Final Manila Report

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Table of Contents Manila - A City of Hope for the Nations








Las Piñas


Jesus – The Healer








Intercession and Bible Reading










Quezon City




San Juan




San Mateo




South Caloocan




Global Youth Outreach














North Caloocan




North Manila



A City of Hope for the Nations Dear friends, It has been estimated that by the year 2030, 60% of the world’s population will be living in cities. This shift has already begun to impact the way we do missions. Within the missions community there has been a lot of prayer and energy in developing ‘village culture’ strategies with great results. However, cities by nature, size and capacity are far more complex and need something different. Megacities was born when God spoke to me another way, and challenged me to use this way to reach out to cities. Manila is the 8th megacity we have worked on since 2002.

City ‘voices’ squeeze the life out of our best and brightest. Cities educate their citizens to ‘look out for number one’, and ‘your life is what you make it’. This is not the way of Jesus, and not how God has created us to be. Abortion and euthanasia are preached as a basic human right; teenage suicide, greed, drugs, pornography, adultery and lust are normal, and lying is encouraged if it benefits your career. Sadly, this is the story of many cities. This is not God’s original intention for cities. God designed cities as gathering places for His people, where they could glorify Him and disciple surrounding nations to do the same. When we look at the ministry of Jesus we can see that He went to cities. In Matthew 21, we see Jesus approaching Jerusalem riding on a little donkey. The whole city was in an uproar, asking one another “Who is this Man?” The early church approached cities with the same humility and purpose as Jesus. The apostle Paul went to many cities in his travels. They included Athens, Rome, Corinth, Jerusalem, Ephesus, and Antioch, and all felt the impact of his ministry. Cities can be transformed. New Testament Antioch was saved. Until the gospel came, sin ruled this powerful city. Antioch was a multi-racial city with a strong military presence. It was a Christian fleeing persecution in Jerusalem who first shared the gospel, and it spread like wildfire. Paul heard about what was happening and decided to go and help. He played a significant role in equipping the believers, and the church became a major spiritual powerhouse in discipling the city, the region and beyond.

Cities need a multi-disciplined approach Our approach to reaching cities must draw on the diverse gifts of the Body of Christ worldwide to meet the diverse needs of a city. This will call for unprecedented unity in the Body of Christ, with mission and local church working together, if we are going to see any measurable change. Unity is a big emphasis in Megacities. The greater the unity across a city, the greater the anointing to reach a city. Mostly, cities consider the idea of God at the centre of community as an old fashioned, narrow minded concept, and no longer relevant to modern society. In essence, God has been sidelined! Modern cities have lost their way, with little or no acknowledgement of God. They have turned their back on Him, trusting in their own strength and boasting about their own achievements.

In 1 Samuel 17, King Saul and his army were sidelined because of fear. Saul’s army was well equipped and ready for the battle which was right in front of them, but they remained stationary. But then young David enters this scene. He was only there to deliver food to his brothers; but he did not like what he saw at all, and so decided to do something about it. David fronts up to King Saul and says, “Don’t worry King; I will take care of this Philistine giant!” King Saul, troubled by his circumstances, looks at David and says, “That is a big call for a little guy like you.” Surprisingly, King Saul decides to release him to have a go anyway.

David didn’t seem bothered at all by Goliath’s size or ability. He didn’t try to ‘match him’ using the normal weaponry available. Instead, he took five smooth stones, representing God’s ways, and he went up against the giant. God did the rest. Saul’s army went on to defeat the Philistines. Young David had reminded them how great their God was. Many young Davids and Deborahs have visited your city in 2017. They weren’t focused on how impossible the task looked, BUT how big God was and what He wanted them to do. Megacities is a ministry of YWAM Perth and focuses on the large cities of the world. The purpose is very simple – that cities would see God, respond to His loving kindness, and be restored back to God’s original purpose; to honour God in all they do. The pathway is partnership with both local church and civic leaders, to see effective, unified strategies developed for city change. Once unity comes, God’s blessing comes, and city transformation begins. Cities change as the people respond to God. When that takes place, the discipleship process begins and starts to salt society. Believers begin to apply His ways to government, education, health, business, family, entertainment, and economics. This starts the process toward generational waves of men and women who know God and make Him known. Cities are transformed, and start to influence out in the discipleship of nations. Each city that Megacities has been to has had a dynamic, praying church. They are crying out in prayer houses around the city for God to come. The idea is that if God turns up, the city will be changed. This is true, but with an important adjustment; we need to take God to the city so they can meet Him. In most cases, this is where the church has become stuck. As I meet with church leaders, the repeated comment is, “We know how to pray, please teach us how to engage with our city.” Largely, the reason we are disengaged is because of fear dressed in many different outfits. These outfits include political correctness, security risks, a belief that ‘our’ city is too complex, racial divisions, a religious divide, and incorrect perceptions of different groups, to mention just a few.

All of this makes sense on the surface. However, if we give in to this, the church will remain on the sidelines of society, making little or no impact in the place God has called them to influence. We know this is not God’s intention. God has called us to be salt and light. The instructions are clear to us all - Go to the cities (Mark 16:15) and disciple them (Matthew 28:19) in the power of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8) and this message of the Gospel will be the power of God for salvation to those cities who believe (Romans 1:16). Jesus loves the damaged and forgotten in Manila. It has been an absolute privilege to be called by God to Manila during 2017. I have been moved deeply by God’s heart for your people. My heart has been exposed by the tenderness towards Jesus, and my conviction has been cemented with the belief that Manila can be saved and used by God in nation making. God wants to raise you up into a mighty missionary force. Manila is the discipling voice of your nation. As Manila goes, so goes your nation. My prayer is that you will ride the wave of momentum that you have experienced with Megacities, and GO take your communities for Jesus. Thank you for your friendship and partnership in following Jesus. Thank you for your beautiful and powerful love for Jesus on display every day. Thank you for your inclusion.

Kind regards,

Shirley Brownhill Megacities Director







Over 1,200 missionaries have been in Metro Manila Plus over the course of 2017, partnering with the local body of Christ to bring the gospel to the streets and homes of Manila. Megacities focused on Metro Manila plus the urban regions bordering, including North Manila, Montalban, San Mateo, Antipolo, Cainta and Taytay. Multiple teams coming from all over the world worked in every region, sleeping on church floors and living among the people they hoped to reach. Teams came from all over the world - many from Australia, Mexico, Indonesia, China, New Zealand, Nepal, South Korea, the Philippines, Norway, Finland, the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Switzerland, Canada, and USA. Each team began with a focus on Bible reading, prayer and worship. They walked the streets, crying out to God for His heart for each community. From the first Wave of teams, hearts were tender and soft to the gospel. Thousands of people made the choice to surrender their lives and follow Jesus. Many of those saved joined churches and got involved in ministry themselves. Discipleship was also a key focus, with hundreds of people graduating from Discipleship Seminars, as well as many other forms of training. This training was designed for people to learn and understand God’s ways in their relationship with Him, and how to reach out with His answers to points of pain, both spiritually and practically.

WAVE ONE January - March

WAVE TWO April - June

WAVE THREE July - September

WAVE FOUR October - December

36 Teams 359 Missionaries

34 Teams 328 Missionaries

19 Teams 207 Missionaries

35 Teams 332 Missionaries

Caring for the poor, sick and broken was a focus for all teams. Many teams worked in impoverished communities, reaching out to street children and families. Dramatic healings took place, while other specialised teams ran medical clinics, taught on Simple Health Care, trained local workers how to build affordable water filters, and even built small scale homes for those without adequate housing. All throughout, teams sought to mobilise the Body of Christ by inviting them to do ministry on the streets together. Hundreds of local Filipinos went out with teams to share the gospel, help the poor and pray for the sick. Hundreds of healings inspired many, while others were deeply challenged to continue to minister to the lost in their own city, even after Megacities finishes. The Global Youth Outreach was held in late October where even deeper consecration to the Lord took place, with hundreds committing their lives to serve Jesus’s call to “Go.” “I considered Megacities as a great blessing to the Philippines church, a great partner in the work of reaching people for Christ, and a great encourager for people to really wake up and get involved in the work of reaching people for Christ. I believe that Megacities has not only conducted partnership with local churches, but conducted reaching people beyond the measure of the function of the church. The local church is doing well, but with this partnership it is doing greater. So I thank God for Megacities ministry.” – Bishop Leonardo P. Alconga, Executive Director of International Needs Philippines and Elder of Philippines for Jesus Movement.


Antipolo • Many training opportunities were held in Antipolo, including discipleship seminars, one which brought together 78 people from different churches. Health care and Appropriate Technology seminars focussed on people received training to empower the community to see improvements in quality of life. • The teams were able to empower and mobilise the local Body of Christ to carry on Bible studies that they saw begin in local homes, and to continue ministry that started in slum communities. This resulted in the local church leading many people to Christ and following through in intentional discipleship. • The gospel was also spread and shared in creative ways, such as public showings of the Jesus Film. The teams found this to be a powerful evangelism tool to reach both children and their parents, and through the film they saw a total of 60 people surrender their lives to Christ.

Some Highlights

• Young people from different local churches were impacted through getting involved in ministry, and they have decided to continue running kids ministry and evangelism that had been started with the teams. • Church leaders have testified to growing in passion for the lost and their community, and they have seen that impacting their church. They reported people who had fallen away from the church recommitting their lives to God.

Total Missionaries Who Came

Testimonies Total Statistics

WAVE ONE YWAM Perth, Australia Youth Focus Led By: Ari Sloots & Jenny Webb YWAM Rovaniemi, Finland Led By: Eero Muotka

YWAM Perth, Australia Led By: Ben Hutchcraft & Allison Dean

WAVE FOUR YWAM Perth, Australia Children Ministry Focus Led By: Nadine Keller

Total Missionaries Who Came: 32 People


Led to the Lord by Megacities Teams


Led to the Lord by Local Christians


Instantly Healed through Prayer


Juuso Pehkonen – from Finland. YWAM Rovaniemi, Wave 1

Lives Committed to Christ: 142 Total Lives Committed to Christ

“One day we did evangelism with local church members. I went with a church pastor to a poor area that has lots of drug related problems. We went house to house, sharing testimonies and the gospel. In the third house, after sharing, we prayed for a man. He gave his life to the Lord and was filled with the Holy Spirit. After that he came to every activity the church had to offer. We started a Bible study in his house, and he invited his friends to it. This Bible study still continues in his house once a week.”


“We went on evangelism with church members and were given the opportunity to do kids ministry. God spoke to a team member to share her testimony through a skit and then present the gospel. After she shared, she gave an opportunity for the children to respond, and all 21 kids prayed for salvation. Some of the kids also came to church the next Sunday, and we will continue to go back to that community!”

Heard the Gospel


Allison Dean – from UK. YWAM Perth, Wave 2

Received Prayer for a Need


Received Teaching


Hours of Teaching


“We had the opportunity to do a Simple Health Care Seminar. After we finished, the pastora of the church explained how before, people would come to their church asking for medicine and medical advice, but they had not had the knowledge or supplies to help them. She was excited that they now had the information they needed, and that the church members had been trained so that they could replicate the teachings throughout the community, bringing both health care and the gospel.”

Hours of Intercession for Metro Manila Plus


Evangelistic Materials Distributed


Bibles Given


Health Care Administered


Other Acts of Mercy


Ben Hutchcraft – from USA. YWAM Perth, Wave 2

“In our afternoon session we gave the young people an opportunity to share about Jesus through art. Three Catholic girls came up to us and asked what we were doing. They got excited and stuck around to learn how to share their faith through art. After they were done, they told us about how the art drew them in and how they had enjoyed sharing their faith through it. They now want to join future ministry.” Nadine Keller – from Switzerland. YWAM Perth Children Ministry Focus Team, Wave 4



• There has been an eagerness amongst the young people to get involved with what God is doing. Young people have joined teams for kids programs, youth Bible studies, and taken initiative in times of evangelism. It was the dream of one local youth to do ministry in the juvenile centre, so he went with the team and was able to be used by God there. He shared later how amazed and encouraged he was that God uses all people together, foreigner and Filipino alike. • Teams have testified to openness in Cainta and have seen God’s favour in a variety of ministry opportunities. They have been invited into high schools, hospitals, government offices, police headquarters, prisons, and juvenile detention centres. One team went to a red light district and handed out notes with Bible verses to women working there, while another team was involved in counselling training with their host church. • Education has been a key avenue for sharing the good news of Jesus. One team was invited into a school to go from class to class, sharing the gospel. There was a great hunger for God and His word, and the team saw over 1,000 people surrender their lives to Jesus within two weeks! One local youth joined a team at a school, and he was able to share the gospel and lead 200 students to the Lord during that time! Further doors opened at more public schools for a later team with a specific focus on education, with principals inviting the team to return and provide follow up. • Teams used various forms of art to connect and reach out to people in Cainta. Sketches, portraits and murals were used to communicate God’s pursuit of people, salvation, and value of people.

Some Highlights 10

Total Missionaries Who Came

YWAM Perth, Australia Counselling Focus Led By: Adrian Stoltzfus

Total Statistics

WAVE TWO YWAM Davos, Switzerland Led By: Daniel Scully YWAM Queenstown, New Zealand Led By: Carolina Camara Pereira da Silva & Aimee Twinn

Lives Committed to Christ: 6,794 Total Lives Committed to Christ Led to the Lord by Megacities Teams

YWAM Perth, Australia Media & Arts Focus Led By: Taylor McDonnell & Kinsey Anderson

WAVE FOUR YWAM Perth, Australia Education Focus Led By: Vini Sukanavanua

Total Missionaries Who Came: 47 People


Led to the Lord by Local Christians


Instantly Healed through Prayer


Heard the Gospel



Received Prayer for a Need Received Teaching

10,078 7,655 10,476

Hours of Teaching


Hours of Intercession for Metro Manila Plus


Evangelistic Materials Distributed


Bibles Given


Health Care Administered


Other Acts of Mercy


“We talked to a homeless man who was almost fully blind. My friends and I prayed for healing in his eyes twice, and each time his sight improved! As I was praying I felt God say, ‘Spit in the dirt and put the mud on his eyelids.’ I asked if I could do it, and he said it was okay. I made some mud, and laid hands on his eyes just like Jesus did. As soon as the mud touched his eyelids I knew that God was going to heal him. When I asked him how his sight was, he said: ‘When you came it was like a cloud, and now I can see all the way to the road.’” Hannah Minto – from Australia. YWAM Perth Counselling Focus Team, Wave 1

“Almost everywhere we go people are getting saved. One time it started raining while we were prayer walking, so we went to a basketball court for cover. There were 15 school kids, and after sharing with them, we proceeded to lead 13 of them to the Lord.” Adrian Stoltzfus – from USA. YWAM Perth Counselling Focus Team, Wave 1

“Our team went to a juvenile house with one of the local pastors. He led worship and we all shared testimonies. We talked about who we are in Christ and had a time of application. Afterwards, we asked if they wanted to accept Jesus, and all 8 of the girls who were there received Jesus!” Kayla Grewatz – from USA. YWAM Davos, Wave 2

“Our team got to go into a hospital and pray for people. I prayed for a guy named Danny who had high blood pressure, and we left having faith that he was healed. We got to visit him again and when we saw him, he was healed. He was released after we prayed and all his vitals became normal.” Paul Park – from USA. YWAM Queenstown, Wave 2

“God spoke to us to go and see the principal of the school close to where we are staying. He welcomed us in and gave us the opportunity to share with 9 classes. We shared the gospel and 140 kids gave their lives to the Lord! We are also able to go back and follow up. Vini Sukanavanua – from Fiji. YWAM Perth Education Focus Team, Wave 4


Las Piñas • The church has been excited to get involved with what they see God doing, as youth have joined in ministry with the teams and churches have committed to carrying it on in the future. One team came together with local church members in a regular Bible study at Zapote Market, where now one pastor plans to plant a new church. • There has been great investment in the local body of Christ through running Discipleship Seminars, Bible studies, and teaching in churches. A local pastor testified that these teachings have been very helpful for the pastors; they have been eager to come everyday so that they can teach their young people the topics as well. • Teams have reached out to the community through lots of street evangelism, ministry in slums, health care teaching, and kid’s ministry. The community has been open and teams have been able to really invest in individuals by providing counselling and doing house visits too. • There has been a great hunger for the Word of God throughout Las Piñas: teams have had the opportunity to hand out over 600 Bibles throughout the city. As the Word of God has gone out, miracles and discipleship opportunities have sprung forth. A local pastor has begun encouraging his colleagues to continue this too, as he prays it is the beginning of a Bible distribution movement! • Youth from different churches have come together to do evangelism with one of the teams. Fear, shyness, and hesitation due to a lack of experience with evangelism were quickly overcome and replaced by both a passion for Jesus and a desire to share the Gospel with the people in their community.



