Advert Reflection

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Questions 1) Is your production fit for purpose?

Advert I think my production is fit for purpose because it delivers the message that we were aiming for. I have provided a 30 second advert that reaches the typical advert standard by using the codes and conventions. My advert promotes our products well because it is all about unisex which we have shown by using a male and female using the product. Also, the name “Jenesse” means youth in French, which doesn’t imply a specific youth gender. We filmed it in a suitable environment as it wasn’t too overcrowded with

Screen capture

2) Compare with original intentions

3) Technical difficulties

sound which allowed us to have good quality audio. To improve my advert, I would add more visual effects to make the advert more interesting an effective. I believe that my final outcome has reached above my original intentions of what I aimed for within my advert. Due to this, I stuck to the rushes log and shot list to make it easier as I would know what shots to use when editing and know where to film and what days. This allowed me to be well organized when creating the advert. There were no major technical difficulties, however there was poor quality of audio due to where it was filmed. A majority of the footage I have used has a noticeable

4) Accessibility to Target Audience

background noise, however I have made the noise less distracting by adding in music when editing the footage. The target audience of the advert is teenage boys and girls. I believe that my advert has made it clear as we use both boy and girl actors and filming them using the product, implying that it is a unisex spray.

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