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第27卷 第1期 中華民國103年03月
出版者 發行人 地址 電話 傳真 E-mail 網址
中華民國核醫學學會 黃文盛 505彰化縣鹿港鎮鹿工路6號 彰濱秀傳紀念醫院核子醫學科 886-4-7811233 886-4-7073299 tsnm.tw@gmail.com http://www.snm.org.tw/
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Airiti Press Inc. 234新北市永和區成功路一段80號18樓 886-2-2926-6006 886-2-2923-5151 press@airiti.com http://www.airitipress.com
ISSN 2226-9681
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《核子醫學雜誌》版權為中華民國核醫學學會與Airiti Press Inc.共同所有,非經許可不得轉載。
Annuals of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Production Editors
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Deputy Editor-in-Chief
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Advisory Editorial Board Ting-Kai Fu, Joseph C. Hung (USA), Pan-Fu Kao, Ren-Shyan Liu, Lie-Hang Shen, Wei-Jen Shih (USA), Chyng-Yann Shiue, Gann Ting, Daw-Quey Tsai, Kai-Yuan Tzen, Shyh-Jen Wang, Shiaw-Pyng Wey, David J. Yang, Wei-Jen Yao , Peter Shin-Hwa Yeh (Australia), Tzu-Chen Yen
Chia-Chieh Chen, Yen-Kung Chen, Yu-Wen Chen, Nan-Tsin Chiu, Shih-Chuan Tsai, Yuh-Feng Wang
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Hue-Yong Chen, Jiin-Shiun Chen, Cheng-Yi Cheng, Lee-Shing Chu, Yum-Kung Chu, Hueisch-Jy Ding, Chung-Huei Hsu, Yung-Hui Huang, Guang-Uei Hung, Shiang-Bin Jong, Chia-Hung Kao, Bi-Fang Lee, Chiang-Hsuan Lee, Jong-Kang Lee, Ming-Shyan Lin, Wan-Yu Lin, Wu-Jr Lin, Der-Jenn Liu (USA),
Annuals of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
Jem-Mau Lo, Chih-Chieh Shen, Daniel H. Y. Shen, Yeh-You Shen, Yu-Chien Shiau, Bin-Fu Shih, An-Mei Wang, Hsin-Ell Wang, Pei-Wen Wang, Chih-Shun Wu, Liang-Chih Wu, Ming-Che Wu, Yen-Wen Wu, Bang-Hung Yang. Andrew Kuang-Tao Yang, Dong-Ling You
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Volume 27 No. 1 March 2014
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Copyright Š 2014 by The Society of Nuclear Medicine, R.O.C. & Airiti Press Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Editorial Annals of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 2014;27:xx-xx
AUTHOR INFO 彭南靖 中華民國核醫雜誌總編輯 高雄榮民總醫院核醫部主任 國立陽明大學核醫科副教授 高雄榮總醫訊副總編輯 中華民國核醫學會理事
《 核 子 醫 學 雜 誌 》 的 出 版 作 業, 在 全 體 會 員 的 支 持 之下,已堂堂邁入第 27 個年頭了!三年前,南靖於銜命 之初,深感自身能力之有限,無法承續先進之發行水準, 實誠惶恐,所幸在核醫界前輩指導及理事長的鼎力相助之 下,雜誌的編排、出版方能順利進行,在此本人對於參與、 協助編修之人員致上十二萬分之謝意。 《核子醫學雜誌》是目前國內核醫學對外發表研究成 果的重要平台,也是核子醫學界相互交流的園地,這裡是 屬於大家的,總編輯對雜誌經營之目標就是要活絡交流, 讓大家更喜歡到這裡來看看,更喜歡到這裡來發表研究成 果,為此編輯部將雜誌做了些調整:其一,為因應分子影 像發展快速之世界潮流,及呼應核子醫學之分子造影技術 之特異性及重要性,於本屆第 3 次理監事會決議更改雜誌 英文名稱,由原先之 Annals of Nuclear Medicine and Science, ANMS 改為 Annals of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, ANMMI,也由於中華民國分子影像醫學會成 立較他國為早,搶得創始國先機,應有其專業刊物相輝映; 分子影像本為核子醫學之一環,將此名稱加入《核子醫學 雜誌》代表本學會貼近核子醫學相關先進之脈動,重視相 關技術之發展,有其積極的宣示作用。其二,對於原有的 內容方面也做了調整,Editorial 由資深核醫前輩執筆,傳 承其經驗用以指引核子醫學及分子影像學的趨勢及方向。 除 了 原 有 的 Original Article、Case Report 之 外, 增 加 了 一 個 Interesting Images 的 收 稿 項 目, 呼 應 了 本 刊 分 子 影 像之主體性;另外同時也開闢了繼續教育的單元,期望雜 誌具有教育訓練的功能,並使先進的心得、觀念及知識得 以傳承。其三為將原有雜誌的封面、內文的排版方式作了 些改變,增加雜誌的質感與符合讀者的閱讀期待。希望藉
144 Annals of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 2014; 27:xx-xx
