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By Tony Marriott

Table of Contents Introduction............................................................................................................................... Finding New and Unique Niches & Keywords......................................................................... The Process......................................................................................................................... Twenty One Seed Keyword Sources....................................................................................... 1. TradeKey......................................................................................................................... 2. Ebay................................................................................................................................ IndiaMart.............................................................................................................................. Made In China...................................................................................................................... AliBaba................................................................................................................................. Magazines............................................................................................................................ Amazon................................................................................................................................ Argos.................................................................................................................................... Best Buy............................................................................................................................... Tesco.................................................................................................................................... PC World.............................................................................................................................. Other Online Retailers......................................................................................................... ClickBank............................................................................................................................. CBEngine............................................................................................................................. Google Suggestions............................................................................................................ Bing Suggestions................................................................................................................. Yahoo Suggestions.............................................................................................................. Google Related Searches.................................................................................................... Top 100,000 Keywords........................................................................................................ Google Shopping Results.................................................................................................... Yahoo Shopping Results..................................................................................................... Generating Keyword Lists From Your Seed Keywords and Filtering Down to Profitable Niches/Keywords..................................................................................................................... There are two main areas to keyword research. ................................................................ Keyword Assessment (Filtering).......................................................................................... The four corner stones of a profitable keyword are:............................................................ Running GKP Searches....................................................................................................... Estimating Keyword SEO Competition................................................................................ Assessing Commercial Intent..............................................................................................

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Introduction This guide looks at how to identify new and profitable niches. A niche is simply a small part of market and this sense can also be referred to as keywords. Keyword could are more correctly be called key phrases as they tend to be more than just one word. So a basic example might mean: Market/Keyword Health Broad Niche/.Keyword Diet Niche/Key Phrase Paleo Diet Sub Niche/Key Phrase Paleo Diet For Women However do not get too tied up in the definition. Some people see things differently and in practice it really does not matter what you call them. Niche, keyword or even search expression are all interchangeable. In fact I refer to niches in various ways in this guide. There are many ways to find the keywords or niches you need and some may depend on why you want a particular keyword or what you intend to do with it. For instance if you were looking to build an authority website that you will build up over time to a large and high revenue operation, then you would be looking for very high global search volumes and you would be happy with medium to high competition. If, on the other hand, you want to build a quick and easy mini-site or long tail keywords for individual web pages and rank quickly then you would be looking for medium search volumes but much lower competition. Although this guide will look at finding and identifying profitable niches yiu can use it to fins any new idea for blog posts, articles, video titles and even product. In fact anything you want to use in any internet marketing (IM) niche. Keyword Competition Crusher

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Currently (2015 and beyond) it is a better idea to build authority sites. Google's algorithm changes over the last couple of years have all but killed of poor quality mini-sites. Most sites or web page appearing in the top search results will be from well established authority sites. Authority doesn't always equate to size of course but the days of a 5 post west site lasting has long gone. This is NOT the definitive guide to keyword research. In this guide I cover one specific method for taking your source keywords and identifying the profitable buyer keywords.

Finding New and Unique Niches & Keywords. There are tools available that will “find” niches or keywords for you but you can be sure that the sources of those keywords will be limited. It stands to reason that they will only source keywords from a limited amount of splace. Keyword data (i.e. the information about a keyword like search volumes and cost-per-click values) will always be estimates derived from either Google, Bing and/or Yahoo search engines. Some may even come from the smaller search engines. With Google having 85%+ of the searches and Yahoo/Bing having about 13% between them means that any data estimated from anywhere else is going to be “rough” at best and useless at worst. There are tools like Wordtracker but again they will use search engine results to estimate their own data. In practice most “free keyword tools” are now pretty useless as they are generally very limited or have short trial period before requiring paid upgrades. A few free downloadable tools (or applications) exist but they tend to scrape the information from Google and that is getting more difficult all the time with Google putting “automated search” restrictions on users and they are Keyword Competition Crusher

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often very slow due to the nature of scraping and even delays purposely added into the programs as part of the “Google fooling” scripts. In practice I have found actually using the Google Keyword Planner is actually faster, easier and less hassle than trying to work around it. As long as it is used correctly of course. So this tutorial will focus on finding source niches or source keyword lists, that we can use to seed Google AdWords Keyword Tool to give us large sets of keywords with all the data we need to be able to assess the value of any particular keyword. I will also cover one specific way to filter the large list down into useful individual quality keywords. Keywords that can be used to create successful websites ,web pages, blog posts, articles and more.

The Process So you can get an overview lets look at the process as a whole. 1. Seed Keyword: Firstly we need to decide on a “seed” keyword or keywords. Just to be clear by keyword we mean word or phrase, not always a single word. What we do is find a keyword that we can use to generate more keywords.

