Trashi on i n
CTE Fai led To Break CNU-M edelli n's Record
CAS: I n i t s 7t h Un def eat ed Legacy CRYIFYOU MUST Justine Joy B. Jaca
?Wi thout tears, li fe w ould be drasti cally di fferent for hum ans? i n the short run enorm ously uncom fortable, and i n the long run eyesi ght w ould be blocked out altogether.? The m idter m s has com e and gone and finals w eek is hover ing up ahead. The w eight of str ess and fear s fr om m idter m s feels like it has been lifted, but ther e ar e still a few m or e w eeks left to pr epar e and m eet all the deadlines.
SEVEN consecutive year s, College of Ar ts and Sciences (CAS) has r aised its r eigning flag ever y Intr am ur als. This year is no differ ent. In the past four days, the str uggle of the athletes and par ticipants fr om the differ ent colleges and cam puses in tr ying to w in the cham pionship title w as evident; College of Ar ts and Sciences tr ium phed! The declar ation of the over -all cham pion for the Intr am ur als 2016 cr ow ded the CNU gr ound. Flor isa Waskin, a second year BSEd-Filipino m ajor student said: ?Expected nam an sad nga ang CAS m akadaog, m aayo m an gyud na sila in ter m s sa spor t?. M eanw hile, the college dean Dr. Jolito Benitez, believe that the victor y w as m or e than just w inning the gam es. ?The cham pionship m eant tw o things: it w as a victor y of vir tue and spor ts?.
Con t in u ed on FEATURE, page 5
News ............................................................... 1 Opinion .......................................................... 3 Entertenmainment ................................ 5
Con t in u ed on NEWS, page 2
Feature ............................................................... 9 Sports .................................................................. 11
New s
BTM an d B.A Com m . Sei ze cr ow n s i n CAS pagean t The M r. and M s. CAS 2016 pageant w as held at the Integr ated Lear ning School (ILS) stage last August 10, 2016. Am ong the ten com petitive candidates, Raym ond Oyangor en (Bachelor of Tour ism M anagem ent IV) and Janica Ando (Bachelor of Ar ts in Com m unication IV) w as declar ed as the M r. and M s. CAS 2016. Apar t fr om br inging hom e the bacon, Oyangor en and Ando also w on som e of the m inor aw ar ds: Oyangor en accum ulated best in pr oduction num ber , best in sw im w ear , best in suit, best in talent, and the people?s choice aw ar d w hile Ando gr abbed the Best in pr oduction num ber and best in long gow n aw ar d. The fir st r unner -up w inner s w er e both Psychology students: Dar yl Abr inica and M ar y Faith Guingot and the second placer s w er e Cathyr ine Tapulado, a political science student and Car l JC Aum ento, a psychology student. M r. and M s. CAS w inner s and the fir st r unner -ups w ill r epr esent the w hole College of Ar ts and Sciences depar tm ent for 2016?s M r. and M s. CNU. ? M i ch el l e Lyk a C. M an gi l a,Con cepci on O.
M r . an d M s. CTE The sear ch for M r. and M s. CTE (College of Teacher Education) 2016 w as held last August 11, 2016 at Sam uel M acClintock Hall of Cebu Nor m al Univer sity. It star ted by a pr oduction num ber of all the candidates follow ed by show casing of their talents and a question por tion. At the end of the show , the college of teacher education officially concluded its pair to r epr esent their College for the CNU Intr am ur als. Ian Com edido and Kr istian Kier t Dela Cr uz ar e the w inner s for M r. CTE along w ith Pauline Chr isty Clar ice Becher and Br etziel Laur el got the cr ow n of M s. CTE. For the m ajor and m inor special aw ar ds ar e the follow ing: Best in Pr oduction: M r. Leo Salibongcogon and M s. Br etziel Laur el Best in Sw im w ear : M r. John Car lo M er cadal and M s. Pauline Chr isty Clar ice Becher Best in For m al Attir e: M r. Leo Salibongcogon Best in Evening Gow n: M s. Pauline Chr isty Clar ice Becher Best in Talent: M r. Leo Salibongcogon and M s. Pauline Chr isty Clar ice Becher People?s Choice Aw ar d: M r. Allan M ainit and M s. Pauline Chr isty Clar ice Becher
Navesi s/
CAS: I n i t s 7t h Un def eat ed Legacy Dr. L opez' Retir ement Con t in u ed f r om NEWS, page 1
The official r anking of the five colleges and cam puses w ho com peted for this year 's intr am ur als.
The r etir em ent of Dr. M ar celo T. Lopez, the Pr esident of Cebu Nor m al Univer sity for eight year s, left CNU in a quest for new leader ship that shall uphold its excellence. Out of the thr ee Univer sity Vice Pr esidents, Dr. Daisy Regis Palom pon, Vice Pr esident for the Resear ch, Extension and Publication becam e the Officer -in-Char ge last August 1, 2016. In an inter view , Dr. Palom pon said that she is only on tem por ar y stew ar dship on the Univer sity until Dr. Lopez? successor w ill be chosen and voted by the Boar d of Regents.