境, 但 是 稿 件 以 Case Report、Interesting Images
居多,Original Article 較少,Original Article 的英
核的門檻還是以 Original Article 為審查重點,
潘 福 的 大 作「FDG PET/CT 在 癌 症 的 運 用 」 為
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英語發行。遠程:上 PubMed,以 SCI 為終極目標。
經過 3 年的努力,本雜誌尚未面臨無法出刊之窘
Annals of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Volume 27 Number 1 March 2014
Contents Editorial Special Articles The Longitudinal Trend in the Utilization of Nuclear Medicine for Theranostics in Taiwan Mao-Chin Hung, Jeng-Jong Hwang, Shu-Sin Liu, Chih-Hao Kao
Discussion of Improvement Method for Residual F-18 FDG for the Injection Cap: Push/Pause Techniques
1 14
Yen-Lin Kuo, Chiu-Chu Lin, Hua-Mei Hsu, Hue-Yong Chen
Original Articles SAFIRE Improves CT Image quality in PET/CT Scans: An ACR CT Phantom Test Fa-Shun Tsai, Su-Chen Wang, Hsuan-Hung Chou, Tai-Lin Jiang, Lin-Chun Ou
A Study of Modified Approach of Synthesizing 3’-Deoxy-3’-F18 Fluorothymidine Yun-Hsuan Hsu, Yi-Jia Huang, Bo-Ren Su, Hsiao-Wei Liao, Hsiu-Ling Lin, Wei-Ming Chang, Tai-Been Chen, Hueisch-Jy Ding, Huei-Yong Chen
The Study of Influences on Imaging Processing by Using Gamma Camera to Measure Thyroid Uptake of Iodine-131
19 28
Chung-Shun Wu, Nan-Jing Peng, Tai-Been Chen
Case Reports Peritoneal Dialysis-Related Peritonitis Complicated with Ischemic Bowel Disease Manifested on Ga-67 Scan
Yu-Ting Lai, Rong-Hsin Yang, Yum-Kung Chu
Dual Phase Change of F-18 FDG Uptake in Oncocytic Schneiderian Papilloma on PET Imaging: A Case Report
Cheng-Han Hou, Daniel HY Shen, Li-Fan Lin, Hong-Wei Gao, Yi-Chih Hsu, Cheng-Yi Cheng
Interesting Image Interval Change of Fibrous Dysplasia Found during Cancer Staging Bo-Kai Huang, Wen-Bao Teng, Da-Yu Dong, Shu-Mei Huang
Continuing Education Application of FDG PET/CT in Lung Cancer Yen-Kung Chen, Pan-Fu Kao
Technical Innovations and Notes Annals of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 2014;27:xx-xx
Peritoneal Dialysis-Related Peritonitis Complicated with Ischemic Bowel Disease Manifested on Ga-67 Scan Yu-Ting Lai1, Rong-Hsin Yang1,2, Yum-Kung Chu1,2 1 2
Department of Nuclear Medicine, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan School of Medicine, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan
ABSTRACT KEY WORDS Ga-67 scan, peritoneal dialysis, peritonitis, ischemic bowel disease
ARTICLE INFO Article history Received (mm dd, yyyy) Accepted (mm dd, yyyy)
Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) is a widely accepted treatment for end-stage renal disease. Peritonitis is a common complication in patients with peritoneal dialysis. The diagnosis and effective treatment of peritonitis depends on clinical signs, dialysate evaluation, and the identification of microorganisms. Ischemic bowel disease (IBD) is a usual complication of hemodialysis and rare in patients on CAPD. Herein, we present the first case of CAPD-related peritonitis complicated with IBD demonstrable on Ga67 scan. Scintigraphy is more visually straightforward to the problems, although there is no solid evidence of Ga67 uptake in the ischemic bowel.
