Usages aslon’s fonts are such a versatile typeface with a friendly, homey quality. While the individual letterforms are not particularly elegant, this font has altogether a pleasing aspect. Superior legibility, beautiful curves and lines with varied weight and tension are all trademarks of any Caslon typeface. As such, Caslon lends itself very well to books, official documents, magazines and journals that require large amounts of reading, because it is a good font for body text.
English roman, a Latin text face of the Caslon stable of typefaces. Restored extract from the specimen sheet below.
Caslon has been revived by a number of people and companies. One of the most popular is Adobe Caslon Pro which is the font used for The New Yorker.”
William Caslon’s 1734 Specimen sheet, some of which is set in the Caslon typeface.
Sample page from the Australian Book Review, set entirely in Adobe Caslon