Recipe Coffee Dalgona
Recipe Coffee Dalgona • Dalgona or whipped coffee is currently trending and everyone is trying to make it at home. It's quite simple and use only 3 ingredients which are easily available at home. We usually make hot coffee, cold coffee but this recent recipe of dalgona coffee has taken the major place in everyone's to-do list. You must have seen this coffee on Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest or Tiktok. A lot of people are trying to make this wonderful drink sitting at home and enjoying the wonderful taste.
Recipe Coffee Dalgona • If we talk about the appearance, it has a frothy layer on top and chilled milk below it. You can serve it chilled or hot, depending on your preference. Imagine, yourself in bed, watching TV and a glass of hot/cold Dalgona coffee! Isn't it what you are dreaming when life was busy. So guys, its time to feel special by making such a simple and tasty coffee and enjoy it.
Recipe Coffee Dalgona • • • • •
Ingredients 3 tsp instant coffee powder (I used Nescafe) 3 tsp sugar 3 tsp warm water 4 cup milk, chilled Ice Cubes (Optional)
Recipe Coffee Dalgona Recipe • Mix coffee powder and sugar in a bowl. • Add 3 tsp warm water and mix it till you get frothy and light mixture. • Add ice cubes to a glass • Pour milk on top • Add frothy coffee mixture above the milk. • Serve chilled.
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