UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO AT HUMACAO ENGLISH DEPARTMENT Humacao, P.R. _____________________________________________________________ INGL-3232
The Relationship between Teachers’ Lack of Motivation and their Working Conditions and How the Government of Puerto Rico keeps Worsening the Situation
Melanie Quintana Torres INGL 3232 Dr. Nilsa Lugo Colón May 29, 2014
Table of contents Abstract ………………………………………………………………………………..……….. 3 Introduction …………………………………………………………………………..……… 4-5 Purpose ……………………………………………………………………………...…4 Justification ………………………………………………………………………...… 5 Research Question …………………………………………………………………………..…. 6 Review of Literature ……………………………………………………………………..….6- 10 Chapter 1: The 160-2013 Law to the Retirement System Reform of Puerto Rico.. 6-7 Age in which a Teacher is supposed to Retire ……………………………...… 7
Minimum Payments …………………………..………………………………7-8 Chapter II: Laws that will be Revoked in Order to Apply the New Law for the Teacher’s Retirement…………………………………………………………...……. 8-9 Law Number 149 of June 30 of 1999……………………………………….. 8-9 Act No. 91 of March 29, 2004……………………………………...…………….9 Act NO. 38 OF 13 JUNE 2001 ……………………………………………… 9-10 Chapter III: The reality in the Classrooms of Puerto Rico….....................................10 Methodology……………………………….……………………………………………………11 Findings………………………………………………………………………………..…….11-15 Analysis of Findings …………………………………………………………..……………15-16 Conclusion………………………………………………………………………..……….. ..16-17 Recommendation ……………………………….…………………………………………....…17 References ………………………………………………………………………………………18 Appenidx…...……………………………………………………………………………………19
III. Abstract The purpose of this research is to identify if the teachers of the Department of Education in Puerto Rico have feelings of discouragement and lack of motivation on their profession and what are the reasons for it. Many situations in the Department of Education are affecting how teachers see their profession. Negative actions from the government are worsening the teaching profession in Puerto Rico. Rights are being violated and the teaching profession is not taken seriously by the government . The purpose of this paper is to find out how teachers are feeling about the government actions. The instrument to collect the thoughts of the teachers was a questionnaire which was given to teachers who has more than ten years working for the Department of Education. The instrument used to collect this data will be analyzed by some evidence collected from a survey. Based on the information collected the goal of this research will be why teachers feel so disheartened in their profession and what led to feel this way. The main goal is for you to observe how teachers feel about their work and what the Government is doing for teachers. This research highlights the reality of the Department of Education of Puerto Rico and the working conditions of the teachers.
IV. Introduction A. Purpose
The aim of this essay is to explore what are the motives for the discouragement and lack of motivation of some of the teachers in Puerto Rico. The focus will be on experienced teachers who have more than ten years working for the Department of Education. This paper will cover various aspects that may explain the causes for the discouragement of the teachers in Puerto Rico. Some of the aspects will be the social characteristics which affect a teacher, the economic aspects meaning the salary of the teachers and the Department of Education of Puerto Rico and it flaws. This research paper will be conducted based on personal observations on teachers in the past few years. The Department of Education of Puerto Rico in the last few years has been struggling with changes and bad administrations. This has led to a discomfort on teachers in the profession they chose. This research is important because as a future teacher it is essential to know the reasons why so many teachers are feeling let down on the profession they chose and their daily working environment. With the data collected in this research paper I firstly intend to show it to the professional out there that are feeling a hopeless to what is happening at the Department. I want to show them that there are people working for a better future for us, future students. I also intend to show this research to my colleagues thus they can know the reality of the teachers working for the department and the reality of the Department of education of Puerto Rico. This research paper can be very helpful when completed because it will investigate the root
of the problems the teachers of the Department of Education of Puerto Rico are having right now and what can they do to confront the situation.
B. Justification
The aim for this research paper is to impact future teacher candidates. This paper will be helpful to future teacher candidates because they will acknowledge the fact of the reality of the teachers in Puerto Rico. I chose them because they need to know the reality of the job they are choosing as a career. What is happening to the Department of Education in Puerto Rico and the teachers is very serious and this papers data will show that. Also, future teachers will understand what they will deal with when they start working for the Department of Education. The lack of motivation of the teacher discomfort in the system is something that is not discussed and needs to be discussed. This investigation will be relevant to future teachers because they will, if they have not notice by now, realize the ugly truth about being a teacher and working for the Department of Education in Puerto Rico. The government insistence of the implementation of new Laws that are not beneficial at all for teachers and the disgrace of the profession in general are big factors for the lack of motivation coming from the teachers. Teacher’s candidates by reading this investigation will understand the levels of discouragement in experienced teachers and what led them feeling this way. Not everything with the Department of Education is as structured as it seems and future teachers need to realize that. Students that are studying education need to realize with whom will they be working and with what situations. Future teachers need to prepare themselves thus they’ll be ready to confront what will happen in the future. Preparing themselves, since their university level, is very important so they have an idea to what can
happen to them in the future and to start preparing themselves to what they can do to avoid this from happening. This research paper will help us understand the reality of the teachers now thus future teachers can understand and start working for our future.
