Graduate Certificate in Applied Gerontology
Helen Bader School of Social Welfare
What is Gerontology? Gerontology is the multi-disciplinary study of the aging process from middle age through later life. It includes: the study of the physical, mental and social changes in people as they age, the investigation of the ways our society is adapting to meet the needs of older people, and the application of this knowledge to policies and programs with real impact in daily life.
How would this help my career? Professionals in fields such as nursing, social work, biology, psychology, public policy, technology, design, finance, and business need to be aware of the challenges that older generations are facing so that they can innovate and adapt to meet those needs. Certificate program graduates are qualified to work directly with aging adults (e.g. facilitating programs or providing care) and indirectly (e.g. conducting research or advocating for older generations).
Who should apply? The Graduate Certificate in Applied Gerontology is open to anyone with a Bachelor’s degree in any field who wants to increase their knowledge, experience and marketable skills. To speak with our Certificate Coordinator about declaring this Certificate, contact us at
About the Graduate Certificate The certificate is a multidisciplinary program designed to prepare professionals to work in the field of aging in a variety of settings, depending on the student’s professional discipline and career goals. It integrates gerontology into the student’s primary degree program, or can be completed as a stand-alone program. Plus, many courses are offered online!
Curriculum The certificate program consists of 18 credits in three major areas: Required Core Courses
Both are required.
NURS 760 Processes of Aging SOC WRK 851
Social Issues and Policy Analysis: Age
Choice Core Courses
Choose 2 (6 credits).
AD LDSP 547 Educational Dimensions of Practice with Older Adults PSYCH 680
Psychology of Aging
SOC WRK 680 Death and Dying SOC WRK 685 Social Gerontology THEATRE 699
Creativity in Health Settings
Choose 6 credits.
Students work individually with the Certificate Coordinator to approve the selection of six credits from the remaining Choice Core offerings, as well as additional electives, which could include a practicum in the student’s home department or area of choice.
Financial Aid Since 2004, nearly $600,000 has been awarded to students through the Helen Bader Age and Community Scholarship, which is offered exclusively to students in this certificate program. Details can be found at For info about other Financial Aid opportunities, contact UWM’s Department of Financial Aid at 414-229-4541.
Why Gerontology? Due to huge medical advances over the past century, Americans are living longer and healthier lives. Despite the public perception, many older adults experience good health and personal growth. And the vast majority report that later life brings new opportunities for learning, contribution, and self-expression. In the U.S., life expectancy currently stands at 78.8 years, and the number of people over age 65 will nearly double by 2030. Virtually every field will be impacted by these demographic changes, and older Americans’ welfare over the next decades depends heavily on younger generations. There has never been a greater need for innovative professionals driven to support the aging population and change attitudes and policies about aging. As a result, enrollment in this certificate program has increased steadily since its establishment.
If you are interested in working or conducting research in any of the following fields, this certificate could positively impact your career:
nursing technology & design
social work
occupational & physical therapy
architecture & urban planning
public health
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