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Letter from the President
All elements of the ambitious Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park capital campaign project, Welcoming the World: Honoring a Legacy of Love, are now ready—yet we do not say they are complete. As we are always maintaining, growing, and improving everything at Meijer Gardens, we refer to being ready for our members and guests. The July 1 opening of the Tassell-Wisner-Bottrall English Perennial Garden marked an end to the project’s construction phase.
This prominently located, uniquely authentic presentation of an English perennial sculpture garden will forever be a centerpiece attraction. The Tassell family has been generous and patient as we completely reimagined and rebuilt this garden for all to enjoy. A great way to introduce young children to this garden is through the Curiosity Courtyard: A Garden Discovery Experience sponsored by PNC Bank, located in the David & Carol Van Andel Children’s Gallery in the Covenant Learning Center. Please join us Tuesday, September 13, in the Huizenga Grand Room, for a lecture by English Perennial Garden designer Julie Moir Messervy (see page 6).
Welcoming the World: Honoring a Legacy of Love was completed well under budget and, due to the pandemic, only a few months late. Our donors’ generosity exceeded our fundraising goal—and through cost savings achieved during construction, we’ve been able to make substantial contributions to the project’s endowment portion and to the Fred and Lena Meijer Sculpture Acquisition endowment fund. These two contributions will help secure Meijer Gardens for future generations and give us greater ability to acquire world-class sculptures. There simply are not adequate words to express our appreciation to the Meijer family and the hundreds of donors who gave generously to making this project a reality.
We as Meijer Gardens members own all these amazing facilities, gardens, and sculptures, and have the wonderful opportunity to care for and build upon these assets, to enjoy today and forever. The highest and best use of all these gifts is stated in our mission statement, where we are called upon to use our gardens and sculpture to bring people joy.
The presentation of color through our autumn Chrysanthemums & More! exhibition reminds me of Lena Meijer, who loved beautiful gardens and is the inspiration behind all our horticulture presentations. This year’s theme, Unexpected Color, explores the element of surprise created by fall plantings used in uncommon color combinations. A visit to the Doehne Wildflower Meadow will show you how unlikely color combinations, such as purple and yellow, help attract pollinators. You will be amazed!
On June 30, we held an important celebration, dedicating a sculpture made possible for Meijer Gardens by the Jewish Federation of Grand Rapids and the Pestka family. With a significant gift, our curatorial process led us to Ariel Schlesinger and Ways to Say Goodbye. The sculpture is given in memory of Henry Pestka and the 6 million Jews murdered in the Holocaust. Henry, a Holocaust survivor, made his way to Grand Rapids to start a new life. It has been a significant honor for us to work with the Jewish Federation of Grand Rapids and Executive Director Nicole Katzman to make this project a reality. Their generosity is without limits. Please take time to view Ways to Say Goodbye and learn about how this brilliant piece of art helps people deal with grief and loss, and how it can help inspire the world to prevent future holocausts.
A tribute gift, in which someone is recognized by others, is one form of naming gift with special meaning. Often, a tribute gift is given in memory of a loved one who has died—or it may honor an anniversary or a birthday. In all cases, we are deeply honored to be chosen as a place to pay tribute. These essential gifts help sustain us for future generations.
Throughout Meijer Gardens, you’ll see names of those who have in some way helped advance the mission. Fred and Lena Meijer loved to see people add their names to the institution. It meant they embraced the mission and were advocates for others to support Meijer Gardens.
David S. Hooker President & CEO, Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Honorary Chairman
Frederik Meijer (1919–2011)
Honorary Member
Earl Holton
President & CEO
David Hooker
Ex Officio Member President of Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Foundation
Michael Julien Amy Assenmacher Peter Baldwin Rhae-Ann Booker Linda Chamberlain Chuck Christmas Guillermo Cisneros Duane Shields Davis Jackie Del Raso Jocelyn Dettloff Brad Doan Suzanne Eberle Joy Fossel Paul Goulet Charyn Hain Shane Hansen Todd Harvey Kevin Jeakle Mike Jeppesen Jeff Lambert Tim Liang Elisa Lintemuth Jon March Kristina Martinez-Precious Candace Matthews Mary McLoughlin Tom Merchant Laina Mills Mark Mossing Hannah Naltner Bill Padnos Doriane Parker-Sims JoAnne Perkins Jim Preston Carlos Sanchez Michael Toth Susan Vogel-Vanderson Jill Walcott Maryln Walton Trevor Wolfe Robert Wolford