2011 Ohio University NSAC Book

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get ready TOGETHER



03 marketing 11 acquire

12 traditional 15 nontraditional 17 sponsorship 18 philanthropy 19 digital

21 retain

22 loyalty incentives 23 digital enhancements 24 in-store enhancements

25 media

26 consideration sets 31 media spending

Executive Summary The Golden Rule: Treat others as you would want to be treated. The Golden Rule philosophy, instilled by jcpenney’s founder and based around values of fairness and family, is still as relevant to jcpenney’s story today as it was in 1902. This business approach has guided jcpenney to become one of America’s leading and most trusted retailers. Millions of families walk through its doors daily and generations of women count on jcpenney for great styles at compelling prices that are just right for their whole family. It is the family values of the past that pave the road for jcpenney’s future.

campaign objectives • Acquire female customers ages 25-34 • Retain female customers ages 25-34 • Increase shopping frequency and grow share of wallet among current female customers ages 25-34

target market Our target market consists of non-jcpenney female customers and current jcpenney female customers ages 25-34. Our primary target is majorly comprised of: single women, engaged & married women and married women with kids.

positioning and creative KEY FINDINGS Women ages 25-34 are experiencing many changes in their lives and preparing for the future. They are also forming deeper relationships with their mothers. They value the time they spend with their mothers and enjoy shopping together.

CREATIVE STRATEGY Become the brand that understands the lifestyles of women ages 25-34 and can provide what they want and need.

POSITIONING jcpenney is America’s most trusted retail partner for discovering great styles at compelling prices.

BIG IDEA & TAGLINE Get Ready Together.

media and promotions Strategically



merchandise and services through traditional and non-traditional mediums used by our target audience. Engage women ages 25-34 by non-intrusively implementing the jcpenney brand into their lives.

media spending Digital 5% Direct Mail 5% Television 25% Out of Home 27% Magazines 39%


introduction The reality is, times change. Styles evolve, economies turn and technology adapts. While change is not always planned, it happens. jcpenney embraces this idea with the “New Look. New Day. Who knew!” campaign, which takes a step toward positioning jcpenney as a store full of new surprises for women. jcpenney excels at maintaining strong relationships with its older demographic and always finds ways to continuously improve. Now, with increasing competition from e-commerce and big-box retailers, department store profits are weak and the category is in the declining stage of its life cycle. Only companies able to uniquely position themselves, while remaining competitive in both price and product offerings, will see success. jcpenney knows strengthening its connection with young women is a strategic priority. A plan that both acquires and retains female customers ages 25-34, increases shopping frequency and grows share of wallet among current female customers, is necessary. To effectively speak to these women we need to understand how they shop, the way they think and what they value. We have developed a campaign to reach out to women ages 25-34 that relates to where they are in their lives now and stays true to jcpenney’s heritage. While successfully fulfilling the company’s objectives, this campaign continues to prepare jcpenney for growth.

To create this strategic plan we first developed a SWOT analysis:



• Well-known • Traditional • Diverse and broad mix of apparel and product offerings • New and stylish womens apparel

• Perceived as older and too conservative by 25- to 34-year-old women • Limited awareness of the selection and new brands by women • Aisles can be cluttered and hard to navigate • Inconsistent messaging and tagline

Opportunities • Differentiate by emphasizing jcpenney’s heritage and family atmosphere • Change perception of jcpenney by showing women new brands to fit their lifestyles • Become a primary point of reference when shopping 2 | Ohio university

Threats • E-commerce and big box retailers such as Target and Wal-Mart are gaining market share • Specialty retailers are seen as more fashionable by 25- to 34-year-old women • Unclear future of department store industry • Declining demand projected in the future

Brand perceptions The New Look. New Day. Who Knew! campaign repositioned jcpenney as a fashion-forward retailer with surprising style. However, 25- to 34-year-old women see jcpenney as a lowcost, unfashionable retailer. Perceived as having conservative and olderstyle clothing and not having the “right� shopping atmosphere.

JCPenney 3


jcpenney’s competitors can be broken down into two segments: Department Stores and Big Box Stores. It is imperative to analyze the competition by how each is positioned and determining how each is perceived in the minds of consumers.

• Positioned as the affordable, yet trendier version of jcpenney • Perceived as easy-to-navigate and known for its exclusive inventory of national brands and successful private label lines

• Positioned as America’s top department store; all about being the best and most fashion-forward • Perceived as being expensive, with high-quality product lines, “magical” events and frequent celebrity appearances

department stores 4 | Ohio university

• Positioned as the ultimate low-cost retailer; provides a cheap, basic product line • Perceived as low-cost and known for its massive, warehouse store design

• Positioned as the hip, fun retailer; all about living in the moment • Perceived as a fun, one-stop shopping experience and known for its affordable, chic product lines

big box stores MARKETING | 5

Where jcpenney should be To women ages 25-34, jcpenney should be perceived as the most trusted partner for discovering great styles at compelling prices.

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Target Segments Now that we know where we want jcpenney to be, we need to better understand our customers. They are categorized into three audience profiles. All fall within the 25- to 34-year-old age group, but being in different life stages affects their values and shopping behaviors.

single Fact: Single women are pursuing their careers, establishing social networks and developing deeper personal relationships. They enjoy being organized both in their career and personal lives. Implication: They shop mostly for themselves and are influenced by brand names and want to be seen as fashionable.

“I normally go shopping when I have money to burn or if I have something coming up like a friend’s wedding or a date.”- SINGLE, 26

married and engaged Fact: Married and engaged women are pursuing their careers, but are more focused on building families. Their social networks are becoming smaller as they spend most of their time with their significant others. They are learning how to define their lives and run households as part of new units. They also are planning for the future and hoping to have children. Implication: They often shop for their husbands and fiancés in addition to themselves. They are busy, so they are influenced by displays that make it easy to find clothes, a friendly staff they can interact with and one-stop-shops where they can make many of their purchases.

“Today, I actually shopped more for my husband than I did for myself.” - MARRIED, 30

married with kids Fact: Women with children are the primary care givers for the first time in their lives. They often put aside career goals to focus on raising their children. They act as the glue to the household and wear many hats such as the understanding listener, the disciplinarian, the volunteer, the teacher and the coach. They have stopped focusing on themselves and are lucky to get an hour of “me” time a day. Implication: They have stopped buying clothes for themselves to save money to spend on their kids. They often go shopping with their children, and buy more things for other people than they do for themselves. Their shopping experiences are much more focused on finding specific items for good prices that fit their budgets.

