PO Box 589, Lake Oswego, Or 97034-0289 503-635-0265
Invoice Summary Total Amount Due
Due Date Forwarding Balance
05/15/14 $0.00
Fixed Rates
Water (Fixed) 17%
Due Date: 05/15/14
Breakdown of Fees
Sewer 56%
Street Maint 6%
Water Usage by Month (2014) Measured in CCF (1=748 gallons)
Water Sewer Surface Water Street Maintenance Total Fixed Rates
$22.53 $74.12 $10.99 $8.01 $115.65
Water Usage Water Usage (Tier 1) 13%
Surface Water 8%
Previous Reading Current Reading Tier 1 Total for Water Usage
6717 6724 $16.59 $16.59
Account Information
Average User E cient User
John Smith 1234 Rebecca Ln Status: Account Number:
Active 05-2728-01
Billing Information: Penalty Date: Service Dates:
06/16/14 3/17/14 - 04/17/14
Save Water, Save Money 40
- a 4 minute shower uses 20-40 gallons of water
dishes 0
May Jun
Aug Sep
Oct Nov Dec
Feb Mar Apr
use permanent press setting
Please return this portion with your payment Changes on this remittance will not be recognized due to automated processing
Account Number: 05-2728-01 Amount Due: 132.24 Due Date: Auto Pay - Do not pay Service Address: 1234 Rebecca Ln
John Smith 1234 Rebecca Ln Lake Oswego, Or 97035-6548 05272801000132244
$JUZ PG -BLF 0TXFHP PO Box 589, Lake Oswego, Or 97034-0289 503-635-0265
Understanding Your Bill
Ways to Pay Your Bill
The bill for utilities is bi-monthly. Surface water and street maintenance are fixed rates. The sewer rate is the same from July to June and consists of both a flat rate and an average winter water consumption. Water service includes both a fixed rate and a fee based usage. Water usage is measured in cubic feet (CCF) and due to the City PG -BLF 0TXFHP T UJFSFE XBUFS SBUF TUSVDUVSF UIF DPTU GPS water is lowerst in Tier 1 and highest in Tier 3.
"VUPNBUJD 8JUIESBXBMT The EasyPay program automatically withdraws the amount due on your monthly utility bill from your bank account, VISA, or MasterCard. Call the Finance Department at (503) 635-0265 to sign up.
$$' HBMMPOT PG XBUFS Tier 1 = usage between 0-16 CCF Tier 2 = usage between 17-32 CCF Tier 3 = water usage at or above 33 CCF For more information on current rates visit: www.ci.oswego.or.us/finance/master-fees-and-charges
Water Conservation The tiered water structure is intended to support conservation effors. Water conservation saves money, preserves wildlife habitat and makes sure there is enough water for all uses. For more information on conservation tips and links, please visit www.ci.oswego.or.us/publicworks/water-conservation-program
0OMJOF #JMM 1BZ: UtilityOnline allows on-line bill pay by VISA or MasterCard. You can also review your utility account, history and consumption at www.ci.oswe go.or.us/finance/online-bill-pay. Click on Online Payment Services from the logon screen. *O 1FSTPO: Drop your payment off in the secure Drop Box located inside the double doors, on the back side of City Hall, 380 A Avenue. .BJM 1BZNFOUT UP City of Lake Oswego PO Box 589 Lake Oswego, OR 97034-0369
E-Statements Available If you would like your statement emailed, let us know at utilitypayments@ci.oswego.or.us with your account name, account number, phone number, and an email address.
Late Fees
Mail Payments To
$5.00 is assessed for utility bills not paid within 30 days of billing. If the total bill is $200 or more, the late fee is 2.5% of the total amount due. The account may be turned over to a collection agency if not paid in 60 days of due date.
$5.00 is assessed for utility bills not paid within 30 days of billing. If the total bill is $200 or more, the late fee is 2.5% of the total amount due. The account may be turned over to a collection agency if not paid in 60 days of due date.
Attention: Utility Payment City of Lake Oswego PO Box 589 Lake Oswego, Or 97034-0289