Pr ice I nflation in U-CafĂŠ
?The Spir it of cham pionship has alw ays been in the genes and blood of the College of Ar ts and Sciences.? Dr. Jiolito Benitez said. ? M i ch el l e Lyk a C. M an gi l a
W hy does the pr ice of the food incr eases at the U-CafĂŠ? This is the question r aised by the students ever y tim e they buy their m eals and snacks at the Univer sity canteen. In an inter view w ith one of the vendor , she said that due to the high pr ice of r ental for space they ar e accom m odating, they need to add one to tw o pesos per item for them to get a pr ofit. ?Sa pagpataas r a gyud sa pr esyo m i m akabaw i sa am ong ginansya kay kung dili nam o patas-an ang pr esyo, m a alkansi m i,? she said. But the vendor assur es that ther e w ill be no additional pr ice hike as long as the adm inistr ation w ill not give additional pr ice for their r ent. ? M i ch el l e Lyk a C. M an gi l a , Con cepci on O. Navesi s
St or y t o Un f ol d ?SORRY! The elevator is tem por ar ily unavailable. ?? VPA An elevator or a lift is a m achine used for car r ying people and things to differ ent levels in a building. But w hat does it r eally m ean am ong the students and the school adm inistr ation in Cebu Nor m al Univer sity? The Center of Excellence for Teacher Education and Nur sing Education?s one and only elevator has been in a myster y since it w as closed and for bidden to be used for the m eantim e. Som e students set their m inds that it w as r eally not for the students but only for those altitudinous school per sonnel and visitor s like accr editor s. And som e of them can?t even help them selves but say: PAASA! and M AAYO RA JUD I G UNA. WALANG FOREVER!
But the change, i f i t i s to be perm anent and si gni fi cant, m ust start w i th us and i n us.
- OliviaFray
On the other hand, as the fam ous saying goes, ?Life is like a coin. Only one side is visible at a tim e. But r em em ber , the other side is also w aiting for its r etur n.? Per haps, this is the r ight tim e for the Vice Pr esident of Adm inistr ative, Dr. Glen M . Pesole to r em edy the sentim ent of the Nor m alites. W ith the shor t conver sation that w e had, Dr. Pesole did not hesitate to answ er the big W-H-Y question. He phlegm atically told m e: (a) the adm inistr ation is still w aiting for the per m it that the elevator can be safely used
because it is still under obser vation; (b) the elevator is too sm all to accom m odate lots of passenger s to be used ever y day; and (c) blackout or br ow nout m ight occur and they can?t affor d to put the life of a Nor m alite in danger. But our hear t-to-hear t talk did not end ther e. As a SHUPA Nor m alite, I gather ed all of my str ength to ask him if w e, the students could use the elevator once they got the per m it and the other side of the coin just star ted her e. Dr. Pesole clar ified that the elevator is not r eally for the ever yday use of students but for the facility m em ber s of the univer sity w hen they need to tr ansfer things to the upper level of the building so that it w ill be easier and safer for them to do their job. He also added that it w as r eally designed only for school per sonnel and guests. As a r esult, the adm inistr ator encour ages each Nor m alite to use the stair cases w hich connect ASAB and TAC building because it should alw ays be: SAFETY FIRST. Per haps this hugot m ight help: ?Nganong sige pa man ka ug laom nga makagamit sa elevator sa CNU nga naa raman permanente ang hagdanan nga nagpabiling lig-on ug loyal sa imoha. Kanang bahalag kahibalo ka nga kapoy pero segurado jud kang maabot ka sa imong padulngan.
and notes. It?s ver y sim ple to w r ite out your thoughts on paper and leave it for som eone to find. Not only is it delightful and sur pr ising to discover , it?s also som ething that they can keep to r ead again later.
Put Down that Phone We live in a w or ld of text tones, favor ites, Snaps, Tw itter posts and Facebook notifications. We show our concer n thr ough double taps and fr iend r equests to hint at our inter est for that cute boy in class or that pr etty gir l you saw. Technology is like a cr utch in the w or ld of dating. Often than not, in occasions such as Bir thdays, you consider telling the celebr ant your w ar m est gr eeting and how im por tant they ar e to you w ithout the anonym ity of a scr een. We show case our deep affection tow ar ds them thr ough posting an aw kw ar d best w ishes and an even m or e aw kw ar d pictur e that com es w ith it. And as our cell phones acquir e m or e featur es, w e star t to for get the im por tance of pen and paper , and how m uch m or e you can say w ith som e of the m or e tr aditional w ays of com m unication. One of the m ost r om antic w ays of letting som eone know that you ar e thinking of them is thr ough letter s
SHOW OFF! For year s, as par t of the cur r iculum of the senior s w ho ar e taking Bachelor of Secondar y Education M ajor in English they ar e to por tr ay a stage play as an application w hat the class has lear ned fr om the four w alls of the classr oom , in connection to the new ly pr oposed Outcom es Based Education in the cur r iculum . It is in fact, one of the m ost aw aited events of being an English M ajor to cr eate a pr oduction that w ill show case the r ichness of liter atur e because this is the tim e w her ein the LangLit M ajor s ar e able to br ing out their hidden talents and har ness their skills. How ever , pr oblem s r ose as w hy the adm inistr ation has failed to suppor t the students for this pr ecious dr eam at hand of the senior s. M onths befor e the stage play is pr oduced, the English M ajor s pour ed out countless nights and days for pr actices and m aking countless letter s to seek the adm inistr ation?s help. The four pr oductions decided an off-cam pus show to gain m or e audience and r each out m or e for people w ho failed to appr eciate the beauty of liter atur e. It is a unified goal for all the pr oductions to give audience a theatr ical play that w ill celebr ate the lavishness of Philippine liter atur e and
W hen you send som eone a sw eet text, it?s fleeting. Like how the saying goes ?If you text it, I?ll delete it?, as you text m or e and m or e your kind w or ds w ill get higher in the conver sation and then they w ill becom e for gotten. Wr iting letter s is tim eless and each one w ill alw ays be differ ent because w e each have unique handw r iting and inter esting w ays to develop our m essages. It?s im por tant to go that extr a step for those you car e about. Som etim es w e for get how easily distr acted w e ar e by scr eens. Our hands star t to itch if w e hear that fam iliar tone w e get fr om r eceiving a text m essage. Can w e not just pause for a m om ent and actually spend tim e w ith the significant people or fr iends and then choose to put aw ay our phone and focus on the per son w e ar e w ith, even just for a m om ent. Doing initiatives like stacking our phones aw ay w hile eating m eals and m ake the conscious choice to be physically and m entally pr esent w hile w e?r e together : Taking that extr a step to actually pay attention and to com m unicate w ith the per son or people that you?r e w ith. One of the best old-fashioned pr actices of com m unicating w ith other s is being able to ask som eone how their day has been. We should get back to that. We need to star t the talk and have the cour age to speak to other people. It is per haps one of the m ost genuine gestur es a per son can do. How ever , som etim es, w e for get to do those little things for other people- like initiating sm all talks. Random ly sur pr ise som eone w ith a good m or ning, or give them that sw eetest sm ile. The sm allest gestur es can go a long w ay and m ean a lot, so take the tim e to do som ething sw eet for som eone ever y day. It?ll m ean m or e than you know. Put dow n that phone and actually com m unicate.
