How to Get Rid of Recurring BV Permanently- 4 Natural Cures for BV Cure

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How to Get Rid of Recurring BV Permanently- 4 Natural Cures for BV Cure What is the reason for some women suffering from recurring BV or Bacterial Vaginosis repeatedly? Why is it that for some women it just comes and goes away? There is the third category of women to which I too belonged to a couple of years ago- chronic BV – I never managed to get rid of bacterial vaginosis permanently. I used to suffer from recurring BV for over a year. Despite making use of antibiotics, I never got rid of it. At times it was so bad that my infection would break out all of a sudden for no apparent reason just about at any time.

Vaginosis, a bacterial infection women commonly suffer from happens due to an imbalance of the naturally occurring bacteria within the vagina. Under normal circumstances our vagina is a self cleansing organ and requires little or no looking after. The pH balance of a vagina is slightly acidic in nature. All that you need to do to maintain good vaginal health is to follow some basic rules of vaginal hygiene.

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