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Megan Karcher Jeffery

North Canton, United States

Roman Catholic, married to my Douglas. Life long Ohioan, except for 3 years spent in the AZ as a kid, great experience! I am one of four, and we have 10, Meg is grown and moved out on her own, so 1 in college, six homeschoolers, one preschool, and one bitty baby. HI, I am a homeschooling mother of 10, married to my Douglas, and the kiddos are: Elizabeth - 22, Megan - 22, Mackenzie - 16, Jonah - 14, Jenna - 12, Kolbe - 10, Luke - 8, and Ben is 5 years old, and Caleb Blaize is 3 and Miss Priscilla Grace is our newest lovey! I work for The Karcher Group, owned by my brother, Geoff Karcher. The Karcher Group, "TKG", is a full service web development firm.
