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Continued from previous page win some” is a call to make disciples at all costs, and in the process, contains a call to incarnational creativity by making use of all available tools and technologies.

Schrage placed a strong emphasis on the foreigners and strangers among us. Those attending heard about the large numbers of refugees, immigrants, and international students who are living in America.

“If we can grasp the heart of God and his compassion for everyone regardless of religious heritage and ethnicity,” he said, “then we are really starting to think and act like the bride of Christ as we all become one” (John 17). Schrage’s prayer for the convention was that “the Lord would anoint every presentation, preacher, and participant, and that after the three days, he will appoint all of us to be mobilized afresh to make disciples by all possible means.”

Preparing the Next Generation

T.D. Paul came to the conference from the state of Andhra Pradesh in India. He has visited America seven times, and this was his second convention. His ministry involves planting churches, training leaders, teaching life skills, running a hospital, conducting disaster relief, working with children and orphans, and hosting shortterm teams.

Paul’s mission board is based in the United States; churches that support the ministry are located primarily in Indiana, Illinois, and Pennsylvania. Hancock Community Hospital in Greenfield, Indiana, partners with the hospital in India, which was built by FAME, a medical mission based in Indiana.

Paul said the convention was larger than he thought it would be. He enjoyed the sermons and was grateful for the hospitality of all involved. He appreciated the ideas and new approaches he could apply in his own ministry. He was happy, not just because he could try new methods, but because he could teach these methods to others.

In India, Paul attended the famed Serampore College and later taught in a theological college in Chennai. Of special interest to him was a new strategy that was announced at the confer-

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