“I go into a store looking for things for myself, and often come out with nothing for myself and everything for my kids. The focus has changed.” – MARRIED WITH TWO KIDS, 32


primary research To deepen our knowledge of our target segments, we conducted in-depth interviews, observational field research and surveys.

in-depth interviews In-depth interviews helped us understand the core values, beliefs, and interests of young women’s lifestyles, as well as what they enjoy about shopping. We asked women what was most important in their lives and who they turn to when making purchasing decisions. Our questions addressed their shopping habits, life and social relationships, goals and aspirations and the keys to their ideal in-store experiences. We found 25- to 34 year-old women value their family more than younger women and are especially growing closer to their moms.

“Since having kids, my mom and I don’t fight as much because I see what a brat I used to be.” – MARRIED WITH TWO KIDS, 34

“My mom and I have a good relationship but are not super close. We are getting there, though, and have our moments where we really open up to each other. We are much closer now than we were when I was a teen.” – SINGLE, 26




present wants

future needs





independent me



council family

Women ages 25-34 are long-term goal-oriented. They often have other people to think about in their lives and put others’ needs before their own.

“I’m ready for the next stage in my life.” – SINGLE, 25

“I shop a lot more for my son than myself because he is more important. He needs clothes faster because he is growing.” – MARRIED WITH ONE CHILD, 29

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follow ups in-depth


buddy shopping hours observation hours


Additionally, 25- to 34-year-old women are often the primary shoppers in their households. They generally make purchases with a specific event or person in mind. In regards to jcpenney, our target customers feel there is no specific area in the store for them and feel the clothes are generally too young or too old. They also have difficulty recalling specific brands jcpenney carries.

“I am in a stage where I don’t want to dress in ‘junior’s’ clothes, but ‘mom’ clothes in no way flatter me. Penney’s doesn’t offer any clothes for someone my age.” – ENGAGED, 27

observational findings We discovered a great number of 25- to 34-year-old women entered jcpenney after noticing a sale display or with coupons in hand. We also discovered another factor was driving women to the store: At jcpenney, 25- to 34-year-old women browse while chatting with their moms. The two can be found shopping in all sections of jcpenney. If they aren’t with their moms, young women are likely to be with other loved ones such as a sister, husband or children. During our field observations of other retail stores including Macy’s, Target and Kohl’s, young women often shop by themselves. At jcpenney, however, they consistently shop together with their moms, grandmas, children or significant others.

“When I go shopping at jcpenney I go with my mother or my sisters and my daughter.”


mall surveys According to our surveys, two areas jcpenney can improve on are dressing rooms and aisle space, especially for women with strollers. Women do, however, praise jcpenney’s use of marketing displays.

“jcpenney’s floor layout is a little crowded. Especially when you have a stroller for your kids, it gets really cramped.” – MARRIED WITH THREE KIDS, 30

“Usually I look at the merchandise on the center displays. It gives me good ideas for gifts.” – MARRIED, 28

These three research methods led us to our key insights and gave us the foundation we needed to develop our creative strategy and big idea. >> MARKETING | 9

Insights & Big idea key findings: Women 25-to-34 years old are entering new phases in their lives. As this occurs, their mindsets, principles, values and perspectives evolve. They enjoy shopping and making purchases for significant people in their lives such as their children, siblings and parents. Because they are busy, they often shop with a specific purpose and have an idea of what they need. They also enjoy leisure travel or traveling with family. Finally, they are becoming more open-minded to advice and often seek it from their mothers. These women know their moms relate to what they are currently experiencing. The 25- to 34-year-old woman values the time she spends with her mom and enjoys shopping with her. They can go to jcpenney where they find things for their loved ones and each other.

creative strategy: It is important for jcpenney to position itself against its competition and stand out as the leader in the retail category. The greatest opportunity for growth is with the segments we identified. They face many challenges in their lives. Perhaps they are uncertain about who they are, where they are headed or how their families will evolve. The shifts in their mindsets also are causing uncertainty about what they believe and value. Women who shop at jcpenney can feel more at ease during these transitional periods and venture into the future ready for what comes their way. To get there, they need a brand that understands where they are going and provides what they need. jcpenney can embrace the simple truth that 25- to 34-year-old women are preparing for change and desire a supportive brand. From this critical knowledge, we developed a big idea that: 1) Speaks directly to women ages 25-34 to let them know jcpenney understands what they are going through 2) Shows that women prepare for change with their loved ones 3) Positions jcpenney as a partner during the entire process 4) Inspires women and their loved ones to turn to jcpenney for any shopping experience We will show women that jcpenney is ready even if they’re not. Our recommended tagline:

Why is Get Ready Together the perfect tagline? Get Ready: young women, ages 25-34, are always getting ready for something new. “Get Ready” has an inherent “newness” about it that has not been utilized in the department store industry and is proactive and relatable — inspiring women to prepare for what’s next. Together: serves two purposes. Young women, ages 25-34, value family and friends and often get ready for new events with them. “Together” also informs women that jcpenney is the store to help them get ready. It assures women they are not alone and positions jcpenney as a partner, providing the support system women desire.

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Acquire OBJECTIVE ONE: • Acquire female customers ages 25-34 The following collection of creative executions, promotions and public relations events will attract young women to jcpenney stores and jcp.com.



Forms of traditional media will allow optimal audience reach by placing jcpenney advertising in areas where customers will see the message.

tv Viewers follow a woman getting ready at jcpenney and the jcpenney salon with her family and closest friends in this :30 second spot, accurately depicting the Get Ready Together campaign.

Jenney tries on an outfit and a pair of red shoes. She looks at the shoes in the mirror.

She wears the shoes as she enters her sister’s house for her niece’s birthday party.

Jenney’s sister stands behind her daughter and Jenney notices her sister’s red dress.

Someone carries a birthday gift to the table, wiping across the camera.

Jenney wears a red dress to a double date.

Jenney’s friend shows off her engagement ring and Jenney notices her red nails.

Jenney goes to jcpenney to get a manicure.

Jenney’s sister and friend from the earlier scenes meet her at the salon.

