Benedictine College Donor Report

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am happy to have this chance to thank you for your unwavering support of Benedictine College. As you will see in the pages of this Donor Report, many people committed to supporting the college last year. This outpouring of generosity in times of such economic turmoil demonstrates the enduring value that alumni, benefactors and friends see in this wonderful institution. With your help, Benedictine College continues to change lives. In this issue you will read about five remarkable students--Jessica, Joey, Rachel, Laurie, and Irays. Each of these students has an inspiring story and each of these stories demonstrates the power your generosity has to make an impact. Of course, your investment in these students is also an investment in the future. Now more than ever young people need to be ready to be leaders. We must prepare them for that responsibility. We are doing this through a rigorous liberal arts education in a faith-based community emphasizing ethical leadership. We are strengthening our academic programs and providing an increasingly international focus to our education, all to make sure that our graduates are ready to take on the challenges they will face. One of the blessings of my life is that I spend time every day with our students, and I often wish that it was possible for everyone to have that gift. One occasion that does provide an opportunity is our Scholarship Ball, to be held this year at Crown Center in Kansas City on February 21. I hope you will be able to join us. You can enjoy great Benedictine hospitality, renew your ties to the College, and get to know some of our amazing students. Through the generosity of those named in these pages we have made great progress. However, we will need your help to do more. Your gift is an investment in the future of our communities, our country, and our Church. Benedictine College is building one of the great Catholic colleges in America and we are grateful for your support. God bless you.


Stephen D. Minnis, ’82




6 An Example to Follow Guidelines for Report 21 8 Building Character Donor Lists 24 10 A Diamond in the Rough 12 Living Ghigliotti 14 The Suitest Gift 16 Scholarship Ball Headed for Crown Center

58 US News & World Report 59 Alumni Giving On the Cover: Featured students: Irays Munoz (center), Rachel and Laurie Ghigliotti (top), Joey Orrino (middle), & Jessica McGinty (bottom). Stories written by Steve Johnson, photography done by Megan Bickford unless otherwise noted.

EDITOR & ART DIRECTOR 0 H J DQ %L FNIR UG Âś Associate Director of Marketing and Communications EXECUTIVE EDITOR Ste ve J o hn s o n Director of Marketing and Communications COPY EDITOR Kathy Garrison Administrative Assistant Benedictine College: H[W


DONOR REPORT - DPH V .HZ Âś Director of Gift Processing 6DU D . U DPH U Âś Director of Advancement Services C o u r t ney M ar shal l Director of Alumni & Donor Relation Ro nal d Ol i ng e r Chief Financial Officer K ri st i e Scho l z Controller .H O O \ - 9RZH O V Âś Vice President for Advancement


For some students, going to college is a given. For others, it is not the right path. But for a few, it is for themselves, their families, and even their culture. Irays Munoz believes she fits the third description.

a defining moment

DQ H[DPSOH to follow “I’m the first one in my family to go to college,â€? said the Benedictine sophomore business major. “I’m trying to be a role model for my younger brothers and sister, but not just for them, for the whole culture. You don’t see a lot of Hispanics JRLQJ WR FROOHJH VR ,ÂśP VHWWLQJ DQ H[DPSOH IRU them all.â€?

She said she was motivated by the atmosphere at the private school and was encouraged by the personnel at the Challenge Foundation, so she decided to apply to Benedictine College and see if she would be accepted. She was‌and she also received a healthy academic scholarship. “My parents are very proud,â€? she said. “This is QRW MXVW DQ H[SHULHQFH IRU PH EXW IRU WKHP WRR Moving into the dorms, meeting other people IURP WKH FROOHJH LWÂśV DOO EHHQ YHU\ H[FLWLQJ IRU P\ whole family and they’re grateful that I have this opportunity.â€?

Munoz attended St. Mary’s Academy, a Catholic school in Denver, by virtue of a scholarship from the Challenge Foundation, a Denver non-profit that helps students attend college by funding scholarships to select college preparatory schools. She knew she would need financial assistance to Munoz said she has found Benedictine go to college as well. academically challenging, but thinks she has learned a lot and has developed the confidence to know she can succeed. She also thinks being out of state and learning to live away from home LV D JRRG JURZLQJ H[SHULHQFH

“I’m trying to be a role model for my younger brothers and sister, but not just for them, for the whole culture.�

“My freshman year was like a dream,� she said. “It feels more real now in my second year. I would like to thank all the donors for opening “Financing for college was a real problem,� she doors for me, helping me achieve this wonderful said. “Thanks to the scholarship, I am able to HGXFDWLRQ DQG JLYLQJ PH WKH H[SHULHQFH RI D come. Without it, it would have been a real lifetime.� struggle and I don’t think I would be here now.�

$V D IUHVKPDQ DW %HQHGLFWLQH &ROOHJH LQ Parker, Colorado native Joey Orrino was flying KLJK +H ZDV H[FLWHG DERXW %HQHGLFWLQH +H ZDV thrilled with his majors; Political Science and 7KHRORJ\ +H ZDV HDJHU WR H[SHULHQFH DOO WKDW lay ahead. Everything was going his way. Early in his sophomore year, though, all that suddenly changed.

burden. Were it not for grants and scholarships, that last loss would have been too much to bear. I’m sure I would not have been able to continue at Benedictine.�

And Joey truly loved it at Benedictine. He had thrived in the liberal arts environment, having been an intended major in eight departments over time. In his fifth and final year he has During fall break of that year, he got the word that settled on Spanish, Education, and Philosophy. his father was in ICU. At only 45, Joey’s father He now has minors in his original two majors, KDG VXIIHUHG WZR VHYHUH DQG YHU\ XQH[SHFWHG Political Science and Theology. That breadth strokes. The resulting brain damage prevented RI DFDGHPLF H[SHULHQFH FRPELQHG ZLWK KLV leadership skills and thirst for him from maintaining knowledge has provided him a short-term memory, much more complete view of having complete use of the world. his eyes, and holding a job. In the end, he will be the first of his mother’s side of the family With the loss of family to graduate from college. He income and mounting medical bills, financing a Benedictine education is prepared to be a high school Spanish teacher, for Joey looked more and more precarious. Over but he is also looking into law school. Special the past few years, his mother’s small business counseling from Dean of the College Kimberly has been struggling as well, adding to Joey’s Shankman helped him with that decision. concerns over financing his college education. With outstanding grades and strong leadership “I’ve always been interested in world affairs and politics,â€? said Joey. “And law school helps open skills, he turned to scholarships and other aid. doors into those areas. Only at Benedictine +H KDG UHFHLYHG D DFDGHPLF VFKRODUVKLS could I get advice from the Dean of the College which turned from “icing on the cakeâ€? to on such a personal level.â€? necessity. He has since earned two Benedictine Leadership Awards; one for serving as co-lead “Scholarships have made me a better person by Ambassador his junior year and another for simply allowing me to be here,â€? he concluded. serving as president of the Student Government “I’m thankful and I hope scholarships allow others to come. Everyone should have their own Association this past year. LQGLYLGXDO %& ([SHULHQFH ´ “The concern was that help that had been there would not be there anymore,â€? he said. “Everything, even books, became a greater

“Scholarships have made me a better person by simply allowing me to be here.�


building character



A jailed father. A homeless mother. A foster home. Any one of these situations would weigh heavy on a little JLUO LQ PLGGOH VFKRRO 0RVW SHRSOH ZRXOG QRW H[SHFW a child faced with all of them to be able to handle the strain. Most people don’t know Jessica McGinty. A freshman at Benedictine College, McGinty found her way with the help of her aunt in Ponca, Neb., who took her in five years ago. With a stable home environment and the admonition that she would need scholarships to be able to JR WR FROOHJH VKH JRW WR ZRUN DQG H[FHOOHG LQ KHU FODVVHV 6KH FDUULHG D *3$ WKURXJK KLJK school and did well on her ACT test, but she had an inclination to join a religious order. “I thought I wanted to join a religious community,� she said. “But I wasn’t sure.�

McGinty worked in a nursing home this past VXPPHU DQG WKDW H[SHULHQFH KDV HQFRXUDJHG KHU to pursue a nursing degree. At Benedictine, she is majoring in biology. “I’m thinking about nursing, but I might go for an MD,� she said with a smile. “Classes are hard, but I’m maintaining.� She’s also maintaining contact with her parents, as best as possible.

“Since my father is incarcerated, I have the She prayed about it and decided to apply for opportunity to talk with him two times a week,â€? college scholarships. Her answer would come she said. “I can’t keep up with my mom as easily, in the response. If she won no scholarships, it but I did get her to come to my high school graduation. I paid for her to come out. It was meant she should pursue a religious vocation. nice.â€? She researched available scholarships through her high school and applied for several. The response She said her father is studying while in prison ZDV RYHUZKHOPLQJ 6KH JRW RQH IRU WKHQ and might even try to open a business upon his RQH IRU DQG DQRWKHU IRU 7KHQ release. She said his children, her half brothers, Benedictine offered her an academic scholarship, are aware of what she is accomplishing. She thinks she is helping show them the path to the Sister Jerome Keeler Scholarship. success. “God steered me in the right direction,â€? she said. “I’m very happy here. I like the Catholic aspect “I have a long way to go, though,â€? said McGinty. and the community is outstanding. There are Âł, KDYH LQ ORDQV WR SD\ RII HDFK \HDU DQG smiles everywhere. I was encouraged to check some of my scholarships will run out. I’ll have to out Benedictine by a current student who was find additional scholarships to get through the four years.â€? from Ponca. I did and I fell in love with it.â€?

ginty a diamond in the rough 11

living ghigliotti

ghigli Benedictine College is known for its strong legacy SRSXODWLRQ $V DQ H[DPSOH LQ WKH ODUJHVW incoming freshman class in school history included 25 percent legacy students. Most of them are children of alumni. One, though, is a 51-year-old mother of nine who qualified as a legacy because her daughter is currently a Benedictine junior. 12

in Atchison Catholic Elementary School, their grandmother pays for uniforms for the younger kids, and all the older kids give as they’re able. That’s how we’re making it.�

Laurie Ghigliotti followed her daughter, Rachel, to Benedictine from Oklahoma at the beginning of the fall semester this year. She had been working on an Associate’s Degree but decided she wanted to pursue Bachelor’s Degrees in Mass Communication as well as Spanish. Her goal was to work with a diocesan newspaper or within a parish, diocese or non-profit group in some way.

Rachel has applied to leave the residence hall in order to move into the family home in Atchison. It would be a cost savings, but the more pressing reason would be just to help her mother.

“I felt like I needed to finish my degree at a Catholic, four-year school,� Laurie said. “There is only one in Oklahoma and it didn’t have either major.�

I knew the federal help would not be enough, so the scholarships were key.�

“It would be nice to have Rachel at home,� said Laurie. “It’s challenging, since I’m sort of here (involved in college), but I have three young children at home, so I’m not really.�

Rachel encouraged her mother to join her in Atchison, the majors were available at Benedictine, and quality Catholic education was also available for the younger siblings. The stars were in alignment and Laurie made the move. “The financial aid was a big factor,� Laurie admitted. “I have to look to the future. Michael RQH RI KHU VRQV LV LQ WK JUDGH VR LQ ILYH years he’ll be in college and I can’t have a lot of outstanding loans and debt. I knew the federal help would not be enough, so the scholarships were key.�

If all goes according to plan, the two will graduate WRJHWKHU LQ 0D\ RI 7KH HFRQRPLF GRZQWXUQ and financial sector crisis have disrupted plenty of plans, though, and the Ghigliottis are concerned how it all will affect their aid packages, both from the college and the federal government.


“I want to be here, but without the grants and scholarships, I probably couldn’t do it,â€? said Rachel. “Looking to the future, being a math teacher isn’t going to pay much‌so I don’t want to have a lot of loans.â€?

Laurie received a government Pell Grant, along with an academic scholarship from Benedictine. Rachel landed a SMART Grant from the federal government since she is a mathematics major, along with a Pell Grant, an Angels Scholarship for tutoring math, and the Fr. Sylvester Schmitz Scholarship, an academic scholarship from BC. Both also have work-study hours. Even with all that, times are tight.

“We will get there,� said her mother with a reassuring pat on the hand. And by sheer force of will from a large and very close family, they will.

“The whole family is pitching in,� said Laurie. “One son (her oldest) pays tuition for the two



Suitest Gift


uring Homecoming weekend on 6DWXUGD\ 2FW %HQHGLFWLQH &ROOHJH formally dedicated the new John T. Dugan Basketball Suite, located on the upper level of the Student Union.

suite allows us to bring recruits and their families into a beautiful location overlooking our basketball court and ‘close the deal.’ It also reflects the great history of basketball at BC, allowing us to display the

War II, he joined the Navy. He met his wife, Irene, a Navy nurse, during the war and the two were later married. They settled in Lima, Ohio, and John went into the insurance business with Gene Seiffert. His success in the insurance business allowed him to make an investment in land east of Lima. He developed that into a beautiful golf course called Hawthorne Hills, one of the top courses in Ohio and still part of the Dugan family.

The office suite for the basketball coaches was made possible by a donation from Jack Dugan, John’s son and a key member of the 1$,$ National Championship team. With dark wood The Dugans were paneling and great supporters of a beautiful From left to right: Darryl Jones, Vice President for Advancement Kelly Vowels, Catholic education bronze college President Stephen D. Minnis, Kitty Colwell, Jack Dugan, and Joe Brickner. and sent three sons, logo on the Jack, Mike, and Dan, wall, the suite provides a professional great teams and individuals of the to St. Benedict’s College, following in image for the school’s basketball past via pictures, plaques, etc. in a WKHLU GDGÂśV IRRWVWHSV -DFN LV D programs. quiet office setting.â€? JUDGXDWH 0LNH D JUDGXDWH DQG 'DQ VSHQW KLV ILUVW WZR \HDUV “The new offices reflect the firstJohn Dugan grew up on a farm DW 6%& EHIRUH WUDQVIHUULQJ WR class programs (women’s basketball in Nebraska and enrolled in St. Bowling Green University because head coach) Chad Folsom and I are Benedict’s College, now Benedictine SBC didn’t have an insurance major trying to build here at BC,â€? said &ROOHJH LQ +H JUDGXDWHG LQ (he eventually took over for his dad Joe Brickner, head men’s basketball 1941 with a major in Philosophy and in the insurance business). All the coach and another player from the became a member of St. Benedict’s Dugan boys have been successful, &KDPSLRQVKLS WHDP Âł7KH Abbey. With the outbreak of World with Dan growing the insurance


From left to right: Jack Dugan and Joe Brickner.

business, Jack being an eye surgeon, Mike and Patrick being lawyers, and Gene being a dentist. “John Dugan has been a financial and moral supporter of Benedictine &ROOHJH IRU \HDUV ´ VDLG 6WHSKHQ D. Minnis, president of Benedictine College. “It is only fitting that Jack IROORZV KLV GDGÂśV H[DPSOH ZLWK VXFK a generous gift to the college. We are truly blessed to be able to call the Dugan’s Ravens.â€? Brickner, a native of Lima and a longtime family friend of the Dugans, said the senior Dugan had always had a fairly intimidating presence. But it was John Dugan who first approached him about playing basketball in Atchison. “I actually signed my letter of intent with Coach (Ralph) Nolan at Mr. Dugan’s house at Hawthorne Hills Golf Course,â€? Brickner said. “He believed in me and he believed in SBC. He knew it was a good match, and here we are, 42 years later and I am still vitally connected to BC. As the years went by, our relationship grew. Every time I go home to Lima, even to this day, I make it a point to spend quality time with Mr. Dugan.â€?

$W \HDUV RI DJH DOO UHSRUWV DUH that John is still going strong. He’s enjoying his time visiting Dan in Florida and his memory is sharp. He’s even still driving. Mrs. Irene 'XJDQ SDVVHG DZD\ LQ “He is still his old feisty self, and it is an honor for me to be able to work in a beautiful office named after him,� said Brickner. Brickner also spoke about John’s son, Jack, who gave the money and named the suite out of love for his dad. The two were on opposite ends of the spectrum during that historic VHDVRQ ZLWK %ULFNQHU EHLQJ D freshman and Dugan being a senior. But there was real inspiration there. Brickner told the story of how Jack Dugan had helped re-establish the basketball program’s success after several losing seasons.

In Dugan’s sophomore year and with the help of Darryl Jones and others, WKH WHDP ZHQW DQG PDGH LW WR the quarterfinals of the national WRXUQDPHQW 7KH QH[W \HDU 'XJDQ injured his knee during warm-ups before the first game of the season. “Back then, once you hurt your knee, you were pretty well done – but not Jack,â€? said Brickner. “He came back his senior year and, wearing a huge brace on his knee, came off the EHQFK DV RQH RI 1RODQÂśV Âľ VWDUWHUVÂś and averaged 13 points a game. He was a co-captain and helped lead WKH WHDP WR WKH 1DWLRQDO Championship. It was truly an amazing ending to what could have been a sad story.â€? Brickner can still remember the dedication Jack showed that season. He said Jack would work every day after practice with Coach Tom Colwell and Brickner took notice. “I remember seeing the pain on Jack’s face when he would do the drill daily,â€? he said. “That painful look was imprinted on a young freshman’s mind, and it really inspired me to give it everything I had every day.â€?


Scholarship Ball Headed Benedictine College’s 38th Annual Scholarship Ball is scheduled for a change of venue this year, heading to the Century Ballroom at the Westin Crown Center Hotel in downtown Kansas City. The move to the high-profile location should help to further bolster the reputation of the Ball, which is now regularly one of the top 10 fundraisers in the area. This year’s co-chairs, Dennis and Carolyn Connor, ’76, Watley and Lawrence, ’63, and Linda Kaminsky, have set the date for Saturday, February 21, 2009. This year’s event will honor Dan and Mary Carol Garrity and Matt, ’81, and Ann Anthony with the prestigious Cross of the Order of St. Benedict.

Dan & Mary Carol Garrity submitted photo

Mary Carol is best known for her successful home decorating stores, Nell Hill’s, located in Atchison and Kansas City, and Garrity’s Encore, also in Atchison. Her entrepreneurial spirit and wonderful sense of style have made the retail store legendary in the home decorating world. Success has brought her national attention from Forbes magazine, CBS’s The Early Show, NBC’s Today show, The Wall Street Journal, Fortune, Midwest Living, Country Living, Victoria, and many other media outlets.

Dan, a successful lawyer and former mayor of Atchison. The two have worked hard to encourage the economic growth and well-being of their hometown. Nell Hill’s DORQH EULQJV PRUH WKDQ SHRSOH WR $WFKLVRQ HYHU\ \HDU PRVW IURP RYHU PLOHV DZD\ 'DQ KDV VHUYHG on the Benedictine College Board of Directors and has served as an adjunct professor at the college. Mary Carol has been involved in everything from hosting college events to treating female BC students to a special entrepreneurship dinner. She also provides BC students with marketing internship opportunities at Nell Hill’s. 7KH FRXSOH KDV RQH GDXJKWHU .HOO\ D JUDGXDWH RI the Washburn University School of Law.

In addition to the stores, she also has her own series of books, a column syndicated weekly throughout the U.S., D OLQH RI KRPH DFFHQWV FDUULHG E\ VWRUHV DQG FXVWRP paint colors. Helping her in the business is her husband,

for Crown Center

Matt & Ann Anthony submitted photo

The Anthonys have been strong supporters of Benedictine College and area educational institutions and charities. Matt is the CEO of VML, a Kansas Citybased interactive marketing agency and throughout his career, he has been a tireless supporter of philanthropic endeavors and community causes. In memory of his brother Chris, who suffered from a glioblastoma brain WXPRU DQG GLHG LQ DW WKH DJH RI WKH $QWKRQ\V established the Head for the Cure Foundation to raise awareness and funding for brain cancer research. The annual highlight is the Head for the Cure 5K Run & Walk held each September. Proceeds from the event help fund the Brain Tumor Trials Collaborative (BTTC).

hours in pro bono design work and established the successful “Ignite Your Spiritâ€? brand for Benedictine College. A native Nebraskan, Matt played intercollegiate soccer at Benedictine College where he earned a Bachelor RI $UWV LQ 0DUNHWLQJ DQG &RPPXQLFDWLRQV LQ +H FXUUHQWO\ VHUYHV RQ %HQHGLFWLQHÂśV ([HFXWLYH %RDUG +H and his wife, Ann, have three children, Danny, Mary and Steven. The Cross of the Order of St. Benedict was established LQ DV D ZD\ IRU WKH FROOHJH WR UHFRJQL]H DOXPQL and friends who have supported charitable institutions, provided civic or religious leadership, and demonstrated SURIHVVLRQDO H[FHOOHQFH 7KLV \HDUÂśV KRQRUHHV KDYH H[KLELWHG WUHPHQGRXV VXSSRUW IRU FKDULWLHV SOHQW\ RI OHDGHUVKLS DQG EXVLQHVV H[SHUWLVH DQG WUXH LQVSLUDWLRQ

Matt is also the motivating energy behind the VML )RXQGDWLRQ ZKLFK PDQDJHV WKH DJHQF\ÂśV H[WHQVLYH community outreach program, including direct funding, employee volunteerism, and pro bono work for charitable organizations. The agency has donated thousands of

Lifelong Friends

Darryl Jones and Dr. Joe Williams

They both had dreams

and they knew they would have to work hard to achieve them. One was a young black man struggling through the height of racial turmoil in WKH PLG V ZLWK GUHDPV RI SOD\LQJ EDVNHWEDOO DW D WRS IOLJKW SULYDWH college. The other was a poor white man from a broken home in St. Louis with dreams of becoming a medical doctor. The two came together at St. Benedict’s College and, years later, found that the initial passing connection on campus had actually meant something to both of them. 'U -RH :LOOLDPV œ DQG 'DUU\O -RQHV œ DUH IHOORZ alumni, longtime friends, and doctor/patient. There is a trust there that only a lifetime of friendship could develop. And like so many other Benedictine graduates, the seeds of that friendship were sown on campus.

Williams. “I remember he always had a smile on his face, he was always smiling.â€? In addition to sharing the same hometown, Jones and :LOOLDPV DOVR KDG D PXWXDO IULHQG LQ ,YDQ -DPHV Âś who had gone to high school with Williams. This made them casual acquaintances in college, but they reconnected while Jones was visiting alumni as part of his job at the college after he graduated.

“I remembered Joe,� said Jones. “He was ahead of me, but the college was so small and close-knit that you knew everyone. He was a stand-up, good guy and I always liked him.� “He was in a very elite category, though, because he was a science major. I didn’t spend a lot of time in the science building, if you know what I mean,� Jones joked.

“The core relationship was developed on campus,� said Jones. “But it never dissipated over the years. Twenty years later you pick up where you left off and it’s like you’re back in school.�

“I saw him on the basketball court, and we were both from St. Louis, so there was some common ground,� said

Williams did, in fact, go on to become a doctor and is now a very successful orthopedic surgeon at Des Peres

Hospital in St. Louis. Jones became an All American basketball player at St. Benedict’s and was part of WKH 1DWLRQDO &KDPSLRQVKLS team. After graduation and his first job as a coach at Benedictine, he went into business, eventually running his own State Farm Insurance agency, first in St. Louis and then in Dallas. When one of Jones’ daughters had leg problems while running track in high school, Jones consulted with Williams. Later, when Jones’ mother needed knee and hip replacement surgery, she went to Williams. “Over the years, I’ve built a great deal of trust and respect for him,â€? said Jones. “I’ve sent a lot of people to him. Close friends, even my own mother. They always have a good H[SHULHQFH ZLWK KLP 7R WKLV GD\ P\ mother loves the man!â€? ,Q HDUO\ DIWHU \HDUV RI SDLQ that had been misdiagnosed as Sciatica, Jones was told he needed hip replacement surgery. His first thought was, “I gotta call Joe.â€? “My trust in him is immeasurable,â€? he said. “I didn’t know how busy he was or how hard or easy it would be to get in to see him, but I knew he was the one to do the surgery. I called and his assistant said he would see me whenever I wanted. I flew up to St. Louis and had a consultation WKH QH[W GD\ , FDQÂśW WHOO \RX KRZ quickly he made this all happen. I

was diagnosed the first week in January and I had the operation on -DQXDU\ ´

enabled me to get loans to go to medical school. Darryl thought it was so important to donate, especially with rivals, competing schools in the area that have much larger endowments. He mentioned the importance of the new Academic Center and I thought it was the right time to give back.� Joe and his wife gave WR WKH campaign, designating it to the academic capital project and helping toward the Mabee Challenge. “I was just sharing my

President Stephen D. Minnis, Betsy and Dr. Joe Williams, and Darryl Jones. thoughts with a fellow

“Great patient, great attitude, great guy,� was Williams’ assessment. Ultimately, he replaced Jones’ right KLS ILUVW WKHQ KLV OHIW KLS VL[ PRQWKV later. “Darryl’s doing beautifully,� he said. “He’s back to walking, golfing, doing anything he wants to do.� During this time, he and Jones spoke often about their college days. Jones had become a member of the Board of Directors at Benedictine and shared a lot of insights into the growth, achievements, and needs of the college. Listening to his friend speak so enthusiastically about Benedictine hit home. “I was lucky to go to St. Benedict’s,� Williams said. “They gave me a full tuition scholarship, which actually


alum,â€? said Jones. “I’ve surrounded myself with these people, because they’re sincere and they’ll be there.â€? As it turned out,l their mutual friend, Ivan James, helped another JUDG -D\ (YHOHU Âś VWDUW KLV EXVLQHVV in St. Louis. Eveler then helped Jones start his first State Farm agency. Williams has operated on numerous Benedictine alumni and their relatives. They’re a tight group and the level of trust is tremendous.

“The bond among alumni is very strong, like family,� Jones said. “The fact that Joe is a part of that family is the most meaningful thing to me. At the time, a lot of people questioned my choice when I went to St. Benedict’s. Now they ask me how I had enough sense to choose the school.�

Provide for your future...

and theirs You can do both with a Benedictine College Charitable Gift Annuity. A BC Charitable Gift Annuity provides guaranteed lifetime income for you and the opportunity to create an endowed scholarship for future students.

Contact the Director of Planned Giving, Tim Andrews, at or by calling IRU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ DERXW KRZ \RX FDQ FKDQJH VRPHRQHÂśV IXWXUH WRGD\

DONO R REPORT GUIDELINE S The following pages list individuals, organizations, corporations, and foundations making actual JLIWV LQ VXSSRUW RI %HQHGLFWLQH &ROOHJHœV ILVFDO \HDU RI -XO\ ¹ -XQH 7KH JLIWV FRXOG have been in the form of cash, securities, real estate, bequests, gifts-in-kind or others. This report has been compiled by the Office of Advancement. Please note the following guidelines before reviewing the list of benefactors: ‡ ,QGLYLGXDOV DOXPQL IDFXOW\ DQG VWDII IULHQGV DQG SDUHQWV FRUSRUDWLRQV RUJDQL]DWLRQV DQG foundations are listed in alphabetical sequence under their respective giving levels. ‡ 0DUULHG LQGLYLGXDOV DOXPQL DQG QRQ DOXPQL DUH OLVWHG LQ DOSKDEHWLFDO VHTXHQFH E\ last name. ‡ )RU DOXPQL OLVWHG LQGLYLGXDOO\ WKH FODVV \HDU IROORZV WKH ODVW QDPH H J -RKQ ( Doe ’68. For married alumni, the class year follows the first name or maiden name, e.g., John E., ’68, and Jane Smith, ’69, Doe. ‡ $ FURVV ‚ LQGLFDWHV WKH GRQRU LV GHFHDVHG ‡ 0DWFKLQJ JLIW DPRXQWV DUH QRW XVHG LQ GHWHUPLQLQJ JLIW OHYHO SODFHPHQW IRU individuals. Please note: Every attempt has been made to include all of our contributors. If your name is omitted from this list or the information is in error, please help us by contacting Kathy Garrison, administrative assistant, DW JDUULVRQ#EHQHGLFWLQH HGX RU E\ FDOOLQJ H[WHQVLRQ


Net Tuition and Fees 49.4%

Gifts/Contributed Services 25.2%

Investment/Other Income 1.9%








Net Assets, Beginning of Year

Net Assets, End of Year


Change in Net Assets



Fundraising General Institutional Support 9.2%

Student Services 11.4%


General Administration





ORGANIZATIONS 1st Street Graphics 3F Farm The A.M.D.G. Fund Ackman, Inc. $GDLU ([FKDQJH %DQN )RXQGDWLRQ Susan Devroy Adams and Charles M. Adams Fund The Anthony Family Foundation Apostles of the Sacred Heart Apple Chevrolet Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas Arensberg-Pruett Funeral Home Associated Podiatrists PA Atchison Automotive Group Atchison Dental Associates PA $WFKLVRQ )LUH ([WLQJXLVKHU Atchison Home Health Equipment, Inc. B & W Guttering Baird, Kurtz & Dobson Ball Brothers Drug Store Bangor Family Chiropractic Bank of Atchison, USB Bank of Blue Valley Beal Distributing, Inc. Becker-Dyer-Stanton Mortuary

Benedictine College Foundation Benedictine Raven Soccer Boosters Berger Company Don Bernskoetter Plumbing, Inc. Blish-Mize Company Bottorff Construction, Inc. Byrd Memorial Company Campbell Law Office Capuchin Province of Mid-America, Inc. Carmelite Sisters of the Divine Heart of Jesus Catholic Foreign Mission Society of America, Inc. The Catholic Foundation of Northeast Kansas CBIZ Benefits and Insurance Services, Inc. Cedar Ridge Catering and Banquet Hall Central Bank of Kansas City The Clements Agency Commerce Bank Consumer Oil Co., Inc. Cooperativa Jardines de San Francisco Corless Family Fund Corner to Corner, LLC Country Carpet, Inc. Country Club Bank &R[ )DUP


The Cloud L. Cray Foundation The Evah C. Cray Residual Trust Custom Neon & Vinyl Graphics, Inc. Davies Construction Company Davies Oil Company, Inc. Domann Custom Homes Double Eagle Beverage, LLC The Bob and Susan Downey Foundation DST Systems, Inc. Advised Fund J. E. Dunn Construction Monica Dunn & Associates LLC Easterday Charitable Foundation Ed’s Trophies & Awards Engineered Systems, Inc. Ernstmann Tree Care ([FKDQJH 1DWLRQDO %DQN 7UXVW &R Fahey Family Foundation J. M. Fahey Construction, Co. Farmers State Bank J. David Farris Law Office Figg Tree Foundation First Bank of Troy First Hand Foundation Mable Fitch Charitable Trust, U.S. Bank N.A., Trustee

Formation Actuelle, Inc. Forsberg Dental Fourth Floor Ventures, Inc. Gates Ministry Robert and Kathleen Gau Family Fund Gerber Electric, Inc. Don and Nancy Germano Charitable Fund Godfrey Investments, Inc. Golden Star, Inc. J. Jeffrey Grada Family Foundation Graphic Sportswear Screenprint Corp. Green Mountain Charitable Foundation Hammer and Nail Remodeling Hausman Metal Works & Roofing Tim and Helen Healy Charitable Fund Heartland Bank +HUUPDQœV ([FDYDWLQJ ,QF Holy Trinity Catholic Church J. Hovanec Group, LLC Hug Chevrolet Buick Pontiac GMC Hundley’s Liquor Store Michael S. Hundley Construction, Inc. IHP Industrial, Inc. ,QGH[ 3RZHUHG &' ,QF Insurance Replacement Service, Inc. Irish Mist Car Wash, LLC J & B Enterprises J G & J Construction Fran Jabara Family Foundation, Inc. Joe’s Auto Service Johnson Refrigeration M. Darryl Jones, Inc. K & E Investments, Inc. Julius Kaaz Construction Co., Inc. Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences Kansas Gas Service Kansas Independent College Fund Katherine’s Distinctive Gifts The Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation KC Master Companies, Inc. Kearney Construction Keltech, Inc. KFC/Taco Bell of Atchison Kid’s Kountry Daycare Kilkenny’s Backhoe KMG Holdings, LLC Knights of Columbus Charities Aid Foundation Koch Foundation Kovacs Drive-In Market L & L Construction Landmark Mortgage Lending, LLC Lanter Distributing Division Lario Oil & Gas Company Latimer, Sommers & Associates, P.A. Engineers Lawlor Family Trust John E. Leland Fund Let’s Live, Inc. DBA Curves Edward Mosby Lincoln Foundation

Lockton Companies, Inc. /RSH] GH 0H[LFR Lou Holtz Foundation M & T Trust Madden-McFarland Interiors Madison Bates Insurance, Inc. Magellan Barter & Import, LLC The Marketing Group, Ltd. Mark’s Overhead Door Service Martin Family Charitable Gift Fund Marty’s Coaches Corner, Inc. McDonald’s of Atchison The McDonnell Foundation, Inc. William G McGowan Charitable Fund McLarney Foundation Fund The Law Firm of Larry R. Mears Media Communications Media Searchlight, Inc. Medtrak Services, LLC Catherin V. Merrill Foundation MGP Ingredients, Inc. Miller Bros. Farms, Inc. Miner Enterprises, Inc. 0R .DQ 7UDQVLW 0L[ ,QF Montgomery Associates Morrill & Janes Bank Mount St. Scholastica Mouser Services, Inc. Muchnic Foundation National Managed Assets Corp. R.J. and Liz Neary Charitable Fund E. E. Newcomer Enterprises Foundation Newmyer Contracting, Inc. NHL Enterprises, L.P. Nill Brothers Sporting Goods, Inc. O’Malley Beverage, Inc. E. Andrew & Eileen Orlet Donor Advised Fund The Orthopedic & Sports Medicine Center DH Pace Co., Inc. Parrish-Hare Electrical Supply, L.P. Peltier Investments Perf - Etc. Steel Corp. Petrus Development, LLC Pittcraft Printing, Inc. Planners Financial Services, Inc. Platte Valley Bank of Missouri Poor Richard’s Office Supplies Pratt Family Charitable Foundation Premier Bank R/S Electric Corporation Ratkewicz Technical Engineering Services Raven Liquor Store Ravens, Inc. Renaissance Plastic Surgery, Inc. Right Cooperative Association River Marketing, Inc. The Roasterie Law Offices of Rolf J. Rolnicki 5R[œV ,PDJHV


Runyan Jewelers Safe Retirement Solutions N.H. Scheppers Distributing Co. Scherer Schneider Paulick Schmidt & Associates, PC The School District of St. Joseph School Sisters of Christ the King Security Bank of Kansas City Shook Hardy & Bacon, LLP Shreeji Enterprises, Inc. Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy Sisters of St. Francis of the Martyr St. George Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary 6RGH[KR 86$ Soener Foundation SPCS, Inc. St. Benedict’s Abbey St. Monica Catholic Church St. Thomas More Church St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church Outreach Commit Staley and Dierking Stinson Morrison Hecker Foundation Fund Strata Tech, Inc. Stratmoor Hills Water District Patrick and Janna Stueve Family Fund Sydko Enterprises, Inc. Target Insurance Services, Inc. Tate Plumbing & Construction Thoele Management, Inc. Thomas Family Practice, LLC Tim Diebolt Sales, Inc. Travel Center of Atchison Treanor Architects, P.A. Troutman-Truster, Inc. Troy State Bank Turf Masters, Inc. The Courtney S. Turner Charitable Trust, Daniel C. Weary and Bank of America, Trustees T-Village Fund UMB Bank, n.a. Unit Rail Anchor Company United Bank of Kansas United Way of Rhode Island UPS Foundation Vitae Enrichment Foundation VML, Inc. Wallace, Saunders, Austin, Brown & Enochs, Chtd. Attys. Wallflowers Custom Frame Studio Wal-Mart Stores Walnut Street Station Jane O’Neil Wandless Charitable Fund Western Beverage, Inc. :HVWHUQ 5RELGRX[ ,QF WTGG Consulting, LLC Law Offices of Yeretsky & Maher, LLC Young Dragon Ztyl Foundation

