ROH Minutes 07.03.2017

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Meeting: 07/03/17 Present: Shelly, Sophia, Meg, Erin

Group caught Erin up with all work that had happened since the last meeting she attended Showed ballet dancer map motif and vector map of the country Showed colour swatches and vectors of landmarks from each city in this colour scheme Talked through idea to create a range of outcomes including posters for bus shelters, publications, stickers and tote bags Meg shared research on effective sticker campaigns and we all discussed specifications: -Stickers should be oversized so they can be seen from several feet away from a lamppost, -Stickers should be plastic as apposed to paper to withstand weathering -Stickers should include a reference to social media - instagram would be the most effective form of promotion for the target audience (link on the outside of the sticker)

Meg reserved three screens for screenprinting

Actions: Shelly to create the ballerina motif Sophia to create vectored London map sticker Meg to screenprint first run of maps Erin to think of a hashtag (with help from group) Erin to collect information for the leaflet that is appropriate for the target audience, put together leaflet leaving space for the map

Print Slot: Tuesday 14th March 11:00am

Date of next meeting: 10/03/17 Lunchtime

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