Lynne Murray | Advisor of the Year

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Lynne Murray Advisor of the Year 2017-2018



Murray Alexander Sarria Faculty Advisor Lynne Kiwanis Advisor Will Ector Nominee Name: Lynne Murray Nominated By: Sabrina Huynh Key Club: Piedmont Hills Club #: H88327 District: California-Nevada-Hawaii Division: 12E Region: 17 Sponsoring Kiwanis Club: East San Jose Kiwanis Years in Position:


NOMINATION & CERTIFICATION OF ORIGINALITY To be eligible for this recognition, the advisor must be nominated by two of the following: (1) Key Club Officer, (2) Club or Region Advisor, (3) Kiwanis Officer, or (4) School Administrator.

THIS CERTIFIES THAT WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, VERIFY THE COMPLETION OF THE INITIALED ITEMS BY THE INDIVIDUAL NAMED ON THIS APPLICATION. It is also understood that the decisions of the judges are final and no changes, alteration or re-judging will take place after the judges, respective Lieutenant Governor, and Chair of Member Recognition have certified the results. NOTE: All names, initials and contact information are required if used as verification. Signatures from the school representative and the Kiwanis club representative may not be the same person. The below e-Signatures must be provided by at least 2 out of 4 people. INITIALS




Key Club Officer


Club/Region Advisor

Sabrina Huynh Alexander Sarria



(669)226-4367 (408)221-2981

Kiwanis Officer School Administrator



Club Standards S.H S.H S.H

Membership: Paid club membership dues by December 1 Club Elections: Worked with club President to facilitate the elections process; club held elections by the last day of February as outlined by Key Club International bylaws Kiwanis Relations: Key Club maintained an active relationship with the nominated advisor’s Kiwanis Club

Work Accomplishments S.H S.H S.H S.H

Reporting: Assisted clubs officers with timely submissions of reports Leadership Qualities: Promoted and exemplified the core values, led by example, and motivated the members Leadership Skills: Developed effective problem-solving skills and helped to resolve issues/conflicts; promoted leadership development of future leaders Communication: Communicated effectively with District and International officers on dues and club membership

Attendance S.H S.H S.H S.H S.H S.H S.H

Club Meetings: Attended eighty-percent (80%) of all club general meetings Board Meetings: Attended eighty-percent (80%) of all club executive board meetings Key Club Division Council Meetings: Attended a minimum of six (6) Key Club Division Council Meetings Training Conference: Attended the Officer Training Conference or the Region Training Conference Convention Involvement: Attended an Advisors Workshop at District Convention or International Convention Service Project Participation: Attended at least ten (10) or eighty-percent (80%) of club service projects Fundraiser Participation: Attended at least five (5) or eighty-percent (80%) of club fundraisers Club Social Participation: Attended at least five (5) or eighty-percent (80%) of club social events


Years Served – Consecutively

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ESSAY/REPORT Describe and document with detail the efforts undertaken by the advisor to promote the core values of Key Club, celebrate outstanding members, disseminate useful information, encourage club involvement in division, district, and international projects or events, and promote active and unique service and fundraising opportunities. You may include supplementary materials such as photos, clippings, and other pertinent material.

Mrs. Murray deserves to be Advisor of the Year, as she promotes the core values of Key Club, celebrates outstanding members, disseminates useful information, encourages club involvement in division, district, and international projects or events, and promotes active and unique service and fundraising opportunities.

