Wear It: Don't Bear It

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“Speaking is difficult, but I need to say something important. Violence is a big problem. Too many children are dying. Too many children. We must do something. It will be hard but the time is now. You must act. Be bold. Be courageous.�

- Gabrielle Giffords



FABRIZIA Milan, Italy “When I heard about this project, I immediately decided to join. I think it’s great to give voice to such an important cause through fashion.”


MEL Washington, D.C. “I’m always a proponent of giving back wherever and whenever I can and when Toby told me about her “Wear It, Don’t Bear It” jewelry line, I was all for it. Since proceeds go towards the help of those families who are affected by gun-related crimes, it was the least I could do to showcase the jewelry and stand behind a good cause for a better world.” 8

ANGELA Yantai, China “Small charm, big impact. The first time I saw the Wear It: Don’t Bear it charm, I was struck by its beautiful design. It was a Philippe Starck lamp I could hold in my hand, and a Markus Lupfer motif I can wear on my neck. But what made me buy the charm was the powerful message it conveys. In recent years, gun violence has resulted in hundreds of innocent lost lives. Although I am limited in my power to change the political and societal landscape of the firearms regulations in the US, wearing the necklace every morning, a move so effortless, helps me join the effort in raising awareness in the community around me.” 9

BECA New York, New York

KAREN London, United Kingdom 10

MADDY Mahopac, New York “As soon as I became aware of Wear It: Don’t Bear it, I ordered two pieces, one for my sister, and one for me. Having always been a proponent of stricter gun control policies, it wasn’t until the Sandy Hook shooting that I realized that I wanted to make a statement with my Wear It: Don’t Bear It jewelry. My proximity to Newtown, CT made the issue more real to me, and I felt that if I could make a statement against gun violence, others may feel empowered to join the cause too.”


ISABEL Geneva, Switzerland “To me purchasing WIDBI jewelry was more than buying a piece of jewelry for a good cause, it was about expanding consciousness and seriousness of gun violence and how it’s destroying America. WIDBI is about creating something that touches the spirit of others and helps them to be involved in the process of peace. There are so many charities that struggle and WIDBI is something new, something different, a beautiful, fashionable and innovative way to really represent what we believe in.” 12

RACHEL New York, New York “I am a supporter of gun control and imagine a world without guns would be a much more peaceful place without constant shootings in schools, homes and public venues. The Wear It Don’t Bear It jewelry campaign is a great way to spread an important message to people of all ages.”

ESMEE Arnhem, Netherlands “How cool is this necklace? Wear It Don’t Bear It.” 13

GABRIELLE Montreal, Canada “Making a statement can be as easy as wearing a necklace. This one is for a good cause.” 14

ELIZABETH Nashville, Tennessee “Between practicing yoga, prancing from meeting to meeting, or just going out on the town with my girlfriends, I know by wearing my WIDBI bracelet it’s the most fashionable way to spread what I believe in about gun control. This company is the perfect combination of expressing rights and saving lives, while showing off your personal style at the same time.”


AMY Jerico, New York “I bought my WIDBI bracelet to raise awareness and show my support for stopping gun violence.”


DANIELLE Philadelphia, Pennsylvania “All I am saying is give peace a chance! When a cause is important to me and worth sharing, I jump at the opportunity to have my voice heard. Today I’m making a statement rocking my “Wear It: Don’t Bear It” necklace.” 17

CAROLINE New York, New York “When the Sandy Hook shooting took place, I was studying abroad in London. The news reached London in a slightly delayed fashion, but when it did arrive, discussions of how to reduce gun violence were prominent in the news. Standing at quite a distance, I didn’t think I could do anything to help, but when the “Wear It Don’t Bear It” project sprung into action, I thought it was the perfect opportunity to participate in a process of change. The beautifully designed charms are a creative, trendy, and simple way to project the “Wear It Don’t Bear It” message both at home and around the world.” 18

DANI Toronto, Canada “With firearms becoming increasingly available, powerful and destructive, countless tragedies have ended the lives of many, hitting closer and closer to home. Shootings in Aurora, Colorado / Oslo, Norway / and at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, triggered me to express my concern about gun violence back in December, and although leaps and bounds haven’t been made in terms of legislating the use of firearms, continuing to instill awareness in the public/taking purposeful actions towards supporting those suffering as a result, is always a good place to start. Wear It Don’t Bear It allows us/you/everyone to show recognition.”


ANNA Gävle, Sweden “I like the jewelry because I think it’s important to always have a reminder of the gun-violence that is unfortunately, a dark reality for so many people in this world. It’s also a reminder of all the “violence” in your own reality, even if it’s violence with words. We should remember to always treat the living creatures around us with respect and kindness.”