This seems like a stumbling blog to some people and I think it's akin to “putting you on the spot”. You probably know the answers but come exam time your mind goes blank. I'm sure we've all been there. So I have compiled a list of various places and methods to generate either individual seed keywords or lists of keywords to start our research. For this tutorial I am not going to be niche specific but of course if you want a specific market or broad niche you can choose to keep your seed keywords Keyword Competition Crusher

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focused within or related to that niche. You'll see what I mean as we go along. 2. Seed Google Keyword Planner: Next we will “seed” Google Keyword Planner (GKP) and generate up to 800 keywords at a time. We will also set some filters on that search to ensure that our list of keywords have both a good search volume and a level of commercial value. 3. Estimating The SEO Competition Then we can check the competition (how easy it is to rank on Page 1 of Google) of the remaining keywords to ensure we can rank our choices 4. Checking Commercial Intent Then a final check of commercial intent to ensure we choose “buyer keywords”. More about that later.

Twenty One Seed Keyword Sources The main focus here is the initial selection of niches or keywords. Think of this section as the creative part of your research. You are looking for new ideas, things that perhaps other marketers have not yet swamped. Identifying initial niches or even starting the research process seems to be the sticking point for many. So let's jump straight in and look at the 21 sources I have compiled for you. As you look for new niches you should open a Wordpad window or similar text editor so you can copy and paste any great ideas that you find into a list. Don't worry too much about keeping it tidy just save it off regularly. You can Keyword Competition Crusher

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tidy it up later. Also open a spreadsheet (Excel or the free Open Office Calc). This will actually correctly format some keyword lists when using “paste special” and make tidying up the keywords much easier. Some of these sources you are likely to be aware of and may already be using. I'm pretty sure there will be some in here that you haven't been using though. So Let's go through the list. These are in no particular order so I am not saying any one is better than the other. But some are a little different in how you use them and the results you can get. We'll start with a few old favourites to get us into the swing of things.

1. TradeKey Tradekey is a global portal for buyers and sellers and can be viewed at There are few ways to find seed keywords in Tradekey. There are always lists of latest buy and sell offers on the front page and these change all the time also are good sources of new keywords. A full Categories index can be found at the left of the page and you can drill into these to sub categories and even deeper to actual products. These can be used to build niche sites around specific products or you can use the data to seed the Google Akeyword Planner (GKP). As always what you are looking for is to find the more obscure, unusual or “less trodden” seed keywords. Ones that will lead us to the hidden gems that are profitable keywords. Keyword Competition Crusher

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The best feature in Tradekey is the “Hot Products” and you will find this if you scroll right to the bottom of the home page. It is basically an alphabetical index (A-Z) and clicking any letter displays a page of hundreds of product types or names. If you look at the screenshot below you will see I have clicked on “G” and you will also see that there are 1065 pages of Gs. With a hundred or more keywords on each page you are looking at 100,000+ keywords just starting with G!

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2. Ebay Ebay is another old favourite but why bother manually searching through Ebay Pulse for thousands of listings trying get a new idea. Just use the categories list at this URL Below is small snapshot of the thousands of categories listed with the number of items for sale next to each category. This gives you an idea of the niche popularity. You can use these keywords in GAKWT or even drill down subcategories especially if it has a lot of product sales listed.

IndiaMart India Mart is similar to TradeKey and is a portal for buyers and sellers. Keyword Competition Crusher

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Specifically for India exports but for our purposes it does not matter what country the site is catering for just that we can access new ideas for keywords. As you can see in the screenshot below it has a Buyer & Buy leads section on the front page that again is ever changing and a constant source of new keywords. Clicking next to it you can see a similar display of latest sell offers. To the left of the page is a Supplier Index that is actually listed by product. So again a great source of keywords and you can drill down into it to find longer tail keywords.

If you drill down to the sub categories (View All) then you get dozens of lists of sub-niches. Almost like a related keyword search. Very handy as you can actually copy these lists of keywords to drop into the GKP or your text file to give your research a real running start.

There is one more very handy little feature in IndiaMart. From the home page go right to the bottom and you will see a link under Buyers Tool Kit to Keyword Competition Crusher

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“Search Products & Suppliers”. Copy and paste any product, category or sub-category into the product search box as shown below

Not only does it give you suggested keywords but it will find loads of products that you can use or drill into the details to pull keywords from, but one great way to start your research is to copy the “related” products ready for dropping into the GAKWT.

Made In China Can be found at Again it is a trade portal with lots of juicy keywords for us to steal. The most obvious ones are the “All categories” index at the left of the home page. These break out automatically to subcategories as you mouse over them.

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Made In China best kept secret can be found by going to the bottom of the home page and choosing “Index Of Products. This will take you to an A-Z choice index and you can select any letter and you will be presented with 50 or more pages of keyword lists.

