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Megan Gaddes 100656555 Swinburne University of Technology Faculty of Health, Arts and Design School of Design Published and Printed in Melbourne, Australia by White’s Law, Caulfield. I would like to thank my family and friends for their advice and encouragement during the development of this project over the past 12 weeks. All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by means, electronic or mechanical, including photography, recording or any other information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from Swinburne University of Technology. Declaration of Originality Unless specifically referenced in the bibliography, the mark and all other material in this book is the original creation of the author. Copyright Agreement I agree for Swinburne University to use my project in this book for non-commercial purposes including: promoting the activities of the university or students: internal educational or administrative purposes: entry into appropriate awards, competitions and other related noncommercial activities to show my work in lectures and as an example for future students online and face to face and in lectures. In some situations, this may involve repurposing the work to meet the requirement of Swinburne’s use. I agree to grant to Swinburne a worldwide, non-exclusive, irrevocable and free-offee license to use this project produced in DCO20001 in any way for non-commercial purposes. Signed Megan Gaddes Date 25/05/17


Part 1 Research


Branding Vocabulary The Industry Case Studies

10 12 14

Part 2 Development


Our Mission Moodboard Brandmark

18 20 25

Part 3 Brand Identity


Guidelines Stationery Applications

28 34 42




Introduction Brand and identity design plays a fundamental role in business. It creates a unique image that appeals to a bussiness’ target market and aids in it’s success. This publication displays the process of brand and identity design, the research, development, and the brand’s final identity. Locale is a grocery store that is extremely conscious of the big picture. They care deeply for the environment and include this in every aspect of their business. Additionally, they want to reconnent people with the earth and foster a greater knowledge for agriculture.


Branding Vocabulary


Figure Mark

The development and maintenance of a brand.

A brandmark consisting of one or more figures


Combined Mark

A company, or product or something else, presented in ways that make an image.

A brandmark consisting of letter/s and figure/s.

Identity The characteristics by which a brand is known

Trademark A registered (legally protected) brandmark.

Image The market’s opinion about a brand Brandmark - Logo A graphic mark that represents a brand Logotype - Letter Mark A brandmark consisting of letters


Per Mollerup: Marks of Excellence, The history and taxonomy of trademarks




Combined Mark



Industry Marks

There are common elements of logos within the industry through form, colour and type. Many logos use organic shapes and natural shades to represent their brand. Others use logotypes in monochrome schemes. Lastly, some industry marks have a high amount of detail within the brandmark.


Industry Positoning

Business Attributes Top Shelf Fruits

Large Business

Passion Foods

Coltivare Camberwell Fresh Food Market

Low Cost

High Cost

Organic Wholefoods

The Source Boutique Wholefoods Market

Macro Wholefoods Market

Logo Design


Senserrick Green Grocer

The Common Good Detailed


Prahran Market

Evergrin Organics

Smith & Maloney



Case Study: Organic Wholefoods


Case Study: Camberwell Market


Case Study: Top Shelf Fruits



Our Mission

At Locale we believe in ethically sourced, sustainable, and natural produce. The combination of farming and food transportation has a severe impact on our environment and we’re passionate about reducing these effects. We care deeply about the world in which we live, therefore our products are carefully selected from approved ethical and sustainable farms that don’t use unnatural chemicals and fertilisers. Our partner biodynamic farms are within the shortest possible distance from our store, to reduce emissions and to provide our customers with farm fresh products. Furthermore, we only stock produce that is in-season, providing our community with fruits and vegetables that were harvested in the last 48 hours. That means no longterm cold storage that involves unneeded chemicals and added transportation. For too long large supermarkets have sold low quality produce that is old and damaged. 18

One of our priorities is agricultural education for people who live in urban areas. We want to spread the knowledge of of how and when produce is naturally grown and furthermore, foster a reconnection between modern communities and the land. Our community project, Local Commotion, gives the community access to a garden and workshops where they can learn and enjoy the benefits of nature. We’re honest and ethical. We care about our impact on the environment and provide our community with the finest natural produce our region has to offer. LOCAL This word is essentially the ethos of our brand. It is included in the name of our brand and in every aspect of what we do. Providing local produce for the local community has many benefits environmentally and for the growth, understanding and education.