ASHLEY Minneapolis, Minnesota “Shootings were very common where I grew up in Minneapolis, nicknamed “Murderapolis.” I think wearing this bracelet and believing in the mission is the first step to ending gun violence and teaching children that violence is never the answer.”

AMANDA & KENNETH Westchester, New York 21

KATE Scarsdale, New York “I wear the necklace everyday!! It’s my favorite accessory because it’s so unique and powerful.”

YASMINA Cairo, Egypt “I bought the necklace because guns take more lives than they save. I know because I lived in Egypt and when guns were in the hands of soldiers and not criminals - it was a much safer place.” 22

PAULINA Pasadena, California “Sunday (Jan 26th, 2014) was the first time I had been in a movie theater since Aurora. I don’t live my life in fear, but at the pace that gun violence is spreading and affecting people across this country, who knows when another public space will be violated? I wear this bracelet to symbolize that I stand in solidarity with the individuals and families who have been personally affected by this destructive epidemic.” 23

ARIELLE Alpine, New Jersey “To help end gun violence in America, we need to get guns off our streets and out of our schools.”


CHRISTINA Staten Island, New York “I fully support Wear It: Don’t Bear It. I feel the jewelry is a beautiful representation of the ugliness that guns cause and is a token to Toby’s hard-work in trying to make the world a better place.” 25

ADRIANNE Prarie View, Texas “I am from Texas, a state considered to have some of the nation’s most lenient gun laws. The message about not using guns irresponsibly is one that needs to be heard. No single snowflake causes an avalanche; no single jewelry item will cause a movement. But enough jewelry wearers that get the conversation going? Now that can cause change. This, I believe.”

KAVITA Jersey City, New Jersey “Wear It Don’t Bear It is a growing movement that demonstrates how we can band together through fashion and beauty to create systemic, meaningful, and necessary change in our communities across the country.” 26

ERIKA & NATALIE Washington, D.C. “Toby Milstein is just a girl who decided to make a difference and allow people to join her in making a statement, literally and figuratively. Playing off of the images of guns we see in fashion (think Chanel’s gun heel), she founded a fashion meets humanitarian initiative called Wear It Don’t Bear It. Especially given the shocking amount of gun violence that’s taken place in our lifetime, we were more than willing (more like we feel lucky) to be a part of such a great cause and wear her necklaces. We wear ours almost every day. Thank you, Toby, for being such an awesome, selfless, inspirational, giving human being!” 27

DANA San Francisco, California “I got this awesome necklace that says ‘Wear It Don’t Bear It,’ and the message is absolutely something I believe in. I believe the US needs MUCH stricter gun control. It should not be as easy as it is to get a gun in the United States. When I went to Australia, I had a very long conversation about gun control with one of my tour guides. He explained to me how difficult it is to get a gun there and how laughable the United State’s gun policies are to Australians. Wear It Don’t Bear It spreads an important message to people of all ages.”



SARAH & MICHELLE Greenwich, Connecticut “Last fall, I was deeply affected and disturbed by the Newtown shooting, especially since it occurred so close to home. The worst part was that I wanted to help in some shape or form but didn’t know how to do so. When I found out that Toby designed a necklace against gun violence and that the profits would go to help families who had been victims of this tragedy, I walked over to her apartment right away and bought one on the spot. Then I texted all my friends with the following picture encouraging them to buy it as well. The necklace reminds me that we are not powerless individuals; a single person can inspire others and start a movement to encourage fundamental change, and I think Toby is doing just that.” 30

STEPHANIE Scarsdale, New York “I am a fan of supporting other empowered women of our generation who are looking to make a change for the future.”

TAMMY Washington D.C. “I am absolutely onboard for supporting this project and commend Toby for starting it and producing it in the US!” 31

LEANDRA New York, New York “Wear It, Don’t Bear It.”

ROMI Los Angeles, California “I bought my WIDBI necklace for Mitchell, who was taken from us too soon, and who we miss so very much.” 32

SAI Sierra Leone, Africa “I am a mom who sat and cried as she watched the news develop around the Newtown tragedy. I am a mom who cried Christmas morning for the gifts that were never open, and the hugs that were not given that day. I am a mom who never understood why anyone feels the right to bear military grade weapons if he or she is not active in the military. I am a mom who doesn’t want to see armed guards at her daughter’s school, but I am a mom who wants her child safe. I am a mom raising a child in city of Chicago. We have some of the toughest gun control laws here, but unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to be working very well. Hopefully, if we get that conversation started, we can get our lawmakers to stop trying to one up each other and finally join forces to help our children. Something must be done. I am a mom, who after 5 consecutive miscarriages became one. I know that loss, and I couldn’t dare imagine losing the child I held in my arms. Let’s get this conversation started. Peacefully.” 33

JOANNA New York, New York “WIDBI is part of a movement to change something in modern American culture. Our admiration for guns, refusal to put restrictions on their use, and the ease with which guns can be obtained hasresulted in numerous, unnecessary casualties. As Yoko Ono tweeted earlier this year, since John Lennon’s death in 1980, over one million people in the United States have been killed by guns. WIDBI is a symbol of protest against the senseless gun violence that has become increasingly common in our society.”