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The format is a little different than the other sites but copy and paste the list into a spreadsheet and again it will separate out the columns for you so you can cleanly access the keywords. AliBaba

Our final foray into trade portals is AliBaba which you can find at Very similar to the previous portals you have a Category list down the left hand side which expands out to the subcategories automatically in mouse over.

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You can use any or all of the categories as seed keywords or drill down into the sub-categories (sub- niches) and actual products and use those as seed keywords. Choose :By Category” in “For Buyers” from the top menu.

This gives you a different view of the categories and subcategories making it very easy to cut and paste the contents out to your spreadsheet for large lists of keywords

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Can be found at Magazines is a fantastic source of keywords. Why? We'll if someone has gone to the trouble and (not inconsiderable expense) to create a magazine around a niche then you can be fairly sure that there are significant numbers of people interested in that niche and so a website in that niche could also be profitable. At the Magazines website simple select the “All Categories” tab at the top of the page and you will be presented with a large index of magazine subjects. All good keywords in their own right.

If you then click :Browse “All Categories” you will get a neat list you can copy and paste or drill down into the actual magazine lists The great thing here is you can sort by best-sellers etc. so you know exactly which subjects are the most popular and likely to make you the most money. Keyword Competition Crusher

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From the left hand menu you can also list the magazines by price so you see just how much people are willing to pay for their magazines. This is a good indicator of whether they are willing to pay for other things that may be related to their hobby or interest.


Can be found at I doubt if there is anyone who has not heard of Amazon and many of you that avail yourselves of their affiliate program. It would be remiss of me though to miss this out of my list. This is an especially useful source of keywords if you want to promote physical products and of course you can be sure that whatever you find here, there will be exact products to promote. This makes it useful for creating sites around the names of specific products. You DO NOT have to promote specific products though and Amazon can be Keyword Competition Crusher

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used to seed your keyword research just as effectively as some of the other sites in this list. You just need to be a little more free thinking and don't get caught in the “product/niche” rut. Let your research reveal the gems. The easiest way to use Amazon is to choose a category from the main search bar as shown below.

We don't bother to put any keywords in the search bar as by leaving that blank you will get either a full list of all items in this category or a list of subcategories (left panel). Drill into those to get the products listed. More importantly you will now get the opportunity to sort the list of products by “Bestseller” by clicking on the Bestseller link that appears under the search bar.

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This will list the items in Bestseller order as shown below. You can assess the kind of sales level by looking for the number of customer reviews. The sales will be considerably higher than the customer reviews of course but it is a guide to the popularity of a product. Another great feature with Amazon is the star rating that tells us if the customers likes the product or not. Not a lot of point selling stuff if you are going to get a load of returns. You can see the Bestseller order view below. Note the star rating we mentioned and the customer reviews. It is also worth looking at the selling price. You can think of this like the Google SB (Suggested Bid). In other words if you multiply the Amazon customer reviews by the item cost you can set a baseline of “commercial value�. So that 200 buying $500 TV's will have more commercial value than 500 people buying a $7 product. One last thing to note on Amazon is the time spent in the top 100. This is listed to the left of each item and can give you an idea of the longevity of an item. Don't forget to use the results to drop into GAKWT to generate lots more keywords. Find those obscure and well hidden gems. Don't think product, Keyword Competition Crusher

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think seed keywords.

Argos Yes I'm sorry to break the shocking news to you but Amazon is NOT the only online retail store. Argos is a UK store so a great one if you are targeting the UK market as it gives you an insight into their buying patterns. It is also a great site for finding seed keywords regardless of the geographical market. Argos can be viewed at The simplest way to get keywords out of Argos is go to the A-Z Index link at the bottom of the page and it will show you a massive alphabetical list of categories that can be used directly to seed your keyword research or to drill down to specific products and use the product name or details to seed GAKWT.

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OK, that will give quick and easy access to large numbers of keywords but if you want a little more focus then from the home page you will see a list of main categories across the top which will auto display the subcategories as you mouse over them. Choose a category/subcategories as shown below.

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Drilling down into sub-categories will list more sub-categories (copy and paste keyword lists)and eventually a products list. One useful tab is the top rated products as you will get all the 5 start rated items in one list. So if you can see any of those with a good number of customer review then you can be sure that is a popular and well liked product. If you look to the left hand menu though you will see links you can select to display the products in a variety of ways. i.e. by price etc. depending on the products depends on the display categories. Most have a “by price� option and this is a good way to view the products. As with Amazon the higher the item price the better and of course the more customer review the better. Again you can take the product price and the customer reviews and calculate a baseline value for your keywords . This will only be valid to this online retailer though. You cannot directly compare the number of customer reviews between retailers as their feed back systems will differ, there customers will differ and there sales volume in general will differ. However, high customer reviews and high prices are good in any store. Once you have selected category by price then you can choose to display all the items as shown below

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Although there is no “Bestseller� listings you are now able to scroll down through all the products in your chosen price range and see any top rated and high customer review products like the screen shot below. Remember though that unless you can source the same products on Amazon it will be difficult to promote the specific product although AdSense may still be an option. However you can still use it to seed your keyword research.