Jenney flashes her nails. The women smile and hold jcpenney shopping bags.

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magazines Women will come across these four-color, full-page ads while reading their favorite magazines.

A typical Saturday morning hanging around the

get ready to be her hero

house, complete with dress up. The clothes and jewelry are tagged as items that can help our target get ready for these classic playtime moments.

get ready


for the best friend you never knew you had






This ad appeals to single women who represent one of the biggest portions of the 25- to 34-yearold target. As women enter the 25-34 age range, they begin to grow closer to their mothers. Oh, and getting gifts from mom never gets old. The purse

get ready

is tagged as a gift that shows our target and their moms really do understand each other.

for the “child” before your first STUDIO HUDSON RECLINER

He’s on the new furniture again? Again? This ad speaks to every young couple without children, representing a big portion of our target. The chair is tagged as a jcpenney item that will help women get ready for all the moments with the “child” before their first. ACQUIRE | 13

traditional billboards GET READY TOGETHER Traditional



moments women are “getting ready” for with a simple message that can be easily understood.

get ready TOGETHER


little red book Continuing jcpenney’s efforts, little red books will SPRING

be distributed via direct mail throughout the country,


increasing brand recognition of new lines including MNG and emphasizing jcpenney style.

spring 2012


little red book





LIZ CLAIBORNE jcpenney | 8










$15.92 jcpenney | 9

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nontraditional Non-traditional media will increase overall brand awareness and grab attention by aiming to reach our target in unexpected areas where retail is not top-of-mind.

hotel keycards Shopping is a must in the Big Apple, especially when traveling with family and friends. When shopping for their nights out on the town, women will be reminded that the flagship jcpenney is located at 33rd St. and 6th Ave. The QR code helps visitors locate the jcpenney flagship store.

elevator wraps Mall elevators in our spot markets will remind shoppers of the many home items offered at jcpenney. Living room sets, kitchen scenes and bedroom essentials are among the featured items. jcpenney’s location in the mall will be displayed on the inside of the elevator.

hand dryer wraps Hand dryer wraps will cause women to do a double take. The instructions on the hand dryer are changed to show someone “getting ready” with a manicure at jcpenney. This execution will make the jcpenney salon top-of-mind the next time women want to pamper themselves.

bus shelter wraps Bus shelter wraps will capture our target’s attention on her way home from work. The copy reads: “Get ready for home sweet home.”


nontraditional airport zoomshops Get ready for a new way to buy fashion. Groggy from the plane ride from Los Angeles to New York? Sephora’s “Refresh Beauty Kit” has got you covered. Feet sore from wearing heels during your business trip? The Call It Spring line has flats to ease your aches and pains. jcpenney





machines located in 28 spot markets that make it easy to access fashion on-the-go. These nontraditional retail shops will catch your eye and ear with a customized exterior and inviting music by Lady Antebellum. Customers can use existing JCP Rewards or Ready Rewards cards, or sign up for one at the ZoomShop to rack up points and get a free promotional little red book for the plane ride.

taxi tops & video screens Taxi tops will capture women’s attention in major fashion driven cities across the country. Video screens within these taxis will keep jcpenney in women’s minds between destinations.

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Our branded sponsorships will deepen the connection between jcpenny and its customers. Women will associate the brand with mainstream style and trends while also driving sales.

jcpenney social media Get ready for the new face of jcpenney social media! Introducing Jeanette Scott Thwing, also known as “J.” She is a young, stylish, 27-year-old married woman with no children and the founder of “J’s Everyday Fashion Blog.” J has a notable following with more than 15,000 women viewing her blog posts daily (about 465,000 per month) and growing. Her Facebook fans are 95% female — 46% of which are ages 25-34. Through a sponsorship with jcpenney, J will be a brand ambassador who teaches women on a budget how to make fashion a reality in their busy lives.

j everyday jcpenney fashion blog & twitter management The personality blog will be a new addition to the website, inspiring everyday women with outfit ideas, new designer spotlights, makeup tutorials, hair & nail styling, celebrity inspiration, home decor and simple recipes. The jcpenney Twitter account will correspond with J’s style and personality, engaging the customer through conversational tweets.

project runway episode sponsorship Get ready to make it work! Through a single-episode sponsorship of “Project Runway,” contestants will be given the chance to design a day-to-night look for the exclusive Liz Claiborne clothing line. The only catch? Designers must pick their everyday women models from the jcpenney in Manhattan. The stakes are raised when both Liz Claiborne’s Chief Creative Officer, Tim Gunn, and J guest-judge the designs as the everyday women walk down the branded jcpenney runway. The episode will air in October 2012, with the winning design sold in jcpenney stores through February 2013.


sponsorships lady antebellum tour

paula deen’s home cooking

Get ready to see Lady Antebellum live and in concert! Fans

Get ready to meet Food Network star, Paula Deen! Through

of the five-time Grammy award-winning band can enjoy a day

an exciting viral competition, customers are encouraged to

of music with friends and family through our sponsorship of the

tweet the name of their local jcpenney store, using the hashtag

2012 Lookin’ for a Good Time Summer Tour. Shoppers can buy the

#PaulaDeen4jcp to bring the star to their hometown. At the end of

Lady Antebellum CD and concert tickets at their local jcpenney.

the contest, construction of a temporary, fully-functional kitchen

A website for the tour will give jcpenney fans an all-access pass

will begin within the home department of the store with the most

to exclusive behind-the-scenes footage of Lady Antebellum,

votes. The following week, Paula Deen will arrive at the winning

sweepstakes, video diaries shot by the band and personal style

store to tape an episode of “Home Cooking with Paula Deen” in

tips by lead singer Hillary Scott, who will be outfitted in MNG by

front of a live audience. The episode will air on the Food Network

Mango during the tour.

in early April 2012.

Philanthropy Our events will establish a strong bond and trust between jcpenney and the community with a local family focus.

day for kids | photobooths Get ready to give back. In association with the Boys and Girls Club of America, jcpenney will host the annual “Day for Kids” celebration during the weekend of September 15, 2012. We dedicate this day in the back-to-school season as a way to celebrate American youth. Thirty festivals will be set up in select store parking lots across the country. Families will walk away with memories by taking a snapshot in our branded photo booths. All proceeds from ticket sales will be donated to the Boys and Girls Club of America.