INDIVIDUALS $1,000,000 and Above 'DYLG / ¶ DQG Rebecca Reichenberger, ’59 Moritz $250,000 to $499,999 -HDQ ) :HLWNDPS ¶ DQG Thomas A. McDonnell Byron G., ’55 and Joan Thompson $100,000 to $999,999 0DU\ . 5RFKIRUG 0F$OOLVWHU ¶ +RZDUG * ¶ DQG 5KRQGD 0 %HKOPDQQ ¶ :HVWHUPDQ $50,000 to $99,999 'U -RKQ 7 'XJDQ ¶ 7 .HYLQ ¶ DQG 0DU\ & 0F1LFKRODV James V., ’59 and Mary L. Napier 5REHUW 6 ¶ DQG -DQHW ) :KROH\ Carolyn Riechoff Wisner, ’42 †$25,000 to $49,999 William R. Anton, ’42 &KDUOHV $ &RPEV ¶ ‚ .DWKU\Q : :HLVKDU ¶ DQG 5LFKDUG / 'DO]HOO -DPHV 9 ¶ DQG 'DZQ +LQW] John and Carol Kornitzer Bernadine C. Law, ’55 and Dr. Paolo Lanzano 0DUN - ¶ DQG 0DU\ $ 0R\HU ¶ /D]]R -RKQ - ¶ DQG 6WHSKDQLH & /\QFK Eleanor Moore †Jack and Karen Pletz Nancy L. Schneider 3DWULFN - ¶ DQG 0DU\ 0DUJDUHW 6O\ 3DXO ' ¶ DQG .DWKOHHQ $ :HVWHUPDQ /DZUHQFH 0 ¶ DQG -DQHW / 0XQUR ¶ ¶ :LOFR[ $10,000 to $24,999 Anonymous 0DWWKHZ ' ¶ DQG $QQ 0 $QWKRQ\ 'U 0LFKDHO ) ¶ DQG 'HEUD $ %RODQG 'U -RVHSK / ¶ DQG &RQVWDQFH %ULFNQHU Frances L. Broderick /DUU\ - ¶ DQG 7UHVD $ %XHVVLQJ Stephen M., ’91 and -RDQ 0 .RHFKQHU ¶ &KDUERQQHDX Lawrence and Colleen Deneen Thomas A., ’55 †and JoAnne Di Marco Richard and Cindy Dickason 'DQLHO / )DQJPDQ ¶ DQG 'ROO\ 'XII\ (OL]DEHWK =LEELH *LOOHVSLH ¶ and James E. Ferrell 0LFKDHO * ¶ DQG 6XVDQ 0 &RQURZ ¶ *DQJHO Michael and Marlys Haverty Beatrice Hickert 5RQDOG 9 ¶ DQG 0HUOH )UHXGHQEHUJ ¶ .HOO\ 7KHRGRUH .HOO\ ¶

'U 5REHUW - ¶ DQG 6XVDQ $ /XHJHU -DPHV 0 ¶ DQG 'RURWK\ $ +HLEHUJHU ¶ /\QFK Steven and Nancy Markel Lou, ’53 and Sue McAvoy 6WHSKHQ ( ¶ DQG 3HJJ\ 0F%ULGH 6WHSKHQ ' ¶ DQG $P\ ( .RKDNH ¶ 0LQQLV -DPHV ) ¶ DQG 0DU\ & %XVK ¶ 0XHOOHU Dr. Patrick W. Mullins, M.D., ’93 Mary O. Murphy †0LFKDHO 3 ¶ DQG 7KHUHVD / 0F3KHH ¶ 0XUSK\ -DFN $ ¶ DQG .DWKOHHQ * 1HZPDQ -DPHV 7 ¶ DQG .DWKOHHQ ' 2¶%ULHQ Joseph L., ’45 and Laura E. Peters Harold J., ’59 and Judith M. Sheahan 3DWULFN - ¶ DQG -DQQD 0 &URZOH\ ¶ 6WXHYH Elena Wahbeh-Foster Rev. John H. Wandless 7KRPDV $ ¶ DQG /LQGD :HVVHOV L. Jane Westerman 1RUPDQ 5 ¶ DQG 6KLUOH\ <RXQJEHUJ $5,000 to $9,999 Anonymous 'DQLHO ) ¶ DQG 'RURWK\ $ +RZDUG ¶ %HDWWLH Peter and Kathleen Brown 'U 'HQQLV $ ¶ DQG $OLFH 0LODFHN ¶ 'LHGHULFK 6HDQ 0 ¶ DQG -XOLH - =RRN ¶ 'RKHUW\ George R. Donnelly Robert and Susan Downey Ann T. Eckels 0DWWKHZ - ¶ DQG 0DU\ $ &RRN ¶ )LOSRYLFK %R 0 ¶ DQG 7HUU\ $ )UDVHU -RKQ $ *DJHV ¶ +HOHQ &R]]HQV ¶ DQG 7LP +HDO\ Lou Holtz )UDQN $ ¶ DQG .LWW\ 6 +XJ )UDQN $ ¶ DQG 'HEELH +XJ Richard H. and Mollien Koenig Richard and Debra Konzem .HYLQ ( ¶ DQG 3DPHOD $ 6FKDHIHU ¶ .UDPHU -DFTXHO\Q / /D 1RXH ¶ DQG 'DYLG /LHEHQWKDO -RKQ 3 ¶ DQG 0DU\ 0F*RYHUQ Richard W. Miller James R. Nolan †Sue Nolan Mary E. O’Connor 'U ) - ¶ DQG -DQH ( :HWWD ¶ 2KPHV H. Charles O’Reilly, ’54 +HOHQ 2U]HO ¶ 7KRPDV - ¶ DQG 0LFKHOOH $ 2VZDOG ¶ 6DN &KDUOHV + 6DQ3HWUR ¶ (GXDUGR 0 ¶ DQG $QQH 6DUGLQD 0DUN $ ¶ DQG 'HQLVH 0 +RIIPDQQ ¶ 6FKLHEHU

3DXO * ¶ DQG .DWKU\Q / 6FKQHLGHU %\URQ 6FRWW ¶ B. Christopher Thompson B. Gregory Thompson Mark C. and Amy Thompson Michael S. Thompson Paul J. Thompson Timothy J. Thompson Aman S. Udani, ’93 Dr. Stephanie C. Van Dyne and Robert Hazelwood -RKQ 0 ¶ DQG 0DU\ / &RFKUDQ ¶ 9DQ'\NH Wahbeh Family 9DOHU\ 1 ¶ DQG -XGLWK :DKEHK =R\D :DKEHK 0HDG ¶ DQG +XGVRQ ' 0HDG Richard and SueAnn Wright 0DU\ $OLFH :HLU =LHJOHU ¶ $1,000 to $4,999 Rolland L., ’51 and Ginger Abel Paul and Marsha Adair &KDUOHV 0 ¶ DQG 6XVDQ $GDPV 'U 5REHUW - ¶ DQG (OL]DEHWK 0 $OEHUV %HUQDUG * $OOHQ ¶ Dr. Cy K., ’91 and Junko K. Kurabayashi, ’91 Anderson 6XVDQ 0 $QGUDGH ¶ Anonymous 7KRPDV * ¶ DQG 0LFKHOOH $WWHEHUU\ $DURQ / %DOGULGJH ¶ 'U 6WHSKHQ 0 ¶ DQG (OL]DEHWK %DOGZLQ 6HDQ ( %DXHU ¶ Jeffrey and Stacy Berghoff Mary C. Bosanatz 'U 0DUN 7 %RVFKHUW 0 ' ¶ /DUU\ / ¶ DQG $QQ 0 %UDQGRQ 5REHUW ' ¶ DQG 0DU\ .D\ 0XUSK\ ¶ %ULJKW /H5R\ ) ¶ DQG /LQGD . 'RRKDQ ¶ Brungardt 7KRPDV : ¶ DQG (OL]DEHWK $ &RRNH ¶ %XUNH Daniel and Molly Callahan Dr. John B. Campbell 'U 'DQLHO - ¶ DQG 7HUUL &DUH\ -RQDWKDQ 5 ¶ DQG -HVVLFD ( 5RVH ¶ &DUUROO -RKQ - ¶ DQG 3DPHOD &DVH\ Arthur W., ’51 and Harriet M. Catrambone P. Jean Ho, ’54 and Y. Austin Chang 5REHUW : ¶ DQG 6KLUOH\ $ 9RQ +DU] ¶ &KHQRZHWK (GPRQG 5 &LDUQLHOOR ¶ Martin and Linda Clements 1HDO ' ¶ DQG 0DU\ % 0XUSK\ ¶ &ROE\ -DPHV ) ¶ DQG 0DULO\Q - &RQURZ .DWKOHHQ &\U &RUULJDQ 7RHZV ¶ DQG Reagen Toews Brett W. Cott, ’94

-RVHSK / ¶ DQG -DFTXHOLQH 0 /DUNLQ ¶ &ULGHU Paul V., ’53 and Olga C. Crotty Joseph J. Cygan, ’92 'U - -RVHSK ¶ DQG )UDQFHV - :ULJKW ¶ 'DJOHQ -DQLFH 0 &ODUN ¶ DQG 6DELQR / 'H *LVL 'U -RKQ 0 ¶ DQG 'U /LVD 'HODQH\ ' (LOHHQ 'HUVKLPHU ¶ Don P., ’52 and Kathleen T. Diederich -RVHSK : ¶ DQG &DURO 'LQJPDQ 0LFKDHO ( ¶ DQG 0DUFLD + 'LQJPDQ David and Kathy Disney 'U $UWKXU * 'REEHODHUH ¶ 0DWWKHZ 5 ¶ DQG $QQH : :HWWD ¶ 'RODQ 6WHSKHQ * 'RODQ ¶ Robert and Susan Downey $QWKRQ\ * ¶ DQG 7KHUHVD 'UXPPRQG Stephen D. and Anne Dunn Terrence P. and Peggy J. Dunn 5RQDOG ( ¶ DQG 'RURWK\ 'XQSK\ 3DXO . ¶ DQG 7DPP\ / 'XUNLQ J. Robert Erickson, ’41 Marie T. Demmer Esselmann, ’43 Joseph T. Fahey Kevin R. and Connie Fahey 'DYLG 0 ¶ DQG /DXULH & )DUUHOO 3KLOOLS ) )DUULV ¶ -RKQ ) ¶ DQG 0HODQLH / 6PLWK ¶ )HFKWHU Frederick J., ’59 and Carole A. Finder 6HDQ 7 ¶ DQG (ULQ )O\QQ -DPHV ' ¶ DQG .DWKHULQH 0 *RXOG ¶ )UDQHN 5REHUW * ¶ DQG $GD 0 *HRUJLH ¶ )UD]LHU *HRUJH - ¶ DQG &DWK\ )XFKV &KDUOHV - ¶ DQG 6KHLOD / *DUWHQPD\HU 0LFKDOO - *DVVPDQ ¶ 'U -RVHSK ( *HLVW ¶ Edward A. and Marlene R. Gellings 0 .DWKU\Q *HOOLQJV ¶ 'RQ - ¶ DQG 1DQF\ *HUPDQR -RVKXD $ ¶ DQG (OL]DEHWK *LGHRQ John J., ’55 and 0DUJDUHW 6FKXPDFKHU ¶ *ODGEDFK *UHJRU\ 0 *ORUH ¶ 9LUJLO - ¶ DQG /LQGD *RUDFNH 7KRPDV ( ¶ DQG 0DU\ ( /DW] ¶ *RUF]\FD -RKQ ( ¶ DQG 7KHUHVD 0 3LNH ¶ *RXOG J. Jeff, ’93 and Nicole Grada 0DUOHQH - 5DSDOLQR ¶ DQG -DPHV 5 *UDKDP 'U 7HUHQFH ( ¶ DQG -LOO 7 *UHZH - 0LFKDHO ¶ DQG &HFHOLD 0 *ULQGHO 'U 6WHSKHQ *UXED ¶ DQG 'U %HWKHO .RSS C. Francis Hales, ’45 (GZDUG ) ¶ DQG /LVD . +DOSLQ :LOOLDP 6 +DVNH\ ¶ Eugene C. Hegarty Michael A. Heimos, ’91 'U :LOOLDP - ¶ DQG 7HUHVD $ %H\H ¶ +HQGULFNV

-RKQ + ¶ DQG -R$QQ ( -RKQVRQ ¶ +HQQLQJVHQ 'DYLG ' ¶ DQG -XGLWK +HUQH -HDQQLH / (0%$ ¶ DQG 0LFKDHO ( +HUULQ David and Marcia Herrman Mary G. Herrman .HLWK * +HUWOLQJ ¶ %HUQDUG - +LFNHUW ¶ 7LPRWK\ 6 +LFNH\ ¶ 5RQDOG / ¶ DQG .DUHQ / +LQGPDQ Susan M. Schaefer, ’91 and Dan Hinds James C., ’53 and Marilyn Hinkefent 6HDQ - ¶ DQG 'HQLVH +LQW] 5LFKDUG / ¶ DQG 0DU\ /RX +RPDQ Adolph J., ’53 and Marjorie A. Horinek -RKQ 0 ¶ DQG 0DU\ 5 5XGROSK ¶ +RXVH -DPHV 5 ¶ DQG *LJL +XPSKUH\ James W., ’52 and Charlotte R. Humphrey Diane Hunninghake Paul and Barbara Jansen 0 'DUU\O -RQHV ¶ Richard D. and Kathleen Jones William J., ’52 and Pat Joyce /DZUHQFH 6 ¶ DQG /LQGD - .DPLQVN\ 'U 7KRPDV ) ¶ DQG -RDQ 0 0R\HU ¶ .HPODJH 5HJJLH / .HPQD ¶ 3HWHU / .OHEED ¶ Dan Koch Eleanor A. Kohake -RKQ ) ¶ DQG %DUEDUD % %HW]HQ ¶ .RKOHU 5DQGDOO ( ¶ DQG &RQQLH / .ROODVFK .LUN 6 ¶ DQG -HDQQHWWH 0 /D*XH ¶ .RZDOHZVNL -RVHSK 0 ¶ DQG 1DQF\ - /XW] ¶ .UDNRZLHFNL 6DUD ( )OD[ ¶ DQG -HII .UDPHU 5REHUW & ¶ DQG -HDQLH /DW] Courtney M. Laurie 'U 'HQQLV 3 ¶ DQG &DURO $ :DONHU ¶ /DZORU -RKQ ( ¶ DQG 5LWD . =HRUOLQ ¶ /HODQG 'U (GZDUG 1 ¶ DQG /LVD . /XGZLJ ¶ /HWRXUQHDX -DPHV 6 ¶ DQG 'XQULH /HZLV Dennis and Stacie Lindsey /\OOLV /LQJ ¶ 5LFKDUG / ¶ DQG -DQH /RWWHV -RDQ ) 5LFKDUGVRQ ¶ DQG 5LFKDUG - /\QFK James and Barbara Mahoney Glenn and Diane Manny Courtney M. Marshall )UDQFHV :XHUWK 0DUVRODLV ¶ Robert A. Martin 5RQDOG 6 ¶ DQG 0DULH 0F&XOORXJK ¶ 0F$GDPV 3DWULFN ) ¶ DQG 6\OYLD $ 6FKRUQ ¶ 0F*HH 7LPRWK\ & ¶ DQG .DWULQD 0F*XLJDQ & 3DWULFN ¶ DQG 0DUWLQD - 0F/DUQH\ 0DU\ : 0F1HUQH\ ¶

7KRPDV - ¶ DQG 'LDQH + 0HOLFKDU 7KRPDV 0 ¶ DQG -RDQ ( 7HHJDUGHQ ¶ 0HW]JHU -D\ $ ¶ DQG %DUEDUD 0H\HU Dr. Brett A. Miller 'DYLG ' ¶ DQG 0DU\ 3DW *XHJXHQ ¶ 0LOOHU Richard and Sherry Miller Theresa Wolters, ’59 and Raymond L. Miller D. Douglas and Marjorie Minnis John P., ’94 and Angela Minnis M. Elizabeth Bacon, ’39 and W. Richard Mize /DZUHQFH ( ¶ DQG &HFLOLD 0 3DOPHU ¶ 0XII Dr. William S., ’55 and Lila Mullican John F. P. and Mary V. Murphy Daniel and Elizabeth Muzyka William E., ’59 and Margaret Ferkenhoff, ’59 Myers Lorry and Brenda Nelson Walter G., ’51 and Mary Jo Nelson N. Nelson and Marcia Newcomer Timothy and Tanya Newkirk James and Kathleen O’Hara -RKQ 3 ¶ DQG -DQLFH $ 2¶/HDU\ 7KRPDV 0 ¶ DQG 0DXUHHQ 2¶/HDU\ .HYLQ - ¶ (0%$ ¶ DQG &ROOHHQ 0 0F*UDZ ¶ 2¶0DOOH\ Dominic N., ’59 and Marilyn A. Paolucci Victor Patel Steven and Theresa Paul :LOIUHG - ¶ DQG &HFHOLD 3HOWLHU 5REHUW - ¶ DQG &DURO 3HQND 6WHSKHQ ' ¶ DQG 0ROO\ % 3HQQ\ Rita M. Gages, ’54 and Norbert B. Phillips 'U 5LFKDUG $ ¶ DQG 0DU\ $ 3LURWWH .HYLQ 3 ¶ DQG /RUL $ 5DXEHU -HUU\ - ¶ DQG .HUULH $ 5HOOLKDQ Mike and Suzy Richards 0LFKDHO + ¶ DQG 6DQGUD 5LHNHU -RQ ' 5RVV ¶ Teresita M. Breitenbach, ’51 and Anthony P. Ruotolo 3HWHU ¶ DQG 0DXUHHQ 6KHHKDQ ¶ 5XVVR &DUOD 6FKDHIHU 'RYH\ ¶ DQG 'HQQLV 'RYH\ 6\OYHVWHU - ¶ DQG 9LFNL $ 6FKLHEHU 'RQDOG ( ¶ DQG 5RVHO\Q 6FKPLGW 6WDQOH\ - ¶ DQG .DWKOHHQ ) +LJOH\ ¶ 6FKPLGW 'U 7KRPDV & 6FKQXUU ¶ Donald H. and Dr. Kimberly Shankman &DU\ & ¶ DQG &KDUORWWH 0 /DQGRQ ¶ 6KDZ 'U 'DQLHO - 6KHDG ¶ .DWKOHHQ ( 6KLHOGV ¶ &DURO 0 6KRPLQ ¶ 5REHUW - ¶ DQG 0DU\ 6LGPDQ -DPHV $ ¶ DQG -DQH 'H %URHFN ¶ 6LGRQL 5REHUW / ¶ DQG &KDUOHQH 1HOVRQ ¶ 6ODWHU $QQH 0 3LQNHOPDQQ ¶ DQG 0DUN 1 6PLWK

Mark and Susan Solbach 5R[DQH 0 0XHWLQJ ¶ DQG 0LFKDHO 6WHF Darin Stephens 6DOO\ ) 'R\OH 6WULFFD ¶ 3DWULFLD 5 )DUUHOO ¶ DQG Dr. Gerald L. Strohmeyer Joyce Suellentrop 'DYLG - ¶ DQG -XGLWK 7D\ORU ¶ 6XO]EDFK Mark Switzer Clarence B. Synakiewicz, ’55 %HUQDUG * ¶ DQG (OOHQ 0 0F&DVNH\ ¶ 7RQTXHVW 5REHUW ( 7XPEHUJHU ¶ %DUEDUD ( &DQQHOO ¶ DQG $QGUHZ ) 9DFODY (XJHQH - ¶ DQG .DWKOHHQ $ *DPPRQ ¶ 9DGHU Virgil F. Vanderfeltz, ’44 6DPXHO 5 9HUVOXHV ¶ .HOO\ - %RODQG 9RZHOV ¶ 'U 'XQVWDQ - ¶ DQG +HOHQ 0 %UHQWDQR ¶ :DFN Robert and Debra Walker 5HQHH - .RKDNH ¶ DQG 5LFKDUG 0 :DVKEXUQ &DURO\Q / &RQQRU ¶ DQG 'HQQLV :DWOH\ /DZUHQFH & :HUQHU ¶ 0DUN - ¶ DQG %DUEDUD $ %HOORZV ¶ :HWWD -XOLH $ 0XQUR ¶ DQG 'DQLHO :KLWH 'LDQQH + +LFNHUW ¶ DQG *HRUJH % :LWZHU -RKQ - ¶ DQG 0DUJDUHW <DVLQVDF 5HY 3DWULFN * <RUN ¶ Dr. Lionel W., ’53 and Florence I. Young Less than $1,000 'HQLV ( $EERWW ¶ John and Elizabeth Abegg Ron and Robin Abel 'DQLHO ) ¶ DQG %DUEDUD ( ,VROLQH ¶ $EHOLQJ Jeanette Abeling /HR & ¶ DQG &DURO\Q $EHOV Lance C. Abernathy, ’91 David and Molly Aboussleman David and Lisa Abramovitz 'DYLG 0 ¶ DQG -XG\ $FNHUPDQ 'HQLVH $ 0DFN ¶ DQG 5DQGDOO / $FNHUPDQ Douglass J. Adair Dick and Kim Adams .HYLQ + $GDPV ¶ 5HEHFFD +ROPHV $GDPV ¶ Timothy and Marybeth Adams Claudia A. Adamson Charleane Addison 6XVDQ / +RUYDWLF ¶ DQG *UHJRU\ 3 $GGLVRQ 'DQQ\ ( $GHOKDUGW ¶ Catherine A. Adkins -DPHV ( ¶ DQG 3HJJ\ $ 7LHQNHQ ¶ $JQHZ William J., ’55 and 3DWULFLD 0 3DVFRH ¶ $JQHZ Bill and Roberta Aguirre &KLS - ¶ DQG 0RQLFD 7 6PLWK ¶ $KHUQ

Scott A., ’93 and Lori M. Aho Joseph and Lois Akers 0DU\ ( 0F'HYLWW ¶ DQG %UHW $NHUV *UHJRU\ - ¶ DQG -HQQLIHU $OEHUV -RDQ 0 $OEHUV ¶ DQG 6WHSKHQ : 6DQGV Charles R. Alberts .DWKOHHQ $ 6SXUORFN ¶ DQG *OHQQ $OELQ Nancy Albin 0DULO\Q 6 0HJOL %XVFKH ¶ DQG Jack E. Albright T. Ed Albright III, ’49 Thomas and Susan Alderson Fred P., ’51 and Theresa E. Aldrich $GDLU : ¶ ‚ DQG (OHDQRU /DNHUV ¶ $OH[DQGHU 9LFWRULD / $OH[DQGHU /7 %U\FH 6 $OOHQ ¶ ( -RDQ $VW $OOHQ ¶ James M., ’55 and Mary Lou Allen Janet Allen Meredith E. Allen, ’93 Douglas and Jennifer Alles Carolyn S. Almond Jane E. Altenhofen Joseph and Elizabeth Altenhofen Justin and Marva Altenhofen :LOOLDP ¶ DQG 0DULOHH ) 0F.HQ]LH ¶ $OWHQKRIHQ -RKQ 1 ¶ DQG &LQGUD / $OWPDQ 6DUDK - +RJDQ ¶ DQG =DFK $PEDULDQW] *LOOLDQ ( $PHQW ¶ 'U *HQHYLHYH : :HVWKXHV ¶ DQG -RKQ $PHV Barry and Joni Amthor &RUDQ 7 ¶ DQG 0DU\ $QQ $QGHUMDVND Thomas and Lynn Anders 0DU\ & +RULJDQ ¶ DQG 5RQDOG ' $QGHUVHQ $PDQGD 5 $QGHUVRQ ¶ $QQH & $QGHUVRQ ¶ Carol L. Anderson Geane Anderson -DPHV 5 ¶ DQG 3DWULFLD ' 0F'RQDOG ¶ $QGHUVRQ Jeffrey and Monica Anderson -RVHSK 5 ¶ DQG -RYLWD 0 %HW]HQ ¶ $QGHUVRQ -RVHSKLQH 'HPPHU ¶ DQG Kenneth G. Anderson Julia A. Anderson 0DUJDUHW & :LONHV ¶ DQG )UHG $QGHUVRQ 5REHUW & ¶ DQG 0DU\ -R ¶ $QGHUVRQ Ty G., ’91 and Jennifer A. Grewe, ’92 Anderson Wayne and Linda Anderson 0DMRU :HVOH\ - / (0%$ ¶ DQG Elizabeth A. Anderson -DPHV $ ¶ DQG 0DUJDUHW 5 /DQKDP ¶ $QGUD 5LFKDUG ( ¶ DQG 'RORUHV $ 6WLHIHUPDQQ ¶ $QGUD Paul and Jane Andrew Rev. Daniel R. Andrews, ’93

7LPRWK\ & ¶ DQG /LVD 0 +XHUWHU ¶ $QGUHZV /\QQH , 7XUQHU $QJHO ¶ Charles and Lisa Angwin 5RQDOG ) ¶ DQG 0DU\ & $QLHODN -RVHSK $ ¶ DQG 'HEUD $QLHOOR Anonymous 1DQF\ - +DQGOH\ ¶ DQG :LOOLDP / $QWKHV -RVHSK % ¶ DQG -RDQ 0 $QWKRQ\ Lois Larkin, ’51 and John L. Anthony 5LFKDUG ' ¶ DQG %HWW\ /RX $QWKRQ\ 5REHUW ( $UDQRZVNL ¶ $QGUHD 1 $UFKHU ¶ .HYLQ 3 ¶ (0%$ ¶ DQG .DWKU\Q & &UDZIRUG ¶ /HH & ¶ DQG /XHWWD 3 +HQU\ $UHQVEHUJ Peter and Barbara Arensberg -XOLH 5 0DUWLQ $UJHQ]LDQR ¶ James and June Armer $QJHOD ) $UPRXU ¶ James and Constance Armour James and Ann Armstrong Martin F. Armstrong, ’43 Dale E. Arndt Benjamin and Sherry Arnold Ronald F. and Kathy J. Arnoldi Mary A. Zehrung, ’55 and Edward V. Arnone 9LFWRULD / 9HODVTXH] ¶ DQG 'DYLG : $UW]HU William and Toni Ashby -DPHV : ¶ DQG 0DXUHHQ 5 $VKHU 0DUWLQ - ¶ DQG $JJLH 0 $VKHU 0DU\ 0 $VKHU ¶ 5RJHU DQG 6XVDQ 0 0F&DUWK\ ¶ $VVPDQQ .DWKOHHQ $ (UNHU ¶ DQG 7KHRGRUH ) $VW The Hund Family: Bill, Louie, Ann, Sue and Ginny 0DUMRULH ( $QWKRQ\ $WNLQVRQ ¶ Keith Atlakson Salvador and Juanita Avitia 'U 'HQQLV & ¶ DQG 9LUJLQLD 0 $\HU Richard J. and Gwen Aylward Amy M. Braman, ’92 and Paul M. Baack Gary Baack Gerald and Judith Baalmann Barbara A. Jackson Babcock, ’52 .HYLQ % ¶ DQG /DXUD / )HOWV ¶ %DFKNRUD Linda C. Badger 5REHUW 7 ¶ DQG :DQGD ) %DJOH\ Patti S. Shideler, ’51 and George F. Bahorich 'U )UDQFLV 1 %DLQ ¶ 'U *HRUJH : ¶ DQG 1DQF\ %DLQ Delbert and Sonia Baker -RKQ : ¶ DQG 'RULV ( %DNHU -RVHSK : ¶ DQG 1DQF\ , %DNHU 0DU\ ( 4XLQQ %DNHU ¶ 3DWULFLD ( 7RUOLQH %DNHU ¶ Rita Baker Theresa Baker 1LFKRODV * %DOGXFFL ¶ Butch and Mary Ball

-RKQ $ %DOOZHJ ¶ Duane and Cristin Banderob Philip and Lisa Baniewicz Bryce and Carolyn Banion Francis and Barbara Barak Eileen Dever, ’52 and Lewis C. Barbe 'LDQH 0 0HDO\ ¶ DQG 3DXO ' %DUEHU Debbie and Vito Barbieri -RKQ $ ¶ DQG &DWKHULQH + %DUFDV 'U 6WHSKHQ ) %DUGRW ¶ 0DUtD ) 2UWL] %DUHOD ¶ & -RKQ ¶ DQG 0DUWL %DULFHYLF 'HQQLV 3 %DULFHYLF ¶ 6FRWW / ¶ DQG -RGLH 5 %DUQHV Shannon C. Herbert Barnes, ’92 Harold R. and Nancy K. Barnett Robert E. Barnett 6KHLOD &DWUDPERQH %DUUHWW ¶ David and Sheri Barrett 3DXO % ¶ DQG 'HEELH %DUURQ *UHJRU\ ' ¶ DQG 0DU\ -R 0XFNH\ ¶ %DUU\ -RKQ & ¶ DQG %HYHUO\ %DUU\ -RKQ . %DUU\ ¶ 3DXO - ¶ DQG 5HEHFFD 6 %DUU\ Rosalie M. Barry Walter D. and Mildred S. Bartel &LQG\ 0 %DUWHOV *UDKDP ¶ Barbara B. Bartholdi Thomas and Kelly Bartlett Barbara H. Bartocci 7KHRGRUH 0 %DUWROHWWL ¶ 'HERUDK $ +XHOVNDPS ¶ DQG Daniel Bartuccio John and Alane A. Bartush 9DOHULH - %DUWXVK ¶ Paul M. and Kathleen A. Bastasch -HDQQH 0 +HMQDO ¶ DQG 'DYLG : %DWHPDQ 0LFKDHO * ¶ DQG 'U -HQQLIHU %DWK Maria G. Batten James and Kathleen Bauer 5D\PRQG 3 ¶ DQG 0DUFLD %DXHU Charles and Barbara Baughman Marty Baughman Dr. George J., ’45 and Barbara A. Stotts, ’53 Baumgartner 9LUJLQLD $ %DXPJDUWQHU ¶ Gloria G. Baur -RQDWKDQ DQG 6DUDK %D[D -RVHSK ) ¶ DQG 6WDYUD %D\HU Beverly A. Reinkemeyer Beam, ’52 Marcia Beason 1RUPDQ - ¶ DQG %DUEDUD ( %HDW .HYLQ - ¶ DQG 0DUOHQH 9 +HVWHUZHUWK ¶ %HDWW\ 6WHYHQ ' ¶ DQG 1DQF\ & %HFKHUHU Theodore P., ’55 †and Marilyn D. Bechtel 'U -RKQ 5 ¶ DQG 0DU\ %HFN $QQHWWH . /LFKWHQDXHU ¶ DQG David A. Becker Bryan and Patricia Becker

5D\PRQG & ¶ DQG 0DU\ - %HFNHU Amy M. Beckham Cheryl Beckley 'U 'DYLG 7 %HFNOH\ ¶ Rita M. Beckner 0RQLFD 0 5RFKH ¶ DQG &UDLJ %HGNH Robert and Susan Bednar James Beeman John and Tamara Beggs 6WHSKHQ : ¶ DQG 0DU\ & *HUVW ¶ %HJJV 0DUN / DQG $P\ 1 ¶ *DWHV %DJOH\ -RKQ $ %HKUPDQQ ¶ Richard and Cynthia Beien *UHJRU\ - ¶ DQG 0DU\ ( %HLHU Vincent Bejarano Joseph E., ’52 and Doris A. Belden Mary Jane Bell Meg Bell 5H[ DQG 'HQLVH %HOO 5D\PRQG 3 ¶ DQG -DQLFH 0 %HOOHU Steven and Virginia Bellis Harriet E. Bellmyer -RKQ ) ¶ DQG $LPHH *XLQRWWH ¶ %HQDJH Frank, ’52 and Barbara J. Meyer, ’53 Benanti &DWKHULQH :LQGHUOLQ %HQGHU ¶ Judith A. Benjamin Bryan and Janet Benner 'RQDOG * ¶ DQG .DWKHULQH / %HQQHWW David and Jane Bennett Roger T. Bennett -DQH ( %HQRLW ¶ Terrence and Mary Bentley 0LFKHO 7 ¶ DQG &LQG\ )UDQFR ¶ %HUDUG &ODXGLD ( %HUGXJR ¶ $Q\D %HUH]LQD 'HUULFN ¶ (OL]DEHWK $ %HUJHU ¶ -RKQ $ %HUJHU ¶ Richard and Sally Berger Mike and Theresa Bergida Ken and Mary Bergman Raymond G. Bergman -RVHSK $ ¶ DQG 0DU\ ( %HUJVFKQHLGHU 'U &DUO 7 %HUNKRXW ¶ Rick Berkshire Tony and Jane Bernardel 9LUJLQLD ( (GPLVWRQ %HUQH\ ¶ (GZDUG - ¶ DQG 6XVDQ %HUQV Don and Georgene Bernskoetter .HQQHWK - %HUUHVKHLP ¶ John and Kathy Berrick (ULF (0%$ ¶ DQG /HGHHQ %HUU\ 7LPRWK\ 5 %HUVFK ¶ &KHQH\ / %HUWKROI ¶ Gary and Carolyn Berthot James and Kristi Bertrand /DZUHQFH $ ¶ DQG 3DWULFLD %HVVHUHU %ULDQ 0 %HWWODFK ¶ 6WHYHQ 5 ¶ DQG 0DUWLQD %HWWODFK /DXUD - %HW]HQ ¶ $QWKRQ\ - ¶ DQG 5HEHFFD / %LDQFKL


$JQHV 0 0LODFHN %LDQFR ¶ )UDQN ( %LDQFR ¶ Victoria E. Bianculli Frank G., ’55 and Caryl A. Bichlmeier %ULDQ - ¶ DQG 0HJDQ . &DVVLG\ ¶ %LFNIRUG Bruce and Patricia Bidwell %HWK $ %LJHORZ ¶ William and Ann Biggins Dr. Douglas and Beth Biggs Edythe H. Bilimek Robert J. Binder &DURO $ +DXJ ¶ DQG 0LFKDHO ) %LUNHO John and Roberta Birmingham James and Susan Birt 7LPRWK\ - %LUW ¶ Edward A., ’53 and Louise H. Birzer Gregory and Carla Bishop John Bishop Yolonda K. Campbell, ’94 and Jerrod Bishop 5REHUW ( ¶ DQG /XDQD - %LWWHU N. Carol Bitting .HOO\ $ &DQQDYDQ ¶ DQG .HQW %MRUN Richard N., ’52 and Dorothy M. †Blackwell (OOHQ 0 0XGG ¶ DQG -RKQ %ODKD :LOOLDP $ ¶ DQG 3DPHOD %ODLU R. J. and Mary C. Blaise -HIIUH\ ' ¶ DQG $P\ . 0F*XLUH ¶ %ODQFKDUG 5D\PRQG 6 ¶ DQG .DWKOHHQ %DELQHDX[ %ODQFR /HUR\ $ ¶ DQG +HOHQ * %ODVL 0DUJDUHW $ %HFNHU ¶ DQG 7LPRWK\ %OHYLQV John and Mary Block George B., ’51 and Dorlene Blodig 3DXO ( %OXP ¶ Michael and Lisa Boddicker 5RODQG - ¶ DQG 0DU\ % %RHGLQJ 5HY 0DUYLQ - %RHV ¶ (OL]DEHWK :LGKDOP ¶ DQG -LP %RHVFK 'DYLG - %RJGDQ ¶ (OL]DEHWK $ %RJGDQ ¶ Richard C. Bogdan Patrick and Diane Bohlig -RKQ ' %RKRQ ¶ 'U .DWKOHHQ - ¶ DQG -DPHV 7 %RODQG 0DU\ * /DFNH\ ¶ DQG 5RQDOG %RODQG Richard and Doris Boland *HRUJH $ ¶ DQG &\QWKLD 1 'DYLV ¶ %ROGULGJH Kevin Bolend 6WHYHQ - ¶ DQG 3DWULFLD % %ROLQ %HWWLQD , 0LFKDHOLV ¶ DQG 7RP - %ROOHU 7KRPDV $ ¶ DQG 0DUJLH - ( %RPPDULWR 9LQFHQW 3 ¶ DQG -DFTXHOLQH $ 5RHKULJ ¶ %RPPDULWR Charles T. Bond -XGLWK *UDQH\ %RQG ¶ 'U -DPHV . %RQJHUV ' ' 6 ¶ DQG Linda Bongers Michael and Leslie Bono

