Foundations of Design : Representation, SEM1, 2017 M3 JOURNAL - PATTERN vs SURFACE
Mehboob Madatali Chatur 903803 Anastasia Sklavakis + Studio 10
WEEK 6 READING: SURFACES THAT CAN BE BUILT FROM PAPER IN ARCHITECTURAL GEOMETRY Question 1: What are the three elementary types of developable surfaces? Provide a brief description. (Maximum 100 words) Thre three elementary types of developable surafces are: 1. Cylinders - these are a family of parallel lines that are modelled by a prscribed curve and then further extruded to give the structure height. 2. Cones - it is one sole vertex that lines around a circular curvature are extruded to and converge at. 3. Tangent Surfaces - these are formed by a combination of polygons which form a shape. The tangent surfaces of space curves are intricate.
Question 2: Why is the understanding of developable surface critical in the understanding of architectural geometry? Choose one precedent from Research/Precedents tab on LMS as an example for your discussion. (Maximum 100 words) Undestanding of developable surfaces is critical to designing surfaces that can be unrolled and therefore be constructed in real life. Usually, we can get carried away in the designing process and forget the practicallity and constriction of the design. It is therefore important to undersatnd devleopable surfaces. An example is the Greenhouse by Plasma Studio in Xi’an, China. It is a complex design structure which was then triangulated to make it a devlopable surface. Further enabling it to be built in real life.
This is the terrain 2D panelled using the triangular pattern.
This is the terrain 3D panelled using the preset in Rhino labelled as “Box”. It doesn’t show much texture and give variation in the terrain.
This is the terrain 3D panelled using the preset in Rhino labelled as “Pyramid 1”. This pattern gives mroe textture and variation to the terrain.
This terrain is distributed using the curve attractor option. The curve was drawn to resemble the general surface of the terrain. However, I did not like it as the ditribution was too even and aslo the surface was not con-
This terrain was distrubuted using the point attarctor option. The points were placed at the edge of the highest point of the terrain. Even though it was a developable surface, I did not like it as it was too even.
nectable at the bottom.
This terrain was distributed using the Guaccian Curve option. The distrubion is much more desirable as it give the terrain much mroe etxture and gives draamtioc heights to the high points.
These are the modules I experimented with earlier, howeevr they are too simplistic sand dont showmuch vairiation.
Additionally the modules were not compatable with each other as they did not merge onto the surace and tesselate perfectly.
WEEK 7 READING: DIGITAL FABRICATION Complete your reading before attempting these questions:
Question 1: What is digital fabrication and how does it change the understanding of two dimensional representation? (Maximum 100 words)
Digital fabrication is the process of representing, generating and designing objects by using digital media, for example computers. It enables a wide sprecrum of experimentation that is not as time consuming and less expensive as if were done without digital media. Additionally, it allows the exploration of the processes between designing and actual construction. However, it does not have much of an effect on two-dimensional represenation, as it would look almost the same as if it were hand-drawn.
Question 2: Suggest two reasons why folding is used extensively in the formal expression of building design? (Maximum 100 words) The reasons to why folding is used in the fomal expression of bulding design are: 1. It enables the creation of three-dimensional structures of out two-dimentional surfaces (on pieces of paper) using precise geometry. 2. When two-dimensional surfaces are converted to three-dimensional structure, tehy gain more rigidity and stiffness to support itself and it can also span more distance. Therefore, folding is an economical, efefctive and appealing method to expressising designs.
In the final model, I decided to use the Gaussian Curve distribution method. The three module I chose are somewhat different to show the different textures in the terrain. One module is a tranculated pyramid - I chose this as the othe rtwo are complicated, so it would be easier on the eye. The other module is a dramatic one that has different heights within it - it is a square split into 4 three-sided pyramids. Lastly, it is a module made of a tranvualted shape (from a triangle to a four-sided polygon) and a three sided pyramid - they vary in height to highlight the inconsistency of the terrain.
I exported the unrolled surfaces & tabs from Rhino onto Adobe Iluustrator to be able to change the line colours and weights (depedning on if theywere cut line or fold lines).
Above, I have shown the unroled surfaces of all thre modules apprearing once, in different combinations.
This is an image of the final model made out of white 290gsm Ivory Card. The terrain is quite simple, so by putting dramatic modules it gives the structure a bit of life. The lighter modules are concentrated toward the ventre while the lighter ones are on the right, this is to make the model lift itself like the terrain. I think the model was quite successful, however the modules were too heavy, thus they weren’t able to join well to form a perfectly closed terrain.
These are more dramatic shots of the details of the model, iespecially on how shadows and lighting play a roll in showuing the deoth and textures of the terrain.
This is an imaged of the terrain that I had. It is a simple terrain with a slope running from one edge to the other.
Experimenting on normal paper to get the gist on how to build the modules.
Using different layers and colours on Rhino to show the tablines and the foldlines, whcih thenmakes it easier to develop it into a 3D structure.
Cutting off the outline of the 2D surfaces and making score lines to make it easire to fold.
Using the method of folding to make the 2D surface into a 3D structure.