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Digital media has the ability to reach customers in a complex environment. By delivering a compelling and relevant message, the new form of advertising will engage customers and allow them to interact with the jcpenney brand.

interactive wall Get ready to rock out with Lady Antebellum!



through the city are greeted by a projection of Lady Antebellum on stage singing hits such as “Need You Now.” Fans can select the next song they’d like to hear, learn about the Lookin’ for a Good Time Summer Tour, get directions to the nearest jcpenney and purchase tickets instore thanks to a retail partnership with Ticketmaster.

jcpenney helped me get ready for...

interactive tool A “share” option appears on jcp.com after

a night out on the town! |

customers complete a purchase. Customers can choose to post a picture of their purchased item on Facebook or Twitter for their friends to see along with a personalized message explaining what it’s helping them get ready for. Friends who click the posted link will be


directed to jcp.com.

pandora On




summer, listeners will be greeted by a personalized jcpenney skin that says: “Get ready for your weekend!” After selecting an option, Pandora will create a station and initiate a twohour commercial-free experience. While enjoying the music, users can scroll through specially selected jcpenney outfits.


digital rich media banners Online units will appear on event sites such





CareerBuilder. This interactive banner will


pop up after the user purchases a ticket to a concert, books a trip, or applies for a job. Consumers are already in the purchasing mindset, and an additional bathing suit seems just right.

Get ready with jcpenney swimwear. ROLL OVER TO EXPAND





weather.com When consumers check the forecast they will be greeted by an expandable interactive unit that

get ready for the weather

reveals a selection of jcpenney clothes so you can get ready for

Button Front Dress

A nautical knit dress makes waves worth noticing. Belted waist, short sleeves, button front.

the weather.


Pleat Skirt Dress

Navy and white stripes create a classic look on this pleated dress by Joneswear. Sweetheart neckline & pleated skirt.


Tie-Back Dress

Opulent beading creates a cultivated look on this A-line dress. With embellished waist details.


get ready for the weather


Allen B. puffed Trench The iconic trench gets an update with adorable, puff-sleeve detail and a great fit.


Floral Stud Sandal

Bead and stud details create a bold floral design on these Mixit flip flops. Molded footbed, synthetic upper, synthetic sole.


Belted Anorak Jacket A lightweight anorak jacket offers warmth and style in one. Front-zip closure with buttoned placket, belted, pockets, cotton.


Menorc Sunglasses Confident and cool, these sunglasses sport some serious style. Plastic frame & polycarbonate lenses.


MNG by mango Trench City chic: this trench coat is a can’tmiss for your springtime jaunts.



Liz Claiborne trench A classic trench coat exudes confidence, grace and absolute class. Add this lovely design to your wardrobe today for an instant upgrade.


SHOP NOW 20 | Ohio university

Retain OBJECTIVE TWO: • Retain female customers ages 25-34 • Increase shopping frequency and grow share-of-wallet among current female customers ages 25-34 The following incentives and enhancements will have young women coming back to jcpenney and jcp.com again and again.


loyalty incentives Building on the CustomerFIRST program, jcpenney will maintain relationships with customers and reward them for their loyalty. Our incentives will empower associates to provide valuable customer service beyond what is expected, making jcpenney the preferred shopping experience.

ready rewards card

digital closet

Get ready to reap the rewards! jcpenney’s new Ready

Get ready to make it an outfit. This program lets jcpenney

Rewards card is just that — a rewards card without the red

customers shop inside their own unique section online. Linked to

tape. An alternative to the JCP Rewards credit card, this

the Ready Rewards card, the jcpenney digital closet recommends

program adds one point to your “collection” for every dollar

articles of clothing that will go well with recently purchased

spent in-store, online or at ZoomShops. Cardholders can rack

jcpenney items.

up 250 points to start a “junior collection” or 500 points to

For example: Jessica buys a pair of pants at jcpenney and opts

establish a “designer collection.” Each collection level will

into this program. She will then be emailed recommendations of

receive exclusive coupons as well as early shopping passes to

what to wear with those pants. She can then follow the email to

in-store sales and events.

jcpenney’s website where her digital closet resides. After several purchases, she will have a full closet of recommendations to go

fashion experts training program

great with already-owned clothes that fit her unique style.

Get ready to have a personal stylist at your fingertips! Our new training program will transform associates into fashion experts. Through a week-long workshop hosted by Tim Gunn in Manhattan, department heads will learn how to piece together functional, affordable and stylish wardrobes. Department heads will be responsible for training all future fashion experts, giving shoppers one more way to experience

From: Subject: Date: To: Reply-To:

JCPenney <JCPenney-support@jcpenneyem.com> Get ready to make an outfit! February 1, 2012 J@jcpenney.com JCPenney

exceptional customer service at jcpenney.

modern bride engagement parties Get ready, your new life together starts here. Modern Bride professionals work with couples to help bring their wedding dreams to life. After registering with jcpenney, couples are

You just bought this:

invited to attend privately held events in store, offering expert

MNG by Mango Long Sleeve Cardigan $32.92

advice on everything from furnishing your first home to planning

Uniform Solid Henley $31.92

the wedding, champagne and hors d’oeuvres. Couples who

Thin Belt $31.92

purchase their wedding bands at jcpenney will walk away with complimentary sapphire earrings, a wedding gift from jcpenney representing the traditional “something blue” sought after by brides to help them get ready for the big day.

‘Vintage’ Tote $55.92

LEARN ABOUT YOUR CLOSET jcpenney virtual closet lets you see options that will go well with already purchased items. See something you like? Purchase it online and add it to your closet. Be sure to check out accessories to complete the look.

shop the mango collection>> view your jcp closet >>

22 | Ohio university

‘Olsen’ Sandal $79.92

now make it an outfit

digital enhancements Enhancements made to the jcpenney website and smart phone applications will value customers’ time, provide personal feedback and make the digital experience more engaging.

homepage update Personalized sliding bars on the homepage will quickly narrow down clothing by body type, style, price range and type of event to give recommendations. Additionally, links to the new j everyday blog and “my jcpenney closet” tool will invite online shoppers to learn more.

“ask j” application Get ready for expert fashion advice! The jcpenney “Ask J” app features personalized feedback




style, price range and event.


in-store enhancements Emphasizing details, new in-store enhancements will compliment jcpenney’s current in-store renovation plan and align with the already changing face of jcpenney stores.