%HUQLFH * 6WHVVPDQ ¶ DQG 0HOYLQ %RRN -XOLH $ 0F1HLYH ¶ DQG (ULF $ %RRQH -RKQ 3 ¶ DQG .DWKU\Q ( +DHJHOLQ ¶ %RRV 6XVDQ &UXLVH ¶ DQG *HUDOG $ %RRV (PLO\ & 0R[OH\ ¶ DQG 5REHUW %RRWK David and Margie Bordovsky 'U -RKQ * ¶ DQG 0DUWKD $ 5LFKPRQG ¶ %RUNRZVNL Daniel and Melissa Bosso Sandra Boswell Diana M. Bourisaw Lisa A. Bourquin -RVHSK + ¶ DQG (YHO\Q - 5DFN ¶ %RXWWH Emily Harkins Bowen, ’51 -DQHDQ ' 1DUQGHQ ¶ DQG Dr. Daniel E. Bowen Dr. Julia Bowen Gregory M., ’93 and Rhonda A. Petry, ’93 Bower Kevin and Karen Bower :LOOLDP 7 ¶ DQG Katherine A. Bowler %REEL %R[OHU 0LFKDHO - %R\FH ¶ 'U :LOOLDP + ¶ DQG 6XVDQ 3 %R\FH 'RQDOG ( ¶ DQG 3DWULFLD 0 %R]LFK John and Mary Bradley Robert and Janet Bradshaw -DPHV 0 ¶ DQG /DXULH 1HXVHO ¶ %UDG\ Kathy Brady Sally M. Brady 6KDURQ ( 0RUOH\ ¶ DQG 7RP %UDG\ Austin J., ’91 and Janna L. Braithwait Robert S. Braksick John and Nancy Braman .DUHQ 0 &KDUOWRQ ¶ DQG 5LFKDUG 6 %UDQGO Edwin and Joan Brandt 1HLO : ¶ DQG 6DQGUD 0 %UDQGW Robert and Margaret Brandt Erik T., ’91 and Annette M. Steinauer, ’92 Branstetter Rich and Carolyn Branstetter 5LFKDUG - ¶ DQG 0DUOHQH 0 %UDXQVGRUI &DURO 6FKXFNHQEURFN %UHJHQ]HU ¶ 'DOH & %UHJHQ]HU ¶ John and Marybeth Brehany Jack Breitenstein Teresa M. Breitenstein &DUULH 1 %UHPPHU ¶ Dr. Dale A., ’53 and Jean Bremmer ( &DURO /DFNH\ ¶ DQG 'DQLHO %UHQHLVHU Ann E. Cleary Brennan, ’41 Heather M. Armstrong, ’95 and Conor Brennan Lucille Fontana Brennan, ’51 Dr. Robert A. and Joan Brennan 7HUU\ - %UHQQDQ ¶ Timothy and Kathleen Brennan Carol J. Brenner Joseph and Kathleen Brenner Monica S. Barry, ’94 and Joe Brentano

Elizabeth C. Breting, ’49 Richard and Patricia Brewster Luis and Maria Brignoni Brian J., ’91 and Michelle Brinker .DWKOHHQ 0 %XUGLHN %ULQNHU ¶ Rose L. Brinks Kevin and Deborah Brock Curtis and Vicki Bromm -DURQ - %URPP ¶ Carolyn Brooks 0LFKDHO $ DQG 0DU\ 3 6LHGKRII ¶ %URRNV 6WHYHQ ' %URRNV (0%$ ¶ -RQL ( %URSK\ ¶ DQG 7KRPDV * &ROZHOO -U (GZDUG 5 ¶ DQG $QQ : %URSK\ James P. and Dorothy M. Brophy Mary C. Brosnan 7KRPDV + ¶ DQG .DUHQ $ 0XHOOHU ¶ %URWKHUWRQ Kenneth and Becky Brown Carole A. Brown &DURO\Q - %HFNHU ¶ DQG 5XVVHOO $ %URZQ Dr. David E. Brown Donald and Ruth Brown Gerald A., ’55 and Alice J. Brown -HQQLIHU 5 %URZQ ¶ .DUHQ 0 %URZQ ¶ DQG %UDGIRUG &RDVK Kenneth and Becky Brown 2OLQ / %URZQ ¶ Ryan D., ’99 and Colleen Brown Seth E., ’94 and Alicia C. Pettey, ’93 Brown 'U 7HUUHQFH - ¶ DQG 0DUFLD - %URZQ Timothy and Jenifer Brown 'DQLHO - ¶ DQG 0RQLFD $ %ODLVH ¶ %URZQH -DPHV ( ¶ DQG 7HUUL 6 %URZQH .HYLQ % %URZQH ¶ 0LFKDHO ' ¶ DQG .LPEHUO\ $ *DOODJKHU ¶ %UR[ -DPHV 7 ¶ DQG 6 5HQH 'URXKDUG ¶ %UR]RYLFK Isadore Brulez Jim and Marilyn Brull Mark and Brenda Brull and Family Dave and Patricia Brull 6DQGUD . :RLWD ¶ DQG -DPHV ' %UXQHU Cecelia A. Christophene, ’55 and William A. Brunner 'DQLHO ( ¶ DQG 0ROO\ %UXQV David and Elizabeth Brunson Julie K. Bruntz Rudy and Veronica Brynac &\QWKLD 0 *HLJHU ¶ DQG 'RXJ %XFKDQDQ Philomena Buchholz -DPHV 7 %XFNOH\ (VT ¶ -HURPH 0 ¶ DQG 6XVLH %XFNOH\ 3DWULFLD .RSIOH ¶ DQG -DPHV $ ‚ %XFNOH\ -RKQ : %XHFKQHU ¶ Gerald and Francine Buettner &KDUOHV ) ¶ DQG 3DWULFLD $ %XKOHU 6WHSKHQ 5 ¶ DQG 0LFKHOH $ :HVWHUKDXV ¶ %XKOHU

Harold and Luella Buhman $GDP % ¶ DQG $QLWD 0 ¶ %XKPDQ :LJJV Jane P. Berry, ’55 and Pat F. Buhr 0DU\ -R %URZQH ¶ DQG 5D\PRQG $ %XOOLV %UXFH 0 ¶ DQG &DURO $ %XQFK -DQLFH 0 ¶ 0($ ¶ DQG -RH %XQFN Thomas and Nancy Bunker Helen E. Glancy Buquoi, ’35 *UHJRU\ 5 %XUFNKDUGW ¶ (GPRQG 7 ¶ DQG 3DXOD ( %XUJDQ Waldo and Martha Burger Family -DPHV / %XULYDO ¶ 0DU\ $QQH *LQDLQH %XUNH ¶ 0DU\ . .RRE ¶ DQG -RKQ - %XUNH 7KRPDV * ¶ DQG Carol M. Lysaght, ’59 Burke 7KRPDV - ¶ DQG 'LDQH & %XUNH 6DUDK - %XUNV ¶ &ODUN $ ¶ DQG %DUEDUD - %XUQHWW *DU\ % ¶ DQG 0DU\ &RXUL ¶ %XUWRQ Martha E. Burton Robert and Elizabeth Burton 7KRPDV + ¶ DQG /DXUHQ - %XUWRQ Lawrence Bush Paul and Colleen Bush Gilbert and Barbara Bussen Dr. Felipe and Stacey Bustillo 6KHOE\ 0 :DWOH\ ¶ DQG 0LFKDHO %\EHH $QWKRQ\ ( ¶ DQG %HUQDGLQH %\N .DWKU\Q / 3XVFK ¶ DQG 0LFKDHO ' %\UG -HDQ 0 +DZHV %\UQH ¶ William J., ’52 †and Joan Herbin, ’52 Byrnes &DWKHULQH &DELEL ¶ 5RQDOG / ¶ DQG 5RFKHOOH 'DUYHDX ¶ &DIIHUW\ Glenn and Betty Cahill Scott and Linda Cahill 6XVDQ / .RHQLJ &DKLOO ¶ 7KRPDV 0 ¶ DQG 6WHSKDQLH - &DLQ /XNH 3 &DLUQH\ ¶ Patrick and Anna Cairney James R. and Margaret Calcara Jamie C. Calcara, ’99 Tony and Rhonda Caldarello %ULGJHWW $ 5RVVLQ (0%$ ¶ DQG -RKQ &DOLD Martha J. Campbell, ’92 0LFKDHO - ¶ DQG 'HEUD 0 0DQQLRQ ¶ &DPSEHOO Robert Campbell 5REHUW ' ¶ DQG $OOLVRQ ( &DPSEHOO 6KDURQ 5 5KRGHV ¶ DQG 3DWULFN &DPSEHOO Magell and Kathleen Candelaria Vincent V., ’51 and Patricia R. Canning &KULVWRSKHU - ¶ DQG $QGULDQD &DUERQH John and Joan Carbone -DPHV 0 &DUHZ ¶ Michael and Frances Carey Robert and Colleen Carey Dr. Thomas E. Carey, ’59 Kristine J. Hilger, ’95 and Gilberto Carles

-DVRQ : œ DQG $EE\ - &DUOLQ Michael and Cherie Carlisle Richard A., ’51 and %DUEDUD - /DUFKHU œ &DUOVRQ Kay Carney - &ODUNVRQ &DUSHQWHU œ &HFLOLD 2YHUEH\ œ DQG 'U )UDQFLV &DUSLQHOOL Madeline Carpinelli %ULDQ . œ DQG +HDWKHU 6 &DUU Dave and Mary Carr Patrick M., ’94 and Kathleen S. McClard, ’93 Carr Ann Carrigan Charles and Janelle Carrigan Gere Carrigan -RVHSK 0 œ DQG /LVD * &DUULJDQ 3DWULFN ' œ DQG .DWKU\Q 0 &DUULJDQ .HYLQ / œ DQG 'RQQD &DUULO James A., ’54 and Teresa Carroll John E., ’53 and Marilyn Carroll -XVWLQ ; œ DQG &LQG\ .LQJ &DUUROO 'U .DUHQ 0 -HQNLQV œ DQG :DOODFH &DUUROO Steve and Pat Carson -HDQ ) %XVVDQ œ DQG -RKQ 7 &DUVWHQV 'DYLG / œ DQG 3DPHOD 6 &DUWHU Theonne K. Wolters, ’54 and William Carter William and Glenda Carter Neil and Marlene Carver +HQU\ ' œ DQG 0DU\ 7 &DPSEHOO œ &DVH\ John E., ’59 and Clarita L. Hampton, ’59 Casey Katherine K. Kistler, ’43 and Thomas Casey -DPHV $ &DVNH\ œ (0%$ œ James and JoEllen Caskey Patrick and Mary Caskey 7KRPDV ) œ DQG 'H'H &DVSDUL -XGLWK $DURQ &DVVLOO\ œ Sandie Cassinerio :LOOLDP + œ DQG 0XVHWWH 6WLQVRQ œ &DVWOH 0DUN - œ DQG -XGLWK 'XYDO œ &DWDQ]DUR John and Catherine Cattle Robert J. Caulfield Leo F., ’53 and Judith Cavanaugh Dr. Patrick J. and Kerry M. Cavanaugh David and Therese Cavin Michael and Margaret Cawthra .DUHQ %DUUHWW œ DQG (XJHQH &D\ORU Jane B. Celaya -DFN - œ DQG 5HQHH 6 /RQJ œ &HOOD 'U -RVHSK 7 œ DQG &ROOHHQ 5 )RUJH œ &HUQLFK -RVHSK ) &HUYHQ\ œ James and Julie Chandler Pius K. W. Chao, ’52 -DPHV + œ DQG 7HUOLHQ : &KDSPDQ 0DULO\Q - 0LOOHU &KDSPDQ œ -DPHV + &KDSSHOO œ Carl and Rita Chatfield Ellen Y. Wang, ’94 and David H. Chen -DPHV $ œ DQG .DWKOHHQ :LOVRQ œ &KHQRZHWK

'LDQD - 7LQNHU œ DQG -DPHV 6 &KHUYLQNR 5REHUW : œ DQG 6XVDQ &KHVQXW 0DULDQQH :LOOLDPV œ DQG -RVHSK &KPHOHFN Jean M. Choinka +LOEHUW + œ DQG (LOHHQ &KROH 3DXO ) œ DQG 0DUFLD ( &KRSS 7KHUHVD /HH œ DQG 5LFKDUG & &KX 6DOYDWRUH 0 &LOXIIR œ %ULDQ ' &LQFRWWD œ Frank Cindrich John Cindrich Dale and Kathleen Cinotto Michael J., ’93 and Jaime M. Cizek 0LFKHOH 5 %HHUPDQ œ DQG 'DYLG 6 &ODQF\ Theodore and Kathleen Clark Abbot Victor Clark, O.S.B., ’51 'U -RKQ ) œ DQG $XGUH\ &ODUNLQ 5REHUW - &ODVVHQ œ Anne C. Clayton Michael and Jeanne Cleary $QQ / 1HVWHU œ DQG 1RUPDQ - &OHHODQG Norma L. Clemens Richard and Jannet Clinesmith Jerry and Rosemary Clinton -RKQ 5 œ DQG /RXLVH 0 9HQDUG œ &OLQWRQ Charles and Nancy Clisbee Richard H., ’51 and Mary E. Clothier Robert J., ’59 and Jo A. Coakley 6XVDQ 0 &DPHURQ &RGHU œ James and Mary Cody Ben and Alberta Coe .HQQHWK : œ DQG (LOHHQ . &RIIHH .HOO\ 5\DQ &RJDQ œ 1DQF\ 5 0F&DUWK\ œ DQG &ROLQ &RKHQ Brian Colby Kevin and Jacqueline Coldren James and Ann Cole Christopher S., ’91 and -HQQLIHU $ $OOHQ œ &ROH Eugene and Patricia Cole James and Ann Cole 'U 7KRPDV * &ROH œ DQG (ODLQH .UXO 3DXO ' &ROHPDQ œ Randal and Rachel Collett Margaret N. Collins 3DPHOD - :HVVHO œ DQG 0LFKDHO 9 &ROOLQV Scott Collins Katherine E. Colwell Kevin and Brenda Colwell Michael and Karen Colwell Jack and Joyce Comfort Richard A. Comfort Trudy Compton Richard and Jennifer Condon 0DUFLD $ 7KLHV œ DQG 5D\PRQG &RQOH\ Marcia A. Bartel, ’92 and John F. Conley 0DUJDUHW ( 5LFKDUGVRQ &RQOH\ œ Michael Connelly Joe and Ann Conner &DURO 'LQHHQ œ DQG 3 - &RQQRU


Michael and Blish Connor -HII 7 œ DQG 6DUDK $ &RQUDG Robert and Lois Conrad Kathryn L. Hoffman, ’55 and Richard B. Conradt John and Mikiko Conroy 7KRPDV - œ DQG .DWKOHHQ $ &URQLQ œ &RQZHOO Lori K. Cook 0DUN * œ DQG .DWKLH $ &RRN Matthew J., ’94 and Barbara Cook Paul and Linda Cook $QQD $JQHZ œ DQG 3DWULFN - &RRNH 'DQLHO - œ DQG 0DUJDUHW 0 &KU]DQRZVNL œ &RRQ L. G. and Mary Lou Cooper Larry and Cathy Cooper /HRQD %RJQHU œ DQG 'U .HQW - &RRSHU Susan B. Cooper 7HUU\ &RRWV œ Kent and Katherine Cope 0DUJDUHW ( 1LFNV &RSSH œ 5LFKDUG 3 &RUGHUR œ Fred and Wilma Corkins Daniel and Mary Corless James L. Corless, Jr. Jo Ann Corless, ’51 Mike and Sara Corless Dr. Richard J. and Cathy Coronado Michael and Carolyn Corry 0DGDOHQH 'LFNPDQQ œ DQG - $ &RUVRUR David and Dessie Costello (OL]DEHWK $ &RVWLJDQ œ Timothy and Susan Costigan Edward T. Cotter, Jr. Robert and Laura Cotter Raul Cotto and Myrna Martinez William and Anne Cotton Mary R. Coupe, ’51 Thomas E. Courtney, ’49 (OOHQ 0 :HLVKDU œ DQG 'DYLG &RXVLQV -RKQ ( œ DQG 0DU\ & &RZHOO &UDLJ ' œ DQG 7KHUHVD / &R[ 9LQFHQW 0 &R[ œ Carol A. Coyle Jeffrey A., ’94 and Constance Coyle Rev. Andrew H. Cozzens, S.T.D., ’91 John and Judith Cozzens R. Keith Crabtree Patrick and Jeanne Crawford Stephen and Ila Crawford &DWKHULQH $ +HQFPDQQ œ DQG Kevin M. Crean William and Debi Creighton John E. Crone David and Karen Cronin Emily M. Cronin Matthew Cronin Victoria G. Cronin 7KRPDV % &URVV œ

William and Doralee Cross Gretchen F. Crossett -DPHV $ ¶ DQG -XG\ &URVVOH\ Frank and Karin Crosson %ULDQ ) ¶ DQG 3DWULFLD &URZH Barbe G. Crowley 7KRPDV & ¶ DQG $QQ &URZOH\ 7KRPDV 0 ¶ DQG &DUROH &URZOH\ 7LPRWK\ 5 ¶ DQG -DQLFH 3 &URZOH\ John J., ’91 and Shanda M. Heenan, ’91 Cruciani %HQHGLFW % ¶ DQG Clara V. Vervaecke, ’95 Cruise - 0LFKDHO ¶ DQG 0DU\ )HQGOHU ¶ &UXOFLFK Dolores Collins, ’49 and Charles K. Crum 'U 7KRPDV $ &XHYDV ¶ 3HWURQHOOD & &XOLYDQ ¶ 7KRPDV 5 ¶ DQG /RUHWWD &XOODQ 7HUUHQFH - ¶ DQG 6DQG\ &XOOHQ :LOOLDP + &XOWRQ ¶ -HURPH & ¶ DQG %DUEDUD 5 &XOYHU 0DXULFH ) ¶ DQG 0HOYD 0 &XPPLQJV 'RQQD -RDQ &XQQLQJKDP ¶ Marva M. Cunningham Robert F. Cunningham, ’54 Candelaria Curiel 'RXJODV $ ¶ DQG 0DUJDUHW 6 &XUUDQ -RKQ 3 ¶ DQG &DURO\Q ( &XUUDQ 3DWULFN ( ¶ DQG -DQH &XUUDQ *HUDOG - ¶ DQG +HDWKHU ( &XUU\ -RVHSK ' &XVDFN -U ¶ $QQH / /DFKRZVN\ ¶ DQG Dr. Charles J. Cusick 6XVDQQH %URRNH &XVVHQ ¶ 9LFWRU $ ¶ DQG .DUHQ &XVWDUGR Salvatore and Carolyn Cusumano -RDQQ ( +D\RE &\U ¶ Lloyd and Noreen M. Cyr Irene K. Czaplinski Douglas and Lynn Dahl 0DU\ ) &DUH\ ¶ DQG -DPHV 'DKOLQ :DOODFH 5 ¶ DQG 0HOED 'DO 6DQWR %HUWULFH 0 'DOGUXS ¶ :LOOLDP $ ¶ DQG 6\OYLD +DXVHU ¶ 'DOHWVNL 'RQDOG / ¶ DQG 0DUJDUHW 0 'DOODR 0LFKDHO 7 ¶ DQG %DUEDUD 'DOODYLV Timothy J., ’93 and Carolyn S. Diederich, ’93 Dalton 'DYLG 5 ¶ DQG (LOHHQ 0 'URVWH ¶ 'DO\ /HRQDUG $ ¶ DQG $ 0 0F0LOODQ ¶ 'DPLDQR Marjorie (Rupp) Dampf, ’54 -RUGDQ $ '¶$QJHOR ¶ % 'RXJODV 'DQLHO ¶ Nick Danze Debbie Darragh 0DULO\Q %RHKP ¶ DQG -RKQ + 'DUWH] 7LPRWK\ * ¶ DQG 7KHUHVD ' 'RROH\ ¶ 'DYHQSRUW -RKQ 3 'DYLGVRQ ¶

0DUFHOOD $ *ZDOWQH\ 'DYLGVRQ ¶ Pamela C. Davidson (PLO\ $ :ROIH ¶ DQG 'DQLHO ' 'DYLV Gary and Darla Davis Michael C. Davis Ted and Deni Davis *HUDOG 3 ¶ DQG 5HJLQD 5 %\HUV ¶ 'DZVRQ +DUROG - ¶ DQG 0DUJ\ / 'DZVRQ 5HY 0VJU -DPHV ' 'DZVRQ ¶ Paul and Susan Dawson Donald J. Day, ’53 Jacqueline J. Day )UDQFLV ; 'H 0DU ¶ Eleanor De May John F. and Sheryl J. De Rossi (ODLQH .ODDV ¶ DQG 'U -RVHSK 'H :XOI Carl and Yolanda Deal $ODQ ' ¶ DQG .DWKOHHQ 6 'HDQ 'RORUHV & ,VDDFVRQ ¶ DQG James L. DeAndrea Jeffrey W., ’92 and Elizabeth A. Clavenna, ’92 Deane 7KHRGRUH / ¶ DQG Joan M. Copenhaver, ’59 DeBauge Kevin and Denise Debrick -HDQ *DOODJKHU 'HFNHU ¶ 'U 7KRPDV $ ¶ DQG 3DWULFLD $ 'H&RVWHU Salvatore and Sheila DeFazio (OL]DEHWK %U\DQ 'HJHQ ¶ 5REHUW - ¶ DQG /XFLOOH 'H*RVWLQ 5HY 5REHUW / 'HJUDQG ¶ Mark V., ’92 and Nicole DeGreeff Robert J. Dehaemers -DPHV % 'HKQHU ¶ Richard C., ’53 and Helen Deitchman Benita K. Deiter Daniel and Elaine Deiter Norman Deiter Randall J. Deiter 'LDQH 0 )XUORQJ ¶ DQG 0DXULFH - 'HODQH\ George R., ’51 and Marilyn A. Knute, ’52 Delaney Dr. John M., ’49 and Patricia K. Delphia 6DPXHO - 'H0HR ¶ $QQD / 'HPPHU ¶ -RKQ 1 'HPPHU ¶ Leo A. Demmer, ’52 0VJU 3DWULFN ( 'HPSVH\ ¶ Terry and Mary Denker DeAnna R. Denney Frederick and Antoinette Denney Harold and Mary Denny Keith and Theresa Deras Larry and Dianne Dercher Ruth L. Link Deuschle, ’51 *HRUJLD ¶ DQG /DUU\ 'H9DGHU 7KRPDV $ ¶ DQG &KHU\O / 'H9LOELVV Eric T. Devonshire Doug and Debora Dibben Saundra Dibella


Nicholas R., ’99 and Kara A. DiCarlo )UHG 5 ¶ DQG )UDQFHV - 'LFH Chris Dickason Victoria Dickey Virginia A. Mannas Dickson, ’53 'DQLHO - ¶ DQG 0DU\ $QQ 7HHJDUGHQ ¶ 'LGGH 'DQLHO - ¶ DQG 0DUWKD < 'LHEROW Mary Lou E. Diebolt Terrance and Rosemary Diebolt 'HDQ % ¶ DQG 0DU\ ( &XUUDQ ¶ 'LHGHULFK %HUQDUG ) ¶ DQG 3DWULFLD 6 'LHGULFK D. Thomas, ’54 and Mary L. Diedrich Margaret Diedrich Karen and Michael Diehl David and Karen Dille 'DYLG % ¶ DQG -HQQLIHU $ .UHKHU ¶ 'LOOQHU (GZDUG + 'LOORQ ¶ Jerome C., ’55 and Gloria Dillon Daniel and Corinne Dineen 'U 'DYLG ) ¶ DQG &KULVWLQH 0 .RQLF\ ¶ 'LQJHV Dorothy R. Dingfelder Jerry and Mary Beth DiSalvo Harry P. and Paula Disbrow %HDWULFH $ %XUQV 'LVVHWW ¶ 0LFKDHO 3 (0%$ ¶ DQG 6RQLD 'LWWHPRUH &KULVWLQD 0 'L[RQ ¶ -RKQ DQG 6KLUOH\ 'L[RQ 5REHUW $ ¶ DQG $XGUH\ $ 'REULQLF John and Catherine Dobrynski James T. Dockery, Jr. -RKQ 0 ¶ DQG &KULVWLQH & +XHEQHU ¶ 'RFNHU\ William R. Dodd Andy and Jerri Dodds Dr. Donald B., ’52 and Marjorie A. Doemling James and Barbara Doherty Patrick E., ’51 and Luella Doherty Patrick R. Doherty Eugene E. Doleschal, ’53 Ken and Carolyn Dolezal Lt. Col. Charles W. Dollard, (Ret), ’52 &DURO\Q 6 /RHUZDOG ¶ DQG 'RQDOG 'ROOH Bernard and Kay Domann %HYHUO\ $ :HLVKDDU ¶ DQG Christopher Domann Michael and Dona Domann Greg and Carol Domian 0LFKDHO 3 ¶ DQG %HYHUO\ $ 'RQDKXH David and Mary Ann Donelson George and Stella Donnelly Timothy and Paula Donohue 'U )UDQNOLQ $ ¶ DQG 'RUHHQ +DUULV ¶ 'RQRYDQ Eugene and Edna Doolan Cynthia L. Dooley -DQHW 'RROH\ ¶

Mildred Dooley, Nick and Kathy Enzbrenner, and Gary Enzbrenner 6KDURQ : :DUG ¶ DQG .HYLQ % 'RROH\ William A., ’49 and Rita Dooley -RKQ ' ¶ DQG $QQ ' 'RROLQJ Roy and JoAn Doonan 'U -RKQ / ¶ DQG 0DU\ . 6FKHUUHU ¶ Dornhoffer 'HQQLV : ¶ 0($ ¶ DQG Kathleen A. Heggemeier 6DUDK 0 'RUVW ¶ -RKQ 7 ¶ DQG 'RQQD 2 'RXJKHUW\ 0DU\ - 0F1HLYH 'RXJKHUW\ ¶ Mark C. Douglas Peggy J. Douglas James W. Douthit, ’59 'DYLG - ¶ DQG 0DU\ % /DQJHU ¶ 'RYHU Connie L. Dowling .DWKHULQH 'RZQH\ ¶ Barbara A. Moebus, ’55 and Francis J. Doyle Kevin and Brenda Doyle Elizabeth A. Wack Doyle, ’44 Robert and Cindy Doyle Donna L. Drees Paul J., ’54 and Evelyn R. Drees 'U )HOL[ ) ¶ DQG 0DU\ - 'UHKHU 5DQG\ - 'UHLOLQJ ¶ &DURO - 3DWWHUVRQ ¶ DQG 5LFKDUG 6 'UHVVHO 5RQDOG 5 ¶ DQG 3DWULFLD 'UHVVOHU Dennis D. Driscoll Kevin Driskill Donald Droege Sally Droege 'DQLHO * ¶ DQG 5XWK ( %URRNH ¶ 'URVWH -DPHV - 'URWDU ¶ 5LFKDUG ( ¶ DQG .DWKHULQH + 'UXPPRQG 0DXUHHQ 3 0XOOHQ 'UXPZULJKW ¶ John and Mary Ann Duckers Helen Duff Frank and Janice Duffy 0LFKDHO ( 'XJDQ ¶ Jocelyn Dugas -RKQ - 'XLJQDQ ¶ 3DWULFLD & 0RUDQ ¶ DQG -DPHV 'XODF %ULDQ - 'XQQ ¶ (0%$ ¶ .HYLQ : ¶ 0%$ ¶ DQG (ULQ 8UEDQ ¶ 'XQQ 0RQLFD 6 1H\ORQ ¶ DQG 0LFKDHO * 'XQQ & 3DP -RQHV ¶ DQG 7KRPDV 'XUKDP .DUHQ 0 :LWWH ¶ DQG 'DYLG 5 'XURV John C., ’51 and Helen L. Dussault Mary M. Walker, ’49 and M. Dean Dutton 5RODQG ( ¶ DQG &LQG\ 7 'XWWRQ 5REHUW . 'Z\HU ¶ Edward J., ’59 and Sharon Dyer Robert J., ’52 and Georgiann Dytrych Donald V. and Judith J. Eades John R. Earnshaw 5RVHPDU\ & 0DUWLQ (DVOH\ ¶ /HH 0 ¶ DQG -DQLFH (DVWHUGD\

0LFKDHO - ¶ DQG 0DU\ $OLFH (DVWHUGD\ 'U -DPHV ( ¶ DQG -DQH $ :DOVK ¶ (EHO Daniel Eberle †Gabriel, ’52 and Catharine E. Eckart Mrs. John W. Eckstein &KULVWLQH * (GPRQGV ¶ Donald and Lynn Edmonds Gerald and Carol Edson Bruce and Mary Jane Edwards 0LFKDHO $ ¶ DQG &LQG\ / (GZLQVRQ Edward and Kimberly Egan 3DWULFN - (JDQ ¶ Patrick and Mary Egan *HUDOG 3 (JJOHVWRQ ¶ Delbert G., ’45 and Marion L. Martin, ’52 Ehret James and Carletta M. Eifler $OLFLD $ (LOHU 2UGRQH] ¶ Laura L. Eilers Dr. and Mrs. Larry J. Eker W. Chris Elcan Harry and Patricia Elder 7HUU\ 6 ¶ DQG 6X]DQQH :KLWH ¶ (OO 0DUN - ¶ DQG 1RUPD - +HQNHQLXV ¶ (OOLRWW 'U 0DWWKHZ 6 ¶ DQG 3DPHOD 5 :DUGOH (OOLV 1DQF\ - %LOLPHN ¶ DQG .HLWK (OOLVRQ 6KDURQ 0 :DWNLQV (OOV ¶ Virginia Hynes, ’52 and Michael Elsen Thomas and Phyllis Emmel William and Lisa Emmerson Michael and Elizabeth Engel Kevin and Cindy Engelkamp Robin C. Englert, ’91 -RVHSK 1 ¶ DQG -RDQ (QJOLVK 'DYLG % (QJVWURP ¶ /DUU\ . ¶ DQG 'LDQH 0 %HFNPDQ ¶ (QNHOPDQQ Damian W., ’53 and Geraldine Enneking -DPHV $ ¶ DQG &KDUOHQH (QQHNLQJ Dr. John R. and Deborah L. Eplee Lawrence L. Epperson, ’51 Donald C. Erbs $OLFH $ +RFNHQVPLWK ¶ DQG William T. Ergovich 7UDYLV - ¶ DQG Cristina D. Silvey, ’95 Erickson Donal Erikson Pat Erikson John Ermers John and Annette Ernst /RLV +DOELJ (UQVW ¶ Brian and Joan Ernstmann /RUL $ :KLWHKDLU ¶ DQG - ' (UVNLQ -DPHV : ¶ DQG 0RQD 6 (UYLQ Donald and Theresa Essner Marianne and Steven Estes Tamara S. Estes Rozanne Immele, ’52 and George Etheridge Caroline M. Meyer Etherton, ’53 Daniel and Kathleen Euston


&DURO (YDQV ¶ Joan M. Evans 0DXULFH : (YDQV ¶ 6XVDQ 0 (GLQJHU ¶ DQG 6WHYH (YDQV -D\ ¶ DQG 0DXUHHQ (YHOHU :LOOLDP ' ¶ DQG 6KDURQ . /HLNDP ¶ (YHUV George and Rose Ewald -HURPH ) ¶ DQG 'RORUHV ) (ZDOG 1RUPD &DUWHU ¶ DQG -DPHV (ZEDQN +HQU\ % ¶ DQG -DQLFH 0 %UXHQLQJ ¶ (ZHUVPDQQ C. Joseph, ’49 and W. Jean Fager $QD / 7HOOR ¶ DQG -RQ + )DLUFKLOG Kenneth and Claire Falk (OPHU * )DQJPDQ ¶ John and Frances Fangman Dr. William J. Farley 5REHUW - )DUPHU ¶ 6XVDQ 6WHLQNH ¶ DQG 0LFKDHO )DUPHU $QLWD $XHU ¶ DQG &XUWLV ' )DUQDQ Michael and Robin Farnet Richard and Vickie Farney Michael and Lois Farrell 5DPRQD + )DUULV ¶ (0%$ ¶ 6HDQ 7 ¶ DQG /DXUD - 4XLJOH\ ¶ )DUVRQ Garry L. Farthing 0DWWKHZ - ¶ DQG 0HJDQ - 0DVXU ¶ )DVVHUR Fred and Nora Faucett 3KLOLS 1 ¶ DQG %HWK )DXONQHU Phillip and Patricia Faulkner Mariano and Elaine Favazza 7KRPDV 5 ¶ DQG 3DWULFLD ' 3RZHOO ¶ )DZFHWW 6WHYHQ 0 ¶ DQG 'DUOHQH 5 'HYHUHDX[ ¶ )HGHU (XJHQH 5 ¶ DQG .DUHQ + )HGHUKRIHU :LOOLDP ( ¶ DQG -R\FH ( 6WDUN ¶ )HGHUKRIHU Ethel M. Felder Gwyn A. Felder, ’93 0LFKDHO + ¶ DQG &ULVWLQD / +HUQDQGH] ¶ )HOGHZHUW Robert A., ’55 and Mary Feldmann -DPHV $ ¶ DQG 'RQQD . )HOWPDQQ 'RQQ & ¶ DQG 0DU\ 5RVH )HQGOHU Kermit and Mary Ellen Fendler 0DWWKHZ ) ¶ DQG 6KDURQ . +DOO ¶ )HQOH\ -HUROG 9 ¶ DQG 1DQF\ / 6FKLHEHU ¶ )HQQHOO 6U -RVHSKLQH + )HQVNH ¶ 5REHUW - ¶ DQG 3DWULFLD / )HUNHQKRII -DPHV 3 ¶ DQG 0DU\ ( )HUQ .DWKOHHQ 0 6FKLOOLQJHU ¶ DQG Mark Fernandez &ODXGLR - ¶ DQG 0DU\ ( 0HUWHV ¶ )HUUDUR Dr. Gerald and Dolores Ferris Dr. Ronald C., ’93 and Patty Ferris 5\DQ ' ¶ DQG 0DXUHHQ ) 'H)D]LR ¶ )HVNHU &DWKHULQH $ )HWWHU ¶

-DPHV 3 ¶ DQG .DWKOHHQ 0 )HXHUVWHLQ Michael and Mary Fiala Sr. Mary Fidelis 0DULH ) 6KHOGRQ ¶ DQG *DU\ 7 )LHEDFK 7DPP\ / 0RQVR ¶ DQG %U\DQ $ )LJJ -DPHV - (0%$ ¶ DQG 3DWULFLD )LOOH\ -RVHSK - ¶ DQG -XOLH $ 0D\HU ¶ )LQJHUKXW Timothy G., ’59 and Rebecca H. Fink .DWKOHHQ $ )LQQH\ ¶ *XQWKHU ¶ DQG (OL]DEHWK $ *HULW] ¶ )LVFKHU Hank and Mary Fischer Melinda Roblee Fischer Robert and Leeanne Fischer %UXFH : ¶ DQG 7LQD )LVKHU Francis R. Fisher Loretta M. Schmidt, ’52 and Marvin D. Fisher Michael and Margaret Fisher 'DYLG $ ¶ DQG $QLWD 6 6WRFN ¶ )LW]HNDP *DU\ : )LW]JHUDOG ¶ Gerald and Julie Fitzgerald James Fitzgerald -DPHV 0 ¶ DQG ,UHQH )LW]JHUDOG /LQGD 6 :DONHU ¶ DQG -DPHV )LW]JHUDOG Mary E. O’Mara Fitzgerald, ’55 0LFKDHO 7 ¶ DQG (OL]DEHWK / -DFREV ¶ )LW]JHUDOG 0LFKDHO 7 ¶ DQG -XOLD $ &URJKDQ ¶ )LW]JHUDOG 5REHUW ( ¶ DQG 9LFWRULD - *UHJRU\ ¶ )LW]JHUDOG Theresa A. Grosdidier Fitzgerald, ’54 7KRPDV 3 ¶ DQG 6DQGUD 0 )LW]PDXULFH Edward, Matilda and Joe Fitzpatrick (OOHQ 0 )LW]SDWULFN ¶ Mark and Nancy Fitzpatrick :LOOLDP - ¶ DQG 0DU\ ( )LW]SDWULFN Ted and Laura Fiudo :LOPD 7 3ODQW ¶ DQG 'RXJODV )ODJJ -DPHV 3 ¶ DQG 0DU\ 3 :HJPDQ ¶ )ODKHUW\ 'DYLG / ¶ DQG -DQLFH 0 )ODNH Dr. Frances M. Flanagan, ’43 -DPHV 3 ¶ DQG -DQLFH 0 %HUJPDQ ¶ )ODQDJDQ Richard and Laura Flanigan 'HQQLV 3 )OHPLQJ ¶ Mark J. and Joyce A. Flemington William L., ’51 and Aileen Flemming Richard and Ruth Fleschner James and Kathy Florence Dr. Charles W. Flume -RKQ ' ¶ DQG 3DWW\ )O\QQ 0DU\ 7 7LPPRQV ¶ DQG 6HDQ 0 )O\QQ William and Susan Flynn /\QQH $ %DHUYHOGW ¶ DQG .HYLQ * )RJDUW\ 0DUJDUHW - 2¶1HLOO ¶ DQG 'DYLG : )RODQ Tom and Dolores Foley Kathryn Foote -RKQ 3 ¶ DQG 5LWD + )RUG .HYLQ 7 ¶ DQG 0DU\ . +ROWKDXV ¶ )RUG