Our Values

Ethical Our priority is to provide our customers with ethically sourced produce, in every aspect, from the seed in the soil the store shelf. Sustainable All aspects of our business are focused on sustainability. Our biodynamic farms use natural and minimal impact agricultural methods. Our trucks travel a short distance. We don’t use unnecessary packaging and provide our customers with reusable bags. Natural The produce in our stores is grown as naturally as possible. Our farmers use only use natural fertilisers and insecticides that have the lowest possible impact on the environment. Local Our produce is sourced primarily form our region, and secondarily within Victoria.

Community We provide the highest quality service and produce for our customers. We promote a connection with the land through knowledge of seasonal produce and natural farming methods. Honest We prioritise the knowledge of where and how our produce is sourced, for our local and wider community. Service We want to help our customers in whatever way we can by providing the best possible service and the freshest possible produce. Environmental Our passion is for the condition and longevity of the world in which we live. In every facet of our business each decision is made with the environmental effects in mind and we do all we can to have the smallest ecological footprint possible.



The brand identity for locale will focus on the form, texture and colour of nature. The typographic style will be refined and simplistic with the incorporation of organic shapes. Natural materials such as wood, recycled materials and produce will be a focal point of the stores interior environment and various applications.



Brndmark Development

Initial sketches for brandmark incorporating organic and geometric shapes, and the relation of the mark to type. Various interpretations of the brands values through symbolism and illustration.


Brandmark Development


Brandmark Development

e l a c lo

The developed logo concepts. Each represent certain elements of the brands values, including nature and locality. They also directly represent what the brand is about; produce, agriculture and locality.



Out of the three logo concepts we believe this logo best suited our brand as it symbolises our values in a simple and distinctive way. Whereas the other options did not show our values as effectively. We chose this brandmark as it embodies what we stand for. It symbolises the green rolling fields where our produce is grown in the natural environment, the way

mother nature intended. The place marker focuses on locality, our overriding value, as we provide local produce to our local community. The brandmark is simplistic and geometric to be distinctive and legible at any size. The colour green embodies our priorities; the environment, sustainability and natural produce. The brandmark is flexible and can be used without the type. 25

Branmark & Competitors


The brandmark and it’s competitors. Notably, Locale’s logo is divergent from it’s competitors. It varies in colour and form, being completely unique for it’s positional market.


PART 3: Brand Identity






Logo Spacing

Logo Placement

The logo mark should always have an exclusion zone that is untouched by any other elements on the page. This exclusion zone has a minimum space of the letter “O� in Myriad Pro Semibold 30pt.

The logo should always be placed in the top left-hand corner of documents or centred as a watermark behind content.

Logo Usage





Logo Usage The logo can be used divided and used as either a brandmark or a logotype. When significantly reduced in size only the brandmark can be used and the type omitted as it is illegible at small sizes.


Do & Don’t





Use official variations outlined. Use negative, black and white variations when necessary. Use either the logotype or brandmark separately when necessary.

Stretch or tilt the logo. Scale or reposition logo elements not in sequence with original format. Change the typeface. Change the colour or use background colour not included in the colour scheme. Recreate.

Colour Scheme













Locale Green

Dark Green


C 35 Y 9 M 98 K 0 R 186 G 194 B 23 #bac217 Primary colour for the brand, used for emphasis and in all marketing collateral. Can be used in saturations outlined to create hierarchy and interest.

C 47 Y 28 M 100 K 5 R 152 G 153 B 32 #979922 Secondary colour, used to create depth and variation.

C 0 Y 0 M 0 K 98 R 19 G 19 B 19 #131312 Secondary colour, used for text and to add contrast.



ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 123456789#?!@$%&*(){}” “ Myriad Pro Bold 30 – 40pt

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 123456789#?!@$%&*(){}” “ Myriad Pro Semibold 12 – 14pt

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 123456789#?!@$%&*(){}” “ Myriad Pro Regular 8 – 10pt

Typography Myriad Pro is Locale’s primary typeface family. Myriad Pro in Bold must be used for headings and as feature text on poster and large print marketing. Myriad Pro Semibold is the weight used in the logo and must be used sparingly on all marketing collateral. Myriad Pro regular is used for body text.


Tool Box

The Locale patterns and image are secondary elements that can be used in all applications for the brand. The pattern is an interpretation of the rolling crop hills in the logo and uses the Locale Green and white. The image of pomegranates uses a gradient map in the locale green and can be used for all marketing collateral.



LOCALE Locale Hawthorn 96 Camberwell Rd Hawthorn East Victoria 3123 T: (03) 9896 7683 F: (03) 9869 5462 info@locale.com.au www.locale.com.au

LOCALE Locale Hawthorn 96 Camberwell Rd Hawthorn East Victoria 3123 T: (03) 9896 7683 F: (03) 9869 5462

Mrs Elizabeth Goodman Design & Co. Unit 20, 16 Bourke Rd Malvern Victoria 3456 20 April, 2017

info@locale.com.au www.locale.com.au

Dear Elizabeth, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quae diligentissime contra Aristonem dicuntur a Chryippo. Quae quidem vel cum periculo est quaerenda vobis; Duo Reges: constructio interrete. Non est ista, inquam, Piso, magna dissensio. Videmusne ut pueri ne verberibus quidem a contemplandis rebus perquirendisque deterreantur? Eaedem enim utilitates poterunt eas labefactare atque pervertere. Efficiens dici potest. Res enim concurrent contrariae. Nonne videmus quanta perturbatio rerum omnium consequatur, quanta confusio? Negat esse eam, inquit, propter se expetendam. Sed ego in hoc resisto; Aliter enim nosmet ipsos nosse non possumus. Homines optimi non intellegunt totam rationem everti, si ita res se habeat. Ut in voluptate sit, qui epuletur, in dolore, qui torqueatur. Eam si varietatem diceres, intellegerem, ut etiam non dicente te intellego; Esse enim quam vellet iniquus iustus poterat inpune. Illum mallem levares, quo optimum atque humanissimum virum, Cn. Atqui, inquam, Cato, si istud optinueris, traducas me ad te totum licebit. Unum nescio, quo modo possit, si luxuriosus sit, finitas cupiditates habere. Sed ille, ut dixi, vitiose. Aliter homines, aliter philosophos loqui putas oportere? Sed in rebus apertissimis nimium longi sumus. Quae qui non vident, nihil umquam magnum ac cognitione dignum amaverunt. Quod cum dixissent, ille contra. Et quidem iure fortasse, sed tamen non gravissimum est testimonium multitudinis. Age, inquies, ista parva sunt. Yours Sincerely Asha Woodley Assistant Manager

Locale Ltd. ABN: 12 534 798 742

Locale Ltd. ABN: 12 534 798 742

Letterheads Black and white, and full colour versions for all official Locale communications.




LOCALE Locale Hawthorn 96 Camberwell Rd Hawthorn East Victoria 3123 ww.locale.com.au

Mrs Elizabeth Goodman Design & Co. Unit 20, 16 Bourke Rd Malvern Victoria 3456

Envelope Uses same formatting as the letter heads for business information, used for all official Locale communications.



Business Card Business card for member of staff and for the store.



Loyalty Card Gives members special offers and discounts on stock. Additionally, preferred access to work-shops and events.



Locale Locale Hawthorn 96 Camberwell Rd Hawthorn East Victoria 3123 ww.locale.com.au


Email Signature





Website Optimisation for all screen sizes, and consistency throughout.