Corresponding author Yum-Kung Chu M.D., Department of Nuclear Medicine, Taipei Veterans General Hospital No. 201, Shipai Rd. Sec. 2, Beitou District, Taipei 112, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel: 886-2-28757301 Fax: 886-2-28715849 E-mail: ykchu@vghtpe.gov.tw
© SNM&AIRITI PRESS DOI 10.3966/xxx http://www.airitipress.com/ http://www.airitilibrary.com/ Publication/alPublicationJour nal?PublicationID=1022923x
1. Introduction Peritonitis is the most common infection in CAPD. It typically presents with fever and abdominal pain, and some patients also complain of diarrhea and nausea. The diagnostic criteria for peritonitis are two of the three following criteria: abdominal pain, cloudy effluent (WBC > 100/mL with > 50% PMN), or identification of an organism on gram stain or culture [1]. Ischemic bowel disease (IBD) is a form of intestinal ischemia which could manifest as a spectrum from transient ischemia to transmural gangrene of the intestinal wall, depending on the degree of vascular occlusion, segment involved and the pre-existing condition of the patient [2]. In patients on CAPD, imaging with isotope-labeled leukocytes or Gallium-67 could delineate the presence of peritonitis, tunnel infection,
144 Annals of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 2014; 27:xx-xx catheter infection or even ischemic bowel with a high specificity and sensitivity and more visually straightforward to the problems.
2. Case Presentation A 77-year-old woman with a history of end stage renal disease and initiated hemodialysis since 2002. In year 2005, the renal replacement therapy was switched to CAPD because recurrent episodes of thrombosis at the vascular access. On the night before coming to the emergency department, she experienced nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Fever and abdominal pain was also noted later on. At admission, her vital signs were checked as following, heart rate: 109 beats/min, respiratory rate: 23 times/min, body temperature: 38.4째C. The total white blood cell count was 15,400 /cu mm. The dialysate analysis revealed an increase of white blood cell count (250/cu mm) mostly neutrophils (98%) and implied an ongoing peritonitis. Empirical antibiotic therapy was initiated by intraperitoneal cephradine and gentamycin, plus systemic pipracillin and tazobactam. Her blood pressure was declined for the first two days (SBP: around 70 to 80 mmHg) and returned stable after fluid resuscitation and use of vasopressors. Intermittent low grade fever persisted, however. Because of vague abdominal pain, this patient underwent abdominal CT scan which disclosed edematous change with poor contrast enhancement
Figure 1. Contrast-enhanced abdomen CT eContrastenhanced Contrast-enhanced Contrast-enhanced abdominal transverse CT scan edematous change of bowel loop with poor contrast enhancement of the jejunal wall (white arrows), no emboli can be identified at mesentery arteries. Subtle ischemic change of the bowel loop is considered.
of jejunal wall (Figure 1, arrow heads) and subtle ischemic change of the bowel loop was considered. The third day of admission, group D Enterococcus was yielded in her blood culture as well as the dialysate effluent. Gallium-67 inflammation scan therefore was arranged to assess underlying infection consequently, revealing diffused uptake in the peritoneal cavity and increased radioactivity in the bowel loop (Figure 2), compatible with peritonitis and assumed ischemic bowel change of the jejunum. No active focus was noted otherwise. Antibiotic regimen was tailored to systemic vancomycin. Gradually her condition settled and fever subsided after sustained antibiotic therapy for the following two weeks.
3. Discussion Peritonitis is a common complication in patient who is carrying out peritoneal dialysis and remained the leading morbidity associated with this techniques [3,4]. Several sources have been well acknowledged to result in bacterial peritonitis in patients undergoing PD, including: touch contamination, catheter-related infection, transvisceral migration due to intraabdominal pathology, hematogenous pathogen, and rarely vaginal leak. The most common symptoms and signs for peritonitis are: cloudy effluent (84%), abdominal pain (79% ~ 88%), and fever (29% ~ 53%) [5]. Ischemic bowel disease (IBD) affects almost always the small bowel and colon [6]. IBD could be classified into occlusive and non-occlusive, while
Figure 2. Gallium-67 inflammation scan demonstrates generalized increased radioactivity in the lower peritoneal cavity, suggesting peritonitis (black arrow). Persistent tracer uptake in the bowel loop observed three days later (hollow arrows), corresponding to the site of bowel ischemia assumed on CT scan.