Total Missionaries Who Came

YWAM Perth, Australia Counselling Focus Led By: Amy Giallanza & Natalie Neubauer

Total Statistics

Lives Committed to Christ: 482 Total Lives Committed to Christ

WAVE TWO YWAM Perth, Australia Led By: Clarissa Kline & Tanja Jacobsen

WAVE FOUR Independent Pentecostal Fraternity, Mexico Led By: Zury Enriquez

Total Missionaries Who Came: 28 People


Led to the Lord by Local Christians


Instantly Healed through Prayer


Heard the Gospel


Received Prayer for a Need


Received Teaching


Hours of Teaching


Hours of Intercession for Metro Manila Plus


Evangelistic Materials Distributed


Bibles Given


Health Care Administered Other Acts of Mercy

Some Highlights


Led to the Lord by Megacities Teams

21 974

“We’ve been doing kids ministry on Saturdays. The churches told us this keeps the kids off the streets. We have seen about 120 of these children give their lives to Jesus, and they have started attending church. The church involvement has picked up, especially with the youth who are now getting involved and continuing this program.” Heather Long – from USA. YWAM Perth Counselling Focus Team, Wave 1

“We went to a slum on Wednesday where we did an open air and health care teaching. After our program, we asked the pastor that had joined us if he could share the gospel. After he shared, about 30-40 people, kids and adults, came forward and gave their lives to the Lord. We got to pray for all of them!” Tanja Jacobsen – from Denmark. YWAM Perth, Wave 2

“One morning we went out with the local church and handed out 47 Bibles. 6 new people followed us back to church because they didn’t have a bible, but wanted one. When we gathered back as a group, a young man approached us. The pastor we were with began talking with him, we prayed for him, and he broke down in tears. He got revelation of his sin and gave his life to the Lord!“ Clarissa Kline – from USA. YWAM Perth, Wave 2

“We went out on evangelism with the pastor’s children from our host church, who led us to a place not far away. Kids started to follow us and we ended up having around 30 kids playing with us and singing songs. Then we presented a love skit. At the end, over 60 people were paying attention to us, so we shared the gospel and led almost half of them to the Lord.” Damaris Espinoza – from Mexico, Mexican Church Team, Wave 4

“When my dad told me, ‘Hey son, missionaries are coming.’ I was imagining missionaries like John the Baptist, advanced in age. But when I saw the Megacities team, they were so young! I thought I was just going to be a driver for them but they told me, ‘Hey, come, come join us.’ So I was now a part of their movement. We prayed and evangelised in the city hall, the prisons, and the DSW. Now a lot of people are receiving Christ as their Saviour.” Frank – Church of God’s Miracles



he people are becoming more responsive to the things of God. I believe this is the result of the prayers.” – Pastor Albert Operio, Jesus the Great Shepherd Fellowship International, San Mateo.

Intercession and Bible Reading 8,661 Hours of Intercession for Metro Manila Plus

It is impossible to separate the results of Megacities from the hundreds of hours of prayer and intercession that teams and individuals have spent crying out to God for Metro Manila Plus. Joining in with the many intercessors who have been praying for the Philippines for decades, teams took prayer to the streets in unique ways to help usher in deeper breakthrough and openness to the gospel. Even before Megacities started, two teams came and prayer walked through every major street of Metro Manila Plus, mapping the city in detail as they went. Further teams built on this through intercession, more prayer walking, and public Bible reading. Prayer walking was a key way teams cried out to God for the communities they lived in. He responded by breaking their heart for the lost and broken. Strategy and vision from the Lord was born out of these times, leading to implementation by teams in effective and creative ways. Bible reading in particular made a great impression. While it is an act of intercession in itself, it also communicates the value of the Word of God to others. Pastor Lourdman from Quezon City said, “The team opened the church for reading the Bible. We have now started to read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.” Other churches have also started regular ministry of public Bible reading. Many times, public Bible reading even opened up opportunities to go further. Mitchel, a member of a team from YWAM Mazatlan during Wave 1 said, “During our first few days we were reading the Bible out loud in public. A young guy came up and was listening to us read, so someone on our team struck up a conversation with him. We were able to share the gospel with him and give him his own Bible in Tagalog. He ended up surrendering his life to Christ! He came to church the following Sunday and we were able to share more in depth with him.” As teams continued interceding in a variety of ways, God brought breakthrough across the city. These hours and hours of intercession will continue to have influence in concert with the prayer of the Body of Christ in Metro Manila Plus.

MAKATI • There has been increasing engagement and participation of church members and young people in ministry alongside the teams. Together they have done evangelism on the streets, in the red light district, and from door to door. Church members have testified that it has been their first time to intentionally seek out specific parts of their communities, such as the red light district, but now that they have, they are excited to continue. • In some communities, new ministries have been started in partnership with local church members, who have taken initiative in the discipleship and care of new believers. Some pastors shared that they have been encouraged as they have seen dramatic church growth through the ministry of teams. • People from different churches came together to attend a Humility & Hunger Gathering held in Makati. Over four days there was much worship, teaching, and application. Many participants reported breakthrough in different areas of their lives as a result of getting fresh revelation and applying it to their lives. • Teams have been able to do ministry with mothers and kids in slum communities. In one case, while the team was running a Bible study with the mothers, they also offered a children’s program, allowing them to reach out to both at the same time. • One team was able to enter the Makati Police Headquarters. They were able to sing some songs, pray for inmates, share testimonies and the gospel, and distribute Bibles. They saw over 100 inmates commit their lives to the Lord, receive teaching on hearing God’s voice, and begin a Bible study. The team was able to continually return and disciple the inmates. They witnessed transformation in many of the inmate’s lives.


Some Highlights

WAVE ONE YWAM Perth, Australia Anti-Human Trafficking Focus Led By: Jennifer Ellis & Chloe McDowell

Total Missionaries Who Came

YWAM Newcastle, Australia Led By: Amelia Taylor & Thomas Pequinot

WAVE TWO YWAM Perth, Australia Humility & Hunger Gathering Focus Led By: Nirina Andrianalison & Chenaniah Magele YWAM Perth, Australia Led By: Leah Boland & Jessica Duesling

Testimonies Total Statistics

Led to the Lord by Megacities Teams

WAVE THREE YWAM Perth, Australia Led By: Alexandra Davenport

WAVE FOUR YWAM Perth, Australia Anti-Human Trafficking Focus Led By: Dirk Rust YWAM Perth, Australia Global Youth Outreach Focus Led By: Mariecia Groenewald

Led to the Lord by Local Christians Second Generation Salvations

Instantly Healed through Prayer

377 362 5

56 2,543

Received Prayer for a Need


Received Teaching


Hours of Teaching


Hours of Intercession for Metro Manila Plus


Evangelistic Materials Distributed


Bibles Given


Other Acts of Mercy

“One of the coolest things our team was able to be a part of was experiencing the young people at our church hear God’s voice for the first time. We taught on hearing God’s voice, and when we went into a time of application, we were able to see the local young people wait on God, hear His voice, and share an encouraging word with one of their friends. We saw their friends impacted by God’s voice and nearness.” Leah Boland – from Canada. YWAM Perth, Wave 2


Heard the Gospel

Health Care Administered

Total Missionaries Who Came: 55 People

Amelia Taylor – from Australia. YWAM Newcastle, Wave 1

Lives Committed to Christ: 377 Total Lives Committed to Christ

“We ran an evangelism seminar one Saturday with 115 people from many different churches. We did 3 hours of teaching and then went out for evangelism. We only had 30 minutes to go out and it was pouring rain! Despite that, there were 20 salvations, 4 instant healings, 33 people prayed for, and 38 people who heard the gospel.”

“Doors to a women’s ministry opened up by doing programs with their children and building relationship with the mums from there. In one of our programs, the children made crafts for their mums and included things like, “I love my mum” and “Jesus loves my mum.” The mums were blessed, and this reaching out to them through their kids birthed a weekly ministry where we bring housewives together to worship, pray, study the Bible, and share stories. One week one of the mums asked if she could share her story with us. It turns out that she was saved by coming to one of our Bible studies.” Alex Davenport – from Canada. YWAM Perth, Wave 3

“The churches in Makati that the teams have worked with are now connecting with the other churches, coming together and working together.” Pastor Rommel Agustin – Impact Makati / Church of God

5 941


Malabon • Teams have seen local church members going out with them for times of evangelism and ministry, seeing the church members grow in passion and confidence in sharing the gospel, testimonies, and prayer. One team went into a slum regularly with a group of local church members, and now their church is looking to continue the ministry. • Teams have experienced a lot of openness in being able to do different types of ministry, such as ministering in prisons, hospitals and universities, as well as start Bible studies and run church and youth services. They have done a lot of street evangelism, public worship, open air evangelism, and some teams have run Discipleship Seminars. • A multi-day Worship for the Nations Seminar was held, focusing on using worship and intercession in evangelism strategies. In addition, a Simple Health Care seminar was also held. • Early in the year, there was a terrible fire in one slum area. Megacities teams got very involved, helping to join in and do what they could to bring hope and restoration to the affected community. In response to God speaking, one team raised finances to help with building supplies for the community, and gathered donations of clothes. Other teams were able to follow up with house visits and prayer. • God has demonstrated His healing power greatly to the people of Malabon. In many cases, teams were able to pray for healing, which then opened up people’s hearts to respond with praise to God, as well as surrendering their lives to the Lordship of Jesus.


Some Highlights

Total Statistics WAVE ONE YWAM Perth, Australia Sports Focus Led By: Jason Webb & Alexander Dalton

Lives Committed to Christ: 2,131 Lives Committed to Christ Led to the Lord by Megacities Teams Led to the Lord by Local Christians

YWAM Perth, Australia Worship Focus Led By: Erika Webb & Faith Gayton

Second Generation Salvations

Instantly Healed through Prayer


YWAM Perth, Australia Led By: Brett Newman

WAVE FOUR YWAM Perth, Australia Medical Focus Led By: Abigail Frederick



Received Prayer for a Need


Jason Webb – from New Zealand. YWAM Perth Sports Focus Team, Wave 1

Received Teaching


“We went to the male prison, shared some testimonies, and preached the gospel there. At the end, we had around 20 men saying they wanted to follow Jesus, and we led them in prayer. Since then we have been able to return to lead Bible studies and disciple these men.”

Evangelistic Materials Distributed

Total Missionaries Who Came: 50 People



Hours of Intercession for Metro Manila Plus

Total Missionaries Who Came


Heard the Gospel

Hours of Teaching

YWAM Perth, Australia Worship Focus Led By: Erika Webb


“A massive fire happened that displaced many thousands of people. We started to pray and ask God how we could bring His Kingdom in this scenario. We sent out newsletters to people from all around the world, and we asked them to consider giving what they could. We sent the newsletters to the other teams that were working as missionaries in Metro Manila. Many teams gave, so in the end, we had a lot of clothes and finances to be able to donate. We asked a local pastor how we could best use our resources, and we invested in building supplies to give to people who need them, through the church.”

75 469 82

Bibles Given


Health Care Administered


Other Acts of Mercy



Josiah Plett – from Canada. YWAM Perth, Wave 2

“We were doing evangelism, and we met a woman who was sick in her home. We noticed her eyes were very bad, so we prayed for her eyes. She was instantly healed and began to cry because she could see! She told us to share this with the whole neighbourhood. We went out and talked to one woman who had back pain and couldn’t lift her arm. We prayed for her, and God instantly healed her as well! She grabbed her friend to also receive prayer for psychological sickness because of traumatic events from a fire. We prayed and this woman was healed of psychological trauma.“ Tyler Heywood – from New Zealand. YWAM Perth Medical Focus Team, Wave 4


Mandaluyong • With words from the Lord about being intentional to disciple and teach all people, teams have held Bible studies, Discipleship Seminars, and evangelism training seminars. Church members of all ages have joined in on evangelism on the streets, sports ministry, and ministry in schools, prisons, and hospitals. • Teams saw the value in unity and building strong relationships with the pastors and contacts, and have seen them leading people to the Lord. • Some of the young adults have stepped up in their engagement, with one local woman feeling led by God to start a children’s ministry in her apartment building, and others being involved in discipling new believers. • Local churches and leaders have testified to being filled with excitement and joy to continue the work of the Lord in their community. • A local pastor has started a new prison ministry. • Over 120 high school students learned about the Father Heart of God and His love for them when a team was invited into the school. 49 students gave their lives to the Lord.

Some Highlights


Total Statistics

Lives Committed to Christ: 814 WAVE ONE

Total Lives Committed to Christ Led to the Lord by Megacities Teams

YWAM Perth, Australia Led By: Destiny Antommarchi & Daniel Lim

YWAM Perth, Australia Performing Arts Focus Led By: Tom Stubbings YWAM Perth, Australia Performing Arts Focus Led By: Seth Brooks

Crossroads International Church Amsterdam, The Netherlands Led By: Phoebe Lagerweij

Total Missionaries Who Came: 33 People


Second Generation Salvations



Heard the Gospel


Received Prayer for a Need


Received Teaching


Hours of Teaching


Hours of Intercession for Metro Manila Plus


Evangelistic Materials Distributed


Bibles Given


WAVE FOUR YWAM Perth, Australia Music Focus Led By: Anna Curalli & Ayslynne McIntosh


Led to the Lord by Local Christians

Instantly Healed through Prayer



Health Care Administered

Total Missionaries Who Came

Other Acts of Mercy

86 1,584

“We got to go into the prison in Mandaluyong and share the gospel, the basics of Christian living, having a relationship with God, and being obedient to Him. We asked them personal questions and their eyes were opened to what a life with God can look like. After the teachings, a local pastor, who we have been regularly working with, led 19 of the men to salvation!” Destiny Antommarchi – from USA. YWAM Perth, Wave 1

“This lady and I saw Jesus completely heal someone after we prayed for them. The lady who prayed alongside me was just saved last week! I encouraged her to keep going out and doing this because she has the Holy Spirit in her.” Janel Gibson – from Australia. YWAM Perth Performing Arts Focus Team, Wave 2

“We were advised to visit the local barangay for permission to enter a slum area. We soon found ourselves with a security guard, in an area we hadn’t been before, with many rows of chairs being set up. It turned out that we were able to teach songs, share the Gospel, and talk about God’s nature and character. We did the same thing at another community right after. 27 people gave their lives to Christ over this spontaneous worship and teaching time.” Hannekie Reimer – from Germany. YWAM Perth Performing Focus Team, Wave 2

“I first began to grow stronger when I met the YWAM teams. Now I am not afraid to share my testimony. I am not afraid to share with people I don’t even know.” Aaron – Jesus First Ministries in Hulo



any people have joined our church because they got saved through the Megacities teams.” – Pastor Flibert Paje, Hope for the World International Ministries, Cainta.