Mrs. Murray promotes the core values of Key Club by demonstrating it herself- leadership, character building, caring, and inclusiveness, whether it be at an officer meeting or in the classroom. She always taking initiative and making sure that the club is on top of all the events and fundraisers for our members. If there are any problems, she will take care of them right away. She is the person who actively interacts with students, which shows that she goes far beyond her duties as a club advisor. Mrs. Murray shows character building when she teaches her AVID class. She always encourages the students to try to speak up and do things that will help build their characters and encourage them to strive for what they want in their lives. She applies this with the Key Club officers too by pushing the officers to go beyond what is told, helping them build character. However, what Mrs. Murray truly exemplifies is caring. Quoted from an officer who is also a tutor for her AVID class, every time he walks into her classroom, she always asks how his day was and if he needed help on anything. This is the same when she is with Key Club. Without being asked, Mrs. Murray provides service events for members to attend, demonstrating how much she cares Key Club. Her caring personality doesn’t stop there, however. Mrs. Murray is always inclusive, not to the members and her students, but also the entire school. Every day during lunch, her room is always open, welcoming everyone in. If anyone so happen wanted to eat lunch in her classroom, can enjoy the presence of fun, relaxing atmosphere. Mrs. Murray would always start conversations with people in that room to keep them company and give advice when in need. All in all, it is more than safe to say that Mrs. Murray truly embodies the four core values of Key Club: leadership, character building, caring, and inclusiveness. A part of having a caring personality is that Mrs. Murray loves the members of Piedmont Hills Key Club, especially recognizing them for all of their hard work. Displayed in her classroom is a Key Club bulletin board which showcases pictures of the club as well as awards won throughout the years. In her AVID class, she loves to laud individuals who attend service events, and hopes that it will encourage them to continue to serve the community. During meetings, Mrs. Murray can be found talking to members, and when the monthly “Member of the Month” is announced at the club’s weekly meetings, Mrs Murray is quick to praise the individual, by both clapping and smiling. By celebrating outstanding members, she encourages them, as she hopes that they will give back to the community that has given so much to them. Mrs. Murray too is punctual with updates as well as passing on new information to our officer board. She is continuously sending out emails regarding new service events, the location for our weekly officer meetings, updates regarding RPOS, and students in her AVID class who signed up for specific service events. She consistently meets deadlines regarding forms and always sends out emails confirming information. During our weekly officer meetings, Mrs. Murray is always eager to share new information regarding service events and time shifts. Also, when our board has discussions, Mrs. Murray will jump in and offer her viewpoint and opinion. For example, when Piedmont Hills Key Club was trying to decide on the new board members, Mrs. Murray would weigh in her thoughts and ideas, which guided the officers through the decision process. By constantly disseminating useful information, Mrs. Murray allows our officer board to work more efficiently, become well-informed, and make well-informed choices. As an advisor for three years, Mrs. Murray has definitely immersed herself in the organization of Key Club as a whole. She consistently encourages club involvement in our division, district, and international projects or events. She does this in several ways: promoting Key Club during class, attending DCON, sharing her experiences in Key Club, and even bringing in two officers to give a presentation about membership dues in class. Promoting Key Club during class not only allows her to help our club expand, but also helps the people who join, as it will have positive impacts on them.As an advisor, Mrs. Murray attends DCON with our club and also shares her experiences at the event. This would get her students to possibly join Key Club, do community service, attend DCON, and have fun. The membership dues presentation in Mrs. Murray’s class gave the students more information regarding the importance of paying dues and the benefits they can receive as a result of it, which serves as an incentive to join Key Club. Her efforts in engaging everyone to further pursue Key Club has unlocked the passion of helping others and the communities in many individuals, who have thus, succeeded beyond high school. Lastly but not least, Mrs. Murray promotes active and unique service and fundraising opportunities for the club. Throughout the year, Mrs. Murray would inform the officers about upcoming events, such as “Gift Wrapping for Kiwanis” and “Royal Relays”. This displays her dedication and willingness to help Key Club out. In addition to this, Mrs. Murray promotes Key Club events not just to the members, but to her AVID class as well. In class, she gives each student a mini service event activity sheet, which shows the service events that the students can participate in. This not only helps students get involved with Key Club, but it also expands Piedmont Hills Key Club. Aside from events, Mrs. Murray too promotes unique fundraising opportunities, such as the “Trick-Or-Treat” boxes for the Eliminate Project. She promoted this fundraiser to her AVID class, which in return helped Piedmont Hills Key Club raise around $700 for the Eliminate Project! Overall, not only is Mrs. Murray an advisor, but a mentor who is dedicated to seeing the members and the club itself, reach new heights. She does a lot more than sign the papers needed to host the fundraiser; she advertises the fundraisers too. She always provides service events for the members to attend, and promotes them consistently in class. Based on her contributions to our club through promoting the core values of Key Club, celebrating outstanding members, disseminating useful information, encouraging club involvement, and promoting active and unique opportunities in service and fundraising, Mrs. Murray deserves to be the Advisor of the Year for this term! Piedmont Hills Key Club is very blessed to have Mrs. Murray as our advisor!