Many 25- to 34-year-old women don’t buy clothing online because they enjoy the experience of trying them on in-store and want to ensure items fit correctly before making a purchase. Therefore, it is vital that the in-store experience be pleasurable. Dressing rooms, however, were the most common concern with jcpenney’s in-store experience based on our in-depth interviews.

“Sometimes Penney’s dressing rooms can be really dirty and cluttered with clothes. That annoys me.”

“The dressing rooms [at jcpenney] are very dingy and almost seem dirty. It’s hard to like how you look in an outfit when the room isn’t lit correctly and the dressing room is a mess.” - MARRIED, 27

- SINGLE, 25

The following exciting and modern enhancements will make customers feel comfortable and confident trying on clothes and encourage

them to continue shopping at jcpenney and come back again.

dressing room make-overs Get ready for a new look! Complete with colorful walls, distinct lighting fixtures and inviting furniture, women will feel comfortable trying on clothing in a welcoming environment. Fashion experts will be available to exchange sizes and give style advice. To help shoppers envision the complete look, items will be available from the accessory wall, which will feature various shoes, jewelry and other outfit essentials.

get ready with your favorite artists

listening stations Get ready together with your favorite artists! Choose the music you want to listen to while trying on jcpenney clothes inside each women’s dressing room unit. These interactive digital touch-screens let shoppers try on their clothes in a fun, comfortable atmosphere. Between songs, shoppers find out when the 2012 Lady

explore the music lsadkjfaf Choose the music you want hello this is for nsac

to listen to while trying on and this is just filler your textfavorite jcpenney until i get the clothes inside real stuff each women’s dressing room unit. Chose from popular artists such as Lady Antebellum, Taylor Swift and John Mayer.

learn more>>

24 | Ohio university

purchase tickets lsadkjfaf Purchase tickets to see Lady hello in thistheir is forjcpenney nsac Anteellum and this is just filler concert series at any tickettext until i get the master real or instuff store today.

learn more>>

Antebellum Lookin’ for a Good Time Summer tour comes to their city.


In order to achieve our goals, media advertising will require a high reach and effective frequency. We have established a reach of 76% and a frequency of 6, as determined by the Ostrow model. We will non-intrusively and seamlessly integrate jcpenney into womens’ lives by capitalizing on positive mindsets and lifestyle information appealing to women ages 25-34. This includes topics such as: raising families, leisure time, fashion, etc.


We will utilize complementary media vehicles women frequently interact with, making our campaign a deeply integrated part of their lives. Our magazine, TV and online selections are based on a blend of high indexing vehicles (according to MRI) that feed the emotional and motivational drivers moving 25- to 34-year-old women to consume media.


• Provide a traditional base while enhancing out of home and digital media to integrate jcpenney into womens’ lifestyles • Employ a variety of mediums tailored to single women, married women and women with kids • Present executions through national and local channels


• The campaign will launch February 5, 2012 during our :30 second Super Bowl spot and continue to February 1, 2013 • Mediums are strategically flighted based on campaign launch and seasonality • Print, TV and digital ads will change quarterly based on the relevance to our consumers and their media consumption throughout the year

Digital 5% Direct Mail 5% SPENDING DigitalTelevision 5%


Direct Mail 5%

Out of Home 27%

Television 25%

Magazines 39%

Out of Home 27% Magazines 39%


consideration sets We developed strategic media groupings (consideration sets) of magazine, online and television advertising based on motivational drivers women experience when seeking content.

MAGAZINES parenthood

Ads on magazines’ websites will correspond with print run times.




fashion, beauty, grooming


home services


Online units every quarter target women searching for a deal

Although not paid media, social components will

or researching for information.

be present throughout the campaign.

sensible efficiency

26 | Ohio university

armed with information

social connections portal


Ads six times per show, each quarter. Plus, one ad during each of the special events and four during the Olympics.

entertainment Top Chef Real Housewives of OC Tabitha’s Salon Takeover

award shows Are We There Yet? Conan

The Grammys The Academy Awards

Bridezillas Futurama Chuck Law & Order: SVU House Hunters Designed to Sell Say Yes to the Dress LA Ink What Not to Wear Working Class Top 20 Countdown The Game


Basketball Wives Top 20 Countdown Sons of Anarchy It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia Justified Keeping up with the Kardashians Girls Next Door

SportsCenter March Madness Super Bowl Summer Olympics NBA Playoffs

Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives

Jersey Shore

Quarter 1: Winter Fashion Buys Magazines: People, Cosmopolitan, Brides, Vogue,

Quarter 3: Back-to-School

Magazines: O! Magazine, Cosmopolitan, Us Weekly, Everyday

Better Homes & Gardens, Good

Food with Rachael Ray, Parents, Better Homes

Housekeeping, Woman’s Day, Family Circle

& Gardens, Good Housekeeping, Woman’s Day,

Television: Top Chef, Real Housewives of OC, Futurama, Basketball Wives, Justified,

Family Circle

Television: House Hunters, Chuck, The Game, LA Ink, Law &

The Grammys, The Academy Awards,

Order: SVU, Conan, Say Yes to the Dress, Keeping

Bridezillas, March Madness, Super Bowl

up with the Kardashians, Girls Next Door, Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives, Sons of Anarchy, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Tabitha’s Salon Takeover, Summer Olympics

Quarter 2: Summer Holiday

Quarter 4: Holiday Season

Magazines: Us Weekly, Parents, Better Homes & Gardens,

Magazines: InStyle, Cosmopolitan, People, Cooking Light,

Good Housekeeping, Woman’s Day, Family

Better Homes & Gardens, Good Housekeeping,

Circle, Brides

Woman’s Day, Family Circle

Television: Are We There Yet?, SportsCenter, Bridezillas, NBA Playoffs

Television: Working Class, VH1 Top 20 Countdown, CMT Top 20 Countdown, Designed to Sell, Jersey Shore, What Not to Wear

MEDIA | 27

spot markets main markets To determine our 30 spot markets, we cross referenced the fastest-growing cities to start a family, the top cities with graduate schools, top cities with entry-level job positions, and top cities with large populations of single 25-34 year olds. Each of these cities has a jcpenney within 10 miles, at most.