Salvation 101,657 Heard the Gospel 33,475 Lives Committed to Christ

True transformation takes place as people give their lives to Jesus. Sharing the gospel in all areas of society is central in ministry for every Megacities team. Teams encountered incredible softness to the gospel all over Metro Manila Plus. From high schools to colleges, government offices to prisons, in hospitals, parks, and on the streets of Manila, thousands of people have said “Yes!” to surrendering their lives to Jesus. Pastor Duane of Book of Life Bible Christian Church in Manila City said, “Thousands of people have heard the Gospel through the teams sharing in high schools and running sports clinics. It’s the first time we’re holding church services in the communities. Our people are more excited about going out and sharing the gospel!” Not only have we seen people hearing and responding to the gospel - people’s lives are being transformed! David, from a YWAM Perth team in North Manila during Wave 1, said, “We’ve been doing a lot of prison ministry and have seen around 400 people accept Jesus. We led the inmates through discipleship, and some of the prison officers too. By the end we were able to give them Bibles and conduct Bible studies with them. One of the prisoners told us that he’s getting out of prison in a few weeks, but would really like to continue the discipleship process. He has organised to continue meeting with our local church contact and would like to join the prison ministry.” Over 20,000 people have given their lives to Christ through Megacities teams and local church members partnering together in evangelism. Pastors have reported church growth, including Pastor Jun of Christ’s Gospel Fellowship in Makati, who said, “We had a lot of empty seats in our 2 Sunday services. But since the Megacities team has been going out on evangelism, both services are completely full!” Many other churches have experienced this same blessing, such as Pastor Lourdman from Tameion City Church in Quezon City, who said, “Since January, with Megacities teams, the church has grown rapidly. Before, we did one service every month, using a space that fits two to three hundred people, and now this space will not fit everyone. Growth is happening in our church, not only with us, but also other ministries here in the area.” The hearts of the people of Metro Manila Plus are so tender to the gospel. Our prayer is that this movement of salvation will multiply exponentially all over the city and nation.

MANILA • Times of evangelism proved fruitful. One team saw 414 people surrender their lives to Jesus in one week. Another team was able to see 161 students from one school invite Jesus into their lives. There is a softness to the gospel in Manila! • Teams worked hard to get the Bible distributed. On just one occasion,145 Bibles were given out, and each person who received a Bible also received prayer. There has been a hunger for the Word in all different areas of society; Bibles have been given out in slum communities, police stations, and throughout times of house to house evangelism too. • Some teams specialising in health care saw lots of opportunities for sharing the gospel through health care ministry. In addition to doorto-door health care ministry, teams ran 4 health care clinics and 2 dental clinics. There were opportunities to teach at a local maternity hospital, and educate pregnant women, single mums and teenagers in health care practices. They also had the chance to do clinics in police stations, and worked alongside hospitals to give health care. Both police officers and nurses have come to know Jesus through this time!

Some Highlights

• Another team was able to run weekly Discipleship Seminars with 6 different local churches. Through this they had the chance to mobilise the youth and train them in evangelism, setting up a weekly evangelism time to go to Rizal Park. Youth have shown up to evangelism times excited and prepared, with songs and instruments to lead worship and share the gospel in their own city!


“A pastor got permission for us to go into a school. We went into 18 classrooms that day to preach the gospel. A few days later we went back to the school, but they said they didn’t have class that day, as they were gathered for a talent show. We got permission to share at the talent show, where we did some dramas and preached the gospel. About 2000 students attended, and 161 accepted Christ.”



China Team Led By: Mi Lan

YWAM Perth, Australia Mother and Child Focus Led By: Melissa Allison

YWAM Bali, Indonesia Led By: Jareike Lappoehn YWAM Butuan, The Philippines Led By: Naome Beberino YWAM Mazatlan, Mexico Led By: Dallas & Gabriella Quantz

Melisa Birch – from Canada. YWAM Perth Medical Focus Team, Wave 2

“One day we were running a clinic in a slum and the local police were helping us with translation. I felt to share the gospel with the crowd who were waiting to be seen, and I asked one of the policemen if he would come over to translate. When we were finished a few people responded to the gospel. I then asked the policeman what he thought about the message; he said that this was something he wanted in his life. He gave his life to Jesus, and later shared the gospel with 4 other policemen. We led them to Jesus together.” Amada Stapp – from USA. YWAM Perth Medical Focus Team, Wave 2

YWAM Perth, Australia Led By: Phoebe Wilson & Blake Barwick YWAM Faroe Islands Led By: Sanna Smidt Hammer

Total Statistics

Total Missionaries Who Came: 102 People

Dallas Quantz – from Canada. YWAM Mazatlan, Wave 1

“We had the opportunity to run a clinic and share the gospel with 70 people in the holding cells at the police station. Over 50 people gave their lives to Jesus and each of them received Bibles. We went back, shared with the officers, and gave them all Bibles. One couple that was being sent to prison thanked us for the Bibles. They said that they’re going to live differently when they get out and that they will teach their kids too. These detainees will get to take the Bibles into the prison with them.”

Total Missionaries Who Came

WAVE TWO China Team Led By: Jessica, Brianna, DS YWAM Perth, Australia Medical Focus Led By: Melisa Birch YWAM Oxford, New Zealand Led By: Kaylee Blanchard WAVE THREE China Team Led By: Annie, David YWAM Perth, Australia Led By: Faith Gayton, Alan, Esra

Lives Committed to Christ: 3,776 Total Lives Committed to Christ Led to the Lord by Megacities Teams Led to the Lord by Local Christians Second Generation Salvations

Instantly Healed through Prayer

3,776 3,515 253 8


Heard the Gospel


Received Prayer for a Need


Received Teaching


Hours of Teaching


Hours of Intercession for Metro Manila Plus


Evangelistic Materials Distributed


Bibles Given


Health Care Administered


Other Acts of Mercy



Marikina • Through teams providing training and running seminars, the local church has been stirred to know God more and reach their surrounding community. There have been art workshops, evangelism seminars, Discipleship Seminars, and teaching on many more topics within the church. There has been a great response to these teachings, and people have been equipped with new ways to go out. • Teams have seen God’s favour as He has led them in a variety of ways to bring the gospel to Marikina. One team had the opportunity to share a drama and testimonies with a city gathering of 1,000 people. They have also gone into a juvenile prison, and visited a hospital to pray for people. Universities and schools have opened their doors to teams, and students have been responding strongly to the gospel. Towards the end of their time, one team started Bible distribution, which the next team continued. • In response to God’s heart for the orphan, one team visited two orphanages and saw nearly 200 salvations over the course of 2 days! They were able to go back and continue discipleship, as well as give Bibles to those who responded. • Bibles studies have been started in many places throughout the city. One team, with a ministry focus on Biblical studies, started weekly Bible studies in both a men’s jail and in a drug rehabilitation centre. As they established these regular meetings, they also taught Bible study methods to local Bible students and a church youth leader, with the vision to see them carry on and start more community Bible studies themselves.

Lives Committed to Christ: 462 WAVE ONE YWAM Perth, Australia Sports Focus Led By: Holly Peek & Molly Simpkins

Total Missionaries Who Came

Lives Committed to Christ Led to the Lord by Megacities Teams Led to the Lord by Local Christians

Instantly Healed through Prayer

WAVE TWO YWAM Dunham, Canada Arts & Music Focus Led By: John Shone

WAVE THREE YWAM Perth, Australia Media Focus / House Build Focus Led By: Benjamin Pabst

WAVE FOUR YWAM Perth, Australia Bible Teaching Focus Led By: Heather Long

Total Missionaries Who Came: 43 People


Total Statistics

Some Highlights

462 439 23


Heard the Gospel


Received Prayer for a Need


Received Teaching


Hours of Teaching Hours of Intercession for Metro Manila Plus Evangelistic Materials Distributed

67 392 1,612

Bibles Given


Health Care Administered


Other Acts of Mercy


“Our team was invited to teach in several Alternative Learning Schools, which are for young adults who were not able to finish high school. We taught about the nature and character of God, shared testimonies, and had a time of response and worship. Many of the students were not Christian, but by the end of our teaching times, they were joining us in worship. At one of the schools, many of the students wanted to give their lives to Jesus.” Holly Peek – from USA. YWAM Perth Sports Focus Team, Wave 1

“Before we left for Manila, we had the vision of using art, to unify the church, government officials, and new believers. So our team put on an art event where we did face paint, worship, and had a local pastor share the gospel. Three different churches came together for this. Over 350 people came to Christ, more than 100 people were prayed for, and 150 Bibles were given out!” Kamille Schmael – from USA. YWAM Dunham Arts & Music Focus Team, Wave 2

“We went to a boys juvenile centre to do a feeding program, and share dramas and songs. Someone from the feeding program shared the gospel and did an altar call. One boy looked very confused, so I approached him. He did not speak much English, so he started speaking Tagalog. I asked God to be my translator. Suddenly, I could understand his Tagalog and he could understand my English! God miraculously translated for us! He ended up telling me about family issues, and I got to talk to him about entering into God’s Kingdom. He came to accept Jesus and to understand God as his Father. Then I got to encourage him that he can share with other boys too, and they can know God as their Father!” Jodi Mileng – from Papua New Guinea. YWAM Perth Media Focus / House Build Focus Team, Wave 3

“Our team ran an evangelism training seminar with a couple of churches. It was attended by youth, some young adult leaders, and a few of the senior pastors. We discovered that many of them were new to evangelism. When we reported back, we heard stories of the Filipino youth seeing instant healings, leading people to Jesus, and stepping out in boldness to reach their own city! The pastors who joined us came back with many salvation accounts and an excitement to have the youth growing in a lifestyle of evangelism. It’s been really amazing to see the body of Christ mobilised through simple evangelism training!” Lucy Jones – from USA. YWAM Perth Media Focus / House Build Focus Team, Wave 3



• Young people have been inspired and gained a passion for evangelism. Teams have seen much enthusiasm from local Christians to join in with ministry, with many of the youth accompanying them. One pastor was excited as he shared with Megacities that during a period between teams, his youth had continued meeting for times of evangelism. They organised their own short outreach to a nearby village to share the gospel, leading eleven people to the Lord in a day! • Specialised teams have invested in Montalban, one running a seminar on children’s ministry, another running a Biblical Education and Leadership Training (BELT) seminar, and another team training locals in building water filters and garden towers. They have seen the community very engaged and hungry to participate in this training, with a desire to continue to learn more. • In response to a strong belief that young people are key in reaching all of Montalban, teams have spent time engaging the street kids and children from poorer communities, discipling them in the ways of God and connecting them into churches. Teams have organised many open airs in different communities, and received open doors to work in schools and run youth events too.

Total Lives Committed to Christ Led to the Lord by Megacities Teams Led to the Lord by Local Christians Second Generation Salvations

Instantly Healed through Prayer

622 14 8


Heard the Gospel


Received Prayer for a Need


Received Teaching


Lives Committed to Christ: 644

Total Statistics


Hours of Teaching


Hours of Intercession for Metro Manila Plus


Evangelistic Materials Distributed


Bibles Given


Health Care Administered


Other Acts of Mercy


Some Highlights

Total Missionaries Who Came

WAVE ONE YWAM Perth, Australia Led By: Åge & Kiara Skjervheim

WAVE TWO YWAM Perth, Australia Appropriate Technology Focus Led By: Åge Skjervheim YWAM Byron Bay, Australia Led By: Victoria Saenz WAVE THREE YWAM Perth, Australia Bible Teaching Focus Led By: Carole Dean

“We had the opportunity to teach about water filtration systems in a small community. We saw the main families of the area come together to work on the project. Through that, we were able to have good conversations and equip them to care for themselves through having clean water. We were honoured to work with one of the local friends we made in Montalban. As he helped us translate a water filtration teaching, it soon got to the point where he began to teach on his own. He is still continuing to teach and build these water filters.” Leanne Riley – from USA. YWAM Perth Appropriate Technology Focus Team, Wave 2

“After the Biblical Education and Leadership Training Seminar we went out on evangelism with the church members. Some of them were able to share the gospel with people, and 10 people came to the Lord through church members. One of the pastors was so overwhelmed with his church members’ testimonies that he was in tears. It was the first time he had seen the youth empowered to go out and share the gospel with others.” Carole Dean – from UK. YWAM Perth Bible Teaching Focus Team, Wave 3

“One day I saw a woman with acid burns on her face, and she didn’t have sight in one eye. We prayed for her and nothing seemed to have happened when she walked away. We met her again later that day and her eyesight was restored! We shared more with her, and she gave her life to the Lord. One of her sons had a back issue, so we prayed for that. God healed him and he and gave his life to Jesus too. Then her other son also gave his life to the Lord!” Ranae Boyer – from Australia. YWAM Byron Bay, Wave 2

“One of our team members felt led to go into a police station – somehow he got through security and found himself sitting next to a Filipino man who had just been arrested for murder. He found a translator and got into the holding cell. After sharing the gospel he saw all 60 of the inmates respond to Jesus. Then later in the day, we were doing an open air in a public market where the majority of the shopkeepers are Muslims who have been relocated from Mindanao. After one of the local Christians shared the gospel, it opened a door for our team mates to pray for a Muslim woman who was instantly healed of tuberculosis and then gave her life to the Lord.” John Stockburger – from Canada. YWAM Perth Music Focus Team, Wave 4

WAVE FOUR YWAM Perth, Australia Music Focus Led By: Randy Lilomaiava & John Stockburger


Total Missionaries Who Came: 35 People



ur young people, they are so uplifted because of the Discipleship Training.” – Pastor Ernesto Endab, Jeremiah 33:3 Christian International Fellowship, Pasig.

149 Seminars 5,082 Attended 47 Discipleship Seminar 1,818 Attended 10 Health Care Seminar 337 Attended 92 Other Seminar 2,927 Attended

Training 82,434 People Attended Training Times 2,875 Hours of Teaching

Many pastors in Metro Manila expressed an urgency for greater levels of discipleship in the Body of Christ. They said there was need particularly among youth, but also among people that had been Christians for many years. Megacities always makes discipleship a priority, so this request fit perfectly with our mandate. Teams were trained to pass on what they had applied in their own lives.The Discipleship Seminar - a multisession disciple making course was utilised all over the city. The teaching was accompanied by practical application, in order to not only hear about the things of God, but to live it. Pastor Bombie of Las Piñas shared regarding Discipleship Seminars, ”They’re good for pastors and youth. It gives insight into how to pray, lead people to Christ, and how to represent Jesus. They are good for young people to motivate them to witness, and if the pastor attends, he can teach local people as well – they are very good for pastors and youth. The seminar ignites eagerness to serve God.” Lydia Tan of YWAM Lausanne reported regarding a Discipleship Seminar held during Wave 3 in North Caloocan,“As a team we held a Discipleship Seminar. One of the youth leaders we worked with attended the teaching. He told me a few weeks later that he had gone to a gathering of youth leaders, where he shared some of our teaching points that had really challenged him to listen more for God’s voice and to always obey Him. He said that the other leaders were inspired and wanting to apply it more too. It was encouraging to see God multiply the things that He was using us to teach others!” Testimonies like this are too many to list. Over 1200 people have attended Discipleship Seminars. In addition, a number of other specialised forms of training took place. Seminars have been running across Metro Manila covering a wide range of topics including health care, clean water technology, worship, intercession, the Bible, evangelism, children’s ministry and more. In many cases, different forms of training have also led to new partnerships among churches and other organisations. The results of this vast amount of training will carry on for many years to come.