0DU\ - :DUG ¶ DQG *HUDOG )RUG Thomas and Connie Ford Dr. H. Lee, ’55 and Donna M. Forge 5LFKDUG - ¶ DQG .DWKU\Q $ )RUJH -DPHV / ¶ DQG %DUEDUD $ )RUVW Rosemary Umscheid Forst, ’59 Catherine Keating, ’52 and Edward L. Foster Gary and Rebecca Foster Jay and Catherine Foster David and Elizabeth Fowler %HUQDGLQH / )R[ &\QWKLD 5 )R[ (YDQ 0 )R[ )UDQFLV 0 ¶ DQG .DWKOHHQ / )R[ .HLWK DQG 0DUJDUHW )R[ J. Franey Foy Hector Fragoso and Zoila Garcia Stephen R. Frame 0DU\ )UDQFHV :XWLFK ¶ DQG 3HWHU - )UDQFH Michelle France .HOO\ . 2¶'RQQHOO ¶ DQG -XVWLQ 7 )UDQFLV 'U *HRUJH 0 ¶ DQG $QQH 0 )UDQN Steven and Connie Franke .HOO\ $ +HJDUW\ ¶ DQG 'HUHN )UDQNOLQ Paul and Janice Franklin Louise Frankovich James H., ’52 and Gloria A. Fraser 5REHUW - )UDVHU ¶ Curtis and Sheryl Frasier %HQ )UHULFKV ¶ Roger and Katherine Freudenberg John R. Fridell Dolores M. Fries Matthew and Peggy Frihart .DWKOHHQ $ 0DKHU ¶ DQG -DPHV - )ULW] Dr. Thomas J. and Anne Fritzlen Roger D. Frye Gregory and Linda Fuchs /LQGD 0 3HDUVRQ ¶ DQG %HUQDUG )XHKQH Ryan S. Fuger 'DQLHO & ¶ DQG 'RQQD . +DOORUDQ ¶ )XKUPDQ Al and Nancy Fuhrman Gregg and Eva Fujan 0DU\ )UDQFHV .HDWLQJ ¶ DQG -DPHV : )XOWRQ Howard R. Funk Kenneth and Nancy Furr 0DUN ' )XUWK ¶ Elaine Gadzos Stephan Gadzos 0DUWLQ 7 ¶ DQG 'LDQH *DKDJDQ -RDQQH 0 .ODXV ¶ DQG )UDQN ) *DOEUHFKW %ULDQ & ¶ DQG 6DUDK ( =LHOLQVNL ¶ *DOH (GGLH ' ¶ DQG 0DU\ $ +HXHUW] ¶ *DOO *UHJRU\ - ¶ DQG 6XVDQ ( &XFFKL ¶ *DOODJKHU /DZUHQFH $ ¶ DQG )UDQFHV - <RXQJ ¶ *DOODJKHU Michael and Elizabeth Gallagher 7KRPDV - *DOODJKHU ¶


7LPRWK\ - ¶ DQG .DWKOHHQ : :HW]HO ¶ *DOODJKHU &DWK\ *DOODJKHU *UHHQ ¶ DQG Harvey H. Green 6 %HUOLQGD *DOOHJRV 2 6 % ¶ Rudolph R., ’59 and Patricia Gallegos )UDQN - ¶ DQG -HDQ $ *DOPLVK :DOWHU / ¶ DQG 0DUWKD -HIIUH\ ¶ *DOXV]ND Roberto and Maria Galvan $OH[ 3 DQG 'U /LQGD 5 *DO\RQ Keith and Martha Gann Mark and Margaret Gannon Sandra J. Ganzer -RVHSK - ¶ DQG 9LFWRULD *DUDYDJOLD Salvador and Gerri Garcia 0DUN ( ¶ DQG (UYLOHQH *DUGQHU 'U 3DWULFN 5 ¶ DQG /RLV - 3URKDVND ¶ *DUGQHU Peter B., ’95 and Julie M. Armour, ’95 Gardner Charles F., ’52 and Mary C. O’Connor, ’53 Garrett Isabel Fritz, ’53 and Joseph T. Garrity Katherine E. Gartenmayer Mary L. Curry Garvert, ’43 John and Mary Garvey Leon B. Gaschen, ’52 Teresa Gasper 1LFKRODV - ¶ DQG -DQLFH & *DVSHUV Karen Gates Michael F. Gates 7KRPDV 0 ¶ DQG 3DWULFLD *DWHV Jennifer Gatz Joe and Linda Gaul Sharon M. Gaydess Ambrosia M. Michalicka, ’52 and Sebastian Geffre Jeff and Jenny Geheb *HUDOG - ¶ DQG .DWKOHHQ *HKOLQJ (OL]DEHWK 1 *RRGZLQ ¶ DQG Dr. William A. Geiger John and Clare Geiger 7KDGGHXV * ¶ DQG %REHWWH ¶ *HLJHU David and Valerie Geile &DURO $ 0DUFRQ *HLV ¶ 3DWULFLD 0 &RQYHU\ ¶ DQG Joseph W. Geisinger 5REHUW / *HLVW ¶ Mark Gellings Richard E. Gellings /HR 7 ¶ DQG 5HJLQD *HQVZHLGHU * 0 ¶ DQG .DWKHULQH +HUW]OHU ¶ *HQW 3DWULFN . ¶ DQG /RUL *HRUJH 3DWULFN / *HRUJH ¶ Richard and Jane George -DPHV 0 ¶ DQG 9LUJLQLD / $KOHUW ¶ *HRUJLH Constance Gerard 'U -D\ ' ¶ DQG 'U 5XWK $ :HQ]O ¶ *HUEHU 5LFKDUG / ¶ DQG 6DQGUD *HUGLQJ

Greg and Lynne Gerken $OEHUWD 6FKDW]OH *HUPDQQ ¶ 0DUWKD - *HUPDQQ ¶ &DWKHULQH 0 *HUVW ¶ 'U -DPHV $ ¶ DQG 0DU\ + *HUVW 7KRPDV ( ¶ DQG -XG\ $ *HUVW 'U :LOOLDP & ¶ DQG 1LQD *HUVW -HDQ $ )HOGNDPS ¶ DQG 'DQLHO 3 *HUVWQHU Megan Gerwin James and Cheryl Gettinger John and Laurie Ghigliotti Ronald S. and Sharon A. Giangreco 0DUWKD /\QQ &DOGDUXOR ¶ DQG Richard L. Gibson Sharon R. Gibson 3DWULFN - ¶ DQG 7HUUL / *LHEOHU 'RQDOG / ¶ DQG 0DU\ $ *LHVH Peter and Catherine Giesen -DPHV 5 ¶ DQG 'HDQQD / 0\HUV ¶ *LHVVHO 'LDQQH & +HQQHV ¶ DQG -HUU\ 7 *LOO :LOOLDP ( ¶ DQG 0DULO\Q $ *LOO Patrick L. Giller, ’92 Paul H. Giller, ’55 Tom Giller Raymond and Violet Gillick )UDQFLV ( ¶ DQG -HDQQH 0 *LOOLJDQ Margaret Gilligan, ’51 Dolores A. Flackmiller, ’49 and John J. Gioia -RKQ - *LRLD ¶ Kenneth and Kristine Girard Steven and Susan Givens Dr. Virginia Glandon .DWKOHHQ % *ODVHU ¶ 0DUJDUHW $ 5RKDQ ¶ DQG -RKQ 5 *ODVVPDNHU -DQH $ )HOWPDQQ ¶ DQG 0DUN - *ODVWHWWHU Doris and Michael Gleason $QQ *OHDVRQ (UQVW ¶ DQG :LOOLDP . (UQVW Perry and Mary Glenn Daniel and Karen Glennon Roger and Christine Glenski Robert and Elaine Glenski 9DODQQH /DQZHUPH\HU ¶ DQG Dr. Walter A. Gloosch 6WHSKHQ ' ¶ DQG &DWKHULQH 0 *RGIUH\ Steven and Janet Godwin Christopher and Mary Goebel Janet O. Goebel Wilfreda Goebel Victor and Sara Goeckner Martin and Lisa Goedken James M. Goettelmann Jay Goettelmann Thomas and Kathy Goettelmann Timothy Goettelmann Smith and Judith Goetting 'LDQQH +RZH\ ¶ DQG -HII *ROGPDQ 7KHUHVH *ROGVLFK ¶ Reg and Bobbie Golubski 'U /LERULR 5 ¶ DQG $QJHOLQD 7 *RPH] Gummie Gonzales

-R\FH (0%$ ¶ DQG 0DULDQR *RQ]DOHV Brian J. Good -DQHW / =HOOHUV ¶ DQG 'RQDOG - *RRGZLQ 0DU\ ( 6SLWVHQ ¶ DQG 7HUU\ / *RUGRQ Dan and Jill Gorges Raymond and Kathleen Gorges Catherine F. Gorman -DPHV * ¶ DQG 'LDQH *RUPDQ Dr. James W. Gorman Kathy T. Gorman Lawrence M., ’39 and Mary A. Gorman Michael and Kathleen Gorman 3DXO 1 ¶ DQG .DWKU\Q $ *RUXS Stephen and Linda Gosche Robert and Marlo Gould 0DXUHHQ 7 *RZHQ ¶ Dr. Paul David Goza Ann Grabar Jerry and Mary Grace Jane A. Graegin 6WHSKHQ / *UDII ¶ John M. Graham, ’91 Mark and Linda Graham Dr. Timothy Grahn -HURPH 7 ¶ DQG .DWKOHHQ 0 0F&DUWK\ ¶ *UDQH\ &DUO 5 ¶ DQG ,GD 5 *UDQWKDP Alfred J. Granum 'U &KDUOHV ( ¶ DQG .DWKU\Q 0 .UHXO ¶ *UDYHV David and Laura Graves *HRUJH 5 ¶ DQG 7HUHVD *UD\ Neal and Mary Margaret Gray Marilyn L. Sawyer, ’59 and Ralph E. Graybill &DWKHULQH $ 6FKPLGW ¶ DQG -RKQ *UHHQ &KULVWLQD & *UHHQ ¶ 0DUJDUHW ( *UDFH ¶ DQG :LOOLDP ) *UHHQ Billy and Mary Beth Green -RDQ 0 +DKQHU ¶ DQG 5REHUW ) *UHHQH Michael and Melinda Greenhalgh Brian and Deborah Greenwood 0DU\ $ *UHHU ¶ George L. and Wanda L. Gregar -XGLWK 0 *UHJDU ¶ $UWKXU - ¶ DQG &KDUOHQH 6 *UHJJ (GPXQG - ¶ DQG <YRQQH 0 'DQN ¶ *UHZH David and Carol Griffin 'RURWK\ / *ULIILWK ¶ (XJHQH ( ¶ DQG $QLWD . *ULIILWK Margaret A. Griffith )UDQN 9 ¶ DQG 0DU\ - 6DYDU\ ¶ *ULPDOGL Richard J. Grindinger Dennis and Kelly Groff Daniel and Kimberly Gronniger -RVHSK + *URQQLJHU ¶ -RKQ ) ¶ DQG 0DUJDUHW *URQVWDO 'LDQH 0 +XUOD ¶ DQG &KDUOHV ( *URV Albert J., ’45 and Elizabeth Grosdidier Margaret Grosdidier and Family


6XH $ 6WHZDUW *URVGLGLHU ¶ :LOOLDP $ ¶ DQG &DWKHULQH 0 *URVGLGLHU Edward and Leslie Gross 0DU\ - 'R\OH ¶ DQG 3DWULFN *URVV Daniel and Helen Gruber (OL]DEHWK $ $VKHU ¶ DQG Dave J. Gruenbacher Eugene J., ’59 and Rosemary Gruenbacher 3DWULFLD ) 1HOVRQ ¶ DQG 5RJHU *UXHQNH Pete and Deigh Guardado Frank and Kristina Guardado +HUPDQ + ¶ DQG 3DWULFLD 0 *XHQWKHU 0DU\ $ 5RWKZHOO *XHQWKHU ¶ Andrea L. Chase, ’93 and Thomas E. Guetterman Norman and Theola Guettermann William H. Guhman James and Brenda Guldan Antoinette Gurriere Stephen J. Guter Valeta B. Guthrey, ’49 Carroll Gutschenritter *RUGRQ $ ¶ DQG +HOHQ 0 2¶&RQQHOO ¶ *X]HQVNL Oscar A. Guzman Gerald and Mo Haake 0DU\ & 7KRPSVRQ ¶ DQG /DZUHQFH - +DDV 7KRPDV 6 ¶ DQG &KHU\O $ /XW] ¶ +DDVH %HQHGLFW - ¶ DQG %DUEDUD $ +DELJHU .HYLQ * ¶ DQG &DURO\Q $ +DFNHU -DQH $ *LOEHUW +DHJHU ¶ 0LFKDHO +DHJHU ¶ DQG 1DQF\ &RQOH\ 3DXO 7 ¶ DQG &DWKHULQH $ &UHZVH ¶ +DHUOH :LOOLDP & ¶ DQG :D\RQD - +DIHPDQ Donald C. and Cheryl Hagedorn Nancy J. Curtis Hagen, Ph.D., ’55 5XWK $QQ $EHOV ¶ DQG -RVHSK 7 +DJHU Will and Bridgett Hager 'U 0DWKLDV ¶ DQG 0DULRQ . +DJRYVN\ Jawad and Colette Haider 7LPRWK\ 0 ¶ DQG 0DU\ & +RVW\ ¶ +DLU 0LFKDHO - ¶ DQG 7KHUHVD 0 $VKHU ¶ +DLUH *UDFH +XJXHOHW +DMLFHN ¶ ‚ &ODUHQFH ( ¶ DQG 3DXOHWWH - +DOH\ -RKQ ' ¶ DQG 0DUJDUHW : +DOO 0DWWKHZ : ¶ DQG 5RELQ 5 +DOO 3DWULFLD $ 7KRPDV +DOODGD\ ¶ 0 :LOOLDP +DOOLGD\ ¶ ‚ -DPHV $ ¶ DQG .DWKOHHQ 0 &RQQRUV ¶ +DOOLQJ -DPHV ) +DOOLQJ ¶ Rosina Baumgartner, ’52 and Joseph G. Halpin 7KRPDV - ¶ DQG 9LFWRULD / +DOSLQ Glen and Deborah Haman Mary L. Hamele -DPHV 3 ¶ DQG 1DQF\ . +DPLOWRQ Sheldon and Sandra Hamilton -RDQ +DPPRQG ¶ DQG (GZDUG /HLV 0LFKDHO - ¶ DQG 0DUWKD $ +DPPRQWUHH

Rosemary Triska Hampston, ’29 'RULV 5 6FKHLGW ¶ DQG (GZDUG / +DPSWRQ .DWKOHHQ 0 &ODUN ¶ DQG -RKQ : +DPSWRQ 0DU\ ) +HQQHV ¶ DQG -RKQ ) +DQDQ -RKQ - +DQG ¶ 0HOLVVD $ $FRVWD ¶ DQG 'DYLG +DQNV Todd C. Hanks, ’99 Dr. Leonard J., ’45 and Phyllis M. Hannapel Charles J. Hannon 0LFKDHO - ¶ DQG /DXULH $ 'HFKD ¶ +DQQRQ 7LPRWK\ & ¶ DQG $QQH & +DQQRQ 'DULQ 6 ¶ DQG .DUD / ¶ +DQVHQ Janet L. Melvin, ’59 and Thomas Hansen -XOLD $ &DUWHU ¶ DQG 'RQDOG +DQVHQ William and Elizabeth Hansen Brenda Hanson 7HUUDQFH 0 ¶ DQG 3DWULFLD 5 &DQQRQ ¶ +DQVRQ Peter and Michele Harb Chad Harberts 3DXO ) +DUGHQ ¶ Edward E., ’51 and Mary A. Hart, ’52 Hardey Mark A., ’59 and Mary V. Hardick %HXODK ) )OHVNHV ¶ DQG .LUN +DUGLQJ -DQHW 6FKPLGW ¶ DQG *HQH +DUG\ .DUHQ ( 0F+XJK ¶ DQG (DUO +DUG\ 3DWULFN . ¶ DQG 0DUJDUHW 6WHLQEDFKHU ¶ +DUH Frank Harkins -RVHSK - ¶ DQG &RQQLH 0 +DUNLQV 3DWULFN 7 ¶ DQG $OO\VRQ +DUNLQV 0HJDQ 5 +DUPRQ ¶ 0LFKDHO ( ¶ DQG (OL]DEHWK - 6WDUN ¶ +DUPRQ Patrick R., ’55 and Rose M. Harper Mary M. Ruddy, ’55 and Norman Harrell Raymond S., ’59 and Patricia A. Harrington 'DYLG ¶ DQG -DFTXOHQH ( 3LFN ¶ +DUULV Elizabeth J. Lednicky Harris, ’43 James and Esther Harris Joseph W. Harris 0LFKDHO - +DUULV ¶ Michael and Georgian Harris Gerald P., ’53 and Marilyn Harrison John D., ’54 and Rita M. Harrison 7KRPDV ) ¶ DQG 6XVDQ +DUULVRQ $QQ 3 +DUULW\ ¶ $QGUHZ ' +DUVK ¶ )UDQNOLQ ' ¶ DQG /LQGD & +DUVK 'RQDOG / +DUWHU ¶ Katherine S. Harting -DQH - &\U ¶ DQG 3DXO - +DUWZHFN Drs. Rick and Kimberly Hartwell 6DUDK %HFNPDQ ¶ DQG 5RJHU & +DVEURXFN Stephen and Judith A. Hasenohrl Sharon E. Hasley Charles and Ann Hatch Richard and Elaine Hatch Thomas and Jackie Hatch

&KDUOHV ) ¶ DQG )UDQFHV ( +DWILHOG Glenn and Marilyn Hattan -RVHSK 0 ¶ DQG -DQLFH ( +DWWUXS -RKQ ( ¶ DQG )UDQFHV 0 +DXFN Gilbert A., ’51 and Elizabeth Spangler, ’53 Haug David and Jennifer Hausman David and Karen Hausmann 1DWKDQ 3 +DYHUODQG ¶ +HOHQ 0 +DYOLN ¶ James W. and Anita M. Hawes Robert and LaVon Hawkins -HVXV ¶ DQG &KDUORWWH +D]DV &DWKHULQH / 5DXFK ¶ DQG -RKQ +HDO\ 'DQLHO - ¶ DQG 7KHUHVD :HLWNDPS ¶ +HDO\ 'DQLHO / ¶ DQG 0DUJDUHW $ ¶ +HEHUW &DURO - 0H\HU ¶ DQG 'DQLHO +HFNPDQ Charles and Schevaun Hegarty George and Natalie Heib Dr. Hubert R., ’52 and Janis B. Heichelheim -DQH 0 +HLGHPDQ ¶ Robert J. and Eleanor Heideman 6WHSKHQ $ ¶ DQG 1DQF\ / %DNHU ¶ +HLGHPDQ Rita M. Heigert James E., ’53 and Barbara E. Heili &DWKHULQH - %UHQQDQ +HLP ¶ 0LFKDHO 5 ¶ DQG /LQGD . +HLP Marie M. Heiney, ’49 Greg and Angela Heinisch 5LFKDUG % ¶ DQG %DUEDUD +HLQLVFK Ernestine C. Heisserer 'U - $QWKRQ\ ¶ DQG 7HUHVD 0 +HLW $QQH 0 5RHVQHU ¶ DQG 'DUF\ : +HLWPDQQ Dr. Francis H. Heller William and Ann Helling Jerome and Susan Hellmer Michael J. Helton )U .HQW $ +HPEHUJHU ¶ 'LDQQD 6 &KULVWLDQ ¶ DQG 6WHYH +HQGHUVRQ William and Nickie Henderson (OL]DEHWK $ *ULHVHPHU ¶ DQG James H. Hendricks *HRUJH DQG %HWW\ +HQGUL[VRQ 'RXJODV - ¶ DQG 6DUDK $ *XLQDQ ¶ +HQJJHOHU 0LFKDHO - ¶ DQG 6DUD +HQNH 3DWULFLD . +HQQHEHUU\ ¶ Mike and Gail Hennessy George and Mary Lynne Henning Patrick and Anne Henning Michael J. Henningsen, ’91 :LOOLDP - ¶ DQG 'HERUDK . +HQQLQJVHQ Daniel J. Henry, Jr. (GJDU & ¶ DQG 6DOO\ 6 +HQU\ (OPHU ) ¶ DQG 5LWD +HQU\ *HUDOG 7 ¶ DQG /LQGD 0 %HFNHU ¶ +HQU\ Matthew P. Henry Bernadette Hensen -RVHSK & ¶ DQG $QQH / :LUW] ¶ +HQVLHN Nicole D. Henson

Harry and Cathy Heppler %UHWW / ¶ DQG /DXUD +HUEHUV 5HEHFFD 0 $JQLHO ¶ DQG 5DQG\ 3 +HUEHUW John F. Herbst, ’49 Ronald and Kellee Hercules Edwin J. Herman Fr. Michael P. Hermes 5LFKDUG - ¶ DQG 'HERUDK +HUPHVFK Timothy W. Hermsen 0LFKDHO ¶ DQG 0DULD & &RPSWRQ ¶ +HUQDQGH] 1RUPD - 0XVVO\Q ¶ DQG -RH $ +HUULQJ Sherry L. Herring 5REHUW ( ¶ 0($ ¶ DQG &\PEUH $ &RVWHOOR ¶ +HUULQJHU 'LDQH 0 5]LKD ¶ DQG -DPHV ) +HUURQ Mary J. Herron 0LFKDHO / +HVOLS ¶ /DZUHQFH - ¶ DQG -DQH 0 +HVVH Douglas and Stacy Hettinger Gary and Kathryn Hetzel 'DOH $ +H\LQN ¶ Steven and Opal Hibbs -RVHSK 6 ¶ DQG *DLO $ 5LW]GRUI ¶ +LFNHUW Stephen and Jody Hickert D. Clark Hickey, ’91 Nadine D. Devlin Hickey, ’42 Christine F. Hicks Frederick and Carrie Hicks Jerry †and Marguerite Hicks Richard C. Hicks Carmen A. Hiegert -HDQQHWWH +LHUVWHLQ ¶ Doris Y. Higa, ’55 0LFKDHO 6 ¶ DQG -XGL +LJJLQV 6HDQ 3 ¶ DQG .LPEHUO\ . +LJJLQV &KDUOHV 6 ¶ DQG -RUHWWD +LJK Deborah A. Bischof, ’93 and Donald Hilke %DUEDUD - .RHO]HU ¶ DQG 0DULRQ 5 +LOO Daniel and Jayne Hill John S. Hill Mary L. Hill 0LFKDHO $ ¶ DQG -RDQ . 6XOOLYDQ ¶ +LOO 5LFKDUG $ +LOWV ¶ 'DQLHO / ¶ DQG -HDQ : +LPPHO Dave and Marilyn Himmel - 0LFKDHO ¶ DQG &ODULVVD 0RRUH ¶ +LUVFK .DWKU\Q ) 6NDOVN\ +LUVFK ¶ -HDQQHWWH 9DQHFHN ¶ DQG 'HQQLV ' +LVHN Debora S. Hlinak 'DYLG : ¶ DQG 3DWULFLD $ +RFNHWW ( -R\ +RFNHWW ¶ &KDUOHV ) ¶ DQG 0DU\ +RGJH 0DU\ $ )DOHV ¶ DQG 'DYLG / +RGJHV 5LFKDUG / +RGJHV ¶ %DUEDUD +RGLN ¶ DQG + -RKQ -DFREL $QGUHZ - ¶ DQG 5KRQGD / +RHGO 0DUJDUHW + +RHKO ¶ 0DWWKHZ - +RHLQJ ¶ 7KRPDV 0 ¶ DQG &\QWKLD +RHQLJ

/DZUHQFH * ¶ DQG 7HUHVD $ +RII Bernard and Marion Hoffman %ULDQ - +RIIPDQ ¶ John F., ’52 and Rosemary L. Leet, ’53 Hogan Joseph Hogan Ruth A. Loehr Hogan, ’59 Riley and Linda Hoheisel Donald O. and JoAnn Holdener %DUEDUD $ 0LOOHU ¶ (0%$ ¶ DQG Blaine Holder 6WHYHQ ' ¶ DQG 0DU\ ( &DUVRQ ¶ +RONH 'RURWK\ / <HWPDQ ¶ DQG 9LQFHQW +ROODUHQ N. J. Hollembeak Ted and Laurie Hollembeak )UHGHULFN % ¶ DQG 6RKHLOD 1D]DULDQ ¶ +ROOH\ %HWW\ ) )HLVW ¶ DQG -RKQ 0 +ROORZD\ 7HUHVD 0 /H\ ¶ DQG 7RQ\ +ROPDQ Randall and Donna Holt 'HERUDK 0 3DOHUPR ¶ DQG *DU\ +ROWHUPDQ Nicholas and Jeanne Holthaus Keith and Nancy Holtz 7KRPDV $ ¶ DQG 6KHU\O : +RPDQ *HUDOG 0 ¶ DQG 6KDURQ +RUJDQ 6WHSKHQ 3 ¶ DQG 3DWULFLD / +RUJDQ &DWKHULQH & +RRG +RUPR]L ¶ 'DYLG 3 ¶ DQG -RG\ +RUQ Rita A. Novak, ’55 and David W. Horne (GZLQ + ¶ DQG /LOOD ( +RUQHLM James E. and Suzanne M. Horner 0DU\ $QQH 7 /D 3UHV ¶ DQG Thomas D. Hornik %HUQDGHWWH 0 +RUYDW ¶ 7KHUHVH 0 +RUYDW ¶ Jim and Mary Ann Hosier 7KRPDV & ¶ DQG -XOLH +RVW\ 'U 5LFKDUG - ¶ DQG 5HEHFFD 6 +RXULJDQ Barbara Houser -RVHSK 5 +RYDQHF ¶ DQG Judy Devoe-Hovanec Jeffrey and Theresa Howard -DPHV ¶ DQG +HOHQ +RZH John and Candice Howe Justin O., ’99 and 0DU\ &ODLUH 6RELHFN ¶ +RZH 5HY 6DUDK ( +RZH 0LOOHU ¶ Margaret Dorney Howey, ’39 $QWKRQ\ 5 +RZVHU ¶ 'HQWRQ & ¶ DQG -RG\ $ +R\ Drs. Donald A. and Mary P. Hoy -DPHV ( +R\H ¶ Tracy M. Van Anne, ’95 and Greg Hoye Andrew and Mary Hoytal David A. and Brenda Hruska -LDQKXL +XDQJ ¶ Patrick and Cathy Hubbard 'RPLQLFN ¶ DQG 0DU\ $ 3DOODUG\ ¶ +XEEOH *DEULHO / ¶ DQG 1DQ +XGVRQ Owen Hudson, ’45

)UDQN - ¶ DQG 0DUJR - +XHEQHU 7DUD 0 +XHOV ¶ Jose A. Huertas Claudio %XUWRQ 3 ¶ DQG &ROHWWH 'LHGHULFK ¶ ‚ +XHUWHU 'U 'DYLG ) ¶ DQG 0DXUHHQ ( +XHUWHU *HUDUG : ¶ DQG -R $QQ +XHUWHU William C., ’49 and Doralyn Huerter Dustin R. Huff Bud and Nancy Huffman David Hufford and Susan Clay-Hufford 5LFKDUG : ¶ DQG .DUHQ $ +XJ (OL]DEHWK $ +HVV +XJJHU ¶ -DFTXHOLQH +XJJLQV ¶ 'RURWK\ ( 6Q\GHU ¶ DQG :LOOLDP - +XJKHV -RKQ 0 ¶ DQG 3DWULFLD 0 +XJKHV Robert and Roseann Hughes 5REHUW 0 +XJKHV ¶ Kimberly A. Huls -HII ' ¶ 0($ ¶ DQG $QJHOD & +XPEXUJ Chico and Denise Humes Robert and Nancy Humes -RKQ 7 ¶ DQG -DFTXHOLQH +XPO Chris and Bridget Hummel Erik P. Humphrey &DWKU\Q $ +XQG ¶ Jeffrey and Helen Hund Kim A. Arlt, ’95 and Roger M. Hundley Michael E. Hundley Mike and Debbie Hundley Shane and Ashly Hundley William and Linda Huninghake Thomas and Charlotte Hunkele Christopher Hunninghake Donald B. Hunninghake, Jr. *HUDOG / ¶ DQG -RDQQH +XQQLQJKDNH 5RVHPDULH ( 0D\HU +XQQLQJKDNH ¶ /HUR\ $ ¶ DQG &LQG\ +XQROG $QJHOD . 6FKQHLGHU ¶ DQG 6WHYHQ 5 +XQWHU John and Anita Hunter Stuart and Jill Hunter Douglas Huppe Mark and Maureen Huppe Mary Huppe -RKQ 3 ¶ DQG .DWKOHHQ 0 +XUOH\ 'U 0DUWKD +XUOH\ ¶ DQG 'U 6WHSKHQ &DUOH\ 'DOH : ¶ DQG 0DUMRULH - +XUVW Edward and Patricia Hurtado Anita M. Huskey 0DUWLQ - ¶ DQG %HWV\ +XVV &UDLJ $ ¶ DQG 6XVDQ 0 )DQJPDQ ¶ +XVWLQJ Patsy Huston Terry and Nancy Huston 'U -RKQ - ¶ DQG $QQH - +XWFKLQVRQ Clyde and Debbie Hutchison 7KRPDV 6 ¶ DQG 6KLUOH\ - +XWFKLVRQ /LQGD 0 +XW]HQEXKOHU ¶ /LVD $ 0F*LOOLQ ¶ DQG 0DUN ,EDUUD 'U 5LFKDUG & ¶ DQG (OLD 2 ,EDUUD

Wayne and Kimberly Ignowski David and Roberta Imig .DUHQ $ 7KRPSVRQ ¶ DQG 'RQDOG ,QGUD Dr. Anthony L. and Joan L. Ingino *HRUJH : ¶ ‚ DQG Mary M. Downs, ’43 Intfen *ODGLH 0 (OWLQJ ¶ DQG 0LFKDHO ,UZLQ Joseph M. Irwin, ’99 0DUN ' ¶ DQG 0DU\ 7 ,VOH\ 5REHUW / ¶ DQG Margaret A. Powers, ’49 Itschner -HVVH : ¶ DQG 6DOO\ ,Y\ Bettie Jackson Dorothea Jackson James A., ’52 and Virginia Jackson -RKQ : ¶ DQG %HWW\-R -DFNVRQ Mark J., ’53 and Marcia Jackson 1DQF\ ( %ROWH ¶ DQG 'DQQ\ -DFNVRQ $OLFH ( /LQFROQ ¶ DQG 5RQDOG -DFREV Edward J., ’49 †and Marge E. Jacobs -RKQ ( ¶ DQG 3DWULFLD -DFREV 0DUN ( ¶ DQG 7HUHVD 6 +DOO ¶ -DFREV 5LWD 0 'RPDQQ -DFREV ¶ Frank and Mary Jaegle William P., ’91 and Mary Kay Jaksa Keith and Terry Jaloma Dr. Thomas O. and Ann James ) -RVHSK ¶ DQG /RUL -DQDFDUR James M., ’99 and .LPEHUO\ $ 1HEJHQ ¶ -DQVHQ Marilyn A. Jansen, ’52 Timothy Jansen Edward C., ’42 and Rose Mary Rost, ’43 Jaraczewski Muriel E. Thomas Jared, ’42 7HUHVD 0 /DQJGRQ -DU]HPNRVNL ¶ Derek Jasper Alice M. Jedlicka )UHG ) ¶ DQG .D\ / -HKOH Kelley L. Jenkins F. Edward Jennings, Jr., ’54 and Judy Jennings %DUEDUD / )ODKHUW\ ¶ DQG 'DYLG 5 -HQVHQ Michael and Lois Jensen Steven A. Jensen Kristina M. Jinkens, ’92 Steven and Victoria Jirak Donald F., ’42 and Jane W. Jochems Jim and Gail Joerger Joseph E., ’51 and Margaret Mary Wolters, ’45 Johannes Marlin and Mary Johanning Lezlie T. John Harry R. Johnessee Alan and Becky Johnson Barry and Jeanne Johnson David L. Johnson Elizabeth Johnson Dr. Frank N. Johnson James and Mildred Johnson Jennifer A. Johnson, ’93

Kevin and Sherry Johnson 0DUJDUHW 0 0F*XLUH ¶ DQG Justin D. Johnson Merlin and Cinthia Johnson Michelle Johnson -HUU\ 9 ¶ DQG 0DULDQQH - -RKQVWRQ 0DULD ' 3DFH ¶ DQG :LOOLDP 5 -RQDV Arnold and Gladys Jones Betty A. Jones 'RQDOG : ¶ DQG %HWW\ $ -RQHV James and Marilyn Jones Jerry and Catherine Jones -RKQ 6 ¶ DQG /XF\ (QQHNLQJ ¶ -RQHV Nancy L. Jones Richard E. and Pauline F. Jones 5LWD 0 &DXOILHOG ¶ DQG %RE -RQHV 5RQDOG : ¶ DQG $OLFH + -RQHV Rosalie M. Kleinsorge Jones, ’43 Thomas and Marggie Jones 7KRPDV - ¶ DQG 7DPDUD . -RQHV Gustavo and Sonna Jorge George N. Jorgensen, Jr. Alan Joy 5\DQ & -XGG ¶ /LQGD )HUULV ¶ DQG 'DQLHO : -XGJH Gary and Kathleen Juelich Paul and Carol Junk 5REHUWD % &KDUD\ -XUF]DN ¶ -HURPH - ¶ DQG $PHOLD $ :DJQHU ¶ .DF]PDUHN &OLQW 5 ¶ DQG .DW\ - .HOOHUPDQ ¶ .DHGLQJ 5REHUW $ ¶ DQG 0DULH & &DVVLOO\ ¶ .DHPPHUHU Warren and Florence Kaemmerer H. Joan Gleeson, ’54 and Melvin A. Kahn Kanakasabha and Mekala Kailasam 'DQLHO - ¶ DQG 6KHU\O $ .DLVHU Jon and Alice Kaiser Paul and Patricia A. Kalicki -DPHV - ¶ DQG $QQ & .UHXO ¶ .DPLQVNL John and Elisabeth Kammerer 0DU\ (OOHQ +D\RE .DQDN ¶ Dr. William J. Kapp, D.D.S. /W &PGU 3KLOLS ( .DSXVWD ¶ Ronald and Dana Karaskiewicz -XVWLQ $ ¶ DQG $QGUHD 0 6HPWQHU ¶ .DUSLOR 'RQ : ¶ DQG $PHOLD .DVVLQJ 5RVHPDU\ 7 .DVWHQ ¶ 7KRPDV . ¶ DQG .DUOD .DXW] )UDQN * ¶ DQG 0DUFLD .DYDQDXJK -RKQ . .HDOH\ ¶ 5LFKDUG - ¶ DQG )UDQFLQH 0 %OHXPHU ¶ .HDQ Noel and Linda Keane &ODUH - 6HQHFDO ¶ DQG 3HWHU - .HDUQH\ 'U -RKQ 3 ¶ DQG &DURO - .HDUQH\ Francis L. and Marcena Keating -HIIUH\ ) ¶ DQG -RDQ ( 0XOOLJDQ ¶ .HDWLQJ :LOOLDP 7 ¶ DQG 6XVDQ . .HHKQ