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CNH ADVISOR OF THE YEAR | PROMOTES CORE VALUES OF KEY CLUB Ms. Murray, Piedmont Hills Key Club’s biggest supporter, is an exemplary model of a great advisor. She goes above and beyond her duties because she genuinely cares about Key Club. Instead of just being at meetings and events for the sake of supervising, she actively participates and brings input that is different from students. Meetings with Ms. Murray are fun as she has a warm smile and energetic personality to welcome all the officers. Not only does she encourage caring, leadership, inclusiveness, and character building in the officers, but also for her students. Ms. Murray teaches AVID, and often encourages her students to sign up for Key Clubs volunteer opportunities since she knows how important service and participation from entire community is. She is is a very cherished part of Piedmont Hills Key Club and this club could not have been as successful without her support.

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Ms. Murray is the quintessence of the four core values of Key Club. She always keeps everyone on track in discussions, displaying leadership, makes sure everyone’s well being is good, showing her caring personality, trying to improve herself, showcasing character building, and makes sure everyone is never left behind, promoting inclusiveness.

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CNH ADVISOR OF THE YEAR | ENSURE LEADERSHIP TRAINING Ms. Murray ensures leadership training in many different ways. She gives officers ideas during weekly meetings that benefit our club a lot. Not only does she help us lead she also helps members become better volunteers by cheering during events and going to some events in a professional manner. She always smiles and seems like she is dedicated to her role which could possibly influence how members volunteer at events and key club fundraisers. She makes an awesome role model for not only members, but also officers as a whole. Â

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Every week, Ms. Murray attends our officer meetings, where she contributes to the discussion on the topic of planning to attend the Key Club training conferences as well as workshops that we host. In addition, Ms. Murray attends the events herself to support our club.

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CNH ADVISOR OF THE YEAR | CELEBRATE OUTSTANDING MEMBERS Ms. Murray is constantly celebrating our members. In her classroom, she has a board hung on her wall which displays all of our clubs accomplishments throughout the years. At weekly meetings when we announce member of the month, she is clapping and smiling, congratulating them on all their hard work and dedication to Key Club. Even at big events she is always cheerful and her bright smile shows her pride for our club and for all the members in it. From hanging a huge banner for all of our achievements to even a simple smile, Ms. Murray continually celebrates our amazing members.

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Found in Ms. Murray’s classroom is her Key Club bulletin board. There she displays pictures of members, Key Club merchandise, and awards won by the club!

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Working alongside Ms. Murray for the second year has truly been a blessing. Not only is she a dedicated Key Club advisor, but a passionate school teacher. She has relied countless information to us officers, giving us service events and informing us about announcements made by the student body so we can plan accordingly. As a result, PHHS Key Club has a solid connection with the student body and are able to carry out our plans efficiently. She has been a vital person in our club and it is because of her that PHHS Key Club has risen to its zenith.

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Club communication is very important. To ensure our officers know what’s going on in the club, Ms. Murray sends emails with information about where our next meeting will be, upcoming events, or things that need to get done.

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It is evident that Ms. Murray encourages club involvement not only to the members, but also her AVID class. Every week, she reminds her class to do service events for Key Club. In fact, Mrs. Murray requires that her students do at least one service event per semester. Though one service event per semester may not seem like much, this still serves as a reminder to her students  that it is important to give back to the community that has given so much to them. In order to advertise her class about Key Club’s service events, she gives each student a piece of paper, which contains details regarding the upcoming service events. In doing this, she is able to disseminate the information, which encourages her students to do service events.

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Aside from promoting service to her students, Ms. Murray promotes Key Club! Recently, she had asked officers come in during her class to give a presentation on the importance of paying dues!

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It is easy to see that Ms. Murray promotes active and unique service opportunities for our club. She is always on top of what all of the officers are doing to make Key Club better by attending all of our officer meetings and involving herself in them. She is also attending weekly club meetings so she can see the members and her AVID students to make sure they can attend and know what’s happening with Key Club. Also, Ms. Murray provides Piedmont Hills Key Club with amazing events to attend, such as the Gift Wrapping for Kiwanis and Royal Relays. Ms. Murray’s hard work doing these makes me and the other officer’s work easier and together we get a lot more done as a group.

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It’s important to have interesting events that attract volunteers. Thankfully, we have Ms. Murray who always informs us when there’s a new event such as helping load a truck with donations for people effected by Hurricane Harvey.

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