9. WalMart Another huge online retailer is Walmart and can be found at Walmart seem to have taken a leaf out of Amazons book and the site has a very similar look and feel. Looking at the site you can see that there is the compulsory Category index down the left side that auto displays the sub-categories as you mouse over. You can take any or all of these to seed you keyword research or drill down deeper to find products. Keyword Competition Crusher

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So if I select GPS & Navigation from the Electronics & Office category I will get the screenshot shot below. Notice the “Sort by� Bestseller feature (Thanks Amazon!) If you now scroll down you can peruse the Bestsellers list and check out and star ratings along the way. You will also notice (similar to Argos) you can choose a variety of criteria to list the products by including price. This can be useful to filter out all the lower value items that you do not want.

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If you drill into the actual product though it will reveal even more information. In the screen shot below you can see the star rating and customer reviews so it is relatively simple to put a value against the product name keyword.

One thing you may not know is that Walmart have their own Affiliate Program. If you scroll to the bottom of the page you will see the link which will take you here.

Now I have to say I have never tried the affiliate program so can't comment Keyword Competition Crusher

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on it other than to say that all the info you need to promote products is there. However the focus of this tutorial is keywords to seed our research and not product specific sites.

Best Buy Best Buy is another big retailer turned online seller. You can view the Best Buy site at The Best Buy site is laid out a little different but is easy to navigate. The Product categories list drops down from the top menu and hovering over each category will open and display the sub-category. All or any of these can be used as seed keywords of course but you can also drill into the individual products by clicking on the sub-category.

So if you click on the GPS Navigation sub category as an example you will get more details on those products. You will need to scroll down the page until you see the main products section Keyword Competition Crusher

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and there you can see the “Best Selling” in that category. Similar to the other sites if you look to the left hand column you will see a number of links allowing you to sort the items by Price and/or other feature. Again this is useful for creating lists of products that fit your particular requirements. I.e. filtering out low priced items or focusing on specific brands or types.

Of course you can drill into individual products and check the number of customer reviews etc. that will give you some idea of the product or niche popularity. The screenshot below shows the kind of detail you can see when drilling into the product. So in this case the top selling product in this category has 721 customer reviews so sets a baseline to estimate how popular any particular product on this site might be. Using the high “value” products you can drop the titles into GAKWT to start generating your keyword list Keyword Competition Crusher

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Tesco Tesco is another UK company but has global presence as an out of town supermarket. Once a super market but now a very diverse company selling everything from carrots and potatoes to televisions, real estate and insurance. They also have a huge online presence and a great source of keyword information for us and can be found at It is worth remembering that these kind of stores were the forerunners in gathering customer information via the “store cards� system and they know what exactly what their customers do, what they want and when they want it. It's a safe bet that pretty much anything they put up for sale has already been assessed as having a valuable market. The main online area of interest to us is Tesco Direct and you can access that from the top left of main menu on the home page The top menu contains the main store categories and the subcategories will Keyword Competition Crusher

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drop down as you mouse over them. Pretty much the same as the other sites. The subcategories are also displayed in a list format when you click on a main category. This makes it very easy to cut and paste these keywords into your spreadsheet and then into GAKWT.

Drilling down into the subcategories will get you to the product list. In the screen shot below I have selected “coffee machines and accessories� and was pleasantly surprised to find 60 different coffee machines for sale and that the top priced one was nearly $1000. I didn't realise there was so much money in coffee machines but that's the value of this kind of research as it can open up whole new niches you could never have dreamed of previously. The big advantage of course is that you can be sure that there are customers for this stuff otherwise how could these big stores be selling it?

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You will also notice the drop downmenu links in to the right of the page that enables you to filter the larger volume products by price etc. Again this offers some insight into sales volumes and popularity.

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PC World PC World is a more niche specific retailer specialising in computing, and entertainment but a great source of keywords. I've added PC World in specifically because it is actually a great tool for getting content as well as keywords. In fact work this right and this site will give you all you need for your niche minisite. You can't just plagiarise the content of course but you can apply the same principal as reading and researching articles to be rewritten in your own words. PCWorld website can be seen at before diving into finding keywords let's just take a look at the “reviews� section where you can find great information and potential content.

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Scroll right down to find the review section which will reveal articles, tutorials and news about that subject. In the screen shot below notice also list of top products. You will find this in most categories and is great keyword information.