to influence the society w ith their voices. How ever , it w as com pletely.. access denied. The adm inistr ation did not allow the students to have an off-cam pus show because of financial m atter s, w ithout know ing that som e pr oductions w er e able to secur e som e funds fr om gener ous people w ho w er e w illing to suppor t the play. It tr igger ed w hen one of the pr oduction w as able to pr int on their letter , ?together w ith other pr oduction...w e ar e r aising 100K?. How ever , this w as not the case; other pr oductions did not plan to r aise such am ount leading to a m isunder standing to both par ties. M or eover , this letter r aged the CAS Dean or der ing the pr ofessor to stop all the solicitations. This new s m ade the students dum bfounded know ing that their only bloodline of the pr oduction is the financial assistance. Stage dir ector s fr om each pr oduction appealed and faced the CAS Dean, unfor tunately, the students voices w er e not hear d. It w as fr om the dean?s m outh saying, ?It?s just for show -off!?, elabor ating that the stage play is only for ?gar a2x?. The w or ds fr om the Dean cr ushed the dr eam s of the LangLit students w ho w er e all bur ning w ith passion for the love of liter atur e. W hat?s the point of the Outcom es Based Education you?ve taught your students for year s?
Was it all for show -off w hat quality education does CNU have? Well. Fur ther m or e, w hen the dir ector s finally accepted that the pr oduction can?t have an off-cam pus show , the pr oduction w er e doing the best as they can to r eser ve venues inside the school pr em ises, for the play. How ever , the school adm inistr ation put m uch bur den on students because of the str uggle for r eser vations. The letter s of the students w er e passed on to m any author itative people w hose signatur es w er e needed, still, no fixed venue w er e given to the pr oduction. All the chances they have for the venue w er e declined, especially that the students w er e not given the chance to use the THEATER ARTS CENTER at the 7th floor , w her e it could only be the per fect venue for staging a play, for the r easons (1.) ther e is no univer sity pr esident yet. (w hat?s the connection?) (2.) it?s for the institutional use ONLY. (Ar e the students not par t of the institution?) But w hy do other events per m itted to be held on that new building? W hat?s the pur pose for that new building? Accr editation pur poses? Was it all for show -off, too? Well. Not m uch to say but good luck to the next batch of LangLit M ajor s, m ay the gods favor you and m ay the per son on author ity w ill not pour cold water in your burning passion. - Fr an ces Sh ar m i l a I . Joseph
Enter tainment
Cr y I f You M ust
i s for th e li ti es w h en i t ci fa sa t i am "Di d aw p ag th e st u d en ts". u ti li zati on of n ti . i t m ga st u d ya am ag p i D . al an i m a bu i ld i n g "Pi st i n g yaw a tu k od n i la n g od k tu i g g an an ay m ga U n say gam i t i gam i ton . N ap d g n u k or at d e i st i p ." n ga n ay el ev g n aw n g at ti tu n ta as yo aa k de gw ar d ya at ti tu - A n on y m ou s N ik se On ly " - Isol "For J an i tor U
OnStudents' Attitudheugaw an patak a lan g labay sa
m ga ou s e stu d en ts ." - A n on y m m o ro a s "M ost of th i li n ra ot i p an g b i lan g sagb
h ool p ara rak o sa sc to d a u M . s ug m a-ex c i te a d ead li n e s ) d o g n "Di li n ak o tu li sh IV BSEd -En g sa k agrou p t o e e m i m s i g i tr k s (m a Ljed Il u n c e." -Ch i l a d n e tt -a a p
u rals ed u p i n tr am p y h r e p u s e old I fi led a ti n g th at sam , th at's w h y rs a e y 4 y "I w as ex p ec m ve i n w as so e u sed to h a ev en t n y a I y a d li k e w h at w ri F t a u n ta ork ju d for th M ao n alan g . U N C g n leav e fr om w a a m an gi lam i . I d k ay n alu y ol, w a p aju d o h c s d i sap p oi n te a s y o ap w k ey om all th e k n s w h y gi lo fr o s k a a re re s b t' i g n s a ool h a an d th e sc h aay o k ay i u n ta tog m k n ow th e org m la i g , g n a p ero say tr am s." lan g to si y a ard to CN U In rw fo s k o lo ay s ev ery on e alw g - K atr i n a A n
t Dec i si on s" s sa "I n c on si sten m en t sa ru le le p m i u m g ak o tu k ar2 lan 4th y r m ao p i n o k "A n g gu ard .a s u n a lan g, k u n g k m ati m i n gan s." - J eri k a s p w ed e h ort i d a g n g n les th at are gi bad lo of sc h ool ru n o ti ta n e m ah a " u n ju st i m p le gu ol ah ah ah a "U n fai r an d k a m s u o u es am bi g on sen se .by th em selv c k of c om m la , le i c e b m i o" n i n y u k ai "A n g gu ard g d li ed u k ad ra m g o l a n o fessi M u rag d li p ro ou s " ? A n on y m to e p s re i a "W