Theodore P., ’59 and Norine C. Keeley 3DPHOD 6 +HLW ¶ DQG /DUU\ .HHQDQ 0DUFHOD $ .HLP ¶ Joseph and Judy Keirns 5REHUW - .HLWHU ¶ -HIIUH\ 6 ¶ DQG 0DU\ .HOOHQ John V. Keller Katherine J. Kellerman 0DUN ( ¶ DQG $P\ .HOOHUPDQ Thomas M. and Donna J. Kellerman Joan M. Silva Kellett, ’52 and Carl Schultheis 6WHSKHQ 3 ¶ DQG 0LOLQGD .HOOH\ %HUQDUG . ¶ DQG 6XVDQ % .HOORP %HUQDUG - ¶ DQG &KULVWLQH 0 .HOO\ Dorothy Derichs, ’44 and Maurice J. Kelly 'U -DPHV & ¶ DQG &DWKHULQH / .HOO\ -DQHW 0 .HOO\ ¶ -RVHSK - ¶ DQG *HQHYLHYH .HOO\ /DZUHQFH ) .HOO\ ¶ Marjorie A. Nass Kelly, ’54 3DWULFN ' ¶ DQG 6DOO\ .HOO\ 6KDZQ 2 ¶ DQG 7HUHVD 0 0HUVLQJHU ¶ .HOO\ Stephen D. Kelly, ’55 William and Theresa Kelly 'DUUHO $ ¶ DQG 0DULRQ $ .HOVH\ 7LPRWK\ 3 ¶ DQG -XQH & .HQHDO\ 5HY /HRQDUG $ .HQNHO ¶ 3DXO $ ¶ DQG 7KHUHVH 0 5RWWLQJKDXV ¶ .HQNHO Ronald and Natalie Kenkel 0DUFLD $ /DQH .HQOH\ ¶ $QQ 0 .HQQHG\ ¶ 'U *HUDOG 7 ¶ DQG $QJHOD ' .HQQHG\ John R. Kennedy Dr. Patricia A. Kennedy, ’51 3DWULFN 6 ¶ DQG (OL]DEHWK - 3HUNLQV ¶ .HQQHG\ 5HEHFFD $ .ROE ¶ DQG 3DWULFN $ .HQQHG\ 5REHUW 3 ¶ DQG 0DU\ & .HQQHG\ 6KDUOHQH 5 6FKXOW] ¶ DQG :DOWHU .HQ\RQ Robert and Kristi Kerian 'DOH $ .HUNPDQ ¶ -RKQ - ¶ DQG %RQQLH - .HUQ Greg and Colleen Kerschen /HR 9 ¶ DQG 9LUJLQLD & .HUZLQ Ernest and Kathryn Ketcham -DPHV 3 ¶ DQG 6KDURQ ( .HWWHU .LP - .HXW]HU ¶ :LOOLDP - ¶ DQG %HWW\ .HXW]HU -DPHV $ .HZ ¶ /HZLV 7 ¶ DQG 0DUJDUHW ' .HZ %HWKDQ\ 0 -DPHV .H\ ¶ Larry W. Kibler William T. and Kathleen Kibler Marvin and Sheri Kiel Laurie Kilcawley 0LFKDHO * ¶ DQG (OL]DEHWK $ 'HPD\ ¶ .LOLDQ

&KULVWRSKHU 5 .LQJ ¶ -HDQQHWWH 0 .LQJ ¶ John R., ’92 and Kimberly D. King 0LFKDHO * ¶ DQG &KULVWLH 0 .LQJ 3 7LPRWK\ ¶ DQG -RDQQ .LQJ 5LFKDUG - ¶ DQG -HQQLIHU - 6PLWK ¶ .LQJ Kathryn M. Kinney 0DUMRULH $ +DPPRQG ¶ DQG *DU\ : .LQ]HU -DVRQ / .LUN ,, (0%$ ¶ Gary and Keven Kiser William and Frances Kitusky &KDUOHV 6 .ODSS ¶ 5HY *HRUJH : .ODVLQVNL ¶ Celeste Leary Klebba, ’49 Virgil and JoEllen Klein -RKQ - ¶ DQG $P\ .OHLQH Dan and Karen Kleiner John and Pamela Klenda David J., ’94 and Tiffany M. Opsahl, ’94 Klenke -DPHV 5 ¶ DQG .DWKOHHQ ( .OHQNH .HQQHWK * ¶ DQG 0DU\ / .OHQNH 'U .HQQHWK $ .OHV]\QVNL ¶ DQG %DUEDUD - $OH[ Stanley and Janet Kliesen Cathy D. Kline .D\ 3HGHUVRQ ¶ DQG -DPHV 5 .OLQH Michael and Leslie Kline Eugene G. and Joyce Klingele 3DWULFLD 0 +RJDQ ¶ DQG *UHJ .OLQJOHVPLWK 'U 7LPRWK\ - ¶ DQG (OL]DEHWK .ORSSHQERUJ 'RQDOG : ¶ DQG .DWKOHHQ 6 7MDGHQ ¶ .ORVWHUPDQ 7LPRWK\ * ¶ DQG -HDQQLH & &DPSEHOO ¶ .OXHPSHUV John and Mary Kluesner $QQH ( 1RWWEXVFK ¶ DQG :LOOLDP .OXPS Charles and Liesa Klump $QJHOD 0 .PHW] ¶ Gary and Knapp Theresa Knapp Bob and Elaine Kneemiller +HOHQ 0 .QHLE ¶ Anthony Knoeber †Ann Sturm Knollmeyer, ’59 John and Lori Knollmeyer -DPHV - ¶ DQG 9LUJLQLD $ /DW] ¶ .QR[ James and Nancy Knutson 3KLOOLS : ¶ DQG 6KLUOH\ - 6WHQJHO ¶ .REHWW 'U -RVHSK & ¶ DQG &DURO\Q - )HWNR ¶ .RERV Regina C. Kobuszewski &DURO $ :LGPDQ ¶ DQG 6WDQOH\ * .RFK $OEHUW % ¶ DQG %DUEDUD - .RFRXU Michael A. Kocour 5REHUW * ¶ DQG -XOLH $ .XU]GRUIHU ¶ .RFRXU Joseph P., ’94 and Chanda M. Morrow, ’95 Koechner Tim and Janelle Koehler Lyle and Joyce Koehn

$OH[DQGHU DQG 0DU\ .D\ .RHQHQ Albert J. and Patricia M. Kolarik $QQH & .RODULN ¶ Mary Anne Kolb :LOOLDP & ¶ DQG /RUHWWD $ .ROE Lorraine M. Kolich John and Joan Koller 3DXO 5 ¶ DQG 'HEUD .ROOHU Richard J., ’55 and &DUROH - %HOOR ¶ .RPDUHZLFK L. Eileen Koopal 5REHUW ¶ DQG -RDQ .RSHF Kristin L. Kopp Alison P. Kopreski 3DWULFLD $ /H5R\ ¶ DQG -HUU\ : .RUNRZVNL Charles and Anna Kormanik .HLWK - ¶ DQG (OL]DEHWK 1 1LFNHO ¶ .RUWH Scott and Mary Kotrba -DPHV / .RWWZLQNHO ¶ Albert and Helen Kovac Bernice Kovac and Family Helen Kovach Theodore G., ’49 and Thelma F. Kozan 1RUEHUW : ¶ DQG -DFTXHOLQH - .R]LDWHN &KDUOHV : ¶ DQG 7HUHVD .UDIW 7KRPDV $ ¶ DQG 0DU\ 0 +DQG ¶ .UDIW Charles and Linda Krajewski )UDQFLV / ¶ DQG (OL]DEHWK $ .UDP -DPHV - ¶ DQG 0DU\ ( .UDP -DPHV 0 ¶ DQG -XG\ $ .UDPE &KDG ( ¶ DQG -R\ 6 &URVV ¶ .UDPHU 'U 5DOSK - ¶ DQG &DURO .UDPSHU 5HY 6WHSKHQ .UDQ] 2 6 % ¶ Marty and Beth Krebs &DWKHULQH 6 +DZHV ¶ DQG -DPHV - .UHEVEDFK Dale and Melinda Kreher 'RQDOG & ¶ DQG -DQH .RKDNH ¶ .UHLPHU Steven and Kathleen Kreitner Darrel L. Kreutzer Daniel and Ellen Krieger Debra L. Kring Rev. Francis J. Krische, ’53 /DZUHQFH ' ¶ DQG 6XVDQ .ULVFKH (UQHVW 0 ¶ DQG Stephanie M. Grewe, ’91 Krogmeier Andrew and Connie Krohn Matthew M., ’94 and Kelly Krohn James MEA, ’92 and Sharon Krone Rita Kropp Owen and Rita Kross Joe and Mary Krstulic Kenneth and Janis Krug +HUEHUW / ¶ DQG .DWKOHHQ % .UXPVLFN Barbara L. Krupich Ronald F., ’55 and Betty Krupp Michael and Robin Kruse Most Rev. Daniel W. Kucera, O.S.B. Mary Margaret McBride Kucera, ’52 Keith and Connie Kuhn Edward J. Kujawa, ’53

Brad G. and 6KHUULH 6 .QROO (0%$ ¶ .XQHFNH 5LFKDUG ' ¶ DQG .D\ 6 .XWODV Janet R. Kweiser %DUEDUD - /D )RUJH ¶ Gary and Sharon Lackey :LOOLDP 0 /D)DYRU ¶ -RVHSK 0 ¶ DQG .DUHQ /DIIOHXU -HQQLIHU $ /D)OHXU ¶ Rea D. Laflin Ronald and Linda Lager 5LFN 0 /D*URWWD ¶ Thomas J., ’52 and Catherine Wolters, ’55 Lahey Bonita E. Clark Laible, ’94 5D\PRQG 6 ¶ DQG 1DQF\ $ *LOO ¶ /D-RLH J. Richard Lake The LaMar Family -DPLH / /DPEUHFKW ¶ *HUDOG $ ¶ DQG $QQD 0DULH /DPPHUV Robert Lampe 3DWULFN - ¶ DQG 0DU\ -R (UW] ¶ /DPSLQJ -RKQ / ¶ DQG $QQ % /DQGRQ Leo T., ’45 and Mary E. Ketter, ’49 Landon 0LFKDHO ( ¶ DQG $QJHOD /DQGRQ 3KLOLS - ¶ DQG 0DUJDUHW $ *UHJDU ¶ /DQGRQ Roger G. and Doris Landwehr * /DZUHQFH ¶ DQG Betty A. Heiman, ’59 Lane -DFTXHOLQH 0 0XOKDOO ¶ DQG 0DUWLQ % /DQH 5H[ / DQG (OL]DEHWK /DQH Paul and Teresa Lanfermann Steve and Lori Lang .DWKOHHQ 0 6ZDQLFN ¶ DQG 'DQQ\ /DQJGRQ Mark A., ’99 and Beth M. Klingele, ’99 Lange 6KHUU\ $ 0HIIRUG /DQJH ¶ :LOOLDP + ¶ DQG -DQHW 'RXJKW\ ¶ /DQJH .HLWK $ ¶ DQG /HVOLH $ /DQJHO John Langenhan 5REHUW - ¶ DQG 6KLUOH\ : /DQKDP Dr. Anne P. Lannon 0DWLOGD $ %XUQV ¶ DQG *UHJRU\ /D3ODQWH $QJHOD 5 (OOLRWW ¶ DQG -D\PH $ /DURFFD *DU\ DQG 'L[LH /DUVRQ 5\DQ 7 /DUVRQ ¶ &KDUOHV - /DVQLHU ¶ Donald and Teresa Lasnier 0\UQD / *UDPH ¶ DQG 'RQ / /DVVZHOO -RKQ 3 /DWHQVHU ¶ -RKQ 5 DQG 0DU\ ( .LHUO ¶ /DWHQVHU Jeanie Sell Latz 7KRPDV 3 ¶ DQG &ROOHHQ /DW] William A., ’49 and Margaret A. Latz Edward and Cynthia Lauck 'DYLG 0 ¶ DQG 6KHUUL /DXJKOLQ 6KLUOH\ $ )DUQDQ /DXJKOLQ ¶ 5LFKDUG $ ¶ DQG 5RVH /DXPDQ Carol A. Launius Wayne and Mary Laurentius


0LFKDHO ) ¶ DQG $QQ * /DXVH Rick and Sophie Lausman )UDQN DQG 6XVDQ /DX[ Julie A. Lawless .HOO\ ¶ DQG 6KDURQ /DZOHVV 'HQQLV : ¶ DQG -ROHQH 0 6DUUDLOORQ ¶ /DZORU James P., ’55 and Anna M. Sonnenmoser, ’55 Lawlor Paul and Debbie Lawrence :LOOLDP 7 ¶ DQG 6KHLOD 0 $QGHUVRQ ¶ /DZUHQFH (OOHQ /DZVRQ *LOJRYDQ ¶ DQG Gary M. Gilgovan Thomas A. Laylock *HQH ¶ DQG -DQHOOH .QRHGHO ¶ /D]]R 0LFKDHO ( ¶ DQG 0HOLQGD . /D]]R 0DXUHHQ 6 6XOOLYDQ /HDK\ ¶ Robert and Alberta L’Ecuyer Kim M. Lee Richard and Judith Lee Paulette Leeper 5RQDOG : /HKPDQQ ¶ 'RQQD 0LWXOVNL /HLQHQ ¶ 0LFKDHO 5 /HLQHQ ¶ (XJHQH ¶ DQG -HDQHWWH /HLVH .HQQHWK $ /HLWQHU ¶ Mark E., ’92 and Tamhra D. Leland James P., ’54 †and Claudette Lemar 1RUPDQ - /H0HUH ¶ 0DU\ % 6HJHUVRQ /HPRLQH ¶ Lindon H. Leners (OL]DEHWK $ %XUNH ¶ DQG 'DYLG : /HQW] Farolyn J. Lenz George L. and Betty Lenz Lawrence E. and Margaret Leroy Rowena Lesher and Kathy Trotter 3KLOOLS $ ¶ DQG &DUROH /HVWHU Gerald J. Letourneau, ’59 )UDQFLV : ¶ DQG %DUEDUD $ /HY\ Frank and Dorothy Lewandowski ) :LOOLDP /HZLV ¶ 0DUN & ¶ DQG (ULQ $ .HQQH\ ¶ /HZLV Patrick and Cathleen Lewis 5DQG\ / /HZLV ¶ Thomas and Suzanne Lewis William and Mary Lewis .LPEHUO\ . :ROWHUV ¶ DQG *DU\ / /HZPDQ -RVHSK * ¶ DQG 6XH ( -DHJHU ¶ /H\ $QWKRQ\ /LDQJ ¶ 'DYLG ( ¶ DQG %DUEDUD - +XW]HQEXKOHU ¶ /LFNOLGHU &DUO * ¶ DQG 0DU\ 0 'DOWRQ ¶ /LFNWHLJ David and Carolyn Lickteig 'LDQH 0 (FNHUW ¶ DQG 5LFKDUG 0 /LHEVFK John and Marilyn Liljestrand /RXLVH /HH ¶ DQG 3HQ 0LQ /LQ /HR ( ¶ DQG 6KLUOH\ 0 /LQFN Glenn J., ’53 and Janet L. Lincoln Richard and Jo Ellen Lincoln

.DWKOHHQ 0 0LOOHU ¶ DQG 7UDF\ 5 /LQG Janice L. Lingan, ’54 :D\QH 9 ¶ DQG 'LDQH 0 /LQQHQEULQJHU Penny Lipp 0DUJDUHW 5 5HGPRQG ¶ DQG +DUROG ) /LVWHU Karen M. Martin, ’91 and Rick Litschgi /DZUHQFH - ¶ DQG .ULVWL /LYLQJVWRQ Michael and Eileen Livingston -RVHSKLQH 6 ) /HH ¶ DQG ,JQDWLXV /R $QJHOD 0 (OOLVRQ ¶ DQG 'DYLG : /RFK Dick and Ardena Loch 'RQDOG / ¶ DQG .DUHQ 6DLQW (UQH ¶ /RHIIHOKRO] Mary Logan Stephen and Rita Logan -RKQ 0 ¶ DQG 'RQQD % /RJUDVVR Stan and Leslie Logsdon Kathleen M. Lohman Janice K. Lohrmeyer Philip A., ’93 and Jennifer Lombardi Amy L. Smith, ’94 and Edward L. Lomshek Marjorie E. Long Roger and Jo Ann Long 'RXJODV 0 (0%$ ¶ DQG $QQD /RQJVWDII $PEHU 0 /RRVEURFN ¶ Manny and Vivian Lopez $QWKRQ\ 6 /RVWUDFFR ¶ Daniel and Carolyn Loughman 'U 6WHSKHQ 3 ¶ DQG %DUEDUD ( 'RKHUW\ ¶ /RXJKPDQ -HDQ $ $SSOHJDWH ¶ DQG -RKQ 3 /RXJKUDQ 5DOSK 3 ¶ DQG 7UXG\ /RZGHU Bruce and Ann Lowe Allan and Enid Lowenberg 'DYLG % /R\G (0%$ ¶ 'U -RKQ 3 ¶ DQG /HRQD /XHEEH 3KLOLS + /XHEEHUW ¶ /HH $ 5RHVHO ¶ DQG +DUU\ /XHFKWHIHOG Tim and Julie Lueckenhoff 'RQDOG / ¶ DQG 'LDQH . /XHJHU Leona Lueger 'DYLG 6 ¶ DQG 'LDQH /XHWNHQKDXV :LOOLDP - /XII ¶ )UDQN 5 /XNH ¶ 5LFKDUG $ ¶ DQG -XOLH /XQGVWURP James and Harriet Lunsford Mary L. Luscinskas John and Barbara Lutz Barbara L. Garside, ’99 and Michael H. Lutz Greg and Marci Lutz Micah L. Purslow, ’93 and Michael C. Lutz 1RUPDQ DQG 'RULV /X[ -DPHV 6 ¶ DQG &DUROH 6 /\NH 'DQLHO ¶ DQG -XG\ $ /\NLQV -HQQ\ 0 )DUUHOO ¶ DQG 7RP /\NLQV Mary M. McNerny Lykins, ’39 'RQDOG ) ¶ DQG )ORUHQFH 0 /\RQ 7HUHVD 0 +DDNH /\RQ ¶ Mary R. Portman Lyons, ’51 Chuck MacFall

Archie and Jean Macias -DQH $ 0DFNH ¶ Douglas and Denice Mackey Barbara A. Bacon, ’59 and Ed MacKinnon 6DQGUD .ULHJVKDXVHU ¶ DQG 5LFKDUG 0DFNOH\ 0DUFLD 0XQUR 0DF/HQQDQ ¶ Brenda S. Madaj Stacey A. Mader 0DWWKHZ : ¶ DQG Michelle E. Youngman, ’99 Madison -DPHV ( ¶ DQG $UOHQ 0DGROH Louis and Christine Madrid - 3KLOLS ¶ DQG .DWKOHHQ 0DJHUV .DWKOHHQ , 0DJXLUH ¶ DQG 7RP - )ULWWV 'U &DURO\Q 5 ¶ DQG &KDUOHV 0DKRQH\ 'LDQH 0 5HLFNV ¶ DQG 6WDQ ' 0DKRQH\ James D., ’94 and Marea T. Mahoney .HUL / 0DKRQH\ ¶ 'U 0LFKDHO $ ¶ DQG 0RQHWWH 0 9ROWPHU ¶ 0DKRQH\ 0DU\ (OOHQ 7RELQ ¶ DQG -RVHSK * 0DKU Nancy L. Main James and Julie Mainelli Richard M. Majetic, ’49 Steve and Emily Malin Eugene D. Malir, ’53 Rose M. Malnar ,UHQH 5RWWLQJKDXV ¶ DQG -RVHSK 0DORQH 5D\PRQG ' - ¶ DQG -DQHW / 0DORVSLULWL Dennis and Linda Malotte Francis J. Malouff Paul and Nancy Maly (OL]DEHWK &R[HQ ¶ DQG 3DXO 0DQFLQL Dr. Robert L., ’52 and Alma Mandeville Benita Mangimelli Victor and Elizabeth Mangler Amy J. Manka 0LFKDHO * ¶ DQG 9LFNL , *HUEHU 0DQO\ -DLPH 5 ¶ DQG 0DU\ 0DQXHO -RKQ 7 ¶ DQG &\QWKLD 0DQ]RWWL Elmer and Jeanne Mapes 0LFKDHO $ ¶ DQG -RG\ 6 0DSHV 'HERUDK 5 (0%$ ¶ DQG -LP 0DUFKDQG Steven and Annalee Marek Kevin Maring Dr. L. A. and Remedios P. Maristela Richard E., ’53 and Catherine Anderson, ’53 Markey Robert H., ’39 and Eva M. Markey James A. Marksman $QQ 0 )HUQ ¶ DQG 'DYLG + 0DUNXV Lester and Ruthanna Marlatt 6XVDQ / 0DUSOH ¶ $GGLVRQ : ¶ DQG 0DU\ 5 .RHFKQHU ¶ 0DUTXDUW Alvin and Opal Marquart .\OH ' ¶ DQG /HVOLH 0DUTXDUW 0DUWLQD = 6DQFKH] ¶ DQG *HRUJH - 0iUTXH] Robert and Lois Marrin Roger and Carol Marriott

0DUFHOLQH $ 0DUVKDOO ¶ Anthony and Lisa Martin *HQHYLHYH / 6WXGHU 0DUWLQ ¶ James and Mary Martin Roland and Rosemary Martin Steven and Rebecca Martin Joseph and Esther Martinez Juan and Nancy Martinez 0DULH 7 &DUUROO ¶ DQG 2UODQGR 0DUWLQH] .HQQHWK : ¶ DQG 7HUHVD 0DUW] 'HQQLV DQG 6XVDQ 0DU[ 'U 'RQDOG / ¶ DQG %DUEDUD - 0DU[ -DPHV % 0DU[ 'U -RKQ 1 ¶ DQG 3DWULFLD & 0DU[ .HQQHWK / 0DU[ Carl and Carole Maschka Ed and Susan Mason 0 $OH[DQGHU ¶ DQG %ULGJHW 0 %URNHU ¶ 0DVRWWL Michael and Cheyenne Mathews 5LFKDUG - ¶ DQG 3DWULFLD $ 0DWKHZV Nancy Mathis Donald and Jeanne Mathy Joseph, ’92 and Amy Matisek Noel D. Matkin 3DWULFLD $ 9DGHU ¶ DQG +RZDUG / 0DWVRQ 'U -DPHV 0DWWHD ¶ Morris and Bridget Matthias 6WHYHQ - ¶ DQG <YRQQH 0 9RHONHUGLQJ ¶ 0DXQH Sheila Mauton-Kellerman 0DWWKHZ ) ¶ DQG $UUDK 0D\ Raymond E. and Freida May Jerry E. Mayne %HUQDUG : ¶ DQG &DURO 6 0D\VH -DPHV ( 0D]LQL ¶ Joseph F. and Imogene Gregory, ’53 Mazur Samuel A. Mazzarelli Mary T. Mazzaro John and Jamie McAleer 0DWWKHZ - ¶ DQG 6KHU\O 0F$YR\ 9LUJLQLD $OH[DQGHU 0F$YR\ ¶ 0DU\ $OLFH *DOEUHDWK ¶ Dorothy L. McBride -RKQ 7 ¶ DQG .HUU\ 6 .XSIHUVPLWK ¶ 0F%ULGH 0LFKDHO * ¶ DQG 9LYLDQ 0 5LRV ¶ 0F%ULGH 3DWULFN - ¶ DQG 0DU\ 3 &RRQH\ ¶ 0F%ULGH 7HUUHQFH - ¶ DQG 'HQLVH 0F%ULGH -DPHV 0 ¶ DQG 0DUOHQH $ &RRN ¶ 0F&DEH 7KHRGRUH 5 ¶ DQG -XGLWK $ 0F&DOHE 3DPHOD . 0F&DQQ ¶ Paul A. McCann 5HY 'RQDOG 3 0F&DUWK\ ¶ Rev. Frederick J. McCarthy, ’43 Marian McCarthy 5REHUW 3 ¶ DQG .ULVO\Q 0F&DUWK\ 7KRPDV ( ¶ DQG

Barbara J. Benavides, ’59 McCarthy Thomas H. McCarthy, ’34 -D\ 1 ¶ DQG .LUVWHQ 0F&DXOH\ James E. McClafferty Kevin and Sandra McClafferty David J., ’91 and Mary McClain 3K\OOLV $ %URRNH ¶ DQG Theodore R. McClard Matthew P., ’94 and Anglea McClorey William and Carolyn McConnell /\QQ 0F&RUPLFN 0F&RUPDFN ¶ Russell and Sharon McCort 5HHG $ ¶ DQG 0LFKHOOH & 5RDFK ¶ 0F&URU\ +HLGL 5 0F&XEELQ ¶ Wallace and Maureen McCubbin Hugh and Judy McCullough -DPHV ' ¶ DQG 7KHUHVD $ 0F'DGH Dorothy E. Ernzen McDermed, ’55 .HYLQ 7 ¶ DQG 7KHUHVD . 0F'HUPHG Joseph and Sarah McDermott .HQQHWK - ¶ DQG %DUEDUD 0DOO ¶ 0F'RQDOG 'U .HUU\ 6 ¶ DQG 5RVDOLH $ 0F'RQDOG 0LFKDHO - 0F'RQDOG ¶ Walter C. McDonald, ’41 %HUQDUG 3 0F'RQQHOO ¶ John and Jeannette McDonnell 3DWULFN % ¶ DQG 0DULH 5 0F'RQQHOO Randy and Carol McDonough Gary and Kay McDowell 7HUHQFH - 0F(QDQH\ ¶ .HYLQ 7 (0%$ ¶ DQG /DXUD 6 0F(QHU\ Heather J. Stanley, ’92 and Sean McEnroe Michael and Kathleen McEvilly 7KRPDV 9 ¶ DQG -DQHW +LOJHU ¶ 0F(YR\ William and Jo Ellen McEvoy 3DWULFN ' ¶ DQG %HWW\ - 0F)DGGHQ 'DYLG * ¶ DQG -XGLWK 0 'HOPRQWH ¶ 0F*DUU\ (LOHHQ 0F*DUWODQG ¶ DQG -RKQ - &ODUNH -DPHV & ¶ DQG 0DUJDUHW %HLOHLQ ¶ 0F*DXOH\ 6DOYDWRUH ' ¶ DQG Karen M. Kutis, ’99 McGhee Kendall T., ’94 and Melissa McGibney Thomas S. and Lucille E. McGibney *DU\ / ¶ DQG -XG\ . 0F*LQQHVV -HQQLIHU $ 5HLFKHQEHUJHU ¶ DQG Michael McGinnis James and Helen McGown 'DQLHO 3 ¶ DQG 0DUJDUHW 6 0F*UDWK *DU\ / ¶ DQG )UDQFHV 0F*UDWK Lillian M. Rome McGrath, ’53 -RKQ 3 ¶ DQG 3DXOLQH 5 5REO ¶ 0F*UHHY\V 0DUWLQ - ¶ DQG 3DWULFLD - 1DVK ¶ 0F*UHHY\ .DWKOHHQ .HQQDOO\ ¶ DQG .HYLQ 6 0F*UHZ .RXUWQH\ ( ¶ DQG +HDWKHU * 0F*UHZ -DPHV 3 ¶ DQG /LQGD 5 0F*XLUH

0DUN / ¶ DQG %DUEDUD 0F*XLUH 0LFKDHO 7 ¶ DQG 'HEELH 0F*XLUH 7KRPDV - ¶ DQG 0DU\ 7 +RVW\ ¶ 0F*XLUH -DPHV 6 0F,QHUQH\ ¶ Mary Ellen Quinn, ’51 and Dr. Jerry L. McKain Dolan M. McKelvy &KDUOHV $ 0F.HQQ\ ¶ -DPHV $ ¶ DQG .DWKOHHQ - (FNDUW ¶ 0F.HQ]LH John and Beverly McKernan %UDQGRQ 0 ¶ (0%$ ¶ DQG Christy McKibben %HUQLFH 0 0F.LQQH\ ¶ Greg and Julie McKinney Joseph and Sharon McKinney Betty J. McKinnis 7KRPDV , ¶ DQG -DQHW % 0F.QHZ &KDUOHV ) ¶ DQG -R$QQ 0F/DXJKOLQ -DPHV * 0F/HDQ ¶ Gregor J. EMBA, ’99 and Ashley McLeod John A. McLuckie Marcella T. McMahon, ’52 +HOHQ / /DZOHVV 0F0DQXV ¶ Jan and Kathleen McMillian .\OH $ 0F0LOOLDQ ¶ William and Pat McNally Michael E., ’59 and Mary R. McNamara 3DWULFLD ( 0F1HLYH ¶ Kevin McNorton Josephine Bremmer, ’55 and Hugh McQueen Judith A. Smith, ’59 and Robert N. McRae Edward J., ’54 and Ann K. McShane 6HDQ % 0F6ZHHQH\ ¶ 0LFKDHO - (0%$ ¶ DQG &DQGLV 0F9LFNHU Anthony and Yueh Meadors :LOOLDP 0 ¶ DQG 'LDQH 0HDO\ %UHQGDQ / 0HDUD ¶ 'DQLHO ) ¶ DQG -R $QQ ) 6FKDHIHU ¶ 0HDUD Peter and Francine Meatte Janine M. Meeh Thomas F. Meehan $LPHH 7RQTXHVW ¶ DQG 6WHSKHQ 0HKO Sarah Mehl Leonard and Sondra Meier Dennis and Judy Meinert +DUU\ 3 ¶ DQG 0DU\ : 0HLQKDUGW Rev. Msgr. Heliodore N. Mejak, ’31 †-RDQ & 0HODQFRQ ¶ 3DWULFLD $ :ROWHUV 0HOFKLQJ ¶ 'U 5LFKDUG 3 ¶ DQG 'HQLVH 0HOLFKDU Connie Mendiola Arthur and Lynda Mendizabal 6WHSKHQ $ ¶ DQG %DUEDUD 0HQNH C. Brett Mentzer Ted and Cindy Menzel 'U 0DU\ ( )LVFKHU ¶ DQG Dr. Richard W. Mercer 5RVH ( )DUQDQ 0HUFKDQW ¶ Michael and Kristin Merck 'DQLHO + ¶ DQG /RUUDLQH 0 0HUFXUH


Linda J. Meredith Richard and Adelaide Merkle 'RURWK\ . +DXVHU 0HUULILHOG ¶ .DURO\Q 2 2UOHQD 0HUVPDQQ ¶ William and Lisa Merz 3DWULFLD $ *UDKDP 0HVVEDUJHU ¶ Alan and Lynne Mestdagh *HRUJH ) ¶ DQG /DXUD - 0H\HU -DPHV 3 ¶ DQG -R $QQ 0H\HU .DWKU\Q $ :DOOPDUN 0H\HU ¶ 0DU\ /RX 0H\HU ¶ DQG 7KRPDV : /\QFK Paul and Mary Theresa Meyer Paul B., ’49 and Roberta Meyer Josephine A. Meyers +HOHQ % %XHVVLQJ ¶ DQG Arnold J., ’59 Meysenburg Rev. John J. Michalicka, ’55 Roger A., ’95 and &KULVWLQH 0 (QJHOEHUW ¶ 0LFN Mary Mihanovich -HDQQH 0 /DQJHQIHOG 0LNHVHOO ¶ 'RURWK\ - 5RFKH 0LODN ¶ -RDQ 0 :KHODQ 0LODQL ¶ 7LPRWK\ ' ¶ DQG 5LWD $ 0LOIRUG )UDQN : ¶ DQG -HDQ &ODUN ¶ 0LOLN Francis E. Milkent, ’54 Barbara H. Miller %UHQGD - &DQWZHOO ¶ DQG :LOOLDP 0LOOHU Dolores Miller Randy and Bibiana Miller James and Amy Miller 'U -RKQ 7 ¶ DQG -DFHO\Q ) 0LOOHU /HRQDUG - ¶ DQG 5RVHPDU\ '\HU ¶ 0LOOHU Linda and Clayton Miller Mary Margaret Miller 0LFKHOOH $ 5HLPHU ¶ DQG 6FRWW 0LOOHU Millard W. Miller, ’51 Robert and Patricia L. Miller 7HUHVD $ &RUULJDQ ¶ DQG *HRUJH ' 0LOOHU Trevor S., ’91 and Amy D. Hankins, ’91 Miller Alan and Gloria Minnick 'HH $ ¶ DQG -DQLFH , 0LQQLV Patricia Minnis &KDUOHV * ¶ DQG -RDQQ 0LVNR -RVHSK 5 ¶ DQG 9LFNL 6 0LWFKHOO Dr. Paul and Laura B. Moccia John T. Modlin Leo Mohrman Mike Monaghan 0DUJDUHW /HDK\ 0RQQDW ¶ Eileen Halpin Monteil, ’51 Mary Montes and Rose Arroyo -DQLFH & 6FRWW ¶ DQG 3KLOOLS / 0RQWJRPHU\ 0 .ULV 'LWWR ¶ DQG 0DOFROP ' 0RQWJRPHU\ Dennis and Mary Montgomery (ULF $ ¶ DQG .DWLH * 0RQWR\D Mike and Florence Mooney -RKQ 5 0RRUH ¶ Kevin and Kerry Moore Leigh A. Moore

0 3DPHOD &ODUN œ DQG -RKQ 0RRUH Mackenzie M. Moore Marlys Moore Maynard E. Moore Michael D. Moore 0LFKDHO - œ DQG 0DU\ / 0RRUH 3DWULFLD $ +L[ œ DQG -RKQ & 0RRUH 3DWULFN 5 œ DQG .DWKHULQH 5 :LOPHULQJ 0RRUH œ 7LPRWK\ + œ DQG &RQQLH 6 0RRUH Charles F., ’59 and Marjorie Moos 0DULO\Q 6OLHI 0RUDOHV œ 3DWULFN ( œ DQG 1DQF\ 6 0RUDQ 3DXO & œ DQG 5HEHFFD - .ROOHU œ 0RUDQ 5D\PRQG $ œ DQG 6WHSKDQLH 0RUDQ 5RVHPDU\ ( 0RUDQ œ Dr. Bruce B. Morgan *DU\ œ DQG &DURO 0RUJDQ W. Patrick Moriarty Eugene Morin 0DU\ . 2œ+DUD 0RULQ œ Robert E., ’53 and Rose E. Morin Jon and Linda Morris 6KDURQ 3 0RUULV œ Sue Morris 6\OYHVWHU & 0RUULV œ Tim and Katherine Morris 5HEHFFD ' 0($ œ DQG 6KDZQ 0RUULVH\ Irene Morrison .DUHQ 5 0LOOHU œ DQG 5DOSK 0RUULVRQ 0DUO\Q 6 œ DQG $OLFH 0RUULVRQ Ray S. Morrison, Jr. †7LPRWK\ * œ DQG 7KHUHVD . 0RUULVRQ Marjorie E. Morrissey 5XWK & &RQQRU 0RUURZ œ 3DXO 5 œ DQG $QQD 5 0RVEDXJK %U\DQ ' 0RVV œ -DPHV ) 0RXQW œ Kevin and Malia Mouser &KULVWLQH % 6FKXVWHU œ DQG 0LFKDHO 0R\D 5REHUW $ 0R\HU œ Sharon K. Muckey Catherine Rost, ’43 and Dr. Ferd J. Mueller 5REHUWD &OHJJ œ DQG 0LFKDHO 0XHOOHU Samuel and Marguerite Mueller 1RUEHUW / œ DQG 0DUORX 0XKOEDXHU Francis and Maureen Mulcahy -RKQ ) œ DQG -R\ 0XOFDK\ John and Shirley Muldoon Edmund and Ann Mulholland Richard P. †and Patricia A. Mullally 7LPRWK\ 3 œ DQG 6LOYLD 0XOODQH $UWKXU ) œ DQG 0DUFHOOD / 0XOOHU 0DWWKHZ 0 0XOOHU œ :LOOLDP - œ DQG -HDQHWWH 0XOOHU <YRQQH ( /H0RLQH œ DQG &OHR + 0XOOHU 'U 0LFKDHO ' œ DQG 5HEHFFD & %DNHU œ 0XOOLFDQ 0DUN ( œ DQG $OLFH 7 7UDXVFK œ 0XOOLQ James and Myrtle Mullins