Clicking on the article/review links above takes you to the actual article/reviews itself which BTW is very professionally written and you can take a lot away from the style of writing etc. for your own sites. Even better though you will find a list of related articles to research and even videos covering the subject. Just have a good browse around the site there is plenty their to help you with ideas and content.

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While still on the review page you will likely have noticed a category list as you scroll down. This is always a great place to start your research

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Other Online Retailers Others These aren't all counted in the 21 sources but I have included them as they are all of a similar type of the above retail sites and currently all sitting in the top 20 retail companies in the world. Using the info in the video tutorials for above sites you will have no trouble finding the best way to utilise these in your keyword research.

ClickBank You are likely to be familiar with Clickbank as it is one of the first affiliate networks that new starters tend to join. Clickbank has a “Marketplace� that holds all the products it sells and this is good information for keyword Keyword Competition Crusher

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research. You can take the products themselves and keep your keyword searches focused tightly on that niche if you plan to sell that specific product or you can simply use it as a seed to find other niches that might come up from the research. By NOT focusing on the product or Niche you will always have a better chance of finding the more unusual or less promoted keywords that will give your final website a much better chance of success. Clickbank can be found at but I find that the limited search facilities and poor listing format make it difficult to work with so I tend to use CBEngine instead. Although I tend to use CBEngine primarily I have covered searching Clickbank in the video tutorial.

CBEngine CBEngine is a third party website that lets you view ClickBank products and data. It has a much better search facility and display format and is a much superior way to look at Clickbank. You can access CBEngine at There are couple of way I use CBEngine. One is to look at the New Products list from the left hand menu. It is always worth trying this section as it is continually updated and you may find new seed information for your keyword research.

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The main method I use though is to the main search form on the right of the page. Choose a category you wish to start with and the select to display “Rank In Top Twenty�. Clicking the search button will get you a set of results similar to that shown below.

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Just a brief bit of background on the information. This is the free version of CBEngine and so not all the info is available to you but for our purposes the free version is fine. Looking in the right hand column you will see a list of Gravity. This is a measure of how many affiliates are actually making sales with this product. It is a general measure of how popular the product is (not how good it is). The actual order of the results are in Rank order, which is a specific CBEngine measure that uses Gravity and a number of other criteria to give a better view of the product. In general though you will see the highest gravity numbers in the top ranking products. You can copy and paste the entire search results into a spreadsheet and use the content as seed keywords or you can go to the main websites of each results and use the URL to drop into GKP to start off your keyword research. GKP will allow you to drop a site URL into the search box. It will then use the site content to find appropriate keywords and return the results based on them. In practice this is likely to have been done by many people before you (unless you use the New Product category) so you need to counter that by taking the results and putting them back into GKP to drill deeper (rinse and repeat) and find the more obscure keywords.

Search Engines OK, moving on into the final section of keyword sources we take a look at the search engines themselves. In this section I will be focusing on the top three i.e. Google , Yahoo and Bing. There are of course other search engine and many may be a good source of keywords. Many of the principles we will discus here could be adapted for use with other search engine but I'll let you play with that concept yourself. First let's look at Google. Not at the actual search results specifiably but a few tools that are built into the search page itself. So from Keyword Competition Crusher

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Google Suggestions Google Search has a built in suggestion tool. I'm sure you will have seen it but you may not have thought about using it for keyword research. The suggestion tool is that drop down box that comes up automatically when you type into the Google search field. It is designed to help searchers to both speed up their search experience and to give them search ideas that match their current input.

So in the above example Google has suggested what you might want to type in after entering the word “diet�. Now the search suggestions are not just made up they are actual search expressions used by actual searchers.

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Now here is why this is so cool. Searching in GKKP has a limit as to the length of long tail keywords that it will give you in the results. Now there is great debate on why this limitation exists and it is mainly based around Google not wanting you to know exactly what the longer tails expressions that are in high use as they would become the focus for high Adwords bids (being extremely focused) to the detriment of the broader keywords and financially to Google. But using the suggestion tool there are no such limits and when dropped into GKP they still produce the data that Google has stored about them. So potentially you have a source of known search keywords that you would not be able to generate anywhere else. It is the long tail nature of the potential keyword that make these so good. Of course you can type in anything and harvest the results but one way to utilise this (and be a bit more organised) is to choose a primary niche keyword. In this example we are using “diet”. Now diet is far too broad and competitive but the suggestion tool can help us out. If we type in the start of a second word I.e. “diet a” then the tool will generate suggestions for that. If we then type in “diet ab” we will get suggestions starting with “diet ab”. Similarly if we replace the b with c and then d and e etc. we will get a new set of suggestions each time.

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You can continue through the alphabet and gather a huge amount of new keywords. You may even be able to type in two words i.e. “diet plans� and start the process all over again and generating more long tailed keywords. You should be able to see the immense potential of this method.