, NY Rochester NY Boston, MA Syracuse,

Buffalo, NY

Evanston, ty, UT

Salt Lake Ci

to, CA Sacramen co, CA

San Francis


Chicago, IL Springfield,

Denver, CO ty, Kansas Ci



, OH Cleveland burgh, PA Pitts Columbus, Cincinnati,




KY Raleigh, NC

, CA

Los Angeles

San Diego,

, NY New York a, PA


, NC



Dallas, TX , TX

Fort Worth

, FL


Austin, TX TX Houston,

Orlando, FL Tampa, FL

San Diego, CA Los Angeles, CA San Francisco, CA Sacramento, CA Denver, CO Tampa, FL Orlando, FL Jacksonville, FL Chicago, IL Springfeid, IL Evanston, IL Louisville, KY Boston, MA Raleigh, NC Charlotte, NC

Buffalo, NY Syracuse, NY Rochester, NY New York, NY Columbus, OH Cleveland, OH Cincinnati, OH Pittsburgh, PA Philadelphia, PA Kansas City, MO Austin, TX Dallas, TX Houston, TX Forth Worth, TX Salt Lake City, UT

Travel Markets San Diego, CA Orlando, FL San Francisco, CA Washington DC Yellowstone, WY Chicago, IL Yosemite, CA Dallas, TX Myrtle Beach, SC Austin,TX New York, NY Miami, FL San Antonio, TX Phoenix, AZ Philadelphia, PA

MAIN Markets e, WY


Chicago, IL

travel markets

co, CA San Francis CA Yosemite,

To determine our 15 travel spot markets, we cross referenced the most popular places to travel for young families and women ages 25-34

, CA Phoenix, AZ

, NY New York a, PA

Philadelphi n DC Washingto

ach, SC

San Diego

Myrtle Be Dallas, TX Austin, TX o, TX

San Antoni

Orlando, FL Miami, FL

28 | Ohio university

Rationale out of home BILLBOARDS:


According to domedia.com, Americans spend a great deal of time in their cars. Adults 18+ spend about 18 hours and 31 minutes in their

• Two dryers in two of each mall’s restrooms; a total of 120 • 43% of consumers visit a mall at least once a week • 80% visit a mall at least once per month • 1 hour, 52 minutes is the average time spent at a mall and 62% of shoppers visit the food court

car, driving 224 miles per week. • Nearly one-quarter of billboard viewers reported they were motivated to visit a particular store that day because of an outdoor advertising message. By implementing this advertising outlet, jcpenney can capitalize on the opportunity to reach its target • Seventy-one percent of travelers notice billboards • Present in all 30 spot markets • 100 GRPs per spot market IN-TAXI DIGITAL SCREENS:


• In New York City, 90% of the city’s taxis feature VeriFone multimedia systems. Therefore, there will be over 11,000 cabs delivering the jcpenney message • Flight a :30 second spot on the in-taxi digital screens in February to kick off the campaign and then re-appear during the most popular travel months to ensure it reaches residents and tourists TAXI TOPS1:


• According to Clear Channel Taxi Media, taxi advertising brings the message within close proximity to the buying decision • The tops will be placed in Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles, and San Francisco • Number of tops will vary by city population and taxi usage MALL ELEVATOR WRAPS2:


According to Cranky Creative, “Elevator graphics are a very effective media boasting one of the highest unaided media recall rates at 96%.” • Elevator wraps placed in each spot market highlighting jcpenney products • The wraps are placed in the first six months of our campaign to create buzz and implement an effective engagement strategy with the consumer • 3 elevator carts per mall HAND DRYERS3: $1,920 According to GGP Mall Advertising Network, “investing in interactive mall media can be effective in launching a new product or helping change deep-seeded brand perceptions.” • Graphics on hand dryers promote jcpenney salon services • Installed in all 30 spot markets 1 verifone.com, clearchanneloutdoor.com

BUS SHELTER WRAPS4: $835,200 According to JCDecauxna, creating a billboard at eye-level immerses the public with the message. A fully-wrapped bus shelter is like an “awareness zone” for consumers to feel like part of the brand. • A total of 540 bus shelters in spot markets • Wraps will be a vinyl decal of jcpenney-inspired rooms to feature various products HOTEL KEYCARDS: $67,500 Why to test advertising in hotels: According to the Travel Industry of America, 72 million US women traveled during the past year. The average overnight hotel guest uses her key card 8 times per day for a total of 16 times per visit. By having jcpenney present on a key card, 77 impressions are received per dollar spent for a total of 5,184,000 impressions during the year-long campaign. • 30,000 key cards bought in each Hampton Hotel per vacation spot market lasting one year • A QR code is placed strategically with location-specific copy to direct customers to the nearest jcpenney to their hotel

digital INTERACTIVE VIDEO WALL5: $1,113,850 • Its messages work on the advertising principle of “frequency.” Since most messages stay in the same place for a period of a month or more, people who drive by or walk past see the same message a number of times • Interactive walls are strategically placed in 10 of our spot markets based on downtown areas and most popular walking cities • Cities include: Austin, Boston, Chicago, Columbus, Denver, New York City, Philadelphia, San Diego, San Francisco and Tampa ROTATING ONLINE UNITS: $2,991,194 • Since women ages 25-34 are heavy internet and social media users, rotating online units will spike curiosity to click and be redirected to our Facebook or homepage • The following placements were chosen by cross-referencing websites single women, married women and women with kids in our demographic often visit: • Ticketmaster, WebMD, Expedia, Yellow Pages, ABC, Amazon, Yahoo, Mapquest and YouTube • Ads, negotiated as added value, will run on selected magazines’ websites in correspondence with the magazine’s print execution flighting and on pages that are contextually relevant

2 womentraveltips.com/stats.shtml,crankycreative.com/products/elevator-wraps/,verifone.com/mediasolutions/markets.aspx, ahla.com/content.aspx?id=30505, bestkeycard.com/key_card_advertising.html 3 mallsasamedium.com/bd/research-and-statistics.html

4 jcdecauxna.com/street-furniture/product/bus-shelter-wraps 5 ezinearticles.com/?Out-of-Home-(OOH)-Media-Advantages&id=2744622, prevention.com