Con t in u at ion f r om FEATURE, page 1 For som e of us, w e ar e fr ee fr om r iding the str uggle bus ? w e ar e com pelling it fr antically thr ough obstacles in a shady for est and then over the edge of a cliff. Fr om tim e to tim e, the str ess catches up to us and ever ything becom es over w helm ing and par alyzing, and so w e cr y. How ever , cr ying is seen as a sign of w eakness. It is ster eotyped as an action that w om en, w ho ar e ?w eak and too sensitive,? do w hile m en, w ho ar e ?str ong and insensitive,? should not. We often cr y alone in pr ivate to avoid sham e and getting m ade fun, or som etim es w e don?t w ant to be asked questions w e know w e cannot answ er that tim e, but m ostly, w e don?t r eally talk about it w ith other s because w e don?t tr ust them w ith our pr oblem s. But let m e tell you this, cr ying is com pletely healthy for you, r egar dless of w hether it is done in pr ivate or public, r egar dless of w hat your gender is, and r egar dless of how vulner able you look w hen you cr y. Cr ying fr ees the body of negative em otions. In my ow n per sonal exper ience, w hen I cr y my hear t out, I feel so m uch the negativity and I feel the pain, eventually, the body natur ally attem pts to balance itself and to balance my em otions by r eleasing chem icals ? and believe m e it feels so m uch better after. Accor ding to the M innesota study, cr ying can help to w ash chem icals linked to str ess out of our body, one of the r easons w e feel m uch better after a good cr y. This chem ical helps clear your m ind so you can think m or e clear ly.? After cr ying, it feels as if the load of str ess, fr ustr ations, and pain has been liter ally lifted fr om your soul. In addition, star ting w ith the m ost basic function of tear s, they enable us to see. Liter ally, tear s not only lubr icate our eyeballs and eyelids, they also pr event dehydr ation of our var ious m ucous m em br anes. No lubr ication, no eyesight. Wr ites Ber gm an: ?W ithout tear s, life w ould be dr astically differ ent for hum ans?in the shor t r un enor m ously uncom for table, and in the long r un eyesight w ould be blocked out altogether.? See, not only is our str ess w ashed aw ay but also our eyesight is cleansed. Cr ying should not be seen as a sham eful act. Instead of cr ying alone in a bedr oom or in the show er , people should cr y w ith a fr iend or a fam ily m em ber. For som e, it m ay be m or e ther apeutic to cr y alone fir st befor e talking to som eone about their pr oblem s. But, it?s nice to have som eone ther e for you and com for t you dur ing a tim e w hen you ar e sad or upset because you ar en?t alone. The other per son can hug you and help cheer you up. Cr ying w ith another per son is a bonding m om ent and allow s for your r elationship w ith that per son to str engthen. Do not hesitate to look for people you tr ust w ith your pr oblem s. Cr ying is healthy for you and it is totally okay! Don?t hold back and do not be sor r y w hen you cr ied just because it is looked dow n upon in society w hen, r eally, it shouldn?t be. W hen you?r e str essed out and upset, cr y in public, cr y w ith a fr iend, cr y your feelings out and, m ost im por tantly, cr y w hen you need to. Finals w eek is exactly tw o w eeks fr om now , I suggest you secur e your cr ying par tner now !
Photos by Jaya M ae T. M alait/ Ang Suga
Enter tainment
Tot al Blankness Payong Tunga sa Taligsik
Poem s by Edw in A. Nu n ez
If only I have
Nidag-om su god gah apon
A gblank sil on sa im journal on g payon g thigck as pon your. eyebrow s; im oAs k on giam Nibah aton gas gabh na As ablank m yiustares sa k ak apoy u g k al aay
Outsi de the w i ndow
k ay taas n a an g h in u watay.
Of thi s gunk y jeepney,
Kal it n ik idl ap an g k il at
ould sketch Ug Inw idu g-ab an g duYour gdoggazes. you! samAll a'gof sinyou. e sa Yes k agah apon apan pu tilook r a uaw g itom Who ay w, hen sa ak on gtopan g-lanother an taw. dots I try add
of black and w hi tes, Sa pam il ok n apid-ok !
New li nes strai ght ahead
Kay in gon k a "Bal h in n al an g
li eso'n g k apasil u n gan sa mThe as dak yourn ablank ons, k ayOf l apos sa im em on goti pan it an gOf talquesti in is saons tal igsik ." NalLeft an ayunansw an g ak on g l ibr o ered; and n ah an aw tan an g pu l on g didto.
Of notes left unrem em bered.
Dayon og agbay u g dagayday
I trace along
sa k agu ol , n ah in gawa.