Bing Suggestions Bing have a similar suggestion tool but it tends to give different results. This is a good thing for us as it means even more suggested keywords simple by following the same process at

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Yahoo Suggestions

Similarly Yahoo also have a suggestion tool that strangely, but helpfully, seems to produce different results as well. Find Yahoo search at

Google Related Searches

Google related searches have been around a while now so you may be familiar with them. I use them regularly to find and use as additional keywords for my on page SEO. However you can use them to find ..well, related keywords! If you do a standard Google search you will get the top ten results as expected. However if you scroll to the bottom of the page you will find links called “related searches”. You may have to click on “More tools” first to extend the side menu. You will the get a page that looks similar to the one shown below. You can copy and paste these into your spreadsheet ready for dropping into the GKP.

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We can continue to drill down into the related searches and will be presented with a new set of search results and of course a new list of related links. So again a pretty powerful way to find related keywords and especially effective for gathering large lists of long tail keywords ready for a filtering in GKP

Top 100,000 Keywords

The kind people at have created and made freely available the top 100,000 (by value) keywords. The database consists of 33,000 highest search volumes keywords 33,000 highest paid (Adwords CPC) keywords 33,000 highest commercial value keywords (search volume * CPC) Keyword Competition Crusher

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The search tool will allow you to enter any keyword and it will find all the keywords in it's database that contain your main keyword. It also allows you to export your results in a csv file so really handy for saving off or importing into a spreadsheet prior to using with GAWKWT. So typing in “diet� for instance will give you the following results

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Google Shopping Results

Getting towards the end of our list now and look at the final section which is the search engine shopping results. Now google have a specific set of search results for “shopping” which is quite different from their standard web search results. You can access the shopping search by choosing “Shopping” from the search bar menu or directly from

The results you get from the shopping search are physical products. So all the benefits of locating physical products similar to the online retail stores can be applied here.

There are three good ways to use this information. Firstly as seed keywords for your research, secondly, if you already have a niche website this is a great Keyword Competition Crusher

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way to find related products to sell. Googles main objective is to create good user experience and that really means giving searchers the results they are looking for. That means that (in Google's eyes) the results of a shopping search are what the searchers are looking for. So you should be able to do a shopping search for the top keywords that people are using to find your site and then offer those products on your site. Thirdly you can build niche sites around the products you find. Google thoughtful offer the facility to filter the shopping searches by a number of things the most useful of which is that the products are available from Amazon. You do this by clicking on the link in the left menu. That way you can be sure that all the products you look at can be sold via the Amazon affiliate scheme

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Yahoo Shopping Results Similar to Google, Yahoo have their own shopping results and it is accessed in exactly the same way by clicking on the shopping link at the top of the search page.

Similarly they list physical products that they believe searchers may be looking for. That winds up the 21 places. (OK, I'll given you a few more). Take a look at the link above where you can find a lot of info on trending subjects. These will be hot keywords that are becoming popular now.

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That may be news items, people etc. However they may give you some ideas as what may be popular in the future. They are also great to write articles or blog posts about as they will have a lot of searches and often very little competition (for a while at least!).

Remember the key is to try and look where other have not been before. Don't keep getting rail-roaded into attacking the same old niches. Think a little laterally ( and these resources should help you) and find a few new areas to look into. Don't worry if it's “not an area you are familiar with”. Don't worry if “someone told you that's not a profitable niche”, don't worry about “how am I going to monetize it”. Leave all your negative thought behind and let the research lead you to the honey pots. The activities in the following section will tell you if you have a profitable niche/keyword so for all the above just gather up keywords and make them as diverse and obscure as you like.

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Generating Keyword Lists From Your Seed Keywords and Filtering Down to Profitable Niches/Keywords. In this section we look at taking our seed keywords and creating a large list of keywords from them. Then we filter down the keywords by the criteria that you need to make sure they are profitable, practical and useful for building a web site around. Before we dive right in let's make sure you are completely clear on the criteria you need for a successful keyword. This is so important to understand I am going over it twice! So apologies to those who understand this and want to get on with the practical stuff but I need to make sure everyone is on the same page here.

There are two main areas to keyword research. FIRSTLY, thing you need to do is to find keywords in the first place and create a large list of keywords. It's better if these keywords are NOT the same ones that thousands of others are finding every day. The previous part of this tutorial has shown you how to seed your keyword list generation so that you find results that others do not. SECONDLY, you need to be able to quickly and easily assess all the keywords in your list so that you can know which ones are most likely going to be the basis for profitable websites. If your keyword list is full of keywords that others are already targeting then you are destined for failure. If you do not assess your keywords for all the correct criteria, again you are destined to fall flat on your rear.