Website Adaptations


Shopping Bags

We provide reusable shopping bags for customers in-store to hold their products. We do not believe in the use of plastic bags as they are a major cause of pollution. These bags are made from recycled materials and plant derived dyes. These bags are also used when groceries are delivered to customers.


In-Store Storage

Baskets and trolleys used in-store for customers to collect their groceries. Both made from natural materials.


Delivery Transport

One of our main concerns is the environment, therefore the mode of transport for our delivery service is a bicycle complete with an insulated cargo hold to keep our produce fresh.



Branded truck that picks up produce from our farms and delivers to our store.


Staff Uniform

Staff are required to wear an apron including an embroidered logo. They are encouraged to wear a light coloured shirt and dark pants creating a friendly and approachable appearance.


Retail Space Moodboard

The concept for the retail environment of Locale is farmer’s market meets clean architectural spaces. The highlight of the store is our produce, the interior will be designed to accentuate this by using a natural colour palette and materials.


Shop Front

Outdoor appearance of the Locale store. Signage uses the logo in various ways. A display of fresh fruit and vegetables will be at the front of the store.


In-Store Signage

Signage for the retail space. Colourful signs hanging above produce displays. Price signs attached to displays.


Poster Campaign

The poster campaign focuses on the essential value of the brand: local. Having local produce has many positive effects. Less transportation lower costs, helps local communities and lower fossil fuel emissions. The campaign creates intrigue and excitement for passers by through the copy and use of bright green. The posters also have a call to action. 52

Sub-Brand: Community Project


Local Commotion Local Commotion is a community project that centres on the agricultural education and fostering a reconnection of people and the land. Through the education of natural and ethical practices the community will have a greater understanding of produce production and ways significantly reduce their

environmental impacts. Urban dwellers have become disassociated with the nature and it’s benefits. The work-shops and events held are centralised around our inherent need for nature and how to redevelop an understanding and connection with the land. Additionally, education on nutrition and nature’s impact on our well-being is provided. 53

Sub-Brand: Community Project

Community Garden A project central to Local Commotion are it’s community gardens. With a focus on agricultural education, the community members can take part in work-shops where they learn how to grow and cultivate produce. Additionally, they can volunteer to maintain and harvest the gardens, and assist in work-shops. 54