MEDIA | 29

PANDORA: $89,560 Pandora engages 600,000+ new registered users each week but listeners perceive audio ads as intrusive during music hours. • jcpenney will host two commercial-free hours every Friday per user • A :30 second spot will start music sessions by explaining to listeners there will be no interruptions, courtesy of jcpenney • A matching jcpenney skin will be present for the entire two hours • The takeover will be during Quarter two WEATHER.COM6: $194,352 “Weather.com is ranked number 128 worldwide in total site traffic. At present, 38,619 outside sites point users to Weather.com. Over the past three months this website’s ranking has increased by eight places and the URL is ranked as number 31 in the U.S.” • Homepage takeover for Quarter one and Quarter three to correlate the day’s weather with an appropriate jcpenney outfit • Corresponding Smart Phone application MAGAZINES7: $38,767,086 Compared to websites and national newspapers, magazines enjoy the longest life span. Therefore, the jcpenney message will have a lasting impression in consumers’ homes. The following magazines were selected by cross-referencing what single women, married women and women with kids in our target are reading. In order to increase reach while remaining cost-effective, magazines will be categorized into quarterly consideration sets based on special issues and seasonality.

what single women, married women and women with kids in our target are watching. In order to increase reach while remaining cost-effective, shows will be categorized into quarterly consideration sets based on season premieres, most popular viewing months per show, and special events. • A :30 second spot per episode for every show or special NETWORKS: Bravo, VH1, FX, CBS, ABC, NBC, WETV, TBS, ESPN, TNT, HGTV, BET, TLC, E!, Food Network, CMT and MTV QUARTER ONE: WINTER FASHION BUYS: $10,147,240 SHOWS: Top Chef, Real Housewives of OC, Basketball Wives, Justified and Bridezillas, SPECIAL EVENTS: Super Bowl, The Grammys, The Academy Awards and NCAA Men’s Basketball National Championship Game QUARTER TWO: SUMMER HOLIDAY: $2,267,284 SHOWS: Are We There Yet?, SportsCenter and Bridezillas SPECIAL EVENTS: NBA Playoffs QUARTER THREE: BACK-TO-SCHOOL: $8,456,800 SHOWS: House Hunters, Chuck, The Game, Law and Order: SVU, Conan, Say Yes to the Dress, Keeping up with the Kardashians, Diners Driveins & Dives, Sons of Anarchy, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia and Tabatha’s Salon Takeover SPECIAL EVENTS: Summer Olympics

QUARTER ONE: WINTER FASHION BUYS: $12,054,825 People, Cosmopolitan, Brides, Vogue, Better Homes & Gardens, Good Housekeeping, Woman’s Day and Family Circle.

QUARTER FOUR: HOLIDAY SEASON: $3,670,768 SHOWS: Working Class, CMT Top 20 Countdown, VH1 Top 20 Countdown, Designed to Sell, Jersey Shore and What Not to Wear

QUARTER TWO: SUMMER HOLIDAY: $7,946,319 Us Weekly, Parents, Better Homes & Gardens, Good Housekeeping, Woman’s Day, Family Circle and Brides.

direct mail

QUARTER THREE: BACK-TO-SCHOOL: $8,915,005 O! The Oprah Magazine, Cosmopolitan, Us Weekly, Every Day with Rachael Ray, Parents, Better Homes & Gardens, Good Housekeeping, Woman’s Day and Family Circle. QUARTER FOUR: HOLIDAY SEASON: $9,850,937 InStyle, People, Cosmopolitan, Cooking Light, Better Homes & Gardens, Good Housekeeping, Woman’s Day and Family Circle. TELEVISION: $24,550,172 A large traditional base connects with our target while they are watching their favorite shows. Viewers are more engaged while watching special events such as the Super Bowl and The Grammys. Therefore, they are more likely to connect with jcpenney’s message since it’s their main focus. The following networks and shows were selected by cross-referencing

LITTLE RED BOOKS: $5,041,508 • According to Mail Marketing Research, 70% of promotional material received by households is read, filed or passed on • To acquire new female customers ages 25-34, the quarterly little red book will be sent to their homes • The 5.5” x 8.5” look book will be sent out in every spot market

internal enhancements SMARTPHONE APPLICATION According to AVAI Mobile Solutions, people are spending nearly an hour and a half using smartphone applications every day. • By enhancing the current shopping app the user will be more likely to make a purchase EMAIL BLASTS8 • Email blasts are an inexpensive medium to gain impressions and generate repeat sales • Since jcpenney customers are welcoming of emails, they will be more likely to build their digital closets

6 juggle.com/weather-com#trafficrank 7 mailmarketing.com.au/index.php?sectionID=1449&pageID=3011, Benefits_of_advertising_through_print_media.htm

30 | Ohio university

contentmanagementsoftwares.net/ 8 webpronews.com/2006/04/07/the-top-benefits-of-email-marketing/

MEDIA | 31













9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25





Consideration Set Two Consideration Set Three Consideration Set Four

Email Blasts
















Consideration Set Four

4,250,700 31,029,600


$24,550,172 $10,147,240


Consideration Set Three

73,697,400 35,735,100





Consideration Set Two








Consideration Set One








Smart Phone App


jcpenney expense

Little Red Book

Direct Mail

Holiday Season


Summer Holiday

Winter Fashion Buys


Holiday Season


Summer Holiday


Winter Fashion Buys

Consideration Set One


3,225,600 16,083,549

Panadora Takeover 5,732


Weather.com Takeover

$1,113,850 $2,796,842

Online Ad Units



Interactive Video Display


$1,372,000 5,184,000

Hand Dryer Wraps



Elevator Wraps

Hotel Keycards

$835,200 $411,000

Bus Stop Wraps

ABC.com, Amazon.com, Expedia.com, Mapquest.com, Ticketmaster.com, Weather.com, WebMD.com, Yahoo.com, YouTube.com, YP.com.