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Keyword Assessment (Filtering) The criteria you use to define “good keywords” may depend on why you want a particular keyword and/or what you intend to do with it. For instance if you were looking to build an authority website that you will build up over time to a large and high revenue operation, then you would be looking for very high global search volumes and you would be happy with medium to high competition. If, on the other hand, you want to build a quick and easy mini-site and rank quickly then you would be looking for medium search volumes but much lower competition. The four corner stones of a profitable keyword are: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Good search volume Commercial value Low enough competition High commercial intent

If your keyword does not have every one of the above then it WILL NOT perform. In this section I will focus on finding good search volume, good commercial value keywords with low competition and high commercial intent. Keyword SEO competition is the hardest thing to assess accurately and can be time consuming. Many other keyword selection techniques either use “rough estimates” from things like phrase match search results and they have to filter the original keyword list down drastically which may well loose a lot of good keyword in the process. This is false economy. The old “estimation” techniques are very poor ways to measure keyword competition. It has been a well trodden path that has been worked out and is now pretty inefective.

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To make a true assessment of keyword competition you need to know the strength of your competitors. In other words the top 10 sites that appear on the first page of Google for any given keyword or search expression. In fact it's useful to leave the competition assessment until the very end of your research. This way you do not filter out 1000's of potential winners before we even start. We covered the process in an earlier section but just to summarise so you are clear on our objectives  Find one or more seed keywords from untapped or obscure sources (21 keyword sources)  Feed the seed keywords into Google Keyword Planner (GKP).  Set a minimum “keyword value” using the GKP filters. (Exact search volume/Suggested Bid – search volume & commercial value)  Recycle your results into GKP (Drill deeper)  Repeat drilling until you amass a large list of keywords (Drill deeper still)  Filter keywords by “top 10 competition” (Can you hit Google page 1?)  Filter keywords by “commercial intent” (Will your visitors buy anything?) OK, Lets do the above process and generate some great keywords. I'm going to use one of the above keyword sources (IndiaMart) for my seed keywords. So from the home page I choose a category from the Supplier Directory. In this case it is Railway, Shipping and Aviation. Simply because it sound a little obscure. From the subcategory list I choose Nuts, Bolts, Nails, Screws and Pins (why not?).

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I simply paste that title into notepad and tidy it up by breaking each of the five keywords into separate words on separate lines i.e. Nuts Bolts Nails Screws Pins The number of seed keywords is purely arbitrary. Anything from 1 to 100 will do fine. Next we paste all the keywords into GKP (make sure you sign up to AdWords for free and sign in to get the full functionality of the tool). Before we search though we need to set a few filters and settings on the GKP 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Location to United States Show ideas and Statistics for Desktop & Laptops (default) Local Monthly Searched = 1000 Suggested Bid (SB) = $1 Exact Match Search Results (Now only exact match results in GKP)

This is the minimum criteria you should set but depending on your requirement you could increase the Search volume or even the SB

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With the above set we will only get keywords in the search results that have at least 1000 searches a month and a minimum CPC of $1. In other words they have good search volume and a minimum commercial value (1000 X $1). Not what you expect to make just a value you can compare one keyword against another.

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Running GKP Searches If we now run the search I get the results shown below. You will notice there are two sections. The first list the keywords you searched on and return the exact match results.

The second section is the list on new keywords that Google has generated for you. In this case there are another 220 new keyword that fit our criteria. NOTE: If your view or display is different than shown here then click the “Keyword Ideas� tab button shown in the screenshot above. Notice the two tabs on the top right (Download and Add All). You can download as a CSV file or add all to your GKP plan. Once added to the plan you can copy to the clipboard and paste into your text file or spreadsheet (see below).

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GKP will generate up to 800 keywords at a time and accept up to 100 in the search box. After copying the keywords paste them (or the first 100) back into GKP and create new list of 800 keywords. When you have an 800 keyword list download it as a CSV file to save it. When you have collected enough keywords you can open the csv files and consolidate them in one spreadsheet that should look something like this.

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The next thing we need to do is assess the competition. i.e. can we get the keywords ranked on page 1 of google. There are a number of ways you can assess that. One is to use the “estimates” by looking at “phrase match search volumes”, “allinanchor” and “allintitle”. These methods are pretty well worn in my opinion. For instance everyone using the phrase match approach means all the keywords under “30,000” phrase match searches have been mined incessantly by all and sundry giving completely false results (lots of high competition) from that method of checking. In practice your true competition are the top ten search results on Page 1 of Keyword Competition Crusher

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google. If you can't beat some of those then you may as well not bother. You need to get onto that Google page 1. The two tools I am familiar with that check this are Traffic Travis and Market Samurai. Traffic Travis is a free Tool and Market Samurai is a paid tool (free trial). Although both Good they can only check one keyword at a time and that can be time consuming. However for completeness I will give you an example of both Traffic Travis and Market Samurai by analysing the first keyword in out list. Estimating Keyword SEO Competition fasteners for retail Traffic Travis results look like the screenshot below. Note it has given it a 4 star (relatively easy) rating and that is reflected in the low numbers of backlinks to nearly all the top ten sites and very little on-page optimization for any of the sites either (shown by the red crosses).