% .HYLQ œ DQG 0DU\ 9 %ODFNEXUQ œ Mulvany Dan and Ann Mulvenon William and Kathleen Mundie /HUR\ ) œ DQG 1RUPD - (QJHO œ 0XQN 3KLOOLS 5 0XUDVNL œ Agnes M. Murphy Dr. Donn B. Murphy, Ph.D., ’54 -RKQ 3 œ DQG 6XVDQ ' 'HQWRQ œ 0XUSK\ /DUU\ ( œ DQG &DURO 6 .HLWK œ 0XUSK\ Lea Murphy 0LFKDHO - 0XUSK\ œ Patricia A. Murphy Robert and Diane Murphy 'DYLG $ œ DQG .DWKOHHQ +ROEURRN œ 0XUUD\ 0LFKDHO - œ DQG &DWKHULQH 0XUUD\ 3DGUDLF 2 œ DQG /LOD / 0XUUD\ Dr. Robert and Claire Murray 6WHSKHQ ' 0XUUD\ œ 7LPRWK\ - 0XUUD\ œ &KDUOHV ( œ DQG %DUEDUD - 0XUUHOO Dr. John P. and Mary Margaret Murry Delora E. Musslin, ’99 Daniel Musso /\QQ & 0\HUV (0%$ œ Gordon and Dr. Susan Myers -DPLVRQ 7 œ DQG .DWKHU\Q ( (YDQV œ 0\ULFN 5REHUW ( œ DQG -R $QQ 1DGHDX 'U /\QGRQ œ DQG $P\ ' 6FKZDU]HU œ 1DLSDXO Angelo B. and LaVerna Nasche -RKQ 9 œ DQG &KXQJ +XL 1DVK Michael A. Nash -DPHV : œ DQG :LQLIUHG /XQG\ œ 1DVV Mary A. Tabor, ’51 and John G. Nass Theresa M. Nass 0LFKDHO : œ DQG 6KDURQ 0 6WDOOEDXPHU œ 1DWLRQ Helen M. Sarg Naughton, ’42 5D\PRQG - œ DQG 0DU\ ( 1HDU\ :LOOLDP ( œ DQG 0DUFLD / 1HEHO 0LFKDHO - œ DQG /LQGD / 1HHQDQ Kelly F. Brungardt, ’93 and Scott Neil Frances B. Brady, ’41 and Horace Neilson Ed and Suzie Nelander Kevin L. Nelson -RVHSK ' œ DQG -DQH 1HUQH\ 7KRPDV & œ DQG 0DU\DQQD 1HUQH\ 5R[DQQH 'LGGH œ DQG 0DUN 1HWHPH\HU Beth Neubrech Nacole L. Neuendorf Richarda Sparrow Neuman Richard and Joy Neumann 5LWD 0 5DZOH\ 1HYLOOH œ .HLWK 3 œ DQG 0DULO\Q 1HYLQV Jay H. New Rhonda K. Newlin (OOHQ ' 'DOGUXS 1HZPDQ œ


David and Janice Newmann Denton Nichols -DPHV - œ DQG 0DU\ $ 1LFKROVRQ 7KRPDV * œ DQG 6DQG\ *ODYLQ œ 1LFNHO %HQMDPLQ $ 1LFNV -U œ William H. Nicks /\QQ 0 *LOJ 1LFROLFK œ (LOHHQ / 0DUTXH] œ DQG /OR\G 1LHOVRQ Lois Niemann 0DU\ & 1LHPF]\N œ William and Rosemary Nies Michael T. Nieto, ’92 Patrick T. F., ’92 and Nancy C. Nieto 5RQDOG / œ DQG 3DWULFLD $ 5REO œ 1LHWR /LVD ( 1HXPDQQ œ DQG 6DOYDWRUH 1LJUR 0DUJDUHW ) 0HDUD 1LOHV œ Randy Nill .DWKHULQH / 3URKDVND 1LOOHV œ 6YHQ ) - œ DQG 7HUHVD $ :HLVKDDU œ 1LOVVRQ Sheri Nitz 'DQLHO $ 1REHO œ Daniel and Joyce Nolan Robert and Tricia Nolan Forrest Noland Mark and Catharine Nold -RKQ & 1ROO œ -RVHSK ' œ DQG 0DU\ 1RRQDQ 0DU\ ( *UDKDP œ DQG 'DQLHO 1RUEXUJ -DPHV 5 1RUGKXV œ 0DU\ 3 1RULFN œ Louis J., ’51 and Irene M. Normandin 3KLOLS + œ DQG 3DWULFLD : 1RVHU 7KRPDV - œ DQG 'RURWK\ 6 1RXG &RQQLH - &LQGULF œ DQG %LOO 1RYDN .HOO\ $ &DPHURQ œ DQG -HIIUH\ 7 1RYRWQ\ Henrietta M. Nowak Michael and Susan Nowak 'DYLG - 1RZDW]NH œ 5REHUW - œ DQG 1DQF\ . +HQOH\ œ 1RZDW]NH Todd A. Nugent, ’92 Juan and Alicia Nuùez Jeroldine R. Nunley 'U 0LFKDHO - œ DQG 0DXULQH 1XVFK\ Anthony and Charlene Nutz Joseph and Julie O’Flaherty :LOOLDP 7 œ DQG 6XVDQ 0 2DNHV David and Sandra Oberley William and Karen Obermark 0DU\ $ 6RQQHQPRVHU œ DQG Edwin Obermeier 5REHUW / œ DQG -XOLD . 2ERUQ\ Tom and Cindy O’Brien James and Jane O’Brien Jaylene C. Kenkel, ’93 and Peter O’Brien -HUU\ ' œ DQG 3HJJ\ 2œ%ULHQ 7KRPDV - œ DQG 'RUHHQ 0 2œ%ULHQ Kieran K. O’Callaghan, ’99 'DYLG 7 œ DQG 3DWULFLD )UDZOH\ œ 2FKV

-RKQ - ¶ DQG (YHO\QH 2¶&RQQRU John R. O’Connor, ’54 /DXUHQH %UDG\ 2¶&RQQRU ¶ 5LFKDUG ' ¶ DQG %HUQDGLQH 2¶&RQQRU :LOOLDP ( ¶ DQG -HDQQH . 2¶&RQQRU George and Corine O’Donnell 6HDQ 3 ¶ DQG 3DPHOD 6 +XQGW ¶ 2¶'RQQHOO 7KRPDV - 2¶'RQQHOO ¶ Mary E. Cleary, ’53 and Warren Oeff 5HY -RKQ 2HWJHQ ¶ William H. Ogan, ’41 5REHUW 0 ¶ DQG *D\OH 2¶*DUD Charles and Donna O’Grady -RKQ 7 ¶ DQG /DXUD 2¶*UDG\ 5RQDOG - ¶ DQG (OL]DEHWK 5 2¶*UDG\ *UHJRU\ - ¶ DQG &KHU\O 2¶+DOORUDQ $ELJDLO 5 2¶+DUD ¶ $GULDQ 0 ¶ DQG 'RPLQLTXH 2¶+DUD &DURO 5 5DPDHNHUV ¶ DQG (GZDUG 2¶+HDUQ 5LFKDUG ' ¶ DQG 0DU\ 6 2¶+HUURQ 3DXO : 2KOHQGRUI ¶ Jerome H., ’55 and Mary L. Oidtman 0DULO\Q 0DOQDU ¶ DQG :LOOLDP 2¶.HHIH Martha A. Sellmeyer, ’59 and Maurice P. O’Keefe 1DQF\ ( ¶ DQG 'U )UDQN - 2¶.HHIIH 'DOH - 2OEHUGLQJ ¶ 3DXOD - /DQJH 2OEHUGLQJ ¶ 0DU\ $O\FH 2OGDQL ¶ (LOHHQ 7 .HOO\ ¶ DQG -DPHV 6 ¶ 2¶/HDU\ Bud Oleksky Ron and Peggy Olinger Thomas and Joan Oliver Thomas and Margaret Oliver Stephen and Barbara Olliges )UDQFLV - ¶ DQG 0DU\ $ =XSHW] ¶ 2OPVWHG Robert J. Olmsted, ’94 0LFKDHO ' ¶ DQG 6KHUUL 2OVRQ 3DWULFN ) ¶ DQG 0DUJDUHW $ +XJKHV ¶ 2¶0DOOH\ 'DQLHO 7 2¶1HLOO ¶ DQG 1DQF\ * (W]ZLOHU ¶ 'U /HRQDUG 7 ¶ DQG &DWKLH - 2¶1HLOO 0DU\ $ 'XQQ ¶ DQG :LOOLDP 2UGZD\ +XJK - ¶ DQG (LOHHQ 2¶5HLOO\ Eileen T. Murphy, ’52 and Andy Orlet (GZDUG 7 ¶ DQG *LOPD 2¶5RXUNH Michael and Patricia Orr Ann Turgeon Ortega, ’51 /HR - 2UWK -U ¶ Hope A. Ortiz Thelma Cantu Ortiz, ’49 *DU\ ) ¶ DQG 0DU\ ' /RIWXV ¶ 2VFNR 5RJHU 0 ¶ DQG 0DULO\Q : 2¶6KHD Marilyn Fogarty and Theresa Fogarty Osredker Leland L., ’59 and Irma Ostdiek .LP 0 ¶ DQG $QWRQLQD 7 %UHQQDQ ¶ 2VWHUKDXV Craig and Jeri Ann Ostertag

7HUUHQFH ( ¶ DQG /LQGD 2VWPH\HU Donna M. Oswald 0LFKDHO * 2¶7RROH ¶ Nancy D. Huerter, ’91 and Jeff Otott Glenn Overdick ) )O\QQ ¶ DQG -HDQQLQH 2ZHQV Geneve G. J. Owensby 0DULDQQH 6KHD ¶ DQG -RVHSK ' 2[OHU 3DWULFLD - (XOHU 2\HUO\ ¶ -RVHSK & 2]EROW ¶ Carlos and Teresa Pacheco Kevin and Susan Page Nichole Ward Page, ’95 and Jay Page Edwin J. C. Pajor -RVHSK 7 ¶ DQG 7HUU\O $ 3DMRU &HOHQH 0 'HWHUV 3DOOHVHQ ¶ Joseph Pallo Ruth L. Walker Palmer, ’41 Stuart and Susan Palmer -RKQ ) 3DOVPHLHU ¶ Ted and Lillian Palsmeier -HURPH 3DOXND ¶ -DQHW 0 .HWWHU ¶ DQG 0DUN $ 3DQNDX $QQ - *UDWWDQ 3DQOHQHU ¶ Russell and Gail Panza $QWKRQ\ 9 ¶ DQG 3DWULFLD $ 3DROXFFL Steven and Madeleine Paolucci %HUQDUG - 3DSSHUW ¶ 5RVHPDU\ ) 0F'RQQHOO ¶ DQG Rudolph L. Pappert Charles L., ’45 and Alice Parcell Linda Paredes Mark and Marcella Parillo 5RVH 0 3DULV\ ¶ Mary J. Kocour Park, ’52 6WHSKHQ ' 3DUN ¶ 'U &KULVWRSKHU ¶ DQG 5R]LQD 3DUNHU Thomas and Lisa Parnow 5RQDOG $ ¶ DQG 'DUOHQH $ 3DUU 3DWULFLD 0 %RQJHUV ¶ DQG 7LPRWK\ 5 3DUVRQV -R\FH $ .HWWHU ¶ DQG %LOO 3DUWLQ &RQVWDQFH 0 /RKPDQQ ¶ DQG +HQU\ 3DVVDUR $QQH & :XUW] ¶ DQG .HYLQ 0 3DVVLQR /DXUD $ (UEV ¶ DQG -RKQ 3DV]NLHZLF] Rupert and Deborah Pate Richard and Barbara Pattengale Chris and Janice Patterson -DQHW ( $QGUD ¶ DQG +RUDFH ( 3DWWHUVRQ Janice L. Patterson 0DU\ . 3DWWHUVRQ ¶ Rosemary Patterson 7KRPDV & ¶ DQG (YHO\Q 3DWWRQ &DWKU\Q - &ROGZHOO 3DXO ¶ -DPHV $ ¶ DQG 0DU\ ( 3DXQRYLFK %DUEDUD $ %UHPPHU ¶ DQG 5REHUW / 3DYOH\ Mary and Joni Pavlich 'U 5REHUW 5 ¶ DQG &\QWKLD 0 3DYOX Gregory and Catherine Pavlyak &KULVWRSKHU 3 ¶ DQG -RDQ 0 %DNHU ¶ 3DZORZLF]


Carey A. Pawlowski, ’94 -RDQ 0 +HEHUW ¶ DQG ' %UXFH 3HDUVRQ :LOOLDP , ¶ DQG -RDQ 3HDUVRQ -HDQ 0 6FDQORQ 3HFN ¶ Admerle N. Peckham Charles A., ’59 and Joyce Pecora 0 /HQH :HVWHUPDQ ¶ DQG $QWRQLR 3HFRUDUL 3DWULFN - 3HGGHFRUG ¶ :LOOLDP 5 ¶ DQG (GLWK 3HGOH\ -RKQ % 3HHU ¶ 0%$ ¶ J. David and Joetta Peer 0LFKDHO - ¶ DQG $QJHOD / %URZQ ¶ 3HOJHU -RKQ 0 ¶ DQG -DQLFH 3HOOHJULQR Janice L. Benda, ’59 and Raymond L. Pelster Christopher R., ’93 and Kathleen M. Gates, ’92 Pennington George W. Pepin 'U 3HGUR $ 3HTXHQR 5RVVLH ¶ DQG (QPD $ $ULWD 3HTXHQR ¶ Lynn Perez 'DYLG ' ¶ DQG $GHOH $ 'H)HR ¶ 3HUNLQV 0DU\ 3 +HJDUW\ ¶ DQG -RVHSK 3HUNLQV Sally Perkins Bernadine LeBeau Perraud, ’42 David and Diane Perry William and Carol Perry Patricia J. Person John Petelin, III ' *UHJRU\ ¶ DQG 0RQLFD 0 6KHUPDQ ¶ 3HWHU /DXULH - 3HWHU ¶ 0DUWLQ - ¶ DQG &DWKHULQH / 3HWHUV Jeffrey and Jane Peterson -RKQ / 3HWHUVRQ ,,, ¶ 3 3DWULFLD 3HWHUVRQ ¶ 6XVDQ 6 6DFKVH 3HWHUVRQ ¶ Wayne and Susan Peterson Joseph and Mary Ann Petruccelli Barbara A. Petryshyn Kathleen A. Petti :LOOLDP ( ¶ DQG /LQGD 3IHLIIHU Marilyn Pfundheller Jeffery and Virginia Pheatt Therese Phebus 'DYLG - ¶ DQG 3K\OOLV 3KHJOH\ 7HUHVH 6 6FKLUPHU 3LFFROL ¶ Thomas and Joyce Pick Alan and Cindy Pickard Carrie Pickard Mark and Cindy Pickerel *HUPDLQ ( (0%$ ¶ DQG Shannon L. Pickman Ted J. Pickul &KULVWLQH 0 6PLWK ¶ DQG .LUN 6 3LHUFH Barbara A. Pinaire -RKQ - ¶ DQG 5RVDLUH 3LURWWH Peter Piscitello Irma L. Pittroff, ’52 'UV 'RQDOG ( ¶ DQG (OL]DEHWK ( 3LYRQND Dr. William C., ’51 and Darlene Pivonka

'RQ $ ¶ DQG .DWKOHHQ 7 %XUNH ¶ 3ODFHN Leonard and Patricia Plank &DUUROO 9DUJDV ¶ DQG %ULDQ 3ODWW Sally Platt 7UDFL $ /LQN ¶ DQG %ULDQ 3OXPOHH 0LQG\ / +HLGHVFK ¶ DQG %HQMDPLQ 3OXPPHU John and Dragica Podrebarac Family Stephen J., ’54 and Dorothy A. Osborne, ’55 Podry 0DUWKD 3RHKOHU ¶ DQG %HQMDPLQ &RPSDLQH John and Jane Poelzl $QQHWWH + )LFN ¶ DQG 6WHYH & 3RHWWJHQ 'ZLJKW $ 3RNRUQ\ ¶ Gregory and Colleen Poland ,UHQH $ 6SLWVHQ ¶ DQG -LP ' 3ROODUG 0LQG\ 6 .UXSLQVNL ¶ DQG 0LFN 3ROORFN Chris and Susan Ponce 0DU\ 7 5DQGROSK 3RSH ¶ 3KLOLS ( 3RSODVNL ¶ Dale Popovich -HIIUH\ 3 ¶ DQG 1DQF\ - $QGHUVRQ ¶ 3RSS Adam and Elana Poquette Christine Porter Natasha M. Schmidt, ’95 and Kevin Porter John Pouy .DWKOHHQ 6 6NHOWRQ ¶ DQG *DU\ . 3RZHOO Larry and Mary Lynn Powell Lloyd and Cindy Powell Desmond J., ’59 and Gretchen Powers Michael and Kathleen Powers 0LFKDHO - ¶ DQG .DWKOHHQ 3RZHUV &DUO 0 3UDWW ¶ Clark and Jacqueline Pregont 6WHSKHQ ) ¶ DQG 1RUPD 5 3UHW] Roger and Karen Prewitt Scott R. Pribyl John and Jan Price -RVHSK 3 3ULFH ¶ /LQGD 5 3ULFH ¶ Dr. Patrick and Cyndy Price Robert and Daryn Price 7KRPDV - ¶ DQG 'RQQD 6 %ORFN ¶ 3ULFH $OH[DQGUD 0 0DLQHOOL ¶ DQG 6WHYHQ 3ULHV Barbara D. Prinzi 5REHUW / (0%$ ¶ DQG 7HUU\ 3ULWFKHWW Ruth A. Classen, ’52 and Kenneth N. Prochaska -DQH . .HQQHG\ ¶ DQG &KDUOHV 3URFWRU -XQH *URVV ¶ DQG 7RQ\ 3URP Francis F., ’51 and Viola Moeder, ’55 Prosser 6KDURQ 0 ¶ 0($ ¶ DQG *DOHQ 3UXHWW 6WHSKHQ - ¶ DQG 'LDQH 3U\RU 0DUFLD / (LVHQEDWK ¶ DQG )UDQN ( 3WDFHN 'U 0LFKDHO ( ¶ DQG &DQGDFH & 3XIDOO 'U 3HWHU % ¶ DQG $QQ ( 3XIDOO Bobbie J. Purley-Davis 5LFKDUG - ¶ DQG %DUEDUD - 3XUVFKNH 5REHUW - ¶ DQG 'HQLVH 3 3XUVFKNH 0LFKDHO % ¶ DQG 1RUPD ( 3XUVORZ Mark Puthuff :LOOLDP 7 3XWWKRII ¶

-RHOOHQ 0 (SSHUO\ ¶ DQG /RZHOO 3\OH 'U 'DYLG $ ¶ DQG 6WHSKDQLH 3\QH Billy and Jean Quade Craig and Cindy Quick Lillian C. Fisher Quigley, ’51 /XFLOH 0 0XUUD\ 4XLJOH\ ¶ &DUROH 2IIHQEXUJHU 4XLQQ ¶ 'DQLHO * ¶ DQG 6DUD / 7KRPDV ¶ 4XLQQ Marilyn F. Quinn 5REHUW / ¶ DQG -DQLFH : 4XLQQ 7KRPDV : ¶ DQG 0DU\ $ 4XLQQ 5LWD / /XQGVWURP ¶ DQG -RQ 4XLQWDQD +HOHQ &DVSHU ¶ DQG .LUN 4XLVWRUII Joann S. Schmidt Rackley, ’39 -R $QQ )HOWPDQQ 5DGHWLF ¶ 0DUN 6 ¶ DQG 0DU\ 5DGHWLF 'U 0LFKDHO ( 5DGHWLF ' ' 6 ¶ -RVHSK 3 ¶ DQG -XG\ 5DGLQ Frank Rahija Teresa Rains Matthew Ramsey, ’99 3DWULFLD / 5DQGDOO ¶ 'HERUD $ 0RRQH\ ¶ DQG 7RGG $ 5DQGHOO Donald V. Raplinger Michael K. Raplinger 9LFWRU * ¶ DQG 6DODP $ 5DVNRYVN\ 6KDQQRQ & $XJXVWLQH ¶ DQG John W. Rasmussen 'DYLG * ¶ DQG $JQHV 5DVXUH Donald and Martha Rasure $QGUHZ 6 ¶ DQG 0LFKDO 5DWNHZLF] Rosemarie Ratkey 6WHSKHQ 5 ¶ DQG 9LUJLQLD - %DUURQ ¶ 5DX Robert H. Rauf Norene R. Rauh +HUPDQ , 5DXWK ¶ :LOVRQ ¶ DQG %DUEDUD 5D\ Tony and Mary Ann Raynor Beverly Read Frederick K. Readman Lewis E., ’59 and Lucinda Real Rev. Patrick J. Rearden, O.P., ’53 &KHU\O $ 0($ ¶ DQG &UDLJ 5HGLQJ 'U 0LFKDHO - ¶ DQG +DQQD - 5HGLQJ $QQ ( 5HGPRQG ¶ +DWWLH 0 6KRRN 5HHYHV ¶ $QQHWWH 0 5HDUGRQ 5HJDQ ¶ (XJHQH 3 ¶ DQG 6KDURQ ( 5HJDQ Reggie and Louise Regenstein Thomas E. Regnary, ’53 Christopher W. Reh &RQVWDQFH 0 5HLFKDUW ¶ Donald and Joan Reichenberger 7RP : ¶ DQG .DWKOHHQ 5HLFKHQEHUJHU 5DOSK 3 5HLG ¶ Richard F. Reifers 0DU\ %HWK 'REVRQ 5HLII ¶ Rick A. Reigert -RKQ / ¶ DQG $OLFLD 5HLOO\ 'U -RKQ 3 ¶ DQG


%DUEDUD $ 0H\HU ¶ 5HLOO\ 3DWULFN - ¶ DQG .DUHQ $ %HOO ¶ 5HLOO\ 3DXO : ¶ DQG %UHQGD 5HLOO\ Therese P. Reilly Walter and Rolene Reinhardt Donna Reinig Thomas and Cindy Reischl Timothy J. Reischl Reising Bolt Family -RVHSK 5 ¶ DQG -DQH 5HLWHU Albert and Mary Jeanne Relic Relic Family - Clarence, Theresa, John, Marilyn and David Patricia F. Rellihan Beth Remedios 5RQDOG 9 5HSSOLQJHU ¶ Donald G., ’55 and 0DUJDUHW 0 *XOGH ¶ 5HWWHQPDLHU 5LFKDUG : ¶ DQG /L]EHWK : 5HWWLJ Julie Reuter Bruce and Suzanne Reynolds Mark and Ann Reynolds -RVHSK : 5H]QLN ¶ 5RVHPDU\ 9LYHURV 5KHLQEHUJHU ¶ 7KRPDV $ 5KHLQEHUJHU ¶ $QGUHD / 9RVV ¶ DQG 9LQFH 5LFH Jacqueline J. Rice Mary A. Boeding, ’54 and James W. Rice -HUHPLDK 6 ¶ DQG -HQQLIHU * :XQGHUO\ ¶ 5LFKDUGV Ida Swiderski Richardson, ’44 Kelly and Susan Richlin -XVWLQ 5 ¶ DQG 6WHSKDQLH ( =HOIHU ¶ 5LHFKHUV $QGUHZ 9 ¶ DQG 7UDF\ 5LHGHO 0DU\ $ +LOO ¶ DQG 5REHUW ( 5LHGHO Shonya and J. D. Riedel Frank and Martha Rieger Mildred I. Rieke Harold and Patricia Rieker -RKQ - ¶ DQG 'U 0DXUHHQ % 5LIIOH Michael and Imogene Rigdon Maurice W., ’52 and Rose Mary Strathman, ’53 Riley Ken H. Rinderknecht Patricia L. Eccher, ’52 and Barton Rindom 'U 5D\PRQG - ¶ DQG 0DU\ 0 0LOOHUHW ¶ 5LQJ Patricia A. Ringel 5REHUW ) ¶ DQG -R\FH 0 5LQJHO Rita M. Rinkenbaugh $XJXVWLQH * ¶ DQG .DWKOHHQ $ 5LROR 5REHUW ( ¶ DQG 9LUJLQLD 5LRUGDQ Angela Rios Gertrude S. Ament Ripley, ’44 Catherine A. Rippey, ’99 (ULF % 5LWWHQKRXVH (0%$ ¶ 'U -RKQ ( ¶ DQG .DWKOHHQ 5LWWHU Barbara J. O’Rourke Ritz, ’53 Victor Rivera

'U 5RQDOG $ ¶ DQG /LQGD ( 5L]]R Ellen Lister, ’54 and Richard Roach 'DYLG ( ¶ DQG 0DU\ & 5XSS ¶ 5REE Angela C. Roberson Harold Roberts June E. Roberts 0LFKDHO ' ¶ DQG $QQH 5REHUWV 6KHOE\ & ¶ DQG $O\VH 5REHUWV Theodore and Suzanne Roberts Tom Roberts Geraldine L. Robertson $O\QH 0 5RELQR ¶ Michael and Elsa Robinson -HDQ ( ¶ DQG 7KRPDV + 5RELVRQ 'U 5LFKDUG 0 ¶ DQG &DQGDFH - 5REO Kathryn Roblee Lincoln Roblee 5HY 5LFKDUG ' 5RFKD ¶ William and Margaret Roche Michel Rochon Peter and Jennifer Rochon Rudy and Judith Rockey Rockhurst University Physical Therapy, &ODVV RI Bunny Rodina and Tom Diester &HOHVWLQR 5RGULJXH] ¶ Michael and Linda Rodriguez 9LFWRULQR 5RGULJXH] (0%$ ¶ Sydney and Lynn Rodway Bill and Donna Roe David and Susanne Roeder 'U 0DU\ ( ¶ DQG -RKQ & 5RHVHOHU Dr. Joseph and Judy Roetheli )UDQFLV ; ¶ DQG (OL]DEHWK * +LUVFK ¶ 5RJDQ %ULDQ 0 (0%$ ¶ DQG &KULVW\ 5RJHUV &KDUOHV $ 5RJHUV ¶ &KDUOHV : ¶ DQG $QLWD 5RJHUV -RKQ / ¶ DQG .DWK\ 5RJHUV / -DPHV 5RK ¶ -DPHV 3 5RPH ¶ Ellen Valdez Romero, ’52 Michael and Kathy Romero 5LFKDUG % ¶ DQG /HDQQ :ROWHUV ¶ 5RPHUR Kenneth W., ’95 and Antonina M. Valdez, ’93 Romp Kirkland Rone Alan and Constance Ronnebaum Christine M. Ronnebaum, ’91 *LQD $ 5RQQHEDXP ¶ $QQ 0 5KHLQEHUJHU ¶ DQG 'DYLG $ 5RRG Kevin and Mary Rooney Michael and Janyce Rooney Robert and Kelly Roper Ron and Marta Roper 'U 7KRPDV $ ¶ DQG 6KHOO\ 5RVH Harvey and Vicky Roseberry -HURPH % ¶ DQG 'DUOD 5RVHOOH &KULVWRSKHU ' ¶ DQG &DURO\Q 5RVV Glenn and Marla Ross

-RKQ - 5RVV ¶ Joseph P., ’93 and Angela M. Ross /RUHWWD ) 'RZQH\ ¶ DQG - 0LFKDHO 5RVV $OLVD - )DUUHOO 5RWK ¶ Delbert R., ’54 and Donna M. Roth 5REHUW 5 ¶ DQG $QJHOD 0 +LFNPDQ ¶ 5RWK (OPHU $ ¶ DQG 'HORUHV 5RWWLQJKDXV (PPHWW - ¶ DQG .DWKOHHQ 5 :LQWHU ¶ 5RWWLQJKDXV 3K\OOLV $ 5RXVVHDX 0F&XQH ¶ DQG James McCune Paul and Carolyn Rowden Debbie Rowland Gretchen D. Roy %UHQGD / :HEHU ¶ DQG 'DYLG / 5R\HU 3HWHU 5 ¶ DQG 0DU\ / 5XELQHOOL William and Helen Ruby 'XDQH - 5XHE ¶ 1RHO $ 0($ ¶ DQG -HDQQHWWH 5XHE -R $QQH /DPPHUW ¶ DQG 'HQQLV - 5XHWKHU /LVD 0 5XIILQ ¶ DQG W. Bentley Ruffin-Edmonds Daniel Rujawitz C. W. and Aleene Rule 1DQF\ / 0F*DUJLOO ¶ DQG :LOOLDP 0 5XORQ $OPD +ROWKDXV 5XQQHEDXP ¶ *HUDOG : ¶ DQG 1DQF\ 5XQ\DQ William A. and Joan Rupp Nicholas and Jenny Ruppert -HUUH $ %DNHU ¶ DQG 'DQLHO ) 5XVK Cherry M. Russell Larry and Holly Russell Marvin and Wanda Russell Michael and Juliann Russo 0DU\ 0 &ROH ¶ DQG 0LNH 5XWKHIRUG Carrie J. Rutherford -RVHSK ) ¶ DQG 0DU\ + 5XWNRZVNL Valentine and Theresa Ruzick %DUEDUD $ (QJHOHPH\HU ¶ DQG 0DUN - ¶ 5\DQ H. Michael Ryan, ’52 -DPHV 3 ¶ DQG 'RURWKHD 0 5\DQ John Ryan John F. Ryan, Jr., ’39 Gerald and Jeanne Rziha Mariellen C. Cunningham Sabato, ’43 Marguerite C. Amador, ’54 and Norman Sachnik 3DXO ' ¶ DQG *HUDO\Q 0 *URWH ¶ 6DFKV 0DXUHHQ & *LEERQV 6DGRZVNL ¶ Kristin A. Sager Denise M. Koetting, ’94 and Chris J. Salanski :DOWHU : 6DOLVEXU\ ¶ 'DQLHO - ¶ DQG 7KHUHVH 0 %HQGHO ¶ 6DOO Peter and Barbara Salsich Bradley J. Sameshima, ’91 7KRPDV 0 ¶ DQG $QJHOLQH % 6DPS &DURO $ 6PLWK ¶ DQG -RKQ $ 6DPSOH Richard and Audrey Samuels


$QQHWWH 0 'HPDUV ¶ DQG 'DYLG / 6DQGHIXU -RVHSK $ ¶ DQG 0DULH ( 6DQGHU /LOOLDQ 6LHYH 6DQGHUV ¶ 'U 5HOLIRUG 7 6DQGHUV ¶ DQG Dr. Karen Eley Sanders Diann M. Sandridge James and Constance Sanduski Rafael and Mariana Santa Maria 5LFKDUG : ¶ DQG 5XWK $ 6DQWQHU David and Karen Sapenoff Stephen A., ’55 and Patricia M. Dorney, ’55 Sasenick 5REHUW + 6DXFLHU ¶ Douglas and Susan Scalard -DPHV & 6FDQORQ ¶ 5RQDOG $ ¶ DQG -DQHW 6DNDO\ ¶ 6FKDFKWQHU -RVHSK / ¶ DQG -R\FH 6FKDHIHU Patrick and Jeannine Schaefer Louis and Theresa Schafer -DFN 6 ¶ DQG 0DWULFH :LOOHUGLQJ ¶ 6FKDIHUV Gary and Carolyn Schamburg Larry and Dorothy Scheafer 3KLOOLS 5 ¶ DQG 7HUUL 6FKHHUHU David and Stephanie Scheid -DPHV ( ¶ DQG :HQG\ 6FKHLG Mark and Mary Scheipeter David and Donna Schempp 0DU\ / (USHOGLQJ ¶ DQG +DUROG 6FKHRSQHU 'HDQQD )HOGW ¶ DQG -RKQ 3 6FKHUHU 3DXO 0 ¶ DQG *HUU\ + 6FKHUHU David and Cheryln Scheu James M. and Jeanne A. Schibig 0DWWKHZ 7 6FKLHEHU ¶ Ronald and Stephanie Schieber /LQGD 0 'HWHUV ¶ DQG 0DUN 6FKLHIHUHFNH 0DU\ 6FKLHIHUHFNH ¶ -DPHV 5 ¶ DQG 0DU\ & .UDPHU ¶ 6FKLHU 5LWD 0XUSK\ 6FKLHUHU ¶ Shirley A. Schilling +DUU\ - ¶ DQG 'RQQD 6FKLOOLQJHU Brenda Schindler -RKQ 5 ¶ DQG 9LFNL 6FKLQGOHU Dale F. and Caroline K. Schippers .XUW 0 0($ ¶ DQG 6DUDK 3HUGXH ¶ 6FKODQNHU -RVHSK $ ¶ DQG 0DU\ ( 6FKOHLFKHU Gena Schleimer /HR 5 6FKORVVHU ¶ Edward and Ann Schlueter Andrew G., ’91 and 6X]DQQH ( %URP ¶ 6FKPLGW $UQROG & ¶ DQG 3DWULFLD & 6FKPLGW 'HQLV - 6FKPLGW ¶ Don J. and Carol E. Schmidt Dr. Jerome P., ’49 and Pamela M. Schmidt John and Elsa Schmidt Kyle J., ’91 and Julie A. Schmidt Dr. Garret and Laura Schmidt Terrance C. and Delores Schmidt 'LDQH 0 %HDYHQ ¶ DQG

Edward R. Schmiedeke Fred J., ’55 and Ann E. Schmiedeler John L., ’52 and Rosemary Kinsella, ’52 Schmiedeler 0DU\ - 6FKPLWW ¶ 0DWWKHZ - ¶ DQG (GQD 6FKPLWW &KDUOHV - ¶ DQG (ODLQH 0 6FKPLW] 'HQQLV ( 6FKPLW] ¶ *UHWFKHQ 0 3ORHKQ 6FKPLW] ¶ Norbert G. Schmitz, ’49 6WHSKDQLH / +HUPDQ ¶ DQG Benedict R. Schmitz Martin and Maria Schnabel 'RXJODV - ¶ DQG 0DU\ ' +DOO ¶ 6FKQHLGHU Joe and Norma Schneider Kelly and Ann Schneider Rick and Lori Schneider :LOOLDP / 6FKQHLGHU ¶ :\DWW 1 ¶ DQG /DXUD 6FKQHLGHU -HDQQH 7 .HLWK 6FKQXUU ¶ Daniel and Susan Schoenecker Jeanne S. Schreck Schofield, ’45 Trevor and Kristie Scholz +DUROG ) 6FKRUQ ¶ &KULVWRSKHU / ¶ DQG -DQHW / 6FKRWWHO 5DOSK - ¶ DQG 0DU\ . +ROOH ¶ 6FKUDPS Robert and H. Jean Schreffler :D\QH 5 ¶ DQG 0DU\ ( 6FKUHLQHU James and Pamela Schrick Randy and Mary Schrick :LOOLDP % ¶ DQG 7LQD 0 +R\QDFNL ¶ 6FKULPSI $QQH 0 'RXJKHUW\ ¶ DQG *DU\ 7 6FKURHGHU %HWW\ 6FKURHGHU ¶ Donna L. Schroeder Mary L. Kreuzberg Wichert, ’52 and Joe Schroer Stephen and Dolores Schroff Martha Compton Schuckenbrock Dr. George and Judy Schudy 3DWULFLD + +HOOLQJHU ¶ DQG 5RELQ & 6FKXG\ 0HJDQ ( .HDWLQJ ¶ DQG -HIIHU\ 6FKXHOH 'RQDOG 5 ¶ DQG 0DXUHHQ 0F/DXJKOLQ ¶ 6FKXHULQJ &KULVWLQH 0 =HOOHU 6FKXHW] ¶ 'DQLHO / ¶ DQG /LQGD 6FKXHW] )UDQFHV & %LQJHUW 6FKXHW] ¶ 'U (PPHWW ( ¶ DQG Mary Ann C. Zavadil, ’59 Schulte 0DU\ ( 6FKXOWH 0DXO ¶ DQG 7KRPDV 0DXO 1HLO - ¶ DQG 0DUVKD 6FKXOWH James and Patti Schultz -DPHV : ¶ DQG 'RURWK\ - 6FKXOW] Theodore J., ’55 and Catherine E. Costa, ’55 Schultz Robert J. and Sandra Schumm -RKQ ( ¶ DQG -RDQ 0 )DQJPDQ ¶ 6FKXVWHU Leo and Susanne Schutzenhofer Mary A. Wallerstedt Schwab, ’41 C. Frederick Schwaner Dennis and Sharon Schwarzer

