Programme Definition Area
Surface and volumetrics 8 tram platforms at 10m squared each - 80m squared
Tram station
Distribution of goods to the rest of London, as well as Users: the general public the accumilation of goods of East London from the local residential areas.
Workers: Tram drivers and delivery workers who pack and unpack goods Unseen workers: The tram line operators, the mechanics who upkeep the trms and the line
Spacial qualities The stations will create the feeling of a bridge between the building and the rest of London. Arteries in to and out of the building. They will be naturally light airy and welcoming to those people approaching from the idustrial transport route. Open to the surroundings, a permeable entrance where the sounds of the remote workings of the building can be heard.
Technical Requirements The tram stations must link to the rest of the train line running through the heart of East London, as well as provide a service that fits into the timetables of those who will use it. Signals and a constant requirement for scheduled mechanical servicing. Also, people on the platform to regulate deliveries.
Programme Definition
Residential Dwellings
Comfortable and affordable housing for those workers within the building. They are situated on site, so that the workers become the symbols and familiar faces of the market.
Users: The market stall holders, the 'teachers' and performers of the performance space, the tram drivers and opperators.
Unseen workers: The cleaners, windowcleaners and handymen. As well as those who provide childcare throughout trading hours.
The residential house based on the reccomended space allowance plus a bit extra space=- 25 x 3 bedrooms 1350m squared - 15 x 2 bedrooms - 750m squared 10 x 1 bedrooms - 35m squared
The dwellings must be light and airy and 'mentally healthy'. The workers who need and use these homes will stay close to their profession, being able to see the workings of the building, but from a distance. They will come in a range of sizes, from individual dwellings to those suitable for families. Residential housing will also provide deployable structures, so as during trading hours they can be opened, and tram stops that need to adapt to the conditions, for example the tracks, where it stops. An extension of the market
Technical support needed for services, for example plumbing and drainage. The deplyable structures, in operation and in maintenance.
Programme Definition
Market Space
A bustling market space interlinked with a learning space where facts and information about the performance of the market, as well as the history of performance is intertwined through the activities taking place.
25 market stalls - maximum 2 workers per stall - 5.76m squared each plot averaging out as roughly 150 m squared of market space all together. Users: The public from within a 5 mile radius (Roughly 5,000 people)
Workers: Those market stall holders as well as those residents within the immediate area contributing to the goods for sale. Unseen workers: Those who provide and display the information about performance for the education of those who visit. Also the technical team for the theatre. Also those who distribute the goods throughout the market and throughout East London.
The form the market stalls inhabits takes that of a circus ring, with the tradition of performance taking place in a 13m diameter ring. The ambient temperature of the space will be that of the outside, as the market and daily performance space being open air. When evening or extra performances are scheduled, a roof can be deployed in order to raise the ambient temperature for the comfort of the spectators.
Technical support for the market and education space is relatively low, as stall holders will have their own plots and performances that take place will happen ad-hock. The technical support for the more organised performance space, will need equipment found maily within a theatre. Lighting rigs, sets and props. The market will have a 'self cleaning' mechanism. Shallow gorges within the floor of the market space allowing water, collected from humidity within the air, or from the rain, to be released when cleaning needs to take place.
Programme Definition
Prformance Space
As described above, the market space will be two fold. One that is organic that is in constant use throughout the day, performances happening alongside the market taking place. More Users: Theatre goers organised performances will also take place, needing a space (the performance and sellign ring) that can be transformed and used as a public theatre.
Workers: The performers Unseen workers: This category is the larges within this programme, as all those who are needed to work the theatre; stage hands props, lighting rigs and set are needed.
PERFORMANCE SPACE; based on the size of a traditional circus ring, will be - 132.7m squared.
The form takes that of a circus Lighting rigs, artificial lighting, sets, ring, with the tradition of sound, costume, performance taking place in a 13m diameter ring.The transient performance space will need to be installed and deconstructed easily, the permanent aspects being integrated into the fabric of the market. A roof will be needed for temperature as well as lighting needs. A circular performance space will enable an exciting form of theatre to take place. I am not so worried about the sounds of the theatre eminanting out of the building, but the sounds of the close train line may become overpowering if not managed.
Programme Definition
Working on the fact that I am not to cultivate insects, Storage spaces the storage spaces for these will be a 'living' storage space.
Users: The stall holders that sell the goods. As well as the people specially employed to cultivate.
Workers: The workers are the same as the users, the market stall holders, the public ho contribute to the insect communities. Hidden Workers: The 'professional' cultivators who are there simply to use theor expertise in the production of a large amount of insects.
Dependant on the types of crop that will be grown and stored, some areas will need natural light with low humidity, and some will need dark areas with a high humidity, so the separation of conditions will have to be thought about. Also, the separation of STORAGE; based on 3 levels crops with high ethelene levels will of storage - 450m squared need to be stored keeping in mind its qualities for ripening as well as damaging certain crops. Further away in order to preserve crops that need to be kept un-ripe due to shelf life, and closer to those that are wanting to ripen.
Optimum temperatures need to be kept, this, though, can be achieved with natural ventilation methods within the design of the building. Services for watering the crops as well as systems for turning the ripening fruit.
Programme Definition
Insect cultivation
Due to the use of cows and dairy farming becoming unrealistic within the confined spaces of East London, on order to produce enough product to serve the local community, the use of insects as food stuffs is a realistic next step in food and protein production. Insects, within a small ammount, produce a huge amount of biomass.
Users: The Public and those market stall holders that sell the goods.