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Similarly Market Samurai shows very low backlinks to the page and low Page Ranks for most of the top with most of the sites not having on-page optimization. This again indicates low competition in the top 10 and relatively easy to rank for.

There is a slight difference in the way TT and MS display their results. TT showing red where the top 10 sites are lacking. MS, on the other hand shows red where the top 10 sites are strong. So you just need to be sure you assess the colours correctly. As I mentioned earlier that both these tools can only check one site at a time and although it's quite possible to check 30 odd sites manually it can be a little time consuming so for this tutorial I will use my own tool, Keyword Competition Crusher (KCC). I am doing this simply because it can check a lot of keywords in only a few minutes and makes life a lot easier.

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Clicking on “Get Keyword Competition Rating” button gets me the following results.

Happily I can see that there is a lot of Green in the results and this indicates keywords that have low competition and are relatively easy to rank for. I am also happy to see that “fasteners for retail” is green and is giving similar results to Market Samurai and Traffic Travis. Of course you may be happy to use the yellow (medium competition keywords) especially if your site is already established or you adding additional keywords to existing pages. Note that to find the SEO competition is still quite an overhead even for the Keyword Competition crusher program so it is good practice to do them in batches of around 50. OK so we have a set of green keywords now that all have the minimum commercial value and search volumes we set earlier and now we know they are all low or medium competition keywords that we can rank for.

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Assessing Commercial Intent So if you remember that is three out of our four keyword cornerstones. The final one being commercial Intent (or will the visitors buy our products). It is very difficult to accurately measure commercial intent. At one extreme if the keyword is “free downloads” then you can be pretty sure, that is someone NOT looking to buy. On the other hand if they search for “buy remote control” then you can be pretty sure they are looking to buy. Unfortunately all the keywords in between can be more difficult to assess. Certainly physical product names are likely to be buyers. People looking for “discount”, “cheap”, “review” etc. have probably decided to buy but are either looking for a better price or checking what model/type they should have. Unfortunately there are no online tools currently available that do this well. In practice I have found one of the best indicators is the amount of AdWords ads showing when you search for a keyword. Of course this will not identify a brand new untapped niche but it is generally a good indicator of commercial intent. Simply because we have set a minimum criteria of $1 CPC (that's Adwords CPC). So, if people are buying ads for a $1 or more, then there is likely to be money in the niche/keyword. You can check the number of Adwords ads easily by searching on the keyword. Notice the amount of Green in the above screenshot,. This is very good obviously, but is because of the keyword choices we made originally. We chose an area that would definitely not be called mainstream. It is choosing the more obscure areas and drilling down deeply into the keywords that enable us to find keywords others cannot. Everyone drills down the first level and maybe the second level so that part of the keyword database is well and truly trawled. You will also notice that a few of the keywords have 0 or very few AdWords Keyword Competition Crusher

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showing so we will remove them from our list. In this case I am only talking keywords with 8 or more AdWords ads. If I had ended up with less keywords I may have accepted 7 as a minimum. I simply copy and paste the Green results into a spreadsheet and deleted the rows with less than 8 AdWords. Now you have fulfilled all 4 of your keyword cornerstones Search Volume Commercial value Competition Commercial Intent

All the keywords have met your criteria and all your keywords are suitable for creating web pages, articles etc. However a you can drop all the keywords back into GKP so you can see the Search Volumes and Suggested bids so you can be sure all is legit and above board in the selection.

That brings us to the end of this tutorial. The results speak for themselves. Finding profitable keywords is not hard, it's not a mystery, it's not a problem, it's not rocket science. It just needs a little “outside the box� thinking, don't follow the crowd, do your research and due diligence and don't forget the 4 cornerstones of profitable keywords. Miss out anyone and your table will fall over! That's it my friends, time to put all your new found knowledge to good use and lose that fear and your researches block. Free your mind and make your online endeavours a success.

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Keyword Competition Crusher Although you do not need KCC to perform the research shown in this tutorial it certainly can make it faster and easier so you may be interested in purchasing KCC. It is still available on the Warrior Forum at less than half price from the following link Click Here To Find Out More About Keyword Competition Crusher

If you have any questions about this or any other product Please Contact The Support Desk

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Niche Revealer is a windows based Niche Ideas Tool that makes the process of finding new and unique niches a breeze. Need new ideas for articles? Or blog posts? Or new websites?

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