Covers https://static.pexels.com/photos/132930/pexels-photo-132930.jpeg Inside Covers All patterns made by Megan Gaddes Page 8-9 https://www.pexels.com/photo/maize-plantation-vegetation-agriculture-26935/ Page 10 Mollerup, M. (1999). Marks of Excellence: The History and Taxonomy of Trademarks. Great Britain: Phaidon Press Ltd. Page 11 http://imagescollector.blogspot.com.au/2012/02/famous-logos-around-world.html (bp) http://beetlecreative.com/greatest_logos_history/ http://logok.org/woolworths-logo/ https://desktopmag.com.au/features/top-ten-australian-logos-1st/#.WMkgVBKGORs (abc) https://goodlogo.com/extended.info/target-logo-2702 https://www.brandsoftheworld.com/logo/yves-saint-laurent-1 http://gizmodo.com/serifs-had-it-coming-1728015048 (coles) https://www.gizmodo.com.au/2015/09/googles-logo-killed-serifs-because-serifs-had-it-coming/ http://www.coca-cola.co.uk/stories/the-logo-story (cocacola) https://www.brandsoftheworld.com/logo/disney-6 (disney) http://www.logodesignlove.com/penguin-logo (penguin) https://www.wwf.org.uk/ (wwf) https://www.holden.com.au http://www.stickpng.com/img/icons-logos-emojis/iconic-brands/polo-ralph-lauren-logo http://www.designhill.com/design-blog/starbucks-logo-overview-of-design-history-and-evolution/ (starbucks) https://kingydesignhistory2012.wordpress.com/2012/02/27/what-are-the-top-ten-logos-of-all-time-in-australia/ (qantas) http://qldorganics.com.au/advice/links/australian-organic-logo/ http://beetlecreative.com/greatest_logos_history/ (le tour de france) https://business.pinterest.com/en/brand-guidelines http://www.nestle.com/aboutus/history/logo-evolution http://www.rosella.com.au/ https://forums.digitalpoint.com/threads/changing-the-colors-of-a-trademarked-logo-and-putting-it-on-a-blog-post-is-this-legal.2670127/ http://www.orionspringfieldcentral.com.au/stores/the-source-bulk-foods/ https://www.fineprintnyc.com/blog/the-history-of-the-adidas-logo http://www.australianmade.com.au/why-buy-australian-made/about-the-logo/ http://logok.org/ea-logo/ Page 12 https://www.facebook.com/Top-Shelf-Fruits-155067198013263/ http://ceres.org.au https://www.facebook.com/Smith-Maloney-155889957763754/ http://www.ecofarms.com.au/ http://www.wholefoodsfoodstore.com.au/ https://camberwellshopping.com.au/trader/coltivare-fruit-vegetable-store/ https://www.facebook.com/Senserrick-Green-Grocer-923295834366249/ http://www.handson.com.au/portfolio/macro-wholefoods/ http://www.greatearth.com/ https://www.commongoodstore.com.au https://www.organicorigins.com.au http://www.terramadre.com.au/ https://www.connettscorner.com.au http://organica.com.au/about/ http://www.prahranhealthfoods.com.au/ https://www.prahranmarket.com.au http://ceres.org.au/social-enterprises/grocery/ http://www.wholefoods.com.au http://camberwellfreshfoodmarket.com.au https://thesourcebulkfoods.com.au https://passionfoods.com.au/about https://thelittlehen.com.au http://www.foe.org.au/who_we_are http://www.plump.com.au/ http://www.wholefoodsmarket.com Page 14 https://www.facebook.com/organicwholefoods/photos/a.144907872218441.24201.142794439096451/496846850357873/?type=1&theater https://www.facebook.com/organicwholefoods/photos/a.419992944709931.89850.142794439096451/1350658634976686/?type=3&theater https://forbiddenfoods.com.au/blogs/news/10768989-organic-wholefoods-fitzroy https://www.startlocal.com.au/retail/healthfood/vic_melbourne/Organic_Wholefoods_Fitzroy_3404244.html https://tr.foursquare.com/v/organic-wholefoods/4b058750f964a520338b22e3 Page 15 http://camberwellfreshfoodmarket.com.au http://www.weekendnotes.com/popular-community-regional-markets-melbourne/ http://www.aroundyou.com.au/place/businesses/camberwell-fresh-food-market http://www.dyob.com.au/inspire-me/postcards-rebecca-judd-discovers-boroondara http://www.helenbodycomb.com/unswept-floor/ Page 16 https://www.facebook.com/Top-Shelf-Fruits-155067198013263/ http://ashburtonshopping.com.au/directory/top-shelf-fruits/