C. Research Question
Why teachers that have been in the magistrate for more than ten years have feelings of discouragement towards their profession and the Department of Education? What is the relationship between teacher’s lack of motivation and their working conditions? V. Review of Literature Henry (2014) A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination and instill a love of learning. But, what can teachers do when there is no hope for them in their profession. What the teachers of Department of Education of Puerto Rico are going through right now is a very difficult situation. The outlook of their future is not looking too good for them. What they thought was secure in their profession is not anymore, leading to a major lack of motivation from teachers. Many changes have been happening in the last year with the desire of the government to implement the 160-2013 law to the retirement system reform. Chapter 1: The 160-2013 Law to the Retirement System Reform of Puerto Rico (AMPRNET Puerto Rico,2013) Teachers have never had the benefit of social security before, meaning that the retirement is the only income we have once we retire. Teachers in Puerto Rico don’t have the right to petition the benefits of Social Security, meaning that teachers have to rely in the Retirement System the teachers have in the Department of Education. In
December 24 of this last past year, 2013, the Puerto Rican government wanted to imply the 1602013 Law. This law contrary to what the government said was not beneficial at all to teachers. The 160-2013 Law was allegedly made to save the pensions of all teachers working for the Department of Education in Puerto Rico. But when you read and analyze the Law you understand that is not beneficial at all. It is important to understand and comprehend this law because it can be misleading. A. Age in which a Teacher is supposed to Retire
To comprehend the Law 160-2013 we have to start from the beginning of the changes. Starting with the fact that the government augmented the years in which a teacher is supposed to retired. Before the law teachers could retire at age fifty five now it has been augmented to sixty two. This, even though is not the worst of the Law, disheartens teachers because their retirement is something they’ve work throughout their entire life and it’s not something to tamper with. B. Minimum Payments
This new Law 160-2013 is contradictory and confusing. The new Law explains that all teachers are going to retire with the minimum payment of 1625 dollars monthly (Maritsa Rivera, 2014) This is a lie because the Law also explains that you have a right to a 1.8% of your salary multiplied by the numbers of years you worked. It is important to understand that the law also prohibits the accumulations of years in the system. Meaning that teachers will not receive a minimum payment of 1625 dollars monthly, contrary to what the Law implies. Teachers will receive only a part of what they profited from before. Teachers will receive a very small amount of money in their retirement. When we confront a situation like this one teachers in Puerto Rico
can’t help to compare how much money teachers in other countries are being paid. This is why we have now in Puerto Rico a high number of professionals migrating and quitting their jobs. Diaz (2013) teachers are going arrive to class in January. That they’ll stay is another thing. This was said by the president of the Teachers Association of Puerto Rico (AMPR) and it showed how she reacted before the Government attempts to the implementation of the Law 160. Diaz point of view didn’t represent only her way of thinking; it reflected how many Puerto Rican teachers felt when the Law went public. Many teachers decided to strike to try to make the government renegotiate about the 160-2013 Law. The reality of the Department of Education of Puerto Rico right now is not stable. The system is working to change the privileges of the teachers and the teachers are fighting against it. Even though the Law has not been implemented it will be. And this has all teachers in a sort of state comma wondering what is going to happen to something they have worked hard to get. This entire situation is causing a state of poor motivation in the teaching profession in Puerto Rico. In an article by one of the most famous newspaper in Puerto Rico it was concluded that alternatives ideas to the law are being analyzed but that the outlook for teachers is complicated. This decision to abolish the law 160-2013 falls to the hands of eight juries (Chico, 2014). Chapter II: Laws that will be Revoked in Order to Apply the New Law for the Teacher’s Retirement A. Law Number 149 of June 30 of 1999
Article 4.12. - Waiver of Lien and Foreclosure.