Ischemic bowel disease manifested on Ga-67 scan 145
non-occlusive is mainly resulted from declined blood flow [7]. It appears clear that patient with ESRD tend to have multiple pre-existing conditions lead to non-occlusive IBD such as diabetes neuropathy or angiopathy, organic heart disease and dyslipidemia [8]. The blood pressure is to be more stable on CAPD than those under hemodialysis (HD) since intravascular volume is not withdrawn in a short period of time. Nevertheless, there do some conditions when patients in CAPD may develop severe hypotension, including: use of hypertonic dialysate or diuretics to remove excessive fluid from circulating volume, or sustained very low sodium intake [9,10]. Marquez-Julio, et al [10] suggested that low aldosterone level resulted in reduced colonic absorption of sodium, which could bring about hypovolemia if aldosterone is removed in dialysate [2,10]. The clinical presentation of IBD could range from chronic, mild symptoms to catastrophic consequence, depending on the severity of the ischemia. In the clinical scenario and severity of our case, we propose that the ischemic change is nonocclusive and resultant from hypoperfusion, rather than occlusion secondary to vascular emboli. Some common symptoms of IBD, namely abdominal pain, diarrhea or fever, would be easily confused with CAPD-associated peritonitis, or even coexist, assuming in our case. Some articles have shown that nuclear medicine imaging modality could pose an efficient way in diagnosing infectious complication of patient with CAPD, including Indium-111 labeled leukocytes [11,12], Tc-99m HMPAO-labeled leukocytes [13,14], and Gallium-67 scan [15]. Those observations obtained high sensitivity (83%) and specificity (75%) in catheter related complications, and 100% sensitivity in peritonitis. Despite nuclear medicine image provides a prospect in diagnosing infectious complication in CAPD. There do some limitation at its application being proposed, which sometime would cause ambiguous interpretation. Concomitant antibiotic therapy may cause false negatives [16]. It is also noted have false positive result in presence of malignancy and patients undergo chemotherapy or radiotherapy because it highlight renal enhancement [17]. The above finding may be the result of that chemo/radio-therapy decreased serum binding capacity to Gallium-67 [15].
4. Conclusion It is documented that CAPD related peritonitis is a common infectious complication in patient u n d e rg o i n g P D . H o w e v e r, i t i s a l s o w e l l acknowledged that the vulnerable cardiovascular system and pre-existing multiple risk factors in ESRD may pose a high risk in developing ischemic bowel disease. The clinical symptoms of the two are similar, but treatment approaches are different. Inflammation scan including Gallium-67 and labeled leukocytes are useful methods to evaluate ongoing infection process especially while clinical symptoms/signs are absent or atypical.
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Case Report Annals of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 2014;27:xx-xx
鎵 -67 掃描揭露腹膜透析腹膜炎併發缺血 性腸道疾病 賴俞廷 1 楊容欣 1,2 朱任公 1,2 1
臺北榮民總醫院 核子醫學部
國立陽明大學 醫學院
摘要 腹膜透析 CAPD 是腎病末期被廣泛接受的治療,腹膜炎是這族群的常 見併發症;缺血性腸道疾病是血液透析病患一種常見的併發症,但是罕見 於 CAPD 的患者。本文報告腹膜透析治療併發細菌性腹膜炎的案例,電腦 斷層和鎵 -67 掃描亦發現有腸道缺血之變化。雖然目前還沒有證明缺血性 病灶攝取鎵 -67;本病例說明鎵 -67 掃描除可診斷腹腔內感染症之外,在 核醫影像中也更為直接揭露出潛在的問題。 關鍵字 : 鎵 -67 掃描、腹膜透析、腹膜炎、缺血性腸道疾病
INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS Scope The journal solicits original contributions which should not contain previously published material and will not be published elsewhere. Other than Original Articles, Case Reports and Interesting Images, Brief Communications, Review Articles, Special Articles, Technical Innovations and Notes, Nuclear Medicine Intelligence, Correspondences are also accepted. The authors of the accepted manuscript must agree to automatically transfer the copyright to the Annals Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging.
Address for Contributions Manuscripts should be submitted (including illustrations) to the Editorial Office: Dr. Nan-Jing Peng Editor in Chief Annals Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging D epartment of Nuclear Medicine, Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital 3 86 Ta-Chung 1st Road, Kaohsiung 813, Taiwan R.O.C. Tel: +886-7-3468206 Fax: +886-7-3468234 We encourage electronic submission by sending your manuscript to http://aspers.airiti.com/ANMMI
Electronic Editing The journal is using personal computers to edit manuscripts accepted for publication. Submission via website attaching the text is required to reduce typing error in the process of publication. The text file should be in major formats, such as Microsoft Word. Authors are required to check spelling and grammar before submission.
