Lesson Plan Final

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globalhealthU HIGHLIGHTS

Track 2

Week 3: Debating Development

THIS TRACK TRACK 2 Goal: Learn about the causes of poverty. Investigate how poverty can best be alleviated.

THIS WEEK DEBATE Goals: Hold a debate that allows chapter members to adopt a stance on development and see how the various viewpoints clash. Develop strong critical thinking and argument skills.

THINGS TO KEEP IN MIND KEEP IT CLEAN While we encourage intense debate, it should be constructive and positive. TRY TO GET EVERYBODY INVOLVED Work to ensure that everyone participates and has his or her voice heard, but people are not all speaking at the same time.


Rachel Markon & Neal Emery, co-Directors of ghU globalhealthU@globemed.org

Overview Having spent the last two weeks examining the various theories of development experts, this week we will put the economists and our partner organizations together in conversation through rigorous debate. Through debate, we hope to allow chapter members to better understand the issues and develop their own views by requiring them to defend views with which they may disagree. While our debates will not express all the controversial issues of development, through genuine, high-spirited discussion we strive to improve debate skills and better understand the interface between different theories.

Developmental Strategies: Debating the Issues Estimated time: 30 Minutes After two weeks of learning about the economists, this week we get to debate the issues. There really is no right way to do this - be creative with the format and try to make it as high-energy and constructive as possible. It is important that each debate team speaks from the perspective of it’s assigned party, allowing for debate in which we can see how the different opinions interact and clash with each other. By hearing other groups present their arguments and challenging others’ arguments, chapter members will engage in a critical evaluation of the economic theories of the causes of poverty. Even if a group member does not support his or her economist’s theories, playing devil’s advocate can be an important exercise in understanding the issues. Chapter members should come away from the debate with a strong understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of each theory on the causes of poverty. This will prepared everyone for Week 4, in which we use the occurrences of the debate to form our own opinions. Possible Debate Formats ✦ Circle Debate: Have the various teams sit together in a circle around the room. ghU coordinators should act as facilitators. Have the coordinators begin by asking a question/statement and then call on different “economists” to hear their reply. Ask a series of questions/statements in this fashion. The “economists” should be in dialogue with each other within each question. Do not just have one “economist” address each statement; multiple perspectives should be heard.



globalhealthU ✦

Head-On Debate: This debate should be conducted in a series of rounds; you can have two or three economists debate at a time, but any more may be difficult. Have the chapter sit in a circle around the room. In the center of the room, set up two (or three) sides, each facing each other. Select two or three groups (or representatives from each group) to go to the center to represent their economist. ghU coordinators act as facilitators and begin by giving a question/statement. Each side should answer the question/statement (like they are giving an opening argument). The sides can then debate as they respond to the other’s arguments. Give a series of questions/statements in this fashion

Possible Debate Questions and Statements ✦ What is the main reason that countries fall into and stay in poverty? How does this effect health? ✦ The United States should cut all foreign aid. ✦ Ill health is the main cause of underdevelopment in poor countries. ✦ The best way to improve health equity is by combatting poverty ✦ The health of GlobeMed’s partner communities will be improved by increasing foreign aid. ✦ Countries that are in poverty traps need assistance to get out of the poverty trap. ✦ Should foreign aid be given to governments regardless of how proficient they are? ✦ Should aid be focused on giving countries a big push or should it be focused on funding smaller scale projects? ✦ Grassroots health work does not help to alleviate poverty. ✦ What should be the main goal of development? ✦ Development is best measured through economic growth


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