ROBERTA Rio de Janiero, Brazil “Being strong is about standing up for what you believe in, and my WIDBI bracelet makes a statement everywhere I go!” 34

NATHALIE Cuenca, Ecuador “The only jewelry I wear is #WIDBI because I’m a Latina living in a country where 95% of gun violence victims are people of color and 66% of all hate crimes are directed towards hispanics. In other words, MATH.”


JESSICA Houston, Texas “Being from Texas, I would love to show that not all of us love guns. As a mother it breaks my heart when I see kids caught up with guns or hear about accidents at home.”


AMANDA New York, New York “Those that have been physically hurt by gun violence may be quantifiable; however, those emotionally affected are undeniably limitless. WIDBI seeks to enhance the awareness of gun violence’s countless consequences and if you can support the cause by buying these creative and stylish bracelets and necklaces, the purchase is a no brainer.”

BORA Seoul, Korea “What a great way to show your support – regardless of what one’s political stance is, my Wear It: Don’t Bear It necklace reminds me that there is a way to come together against senseless gun violence and help those who have suffered from tragedies. Statement jewelry in every sense of the phrase.” 37

JULIE Englewood, New Jersey “I chose to buy a WIDBI necklace to support this amazing cause. Not only is it important to get the message of gun violence across, but it is also extremely important to make it as accessible and widespread as possible. That is what Wear It Don’t Bear It does. Being able to wear a piece of jewelry and make an important and meaningful statement at the same time is something that every young woman should do for a cause they care about. Wear It Don’t Bear It allows me to make a statement everyday about gun violence.”

HAYLEY Austin, Texas “I bought my WIDBI bracelet to take a stand against gun violence and to support the good work Toby is doing.” 38

LAINY Deal, New Jersey “I like the jewelry because its intention is to bring awareness. I think that many people take guns lightly, and it’s a serious issue, especially when so many children are involved.” 39

TRACY Binghamton, New York “I appreciate how easy Toby Milstein made it for me to make a difference and help families of gun violence tragedies just by wearing a chic and fashionable charm. I love my necklace but knowing all the sales and proceeds go back to grieving families and helps spread an important message makes me feel powerful. I hope I see a lot more fashionistas wearing this fab charm.�


JACQUELINE New York, New York “Gun violence has become an increasingly pressing issue. After all of the recent shootings, I was excited to hear about Wear It Don’t Bear It and I am happy to be a part of its campaign.”

JADA New Orleans, Louisiana “I am from a city with an insanely high murder rate, and every year you hear about the gun violence affecting victims who are younger and younger. It is sad that there are children dying in my city and across the world, who are dying without the chance to live yet. Wear It Don’t Bear It starts the conversation for this problem that has been ignored for so long.” 41

ADRIANNA Hicksville, New York “I bought the WIDBI bracelet because I think gun control is important to ensure safety for all.� 42

JULIA Hamden, Connecticut “It was just after the Newtown shooting, a tragedy that took place only an hour from my home. I saw that Toby had started an anti-gun campaign so I looked into it. Well designed, proceeds for charity, and conveniently it was the work of a friend. I fell in love with the whole project and immediately purchased my Wear It Don’t Bear necklace. Every time I put it on, I am complimented, which tells me that this project has the ability to reach thousands and the potential to change millions.”


SERENA Toledo, Ohio “I am originally from Toledo, Ohio and currently live in Pangkalpinang, Bangka Belitung, Indonesia. I support WIDBI because it is a bold statement against the gun violence that is spreading uncontrollably through our nation and needs to end immediately. The jewelry is a simple and chic way to spread awareness not just within the United States, but also, globally.”

TAYLOR Sea Cliff, New York “I support WIDBI because I have been greatly affected by all of the recent shootings and I would like to help bring about a change.” 44

CATHERINE Montreal, Quebec “I bought my WIDBI necklace in order to bring attention to the amount of gun violence happening in our world today. It’s important that we take a stance for the many innocent victims.”


KATHLEEN San Francisco, California “It’s such an inspiring effort -- the campaign gives back and supports families affected by gun-violence tragedies. I love how she combined fashion and humanitarianism into one initiative to bring a heartfelt yet powerful way to help pay it forward in our community.” 46

KIM King of Prussia, Pennsylvania “I purchased this Wear It: Don’t Bear It necklace because my mom is a teacher and I believe that no child or teacher should ever be afraid to go to school.” 47

SHANNON Austin, Texas


SARAH Newtown, Connecticut “I stand with Wear It: Don’t Bear It because any time I see the pendant or someone else does, it brings up a much-needed conversation about gun violence in America. The jewelry raises awareness for this epidemic we face, and brings together fashion and activism so that we can hopefully change the conversation.”