The cri sscrossed roads Sam a saofimadjacent on g pag-bu ot,ds And eyeli sa mHopi as dak ngo'n to gmpayon eet g ak o n agpasil on g. Ug sa l ain g dag-om k al it k a'n g n am ar ayg:
Another gazes
"Tawga l an g k o k u n g n aa n a'y k ah il u n aan
Wari ng som e clues;
an g du h a ta k a gibati."
there's none. Naayet bita'y n iabot apan l ayo n a k aayo k a. I ask m yself about i t An gBut dag-om sa ak on g mdrew ata , m y query only dayo'g g bu syad, I tri sir ed ittou scale the pages l ain g wal og sa t al i gsi k
But I w as w elcom ed
n il u n od n ak o tu n ga sa k an gin git
Wi th com plete si lence
Apan k u tob n al an g ba sa tal igsik an g tan an
stares. n gaOf waanother n a'y tsan san g m obu n dak pa, remnem I got o mIobu dakber m an ganno i journal. per Now o k adiyot , I rewr a? ard m yself
Another blank ness.
Featur e
Understandi ng Change ?Change is coming!? This has been one of the fam ous lines this year , a tagline of the for m er Davao City M ayor Rodr igo Duter te, now the pr esident of the Republic of the Philippines. Accor ding to his pr esidential spokesper son, his success is a ?historical win? and this is a ?win by the people, for the people, and by the people.? How ever , Duter te?s pr om ised of change is not im plying that as the new pr esident of the countr y, he w ill be the one to br ing this change for our dear m other land. This is has to be a shoulder -to-shoulder w or k for the countr ym en. As w hat he said dur ing his pr esidential speech, ?...But the change, if it is to be per m anent and significant, m ust star t w ith us and in us,? But ar e w e r eally r eady for CHANGE? Ar e the Filipinos r eady to em br ace this change that our Pr esident has pr om ised? but the m ost im por tant question is, ARE YOU READY FOR CHANGE? Ar e you? Well. I know it takes tim e. But I?ll help you thr ough. I?d like to featur e M ar tha Beck?s view of change. Take tim e to think of w hat needs to be change in our selves. Accor ding to Beck, ther e ar e four types of change ever yone exper ience in life. 1. ?Wan t ed - Necessar y?: ?I h ave t o ch an ge, an d I w an t t o.? This is a type of change w her ein ther e is a necessity for us to change our w ays along w ith the passion that w e r eally w ant to. This is not for the r eason that som eone told and for ced us but it has to be our ow n w ay and decision telling us that w e r eally have to adjust on som e things. For exam ple, w hen you know you ar e alw ays late for school and tr affic is causing you to have one
m or e late and you?ll be dr op for that 7:30AM subject, you know in your m ind that you have to be up ear ly and save that one m or e late you have in your pocket. So, you decide to r ise ear ly and catch the ear liest bus or jeep as possible, ar r ive in school ear lier than you think and gotcha! You?ll not be the ?ear liest per son for the next subject!? You?ve got to use that r age for you to change. 2. ?Wan t ed - Not Necessar y?: ?I don ?t h ave t o ch an ge, bu t I w an t t o.? Another type of change is w hen ther e is no need for us to adjust but the thing is, w e w ant to. W hen can this type of change occur ? It is w hen
"ar eyou r eady f or change?" w e think that ther e is som ething in us that w e have to fix although ther e is no dem and that w e r eally have to. This is because of w hat w e exper ience in our lives ur ging us the w ant to change for w e feel that ther e is need. So let?s put it this w ay, you set a standar d in your self that you have to excel in m ost of your cour ses and get at least 1.7 gr ade on m ost of them because you w ant to be par t of that so called ?Dean?s Lists?. How ever , as you get along w ith your academ ic excellence, you feel that you have to excel m or e, so you decide to study har der and set a new goal for your self. Although, ther e is no need for you (at fir st) because you ar e a consistent dean?s lister , but since you set another standar d for your self, you feel the w ant to adjust on your w ays. Ther efor e, this could happen w hen w e have to use our ?play? as an instr um ent of change.
3. ?Un w an t ed - Necessar y?: ?I don ?t w an t t o ch an ge, bu t I h ave t o.? Now , this type of change is one that people find it har d to do. It is w hen our decisions m atter now. We feel that w e don?t w ant to change but w e know that w e have to. This could be because ther e ar e things that hinder us to be at peace ther efor e for cing us to change. How ever , w e can say that this is for som ething better because w e, our selves know the consequences that lies ahead if w e don?t fix w hat needs to be fixed. Let?s go back to the fir st exam ple, you know that you ar e often late for school and you have one m or e chance to save that ?be late and you?re drop? on your sheets. But the thing is, you ar e not a m or ning per son, you still m anage to keep w ith the kind of behavior you have. Ther efor e, you have to w eigh things; as m uch as you w ant to cuddle under sheets, you know in your m ind that you have to be ear ly or your pr ofessor m ight scr ew you. So, think w isely. 4. ?Un w an t ed - Un n ecessar y?: ?I don ?t w an t t o ch an ge an d I don ?t h ave t o.? The last type of change is w hen ther e is no need for us to change, ther efor e, that w e don?t have to. This sim ply happens w hen w e ar e contented of our w ays and w e feel safe about it. It is w hen w e let our ?peace? as a tool for our change. So, w hat type of change you need to do w ith your life r ight now ? I know it?s never going to be easy but if you think you have to? then go on. Don?t be afr aid of change, it alw ays com es w ith a gr eat r ew ar d if you think you ar e doing it for the better. After all, you?ve got to r em em ber that it only takes ONE per son to change your is YOU. - Fr an ces Sh ar m i l a I . Joseph
A Ni ght of Blast - Normachella
Normachella- a com bination of the w or ds ?Nor m alite? and Coachella?, is a fam ous m usic festival that or iginated in Califor nia.
