Education

Cherai Lewis, Projection Presentation Technology Director of Leadership Education & Awards Program and Diversity

Cathy Bordelon, Mayer Brown LLP Chair

Bill Kubiak, CSEP, Freeman Vice Chairs


Megan Archambeault, The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas Kim Augustyn, CMP Heather Bailey, Eved Services Beth Becker, MicroTek Brian Burkhart, 7th WAVE Communications Barbara Lee Cohen, CMP, CAE, PRODUCTIONS USA, Inc. Danielle Czyz, Northern Trust Leda Del Fiacco, Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group Tobey Geise, CTC - Chicago Travel Consultants Lanie Hartman, BBJ Boutique Linens

Christie Gillespie, The Drake Hotel

Adam Hud, Eaglewood Resort and Spa

Bethany Johnson, One Smooth Stone

Rick Hud, El Conquistador Resort and Spa

Nathan Karsten, Holiday Inn Select Naperville

Bob Moisan, Intelligent Lighting Creations Carolyn Terry, CMP, CNA Barb Thavis, CMP, Select Meeting Sites, Inc. Megan Wienstroer, Food for Thought Catering Kelly Williams, Walgreens Co. Marti Zambrano Marty Zitlin, Strategic Creative Communications

Awards Selection Committee Members Pat Gondek, CMP, Independent Planner Sean Lynch, NHS

Lanie Hartman, BBJ Boutique Linens Lisa Mikita, CMP, CAE, Association of Legal Administrators Brian Palmer, CMM, National Speakers Bureau

Will Renken, CMP, Clock Tower Resort

Sonal Sullivan, CMP, HIMSS Andre Valk, CMP, hinton + grusich

Joyce Paschall, CAE, CMP American College of Occupational & Environmental Medicine

Tina Chambers, Sol Melia Hotels & Resorts

Karen Emanuelson, CMP, Family Office Exchange


MPI-CAC Past Presidents


2008-09 Laurel Rhoads McCarthy, CMP

1992-93 John Potterton, CMP

2007-08 Joyce Paschall, CAE, CMP

1991-92 Pamela Bronkema, CMP

2006-07 Kevin Hinton

1990-91 Brian Palmer, CMM

2005-06 Bill O’Donnell

1989-90 Kathryn Bradford

2004-05 Sue Tinnish

1988-89 Coleman

2003-04 Jim Grillo, CMP

1987-88 Bill Grusich, CMP

2002-03 Heidi Edinger, CMP

1986-87 Francine Pepitone, CMM

2001-02 Tom Kraft, CMP

1985-86 Kay Granath, CMP, CAE

2000-01 Lisa Mikita, CMP, CAE

1984-85 Mary Sue Lyon

1999-00 Tracy Stein

1983-84 Jeff Kuroski

1998-99 Tony Lorenz, CMM

1982-83 Francis Rebedeau

1997-98 Katie Callahan-Giobbi

1981-82 Pat Kosch Hall

1996-97 Terri Carlton, CMP

1980-81 Jerry Francis, CMP

1995-96 Stephen D’Agostino

1979-80 Bernard Jerding

1994-95 Lise Puckorius, CMP

1978-79 Howard Lawrence

1993-94 Brian Hile, CHME, CMP

1977-78 Willard Thompson

2009-2010 Board of Directors President

Director of Educational Programs

Society of Gynecologic Oncologists (SGO)

Katherine Horky, CMP

Chrissy Ward, CAE


Alisa Peters, CMP, CMM Chicago Indoor Racing

VP – Communications Char Shada, CMP Experient

VP – Education Cherai Lewis

Projection Presentation Technology

VP – Finance Bill Feldgreber

Eskape Entertainment

VP – Leadership Development Sean Lynch NHS

VP – Membership Margie McCartney

and CMP Study Group Accenture

Director of Holiday and Golf Mary Friel

Director of Leadership Development and Awards Selection William Renken, CMP Clock Tower Resort Director of Leadership Education & Awards Program and Diversity Cathy Bordelon

Mayer Brown LLP Director of Marketing and Public Relations Dahlia El Gazzar, CMP onPeak Director of Membership and Registration Gayle Bonforte, CMP

Baker & McKenzie Global Services LLC Director of Publications

PRA Destination Management, Inc.

Pamela Formento

Immediate Past President

Director of Special Events

Krisam Group

Wynn Resorts Las Vegas

Laurel Rhoads McCarthy, CMP

Frances Maxwell

Director of Sponsorship Joseph Hirsch

PSAV Presentation Services Director of Strategic Alliances Maureen Larson

Lettuce Entertain You Enterprises MPI-CAC Headquarters

Beth Chitnis - Executive Director Gabrielle Nicolini - Association Manager


MPI Chicago Area Chapter 917 W. Washington Suite 228 Chicago, IL 60607 888-721-8908 www.mpicac.org

ABOUT MPI Meeting Professionals International (MPI), the meeting and event industry’s largest and most vibrant global community, helps our members thrive by providing human connections to knowledge and ideas, relationships, and marketplaces. MPI membership is comprised of more than 24,000 members belonging to 71 chapters and clubs worldwide. Over 1,250 members strong, the Chicago Area Chapter is the largest chapter in MPI. In addition to its distinction in terms of membership size, dedication and involvement, the chapter is also one of the founding chapters and rich with industry history. For additional information, visit www.mpicac.org.


MPI-CAC All Committee Day

May 14 - 16, 2010

June 2, 2010

Study Weekend

and New Member Luncheon

Friday, 8:00 am – Sunday, 12:30 pm

12:00 pm - 5:30 pm

Pheasant Run Resort – St. Charles, IL

Horseshoe Casino – Hammond, IN

MPI-CAC Education Program -

2010 MPI-CAC Golf Classic

May 20, 2010

June 21, 2010

Strategic Value of Meetings and Events

& Evening Reception

8:30 am - 4:30 pm

7:00 am - 7:00 pm

Hyatt Regency Chicago – Chicago, IL

Pheasant Run Resort – St. Charles, IL

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