7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26 2


8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 31

Taxi Media

9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 4 11 18 25 1


3 10 17 24 2


Out of Home

media vehicle

media spending

ROI & Copytesting return on investment

positioning/tagline recall

In order to measure the effectiveness of our campaign, we will

From our in-depth interviews, we concluded that 10.26% of

look at Return on Investment (ROI) measurements. Our ultimate

25- to 34-year-old-women could recall jcpenney’s current tagline

goal is to drive sales at jcpenney with women ages 25-34. Therefore,

unaided. After the conclusion of our campaign, we expect this to

we will look at the metrics of first-time buyers, positioning/tagline

double to approximately 20%.

recall, consideration sets and audience impact.

consideration sets

first-time buyers

We know from the case study that jcpenney currently ranks

Currently, 17% of all 25- to 34-year-old women in the U.S. shop

fourth (right behind Kohl’s) in terms of brand choice. After this

at jcpenney. We assume there are approximately 3,525,000 women

campaign concludes we expect jcpenney to move up one spot

between the ages of 25-34 currently shopping at jcpenney annually.

and fall within the top three consideration sets for brand choice

Each woman spends an average of $395.94 annually representing

with women ages 25-34.

approximately $1,395,702,000 in jcpenney sales. After our campaign concludes, jcpenney will at least break even with sales from new customers in our target totaling 100 million dollars. This means that 252,564 new female customers ages 2534 will shop at jcpenney the year after this campaign concludes. This will increase the number of 25- to 34-year-old women shopping at jcpenney to 3,777,564 a 1.5% increase.

audience impact The attitude a consumer feels toward a brand is vital for building a significant relationship between the individual and the brand. From our research we discovered currently 26% of women ages 25-34 have favorable attitudes toward jcpenney. The year after our campaign, this will increase by 15% to a total of 41%.

copy testing Initial feedback showed us Get Ready Together resonates with women ages 25-34:

“I believe it’s stating that jcpenney has some exciting things that are going to be there for you in significant times of your life.”

“I think these [ads] are great! I like the idea of tying jcpenney in with all the “firsts” that happen for this age group. Great job!”

“I love the campaign. I like the concept of Get Ready in general (could apply to Get Ready for the Holidays, Get Ready to save on name brand fashion, etc.).”

“I love this tagline! It totally resonates with me and I like that it makes me think... the deeper/ double meaning is there but not quite in my face (leaves room for my own interpretation).”

• 10.6% of total jcpenney sales come from customers ages 25-34 (case study) • 10.6% of $17,556,000,000 = $1,860,936,000 total dollars from jcpenney shoppers ages 25-34 • Since we know 75% of jcpenney’s shoppers ages 25-34 are women; 75% of $1,860,936,000 = $1,395,702,000 are females ages 25-34 • $1,395,702,000/3,525,000 females ages 25-34 = $395.94 per female age 25-34 per year

• TO BREAK EVEN: • $100,000,000 = $395.94x $395.94 $395.94

rationale for first-time buyers • There are 40.9 million people in the U.S. ages 25-34 (case study) • The ratio of women to men is currently 50.7% to 49.3% (2009 U.S. Census Bureau) • 50.7% of 40.9 million = 20.7 million 25- to 34-year-old total females in the U.S. • There are 4.7 million customers ages 25-34 currently shopping at jcpenney (case study)

32 | Ohio university

• 75% of 25- to 34-year-old customers are female (Clarification Memo two) • 75% of 4.7 million = 3.525 million female customers ages 25-34 • 3.525 million jcpenney shoppers ages 25-34/20.7 million total females ages 25-34 in the U.S. = 17% of total females ages 25-34 shop at jcpenney • jcpenney currently has sales of $17,556,000,000 (jcpenney 10K)

• X = 252,563.51 Round up to the nearest person 252,564 new female customers ages 25-34 • 3,525,000 current shoppers + 252,564 new shoppers = 3,777,564 total females jcpenney shoppers ages 25-34 • 3,777,564 jcpenney females ages 25-34/20,700,000 total females ages 25-34 = 18.25%.

campaign directors Caroline Johnson & Chad Harville Creative Directors marketing directors

Robert Doll & Jimmy Kahler

Nina Bressau & Hilary Johnson

PR directors Promotions directors

Brooke Carpenter & Rachel Reilly

Kristen Reid & Emily Lasko

Media directors Art directors

Samantha Akins, Brooke Barron & Mallory Kyle

Creative KEY CONTRIBUTORS: Stephanie Cesear, Jimmie Corrigan, Wes Kasik Samantha Akins, Ali Arko, Brooke Barron, Brooke Carpenter, Laura Glover, John Hicks, Megan Hillman, Hilary Johnson, Mallory Kyle, Emily Lasko, Katie O’Leary, Neal Patten, Tyler Perrino, Shawna Polivka, Kyle Ranally, Kristen Reid, Rachel Reilly, Kayla Vaughn

Marketing KEY CONTRIBUTORS: Catherine Caldwell, Shawna Polivka Laura Glover, Lisa Kefalos, Kyle Ranally, Logan Rice

PR/Promo KEY CONTRIBUTORS: Catherine Caldwell, Logan Rice Samantha Akins, Caitlin Bonacuse, Nina Bressau, Lauren Corna, Robert Doll, John Hicks, Mallory Kyle, Hilary Johnson, Arlissa Norman, Melissa Pennington, Tyler Perrino

MEDIA KEY CONTRIBUTORS: Megan Bestvina, John Hicks Nina Bressau, Emily Lasko, Melissa Pennington, Tyler Perrino, Kristen Reid, Rachel Reilly

Megan Hillman & Tyler Perrino PRODUCTION

Catherine Caldwell, Stephanie Cesear, John Hicks, Sarah Maclam, Melissa Pennington, Katie O’Leary

Special thanks

Curt Chapkowski, Stephanie Brozda, Loren Cellentani, Annie Cesta, Stephanie DelRosal, Christine Ernst, Christine Friscic, Chris Hrouda, Makaley Ikirt, Jenny Johnson, Chelsea Leasure, Max Lombardi, Mikaela Longo, Alyse Lorber, Lo Martinez, Sarah Minter, Danielle Morris, Brittany Perez, Gina Ranalli, Gretchen Raque, Marcie Richardson, Kaitlyn Richert, Lisa Roach, Chelsea Thieken, Sienna Tomko, Caitllin Whitehurst, Jordan Youtz THREAD MAGAZINE: Jamie Ratermann Tyler Close, Hannah Faust, Holly Fisher, Sara Miller SWAY THE CROWD PRODUCTIONS: Brian Grady Margaret Babington, William Burchfield, Julia Moore, Ryan Nord, Corey Poindexter, Chris Polczinski, David Polster, Daniel Sofranko, Dan Wainio, Dayton Willison OTHER THANKS: Professor Davis, Aveda Salon & Spa, Athens Video Works, Court Street Coffee, Infinity Salon, Salaam

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