Cebu Nor m al Univer sity?s annual celebr ation of the unified acquaintance par ty w as held last August 05, 2016 w ith the them e ?Nor m achella?; w ear ing a Bohem ian outfit and flor al dr esses for ladies. The par ty w as headed by the Supr em e Student Council (SSC). The event star ted at 4:30 pm , the event?s goal is to unite the students?body in the spir it of fun and m usic. Inn the par ty, m usic cam e out w ith the dr um s and str ings of guitar s. Accor ding to M eljor ie Laur on, a BSED-English III student, ?The songs w er e r elaxing and hear t- m elting?. Local bands of CNU like the Jej Band, Enca Band, and other talented student singer s played and sang a var iation of English, Tagalog, and Bisaya songs
for the Nor m alites. The festival celebr ation is entailed w ith the sear ch for the King and Queen. Sam antha Ar es and Kyle Dur ano w er e annunciated and w er e cr ow ned as king and queen of the night. ?It w as unexpected because it w as a squad goal, 50/50 in pr epar ing, but at the sam e tim e not getting our hopes up?, Dur ano said. The w inner s w er e given a cer tificate, 500 pesos cash and br and new phone sponsor ed by globe. The event ended at exactly 8:30 pm just as w hat the SSC have set. Accor ding to Kier Lebum facil, the over all chair m an of the event, this is to ensur e the safety of the students w ho w ill go hom e and to m eet the latest im posed r egulations on the cur few . - M i ch el l e Lyk a C.
M an gi l a
Featur e
Trashi on i n CNU Pol l u tion an d Im pr oper W aste Disposal ar e two of th e m ajor pr obl em s th at al ar m peopl e an d oth er l ivin g cr eatu r es. Sol u tion s h ave to be for m u l ated to er adicate th e n egative attr ibu tes of th ese m atter s. W ith th is, sch ool or gan ization s th ou gh t of a
on l y th r ee wer e stu n n in g. Am on g th e fol l owin g ar e th e h ail ed as win n er s: 1st pl ace : Jack l ain e Rose Tu yco an d Joh n Pau l Ayes of BPE in th eir Pegasu sth em ed ou tfit. 2n d pl ace: Pear l Al ecxis Sm ith an d Aar on Sagaoin it of Com m u n icator 's Cl u b with th eir Bee-in spir ed attir es. 3r d pl ace: Cath er in e Lu bay an d Joh n M ar k San dov of H om em ak er 's Cl u b with th eir Dove an d Cr ow costu m e.
m ean s to con ver t tr ash es th r ou gh cr eative en ds. To su ppor t th is pr oject, CNU adapted an d par ticipated a pr ogr am cal l ed, "TRASH ION" as th is con cept h as been in tegr ated to sch ool s sin ce 2012. Ol d m agazin es, n ewspaper s, spoon s, bottl es, pl astic cu ps, str aws, sack s, tar pau l in an d oth er r ecycl abl e m ater ial s wer e u til ized to cr eate m agn ificen t an im al -in spir ed costu m es with accor dan ce with th e k ey th em e "Rel ease the An i m al s". Th is al so "ser ves as an awakening for the people, because of the tr ash that we ar e pr oducing and that we ar e thr owing im pr oper ly wher ein its not just hum ans who ar e badly affected but the anim als as well" as stated by on e of th e even t or gan izer s. On Ju l y 22, 2016 th e tr ash ion r eign ed in th e CNU gr ou n ds. Nor m al ites ch eer ed an d sh owed th eir war m est su ppor t to th e gl am ou r ou s m odel s on stage. Th e even t was com posed of ten or gan ization s wh er e each m odel pr ojected l ife to th eir an im al design s, yet,
Aside fr om th e m ajor pr izes, a special awar d was gr an ted to th e Tou r ism design er Er sa Joy Or tiz as th e "Peopl e's Ch oice Awar d." Th e peacock -in spir ed costu m e attr acted an d h ypn otized th e au dien ce with its won der fu l h eaddr ess m ade u p of coco m idr ib br oom , br oom fiber s, dr ied l eaves an d r ecycl ed spoon s. Th e base of th e h ead accessor y was m ade of br oom stick en twin ed to m odify a cr own . It ser ves as th e sk el eton wh er ein th e oth er r ecycl ed m ater ial s ar e pl aced. Oth er cu stom ized design s wer e pl astic spoon s pain ted with gr een to cr eate an eye il l u sion attach ed in th e tail of a peacock . Th e even t was a su ccess with th e par tak in g of th e differ en t sch ool or gan ization s. Th e par ticipan ts sh owcased h ow sim pl e m ater ial s su ch as pieces of tr ash , ju n k an d r ecycl abl es, can be tu r n in to som eth in g u sefu l , beau tifu l an d can m ak e an u l tr a-cr eative wear abl e fash ion . Th is even t h opes th at th e stu den ts m ay becom e m or e in spir ed an d edu cated to becom e pr obl em sol ver s an d in n ovative to cr eate a better an d gr een er wor l d for ou r pl an et. -Rosem ar i e F. L obr i gas