Workers: Market stall holders Unseen workers: Insect cultivators
Depending on what type of insect that will be cultivated, differing amounts of space is needed. For crickets, an 1820 gallon container, at least 15" tall. For Grasshoppers a similar size of container, at least 10 gallons. For one or two scorpions, a 10 gallon container, for more than that, a 15-20 gallon container. Depending on how much biomass is needed to be produced, these containers can be stacked in a storage space as stated above.
Humidity, lghting and temperature for insect cultivation will need very exacting qualities (yet to be looked inti in depth). The insect cultivation room is the silent powerhouse of the building‌. An optimum temperature for the three samples to the left is 70-80 degrees farenheight.Grasshoppers like direct sunlight, but Crickets should be kept out of direct light and both do not like humidity. Desert scorpians also dislike humidity but like the light.
Equipment for housing and cultivating the insects, large glass vats, as well as humidifying and soil watering equipment will be needed.
Programme Definition Due to the market and the production and running of the scheme is to be in the form of a cooperative buisiness plan, the public will take a large role within the running and organisation of the services Local residents and production of goods. This doesn’t mean that all cultivation production that contributes spaces to the goods for salewill take place 'on site' but people who contribute living within the residential areas close by will also cultivate in teh space they have.
The community would be Thise spaces that are used by the made up from people from public for cultivation will take the the immediate area, a 5 form of whatever space it is they mile radius approximately, can use. Similarly with the public and the building would be spaces. When cultivating insects en route for many though, certain conditions are convenience buyers. needed and so the site Users: The general public - 60 households of 4 people - automatically becomes more Approximately 240 people - specific, meaning maybe, it will be those who 28 households of 2 people - becomes less easy for just anyone purchase the cultivated to join in. The same conditions as goods. This will measure Approximately 56 people at around 5,000 people. - 13 households of 1 person -above are needed for the Approximately 13 people individual insect cultivation, but 20 Office buildings this can take place inside or out Approximately 1600 people - within an old fish bowl. 10 business’ of industrial use - Approximately 900 people Workers: Those people (collective or individual) who are to cultivate using the spare space they have, whether that be a window box or a collective cultivtion area in green spaces in East London. Unseen Workers: Those members of the public who cultivate.
Simple equipment for example fish tanks and simple lights will be all that locals will need to cultivate insects. Depending on the conditions they can create depends on the species cultivated. Small devices within the home, for example, such as Philips Microbial project, where layers of growth are installed within the home.
Programme Definition
Crop Growth Spaces
The growth of crops within my programme is a community based endeavour, meaning not only will locals grow to contribute to the sales, but also the building will become an organic 'bin' for Users: The public from within a 5 mile radius the natural waste the community can contribute, (Roughly 5,000 people) aiding to the composting and therefore growth of crops on site.
Workers: The community as well as gardeners, people with previous experience of growing crops, as well as those who wish to learn. Hidden workers: The teachers and cultivators who work behind the scenes to ensure continuous crop production
If everyone who takes part in the grow at home scheme, a minimum plot of 1meter sq would be needed to produce a crop plentiful enough to contribute to the consistent selling in the market place. If a plot, distributed and split across the site, can reach aproximately 50 meters sq, added to the contributions and help of satelite growing throughout the residential areas, a large yield could be achieved
Open, healthy and organic spaces. The importance here is to bring back nature to a part of the city that is lacking in natural communities.
Farming equipment on a 'hand held' scale. All cultivation is on a personable level, and so getting hands dirty is fundimental. Automation takes the on site close contact away from growth. Exuipment to protect from frost will also be needed.
Programme Definition
The Cow Station
A dairy production scheme is to be rolled out over the green spaces of the immediate area of London. This comodity has in the past been bought into the city from the countryside. I propose here to bring this ingredient of rural living to the city, and produce localised milk for dispensing within my building. Such as the Milk O'Matic does across parts of Europe, localised high volume milk dispensed to the local community, through payments of contributions.
The volumetrics needed to provide for the whole of Hackney is such a large scope, the land free to do this is sparce. Instead of 8,000 cows for a population number of roughly 100,000; on average 400 cows would Users: The general public be needed for the and visitors to the population target within the permanent market. This area of 5,000. For each cow, amounts to the same though, the needs are quite population that would use clear; A Parlour - 3 meters the market (Roughly squared per cow. A 5,000 people) collecting yard - 2 meters squared per cow. An entrance and exit - 4.5 square meters each. Coming to 9.5 meters squared per cow on average.
Workers: The urbanised dairy farmers spread around the urban green spaces of London, reclaiming the common land Hidden Workers: The transport of the milk to the vending machines, the maintenance team for these, the distributors and manufacturers, as well as the people who help to look after and keep the cows.
Spacial qualities for keeping a cow is, fundimentaly, open green and fertile space. The milking spaces are designed to heard the cattle through the process, but can be made less stressful (to produce more milk), by keeping it open and light and calm. music to sculpt a space would be a good way of looking at it, as cows also produce more milk when the right music is played. The juxtaposition of the city and the rural process is a tricky one to place side by side, as the rural process as explained needs calm and spacial qualities, where as the city doesn't always allow this. An architecture that allows the comment to the rural but works alongside the urban is needed.
The equipment needed for the milking process are numerable. Firstly there is the milking equipment and vats in order to collect the milk. Then there is storage equipment before transportation to site. Due to the regulations within the UK, raw milk can not be dispensed, only treated. So sterilisation equipment is also needed. The equipment for the dispensing of the milk is quite simple. Vats for the storage and pumps/dispensers for the milk as well as dispensers for the containers.