NAVOTAS • As the local church has been laying a foundation of prayer over the city for years, teams have recognised God answering their prayers. There have been fruitful times in evangelism, children’s ministry, Bible studies, health care clinics, Bible distribution, and praying in the City Hall. • Teams have been able to run different seminars and conferences, training well over 1,700 people. There have been Discipleship Seminars, worship seminars, and health care teaching for the youth. The teams saw the church really respond to times of teaching and discipleship, especially the youth, with many of them coming forward for prayer and application of the teaching. • As teams have gone out on evangelism, youth have joined and seen God bring breakthrough and release miracles! Pastors have testified that as healings have been seen by local Christians, they have been greatly stirred up to see God move even more in Navotas. • One of the teams was able to see a church planted, beginning with one family responding to the gospel, and inviting their friends to weekly Bible studies. • An Intercession, Worship, and Evangelism Seminar was held by a Worship for the Nations team in Navotas. Over the three days of the seminar, 250 local people attended, and stepped forward to actively join in with what God is doing. There was a boldness seen in them, and some of these people got to lead others to Christ during the time of evangelism that was held after the teaching.


WAVE ONE YWAM Perth, Australia Led By: Nirina Andrianalison & Emma Dean

WAVE TWO YWAM Perth, Australia Led By: Brady Graham

Total Missionaries Who Came

YWAM Perth, Australia Medical Focus Led By: Lisa Klassen & Katy Walliser

Total Statistics Lives Committed to Christ: 1,208


Total Lives Committed to Christ Led to the Lord by Megacities Teams

YWAM Perth, Australia Led By: Mariya Maximova & Taylor Wong

Led to the Lord by Local Christians Second Generation Salvations

Instantly Healed through Prayer

WAVE FOUR YWAM Perth, Australia Anti-Human Trafficking Focus Led By: Kari Staloch YWAM Perth, Australia Worship Focus Led By: Erika Webb & Leah Boland Total Missionaries Who Came: 62 People

Some Highlights

1,208 1,071 136 1


Heard the Gospel


Received Prayer for a Need


Received Teaching


Hours of Teaching


Hours of Intercession for Metro Manila Plus


Evangelistic Materials Distributed


Bibles Given


Health Care Administered


Other Acts of Mercy


“We held a clinic in a community where we have been doing ministry with a local church leader. The church and the youth joined us and at the end of the day we saw many instant healings and 22 people give their lives to Jesus. 20 of those salvations came from the local church sharing the gospel while we saw patients. Another team came the next day to work there with the youth and saw 44 salvations!” Ashley Hilton – from Canada. YWAM Perth Medical Focus Team, Wave 2

“One man who accepted Jesus during one of our open airs joined our ministry time the next day to translate for us. Now almost everyday, whenever he is free from work, he joins us and helps us with translation.” Mariya Maximova – from Kazakhstan. YWAM Perth, Wave 3

“We were invited to speak to a youth group about evangelism. Upon arrival, we learned that these youth had never done evangelism before. We shared God’s purpose for reaching out and testimonies of our own experiences. Then we went out into the streets of Navotas. The youth shared their own testimonies, the gospel, and they prayed for people. We saw over 60 people prayed for, and the gospel shared with over 20 people. The pastora said that she hasn’t seen her youth group this excited about something before, and they decided to make it a weekly occurrence.” Kari Staloch – from USA. YWAM Perth Anti-Human Trafficking Focus Team, Wave 4

“We now have new people coming to church. We’ve also planted new cell groups where the team has been doing clinics. We want to be able to disciple those that have been saved. The first Megacities team prayed for a paralyzed man who was healed. He now attends church.” Pastor Alfredo Elias – Christ Forever Fellowship Church


NORTH CALOOCAN Some Highlights

• Evangelism where youth have partnered with teams to reach their streets has started. The local church has testified to seeing salvations, instant healings, and growing church attendance, as teams have passed on their passion for evangelism. One church network now has multiple groups meeting together every week for evangelism outreach, with the local Body of Christ excited to go out to share the gospel, and disciple those who encounter God. • The Body of Christ has been ignited in a new passion for prayer, and new intercession groups have formed. One church has even set aside a specific prayer room for their youth, as they have recognised the fervour of the youth to engage in intercession and the importance for them to have a space where they can grow that. The youth group has started a new weekly meeting there to intentionally engage in regular times of seeking God’s heart, and stepping in to intercede. • Teaching has been spread through seminars, where church members have come together to be trained in Biblical principles, and taught new ways of reaching out to the people around them. Over 150 people from 12 different churches have attended these seminars. • Local churches have grown, as teams have led people to the Lord and connected them into the local Body of Christ. One pastor reported that among many of the churches in his network, follow up with these new believers is still happening, and this has brought the churches closer together and encouraged them to continue with evangelism and discipleship.

Total Missionaries Who Came



YWAM Amsterdam, The Netherlands Led By: Wies van der Vegte & Petra Friesen

YWAM Lausanne, Switzerland Led By: Lydia Tan

WAVE FOUR WAVE TWO YWAM Perth, Australia Led By: Grace Harrington & Majo Rudd

YWAM Perth, Australia Led By: Katelyn Bleacher & Amos Eddison Total Missionaries Who Came: 38 People


Led to the Lord by Local Christians


Instantly Healed through Prayer 58 Heard the Gospel 2,736 Received Prayer for a Need 1,778

Lives Committed to Christ: 883

Total Statistics

Grace Harrington – from the USA. YWAM Perth, Wave 2

Received Teaching 1,021 Hours of Teaching 35

Hours of Intercession for Metro Manila Plus 159 Evangelistic Materials Distributed 273 Bibles Given 156

Joost van Overbeek – from the Netherlands. YWAM Amsterdam, Wave 1

“Every day we work with the youth of a different church and take them out with us on evangelism. We showed them how we do it and then gave them the opportunity to lead. On Friday we went out with 8 people from the church. They were helping us translate and share the gospel. Once we gave them the opportunity to lead, they just went for it! They talked to over 20 people, shared the gospel, led them to salvation, and prayed for them. It was an incredible privilege to see them have a heart for their own community, stepping out and trusting God completely as they came with us.”

Total Lives Committed to Christ 883 Led to the Lord by Megacities Teams

“God spoke to our team about organising a series of youth events for young people with the vision to bring the youth of different churches together, unify the church, then commission them. One young guy attended the first session and shared that it was difficult for him at school, as his friends didn’t take him seriously, and he was afraid to share the gospel. After the session, he was encouraged and told us, “I am going to gather all the people from my class, and I am going to share the gospel with them.” We later heard that he was so touched by the Holy Spirit that he went to school, gathered everyone around and shared the gospel with them.”


“One of our contacts got us into a high school, where we had the opportunity to share at a big gathering of 700 students. We did dramas, games, and then I shared the gospel. After sharing, we saw students choose to follow Christ! Afterwards, even the principal came over to us and asked if we could pray for him too.” Esther Kwon – from the USA. YWAM Lausanne, Wave 3

Other Acts of Mercy 116


NORTH Manila • Each team in North Manila has declared God’s Word over the city. Pastors have shared about being challenged and encouraged when they have seen teams participating in Bible reading. Multiple pastors have been inspired to dig deeper into the Word of God for themselves, and are encouraging the rest of the church, especially the youth, to do the same. Their adoption of Bible reading strategies will see the Word of God continued to be affirmed over the land. • Prison ministry in particular has been fruitful, with teams sharing the gospel and seeing hundreds of inmates giving their lives to the Lord, then following up with Bible studies, counselling and discipleship. Local churches have continued with this after teams have gone. There are now churches involved in sending food and medical supplies into the prisons, often meeting them with the right need, just at the right time. • One team provided a local church with training in basic counselling skills. The church was very excited to learn and apply these skills within their church, and throughout their community. • While prayer walking, God led a team to a slum community at a garbage dump, where they were able to establish regular ministry. A nearby church has since sent their members to join the team in praying for people throughout the area. There is great vision to continue regular children’s programs and ministry there.

WAVE ONE YWAM Perth, Australia Counselling Focus Led By: Mark Twyerould

Total Missionaries Who Came

WAVE TWO YWAM Perth, Australia Led By: Josh Tournemille & Jenessa Olson

WAVE FOUR YWAM Byron Bay, Australia Led By: Andrew Gilbert & Hannah Langwell Total Missionaries Who Came: 30 People

Some Highlights

Total Statistics Lives Committed to Christ: 596 Total Lives Committed to Christ


Instantly Healed through Prayer


Heard the Gospel


Received Prayer for a Need


Received Teaching


Hours of Teaching


Hours of Intercession for Metro Manila Plus


Evangelistic Materials Distributed Bibles Given Other Acts of Mercy

6 85 217


“We went to a school and shared the story of the prodigal son with about 300 kids. We also presented the gospel - and about 30 kids gave their lives to the Lord. We then got to share with the parents as they came to pick up their kids.” Mark Twyerould – from Australia. YWAM Perth Counselling Focus Team, Wave 1

“My team visited 3 different jails and prisons, and we shared with over 400 prisoners. Our message was simple: God is love. As we shared, the Holy Spirit moved, using our words to bring comfort and hope to the inmates. Tears overcame many of the prisoners as we explained that God’s love for them was big enough to overcome anything they had done to get there. Over 300 individuals prayed to recommit their lives to God. God healed people of both short term and life long sicknesses, and we were able to counsel some through the process of giving and receiving forgiveness. Liz Robertson – from Australia. YWAM Perth Counselling Focus Team, Wave 1

“In prayer, God spoke that He wanted us to have a weekly worship night, so a local church opened their doors for this worship night every Sunday. We started with a small group from the church and a few other locals joined us. More and more youth began to join each week. One of the coolest things is that the youth from three different churches came together for this. As we gathered to sing together, they had the chance to take over. They shared with us that they hope to continue this worship night. God is bringing churches together!” Lara Post – from Netherlands. YWAM Perth, Wave 2



e’ ve been so amazed that our church people are seeing people healed as they go with the teams.” – Pastor Alfredo Elias, Christ Forever Fellowship Church, Navotas.

Jesus – The Healer 1,878 People Healed Instantly 18,951 Acts of Mercy Ministry 6,246 People Received Health Care

What we do to the least of these, we do to Jesus (Matt. 25:31-46). Megacities teams reach out in all kinds of unique ways to show the love of the Father to the poor, broken, and hurting in Metro Manila Plus. Amada Stapp, who led a YWAM Perth team in northern Quezon City during Wave 4, said, “We were involved with sharing the gospel, praying for people and taking vitals, but there was also dentistry, a pharmacy, eyesight testing, and haircuts. It was really great to see the churches coming together, and we ended up seeing over 1,000 patients.” This team, and a number of other teams specialised in health care, saw over 5,139 patients while also praying for the sick and preaching the gospel. Other opportunities that teams were involved with included prison and hospital visits, mobile clinics in slum areas, relief work after fires, teaching on simple health care, ministry to street children, building of water filters, and construction of family housing, giving them many simple ways to show those that are hurting that they are LOVED by Jesus and not forgotten. Another focus was ministering to children at risk. God spoke early to Megacities leaders regarding His desire for His people to share His love with street children all over Metro Manila Plus. Many teams ministered in this area, while a few specialised teams focused on street children for the majority of their ministry. Mobilising the Body of Christ to multiply efforts to reach out to street children has been a key strategy. One team produced a film spotlighting the plight of street children and how Filipinos could get involved. Other teams developed local ministry that churches continued after the team was gone, such as a simple outreach using basketball in San Juan. “We shared with the Pastor our idea about starting a weekly ministry for street kids to come and play basketball, have some food and receive teaching about Jesus. He caught the vision straight away and is excited to provide food and bring in the youth from the church to be part of the ministry every Friday night!”, said Hayley Lohmeyer who led a YWAM Perth team in San Juan during Wave 3. At the same time as teams sought to show the Father’s love practically, they were also praying for people who were sick. Hundreds of dramatic healings took place throughout the year, such as this one, shared by John Stockburger who led a YWAM Perth team in Montalban during Wave 4: “We were doing an open air in a public market where the majority of the shopkeepers are Muslims who have been relocated from Mindanao. After one of the local Christians shared the gospel, it opened a door for one of our teammates and one of the mums who joined us to pray for a Muslim woman. We saw Jesus instantly heal her of tuberculosis, and then she gave her life to the Lord.” Many pastors have testified how church members, while going with teams, saw God heal people on the streets for the first time. Through prayer, many miracles of God took place, including the restoration of people’s sight, hearing, and ability to walk. God has clearly shown on the streets of Manila that He is the God who heals and sets captives free.

Parañaque • 70 people from 8 different churches attended a youth seminar. At the end of the seminar, every one of them stepped forward to receive prayer and respond to what they had learned. • Teams have invested throughout the year in the lives of prison inmates and youth at a juvenile detention centre, with many giving their lives to the Lord and being discipled by teams on a weekly basis. Parents of the youth and staff at the juvenile detention centre have reported noticing a significant change in some of the youth. One of the young adults from a local church accompanied multiple teams for this ministry, and has expressed a desire to continue visiting the juvenile centre each week. • Local Christians have joined teams for open airs, art workshops, house to house evangelism, children’s ministry and discipleship and evangelism seminars. God has been inspiring many to join in what He is doing, and some of these ministries are now being continued by local churches. One pastor initially joined a team for ministry, using basketball to reach out to the youth and share the gospel, and he now continues doing this on a regular basis.

Some Highlights


• The local Body of Christ has been activated and equipped for evangelism and Bible teaching. Many teams have run evangelism training sessions and Bible training, and have seen the local Christian youth stepping out to share the Gospel for the first time. Following a Biblical Education and Leadership Training (BELT) Seminar, almost 40 locals joined a team for evangelism. 10 people came to the Lord through these local Christians. Pastors have been encouraged when seeing their congregation getting excited about evangelism, with one saying it was the first time he had seen his youth empowered to go out and share the gospel with others.

WAVE ONE YWAM Perth, Australia Sports Focus Led By: Benjamin Lloyd

Total Missionaries Who Came

“We partnered with some youth from a church for evangelism. Afterwards, they said, “It was amazing. We really want to do this everyday to share with everyone that we see”. They are ready to step out in their faith.” John Pecadizo – from the Philippines. YWAM Antipolo, Wave 1

YWAM Antipolo, The Phillipines Led By: Trijntje Dunnewind YWAM Biratnagar, Nepal Led By: Tara

Testimonies Total Statistics

WAVE TWO YWAM Ålesund, Norway Creative Focus Led By: Lucas Agazzani, Caitlin Svacina

Lives Committed to Christ: 1,821

YWAM Perth, Australia Bible Teaching Focus Led By: Joel Moylan, Grace Lee

Michelle Martinez – from USA. YWAM Perth Sports Focus Team, Wave 1

Total Lives Committed to Christ 1,821 Led to the Lord by Megacities Teams Led to the Lord by Local Christians


1,767 54

Instantly Healed through Prayer 32 Heard the Gospel 4,527 Received Prayer for a Need 2,128 Received Teaching 3,212

WAVE FOUR YWAM Perth, Australia Sports Focus Led By: Kevin Kusel & Mercedes Sierra YWAM Perth, Australia Sports Focus Led By: Benjamin Lloyd & Tyler Roy

“A young lady who lives in a slum community invited us into her home. We were able to pray for her, and she gave her life to the Lord. We followed up with her, gave her a Bible, and connected her with the local church. Since then, she has been attending the church regularly and is being discipled by one of the cell groups. The church has also started a cell group in her home to meet with more people living in the slum. Her mother has since decided to follow Jesus, and church members have visited her family regularly.”

