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Child & Family Classes
Registration required at: MeijerGardens.org/calendar
Class fee includes admission to Meijer Gardens for the class participant on the day of the class. All materials provided and no experience necessary unless otherwise noted.
Scholarship assistance is available. Please email questions to: classes@meijergardens.org
Cancellation Policy: Full refunds for cancellations are given if we are notified by phone or email 30 days in advance of the class. A 50% refund is given if we are notified 7–29 days in advance of the class. No refunds will be given for notice less than 7 days before the class. Call 616-975-3184 or 616-975-3147, or email classes@meijergardens.org for cancellations.
Let’s Get Cooking: Herbal Bread and Spreads
Use herbs such as rosemary, basil, thyme and oregano to create flavorful homemade bread and spreads together. Learn how to mix, knead and shape the dough, then take home to bake. Make a variety of herb spreads to try on a slice of freshly baked bread. Each family will be provided with the ingredients for the spreads and one loaf of bread. NOTE: Family pricing includes up to two adults and two children.
Fall Family Tram (Families with children ages 3+) Tuesday, September 20, 5-6 pm or 6:30–7:30 pm Tuesday, September 27, 5-6 pm or 6:30–7:30 pm $10 members | $15 nonmembers Jean Barber & Vickie Wilkinson
Join us on a fabulous fall adventure aboard the Kids’ Tram, learning all about autumn. Travel through the Sculpture Park, participating in family-friendly activities and a fall-themed search and find. End at Michigan’s Farm Garden to enjoy Tuesdays at the Farm. NOTE: Fall Family Tram runs concurrently with Tuesdays at the Farm and ends at Michigan’s Farm Garden. Beginner Bonsai for Families (Ages 10+ with Adult) Saturday, October 1, 11 am–12:30 pm $95 members | $105 nonmembers Scott Zomerlei
Bonsai can be a fun family hobby! Families will work together to create their own starter bonsai. Discover how to repot your tree into a trainer pot, which tools you need to get the job done, and how to wire and prune your bonsai using basic styling skills. Continue to look after your bonsai using provided care instructions. Be prepared to get a little dirty! Trees will be repotted during class and instructions for future care will be provided. All tools and materials provided. Includes admission to the Fall Bonsai Show, Saturday, October 1.
Poetic Exploration in the Japanese Garden (Ages 9-11) Saturday, October 1, 11 am–1 pm $30 members | $40 nonmembers Joe Lukowski
Come and explore the splendor and tranquility of the Japanese Garden and Teahouse to see how nature and poetry come together to inspire the heart and mind. Participants will have the opportunity to learn about different forms of poetry and create their own unique poetic compositions.
Family Night Hike: All About Owls
(Ages 6+ with an adult) Thursday, October 13, 6:30–8:30 pm or Friday, October 21, 6:30–8:30 pm $18 members | $22 nonmembers Sally Triant
Who who whooo do you hear out there? Do you ever wonder who’s waking up when you are going to sleep? Join us for an evening tour, looking for owls on the Meijer Gardens grounds. We’ll learn about some of the most common owls found in Michigan, along with tips and tricks for making your yard more appealing as an owl habitat. Join Sally Triant from Grow Wise Learning on an owl adventure for the whole family. Bring a flashlight and come dressed ready to explore in all kinds of weather.
Fall Flower Exploration (Ages 10-14) Saturday, November 5, 10–11:30 am $25 members | $35 nonmembers Elizabeth Wesley-Martin
Explore the beautiful indoor fall floral displays with Meijer Gardens Horticulturalist, Elizabeth Wesley-Martin. Then learn the steps, utilize the tools, and explore the techniques to create a dazzling display all your own! NOTE: This class is held at the same time as the adult class Floral Bouquet for the Holidays, to allow children and their adults the opportunity to simultaneously attend their own age-appropriate class.
Let’s Get Cooking: Super Cinnamon Rolls
Cinnamon rolls are made easy by using a no-fail recipe and simple ingredients! Families will work together to mix up a batch of cinnamon rolls and learn tips and tricks for working with yeast. After sampling fresh cinnamon rolls, take your prepped rolls home to bake later. NOTE: Family pricing includes up to two adults and two children.

