1 minute read


IV Premio Félix Candela - Raquis / 2022 / IESARQ


Eutopia, Dystopia and Utopia; three phases distributed over time that only make sense in this order and as a whole. In Escó there is no Utopia without Dystopia or Eutopia. This village that was abandoned in 1968 is now the “raquis” of a project that proposes to hold on to the existing and study the opportunities of what time has considered perennial. In the physical sense, walls remain like lines distributed along a hill, full of windows, doors and balconies that offer infinite imaginaries. Besides, in the memory remains everything that once worked and made this town a fruitful and self-sufficient community, which suddenly had to stop due to external facts. Utopia is born from the superposition of these two phases. A project whose purpose is to project exclusively with the “raquis” and its endless opportunities. If time and nature have considered keeping walls and their holes, the new community has to learn to develop over them.

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