(LexJuris Puerto Rico, 1999)The Law 149 was made in June 30 of 1999 and it implies that: The parts of the salaries of teachers of the Public Education of Puerto Rico corresponding to the basic income salary are exempt from embarkation and execution. Even though there is already a law that explains the salary of teachers cannot be changed the government of Puerto Rico is not abiding that law and wants to change it. Once again we have proof of how the government changes things and the instability is causing for the Department of Education and its professionals. The government is not taking the teaching profession seriously and this is affecting the teachers. They are opting to retire or find a new job which can be more beneficial for them. When the news of the new law 160-2013 went public a total of 2500 opted to retire due to the changes in the retirement system. B. Act No. 91 of March 29, 2004
To establish a new "Law for the Teachers Retirement System of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico"; create a new organizational structure in order to provide the system agility and quickness in the processes carried out; teachers ensure receipt of benefits due to them in a fair weather; establish a penalty for the Master because of failure due to lack of agility and speed in obtaining benefits from the system; incorporate administrative practices; establish a provision to implement the anti-corruption policy and penalize such acts committed by employees and participants of the System; repeal Act No. 218 of 6 May 195 1, as amended; among other things. This act was specifically made for retired teachers. So they could benefit from what they work for and in an agile manner. This law was made to protect retired teacher and to protects their rights but with the implementation of the new law 160 this law will be abolished. C. ACT NO. 38 OF 13 JUNE 2001
(ODAE, 2014) To create a Summer Bonus for retirees of the Teachers' Retirement System so that all pensioners receive this system the amount of one hundred (100) dollars for the month of July each year, exempt from the payment of contributions; and provide for funding. There are many laws that protect the different benefits of teachers. These benefits are something that they have been working for for a long time and something they have a right to. To take away all they have fought for is creating chaos in the system and a low motivation to work in the Department of Education. The Puerto Rican government can’t afford to lose any more teachers and for future students to not want to study education. We are in crisis and the government is only worsening the situation by taking away more privileges. All the changes the government wants to do to the Department of Education is causing a state of disenchant from the teachers. Chapter III: The reality in the Classrooms of Puerto Rico. Experts explain that improving teachers effectiveness is vital in the teaching profession. According to Dennis Sparks (2014) increasing teacher’s effectiveness is necessary to improve students learning. Also research shows that raising expectation is a well-demonstrated method for improving staff performance results across industries (Weiss & Hartle, 1997). If there is no motivation in the teaching profession not only the teacher will be discouraged but also the students. Student learning is unlikely to improve without improvements in teaching (Hassel, 1999) Everything is a chain reaction we have in our system now teachers with lack of motivation in their profession and frustrated students because their teachers are demotivated and boring. This is something serious and the government only is worsening the situation in Puerto Rico.
In the books that provide positive pictures of teachers, the teachers tend to be both the children’s ally and a source of comfort. These teachers are also competent classroom managers. Thus, the classroom is a safe, secure environment. (Burnaford, 1994). But how can teacher demonstrate security to children when they are insecure in their classrooms. How can teachers demonstrate something to children when everything in their surroundings is fading? Teachers need motivation to work and the Department of Education is not giving them that. VI. Methodology This research will be focused on experienced teachers working for the Department of Education of Puerto Rico. The target population will be experienced teachers who have more than ten years working for the Public System of the Department of Education of Puerto Rico. The instrument that will be used to collect the data will be a questionnaire which will be given to different teachers of different age groups. The questionnaire will have different questions that once answered will be very beneficial to finalized this research paper. The time used to answer this questionnaire will depend on each and every one of the teachers surveyed. VII. Findings The data collected in the questionnaires showed the proof for the purpose of this research paper. Teachers are discouraged and have lack of motivation towards their work in the Department of Education of Puerto Rico. The research shows that many teachers have felt discouraged before mainly because of the working conditions of the Department of Education of Puerto Rico. That situation has only been aggravated after the Government tries to implement a new law that is no beneficial at all for teachers in their retirement. A. General Information about teachers in the survey.
The majority of the teachers questioned were females. This doesn’t mean that in the survey women were preferred instead of men but, more female teachers were found instead of men. Eighty-two percent of the surveyed were females and only eighteen percent were men. When asked if they had another job besides teaching seventy-two percent of the teachers surveyed did not have another job and only a twenty-eight percent had another job.
B. Crucial part of the survey
In the questionnaire teachers were directly asked if they have ever felt discouraged towards they’re job and if they have had feelings of lack of motivation in their job. In this question the majority answered yes with a ninety-four percent over a six percent that answer no. Meaning that only one teacher, in eighteen surveyed, was happy with his job. The initial foundation of this research paper was correct teachers are discouraged about their jobs but why? In another item of the survey teachers were asked why they were dispirited in their job. The results showed that thirty-nine percent of the working teachers were disheartened because of the working conditions of the Department of Education of Puerto Rico. Twenty-three percent of the teachers said they felt discouraged because of the payment and thirteen percent expressed other reasons like working without a raise and the difficulties found in the Department of Education buildings per se. A ten percent said that parents are a problem that directly affects they’re working conditions and only six percent said they felt discouraged because of the students. A total of thirteen percent said that all
of the above items found in the surveyed were facts that had to do with their lack of motivation feelings.