http://melbourneslittlebird.blogspot.com.au/2014/04/top-shelf-fruits.html https://www.google.com.au/maps/place/TopShelfFruits/@-37.8631869,145.0779513,3a,75y,48.67h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sDEQUEca9zOQfo2TMt2Zc2Q!2e0!6s%2F%2Fgeo2.ggpht.com%2Fcbk%3Fpanoid%3DDEQUEca9zOQfo2TMt2Zc2Q%26output%3Dthumbnail%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26thumb%3D2%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D41.90984%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i13312! 8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x6ad641db760bfab5:0x7641d0b291945c62!8m2!3d-37.86295!4d145.077986 Page 17 https://www.pexels.com/photo/yellow-and-red-round-fruit-bearing-tree-27464/ Page 18-19 https://www.pexels.com/photo/red-onions-beside-bitter-gourd-66454/ Page 20 - 21 https://h-o-r-n-g-r-y.tumblr.com/post/146261009321 http://www.ensuus.nl/2016/02/sissy-boy-ss16-pers-event.html http://viewers-like-you.com/pretty-smart http://www.whimwhim.org/blog-behind-the-scenes/come-whimming-with-us-nov-2-2013/ https://www.instagram.com/p/BM90OQIhaNw/ https://liagriffith.com/reusable-produce-bags/ http://magnum.florim.it/en/rex/ http://creativeroom.tumblr.com/image/81665418194 http://www.urbello.com https://www.bloglovin.com/blogs/a-gentlewoman-4234659/birdasaurus-apolis-3435458115 https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/271532548/botanical-logo-photography-logo-soap?shop-update=2374593 http://www.rynfrank.co.uk http://maxpixel.freegreatpicture.com/Irrigation-Agriculture-Field-Crops-Farming-593087 http://katepugsley.tumblr.com/post/82248807817/tropical-fruit-sketches-in-gouache-from-my-trip-to http://i.pinimg.com/736x/55/42/1f/55421fb5b13e16f99dfab3c8e09cbe33.jpg http://peppermintmag.com/bag-it-up/screen-shot-2012-01-18-at-8-06-45-pm/ http://www.thedieline.com/blog/2014/2/18/coffee-kitchen http://beatricecerocchi.tumblr.com/post/155337621146/httpwwwstudiopivotitshop Colour pallettes created by Megan Gaddes in Adobe Illustrator. Page 26 https://www.facebook.com/Top-Shelf-Fruits-155067198013263/ https://camberwellshopping.com.au/trader/coltivare-fruit-vegetable-store/ https://www.commongoodstore.com.au http://www.wholefoodsmarket.com http://camberwellfreshfoodmarket.com.au https://www.organicorigins.com.au http://www.wholefoods.com.au Page 27 https://static.pexels.com/photos/209482/pexels-photo-209482.jpeg Page 39 Screenshot from Gmail Page 40 https://adobe.ly/2s8Xfif Page 41 https://creativemarket.com/graphicon/26893-Apple-Responsive-Screen-Mockups?utm_source=cmembed&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=26893&u=graphicon Page 42 http://graphicburger.com/canvas-tote-bag-mockup/ http://www.pixeden.com/psd-mock-up-templates/drawstring-psd-bag-mockup-vol2 Page 43 http://casualcottagechic.typepad.com/this-and-that/2010/02/index.html http://www.olliella.com.au/natural-belly-basket Page 44 https://www.phcmag.com/bike-riders-mutiny-threat/ Page 45 https://vk.com/mockups?w=wall-51494670_12655 Page 46 http://www.cargocrew.com.au/aprons/henry-bib-apron-khaki.html http://www.cargocrew.com.au/aprons/tokyo-bib-apron-khaki.html https://roughandtumbledesign.com/products/copy-of-dolce-vita-jaeger-boot?utm_campaign=Pinterest%20Buy%20Button&utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Pinterest&utm_content=pinterest-buy-button-024664f37-9157-47d5-97d2-830faeadc567 Page 47 https://visitbritainnordic.wordpress.com/2011/01/11/daylesford-farmshop-cafe/ https://www.flickr.com/photos/kotomi-jewelry/9081107506/ https://www.flickr.com/photos/orlyp/2484545404/ http://www.mima.com.au/portfolio/natural-fresh-grocer/ Page 48 http://graphicburger.com/down/?q=window-signage-mockup-2 http://www.notquitenigella.com/2011/08/29/henry-jones-mona-salamanca-mark https://madebyvadim.robot.co/product/100-signs-and-facades-mockups http://graphicburger.com/a-frame-chalkboard-menu-mockup/ Page 50 http://www.freepik.com Designed by Freepik Page 51 http://www.freepik.com Designed by Freepik Page 52 http://www.theonion.com/infographic/how-start-community-garden-55272 http://www.lushome.com/urban-rooftop-garden-design-ideas-changing-city-architecture-green-ideas/138822


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