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Melissa Hensley
I am a 31 year old mother of 2 precious girls. I'm driven by competition and compassion and have an overwhelming need to see our young today set free...set free from a lineage of lies born into them. Drugs, addiction, and violence, loss of dignity, self-worth, esteem and identity have become such a plague that it is time for adults to open their eyes, parents or not, and acknowledge the struggles that begin in childhood lead many into a chaotic, destructive, addicted adulthood. My dream is to see a rehabilitation facitily, located within Johnson County, in place within a year from now. For youth, elders, addicted, or struggling in areas of self worth, self esteem, identity - ages ranging from 12-65yrs; a faith-based program established and determined to analyze, critique - not judge, but based on behavioral, emotional, mental, spiritual, and length of each encounter - what each struggling individual needs to be set free...any advice, opinions, suggestions are welcome!