When teachers were asked what were the hardest parts of being a teacher for the Department of Education the majority agreed that the hardest parts is the working conditions of the Department. This was agreed with a forty-seven percent of the surveyed teachers. The second hardest part of being a teacher is the payment, nineteen percent of the teachers said so. Fourteen percent of the teachers expressed that the parents are also a hard part of their profession. The rest of the teachers said that the students, society and others issues are influential factors of in their job, each of them with five percent each. Also all of the above had a total of five percent. Another purpose of the survey was to ask teacher if they considered their profession a respectable one in Puerto Rico. The majority answered no with ninety-four percent. Only one person answers yes. In eighteen people surveyed only one considers his profession respectable nowadays the rest doesn’t believe so.
The most important question in the survey was whether teachers agree or disagree with the new Law 160-2013. Every one of the teachers surveyed answer no. A hundred percent of the teachers expressed that they don’t agree with the law 160-2013. When asked if they felt discouraged too after the new law eighty-seven said no and thirteen percent said yes. Teachers
felt discouraged even after the government tries to change their rights in the retirement system. The new situation only aggravated how they felt.
VIII. Analysis of Findings Based on the initial concerns that led to this research paper the observations were true, there are discouraged teachers working for the Department of Education. Teachers are disheartened in their profession, it is palpable and noticeable that teachers are discouraged in their job. The data collected in this research paper demonstrates that. The majority answer that they feel lack of motivation towards their job based principally because of the payment and because of the working conditions of the Department of Education. Many teachers expressed that the government doesn’t give the importance it should have to the educational system and that many changes need to be done in order to have progress. Teachers also expressed that the teaching profession is not considered a decent profession in Puerto Rico. In general, many factors contribute to the feelings of discouragement of teachers in the Department such as; society, parents, students and others. But, the new law 160, 2013 has only aggravated the situation. Teachers today don’t feel like they have the support of their government and their system. Everything the government does discomforts teachers and violates their rights. This has been going on for many years, which is why they feel this way towards their job. IX. Conclusion
The initial observations were true. Teachers are showing lack of motivation and discouragement in their profession, this has only aggravated in the last few years with the government tries to take away what it’s a right for the teachers. Teachers feel like their profession is only worsening with time and every year brings a new situation that only deteriorates how they feel. What’s worse is that the government is the main cause for this and every action they make only violates teachers and their working conditions. Not only the government doesn’t take the teaching profession seriously but society, students and parents that don’t give teachers the respect they deserve. There are various factors that contribute the downfall of the teachers but the government occupies the majority of those factors. This situation of discouragement affects all teachers and all materials in general. But, to the English teaching/learning process in Puerto Rico having teachers that lack motivation is fatal. How can a student learn a second language with demotivating teachers? A teacher that is not giving his/her hundred percent in a class will not be able to receive the same from students. Learning a second language is a challenge to the majority of the students in Puerto Rico, the fact that teachers are demotivated only aggravates the situation. Students notices when teachers are giving their everything in a class. Students watch the situation of Puerto Rico right now, there are strikes rumors and teachers that only expressed that they want to retire and not work anymore for the system this situation is uncomfortable to students. Students are supposed to study in an environment that helps their learning process, not one in which they don’t feel loved and the atmosphere is negatively charged. With this situation it is hard enough for them to concentrate and learn anything in general let along a second language. X. Recommendations
In order to have teachers with no lack of motivation and with no feelings of discouragement at all the government needs to make a few changes and arrangement in the Department of Education of Puerto Rico. Starting with putting Education as a priority, this will avoid many problems since the educational system of Puerto Rico will be attended correctly. The facilities will be appropriate in use the administrations will improved. A change of curriculum too is required for the benefits of the students. But, what is mostly recommended for the Department of Education of Puerto Rico and its government is a raise for the teachers and the respect they deserve. In Puerto Rico politics have a major influenced in the system with every new administration changes are made for the benefit of the administration in turn. I believe this affects a lot in the Educational system and it is important that politics should be set aside to work for the common good of the Educational system. This includes to not violate the teachers rights because a particular administration believes so.
References: Burnaford, P. B. (1994). Teacher as ally and conforter . In P. B. Burnaford, Images of schoolteachers in Twentieh- century America (p. 196). New York : St. Martin's Press. Chico, R. C. (2014, Abril 7). Complicada decision del caso de maestros. . El Nuevo Dia, pp. 2021. Hassel, E. (1999). Professional Development: Learning from the Best. In E. Hassel, Professional Development: Learning from the Best (pp. 93-100). North Carolina: North Central Regional Educational Laboratory.
LexJuris Puerto Rico. (1999). LexJuris Puerto Rico Ley Orgánica del Departamento de Educación Pública de Puerto Rico de 1999. Retrieved from LexJuris Puerto Rico: ODAE. (2014). Organizacion de directores y administradores escolares de Puerto Rico. Retrieved from ODAE: Rico, A. P. (Director). (2014). Mensaje Aida Diaz [Motion Picture].