Nor m ach el l a: "A Coachella ? inspir ed par ty " Live band, uplifting songs, star guests, disco ball, bohem ian headbands and a show case of outfits? w ait, ar e w e in Califor nia? In New Yor k? Or in Eur ope? No! We ar e only in the Philippines, specifically in the Visayas r egion, distinctively in CNU! Let m e w elcom e you to Nor m achella! It?s so nice to see gr oups of people jam m ing, having fun and enjoying the day. Indeed, the event founded by CNU?s Supr em e Student Council, the Nor m achella, w as per haps one of the m ost successful events ever launched. W ith the live band that sets the m ood of the cr ow d and the good choice of songs captivating ever y per son?s em otion, w hose hear t w ould not leap for joy? But, do you w onder w hat Nor m ach el l a m eans? If yes, then let?s all find out w hat it is! #W TF W h at ?s t h e f act ? Nor m ach el l a w as der ived fr om the w or d ?Coachella? w hich is, accor ding to M r. W iki, an annual m usic and ar ts festival held at the Em pir e Polo Club in Indio, Califor nia, located in the Inland Em pir e?s Coachella Valley in the Color ado Deser t. Deser t? Yes! You hear d it r ight! Deser t! It is just located on a valley in a deser t. Am azing! Isn?t it? This event featur es differ ent genr es of m usic like r ock, hindie, hip hop and electr onic dance m usic and because it is an ar t festival, it also pr esents ar t installations and sculptur es. Actually, w e can also see that in CNU?s Nor m achella. The extr avagant design ang m ood of the place w her e the event is held is im pr essive. The ar tistic pr ow ess of CNU?s students has shim m er ed thr ough this event. The style of dr ess at Coachella? I m ust say that the quir kier and m or e bohem ian, the better. W hy bohem ian? Because, accor ding to M adam M er iam , bohem ian is a per son w ho has infor m al and unconventional social habit, especially an ar tist or w r iter. People in CNU ar e natur ally ar tistic and ar e gr eat scr ibbler s. Hence, they have this differ ent kind of socializing and in one w ay or another , Nor m achella has expr essed it justifiably. Accor ding to one student, ?The ambiance was awesome! M as daghan sad and tawo this time.? Appar ently, this event hit the intr icate tastes of CNU students. It is also a testam ent that Nor m alites ar e not only good in academ ics but they ar e also gr eat at enjoying them selves. - Rach el l e An n e E. M abi da, Ph ot os by Jaya M ae M al ai t / An g Su ga
Spor ts
CTE Kar at edo Fi gh t er s Def eat ed t h e Dar k n ess CTE kar atedo team lead off w ith 13 Golds in the 2016 Intr am ur als against CAS and M edellin. Ber hn Ver gel Catipay a Yellow Belter believed that the essence of kar ated is not about how har d you can kick or punh, but in r ealizing that w e ar e all connected, all one and also, it is a self- em pow er m ent for the ultim ate pur pose of becom ing a pr oductive m em ber of a peaceful society. He explained self-em pow er m ent has thr ee com ponents physical fitness, m ental health, and spir itual developm ent. So, ir r espective of w hether one has m aster ed str iking, blocking, and m oving, if he does not possess these thr ee elem ents, he cannot m aster kar atedo. He also added the positive r evisions that he obser ved to have a 100% pr obability in conquer ing the gam e w hich is to boost the enem ies confidence and to sead their m inds. The com petition w as held last Septem ber 15,2016 at 12:00-5:00 pm (Thur sday) in Cebu Nor m al Univer sity, M ain cam pus, CTE building 2nd floor w her e the com petition ar ea has a sufficient size to per m it the uninter r upted per for m ance of kata. Kata com petition takes the for m of Team and Individual m atches. Team m atches consist of com petition betw een thr ee per son team s. Each team is exclusively m ale, or exclusively fem ale. The individual kata m atch
consist of individual per for m ances and separ ate m ale and fem ale divisons. Ther e w er e 5 Judges,each Judge has a r ed and blue flag used by r aising it in choosing a w inner. Below ar e the follow ing w inner s of kar atedo Events for w om en's categor y INDIVIDUAL KATA GOLD-Liezel Libr adilla (CTE) SILVER-Patr icia Ann Dor og (CAS) BRONZE-Rosefelm e Car cedo (CTE) SYCHRONIZED TEAM KATA GOLD-CTE-1 SILVER-CAS BRONZE-CTE-2 SPARRING LITE-48KG
GOLD-Liezel Libr adilla (CTE) SILVER-Rosefelm e Car cedo (CTE) BRONZE-M ar y Jer m aine Estr ada (CTE) SPARRING WOM EN-49-53KG GOLD-M ar ia M ar thy Fat (CTE) SILVER-Natalie Achaper o (CTE) BRONZE-Shair a Gw en Laluna (CAS) SPARRING
for m en's categor y INDIVIDUAL KATA GOLD-Taizon Tapan (CTE) SILVER-Chr istopher Tuyco (CNU M edellin) BRONZE-Ber hm Ver gel Catipay (CTE) SYCHRONIZED TEAM KATA GOLD-CTE SILVER-CNU M edellin SPARRING M EN W EIGHT (50KG)
SILVER-Ber hn Ver gel Catipay (CTE) BRONZE-Ir el Kenneth Dajao (CAS) SPARRING M EN W EIGHT (51-55KG)
GOLD-Shair a M ae Ener o (CTE) SILVER-Yehevy M ar ich For tich (CTE)
GOLD-M ar tin Pactoic (CNU M edellin) SILVER-Jay Rubio (CNU M edellin)
SPARRING M EN 56-60KG GOLD-Taizon Tapan (CTE)
GOLD-Tuila M ar ie Casilagan (CTE) SILVER-Pr incess Goldw in Ir izar i (CAS)