Preparation of Manuscripts Research paper should be organized in order of title page, abstract page, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, acknowledgments (if necessary), references, table/figure legends, figures. Case report may be organized in order of title page,
abstract page, introduction, case report, discussion, references, table/figure legends, figures. Interesting images may be organized in order of title page, abstract page, figure legends, references, figures. Each starts from a new page. The Chinese manuscript should have an English translation of abstract and keywords, and vice versa. Abstract and keywords of the English manuscript from authors who are not native Chinese can be translated by editorial office. All pages must be typewritten on one side of white A4 size paper, sequentially numbered, double-spaced with liberal margins.
Title Pages The title page should contain title of the article; name(s) and affiliation(s) of author(s). All footnotes to the names of the authors and affiliations should be indicated by Arabic numeral in superscript. Designate one author as the corresponding author and provide address, phone numbers, fax number and E-mail address. Do not contain such information elsewhere in the manuscript to ensure an unbiased review.
Abstract The abstract should be typed on a separate page and limited to 400 words or less in Original Articles and Case Reports, and 100 words in Interesting Images. Abstracts for Original Articles must be structured with paragraphs labeled Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. Include 3 to 5 keywords in alphabetical order. Use Index Medicus terms from medical subject heading where possible. Abbreviations may be used without explanation.
Text References should be cited with square brackets in the text and listed by the order of appearance in the text. When abbreviating isotopes, designate them in the following manner: Tc-99m, I-123, C-11, F-18 FDG. Radiopharmaceuticals should be listed with the isotope first followed by the chemical
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form. When using abbreviations, the full name should be spelled out completely the first time it is mentioned, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. Thereafter the abbreviated form must be used. Radiation measurements will be published in either the International System of Units (SI) or the old system. For more details, authors are advised to consult the “Uniform Requirements for Manuscript Submitted to Biomedical Journals” (Ann Intern Med 1998;108:258-265). However, the editors are authorized to make changes to conform to the individual style of Annals Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging instructions to authors.
References Names of the journal are abbreviated according to Index Medicus. Name(s) of the author(s) not more than six are factually listed. Otherwise the first three are listed and followed by “et al.”
Examples: (1) Feely J, Wilkinson GR, Wood AJJ. Reduction of liver blood flow and propanol metabolism by cimetidine. N Engl J Med 1981;304:691695. (2) Yu MD, Chen WL, Jiau SF, et al. Comparison of radioimmunoassay and fluorescence polarization immunoassay data related to determination of cyclosporine concentrations of heart transplant patients. Ann Nucl Med Sci 1992;5:143-147. (3) Kaplan NM. Coronary heart disease risk factors and anti-hypertensive drug selection. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 1982;4(Suppl 2):186365. (4) Anonymous. Neurovirulence of enterovirus 70 [Editorial]. Lancet 1982;1:373-374.
李寧芝 林怡君 洪善齡 等
(5) Tada A, Hisada K, Suzuki T, et al. Volume measurement of intracranial hematoma by computed tomography. Neurol Surg (Tokyo) 1981;9:251-256. [In Japanese; English abstract]. (6) Araki G. Prognosis in thalamic hemorrhage. Jpn J Stroke 1981;3:120-122. [In Japanese]. (7) Begent RHJ, Jewkes RF. Radiolabelled antibodies for imaging of gastrointestinal tumours. In: Robinson PJA, ed. Nuclear Gastroenterology. 1st ed. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingston; 1986:145-156.
Illustration and Tables Figures should be submitted as one set of clear black-and-white glossy prints, with lettering large enough to be legible when reduced. Color illustrations can be reproduced if the additional cost is met by the author. Each figure must be provided with a legend. Type legends double-spaced on a separate sheet of paper. If an illustration has been previously published, give full credit to the original source in the legend. Figures and tables should be numbered in the order they appear in the text. Each legend should give full, explicit, explanations for all sections of the figure and all abbreviations and arrows used. Each table must be typed double-spaced on a sheet of paper. A concise title should be supplied for each. If a table or any data therein have been previously published, a footnote must give full credit to the original source. Abbreviations used in a table must be spelled out in a footnote. Tables and figures should supplement, not duplicate, data in the text.
Reprints Reprints can be given if the additional cost is met by the author.