Hours of Teaching 103 Hours of Intercession for Metro Manila Plus 404 Evangelistic Materials Distributed 1,917 Bibles Given 534 Health Care Administered 56

“A door opened for us to go to a juvenile prison. When we were there, kids came out and the guards watched on as we shared about Jesus. We asked if anyone would like Jesus in their lives and over 30 people said yes to Jesus that day - not just kids, but also the ones working in the prison. Now we continue to go back to the prison and disciple the kids and guards too.” Zebadiah Potler – from USA. YWAM Aalesund Creative Focus Team, Wave 2

“We ministered to 144 men in a prison cell. We did skits, told testimonies, and shared the gospel. Around 100 of them said yes to giving their lives to the Lord. We then sang songs and prayed over them. In the women’s section, we performed a gospel skit and about half of them gave their lives to Christ. A number of them were in tears as the Holy Spirit seemed to be touching their hearts. Each of us prayed for them.” Kevin Kusel – from Australia. YWAM Perth Sports Focus Team, Wave 4

Other Acts of Mercy 444

Total Missionaries Who Came: 68 People



Some Highlights

• Teams partnered with several established ministries, strengthening and encouraging the local Body of Christ. One team joined a local feeding program. Others worked with a ministry at a prostitution restoration centre. All teams were involved in teaching and encouraging local Christians at youth groups, church services, and through house visits. • God led teams to visit different barangays, where they often received welcomes from barangay officials and the local community. There was children’s ministry, open air gospel presentations, and ministry to parents in the community, building good relationships and being invited to return on a weekly basis. Teams also received invitations from barangays to hold youth meetings, teaching youth and young families about relationships, and discipling them in different areas. • The local Body of Christ has been equipped and mobilised in the area of community outreach. Local Christians often accompanied the teams for ministry. One youth group really loved evangelism with the team, and said that they wanted to continue heading out! Another church was involved in children’s ministry in a slum with the team, and they are now looking at how they can continue the ministry. • One team held a community clean up, which opened a door for them to enter a school and present a gospel skit to 150 teachers.

Total Missionaries Who Came

WAVE ONE YWAM Perth, Australia Led By: Kathy Hwang & Changhee Cho

WAVE TWO UofN Jeju, South Korea Led By: Youjung Kim, Woo Shik Lee

WAVE THREE YWAM Newcastle, Australia Led By: Lia Dalphini

WAVE FOUR YWAM Perth, Australia Anti-Human Trafficking Focus Led By: Mia-Marjukka Rantala

Total Missionaries Who Came: 34 People


“We went with some pastors into a juvenile boys jail with boys between 10 and 18 years old. We started to sing with them and then shared the gospel. One of the pastors shared a message and asked who would like to receive Jesus. All 47 raised their hands!”

Total Statistics

Ruth Ornelas – from the USA. YWAM Newcastle, Wave 3

Lives Committed to Christ: 554 Total Lives Committed to Christ 554 Led to the Lord by Megacities Teams Led to the Lord by Local Christians Second Generation Salvations

462 86 6

Instantly Healed through Prayer 51 Heard the Gospel 3,670 Received Prayer for a Need 4,559 Received Teaching 2,975 Hours of Teaching 81 Hours of Intercession for Metro Manila Plus 245 Evangelistic Materials Distributed 934 Bibles Given 95 Health Care Administered 30 Other Acts of Mercy 1,829

“Our team hosted a party for the women in prostitution that we had met. We cooked a meal for them, played games with them, and took care of their children. At the end of the time, 2 of the women said that they are planning on going to a restoration home to leave prostitution.” Cassidi Adams – from the USA. YWAM Newcastle, Wave 3

“I was walking with a local pastor as we were going to our evangelism spot. He was telling me that he heard about the Day of Compassion through the Global Youth Outreach. He liked the idea a lot and said that he is going to start doing Days of Compassion with his church once a month. He has already scheduled the first one this month. Later while we did an open air, he shared the gospel and 39 people responded!” Molly Ray – from the USA. Megacities Coordinator, Wave 4

“One day we went to the slum area of Pasay and picked up rubbish from the streets to show that we truly care about the people and want to serve them. Within our first minutes of collecting old plastic cups and other things, people started talking to us and helping us pick up rubbish. One elderly man shared that he was so amazed to see young Westerners doing this kind of service here. After that, we found ourselves surrounded by around 30 children, who started helping us too!” Verena Steinmaier – from Germany. YWAM Perth Anti-Human Trafficking Focus Team, Wave 4


Pasig • Local people were mobilised in evangelism, including reaching out to the slum communities in Pasig that churches previously had not done ministry in. A church started coming out on evangelism with a team every week and saw a lot of fruit from those times. One pastor ran a series of evangelism seminars across Metro Manila, drawing together local Christians from multiple churches and seeing many being trained and heading out to the streets for evangelism, some for the first time!

Some Highlights

• As teams have come in, they have also focused on training and discipleship. There have been Discipleship Seminars, evangelism seminars, and art outreach workshops. A Humility and Hunger Gathering during Wave 3 brought together around 45 local Christians from multiple churches. They gathered for 4 days of teaching on intimacy with God and obedience to His call. • A Simple Health Care team came and partnered with the church and held clinics and teachings in the local community to equip Filipino people in healthcare, while also sharing the gospel. • The community has welcomed teams to paint murals in many different places. Pastors have testified to this being a blessing, as the murals have brought beauty and truth to the community. • Two different teams have done training in areas of Appropriate Technology, training people how to build water filters, and another training local workers how to build small, single-family-use biogas tanks. These technologies are multipliable and could have far reaching impact.

“This week we had an opportunity to share testimonies and the gospel at a holding cell. During that time I shared my testimony with 41 inmates and incorporated the gospel. After sharing, 24 inmates said they wanted to receive Jesus!”

Total Missionaries Who Came

Zach Goertzen – from Canada. YWAM Perth, Wave 2

“We had been working with a pastor and his church for about 3 weeks, organising seminars, running evangelism times, and building relationships. Over our time there we saw God move through them in miraculous ways. The first time we went out on evangelism, we saw one of the church members lead a whole family to the Lord! They also started a regular Bible study with about 10 people.” Brandon Beches – from Australia. YWAM Perth, Wave 3

“One pastor was so inspired by Megacities that he has decided to run his own evangelism seminars across Metro Manila. He invites pastors from many different cities and pulls a big crowd together. Before we left, he held an all day seminar, where 70 people showed up, including 4 different pastors from around Metro Manila. Everyone went out for evangelism together.” Matt Brennan – from Canada. YWAM Perth, Wave 3

“Through the simple health care group, we were able to reach 2 depressed areas within our barangay. It has not been easy to get into these communities, but now because of the Megacities team, we can communicate with them freely and have another sort of evangelism using health care.” Pastor Ernesto Endab – Jeremiah 33:3 Christian International Fellowship

WAVE ONE YWAM Perth, Australia Art Focus Led By: Noemie Guignard & Tabea Wittwer

WAVE TWO YWAM Perth, Australia Led By: Zach Goertzen

Lives Committed to Christ: 2,877 Total Lives Committed to Christ Led to the Lord by Megacities Teams Led to the Lord by Local Christians

Instantly Healed through Prayer

WAVE THREE YWAM Perth, Australia Led By: Matt Brennan

WAVE FOUR YWAM Perth, Australia Medical Focus Led By: Deborah Reynders YWAM Perth, Australia Appropriate Technology Focus Led By: Romano Mantel


Total Statistics

2,877 2,738 139


Heard the Gospel


Received Prayer for a Need


Received Teaching


Hours of Teaching


Hours of Intercession for Metro Manila Plus


Evangelistic Materials Distributed


Bibles Given


Health Care Administered


Other Acts of Mercy


Total Missionaries Who Came: 49 People


Pateros • Many church members have been actively involved in reaching Pateros through evangelism. They began by helping to translate for team members. Then they led in sharing their own testimonies and the gospel, as well as performing songs and sharing Bible teachings. Local Christians have testified that they have been challenged by the teams to continue growing in this area, and the follow up of it. One church has even started 3 Bible studies in their local community as a result. • One team used performing arts to share the gospel. At one event around 30 children gave their lives to the Lord! This inspired others, and now local youth have come together to continue to create evangelistic skits to take out and perform in their city to reach more people. • A number of churches partnered together to host a multi-church event where the Jesus Film was shown. One of the local pastors shared the gospel and over 200 people gave their lives to Christ at the event. Local pastors have also commented on how the teams have helped bring together youth from the different churches. • One team met a young man who was known for often being involved in fights. After sharing the gospel with him, the team led him to the Lord and continued to disciple him. He started attending many of the seminars the team ran, and joined them for evangelism. By the end of the team’s time in the city, he was actively pursuing opportunities to share God with people! • Almost 300 people attended seminars run by teams on discipleship topics and how to disciple new believers.

Some Highlights

WAVE ONE YWAM Perth, Australia Evangelism Focus Led By: James Stevens

Total Missionaries Who Came

WAVE TWO YWAM Perth, Australia Performing Arts Focus Led By: Else-Johanne Hjortland, Sara Hustad, Bryanna Lindberg

WAVE FOUR YWAM Antipolo, The Philippines Led By: Trijntje Dunnewind, Beverly Perez Total Missionaries Who Came: 30 People

“One day a couple of our local friends said, “We want to go out to the plaza to do some worship and tell people about Jesus.” We went, and one of them shared the gospel with 10 people, leading 7 of them to the Lord. The other one played the guitar and worshipped publicly for about an hour and a half. On the way back they said, “We should do this more often.”

Total Statistics Lives Committed to Christ: 1,058

James Stevens – from Australia. YWAM Perth Evangelism Focus Team, Wave 1

Total Lives Committed to Christ 1,058 Led to the Lord by Megacities Teams


Led to the Lord by Local Christians


Second Generation Salvations


Instantly Healed through Prayer 56 Heard the Gospel 4,310 Received Prayer for a Need 2,248 Received Teaching 1,685 Hours of Teaching 70 Hours of Intercession for Metro Manila Plus 223 Evangelistic Materials Distributed 4,812 Bibles Given 365 Other Acts of Mercy 298


“Five churches and youth all worked together to show the Jesus film, after we had met with one pastor and talked about it as a ministry idea. Every one was involved: the churches provided a tent, sound system, projector, and soup. We presented some skits, and the pastor got up and shared the gospel. Suddenly everyone stood up. We realised he was leading them in a prayer of salvation! 203 people gave their lives to Jesus. The whole church made it happen and carried it forward!” Bryanna Lindberg – from the USA. YWAM Perth Performing Arts Focus Team, Wave 2

“We went to the local police station and asked if we could pray for anyone. I shared my testimony with 27 prisoners and asked if they believed that Jesus could break their addictions, bringing freedom in their lives. Almost everyone responded with a yes. I asked them if there was anything preventing them from following Jesus. Almost every person in the cells said no. In total, 19 prisoners gave their lives to the Lord, and we were able to give each one of them a Bible.” Sara Hustad – from Norway. YWAM Perth Performing Arts Focus Team, Wave 2

“During evangelism, God was speaking about instant healings. We saw a man who had a limp and a cane, and we knew he was the guy God was speaking about. We gave the man a tract and began a conversation about God that led us to pray for his healing. God told him to speak healing and then instantly healed him!” Johmar Samosa – from the Philippines. YWAM Antipolo, Wave 4



he teams have taught us how to do missions.” - Pastor Ricardo Leal, Jesus Christ Holy Redeemer Church, San Mateo.

Mobilisation 3,715 Led to the Lord by Local Christians (Salvations through local Christians while out on evangelism with Megacities teams.)

135 Second Generation Salvations

(Salvations led by local Christians who have recently given their lives to the Lord through Megacities teams.)

Megacities teams in Manila invited local Christians to join them as often as possible. Many people joined throughout the year, resulting in hundreds being inspired, challenged and equipped to rise up and reach their own communities, even after Megacities finishes. “We did evangelism in different areas in Pateros. We did open airs. We are not just exposing the community to the gospel, but our church was challenged to be a part of missions. For our youth and young adult leaders we accepted the challenge,” said Pastor Dave from Pateros. All over the city, many believers got involved with teams in going to the streets and preaching the gospel - from youth groups, pastors, church members, and even children! “We invited different churches to do evangelism. One of the churches joined and brought 20 children (ages 10-12) to do street evangelism for the first time! We went out in groups for 45 minutes - the children came and shared back that they saw 16 salvations, 5 instant healings and over 30 people prayed for!”, reported Holli Johnson from the YWAM Perth team in San Juan during Wave 3. Pastor Jerome from Jesus is Lord Church in South Caloocan testified, “The best thing that Megacities has done is to inspire our youth to do street evangelism and to have a heart to win souls. The Word of God is being preached to people. When our young people joined the Megacities teams they have been compelled to share the gospel. The teams have triggered their heart for evangelism.” This testimony represents many more that have been reported from all over Metro Manila Plus. As the body of Christ continues to engage their city, there is potential for a movement to take place that can have a far reaching impact, not just in the Philippines, but in the nations as well. This has been at the very heart of Megacities throughout the year - the desire to see the Body of Christ and local communities inspired and equipped to transform their own city and beyond.

Quezon City



YWAM Perth, Australia Led By: Chelsea Woolcott, Naomi Lloyd

China Team Led By: CE

• Teams have been able to reach out to communities in many areas of Quezon City, including seeing great ministry happen in schools and in Payatas area. Churches have been active in this ministry, as well as in going with teams to do ministry in cemeteries. There have also been seminars run focusing on discipleship, evangelism, worldview and the Bible.

YWAM Perth, Australia Led By: Samantha McQueen

YWAM Perth, Australia Media & Arts Focus Led By: Drew Arvidson

• One team was able to serve with a church in doing relief work for those who were affected by a fire in a slum community. They were able to distribute food, clothes, and shoes, as well as provide counselling. They prayed for, and gave Bibles to 100 people in this time, seeing 34 of them give their lives to Christ.

YWAM Mazatlan, Mexico Led By: Juan de la Toba Arce, Nicole Madsen

• There have been more than 500 Bibles distributed in Quezon City.


• Music and arts have been a tool that teams have used throughout Quezon City to bring the truth and joy of Christ. One team was a Music Ministry Band and they reached out to the music community, performing a number of shows in different places and ministering as they went. Murals have also been painted for churches and communities, and they have served to bring joy and blessing to their surrounding area. One team partnered with a local church to begin a dance and music ministry, aimed at evangelising through the arts. A youth group is now continuing this.

YWAM Perth, Australia Music Focus Led By: Mike Morris

• God has led teams to serve and meet needs in healthcare and practical service. One team of birth attendants was able to build partnership with local birthing clinics, enabling the team to minister to women in labour, connect those women to churches, and give the women the chance to have their babies welcomed into this world in prayer! Many miracles, salvations, and prayers have been seen and shared through this relationship. • Many churches reported dramatic church growth. One has had to look for a new venue to meet in, while others have shared about mass baptism services.