KYLE Pretoria, South Africa 49

BETTY & NURUL Pangkalpinang, Bangka-Belitung, Indonesia


JULIE New York, New York “To think of Sandy Hook just gives me the chills and it’s really so amazing that Toby is doing what she can to make a difference. While we’ve really only become ‘cyber’ friends and chat back and forth via email, I really love Toby and her cause. It’s so inspiring to see what one person can do to make a change. It’s a good reminder that no act is too small.”


HANNAH Los Angeles, Calfornia “Why? Because enough already.”

RICKY-LEE New Zealand 52

LESLIE Brookfield, Wisconsin “When Toby told me about this project, it really hit close to home. Sadly there have been two mass shootings in Brookfield, each just two miles from my house. When the second one occurred in 2012, a good friend of mine was there, but thankfully she wasn’t injured. I’ve always been very pro gun control, and now with such frequent cases of gun violence, I am more than ever.”



LAYLA Rome, Italy “With almost an average of one school shooting a day in this first month of 2014, gun violence is an epidemic that is taking over America at a growing pace. As a student from Rome, my #WIDBI bracelet is a universal message everyone can grasp, a statement of solidarity towards the mothers, fathers and children in the families and communities affected.�


MARGO Tenafly, New Jersey “I wear the WIDBI necklace so no child is ever afraid to go to school.”

NIKKI Washington, D.C. 56

SAMMY Hartland, Wisconsin “I bought this Wear It, Don’t Bear It necklace because I don’t think gun control is an issue we can sweep under the rug anymore. By wearing a gun around my neck, I hope to continually remind others to think about and deal with the issue at hand. Together we can come up with a solution that benefits the safety and happiness of all Americans.” 57

ELSA Oslo, Norway “I bought the WIDBI necklace because I love the idea of conveying a political message that I am very passionate about through wearing a cool piece of jewelry.” 58

CINDY Nashville, Tennessee “I bought my WIDBI bracelet because I believe that the discourse on gun control will remain relevant until the US sees stricter laws on gun control. Wear It Don’t Bear It is a great message!” CARLY New York, New York “I strongly believe in Wear It Don’t Bear It jewelry because I think it is important to bring awareness to the issue of gun violence, and gun control in America. This does it in a fashionable, and creative way.” 59

DIANE Ramsey, New Jersey “I bought this piece of jewelry because it sends a positive message regarding a prevalent controversy in today’s culture. This issue of gun control has unfortunately heightened due to recent events and can no longer be swept under the rug. We all know a picture says a thousand words, but in this case, a delicate piece of jewelry does the trick.”


SARAH Philadelphia, Pennsylvania “I bought my Wear It Don’t Bear It jewelry because it is a fashionable way to give back and make an impact on an area of extreme need: gun violence.”

DANIELLE Port Washington, New York “There is nothing more devastating than turning on the news and hearing that more innocent people were killed or injured because the wrong person was in possession of an extremely powerful weapon. I bought this bracelet to help support those families who have been affected by these acts of violence; I wear this beautiful pendant as a symbol of hope for a much brighter future.” 61

SUSAN South Orange, New Jersey “Gun violence is a horrible thing and I’m a firm supporter of gun control so this issue definitely means a lot to me. The jewelry is a great way to support this. I’m a court advocate for foster children who live in a project nicknamed “Bullet Town.” Unfortunately these young boys and girls see gun violence right outside their doors regularly. It’s awful and not a way any child should be brought up.”

JOSEPH New York, New York “I bought it because it is for a good cause and it is fashionable.” 62

NELLY Berlin, Germay “I love the meaning behind the necklace.”


SOPHIA “I wear Wear It Don’t Bear It because gun violence has to stop. ”



For all the innocent children, teenagers, and adults For all the tears cried, and families torn by a single bullet or a barrage We come together to wear this message of non-violence of not bearing guns irresponsibly It is to remind ourselves and everyone else who sees it Around our wrists or dangling near our hearts we remember the pain that these weapons cause when they’re in the wrong hands


We are from all over the world We are from Newtown Oslo Austin Berlin to name a few of our hometowns We are nine-years-old in our twenties in our thirties in our forties in our fifties We are sixty and older We are Asian Black Caucasian Hispanic We are everything in between


We are out there all over the world we all have our reasons we all have our stories What we are trying to tell you is that we care We are scared We are angry We are sad We are confused We are hopeful We are looking for change


As small as this pendant may be it unites us It is our collective charm for a conversation It is a step in the right direction We aim for peace, we aim for change Wear It: Don’t Bear It








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