1 minute read

The CEO Perspective

Another year has come to an end and it is time to sum up the activities in our project portfolio where we gradually could go back to a more traditional way of working on site, a greater number of seminars and meetings where we could meet as usual and also travel, albeit not back to the levels that prevailed before the pandemic.

As before, our sustainable collaboration model provides great opportunities for projects where the results have impact in business, the public sector and in society at large. During the year, we have secured new projects in everything from digital urban development to 5G-connected substations, future 6G networks and completely new opportunities for music creation. The newly started projects will be carried out in a regional, national and international context just as before. Financiers are as usual the European Commission,Vinnova, and EU’s regional development fund plus the newly started Interreg program Aurora.


During 2022, we have - in addition to the traditional project activities - also carried out strategy planning, where our board in December decided that the activities will henceforth include four focus areas: Smart Communities; Digitization for the Green Industrial Transition; Cloud and Edge Computing; and Communication Networks.

We are also proud that our 5G test bed, which we operate together with Telia, Ericsson and RISE, has been further developed during the year. It will be further enhanced in 2023 offering new features and testing opportunities.

In conclusion, I and the staff at CDT would like to thank you for an excellent collaboration during the past year. We look forward a lot to discussing new project ideas and deepening our cooperation. Welcome to contact us!


and Skellefteå, December 2022

Professor Karl Andersson, CEO

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