YWAM Maui, USA Led By: Courtney Binda, Seth de Boer

YWAM Oxford, New Zealand Led By: Kadi & David Keener YWAM Rogaland, Norway Led By: Elisama Rivera YWAM Southlands Tasmania, Australia Led By: Timothy Coates & Mark Rawlins

Some Highlights

Total Missionaries Who Came

YWAM Oxford, New Zealand Led By: Morgan Blankenship, Jacob Cox

WAVE FOUR YWAM Perth, Australia Mother & Child Focus Led By: Amada Stapp China Team Led By: Sheldon, Jimy, Cassie China Team Led By: Ben YWAM Perth, Australia Advocacy Focus Led By: Mason Thomas YWAM Perth, Australia Anti-Human Trafficking Focus Led By: Chloe McDowell Total Missionaries Who Came: 156 People

“We brought together youth from four churches who live in the same city but have never met each other before. We taught on music and dance, combining it with God’s heart for transformation, His love for their passions, and His longing for church to come together as one body. They now meet every Tuesday to create music and dance routines to use to reach the city with.“ Lucy Jones – from USA. YWAM Perth, Wave 1

“Our team began going to a gym with some local youth. Before and after each workout we spent time with the young adults, sharing stories from our times of ministry and evangelism. After a few weeks, the young adults started to invite their friends. From these times of fellowship at the gym, vision for a new ministry was birthed. They started to chat about how they could continue doing this, even as we left. One of them is a personal trainer, and he offered to run a fitness class a few times a week at church. Instead of paying for a gym membership, they use that money to buy equipment for the church. Since we’ve left, they’ve officially launched their fitness ministry, and continue to invite their non-Christian friends and coworkers.“ Drew Arvidson – from USA. YWAM Perth Media & Arts Focus Team, Wave 3

“This week, I was taking blood pressures in a clinic and met a family that I immediately felt to share the Gospel with. As I was taking the parent’s blood pressures I started to pray that their hearts would soften and that they would come to know Jesus as a whole family. Once I was finished I shared the Gospel and the entire family gave their lives to Jesus together!” Amada Stapp – from USA. YWAM Perth Mother & Child Focus Team, Wave 4

Total Lives Committed to Christ 3,292 Led to the Lord by Megacities Teams Led to the Lord by Local Christians Second Generation Salvations

2,974 317 1

Instantly Healed through Prayer 163 Heard the Gospel 8,873 Received Prayer for a Need 7,416 Received Teaching 6,802 Hours of Teaching 183


Hours of Intercession for Metro Manila Plus 729 Evangelistic Materials Distributed 3,067

Lives Committed to Christ: 3,292

Total Statistics

Bibles Given 575 Health Care Administered 465 Other Acts of Mercy 2,046


San Juan • One team was able to start a basketball ministry with street children alongside a local pastor who gathered youth to join; they are now joyfully carrying it forward as a weekly ministry. • Another team saw a Sunday School at a local church double in size because of the children who are now engaged in what the church is doing. The next team, along with local church members, began visiting the families of these children who recently decided to follow Jesus, trusting God for the families to come to Christ and be discipled. • Pastors have testified to being inspired by the time the teams spent Bible reading, and have now started regular Bible reading times in their own church too. • Lots of prayer and initiative has gone into building more unity between churches, with teams inviting members of multiple churches for joint evangelism times, and seeing the building of relationships between different churches. One team ran a children’s seminar, where they saw 50 children’s workers from 7 different churches attend each week. Since then, one pastor has invited the seminar attendees to gather for a monthly time of fellowship and encouragement. He mentioned it would be good for different denominations who are close by to gather together, so that they can encourage each other in their ministry in San Juan. • Teams were involved with local Bible distribution, praying for the sick in hospitals, ministering in jails and schools, and running seminars on topics such as discipleship, leadership, and children’s ministry. One team showed the Jesus film to a great response. • Two different teams worked on film projects during their time here. One of these teams produced a film called “Treasures on the Street”, promoting the need for people to care and get involved in helping street kids. It has been passed around and shown in many places throughout Metro Manila, inspiring many people already! The other team created an excellent promotional video called “Called? Go!”, with the aim to help mobilise more Filipinos into cross cultural missions.

Some Highlights


Total Statistics

YWAM Perth, Australia Led By: Esther Joo YWAM Perth, Australia Children’s Ministry Focus Led By: Acksios Kim & Joshua Lohmeyer

Lives Committed to Christ: 1.534 Total Lives Committed to Christ Led to the Lord by Megacities Teams

WAVE TWO YWAM Perth, Australia Missions Mobilisation Focus Led By: Benjamin McClure & Angela King

Led to the Lord by Local Christians Second Generation Salvations

Instantly Healed through Prayer

YWAM Perth, Australia Led By: Brody Joly, Brontë Mantel

YWAM Perth, Australia Children’s Ministry Focus Led By: Hayley Lohmeyer & Mirjam Lysgaard WAVE FOUR YWAM Newcastle, Australia Led By: Alannah Hughes & Laura Penner

1,543 1,519 23 1


Heard the Gospel


Received Prayer for a Need


Received Teaching


Hours of Teaching


Hours of Intercession for Metro Manila Plus


Evangelistic Materials Distributed


Bibles Given


WAVE THREE YWAM Perth, Australia Led By: Benjamin McClure


Health Care Administered

Total Missionaries Who Came

Other Acts of Mercy

7 687

“A local pastor said that seeing the Bible read out loud by the team led him and his family to read the Bible from 9am-5pm. They then started Bible reading with their church, and are going to read the Bible in 30 days.“ Acksios Kim – from South Korea. YWAM Perth Children’s Ministry Focus Team, Wave 1

“Our team leader had the opportunity to sit down with the chief warden at the local prison. The warden said that in order to minister in the prison, we needed to bring in documents. When he found out that we were missionaries, he told us that we no longer needed any documentation, but instead, gave us permission. We went in, led a Bible teaching, and shared the gospel. 43 people surrendered their lives to Christ. One of our local contacts prayed with them.“ Brody Joly – from Canada. YWAM Perth, Wave 2

“Today we had the opportunity to go into an elementary school. The principal stopped all of the grade 5 classes so that we could share the gospel with them. The kids listened intently as we shared, and all 250 of them responded to the gospel, inviting Jesus to be their Lord and Saviour! A pastor who has been wanting to get into this school for the past 10 years has said that this will open the door for him to be able to teach about biblical values after we leave.” Hayley Lohmeyer – from Australia. YWAM Perth Children’s Ministry Focus Team, Wave 3

Total Missionaries Who Came: 69 People


San Mateo • Relationships have been built and the gospel has been shared through sports ministry, music ministry, teaching in schools, children’s programs, discipleship and evangelism seminars. Teams have been encouraged to see the local church join these times and respond to what God is doing. • God used teams to meet and equip His people very practically in San Mateo. A Homes of Hope team completed two house builds in partnership with people from the local church, and an Appropriate Technology team had great success training a group of pastors how to build water filters. These local Christians are now able to use these skills to serve the community, and train others to multiply these skills! • A family team had the opportunity to come and invest in San Mateo through teaching on relationships and parenting. They had a positive response and saw a desire for more teaching as well. As they came with their children, God used them to reach out to other children and families through the city. • Teams intentionally connected with the youth of San Mateo, encouraging them to join in times of ministry and evangelism. In response to how they have seen God moving, these local youth have often taken the lead in ministry. Several young people have told teams how they have grown in a desire to continue evangelism and ministry.

Some Highlights


WAVE ONE Homes of Hope, YWAM Perth, Australia House Building Focus Led By: Andrew Kuehl, Aaron Little, Benjamin Pabst YWAM Perth, Australia Sports Focus Led By: Sydney Van Der Voort


Total Missionaries Who Came

YWAM Zion, New Zealand Led By: Sarina Demers & Quinn Weiers

WAVE THREE YWAM Perth, Australia Family Ministry Focus Led By: Janice Bowdler Homes of Hope, YWAM Perth, Australia House Building Focus Led By: Ryan Abbott

WAVE FOUR YWAM Perth, Australia Music Focus Led By: Josh Bottrell & David Yoo Homes of Hope Team, Germany House Building Focus Led By: Benjamin Pabst Total Missionaries Who Came: 81 People

Total Statistics

Lives Committed to Christ: 328 Total Lives Committed to Christ Led to the Lord by Megacities Teams

328 255

Led to the Lord by Local Christians


Second Generation Salvations


Instantly Healed through Prayer


Heard the Gospel


Received Prayer for a Need


Received Teaching


Hours of Teaching


Hours of Intercession for Metro Manila Plus


Evangelistic Materials Distributed


Bibles Given Health Care Administered Other Acts of Mercy

79 127 1,616

“We held an evangelism training seminar with several local churches. 51 young people from over 6 churches gathered in one place. From those 51 young people being trained and sent out, we saw 50 people get prayed for, 35 hear the gospel, and 11 people get saved. It was an incredible time to see God uniting the youth over reaching out to their community.” Sydney van der Voort – from Canada. YWAM Perth Sports Focus Team , Wave 1

“We were prayer walking and met 3 boys along the way. We shared some words with them and now we have been going back to hang out with them. We have brought local youth to come build relationship with them too. They have started to come to the midweek service at the church now!” Quinn Weiers – from Canada. YWAM Zion, Wave 2

“A girl from a local youth group joined us for evangelism. The first time we evangelised, our team member shared the gospel, and she translated for us. After that, she was completely comfortable with sharing about Jesus on her own. We got to share with 18 people and saw 8 salvations that day.” Joshua van Straaten – from Australia. YWAM Perth Music Focus Team, Wave 4

“We have been so blessed by all your families here. We have felt convicted by God to give more attention to training and equipping families. We plan to run at least 3 conferences a year on marriage and parenting. We want to be aware of the relationships in the church. We see we have an obligation to really care for the families. You have all very genuinely impacted us, thank you!”


Pastora Nimfa Operio – Jesus the Great Shepherd Fellowship International


South CALOOCAN Some Highlights

• One team spent a lot of intentional time discipling and caring for the neighbourhood children on the street. Through this, they inspired the church that they were working with to do the same. This church had done outreaches to children in other areas of the city, but they have now adopted a weekly outreach to continue the discipleship of the children right in front of them. • One pastor has found an education program to get the street kids involved in, and his church has now held prayer meetings seeking God for more strategies on how to reach these specific kids. • Many youth have joined teams in times of ministry, learning skits from teams and sharing testimonies during open airs. Local youth from 4-5 different churches have grown in confidence and passion for evangelism, stepping out in sharing the gospel and praying for people for the first time. They have led over 100 people to the Lord during evangelism times with the teams. • Teams served in many different capacities such as prison ministry, praying for people in hospitals, Bible distribution, Discipleship Seminars, health care seminars, teaching water filtration, and a lot of evangelism and open airs. They have run Bible studies, shared at numerous church gatherings, and taught in schools. • God opened opportunities for the local church to be trained and equipped, in order to reach out to the local community. A Humility and Hunger team held a gathering focused on worshipping Jesus and living in obedience to Him. A Worship for the Nations team held an Intercession, Worship, and Evangelism Seminar. Both of these had a great response, seeing local Christians gather to worship God, apply what they had learned, and go out to share the gospel some for the first time!

Total Missionaries Who Came

“My group went to the school admin to ask if we could share in some classrooms. The admin told us that not only could we go in and share, but we could have an hour and a half in 6 classrooms! My team and I split up and shared Jesus with the students. 191 students heard the gospel and 52 gave their lives to Jesus.” Jason Simonovich – from USA. YWAM Perth, Wave 1

WAVE ONE YWAM Perth, Australia Led By: Ryan Abbott

WAVE TWO YWAM Perth, Australia Led By: Lydia Soar & Joseph Joo

WAVE THREE YWAM Denver, USA Led By: Elissa Teichrib

“Our team initiated a children’s ministry with the kids outside the church we were staying at. As our time there continued on, more and more kids would come and we started a kids program every Saturday. Fundamental Baptist Church of Agudo committed to continue with this program to reach local kids in their neighbourhood. In addition we showed the Jesus film to some of the children and parents in the neighbourhood and saw countless children and parents receive the Lord.” Elissa Teichrib – from Canada. YWAM Denver, Wave 3

“We did evangelism with the local youth in a slum. We did an open air in the street where there were 2 basketball hoops, and we got the local youth to do a dance that they all know. This drew a crowd in really well! After this, we did a gospel skit and shared the gospel. Lots of kids gave their lives to Jesus. Some of the adults who stood around the edge also gave their lives to Jesus, after some team members went over and asked them what they thought. Around 30 were saved!” Lydia Soar – from England. YWAM Perth, Wave 2

Total Lives Committed to Christ Led to the Lord by Megacities Teams

YWAM Perth, Australia Anti-Human Trafficking Focus Led By: Tristan Netrefa Total Missionaries Who Came: 46 People

Testimonies Total Statistics


Led to the Lord by Local Christians


Instantly Healed through Prayer


Heard the Gospel


Received Prayer for a Need


Received Teaching


Lives Committed to Christ: 1,146 WAVE FOUR


Hours of Teaching


Hours of Intercession for Metro Manila Plus


Evangelistic Materials Distributed


Bibles Given


Health Care Administered Other Acts of Mercy

14 527


Global Youth Outreach The Global Youth Outreach (GYO) was held at Cuneta Astrodome on October 30th, 31st, and November 1st, followed by the Day of Compassion on November 4th. The youth who gathered focussed on who God is, how worthy He is, our response to His holiness and the GO mandate. There was a deep hunger for God and many were met by the Holy Spirit. The conference centred on the presence and person of Jesus. Through worship times, testimonies, anointed speakers and more, God did a deep, transforming work. The first day focused on God’s worthiness. Vibrant worship was accompanied by teaching that brought clarity as to why we serve Jesus - not for what we can get out of it, but because He is worthy of our devotion, our obedience, and our life. The second day revolved around holiness and the Father. Speakers shared on the importance of heart purity, repentance and forgiveness. Powerful application times saw people repent of sins and forgive those who had hurt them. In the evening, Peter Brownhill spoke on the Fatherhood of God. This life changing message was followed by deep and intimate ministry, where hundreds were met by God in relation to trauma, emotional wounding, and areas of understanding the Father’s love. Christ’s command to “Go” was the theme of the third day of the conference. Challenging and inspiring messages clearly imparted the call to find our role in fulfilling the Great Commission. Through intercession and the sharing of testimonies, God’s longing to see the nations saved came through clearly. The day ended with people streaming to the front, responding to the challenge to use their life to fulfil the Great Commission. Finally, those in the conference were invited to the Day of Compassion, held the following Saturday, in their home cities across Metro Manila Plus. Almost 300 local Christians joined teams for evangelism, simultaneously taking the gospel to the streets all over the city. More than 700 people gave their lives to Jesus during that extraordinary day. Our prayer is that these efforts will help catalyse a growing movement beginning in Metro Manila Plus, leading to God’s Kingdom manifesting itself in every area of society within the Philippines.


t was such an amazing time. You could really feel the tangible presence of God. This GYO was really equipping. Jesus has revealed Himself to me more and more.” – Frank, Las Piñas. 59


WAVE ONE YWAM Perth, Australia Led By: Xochitl Espinosa Perez & Daniel Olaniyi

• As teams and locals came together in prayer and worship over the city, God opened doors and paved the way for the gospel to be shared. Teams were able to partner with churches in community outreach programs, including basketball ministry, police force ministry, and Bible studies. • One team had the opportunity to teach on values in a Muslim school. A team also felt led to go into a Muslim community to have a public time of worship; as they sought God in prayer, the gates to the community were literally opened for them. Local friends from the church were with the team as this happened, and were encouraged by God that every community is reachable. • A team was able to share on the radio for two hours. They shared to all who were listening about who Jesus is, and the ways they have seen God move throughout the nations. • One team ran seminars on both worship and discipleship, and regularly met with churches to go on evangelism with local church members. Another team engaged in a lot of ministry in schools as well. • God used the teams to encourage and empower young people to go out and reach their communities. One team took a group of young people out for their first time of evangelism. While they were out, the first man they met was miraculously healed by Jesus.