Holiday Scout Event: Light! (Scout groups of all ages) Tuesday, November 29, 4-6 pm Saturday, December 3, 9-11 am or 1-3 pm Saturday, December 10, 9-11 am or 1-3 pm $7 per scout or sibling | Free for 1 leader | $4 for 1 additional leader | $10 per additional adult chaperone | No charge for adult members and children 2 years and under | Members must present membership card upon check-in
Experience the University of Michigan Health-West: Christmas & Holiday Traditions exhibition at your own pace during this self-guided program designed especially for Scouts! Go on a “Lights of the Season” scavenger hunt to explore themes common across holiday traditions around the world. Draw inspiration from the holiday trees, Railway Garden and other displays before you leave, then receive a take-home art activity kit to create your own light-inspired project at home. Troops must register at least two weeks in advance.
Gingerbread Trolley (Families with children ages 5+) Saturday, December 10, 10–11:30 am or 12:30–2 pm Tuesday, December 13, 6–7:30 pm $45 member families | $55 nonmember families Marge LaBreck
Use frosting, marshmallows, candy bits and your imagination to decorate a one-of-akind gingerbread trolley. Each family will be provided a gingerbread trolley “kit” as well as a fun, family-oriented looking guide to use while exploring the University of Michigan Health-West Christmas & Holiday Traditions exhibition. NOTE: Family pricing includes up to two adults and two children.
(Ages 3–5 with adult)
Designed for preschool-aged children with an adult, this series investigates a variety of themes in various interesting locations throughout our gardens and grounds—in a preschool-friendly way! Sign up for one session or all three!

Interested in the natural environment? This series takes a closer look at nature by investigating the environment in kid-friendly ways. Sign up for one session or all three! (Ages 9–11)

This series investigates the basics of art in kidfriendly ways. Participants will get hands-on and explore the methods, materials, and tools involved with a variety of art forms. Sign up for one session or all three!

What’s awesome about autumn? Join us on the Kids’ Tram to find out as we ride and explore the many aspects of the season. Engage your senses—sights, sounds and smells—with kidfriendly activities!
Do all trees have leaves? Why do some trees stay green in the autumn? What colors can we find? Explore all this and find out why trees are important for animals and people. We’ll take a Kids’ Tram ride around the grounds and discover tree-mendous facts about trees!
Take a Kids’ Tram ride to Michigan’s Farm Garden and explore what “harvest” meant on a 1930s-era farm. Explore vegetables, produce, and animal sculptures as we discover how a farmer would have worked —and played—in autumn!
Tree-mendous Trees!
Explore the Meijer Gardens grounds and learn to see trees in a whole new way, paying attention to leaf shapes, noticing bark textures, and searching the ground for clues like nuts and seeds. Follow up in the classroom with a kid-friendly tree activity and story.
Birds Abound!
Join us as we use our senses to investigate birds and what makes these amazing creatures so unique! Learn to identify common Michigan birds by making close observations and listening carefully. Go on a guided walk to test your new birding skills and return to the classroom to create a bird house with natural materials.
Crazy Carnivorous Plants!
Watch how these crazy plants lure, trap and digest their prey. Then learn about this unique group of plants by observing samples up close with magnifying glasses, playing plant games and creating a one-of-a-kind art project. Cut, piece and layer as you learn the basics of sculpture. After visiting the Sculpture Galleries, participants will use a variety of sculpture materials—with a variety of shapes, textures, balance and form—to create an awesome assembled sculptural piece.
Become inspired by Gwen Frostic—artist, poet, educator, and philosopher—and our Gwen Frostic Woodland Shade Garden. Then create a set of collagraphs: prints made by collaging textured materials onto a rigid surface, which is then inked and transferred onto paper.
Participants will explore the gardens and galleries, learn the terms, understand the techniques, and become inspired to create a variety of painting samples by experimenting with an array of paint, brushes, papers, and more.