Marketing & PR My first ‘start-up wednesdays’ @ LCA Overview: - Marketing your business/freelancing - Sussing out your target market - The 4 Ps - Promotional mix - Marketing impact
Presentation slides & my notes
Your brand isn’t just your visual identity. It is: - Core values - USP - Recogniseable - Tone of voice
4 Ps: Product Price Place Promotion
Competitor analysis allows you to position yourself in the market effectively and so you stand out
Consumer Profiles (Businesses or customers)
Make the targets: Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Timed
If you don’t set targets, you won’t know your position.
Elevator pitch
Cut to the chase.
Feature vs. Benefit
What do you intend to earn? Work to it. E.g. 8 hrs x 10 x 262 days = ÂŁ20,960
Distribution - Where will it sell?
What makes a good promotional mix?
Use the correct promotional tools appropriate for the business & market
BLOGS is a URL shortener that allows you to measure statistics
More important to build contact database in your first few years. Don’t define success by money.
Evaluate your developments. E.g. analytics, stats, followers, how many craft fairs, etc?