Total Statistics

WAVE TWO YWAM Byron Bay Led By: Rachel Warren

WAVE THREE YWAM Perth, Australia Worship Focus Led By: Abigail Gayton

WAVE FOUR YWAM Bali, Indonesia Led By: Priska Situmeang Total Missionaries Who Came: 35 People

Some Highlights

Total Missionaries Who Came

Lives Committed to Christ: 1,312 Total Lives Committed to Christ Led to the Lord by Megacities Teams

1,312 1,206

Led to the Lord by Local Christians


Instantly Healed through Prayer


Heard the Gospel


Received Prayer for a Need


Received Teaching


Hours of Teaching


Hours of Intercession for Metro Manila Plus


Evangelistic Materials Distributed


Bibles Given


Health Care Administered Other Acts of Mercy

3 650

“We went to a high school with a local church and shared the gospel in almost every classroom. In total, we shared the gospel with 690 teens and 605 got saved.” Myriam Frischknecht – from Switzerland. YWAM Perth, Wave 1

“Our team worked with several churches, teaching their youth about evangelism. Towards the end of our outreach, youth from 3 different churches would go out with us consistently and were always asking, “When are you going on evangelism? We want to go too.” Our team encouraged them that they too can set up times to go out and should continue doing evangelism after we leave. A few weeks after we left Taguig, our team got a message that the youth had set up weekly evangelism times, were leading people to the Lord, and were seeing people healed!“ Savannah Martin – from USA. YWAM Perth Worship Focus Team, Wave 3

“One day we went out for evangelism with some people from a local church. We started talking to a man and found out that he couldn’t speak. We shared the gospel with him and then started praying for him. I felt God say to ask him to open his mouth and just start talking. The translator told him, so he opened his mouth and said, ‘I don’t know if I can speak.’ he was speaking out loud! He then surrendered his life to Jesus. This was one of the first encounters some of the local people had ever had on evangelism; it made them excited to go out and see God move more.” Eva van Houwelingen & Savannah Martin – from Netherlands & USA. YWAM Perth Worship Focus Team, Wave 3

“We started ministry in a slum community by bringing food to the people there. We have been able to continue reaching out by doing house visits and giving coloring books and pencils to the children. 4 youth from a local church have joined us, and they plan to continue this ministry when we are gone.“ Kalvin Cyrus – from USA. YWAM Bali, Wave 4


Taytay • Local youth have gone out with the Megacities teams on evangelism and have seen God move powerfully. Pastors have also joined teams, gaining renewed excitement about leading people to Jesus. • One team held health care teaching sessions and ran medical clinics. They were able to care for people in the community and teach the local community how to reach out with health care to their neighbours. • School ministry has been great for teams in TayTay. Teams have been able to visit high schools, begin Bible studies in schools, and reach out to university students. Teams have also taken part in children’s ministry, working in slums, and doing house visits. • Youth and pastors alike have attended seminars and participated in ministry with teams. One team ran a number of Discipleship Seminars and saw great responses from the youth that attended. • A church was planted in a Muslim community after local Christians and a team began to prayer walk around the area. As they prayed, they were welcomed in, and saw families surrender their lives to Christ. They were also able to establish consistent children’s programs and Bible studies. That pastor and his church are now continuing to follow this up as a church plant by regularly meeting in the community, having received vision from God to continue growing this ministry.

Some Highlights

Total Statistics Lives Committed to Christ: 778 Total Lives Committed to Christ 778

Total Missionaries Who Came WAVE ONE YWAM Whitsunday, Australia Led By: Benellen Laverty & Amy Hutchison

Led to the Lord by Megacities Teams


Led to the Lord by Local Christians


Instantly Healed through Prayer 76 Heard the Gospel 3,056 Received Prayer for a Need 3,481 Received Teaching 5,307 Hours of Teaching 164 Hours of Intercession for Metro Manila Plus 333

WAVE TWO YWAM Perth, Australia Led By: Caitlin Fisher & Kate Michelle Thomsen

Evangelistic Materials Distributed 961 Bibles Given 927 Health Care Administered 530

WAVE FOUR YWAM Perth, Australia Medical Focus Led By: Rebekah Haight

Total Missionaries Who Came: 31 People

Other Acts of Mercy 175


“We’ve been running a Discipleship Seminar. A few people have come to it from the community, and we have been encouraging them to take their faith out to the streets. One pastor has been really challenged by this. We were doing revival meetings on Thursday and Friday nights, and he decided instead of doing revival meetings with the church, we should take it out into the community. We’ve seen more than 10 salvations come out of the first one. It’s been awesome to see the people in the church getting out and being active in their faith, desiring to see transformation, and desiring to be the transformation too.“ Benellen Laverty – from USA. YWAM Whitsunday, Wave 1

“We visited a high school in a Muslim community that a local church desired to do ministry in, but had been previously denied. We prayed over the school, asking for an open door. The day that we were there praying, the church got a “yes,” and the school agreed to allow a weekly Bible study once the next year starts.” Caitlin Fisher – from Canada. YWAM Perth, Wave 2

“After we decided to run a Discipleship Seminar, I took the initiative to invite some pastors and churches to attend. Praise God, He sent people. For the first time in the history of this church, some churches and pastors gathered together. This is the first time we rejoiced together with some other churches and pastors.” Pastor Archie Bayanon – Christ Alliance Church


Valenzuela • The local church were encouraged by the Megacities teams. Teams have been able to enter hospitals, prisons, police stations, and slum communities for ministry. In addition, they have held open airs and evangelism in parks, shopping malls, and local communities. Teams have also felt led to do ministry in Barangay Malinta, a poor area that is a former dumpsite. • God has been leading teams to use mercy ministry and worship as a strategy for breakthrough, and teams have engaged in over 500 ‘acts of mercy’. Teams have invested heavily into teaching and discipleship, through running Discipleship Seminars, worship and intercession seminars, and evangelism training with a number of churches. • In response to people expressing a desire for more teaching, teams have followed up with discipleship in many different parts of the city, including churches and jails, giving people tools to continue to know God and disciple others. • Teams saw increased church unity and breakthrough, as a result of events they organised to bring the church of Valenzuela together. A worship and evangelism event, ‘Rivers of Life’, saw different churches meeting for worship, performances, a gospel presentation, and evangelism, through which many were led to the Lord! A second event, ‘Revive’, was a one day evangelism training event held in Valenzuela together with teams and churches from the CAMANAVA. Church members reported loving the evangelism time, especially having all the different churches together.

Some Highlights

• A Worship for the Nations team ran an Intercession, Worship, and Evangelism Seminar. 57 people attended this seminar, and most of them were young people. God used this seminar to teach them how intercession, worship, and evangelism work together to bring transformation to a city. When they went out on evangelism, one local youth who had never done evangelism before was able to lead 8 people to the Lord.

“When we met with one of the local pastors about helping with their ministry, we asked if they had any children’s outreaches. The pastor said that they did one before, but for some reason it ended a long time ago. Our team partnered with them to get the children’s program back on its feet every Saturday morning in the church’s community. We saw about 20 kids come, engage in praise and worship and learn about Jesus! The church’s young adult leaders continue to run this program every week!”


Lives Committed to Christ: 457 Total Lives Committed to Christ 457

Alyssa Lagang – from USA. YWAM Perth, Wave 1

“We partnered with local Christians who had been running regular Bible studies in the prison. We were able to build on that and run short discipleship seminars in the jail with them. It was amazing to see the response and eagerness of the inmates to learn more and grow in their faith, even in their circumstances.“

Total Statistics

WAVE ONE YWAM Perth, Australia Led By: Alyssa Lagang

Total Missionaries Who Came

Alissa Ryan – from Australia, YWAM Perth Anti-Human Trafficking Focus Team, Wave 4

“We went to Pinalagad and brought 40 Bibles. We had conversations with the youth and their parents, asking for their prayer requests. We prayed for them and gave out Bibles. In the end, only 2 Bibles were left, and 7 people accepted Jesus!” Eunice – Open Door Baptist Church

Led to the Lord by Local Christians

293 164

Instantly Healed through Prayer 18 Heard the Gospel 2,667 Received Prayer for a Need 2,063


Mark Hunter – from Australia. YWAM Perth, Wave 2

“Today we went to a prayer meeting in Valenzuela. When one pastor heard that teams around Metro Manila were planning to have days of outreach in their cities, he immediately said he wanted to organise a special ‘Day of Outreach’ in Valenzuela too. His vision is that this will be a combined effort and draw churches together.”

Led to the Lord by Megacities Teams

YWAM Perth, Australia Led By: Nadine Keller

Received Teaching 1,813 Hours of Teaching 57 Hours of Intercession for Metro Manila Plus 270 Evangelistic Materials Distributed 214

WAVE FOUR YWAM Perth, Australia Anti-Human Trafficking Focus Led By: Alissa Ryan Total Missionaries Who Came: 28 People

Bibles Given 505 Health Care Administered 21 Other Acts of Mercy 546

“I considered Megacities as a great blessing to the Philippines church, a great partner in the work of reaching people for Christ, and a great encourager for people to really wake up and get involved in the work of reaching people for Christ. I believe that Megacities has not only conducted partnership with local churches, but also conducted reaching people beyond the measure of the function of the church. The local church is doing well, but with this partnership, it is doing greater. I thank God for Megacities ministry.” – Bishop Leonardo P. Alconga, Executive Director of International Needs Philippines and Elder of Philippines for Jesus Movement.

“The coming of Megacities in Metro Manila is really a great blessing. Number one, it stirred up the evangelistic fervour. This is what the YWAM missionaries are really zealous of: Tthey prayer walk the streets, and they shared with the ordinary people in the streets. Secondly, it is really an exposure to the cross-cultural. It is a very good opportunity for the members of the church, especially the young people, to interact and open up more of the horizon of seeing the global family of the Body of Christ. Thirdly it opens up more partnership in the work of the Lord.” – Bishop Daniel A. Balais, Intercessors for The Philippines, Christ the Living Stone Fellowship.

“Thank you so much, Megacities. The work you are doing is fantastic. People are being saved, and many churches are doing water baptisms. Many are being discipled and challenged to do missions. Praise God for Megacities.” – Bishop Noel Pantoja, Philippine Council of Evangelical Churches. “They’re very zealous and compassionate to pray for the sick. They have shared to the jail people. They made an impact. They never neglected what they were supposed to do. I believe they know it. They can be involved in many ministries. One thing I like is that they are bold in going and sharing.” – Bishop Methusela Ramos, Jesus the Gospel Church International.

“Since January with Megacities teams, the church has grown rapidly. Before, we had one service every month, using a space that fits 200-300 people. Now this space will not fit everyone. Growth is happening in our church, but not only with us, but also other ministries here in the area. The unity is growing. Before, the pastors would only meet at the meetings and wave hands. Now we are talking with one another about what God is doing in our churches and ministries. Also, what they brought to our church has ignited the fire of evangelism, not only in the young people, but the whole church. We are seeing the church on fire to win souls for Christ.” – Pastor Lourdman Cabuenos, Tameion City Church, Quezon City. “We just held a baptism service for those that got saved through the Megacities teams last Saturday.” – Pastor Ronnel T. Reyes, C3 Church, Pasig Central.

“We are so thankful to God because of the YWAM team brought here by Megacities and used by God to inspire our young people for empowering the church. They really empowered our church and many people have had their lives changed because of the YWAM team. When they went to the slum area, we saw how passionate they are in serving the Lord and how they touched the hearts of the people. We really appreciate the kind of sacrifice they have shown. They left their comfort zone just to preach the gospel into different places. Thank you, Megacities.” – Pastor Ricardo Leal, Jesus Christ Holy Redeemer Church, San Mateo. “We have baptised 24 people that have come to know Jesus through the Megacities teams and have now joined our church. Our church feels awakened and challenged by the teams as they’ve shared many testimonies from their evangelism times.” – Dr. Alfredo de Guzman, Philippine Missionary Fellowship, Quezon City. “This is God’s way to raise up a new generation that are passionate for Jesus.” – Pastora Atilla B. Belamala, Antipolo Burning Bush Alliance Christian Church. “In all the churches that the Megacities team worked with, there is still follow up happening and it has brought the churches more together. It has been really effective. The teams have made an impact and have left a passion for soul winning.” – Pastor Noel Frontuna, Jesus is Lord North Caloocan.

“The Megacities team played basketball with different teams and shared the gospel. Now half of one team attends our church after they all committed their lives to Jesus. We are so inspired by the teams that have come. We appreciate the partnership with the local churches and young people. These young people are very young, but they have a passion for our people. We are so touched by that.” – Pastor Nemy Martin, I Am Redeemer & Master Evangelical Church, Marikina. “Thousands of people have heard the gospel through the teams sharing in high schools and running sports clinics. It’s the first time we’re holding church services in the communities. Our people are more excited about going out and sharing the gospel!” – Pastor Duane Garcera, Book of Life Bible Christian Church, Manila.

“Our church members are revived to serve God and they are now more wholly committed to the work of men because of the impartation of God’s anointing from this missionary team. The anointing of evangelism, anointing in prayer, reading the word of God, anointing of worship. These teams are a great blessing not only to our family, to our church, but also to other churches in Taytay.” – Pastor Archie Bayanon, Alliance Christian Fellowship, Taytay.

“The churches in Makati that the teams have worked with are now connecting with the other churches. Like the Church of God and their youth church, Christ’s Gospel Fellowship, are coming together and are working together now.” – Pastor Rommel Agustin, Impact Makati, Makati.

TOTAL STATISTICS 101,657 Heard the Gospel

1,878 Instantly Healed through Prayer

33,475 Lives Committed to Christ

8,661 Hours of Intercession for Metro Manila Plus

29,625 Led to the Lord by Megacities Teams 3,715 Led to the Lord by Local Christians Salvations through local Christians while out on evangelism with Megacities teams

135 Second Generation Salvations Salvations led by local Christians who have recently given their

82,434 Received Teaching 2,875 Hours of Teaching 22,144 Evangelistic Materials Distributed

lives to the Lord through Megacities teams

8,894 Bibles Given

94,244 Received Prayer for a Need

6,246 Health Care Administered 18,951 Other Acts of Mercy

1,226 missionaries from 52 Nations, on 124 teams came to Manila this year.

Thank you. Megacities teams have worked with hundreds of churches and other contacts and we apologise for any names that we have missed. We are so grateful for every contribution of every church, NGO, and community organisation that supported the efforts of Megacities Manila. Bishop Leonardo P. Alconga, Philippines for Jesus Movement

Ptr Bombie D. Ponteras, Hope in Jesus Christian Church


Bishop Noel Pantoja, Philippine Council of Evangelical Churches

Ophie Aguirre, Intercessors for the Philippines

Ptr Marvin Roberts, Ablaze For Jesus

Bishop Daniel A. Balais, Chairman of Intercessors for The Philippines, Christ the Living Stone Fellowship

Ptr Tom, Jesus Christ Firm Foundation

Ptr Mario A. Rillon, Hamamatsu Hallelujah Church

Ptr Kennedy V. Amante, Jesus Lord of All Ministries International

Ptr Romildo Dalanon, Immanuel Fellowship of Camanava

Bishop Methusela Ramos, Jesus the Gospel Church International

Ptra Minda, Jesus the Gospel Fellowship International

Rev. Atil S. Ligmon, Ptr Israel Fred Ligmon, Kapitbahayan Christian Fellowship

Ptr Gene Vijar, Jesus The Rock Church ANTIPOLO

Ptr Marcelo B. Bacabac, World of Joy Church

Ptr Dheo Benzonan, Agape Christian Church

Ptr Napoleon Castillon Jr, Victory in Jesus Community Church

Ptra Atilla B. Belamala, Ptra Heralda, Antipolo Burning Bush Alliance Christian Church

Ptr Jovi M. Caburnay, Word for the World Christian Fellowship

Ptr Miguel Gallo, Antipolo Hills Bless Church


Billy Wark, Children’s Garden Ptr Christian, Cogeo Fundamental Baptist Church Lt. Marion Mae Tandayag, Salvation Army Liliosa Plaza, YWAM Antipolo CAINTA Ptr Alexander Hernandez, Cainta Baptist Church Ptr Noel S. Erese, Cells Alive Christian Fellowship Ptr Jim T. Delos Santos Jr, More Than Conquerors Church Ptr Dave H. Montejar, Ptr Paul, Christian Alliance Fellowship East Ptr Rolando Mampang, Faith Tabernacle Church Ptr Flibert Paje, Hope for the World International Ministries Ptr Jess Aguirre, Isaiah 40:11 Church Ptr Mario, JCRF Church Ranjee, One Love Ministry Ptr Mitchum Villa, Word of Light Church LAS PIÑAS

