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Melanie Frazier Lewis
Everything is possible and nothing in impossible....:^) Never stop believing!!!! i try to wake up every morning before my feet hit the floor and thank God for all his blessings.. never taking life for granted.. Try to always think of others before myself... I want to give something back each day... Even if it's just a smile... you never know, your smile maybe the only nice gesture that person has been the recipient of in a while...to be the best example for my children and to never bend my morals or integrity for anyone or anything.. to always be honest, because I never want people to loose their faith or trust in me..That is far too high of a mountain to climb back to the top of...To Keep my word at all times... to live life without regrets...Enjoying every moment...to love completely, unselfishly, unconditionally and with all my heart....:)