George A. Schwetz Kelly Schwetz Linda Schwinn 0DWWKHZ - ¶ DQG 0LNNL / 7LEDOGR ¶ 6FLED -RVHSK 6FLJOLDQR ¶ Todd and Cathy Scofield Elizabeth A. Scott Mary J. Scott Tom and Diane Scott 'U 9LQFHQW & 6FX]]R 0 ' ¶ Donald C. Seaman <YRQQH 0 'H.H\VHU 6HDUOV ¶ Mary L. Sebel 0DXUHHQ 3 'Z\HU 6HEXV ¶ 'DQLHO 7 ¶ DQG 9LFNL 6HGODFHN -DPHV 7 ¶ DQG .DWKU\Q $ 6HHEHUJHU Raymond and Julie Seefeldt Dennis and Mary Segebart *DU\ - ¶ DQG *ORULD $ 6HLE Bernadette and Jim Seikel 'RQDOG ¶ DQG 3DWULFLD 6HLOHU John and Reine Seiler Janet Selby David G., ’94 and Marisol R. Perido, ’94 Sellinger 5REHUW $ ¶ DQG 'RULV 6HPSHN Robert J. Senecal $\URQ 0 6HTXHLUD ¶ Frank and Delores Serrone Larry J. Servaes 0DU\ $QQ & 1LHEHUGLQJ ¶ DQG -DPHV 6HVODU Ralph A., ’52 and Shirley Settle .LPEHUO\ $ 6PLWK ¶ DQG -DPHV $ 6HW]HNRUQ Rev. George A. Seuferling, ’52 -DPHV DQG 5REHUWD 6H[WRQ 0DU\ . &R\QH 6H[WRQ ¶ .HOO\ ( .HDWLQJ ¶ DQG 'DYLG 6H[WUR 6DPXHO / ¶ DQG )UDQ 6H\OHU Steven and Teresa Shaad Fred and Betty Shade John and Nancy Shambaugh 6XVDQ 0 3IHLIHU 6KDPPR ¶ &KULVWRSKHU ( ¶ DQG 5HEHFFD $ +ROWKDXV ¶ 6KDQN 6KDURQ . 6PDUW ¶ DQG %ULDQ 6KDZ :LOOLDP 6 ¶ DQG %UHQGD < 6PLWK ¶ 6KDZ %HWW\ $ 1HPPHUV ¶ DQG $ 6WHYH 6KHD Thomas and Doreen Shea 3DWULFLD ) %XWOHU ¶ DQG 'HQQLV 7 6KHDUQ *HUDOG 3 ¶ DQG 3DWULFLD 7 6KHHKDQ 3DWULFLD 0XUSK\ ¶ DQG 5REHUW / 6KHHWV *DU\ / 6KHOE\ ¶ James A. and Mary M. Sheldon Alan and Eva Sheley (OL]DEHWK 0 7RUOLQH ¶ DQG $ODQ - 6KHSKHUG Joe and Jennifer Sheridan 'RXJODV : ¶ DQG /HVOLH $ 0XOOLQV ¶ 6KHYOLQ David J., ’54 and Jeanette G. Shields 0LFKDHO - 6KLHOGV ¶

Don Shiffermiller Laura L. Shiffermiller Linda S. Shinn $QWKRQ\ - ¶ DQG -R\ / 6KRPLQ *HRUJH : ¶ DQG -R\FH 6KRPLQ Michael Shomin Family Ernest and Doris Shonka 5HEHFFD , /DQGZHKU ¶ DQG Thomas G. Shrimplin Clare and Julia Shriwise 'U 7KRPDV / ¶ DQG &HOLQD $ 6KULZLVH Pauline W. Woolston, ’41 and George W. Shuck 6X]\ / 6KXSH ¶ )UDQN - ¶ DQG -HDQQH 0 7D\ORU ¶ 6LHEHUW &RQVWDQFH 0 (UW] 6LHINHQ ¶ 0DUN % ¶ DQG $QQ 6LHU]DQW Richard D., ’51 and Anna Silha George J. Silovsky, ’55 5REHUW ¶ DQG 6XVDQ 0 6LPDQRZLW] *HUDOG 5 ¶ DQG (YD ( 6LPHFND )UHGHULF 0 ¶ DQG /RUL 6LPPHQV Genevieve Simmens Edward and Jana M. Simon )UDQN : ¶ DQG -XGLWK ( 6LPRQLFK Raymond E. and Paula S. Simonich George and Dorothy Simpson Tom and Ellen Simpson 7DVKD 6 %UDQGW ¶ DQG -DPHV 6LPSVRQ 5LFKDUG + ¶ DQG 6KHLOD ) 6LPV Bob and Jeannine Sinak Joseph and JoAnn Sind .DWKU\Q $ 6LQH ¶ -DPHV ( ¶ DQG 3DWULFLD 6LQQHU 0DUOHQH ( +DYHUNDPS 6LQQRWW ¶ Kenneth P. and Mary Sittenauer 5HY (XJHQH ( 6LW]PDQQ ¶ 0LFKDHO ( ¶ DQG $UDFHO\ ) 6LW]PDQQ 0LNDHO 6MREHUJ ¶ -DPHV 5 ¶ DQG 0DUWKD - &ODUN ¶ 6NDLQ Marie P. Skain Mary Ann Carney, ’51 and Paul Skolaut Helen A. Skradski 3DWULFN $ ¶ DQG &KHOVH\ ' 'LOORQ ¶ 6ODSH 'U 'DYLG 7 ¶ DQG 6XH $ 6ODWHU James C. and Linda Slattery Kevin M., ’99 and Emilie Slattery 7KRPDV ( ¶ DQG .DWKDULQH . 6ODWWHU\ &DURO\Q 0 %HUJPDQ 6ODXJKWHU ¶ Bruce and Jennifer Slimmer (OL]DEHWK $ +UXVND ¶ DQG 3DXO $ 6ORERGQLN -XOLDQ 6ORZLQVNL ¶ 5 &KULVWRSKHU 6PDOO ¶ Bruce and Kathy Smilie $QQH 2 2¶'RQQHOO ¶ DQG *OHQQ - 6PLWK Bradley and Julie Smith Brian K. Smith Diana Smith (OL]DEHWK . 0RQDKDQ ¶ DQG 3KLOLS - 6PLWK Eugene J., ’55 and Marilyn K. Smith Francis P., ’59 and Geraldine A. Smith

Gary and Julie Smith -HDQQH 0 'H:LWW ¶ DQG 'DQLHO - 6PLWK -RDQ . :ROIUDP ¶ DQG 5REHUW / 6PLWK Kevin and Carol Smith Lawrence W. and Helen M. Smith Joseph and Marcella Smith Margaret L. Donovan Smith, ’59 Margery Laughlin, ’51 and Robert M. Smith 0DU\ $ +DOGRUVHQ ¶ DQG (UQHVW / 6PLWK Michael and Susan Smith 3DXO 0 ¶ DQG -HZHOO 0 6PLWK Paul and Michelle Smith 3HWHU ( ¶ DQG &KHU\O + 6PLWK Ronald and Juanita Smith Rosemary and Pam Smith 6HDPXV 3 6PLWK ¶ Dr. William C., ’53 and Joyce A. Smith :HQGHOO & ¶ (0%$ ¶ DQG Chasity K. Snodgrass -R\FH $ +HLGHPDQ ¶ DQG 5RJHU 6QRZGHQ Patricia Snowden John and Joan Snyder /DXUD 0 6Q\GHU ¶ 0LFKDHO ) 6REHN ¶ 7KHUHVD - =LOOHV ¶ DQG 6REHUDQR Dr. Eric G. Sollars -DPHV ' ¶ DQG 0DU\ ( 0RQWJRPHU\ ¶ 6RORSHUWR Raymond and Margaret Sonnenberg -RVHSK - ¶ DQG - 9DOHUD 'R\OH ¶ 6RYFLN Larry and Shirley Spain 0DU\ & +XUOD ¶ DQG 'RXJODV 6SDQJOHU 3KLOLSSLQD 0 6SHLVH ¶ Steven A. Speise Dan and Jane Spencer Robert and Sandra Spencer 'RQDOG - ¶ DQG 5XWK 6SHQQHU 5RVH 0 0HLQKDUGW ¶ DQG $ODQ / 6SLFHU 'U (GZLQ - ¶ DQG 'RURWK\ - 'DYLGVRQ ¶ 6SLFND 0LFKDHO * ¶ DQG -HDQ 0 .DKQ ¶ 6SLHJHO :LOOLDP - ¶ DQG 6KDURQ / 6SLHJHOKDOWHU Jordan P. Spinharney Robert and Sharon Spinharney Dolores Spinuzzi Charlotte E. Schmidt, ’55 and A. J. Splawn Dale R. Spoehr 0LFKDHO 6SRHKU ¶ DQG -DFTXHOLQH 0RUDOHV ¶ Louis and Lisa Spohr Marianne Sportsman 0DU\ -DQH 7XUQHU ¶ DQG &DOYLQ 6SUDGOH\ 3DWULFLD $ &DYDQDJK 6SUDJXH ¶ Karen M. Sprugel Marian Squires Elizabeth K. Schlueter, ’99 and Dr. Edward Sri Dr. Richard D. J. St. Clair 0DU\ & 6WDFK\UD ¶ Robert and Helen Stack Gerald and Mikey Stafford Robert and Joan Staley

/DXUD 6WDOOEDXPHU ¶ 'U 6WHSKHQ - 6WDPERXJK 3K ' ¶ &DURO $ &KRSS ¶ DQG *DU\ 6WDPP -RQ 0 ¶ DQG -HQQLIHU / )DXONQHU ¶ ¶ 6WDPPHUV Fred Stanbrough Adam Stanley -XVWLQ 5 ¶ DQG 3DWULFLD $ 5LWFKLH ¶ 6WDQOH\ Florence R. Stapleton Mary Ann Stark .HOO\ 0 .RYDF ¶ DQG .HYLQ 6WDUNH\ Kari B. Starnes Jim and Judy Starr $QGUHD / 0H\HU ¶ DQG William A. Staudenmaier &DWKHULQH $ 0RRUH ¶ DQG -DPHV 5 6WDXVV Donna Stec and Family Dr. Joseph M. and Mary K. Stech 'DQLHO - 6WHIIHQV ¶ (YHO\Q 0 'ROO ¶ DQG $OIUHG ) 6WHLPHO .HQW % 6WHLQEUXHFN ¶ 5REHUW ) ¶ DQG 6XVDQ 6WHLQHU 5RJHU : ¶ DQG /LVD & 6WHLQHU Timothy and Mary Beth Steinkoenig -DPHV ) 6WHMVNDO ¶ George Stelljes -RVHSK * ¶ DQG 0DUOHQH 0 6WHQJHU -DPHV - ¶ DQG 5RVHPDU\ 6WHSKDQ Jennifer L. Stephens -HIIUH\ 1 DQG 0D[LQH 6WHSKHQVRQ Joshua N., ’99 and 0LVW\ $ 0F%ULGH ¶ 6WHSKHQVRQ Martha L. Koehler Sterner, ’49 : 3DWULFN ¶ DQG 1DQF\ 6WHUQHU Dolores Zimmerman Stessman, ’52 Jeffrey and Christine Stevens Mary B. Kochevar, ’41 and Bradford V. Stevens 'DQLHO & ¶ DQG /LOOLDQ . 0XOGRRQ ¶ 6WHZDUW Laura P. Stewart Jerome F. Stiefvater Michael Stigman Jeanie M. Ryan, ’51 and George C. Stiles James and Irma Stillwell 0DUJDUHW 0 6WRKU ¶ J. Thomas and Rebecca Stokes Peter and Marcie Stokman 3KLOOLS . ¶ DQG 0DULVXH . .X]LOD ¶ 6WROO Allen and Maureen Stone Morris and Celeste Stoops Gary and Janice Storm Lisa G. Stovin (ULF - ¶ (0%$ ¶ DQG 3DWULFLD 6WUDWKPDQ :LOOLDP ) 6WUDWKPDQ ¶ Katie Stratman Michael J. Stratton )UDQFHV - 7KZHDWW ¶ DQG -DPHV 6WULHE\ $QLWD 6WULHJHO ¶ -HUU\ : 6WUXQN ¶ 'DYLG 3 ¶ DQG &DUOHQH $ /HWFKHU ¶ 6WXHYH

Joseph E., ’54 and Judy M. Stueve Eugene and Rebecca Stuhlsatz George and Elly Stump †Darla D. Sturdevant John F. and Marigene Suellentrop -DVRQ / ¶ DQG 6KHUUL / 6KRQND ¶ 6XHOWHU -RKQ - ¶ DQG 3DWW\ - 6XKRODVNL %ULGJHW $ 0LOOHU ¶ DQG -HUHP\ 6XLWRU Arthur and Rosemary Sullivan 'DUOD 0 :ROFRWW ¶ DQG 0DUN 7 6XOOLYDQ 0DUN 5 ¶ DQG -DQH 0 0F%ULGH ¶ 6XOOLYDQ 7HUUHQFH 5 ¶ ‚ DQG *OHQGD . 6XOOLYDQ William J. Sullivan 5LFKDUG . ¶ DQG 3DPHOD 6 3HWHUVRQ ¶ 6XPPHUV Naomi R. Sumner 5RVHPDU\ 9 +XJKHV 6XPSWHU ¶ &ROHWWH & &KDQJ ¶ DQG 6KDQ & 6XQ -DPHV & ¶ DQG $QQD 6XQGX *HUYD ( 6XQQHEHUJ ¶ Janice I. Supple Terry and Trish Supple Mary E. Lynes, ’52 and Anthony Suso Mark and Lynda Sutrina Charles Sutulovich :DOWHU $ ¶ DQG 9LUJLQLD 0 6YRERGD $QGUHZ ' ¶ DQG 6DUDK 0 +HQU\ ¶ 6ZDIIRUG Larry and Anna Swafford Nancy C. Christenson Swan, ’41 David and Susan Swanson Dennis Sweeney Joseph, Linda, Michael and Laura Sweeney 3DWULFLD $ 3HWHUVRQ 6ZHHQH\ ¶ Donna L. Sweida -RKQ % ¶ DQG &RQQLH $ 6]F]HSDQLN 'DYLG - ¶ DQG 3DWULFLD $ 0RKDWW ¶ 6]RWW Donald T., ’91 and Margaret Mary Tabor 0DULD ( 9LJOLDWXUR 7DERU ¶ 0DU\ - 6WHZDUW ¶ DQG 'RQDOG ( ¶ ‚ 7DERU Judith Ferrell, ’53 and William A. Taggart Frederick A. Tallmadge, ’45 'DYLG ) DQG -RDQ / /HQHKDQ ¶ 7DPEOLQJ Emmett Tangeman 5LFKDUG + ¶ DQG /DLQH ( 7DQJHPDQ James B., ’55 and Sharon Tank Thomas and Cheryl Tanner James and Joan Taphorn Rev. Joseph C. Taphorn, ’93 Mike and Donna Taphorn /XFDV 0 ¶ DQG &DWKHULQH 0 6LJOH ¶ 7DSSDQ 3DXO - ¶ DQG $QQH ( 7DUVNL /DXUD . 7DXEH ¶ 3DWULFLD / *RVFKH 7DYDUHV ¶ %DUEDUD $ 1RUWRQ ¶ DQG Ronald K. Tavernaro Barry C. Taylor Cari A. Baughman, ’93 and Mike J. Taylor Elizabeth A. Taylor

Hurshel R. Taylor Kimberly L. Wohlgemuth, ’91 and Chris Taylor 3DXO 0 7D\ORU œ 'XQFDQ ( 7HDJXH œ Ted Dinggs Family CW3 Jack E. Teegarden, (Ret), ’51 Marjorie M. Tello Robert W. Temm /7& -DPHV 0 œ DQG 0DULH . &DWKHUV œ 7HQQDQW William R. and Dorothy E. Tennant Gary and Patricia Terschluse Jeffrey G. Tettamble, ’94 -RKQ * œ DQG $QQ 0 7HWWDPEOH DQG )DPLO\ John Teuscsher Phillip and Rebecca Thacker Vincent and Louise Tharp Randy and Mura Thatcher A. W. and Virginia Thedinga Robert L. Thedinger $ODQ 3 œ DQG &\QWKLD ' 7KLEDXOW )UDQFLV & œ DQG 1DQF\ / 7KLVVHQ Eric T. Thoele Thomas and Mary Thoele /LQGD 0 6WHHOH œ DQG 0LFKDHO ( 7KRP Clinton and Jane Thomas Kenna M. Thomas 0DQGD 6 /HH œ DQG &KDG ' 7KRPDV 0DULD $ 5LOH\ œ DQG :LOOLDP ' 7KRPDV Mary A. Thomas Mary K. Thomas Ramona E. Thomas Stephen and Diann Thomas 'U 7HUHQFH 0 œ DQG $QLWD 0 %HW]HQ œ 7KRPDV Thomas and Becky Thomas Brian and Ann Thomason Carole F. Thomason Arlene R. Thompson Charles and Karen Thompson Charles W. Thompson Kennard and Collene Thompson Mary A. Thompson 3DWULFN + 7KRPSVRQ œ 5RJHU ) œ DQG -XG\ 7KRPSVRQ 6HDQ 0 œ DQG -XOLH + 6WRGGDUW œ 7KRPSVRQ 6WHSKHQ & 7KRPSVRQ œ 'U 7KRPDV 1 œ DQG 6DUDK $ 7KRPSVRQ 7LPRWK\ - œ DQG 6XVDQ 0 7KRPSVRQ Tom K. and Susan Thompson 'DYLG 3 œ DQG 5HJLQD $XVWLQ œ 7KRUQWRQ James and Margo Thornton 0DULRQ / œ DQG 'HQLVH 7KRUQWRQ :LOOLDP 5 œ DQG 5R]HWWD 7KRUQWRQ &UDLJ 6 7KRUSH œ Michael Throop Margaret Moslander, ’55 and John J. Thull Virginia K. Thull Joseph and Mary Thum

5LWD 0 (Q]EUHQQHU œ DQG 'RQDOG 7KXUQ Patricia D. Tierney Richard and Jane Tilghman 5RVDOLH 0 :XUW] œ DQG 7KRPDV 7LPOLQ Betty L. Becker Timmerman, ’55 Ernest W. Timmons, Jr. 6WHSKHQ ' œ DQG &ODUD % 7LPPRQV Douglas and Catherine Timpe James C. Timpe Ronald C. Timpe Seth Timpe Sharlene Tipken W. Elaine Barnes Tittsworth, ’51 Dr. Arkom and Libda Tivorsak Janet A. Tluscik David and Lucille Tobben 0DULDQQH /DVK œ DQG *HRUJH 7RELDV William E., ’51 and Beverly Todhunter Bill and Mary Toepfer Joseph P. Toigo Gaylord and Flonnie Toll Karolyn A. Tomasic -HDQ % 7RQMH (0%$ œ Deborah A. Tooley -DPHV 5 œ DQG -RDQ 0 0RRQH œ 7RSOLFDU $QWKRQ\ ) œ DQG 9LUJLQLD 7RUFKLD Stephen J. Torline, ’93 3DXO 0 7RUQHWWR œ Roman and Delia Torres 5R[DQD 6 %UDGOH\ œ DQG *HRUJH ‚ 7RVWHUXG &KDUORWWH * 7RVWL œ Thomas Tousignant 3DWULFLD $ .HOO\ 7RZHU œ 9LFDULR / 7UDF\ œ John R. Traffas 0DULO\Q $ 6ZRERGD 7UDIIDV œ Molly Traffas Dr. Corey A. Trease $QWKRQ\ $ œ DQG 0DU\ - 7UHPPHO 5REHUW : œ DQG -XGLWK 7URFNH Patricia J. Faricy, ’52 and Silvio Troisi Edward E. and Debra Trompeter Thomas E., ’53 and Cecelia Trompeter Lionel G., ’55 and Eileen Trujillo 0LOWRQ 0 œ DQG 0DUJDUHW - *RHKO œ 7UXMLOOR Mary Ann Trzok Vincent B. Tseng, ’59 (YD 5 .XFHUD œ DQG (GZDUG - 7XFKROVNL L. Patrick, ’53 and Flora Tucker 'U 0LFKDHO - œ DQG /LQGD 7XHWK Robert and Beverly Tumberger :DWDQHH &RYDYLVDUXFK œ DQG Virachai Tunnitisupawong Dr. Thomas R. and Anne Turnbaugh -HIIUH\ 6 7XUQHU œ -RVHSK / 7XUQHU œ -RVHSK 3 œ DQG 0DXUHHQ % %URSK\ œ 7XUQH\ Thomas and Kathleen Turntine

Don and Rosie Turpin Charlene Stessman, ’53 and Allan Twark 0DUFHQH 5 =LPPHUPDQ œ DQG Richard D. Twark 'DQLHO 3 œ DQG 1DQF\ . 7ZHHG\ /LVD 0 œ DQG 0DUN 7ZRPEO\ :LOOLDP $ œ DQG &DURO $ 7\UND *HRUJH + 8QGHUZRRG œ Mike and Lisa Unterreiner Jerry and Bernadette Urban Jack Urban Jim and Raynette Urban Mary Kay and Ken Urban Michael and Katherine Urbik Ralph and Joanne Urevich James and Wendy Urkevich Tony and Liesel Urkevich Benedict and Elizabeth Ursanic Mary Vaio Raquel Valdez, ’91 Terry and Patsy Valliant 'DQLHO ( œ DQG 6KHU\O 9DQ $QQH 5REHUW + 9DQ 'H &UHHN œ M. James and Peggy Van Dyke Brian and Lauri Van Leer Catherine Van Compernolle 9DQ 5\FNHJKHP œ Kenneth M., ’91 and Julietta M. Eifler, ’91 Van Speybroeck Mary C. Vanatta Nick Vancas Dr. Donald and Jean Vanderfeltz R. David Vandergriff and Susan Smith-Vandergriff Kevin and Mary J. VanDyke Mark and Terri VanDyke Fred and Terry VanNahmen 0LFKDHO 3 œ DQG &DWKOHHQ ( 9DUHO Samuel Varghese 7HUHVH / 2UOHW œ DQG 'DYLG - 9DUJR Margaret A. Bigelow, ’93 and Joel B. Vaslow 6DQGUD - &RQUR\ 9DXJKQ œ Victor and Marjorie Velasquez Helen Verbeck -RKQ . œ DQG 1DQF\ $ 9HUQRQ Stephen and Lucille Vertin 1LFKRODV - 9HU]LQR œ $ODQ - œ DQG -HDQ 0 :HW]HO œ 9LFNHUV 6WHYHQ 5 œ DQG =LOGHWH 6 9LOYHQV 0DUN $ œ DQG 'RULV $ 9LQFHQW Frank and Marilyn Viscek Mark and Patty Vishnefske )UDQFLV 0 œ DQG /X] (OHQD 9LWW Walter and Pauline Vitt 9LQFHQW - œ DQG 3DXOLQD 6 9ODVLF John J. Vocker -RVHSK 3 œ DQG 3DWULFLD 0 0F&XOORXJK œ 9RGD Charles Vogel 9LQFHQW ' œ DQG 0DULD * 9RJOHU

Joseph and Susan Vogliardo 5LFKDUG & œ DQG &DURO -DFREV œ ‚ 9RJW Robert and Martha Vogt Robert A. Vogt John and Barbara Volk Michael and Kathleen Volker Douglas and Sharon K. Volkman Edward J., ’95 and Lynda Volkman Francelaine G. Gorman Voltz, ’44 5DQGDO - œ DQG 6XVDQ ( &ODUN œ 9RO] John and Lori VonDollen Gary and Bonnie Vontz :DOWHU - œ DQG 5HQHH 9RRUKLHV /HR ) œ DQG /LQGD 9RUZHUN 6DPXHO - 9RVV œ Kenneth and Elizabeth Vyvlecka 5LFKDUG ( œ DQG 6DOO\ +HQQHVV\ œ :DFKWHO Charles and Marianne Wadle %RQQLH - œ DQG 'DQLHO / :DJQHU %ULDQ $ œ DQG $P\ 0 %DWOLQHU œ :DJQHU Sara B. Smith, ’59 and Robert Wagner Liz Wahlert Anthony G. Waite, ’51 6KDURQ 4XLUN œ DQG -RVHSK :DOEUDQ 'DYLG ' œ DQG 7KHUHVD :DONHU James and Jeanette Walker 5H[ $ :DONHU William and Shirley Wall David Wallack /\QQ $ *LOOHVSLH œ DQG 3HWHU :DOOHU Thomas J., ’59 and Catherine A. Devlin, ’59 Waller Casey and Jane Walsh /DZUHQFH 3 :DOVK œ 'U 0DU\ 0 :DOVK œ 3DWULFN 0 œ DQG 1DQF\ $ :DOVK William F. Walsh 'DYLG / :DOWHPDWK œ 0LFKDHO ( œ DQG %RQQLH :DOWHPDWK Candie K. Walter .DWKU\Q ' 0RUULVVH\ œ DQG -RH :DOWHU Steven and Randi Walters James and Judith Walton Donald K. Wansing Leslie M. Wansing Lawrence and Joan Ward )UHGHULFN - œ DQG /RXLVH - :DUG Karen Ward Stephen M. Ward Rev. Thomas J. Ward, ’55 Richard M. Waris 0DU\ 7 6HLEROG œ DQG 0DUN ) :DUQDFN 0DUJDUHW $ 6DPSVRQ œ DQG *UHJRU\ :DUQXV] +DUG\ 5 œ DQG &DURO - :DVKLQJWRQ Bill and Renee Waterfield Loren and Kathy Waterman Michael and Bunnie Watkins Richard and Lori Watkins 6X]DQQH :KHHOHU :DWW œ

&KDUOHV - œ DQG 0DU\ 5 5HLFKHQEDFK œ :DYDGD Victor F. Wavada, ’41 Jeffery and Kathryn Weaver $QLWD 0 6LHEHUW œ DQG 7KRPDV ) :HEHU Gerald and Tina Weber /RUL $ 6Z\PHOHU :HEHU œ Mary C. Weber Rod and Barbara Weckman 5REHUW % :HHG œ 3KLOLS - œ DQG -XGLWK $ :HJPDQ (ULFK - :HLGQHU œ *HUHO\Q +ROOLQJVZRUWK :HLO œ -DPHV - œ DQG &DURO :HLODQG :LOOLDP - œ DQG 0DUMRULH :HLV Donald E., ’59 and Donna M. Weise Geraldine Weishaar *HUDUG - œ DQG -DQH ) :HLVKDDU Marcelline Weishaar Marlene M. Weishaar Beverly J. Weishar Doyle J. Weishar Gregory S. Weishar Judy K. Weishar Jonathan and Judith Weisiger Kevin and Patricia Welch Dr. Lauren and Dr. Maura Welch Terry and Patti Welch Rose M. Weldon Kate Wellenstein %HYHUO\ . 0D\URVH œ DQG -DPHV 0 :HOOV Mary E. Kuhlman, ’54 and Robert Welsh -DQHW 0 :HQJHUW œ Jennifer L. Wenski 3LSHU ( :HQW] 0$6/ œ -DQHOOH / 6WUDWKPDQ œ DQG 5LFN :HQ]O Shirlee J. Varin Werba, ’52 *DU\ 6 :HUQHU œ 0HOYLQ % œ DQG -XGLWK $ :HUQHU Terry and Laurie Werner Donald and Glenda Wernert Mary C. Werring -DPHV $ :HUWK œ -RKQ 6 :HUWK œ Darron and Sheri Wessel 'DYLG ( œ DQG -HDQ :HVW James West Jeani West -DPHV ) œ DQG (OOHQ ( :HVWHUKDXV Tom and Patty Westfall 6WDQOH\ * œ DQG 0DULND\ :HVWKRII Rev. Msgr. John H. Westhues, ’44 †Francis P. Weston, ’54 'DQLHO - œ DQG /\QHWWH / :HWWD (PPHWW & œ DQG 0DUOR 3HUU\PDQ œ :HWWD Robert and Laura Wetzel Catherine Whalen Dr. Stephen and Teresa Wheatley 0DU\ % :KHHOHU œ (GZDUG / œ DQG -DQHW :KLWH


0DU\ & 2œ&RQQRU œ DQG -DPHV : :KLWH Thomas G. and Katherine White Francis M., ’49 and Mary E. Whitesell Vernon and Dorothy Whitney Stephanie Wiber 'U 5REHUW - œ DQG 3DWULFLD :LFNHQKHLVHU 'HQLVH 0 %HDYHQ œ DQG -HII :LFNHU Keith and Anne Wiedenkeller &DWKHULQH 0 :LHJDQG œ Richard P. Wike Ronald and Debra Wilczak Greg and Deborah Wilhelm Les D. and Rosemary A. Wilkerson Mary E. Williams Wilkins, ’52 Johneta L. Wille 5RQDOG & œ DQG 0DGHOHLQH = :LOOHQEURFN Billy and Judith Williams &DWKHULQH ( 2YHUEH\ œ DQG (GZDUG :LOOLDPV Chris and Patricia Williams Jay H. Williams 'U -RVHSK - œ DQG %HWV\ 0 :LOOLDPV 6XVDQ 5 3ULQVWHU :LOOLDPV œ 9LFWRULD %RNLQD œ DQG 0LFKDHO ' :LOOLDPV Bryan P., ’93 and Lisa A. Griffin, ’91 Willie Christopher B., ’91 and Tracy L. Willie Martin B., ’91 and Heather A. Willie Richard K. and Colleen L. Willie Wendell and Kathleen Willis $QQ ) %LVKRS œ DQG /DUU\ :LOONHWW Kristin L. Willsey Timothy and Gina Wilmering David L. Wilmesherr Mark and Kathy Wilmoth Barbara R. Wilson 0DUN 3 œ (0%$ œ DQG %HWK :LOVRQ 0DUWKD - 'XGOH\ œ DQG 6WHYHQ :LOVRQ œ Carol Winder Lester and Mary Winder Mark and Cyreesa Windsor Jon and Kathleen Winegardner Velma R. Wing $QJHOLQH 0 2KOLQJHU :LQJHUW œ -HUHP\ 3 œ DQG (OL]DEHWK / 'LGGH œ :LQNHOEDXHU .HQQHWK - œ DQG 6DOO\ :LQNHOPDQ 0DUN $ œ DQG 'DZQ :LQNOHU Michael and Jacqueline Winn 0DU\ 9 .OHQH œ DQG William A. Winslow

:LOODUG ( œ DQG 5XWK , :LQVORZ Edwin and Madelynn Winstead %HWW\ *OHQVNL :LUW] œ Julia Hepburn Wirtz, ’49 &ROOHHQ +REDQ œ DQG 7KRPDV - :LVGD Anna K. West, ’95 and Michael Wise /DXUHQFH & œ DQG -DQLV .HQQHU œ ‚ :LVHO\ Patricia Witte -DQH $ :LWWPH\HU œ Deborah A. Wittwer Jerome Wohleb Kent and Mary Beth Wohlgemuth /\OH 6 œ DQG 3DWULFLD / :RLWD Rose M. Wojciechowski 0DU\ $ 6XGUOD œ DQG 'DUUHO : :ROFRWW Mark and Martha Wolf .DWKOHHQ 0LOOHU œ DQG 'DYLG ( :ROIHUVEHUJHU .DUHQ 0 (PPHQGRUIHU œ DQG 7RQ\ :RONHQ Dr. Donald E., ’45 and Mary M. Wolters 0LFKDHO - œ DQG &RQQLH . :ROWHUV 6WHSKDQLH $ :ROWHUV œ William H., ’49 and Edna Mae Wolters Bob Wombacher .DWKOHHQ *HOVNL œ DQG .HQQHWK :RPEZHOO Alma J. Wood Alvin and Barbara Wood Nancy J. Wood 0DU\ 0 /HUR\ œ DQG -DPHV :RRGUXII Robert L., ’43 and Maureen C. Woods Roger and Virginia Woody Charles and Sue Wozny Barbara Wright 6HDQ 5 œ DQG &DPL 5 :ULJKW Thomas and Veronica Wright 7KRPDV * œ DQG 0DU\ . +DOO œ :ULJKW Michael and Allison Wurst $OLFH +XQQLQJKDNH œ DQG 5RQDOG ( :XUW] Dr. Richard F. and Susan Wurtz 5LWD $ .HOO\ :XUW] œ Winona E. Diedrich, ’53 and James R. Wurtz Thomas and Judith Wyrick Joseph and Mary Yakamavich Dr. Dominic, ’59 and Kyoko K. Yang Richard and Janeen Yankowski $OLFH 3 %R\OH œ DQG +DUROG <DQRZ Brad and Pat Yates -DPHV 7 œ DQG 'HERUDK / <DWHV $OIUHG : œ DQG 0DUYD : <HP *HRUJH / œ DQG *DLO 0 <HQGHU Sarah Yi ( -DQLFH 0DELQ œ DQG 3KLOLS <RUN &DURO $ *RGHOO œ DQG -RKQ <RUNH 7KHUHVH $ .HQQH\ œ DQG 'DYLG <RVW Brett and Terri Young (ULF & <RXQJ œ 'U )UDQN * œ DQG 0DU\ & <RXQJ 0DULO\Q $ /LEHO œ DQG :LOOLDP 5 <RXQJ Teresa M. Young Thomas and Joanne Young

:\PDQ ( œ DQG %RQQLH / <RXQJ David T., ’93 and Stacy D. Grazier, ’94 Younger /DYHUQ $ œ DQG 3DWW\ <RXQJHU Dr. Tammi S. Plotnik Youssef, ’94 and Dr. Riad Youssef Martin A. Zaccone Kelli R. Zackary 0LFKDHO ( œ DQG 'LDQH 0 =DLQKRIVN\ -LOO =DVDGQ\ œ Ruth A. Zbylut 'RQQD / 0H\HU œ DQG 'DU\O =HOOHU Nadia Zhiri and Jim Regan Gerald and Sally Ziegler 0LFKDHO ( œ DQG 3DWULFLD $ .UHLIHOV œ =LHVHO .HQQHWK 0 =LPPHUPDQ œ Robert and Suzanne Zonneveld Frank E. Zook, ’59 Nancy Boettcher Zook, ’59 -DFN / œ DQG 6XVDQ - =RUQ 6XVDQ ( %DNHU œ DQG 'RXJ =XEUDGW -RKQ ) =XJVFKZHUW œ Lawrence G. Zukel, ’59 Kathryn A. Zunick C. Joseph Zuptich Barbara A. Zurga Neysa Zurkammer

GIFTS-IN-KIND Anonymous Bottorff Construction, Inc. Country Carpet, Inc. -D\ Âś DQG 0DXUHHQ (YHOHU $QD / 7HOOR Âś DQG -RQ + )DLUFKLOG -RKQ ) Âś DQG 0HODQLH / 6PLWK Âś )HFKWHU -HUROG 9 Âś DQG 1DQF\ / 6FKLHEHU Âś )HQQHOO -DPHV 9 Âś DQG 'DZQ +LQW] Dan Koch .LUN 6 Âś DQG -HDQQHWWH 0 /D*XH Âś .RZDOHZVNL Michael S. Hundley Construction, Inc. 6WHSKHQ ' Âś DQG $P\ ( .RKDNH Âś 0LQQLV 0R .DQ 7UDQVLW 0L[ ,QF Pittcraft Printing, Inc. 5LFKDUG : Âś DQG /L]EHWK : 5HWWLJ The Roasterie -RQ ' 5RVV Âś 5R[ÂśV ,PDJHV 3DWULFN - Âś DQG 0DU\ 0DUJDUHW 6O\ 5R[DQH 0 0XHWLQJ Âś DQG 0LFKDHO 6WHF Darin Stephens %HUQDUG * Âś DQG (OOHQ 0 0F&DVNH\ Âś 7RQTXHVW 5HQHH - .RKDNH Âś DQG 5LFKDUG 0 :DVKEXUQ 5REHUW 6 Âś DQG -DQHW ) :KROH\

An original casting of “Ex Nihilo� by Frederick Hart in the Student Union.

