From: Khmer Guardian (KG) To All Khmer Patriots,
Our national motto is …
“Nation Religion King” It should instead be …
“Vietdom NagaWorld Hun Sen”
Our senior government officials are not Buddhists, but Red Devils in disgusted. If they are true Buddhists, they wouldn’t allow a foreign gambling resort to be built right next door to the Buddhist Institute – a sacred institution. The institute looks midget as compared to the NagaWorld Casio. The casino is own by a Malaysian businessman – in partnership with the prim minister’s family.
Like many other government ministries in Srok Khmer, the Buddhist Institute looks dilapidated. Soon or later it will be sold to a rich okna or foreigner like other public buildings in the country – for a 99 years lease!!! In recent months, the corrupt senior government officials sold the National Supreme Court (on 63rd Street in Phnom Penh City), the Military Court (on 260 Street in Phnom Penh City), and National Civic Aviation (on Monivong Blvd. in Phnom Penh City) – these are the one KG knows about. That’s just in Phnom Penh City along! Money generates from the sell goes directly into their private bank accounts not the National Bank. Right now, only Wat and the Royal Palace are not on the corrupt government officials’ selling list yet. Maybe they wait until after the “old man” in Beijing City dies before they dare to sell the Royal Palace? The Royal Palace is a prime piece of real estate – best river front view!!! The prime minister, his family, his relatives, his CPP associates, and his Youn military friends do just about anything they want and own just about everything in Srok Khmer. We’re no longer the owner of our own country anymore. We live at the mercy our cruel and heartless leaders. KG and other Khmer patriots wonder if our current leaders are true Khmer or not! Their physical appearances are Khmer, but they sure don’t think and act like kon Khmer? It’s sad to say but one former Khmer Krohom soldier was right when he said, “The current government leaders have Khmer body but Youn Hanoi’s brain.”
This Chinese’s own pawn shop is located across from the Buddhist Institute and the NagaWorld Casino. Pawn shop is steadily growing in Srok Khmer. It’s a very profitable business catering to gambling addicts – Khmers and foreigners. Gamblers pawn or sell their cars, homes, lands, and so on to feed their gambling addiction. NagaWorld Casino is making millions of dollars each year from gamblers. They are now the only gambling casino in Phnom Penh City. In complying with the government gambling law, NagaWorld Casino official states that they allow only foreigners and overseas Khmer gamblers into their facility but not local Khmer gamblers. However, it’s not always true. Local Khmer gamblers are still able to enter NagaWorld Casino and gamble. Are we to believe that NagaWorld Casino security guards can stop a RCAF general from entering the premise to gamble? Moreover, NagaWorld Casino and the pawn shops wouldn’t be in business for very long if they stop catering to local Khmer gamblers!