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By Mr. SALEN SY, Orphan Culture Education Center (OCEC) 's advisor, Canada. website: www.apsarakhmer.org
July 7, 2012/Poem No. 0125
This POEM is dedicated to Suporting Khmer Surin Culture and Education
Saturday June 16, 2012, Left photo: With Head monk in Buriram. Sunday June 24, 2012, Right photo: With Head monk in Surin, Phum Damrey (Elephant)
Salen Sy
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OCEC's First Trip to Surin and Buriram, May 8-11, 2012
Second trip to Surin and Buriram: June 8-24, 2012 OCEC
Salen Sy
Left: Professor (Thai) at Buriram University in Buriram. Middle: Mr. Charkree, Khmer Surin College teacher
Below, Left photo: With professor, teachers in Buriram.
Right photo: With Cambodian
students at Buriram University. 3rd. from left, Mok Sarom, Ph.D student and President of KHMER STUDENT GROUP BURIRAM R,AJABHAT UNTVERSITY. 1st. from right, Rathanin Seng, Secretary of KHMER STUDENT GROUP BURIRAM R,AJABHAT UNTVERSITY.
Salen Sy
Below, June 23, 2012 at the workshop in Buriram June 21, 2012: with Lauk yeay in Buriram
Below: June 23, 2012, With Khmer Surin
May 8, 2012- Khmer Buriram retired teacher
Salen Sy
May 10, 2012 with Khmer Surin
May 9, 2012 -Khmer Surin
Below: June 17, 2012, with a retired teacher and his adopted son. His wife is a teacher
Left photo: Khmer Surin English teacher and next is her husband, a retired School Director Right photo: Lunch with English teacher and her brother, a retired teacher (Khmer Surin)
Below: June 12, 2012, with Lauk yeay Thlann (87 years old) and her family in Surin
Salen Sy
Below: June 9, 2012, with Cultural GROUP
Salen Sy
1 in Surin
Below: June 9, 2012, with Cultural GROUP 2 in Surin
Below: June 9, 2012, with Cultural GROUP
Salen Sy
3 in Surin
Left photo: June 12, 2012, with Saman Chey and his wife of Cultural GROUP
June 22, 2012, with Cultural GROUP
4 in Surin
5 in Buriram
Below: Their daughter has been trained since 2009. She is now 15 (6/2012)
Salen Sy
June 23, 2012: With Khmer Surin Video Shop owners in Surin. Both are brothers. They gave 9 Videos to OCEC for souvenir. They spent their own money to support some Cultural Groups who need help. All employees are Khmer Surin who speak Khmer.
Salen Sy
Left photo, May 10, 2012: With Khmer Buriram -Right photo: June 9, 2012, with Khmer Surin, Assistant School Director & Ph.D student
Below, June 20, 2012: With Khmer Surin. All are teachers. Right is a retired School Director ( Mr. Charkree's father). Middle is a retired teacher.
Below, Left photo: June 21, 2012: With Khmer Surin ( both are teachers) . Right photo: June 15, 2012: With Khmer Surin, mother and daughter ( both are teachers).
Salen Sy
Below: June 11, 2012: With Khmer Surin teachers (wife and husband)
Below: June 10, 2012 at Satuk Industrial and Community Education College Excellency Tep Khunnal of Cambodia, and Bunthan Eang of OCEC were giving a speech to 1200 students (including more than 350 Khmer Buriram and Khmer Surin Students)
Salen Sy
Buriram June 13, 2012: Satuk Industrial and Community Education College (1200 students, including Khmer Surin and Khmer Buriram students)
Salen Sy
Salen Sy
Salen Sy
Buriram, Monday June 18, 2012, Satuk Industrial and Community Education College in Buriram -Bunthan Eang of OCEC gave a speech in English to 65 students, interpreted by Miss Chanpen Saisangchan (Khmer Surin English teacher who speaks Khmer)
Salen Sy
Below: June 20, 2012 ,Buriram at Satuk Industrial and Community Education College Bunthan Eang of OCEC was giving a speech to 120 students, Interpreted by Miss Phigul Yaisomphon, English teacher
Buriram: Satuk Industrial and Community Education College June 20, 2012 (speak to 120 students) Receiving Gift and Thank You Letter in Thai language from President of the College (after speech) Presented by Mr. Adol Piwpan, Assistance to President,
Salen Sy
From Left: 1) Miss Phigul Yaisomphon, Interpreter and English teacher, 2) Miss Krounicha Sengreathanakvong, English Teacher, 3) Mr. Adol Piwpan, Assistance to President, 4) Bunthan Eang of OCEC USA, Speaker. 5) Miss Chanpen Saisangchan, Khmer Surin English teacher, 6) Mr. Sirisoontaranon Charkree, Khmer Surin teacher.
Below: June 11, 2012 at Anubansatuk School
Salen Sy
June 19, 2012: Prasat Preah Reachea at Phum Preah Reachea in Surin
Below: May 8, 2012, First Day & First Trip in Surin and Buriram Province Mr.Sirisoontaranon Charkree, Khmer Surin CollegeTeacher, and Bunthan Eang President of OCEC, USA In front of Prasat Phnom Roung in Buriram
Orphan Culture Education Center (OCEC) P.O. BOX 32421 Los Angeles California 90032-0421 USA
Website: www.apsarakhmer.org USA-(562) 209-8379 OCEC
E-mail: orphanCEC@apsarakhmer.org Cambodia: 855-011-96-0001 Salen Sy