SILVER-Lor evic Nor o (CNU M edellin) SPARRING M EN (61-65KG)
GOLD-Hanssen Aguelo (CNU SILVER-John Canoningo BRONZE-Gino
W inner s of kar atedo events
SPARRING M EN 66-70KG) GOLD-Cur vin Castr o (CTE) SILVER-Andr ew Kagakit (CAS) SPARRING M EN (+71KG) GOLD-Keejay Rodr iguez (CTE) SILVER-Cliffor d Dionson (CAS) TEAM SPARRING GOLD-CTE
GOLD-jose Echavez (CAS)
WOM EN-54-58KG
GOLD-CTE (scor e=34) SILVER-CAS (scor e=0)
Balbuena (CAS)
Nicole M edellin) Thom as (CTE) Raphael
BRONZE-CNU M edellin Over all,CTE gain 13 gold m edals and finally declar ed as the cham pion of the com petition. W ith their m otto ?No Pain,No Glor y? Ber hn Ver gel their team head, concluded, ?Walay im possibleng di m a achieve kung paningkam otan nim ong m akuha im ong gusto par a sa kaayuhan sa tanan? and he pr om ised that these achievem ent w ould be a steppingstone for another success for the next year intr am ur al. - Babi e Jan e G. Labay, Ph ot o by Jaya M ae T. M al ai t
CAS Volleyball Team - Women Divisions Spikes f or Gold Septem ber 16 2016, the silence of the cr ow d as the CAS w om en volleyball team tr ium ph over M edellin w ith the scor e of 25-17. The team celebr ated their victor y, w ith the devoted suppor ter s w ith the chant ?GO CAS! GO CAS!? The player s becom e m or e m otivated, enthusiast and eager in achieving gold. Accor ding to the solid suppor ter of the CAS team Clair e Baby Joy Enar sico BSM T-IV A, they had alr eady been expecting that the team w ould w in even befor e the star t of the gam es.
?Dako ang am ong pagsalig sa depar tm ent and sa player s, especially kar on nga intr am ur als. Bisan kulba sa fir st set kay daug ang M edellin, but the faith and tr ust for our athletes ar e bur ning like fir es. M ga w ar r ior s gud m i natur al palaban jud.? On the other hand, CNU- M edellin becom es em otional of their defeat against CAS. Their violations such as double contact and positional fault gave CAS the oppor tunity to w in all the thir d set although M edellin has the tw ice-to-beat. M edellin star t off the thir d set how ever , CAS pr evailed in the last set as M edellin?s defense w eakens. Bea Car a Cana BA. Com . IV said ? Last year kay thir d r a ang volleyball team sa CAS, thankfully kar on they attain their place as cham pion. M aka pr oud jud kay M akita m an gud ang ilang dedication and passion. It?s a gr eat pr ize in r etur n sa ilang paningkam ot.? - M i ch el l e Lyk a C.
M an gi l a , Ph ot o by Jaya M ae T. M al ai t
Spor ts
CTE Failed To Br eak CNU-M edellin's Record After a 3-day w in against M edellin (Day 1), CAS (Day 2), and Balam ban (Day 3), College of Teacher Education (CTE) w er e optim istic to br eak CNU-M edellin's r ecor d for being the defending cham pion for 5 consecutive year s. It w as a boost for CTE player s w hen they sur m ounted the defending cham pion (M edellin) on the fir st day, Septem ber 13, 2016 w ith the scor e of 48-47. How ever , CNU-M edellin stood hopeful to defend their title as the cham pion in M en's Basketball.
them a 17-point lead against CTE w ho only got 16 points on the r em aining quar ter s. This has to be histor y for CNU-M edellin because they have w on thr ee gam es in a day. They fir st w in w as against Balam ban and in the after noon defeated the educator s tw o tim es. CTE also set a r ecor d a r ecor d for being the fir st team w ho had a tw ice-to-beat advantage in the histor y of CNU Basketball gam e.
hear t, m ind, and body just to br eak the CNU-M edellin's r ecor d. Though they failed to br ing hom e the bacon, CTE w er e also over w helm ed w ith
gave an intense gam e against CNU-M edellin and ended up w ith the scor e of 15-17 in favor of CNU-M edellin.
In the last m inutes of the gam e, CNU-M edellin r aised and w aved their banner w ith their logo as a sign of success and victor y. CNU-M edellin w on against the tw ice-to-beat team , CTE, w ith the scor e of 51-31.
Dur ing the second half of the gam e, CNU-M edellin scor ed 33 points that br ought
It w as an honor for CTE to r epr esent the depar tm ent since they offer ed their
the undying suppor t and im per ishable love fr om their suppor ter s and fr iends. CTE Team Captain Car l Loyola quoted an inter esting m essage, "Congrats nila, ilang na-maintain ilang title. Bawi mi next year." W ith these w or ds, CTE w ill be m or e challenged for the next year 's Intr am ur als. W ho w ill be the Intr am ur als' 2017 Basketball M en Cham pion? Let's find out next year. Gr et ch en Lu n day, Ph ot os by Jaya M ae T. M al ai t
After ser ies of gam es fr om Day 1 up to Day 3, CTE faced CNU-M edellin in their m atch for cham pionship in M en's Basketball. Fans of both team s gave their 100% suppor t as one team scor es over the other. CTE w ho had a tw ice-to-beat advantage
This has t o behist or y f or CNU- Medel l in becauset hey hav ewon t hr eegames in a day.