Ptr Edwin L. Juen, Abundant Life in Christ Community Church Ptr Leonardo V. Lopez, Alliance of Christian Leaders in Makati Ptra Maria Kristina Merginio, Christ International Fellowship Ptr Jun Perater, Christ’s Gospel Fellowship, Makati Ptr Dennis Heppner, Ptra Ana Corro, Church of God Makati Ptra Ruth Majal Orfano, Church of the Redeemer, Youth for Jesus Ptra Aileen C. Sunga, Dakila Ang Diyos Church Alwyn Lascario, Destiny Rescue Ptr Dominador Delfin, God Most High Community Church Sr. Ma. Ananita Borbon, RGS, Good Shepherd Sisters Jane Iacap, How Great Thou Art Ministry Ptrs Rommel & Hannah Agustin, Impact Makati Ptr Nolan Peña, Jesus is Lord Ptr Prudy Verzo, Life Church Makati Elmo Salado, Makati House of Prayer Ptra Lina, Redeemed by Grace Church Ptr Rodney & Aida Garcia, The Rock Church, Makati

Ptr David C. Simong, CAA Fundamental Baptist Church

Angelica de Vera, Union Church of Manila, Filipino Youth Missions Movement

Ptr Dan, Christ Above All

Ptr Joey Red, Christ to the World Makati

Ptr Frank Beatou, Church of God’s Miracles Ptr Rami Ynares, Church of the Good Shepherd

Ptr Dave, Life Church Bishop Pio Tica, Ptr Antonio Ecube Jr, Malabon International Baptist Church Ptr Rey Pontongan, Paradise Alliance Church MANDALUYONG Ptr Sonny Aguilar, Charismatic Christian Church Ptr Tata, Christ Life Prayer Ministry Church Christ the Living Stone Fellowship Ptr Silva, Day by Day Church Ptr Boyet Sion, Jesus First Ministries in Hulo Ptra Cannie, Jesus is Lord Mandaluyong Ptr Tony Aguilla, Ptr Nanding, CAID Ptr Rick, United Church of the Good Shepherd MANILA CITY Ptr Duane & Jessie Garcera, Book of Life Bible Christian Church Ptr IJ, Center for Community Transformation Ptr Randy, Central Pilgrim Bible Baptist Church Bishop Rudy Alfonso Juan, Bishop Ciriaco Q. Francisco, Ptr Menre, Central United Methodist Church Ptr Arjay Padilla, Christ Power and Grace Church Ptr Peter Reyes, Christ the Living Stone Fellowship Church Tondo Ptr Rommel Rous, Gospel Church JCI Manila Ptra Norma Narnola, Jesus is Lord Ptr Glenn, Jesus the Gospel Fellowship International

Journey Church Philippines

Ptr Nick & Ptra Josie Reambillo, Jesus Abundant Life Giver Church


Rev. Marcel Andres Tanguilan, Knox United Methodist Church

Ptr Nes Lizaran, Mission Baptist Church

Ptr Danny Apanay, Christ the Living Stone Fellowship San Antonio

Ptr Rod Gonzales, Life Changed Through Christ Fellowship

Ptr Ericson M. Marcelo, Mount Zion Chosen Generation Ministries

Ptr Joey Castaneda, Christ the Living Stone Fellowship Santo Nino

Conee Gaschinard, Life Project for Youth

Ptr Ricky, Promise of God Church Ministries

Ptr Edgar Miroy, Cross Over Center Church

Ptr Art and Jean Esmalla, Lightcast Baptist International Church

Toby & Eva Blomquist, Scandinavian Christian Missions

Ptr Jhoemar Cabang, Jesus is Lord Major L. C. Barrera, Salvation Army Sun Valley Corps

Ptr Jess Tomagan, Manila Faith Assembly of God Dr. Glenn Roy V. Paraso, M.D., MPH, Mary Johnston Hospital


Ptr Jerry Nolasco, The Synagogue Church of All Nations

Ptr Leo, Parola United Methodist Church

Ptr William Gumba, Alliance Christian Fellowship

Ptr Jerry Ambi, Voice of Victory Church International

Victoria Esperanza Cartera, Philippine Bible Society

Ptr Alfredo Elias, Christ Forever Fellowship Church

Ptr Reiner J. Blas, Walls of Salvation Christian Church

Ptr Larry San Pedro, Pastor Bong, River of God Church

Ptr David Reyes, Christ Revealed Church

Ptr Eduardo Laraya, Word for the World Church

Col. Priscilla Nanlabi, Col. Wayne Maxwell, Salvation Army

Zolio Gacutan, Christ’s Builders Ministry

Major Allan Roy, Major Cerline Parayno, Salvation Army Manila Central Corps

Ptr Ed Ferrer, God is Love Church


Ptr Fernando & Edwina Labrador, Gospel of Christ

Ptr Hyun-muk Jo, Immanuel Church

Major June Urbien, Salvation Army Manila Tondo Branch

Ptr Donato Santiago, Jesus is Lord

Ptr Merwin Paccay, Jesus the Great Shepherd Fellowship International

Elizabeth Leyva, Samaritan’s Purse

Ptr Dan Estrada, Love of Christ Christian Family Church

Ptr William Cargo, Pasay City Alliance Church

Ptr Irenco ‘Rey’ Caniaga, Sanctuary of God Church

Ptr Ryan, New Name Glorious Church

Captain Joonsik Im, Salvation Army Korean Corps

Ptr Ruel Bacquiller, Victory Church International Christian Ministries

Ptr Joe & Metel Gelbolingo, Victory Family Church

Ptr Amor Molina, Wesley United Method Church

Ptr Pat & Ptra Jean Natividad, Salt of the Earth Full Gospel Christian Fellowship

Ptr Alex Pantua, Word of Faith Foursquare Gospel Fellowship Center

Ptr Rodelio & Tess Gomez, Saving Grace Church

Ptr Eduardo Fernandez, Jesus First Christian Ministries

Kit Omlang, YWAM

Ptr Ricnel Miras, The Lord is Our Banner Church

Ptr Wayne and Rosie Downie, Pasay City Revival Church

Paul & Chona Ariaga, YWAM Balut

Ptr Hans & Mariz Rosario, WIN Pasay City

Asmund & Virgie Bok Orjasaeter, YWAM Olongapo NORTH CALOOCAN


Ptra Mila Deasis, Bagong Silang Caloocan City Church


Ptr Fernando, Christian Church of Faith

Ptr David ‘Dave’ Solomon Uson, Freedom Christian Fellowship

Ptr Edward F. Dizon Jr, Bagong Ilog Christian Fellowship

Ptra Kathy Minoza-Cueson, Cornerstone Church Equippers Manila Church

Ptra Myrna Baguero, God’s Servant Ministry AG

Ptr Ronnel T. Reyes, C3 Church Pasig Central

Ptr Joel Ocay, Grain, New Wine and Oil Ministries Cielito Outreach

Ptr Nehemiah, GIFT Church

Sister Mary Jane, Christian Living Church

Ptr Jun Licauan, Jesus Calvary Church

Ptr Norman, Glorious Power in Christ Church

Dr. Larry Pabiona, GCF Ortigas Centre

Ptra Edna Frontuna, Jesus is Lord Kanaan Church

Ptr Nemy Martin, I Am Redeemer & Master Evangelical Church Marikina

Ptr Ernie dela Pena, Gospel of God for the National Ministry Inc.

Ptr Raffy Ignacio, Jesus is Lord Kiko Church

Ptr Walter, Marikina Fundamental Bible Baptist Church

Ptr Ernesto & Wilma Endab, Jeremiah 33:3 Christian International Fellowship

Ptr Ted Gruta, Jesus is the Crown of Glory Christian Church

Ptr Joel Cabanes, Mission and Intercession Center for Asia Harvest Church Ptr Jaypee, Redeemer Bluewave Church Ptra Frances Talattad, Rhema Word of God Church Nadeia S. Sarte, Soroptimist International Marikina Metro Ptr Ferdie G. & Ptra Linda Atanacio, Hope for the World International Ministries, Holy Family 2 MONTALBAN Ptr Joshua, Agape Foursquare Gospel Church Ptr Arden, Faith Christian Fellowship Ptr Crisanto Obelidor & Ptra Cyrille Dacasco, Faith in Christ Alone Church Ptr Jun & Ptra Grace, Gain Christian Academy Marissa Marcelo, Goodnews For the World Assemblies

Ptr Noel Frontuna, Jesus is Lord North Caloocan Ptr Abelardo S. Bernardo, Livingstones Baptist Church

Ptr Chan-young (David) Kim, Ptr Lee, Manila Hope (Pyeong-gang) Church

Luke 4:18 Methodist Church

Ptr Raffy Malang, Napico Christian Alliance Fellowship

Ptr Abi Bista, Yeshua King of Glory

Ptr Third Plomantes, Pasig Bible Christian Church Ptr King, Redeemed Christian Fellowship


Majors Virgilio & Maila Lapera, Salvation Army Pasig Corps

Alpha and Omega United Methodist Church

Thy Market Place Christian Ministries

Ptr Owen Villena, Burning Bush United Methodist Church Ptr Ramon & Ptra Nini Alcasid, Crossways Church


Ptr Lamberto & Angie Valino, Good Shepherd United Methodist Church

Dr Stephen, Freedom Christian Fellowship

Ptr Sonny, Jesus is Lord

Ptr Larry Anas, Jesus Christ the Door of Blessing

Brother Rolando, UMC Marilao

Ptr Milo, Jesus Christ Word of Salvation

Rev. Rusty Suarez, Jesus the Saviour UMC

Ptra Cherilyn Gatpayat, Jesus Is Lord

Vic and Cecil Manansala, Christs Commission Fellowship

Ptra Merly Zaragoza, Jesus the Rescuer Ministries Ptr Rolly Antonio & Tita Aida, Jesus Christ is All in All Ministries


Ptr Julius, Star of Hope Preschool, Christian Faith Church


Rev. Jorge de Ramos, Capitol City Baptist Church

Tabernacle of Faith

Ptr Ray Dawal, Alive with Christ Church

Ptr Roldan & Pam Hernandez, Capitol City Baptist Church, Pasong Tamo

Ptr Rodolfo & Ptra Alice Rona, Victorious Blessed Church International

Ptr Marlon, Alliance Christian Center Sunrise

Ptr Tony Soledad, Christ the Healer International Church Sofia ‘Pia’ Encarnacion, Church So Blessed

Ptr Archie & Yeng Bayanon, Alliance Christian Fellowship Aila & Paolo, Christ’s Commission Fellowship Center

Compassion International (ELOHIM)


Sherrie, Destiny’s Promise Orphanage

Rev. Dr. Reynaldo Avante, Conservative Baptist Association of the Philippines

Ptr Ronnie, Blessed House Community Church

Ptr Jesse P. Co & Letty, Emmanuel Church

Ptra Terry, God is Sovereign Church

Rev. Nanding Pavnil, Ptr Mark, Diliman Campus Bible Church (UP Campus)

Ptr Jason Nebab, Fishport Christian Alliance Church

Ptr Ricardo & Emma Leal, Jesus Christ Holy Redeemer Church

Paulo, Dorm Christian Fellowship, University of the Philippines (UP)

Ptr Jonathan P. Laquila, Holiness Exodus Alliance Church

Ptr Justiniano Perez, Jesus is Alive Community - Silangan

Fairview Christian Fellowship

Ptr Jeremiah, Hope of Glory Bible Baptist Church

Ptr Boy Divina, Jesus our Hope and Redeemer Church

Ptra Nora Alveres, Grain, New Wine and Oil Ministries Payatas

Ptr Bernard, Lifestream Church

Ptr Reuel Tica, Hillcrest Family Baptist Church

Ptr Albert & Ptra Nimfa Operio, Jesus the Great Shepherd Fellowship International

Ptr John & Ptra Virginia V. Arancillo, Saving Grace Alliance Christian Fellowship

Bishop Benito Eisma, Ptr Enriko, I Am Redeemer Ministries, Tandang Sora

Ptr Manny Tres Reyes, Silangan Evangelical Friends Church

Ptr John, Jesus’ Flock Gateway Fellowship

Ptr Glen E. Ranoco, Triumphant Christian Fellowship

Noel Casimpoy, Jesus is Lord

VALENZUELA Ptr Jorel Rana, C-Race, Bible Baptist Mission - Linguran

Ptra Mary Jane Abad, Jesus Is Lord Commonwealth


Ptr Pablo Olores, Door of Faith Church

Ptr Bannie O. Bravante, Jesus is Lord Payatas

Andy Catando, Christ the Good Shepherd Church

Faith Celebrations Church

Laarni & Holga Tetzlaff, Jesus Our Living Hope Mission Church

Ptr Randy Vaurio, Church on the Way

Ptr Nestor S. Sumagaysay, Koinonia Christian Church

Ptr Oscar Bautista, Fundamental Baptist Church of Agudo

Bishop Manuel L. Valeroso, Jesus Christ Shepherd of the Nations Ministry International

Ptr Lito Wang, Life Gospel Church

Ptra Lanie Charcos, Gate of Heaven

Ptr Domeng & Sally Rivera, Jesus is Lord

Novaliches Christian Church

Ptr Jun Eduardo B. Pasagui Jr., God’s Dwelling Place Church

Jesus Light of the World Church

Ptr Fred, Peace Maker Church

Ptr Juhn Sanoy, Jesus Christ Ministries

Ptr Melvin P. Pascual, Open Door Baptist Church

Ptr Ariel, Dr. Alfredo de Guzman, Philippine Missionary Fellowship

Ptra Rhea, Jesus is Lord Bagong Barrio

Ptr Ate Zeny Denosta, Radiant Church

Rev. Lalano Badoy, Jr., Philippines Missions Association

Ptr Jerome Kalong, Jesus is Lord San Diego

Ptr Elliel Santos, Sambahang Kristiano Sa Karuhatan

Ptr Don Cua, Philadelphia Christ-Centered Fellowship

Jesus is Lord Sangandaan

Ptr Peter Obiena, Upon this Rock Jesus Built the Church Ministry

Ptr Sandy San Diego, Praise Christian Fellowship

Ptra Terry, Jesus our Helper Faith Christian Fellowship

Aurea B. De Felipe, Philippian Ministry

Ptr Rowell, San Bartolome Christian Fellowship Novaliches

Ptra Elvie Velasco, King and Priest Christian Fellowship

Ptr Jose Ramoses, Valiant Christianity Fellowship

Ptr Lourdman & Ellen Cabuenos, Tameion City Church

Ptra Jenny Ymas, Libis Baesa Evangelical Church

Ptr Lito, God’s Home Church

Ptr Romeo R. Del Merced, The Bible League, Philippines, Inc. Sister Rowena, WIN Church Payatas


Ptrs Aaron & Lovina Guibao, WIN Quezon City

Ptr Ador, AGSTI

Rebecca Angeles, Wipe Every Tear

Ptr Gerardo Viray, All for Christ Church

Ptr Joseph Bercero, Word of Hope

Rene Chua, Bridge Center Sir Jorge Buyao, Center for a Brighter Life Ministries


Ptra Mayet, City Revival Church

Ptr Paul Dignadice, Christ Mission Baptist Fellowship, San Juan

Ptr Abner Caquilala, Divine Love Christian Fellowship

Ptr Jun, Glorious Hope Foursquare Church

Bishop Nestor Serrano, Global City Bible Baptist Church

Ptr Francis Nicolas & Ptra Ching, Grain, New Wine and Oil Ministries

Ptr Benjamin Abogado, Harvest and Healing International Ministries

Hope Church Philippines

Ptr Amadeo Genetia, Hope and Abundant Life Ministries

Ptr Liza, Jesus Is Lord San Juan

Ptr Archie & Ptra Talen, Jesus the True Vine Christian Fellowship

Ptr German dela Cruz, Light of Christ Church

Ptr Fred, New Life Taguig

Ptr Jun Danganan, Reach Community Fellowship

Major Rosauro & Editha Apayart, Salvation Army Signal Village Corps

Ptr Bernie & Rosalie Mallari, Right Start

Ptr Tony, Saviour’s Love Baptist Church

Ptr Alvin P. Alcantara, San Juan United Methodist Church

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