MATCHING GIFTS 3M Foundation Aetna Foundation, Inc. Amerada Hess Corporation Ameriprise Financial Amgen Foundation AMSTED Industries Foundation Anadarko Petroleum Corporation Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc. AstraZeneca AT&T Foundation Avaya Communication Bank of America Foundation BellSouth Corporation Boeing Company Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation Caterpillar Foundation Citgo Petroleum Corporation Citizens Charitable Foundation Colgate-Palmolive Company ConAgra Foods Foundation ConocoPhillips Company Del Monte Foods Dow Corning Foundation Duke Energy Foundation El Paso Corporate Foundation Embarq Corporation Emerson Electric Co. ([HORQ &RUSRUDWLRQ ([[RQ0RELO )RXQGDWLRQ Fluor Foundation Ford Foundation General Electric Foundation *OD[R6PLWK.OLQH )RXQGDWLRQ Graybar Electric Company Great-West Life & Annuity Insurance Company Hallmark Cards, Inc. Hershey Foods Corp. Homesite Group, Inc. IBM International Foundation ING Foundation Ingersoll-Rand Company Johnson & Johnson Johnson Controls Foundation Kraft Foods Matching Gifts Program LandAmerica Financial Group, Inc. Macy’s Foundation Maritz Inc. Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc. McKesson Foundation, Inc. Merrill Lynch & Company Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. Monsanto Fund Nationwide Foundation Northwestern Mutual Foundation Parker Hannifin Foundation The Pentair Foundation PepsiCo Foundation, Inc. Pfizer Foundation

Pharmacia Foundation Principal Life Insurance Company Procter & Gamble Co. Inc. Prudential Foundation The Sallie Mae Fund Shell Oil Company Foundation Sprint State Farm Companies Foundation State Street Foundation Tenet Healthcare 7H[WURQ Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Foundation UBS Foundation USA Union Pacific Corporation The UPS Foundation Vulcan Materials Company Westinghouse Air Brake Technologies Corporation Xcel Energy Foundation ;HUR[ )RXQGDWLRQ

IN MEMORY OF JAMES R. (RON) ADAMS R. David Vandergriff and Susan Smith-Vandergriff RICHARD G. ADAMS 7KRPDV 3 Âś DQG 6DQGUD 0 )LW]PDXULFH Robert and Patricia L. Miller James and Myrtle Mullins

MAX F. CARR, SR. Keith and Anne Wiedenkeller 6 &(/,1( &$55,*$1 26% œ Ann Carrigan Gere Carrigan 3DWULFN ' œ DQG .DWKU\Q 0 &DUULJDQ 'DYLG œ DQG -DFTXOHQH ( 3LFN œ +DUULV 'LDQH 0 5]LKD œ DQG -DPHV ) +HUURQ 0LQG\ / +HLGHVFK œ DQG %HQMDPLQ 3OXPPHU PETE CATHERS $QQH & :XUW] œ DQG .HYLQ 0 3DVVLQR -DPHV 0 œ DQG 0DULH . &DWKHUV œ 7HQQDQW FRANCES MCCUNNIFF CHAVEZ, ’49 Ellen Valdez Romero, ’52 FR. COLUMBAN CLINCH, OSB -RKQ - 'XLJQDQ œ 7+20$6 * &2/:(// œ -RQL ( %URSK\ œ DQG 7KRPDV * &ROZHOO -U Katherine E. Colwell Kevin and Brenda Colwell Michael and Karen Colwell Stephen D. and Anne Dunn Dennis and Kelly Groff Todd and Cathy Scofield

FR. FRANCIS BRODERICK, OSB, ’33 Ellen Valdez Romero, ’52

'$55(1 &2876 œ Ryan D., ’99 and Colleen Brown -RQDWKDQ 5 œ DQG -HVVLFD ( 5RVH œ &DUUROO %ULDQ - 'XQQ œ (0%$ œ 5\DQ ' œ DQG 0DXUHHQ ) 'H)D]LR œ )HVNHU 7DPP\ / 0RQVR œ DQG %U\DQ $ )LJJ Figg Tree Foundation -RVKXD $ œ DQG (OL]DEHWK *LGHRQ Todd C. Hanks, ’99 5REHUW ( œ 0($ œ DQG &\PEUH $ &RVWHOOR œ +HUULQJHU 7DUD 0 +XHOV œ &OLQW 5 œ DQG .DW\ - .HOOHUPDQ œ .DHGLQJ :LOOLDP 0 /D)DYRU œ 0DUN & œ DQG (ULQ $ .HQQH\ œ /HZLV 0DWWKHZ : œ DQG Michelle E. Youngman, ’99 Madison Dr. Brett A. Miller .XUW 0 0($ œ DQG 6DUDK 3HUGXH œ 6FKODQNHU *DU\ / 6KHOE\ œ 5RVHPDU\ 9 +XJKHV 6XPSWHU œ


&$5/ '(*(1 Âś -DPHV / Âś DQG %DUEDUD $ )RUVW


)5 (8*(1( '(+1(5 26% œ Abbot Victor Clark, O.S.B., ’51



'U -D\ ' Âś DQG 'U 5XWK $ :HQ]O Âś *HUEHU 3DWULFLD 5 )DUUHOO Âś DQG Dr. Gerald L. Strohmeyer 0DU\ $OLFH :HLU =LHJOHU Âś

/,6$ 0$5,( 6&+8/7( +$0/,1 Âś -RQL ( %URSK\ Âś DQG 7KRPDV * &ROZHOO -U

CLARENCE E. DEITCHMAN Lawrence and Joan Ward


FR. FLORIAN DEMMER Marie T. Demmer Esselmann, ’43

BERNARD B. HICKERT Jawad and Colette Haider Beatrice Hickert %HUQDUG - +LFNHUW Âś Stephen and Jody Hickert Dale F. and Caroline K. Schippers



WILLIAM HODAPP *HUDOG - œ DQG +HDWKHU ( &XUU\ &2/(77( ',('(5,&+ +8(57(5 œ /DUU\ - œ DQG 7UHVD $ %XHVVLQJ MARY A. HUNNINGHAKE Christopher Hunninghake Diane Hunninghake 5RVHPDULH ( 0D\HU +XQQLQJKDNH œ $OLFH +XQQLQJKDNH œ DQG 5RQDOG ( :XUW] *(25*( : ,17)(1 -5 œ %HQMDPLQ $ 1LFNV -U œ Henrietta M. Nowak Gerald and Mikey Stafford JOHN W. JACOBI, ’44 Dr. George J., ’45 and Barbara A. Stotts, ’53 Baumgartner JAMES L. KEATING, ’39 Barbara B. Bartholdi 'U )UDQNOLQ $ œ DQG 'RUHHQ +DUULV œ 'RQRYDQ Curtis and Sheryl Frasier Stacey A. Mader Montgomery Associates Rhonda K. Newlin Planners Financial Services, Inc. ED KELLY &KDUOHV - œ DQG 6KHLOD / *DUWHQPD\HU 7+20$6 / .(77(5 œ -DQHW 0 .HWWHU œ DQG 0DUN $ 3DQNDX

REV. JOSEPH A. GRAFF Walter C. McDonald, ’41

PATRICIA ANN WHITE KIRK R. David Vandergriff and Susan Smith-Vandergriff

-2+1 : *5(:( Âś 'U 7HUHQFH ( Âś DQG -LOO 7 *UHZH

5$<021' $ .583,16., Âś 5RQDOG ( Âś DQG 'RURWK\ 'XQSK\


GEORGE H. KURTZ R. David Vandergriff and Susan Smith-Vandergriff $57+85 & .85='25)(5 Âś 5REHUW * Âś DQG -XOLH $ .XU]GRUIHU Âś .RFRXU MONICA LAUGHLIN-OLDEN The Betsy J. Bernard Giving Fund /DXULH - 3HWHU Âś 0$77 /$85,&+ Âś 'DYLG ' Âś DQG -XGLWK +HUQH JACK LAURIE Courtney M. Laurie PAUL LETOURNEAU 'U (GZDUG 1 Âś DQG /LVD . /XGZLJ Âś /HWRXUQHDX )5 $16(/0 //(:(//<1 26% Âś -DPHV $ Âś DQG 0DU\ ( 3DXQRYLFK JAMES W. “JIMâ€? LYKINS 'DQLHO Âś DQG -XG\ $ /\NLQV SPENCER P. MAYSE, ’49 %HUQDUG : Âś DQG &DURO 6 0D\VH JAMES W. MCBRIDE, ’51 6WHSKHQ ( Âś DQG 3HJJ\ 0F%ULGH DENNIS J. MCCARTHY 3DPHOD . 0F&DQQ Âś Rev. Frederick J. McCarthy, ’43 Marian McCarthy ADAM MILANI -RDQ 0 :KHODQ 0LODQL Âś -8$1 * 025$/(6 Âś 0DULO\Q 6OLHI 0RUDOHV Âś ALBERT JOSEPH AND EILEEN MUELLER -DPHV ) Âś DQG 0DU\ & %XVK Âś 0XHOOHU SAMUEL M. MUELLER Samuel and Marguerite Mueller PATRICIA HATTENDORF NERNEY 7KRPDV & Âś DQG 0DU\DQQD 1HUQH\ JOHN ROBERT NIES Paul and Marsha Adair ([FKDQJH 1DWLRQDO %DQN 7UXVW &R Gummie Gonzales James and Myrtle Mullins William and Rosemary Nies

RALPH J. NOLAN, ’39 James R. Nolan †Sue Nolan 5,&+$5' / 2%(57 œ /DUU\ - œ DQG 7UHVD $ %XHVVLQJ KENNETH J. OLDANI 0DU\ $O\FH 2OGDQL œ SR. JUANITA PAVLICK, OSB, ’49 .DUHQ 0 %URZQ œ DQG %UDGIRUG &RDVK JOHN E., ’59 AND -2 $11 :,77(. œ 3$:/2:6., 3DWULFLD + +HOOLQJHU œ DQG 5RELQ & 6FKXG\ 7+(2'25( 9 3,&5$8; -5 œ Kenneth and Claire Falk Alice M. Jedlicka Peter and Barbara Salsich Fred and Betty Shade DANIEL W. POPE 0DU\ 7 5DQGROSK 3RSH œ THOMAS AND ANNA ROBERTS Harold Roberts LEE ROEST Marvin and Wanda Russell '$1,(/ * 5833 œ -DPHV ' œ DQG 7KHUHVD $ 0F'DGH RICHARD RZESZUT, ’54 John J., ’55 and 0DUJDUHW 6FKXPDFKHU œ *ODGEDFK JIM SCHAEFER -RVHSK / œ DQG -R\FH 6FKDHIHU JOHN AND DELPHINE SCHMIDT 6WDQOH\ - œ DQG .DWKOHHQ ) +LJOH\ œ 6FKPLGW BISHOP MATTHIAS SCHMIDT, OSB, ’54 -DFTXHOLQH +XJJLQV œ /(21 - 6&+1(,'(5 œ Nancy L. Schneider 6 0$5< )$,7+ 6&+867(5 26% œ -RQL ( %URSK\ œ DQG 7KRPDV * &ROZHOO -U 3DPHOD 6 +HLW œ DQG /DUU\ .HHQDQ 5DQGDOO ( œ DQG &RQQLH / .ROODVFK 'U 5LFKDUG 3 œ DQG 'HQLVH 0HOLFKDU .DWKOHHQ 6 6NHOWRQ œ DQG *DU\ . 3RZHOO

SR. SCHOLASTICA SCHUSTER, OSB 'U 5LFKDUG 3 Âś DQG 'HQLVH 0HOLFKDU MARY AGNES SHOMIN Jane E. Altenhofen Justin and Marva Altenhofen Marva Altenhofen Judith A. Benjamin Jack Breitenstein Teresa M. Breitenstein /DUU\ - Âś DQG 7UHVD $ %XHVVLQJ Scott and Linda Cahill Frank Cindrich John Cindrich Joe and Ann Conner Barbe G. Crowley Frederick and Antoinette Denney Helen Duff Gerald and Carol Edson Dr. and Mrs. Larry J. Eker Louise Frankovich Joe and Linda Gaul 0 .DWKU\Q *HOOLQJV Âś 6WHSKHQ ' Âś DQG &DWKHULQH 0 *RGIUH\ Godfrey Investments, Inc. Reg and Bobbie Golubski Ann Grabar -HURPH 7 Âś DQG .DWKOHHQ 0 0F&DUWK\ Âś *UDQH\ %HUQDUG - +LFNHUW Âś Richard C. Hicks %HUQDGHWWH 0 +RUYDW Âś 7KHUHVH 0 +RUYDW Âś Theresa Knapp Charles and Anna Kormanik Bernice Kovac and Family Helen Kovach Owen and Rita Kross Joe and Mary Krstulic Barbara L. Krupich .HLWK $ Âś DQG /HVOLH $ /DQJHO Lanter Distributing Division Rowena Lesher and Kathy Trotter Penny Lipp Rose M. Malnar Steven and Annalee Marek 5REHUW 3 Âś DQG .ULVO\Q 0F&DUWK\ Mary Montes and Rose Arroyo 5R[DQQH 'LGGH Âś DQG 0DUN 1HWHPH\HU 0DULO\Q 0DOQDU Âś DQG :LOOLDP 2Âś.HHIH Bud Oleksky Marilyn Fogarty and Theresa Fogarty Osredker .LP 0 Âś DQG $QWRQLQD 7 %UHQQDQ Âś Osterhaus Joseph Pallo Mary and Joni Pavlich John Petelin, III Barbara A. Petryshyn Sally Platt John and Dragica Podrebarac Family


Frank Rahija Rosemarie Ratkey Reising Bolt Family Albert and Mary Jeanne Relic Relic Family - Clarence, Theresa, John, Marilyn and David Tom Roberts Bunny Rodina and Tom Diester Robert and Kelly Roper Valentine and Theresa Ruzick Richard and Audrey Samuels Gena Schleimer Tom and Diane Scott Mary L. Sebel $QWKRQ\ - œ DQG -R\ / 6KRPLQ &DURO 0 6KRPLQ œ *HRUJH : œ DQG -R\FH 6KRPLQ Michael Shomin Family Helen A. Skradski Rosemary and Pam Smith Steven A. Speise Charles Sutulovich Donna L. Sweida Ted Dinggs Family Kenna M. Thomas Mary A. Thomas James and Margo Thornton Janet A. Tluscik Karolyn A. Tomasic Mary Ann Trzok James and Wendy Urkevich Tony and Liesel Urkevich Nick Vancas Helen Verbeck Frank and Marilyn Viscek Charles Vogel 5H[ $ :DONHU Wallace, Saunders, Austin, Brown & Enochs, Chtd. Attys. Marlene M. Weishaar Jennifer L. Wenski James West Tom and Patty Westfall Stephanie Wiber Johneta L. Wille Velma R. Wing Kathryn A. Zunick Barbara A. Zurga FLOYD LEO SLIEF 0DULO\Q 6OLHI 0RUDOHV œ ARTHUR L. SPRATT, ’53 $QWKRQ\ - œ DQG 5HEHFFD / %LDQFKL JOHN PATRICK STAPLETON Norene R. Rauh Elizabeth A. Scott Florence R. Stapleton Stratmoor Hills Water District

Gaylord and Flonnie Toll James and Judith Walton Jeani West Gerald and Sally Ziegler REV. JOSEPH STAUDINGER, OSB, ’24 *UDFH + +XJXHOHW +DMLFHN œ ‚ MARK STEVENS Mary B. Kochevar, ’41 and Bradford V. Stevens DONALD E. TABOR, ’52 Charles R. Alberts Thomas and Susan Alderson Janet Allen Anonymous The Hund Family: Bill, Louie, Ann, Sue and Ginny Gary Baack Beal Distributing, Inc. Steven and Virginia Bellis Edythe H. Bilimek Robert and Janet Bradshaw /DUU\ - œ DQG 7UHVD $ %XHVVLQJ Waldo and Martha Burger Family 6DUDK - %XUNV œ Ann Carrigan Gere Carrigan Steve and Pat Carson Carl and Rita Chatfield Charles and Nancy Clisbee Mary R. Coupe, ’51 Stephen and Ila Crawford 7LPRWK\ * œ DQG 7KHUHVD ' 'RROH\ œ 'DYHQSRUW 'LDQH 0 )XUORQJ œ DQG 0DXULFH - 'HODQH\ 'DQLHO - œ DQG 0DU\ $QQ 7HHJDUGHQ œ 'LGGH Andy and Jerri Dodds 'U )UDQNOLQ $ œ DQG 'RUHHQ +DUULV œ 'RQRYDQ Double Eagle Beverage, LLC Bruce and Mary Jane Edwards W. Chris Elcan Harry and Patricia Elder Edward, Matilda and Joe Fitzpatrick .HLWK DQG 0DUJDUHW )R[ Matthew and Peggy Frihart &KDUOHV - œ DQG 6KHLOD / *DUWHQPD\HU John and Mary Garvey Jeff and Jenny Geheb Edward A. and Marlene R. Gellings Kenneth and Kristine Girard Robert and Elaine Glenski Catherine F. Gorman Dr. James W. Gorman Kathy T. Gorman Michael and Kathleen Gorman Jerry and Mary Grace Mark and Linda Graham

David and Laura Graves Billy and Mary Beth Green Margaret Grosdidier and Family Pete and Deigh Guardado Frank and Kristina Guardado Mary M. Ruddy, ’55 and Norman Harrell 0LFKDHO - +DUULV œ Michael and Georgian Harris David and Jennifer Hausman &DURO - 0H\HU œ DQG 'DQLHO +HFNPDQ Dave and Marilyn Himmel *HRUJH : œ ‚ DQG Mary M. Downs, ’43 Intfen Joe’s Auto Service James and Mildred Johnson James and Marilyn Jones Katherine’s Distinctive Gifts $OEHUW % œ DQG %DUEDUD - .RFRXU The LaMar Family 6KHUU\ $ 0HIIRUG /DQJH œ Allan and Enid Lowenberg James and Harriet Lunsford John and Barbara Lutz Roger and Carol Marriott Ed and Susan Mason Morris and Bridget Matthias Marian McCarthy Hugh J. and Judy A. McCullough Lillian M. Rome McGrath, ’53 John and Beverly McKernan Thomas F. Meehan Randy and Bibiana Miller Millard W. Miller, ’51 John T. Modlin James and Myrtle Mullins N.H. Scheppers Distributing Co. Michael A. Nash Mary A. Tabor, ’51 and John G. Nass Theresa M. Nass Ed and Suzie Nelander 7KRPDV & œ DQG 0DU\DQQD 1HUQH\ NHL Enterprises, L.P. Tom and Cindy O’Brien Martha A. Sellmeyer, ’59 and Maurice P. O’Keefe William and Karen Obermark Alan and Cindy Pickard Carrie Pickard Mark and Cindy Pickerel Tony and Mary Ann Raynor Ida Swiderski Richardson, ’44 Michael and Imogene Rigdon River Marketing, Inc. 5HY 5LFKDUG ' 5RFKD œ Larry and Holly Russell Shirley A. Schilling Martin and Maria Schnabel The School District of St. Joseph 3DWULFLD + +HOOLQJHU œ DQG 5RELQ & 6FKXG\ John and Nancy Shambaugh


Tom and Ellen Simpson 5REHUW / œ DQG &KDUOHQH 1HOVRQ œ 6ODWHU Bruce and Jennifer Slimmer Joseph and Marcella Smith -RKQ - œ DQG 3DWW\ - 6XKRODVNL Janice I. Supple Joseph, Linda, Michael and Laura Sweeney 0DU\ - 6WHZDUW œ 7DERU Donald T., ’91 and Margaret Mary Tabor %DUEDUD $ 1RUWRQ œ DQG Ronald K. Tavernaro A. W. and Virginia Thedinga 5RJHU ) œ DQG -XG\ 7KRPSVRQ Jack Urban (XJHQH - œ DQG .DWKOHHQ $ *DPPRQ œ 9DGHU -RKQ 0 œ DQG 0DU\ / &RFKUDQ œ 9DQ'\NH Kevin and Mary J. VanDyke John J. Vocker Christopher B., ’91 and Tracy L. Willie Martin B., ’91 and Heather A. Willie Richard K. and Colleen L. Willie Jon and Kathleen Winegardner -HUHP\ 3 œ DQG (OL]DEHWK / 'LGGH œ :LQNHOEDXHU William H., ’49 and Edna Mae Wolters Barbara Wright C. Joseph Zuptich SKEET AND DOROTHY THOMPSON Tom K. and Susan Thompson EUGENE N. AND FRANCES K. THULL Virginia K. Thull 75$&< - 7+8// œ Virginia K. Thull CATHERINE M. TIMMERMANN Karen and Michael Diehl +(15< '$9,' 85%$1 -5 œ 0DU\ 0 $VKHU œ Butch and Mary Ball Jim and Marilyn Brull Mark and Brenda Brull and Family Charles and Janelle Carrigan 3DWULFN ' œ DQG .DWKU\Q 0 &DUULJDQ CBIZ Benefits and Insurance Services, Inc. L. G. and Mary Lou Cooper Corner to Corner, LLC 7LPRWK\ * œ DQG 7KHUHVD ' 'RROH\ œ 'DYHQSRUW 'U )UDQNOLQ $ œ DQG 'RUHHQ +DUULV œ 'RQRYDQ Mildred Dooley, Nick and Kathy Enzbrenner, and Gary Enzbrenner Edward Mosby Lincoln Foundation Daniel and Kimberly Gronniger

Glenn and Marilyn Hattan Mike and Debbie Hundley Shane and Ashly Hundley Frank and Mary Jaegle 7KRPDV . ¶ DQG .DUOD .DXW] Larry W. Kibler $OEHUW % ¶ DQG %DUEDUD - .RFRXU /HRQDUG - ¶ DQG 5RVHPDU\ '\HU ¶ 0LOOHU Rockhurst University 3K\VLFDO 7KHUDS\ &ODVV RI Joe and Norma Schneider 5LWD 0 (Q]EUHQQHU ¶ DQG 'RQDOG 7KXUQ Jerry and Bernadette Urban Jim and Raynette Urban Mary Kay and Ken Urban %RQQLH - ¶ DQG 'DQLHO / :DJQHU Kent and Mary Beth Wohlgemuth CLEMENTINE VALDIVIA R. David Vandergriff and Susan Smith-Vandergriff HELEN K. VOLK 5RQDOG : /HKPDQQ ¶ 'XQFDQ ( 7HDJXH ¶ 65 0$5< 12(/ :$/7(5 26% ¶ -DFTXHOLQH +XJJLQV ¶ +2:$5' * :(67(50$1 65 ¶ Lindon H. Leners -(55< :,&+0$1 ¶ 'DYLG ' ¶ DQG -XGLWK +HUQH SR. JULIA WILKINSON, OSB, ’49 -RQL ( %URSK\ ¶ DQG 7KRPDV * &ROZHOO -U 0DU\ $ *UHHU ¶ FR. GILBERT WOLTERS, ’31 John J., ’55 and 0DUJDUHW 6FKXPDFKHU ¶ *ODGEDFK &DURO 0 6KRPLQ ¶ MARGARET ANN ZUKEL Lawrence G. Zukel, ’59

IN HONOR OF MARIE AND MARTIN AMADOS Marguerite C. Amador, ’54 and Norman Sachnik BENEDICTINE SISTER TEACHERS Charles and Barbara Baughman &/$66 2) +HOHQ &R]]HQV ¶ DQG 7LP +HDO\ .$7+5<1 :(,6+$5 '$/=(// ¶ William and Anne Cotton (OOHQ 0 :HLVKDU ¶ DQG 'DYLG &RXVLQV Doris and Michael Gleason 6YHQ ) - ¶ DQG 7HUHVD $ :HLVKDDU ¶ 1LOVVRQ Beverly J. Weishar Doyle J. Weishar Gregory S. Weishar Judy K. Weishar RICHARD AND CINDY DICKASON Barbara H. Bartocci Michael Connelly Mark and Cyreesa Windsor EDWARD AND LUELLA DINGMAN 0LFKDHO ( ¶ DQG 0DUFLD + 'LQJPDQ %(51,(&( '22/(< ¶ -DQHW 'RROH\ ¶ 3$75,&,$ & '8/$& ¶ St. Monica Catholic Church 65 .$7+/((1 (*$1 26% ¶ -DFTXHOLQH +XJJLQV ¶ %2 ¶ $1' 7(55< )5$6(5 Jim and Judy Starr -26(3+ ( *(,67 3+ ' ¶ 6WHSKHQ 3 ¶ DQG 3DWULFLD / +RUJDQ % - +,&.(57 ¶ Betty A. Jones BEATRICE SCHANDLER HICKERT Jawad and Colette Haider %HUQDUG - +LFNHUW ¶ Stephen and Jody Hickert Dale F. and Caroline K. Schippers 7+20$6 0 +2(1,* ¶ M & T Trust Premier Bank


DONALD B. HUNNINGHAKE SR., ’55 Donald B. Hunninghake, Jr. LEO T., ’45 AND MARY E. KETTER, ’49 LANDON 0LFKDHO ( ¶ DQG $QJHOD /DQGRQ SR. BARBARA LANGEL, OSB Charles and Barbara Baughman GENE, ’54 AND JANELLE .12('(/ ¶ /$==2 0DUN - ¶ DQG 0DU\ $ 0R\HU ¶ /D]]R :$1*$5, 0$$7+$, ¶ 9DOHULH - %DUWXVK ¶ HELEN MEATTE Peter and Francine Meatte 67(3+(1 ' 0,11,6 ¶ James E. Fitzgerald *(5$/' - 02+/0$1 ¶ 'DYLG ' ¶ DQG -XGLWK +HUQH DANIEL MUSSO Nancy Albin ISAIAH ANTHONY PARICH Michael and Wendy Parich DR. LORENZO PATELLI Nancy Albin FRANCIS AND GLADYS PETESCH 3DXO $ ¶ DQG 7KHUHVH 0 5RWWLQJKDXV ¶ .HQNHO JAMES C. PURSLOW, ’59 'DYLG ' ¶ DQG -XGLWK +HUQH 0,&+$(/ + 5,(.(5 ¶ Harold and Patricia Rieker SARAH RIEKER Harold and Patricia Rieker ROSIE SCHAEFER -RVHSK / ¶ DQG -R\FH 6FKDHIHU FR. BLAINE SCHULTZ, OSB, ’55 Daniel and Elizabeth Muzyka '5 -2+1 ) 6(77,&+ ¶ Francis J. Malouff SALVATORE SNAIDERBAUR Nancy Albin


BYRON G. THOMPSON, ’55 Platte Valley Bank of Missouri ROSEMARY SUNNEBERG WHITMER *HUYD ( 6XQQHEHUJ ¶ 52%(57 6 ¶ $1' -$1(7 :+2/(< Premier Bank /$55< :,/&2; ¶ 3DXO % ¶ DQG 'HEELH %DUURQ Thomas M. and Donna J. Kellerman -XOLH $ 0XQUR ¶ DQG 'DQLHO :KLWH

BENEDICTINE BOTTOMS RESEARCH ENDOWMENT Amgen Foundation 'U 0DUN 7 %RVFKHUW 0 ' ¶ 'U 7HUHQFH ( ¶ DQG -LOO 7 *UHZH 'U 7KRPDV ) ¶ DQG -RDQ 0 0R\HU ¶ .HPODJH Dr. Patrick W. Mullins, M.D., ’93 Renaissance Plastic Surgery, Inc. 7KRPDV - ¶ DQG 0LFKHOOH $ 2VZDOG ¶ 6DN Dr. Stephanie C. Van Dyne, D.D.S. and Robert Hazelwood BENEDICTINE COLLEGE ENDOWMENT FUND Anadarko Petroleum Corporation Dr. Richard J. and Cathy Coronado El Paso Corporate Foundation 6WHSKHQ 3 ¶ DQG 3DWULFLD / +RUJDQ &DWKU\Q $ +XQG ¶ -HQQLIHU $ /D)OHXU ¶ 0DU\ % 6HJHUVRQ /HPRLQH ¶ +HLGL 5 0F&XEELQ ¶ :LOOLDP 0 ¶ DQG 'LDQH 0HDO\ Sharon K. Muckey 7KRPDV 0 ¶ DQG 0DXUHHQ 2¶/HDU\ &KULVWRSKHU 3 ¶ DQG -RDQ 0 %DNHU ¶ 3DZORZLF] &DUUROO 9DUJDV ¶ DQG %ULDQ 3ODWW -RVHSK : 5H]QLN ¶ 'U 7KRPDV & 6FKQXUU 0 ' ¶ 5RJHU : ¶ DQG /LVD & 6WHLQHU -RKQ ) =XJVFKZHUW ¶

JASON T. WYRICK, ’93 Thomas and Judith Wyrick

Ferrell Hall tower


$QQH & :XUW] ¶ DQG .HYLQ 0 3DVVLQR -DPHV 0 ¶ DQG 0DULH . &DWKHUV ¶ 7HQQDQW ARTHUR AND TERRI CATRAMBONE SCHOLARSHIP Arthur W., ’51 and Harriet M. Catrambone TOM COLWELL, SR. ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP -RQL ( %URSK\ ¶ DQG 7KRPDV * &ROZHOO -U Katherine E. Colwell Kevin and Brenda Colwell Michael and Karen Colwell Stephen D. and Anne Dunn Dennis and Kelly Groff Todd and Cathy Scofield DARREN COUTS ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP Ryan D., ’99 and Colleen Brown -RQDWKDQ 5 ¶ DQG -HVVLFD ( 5RVH ¶ &DUUROO %ULDQ - 'XQQ ¶ (0%$ ¶ 5\DQ ' ¶ DQG 0DXUHHQ ) 'H)D]LR ¶ )HVNHU 7DPP\ / 0RQVR ¶ DQG %U\DQ $ )LJJ Figg Tree Foundation -RVKXD $ ¶ DQG (OL]DEHWK *LGHRQ Todd C. Hanks, ’99 5REHUW ( ¶ 0($ ¶ DQG &\PEUH $ &RVWHOOR ¶ +HUULQJHU 7DUD 0 +XHOV ¶ &OLQW 5 ¶ DQG .DW\ - .HOOHUPDQ ¶ .DHGLQJ :LOOLDP 0 /D)DYRU ¶ 0DUN & ¶ DQG (ULQ $ .HQQH\ ¶ /HZLV 0DWWKHZ : ¶ DQG Michelle E. Youngman, ’99 Madison Dr. Brett A. Miller, M.D. .XUW 0 0($ ¶ DQG 6DUDK 3HUGXH ¶ 6FKODQNHU *DU\ / 6KHOE\ ¶ 5RVHPDU\ 9 +XJKHV 6XPSWHU ¶ FR. EUGENE DEHNER SCHOLARSHIP FUND Boeing Company Abbot Victor Clark, O.S.B., ’51 'U -D\ ' ¶ DQG 'U 5XWK $ :HQ]O ¶ *HUEHU Pfizer Foundation 3DWULFLD 5 )DUUHOO ¶ DQG Dr. Gerald L. Strohmeyer 0DU\ $OLFH :HLU =LHJOHU ¶ ANNA S. BEREZINA DERRICK ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP $Q\D %HUH]LQD 'HUULFN ¶


Marjorie (Rupp) Dampf, ’54 Thomas and Phyllis Emmel 'U -RVHSK ( *HLVW ¶ Susan M. Schaefer, ’91 and Dan Hinds 5HEHFFD $ .ROE ¶ DQG 3DWULFN $ .HQQHG\ Joseph P., ’94 and Chanda M. Morrow, ’95 Koechner Mary Anne Kolb Tim and Julie Lueckenhoff 'U &DURO\Q 5 ¶ DQG &KDUOHV 0DKRQH\ :LOOLDP - ¶ DQG -HDQHWWH 0XOOHU &KDUOHV ( ¶ DQG %DUEDUD - 0XUUHOO 7KRPDV : ¶ DQG 0DU\ $ 4XLQQ &RQVWDQFH 0 5HLFKDUW ¶ $QGUHD / 9RVV ¶ DQG 9LQFH 5LFH The Sallie Mae Fund -RVHSK / ¶ DQG -R\FH 6FKDHIHU &DUOD 6FKDHIHU 'RYH\ ¶ DQG 'HQQLV 'RYH\ Dr. Donald and Jean Vanderfeltz Virgil F. Vanderfeltz, ’44 6DPXHO 5 9HUVOXHV ¶



H. GUY AND ALMA STINSON MUSIC SCHOLARSHIP Dr. Paul David Goza Martin Family Charitable Gift Fund Robert A. Martin




Benedictine College Again Named One of America’s Best Colleges by U.S.News & World Report For the second year in a row, Benedictine College was named one of “America’s Best Collegesâ€? by U.S.News & World Report. The college is listed as a top tier institution in the Midwest Master’s category in the SXEOLFDWLRQÂśV HGLWLRQ RI WKH annual college issue. The rankings represent the most comprehensive look at how schools stack up based on a set of 15 widely accepted LQGLFDWRUV RI H[FHOOHQFH DQG KHOS consumers evaluate and compare GDWD FRPSLOHG IURP PRUH WKDQ accredited four-year schools.

Âł:HÂśUH H[FLWHG WR EH RQ WKH OLVW again,â€? said Stephen D. Minnis, president of Benedictine College. “It serves as national confirmation of all the positive things happening on our campus; a new engineering physics major, a School of %XVLQHVV H[SDQGHG VWXG\ DEURDG opportunities, beautiful new apartment-style residence halls, a high alumni giving percentage, and record-setting attendance to name just a few. I feel confident that we are building one of the great Catholic colleges in America.â€?

“For nearly a quarter century, consulting the U.S.News & World Report rankings has been a vital first step for prospective college students DQG WKHLU SDUHQWV LQ WKH FRPSOH[ process of determining which institution best fits their goals,� said U.S .News & World Report’s editor, Brian Kelly. “Designed as a one-stop resource, the rankings supply hard data and analysis to help college applicants make apples-to-apples comparisons of schools across the country.�

Alumni Giving Helps Propel Benedictine in College Rankings Probably the best-known national college and university ranking is “America’s Best Colleges� by U.S. News & World Report. The magazine has FRPSLOHG WKH GDWD VLQFH DQG KDV HVWDEOLVKHG the rankings in the minds of parents and prospective college students as a key comparative resource. Benedictine College has been named as one of “America’s Best Colleges� for the last two years and, though they may not realize it, the school’s alumni have helped put the college in the top tier of Midwest Master’s institutions. U.S. News establishes its rankings based on a set of factors. These include a peer assessment score, retention and graduation rates, student selectivity, average class size, faculty salary, faculty degree level, student-faculty ratio, financial resources, and alumni giving. The magazine measures the percentage of living alumni with bachelor’s degrees who gave to the school during the previous two years. U.S. News gives this a weight of five percent of the school’s total score and considers it an indirect measure of student satisfaction. “Donations from our alumni mean more to the college than just building the endowment or providing operating or capital construction funds,� said Kelly Vowels, vice president of advancement at Benedictine College. “It impacts our reputation. We have worked hard to get into the national consciousness and it is important for alumni to realize that when they are considering their charitable contributions each year.� Benedictine reflects well in the average alumni giving rate at 24 percent this year. That is in the WRS SHUFHQW RI FROOHJHV ZLWKLQ WKHLU UDQNLQJ 7KH perennial top colleges, Creighton University, Xavier University, and Valparaiso University, have alumni JLYLQJ UDWHV RI EHWZHHQ SHUFHQW DQG SHUFHQW Bedrace Champions, Ferrell Hall, crossing the finish line during Homecoming Festivities. photo by Amanda Davis, student worker


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