MTC 2021 — Act 1 Education Brochure

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CONTENTS 2M TC Digital Theatre 3D igital Resources 5 F irst Peoples Young Artists Program 7M TC Ambassadors 9 R egional Workshops 11 Victorian Challenge and Enrichment Series 12 C OVID Safe at MTC 13 C oming in Act 2 14 V irtual School Victoria 15 V irtual Tours

THANK YOU MTC Education is generously supported by our Education Giving Circle donors, with additional programs made possible by individual donors and foundations.



Illustrations Karan Singh Photography Deryk McAlpin, T J Garvie, Tim Grey, Benjamin Healley, James Henry, Jacinta Keefe, Nick Tranter

WELCOME TO MTC EDUCATION 2021 — ACT 1 We’re thrilled to welcome students and teachers back to MTC in 2021. Our priority for the year ahead is to get back on stage safely and to see artists and audiences once again filling Melbourne's home of theatre. Presenting 2021 in two acts will allow us to do this in the most responsible way for everyone in our community. Act 1 sees the return of mainstage productions to Southbank Theatre, as well as continuing our digital engagement programs. Act 2 will follow in the second half of the year with more information to be revealed on Tuesday 16 March.

Melbourne Theatre Company acknowledges the Yalukit Willam Peoples of the Boon Wurrung, the First Peoples of Country on which Southbank Theatre and MTC HQ stand. We pay our respects to all of Melbourne’s First Peoples, to their ancestors and Elders, and to our shared future.

From our stage to your screen Coming soon. Visit for more information.


D I G I TA L R E S O U R C E S Explore MTC online with our ever-expanding library of digital resources.

PRODUCTION ROLES RESOURCES Learn more about the work of MTC artists in videos, interviews and photo galleries. Watch a set design presentation, see how props are made, and read about the work of a sound designer. With insights from some of Australia’s best-known actors and theatre-makers, these resources will enrich your students’ learning.

BEHIND-THE-SCENES VIDEOS Hear from directors about how they work, and gain insight into the rehearsal process from MTC actors. See how puppets were created and brought to life in Storm Boy, step into the Wardrobe department as costumes are constructed, and discover the intricacies of theatre technologies used on our stages.

VCE INTERACTIVES Provide your students with fun new ways to wrap their heads around VCE terminology with our interactives. Investigate how the theatre production process unfolds as you explore the work of various MTC departments, and test your knowledge of key elements using our interactive flashcards. MTC Education Online is supported by the Victorian Department of Education and Training. Select VCE resources produced in collaboration with Virtual School Victoria.


FIRST PEOPLES YOUNG ARTISTS PROGRAM A one-of-a-kind creative learning and employment initiative for young First Nations people.

Now in its sixth year, the First Peoples Young Artists Program is offered in partnership with the Wilin Centre for Indigenous Arts and Cultural Development at VCA and the YIRRAMBOI First Nations Festival. Participants will explore potential career pathways in the creative industries as well as develop their own ideas, skills and confidence through practical workshops and performance work. The program will cover all aspects of making theatre - from finding a story through to how to best share it with an audience. Participants are guided and supported by teaching artists and industry professionals and will see a variety of shows to inspire their own work. Applications are welcome from young First Peoples artists aged 16-21. Travel and accommodation support is available. BLOCK 1 – DEVELOPING STORY


Discover stories, write scripts, create dialogue and develop characters.

Develop performing and directing skills and build confidence.

Mon 28 June – Fri 2 July

Mon 29 Nov – Fri 3 Dec


We welcome interest from First Nations artists, facilitators or practitioners who would like to know more about engaging with MTC Education programs.

Learn about a designer’s process and experiment with costume, set, sound and lighting in practical workshops. Mon 27 Sept – Fri 1 Oct

For more information contact or call Karin on 03 8688 0936.

Supported by

Places are limited. Applications close Monday 8 March. Download an application form at 4

Program Partners

‘I was able to develop my playwriting and acting interests and in such a supportive, fun environment. It was a really great program which enabled me to keep aspiring to my dreams to work in the performing arts.’ Wamba Wamba creative artist and 2019 FPYAP Participant, Brodie Murray

First Peoples Young Artists Program performance -55

‘Meeting the cast, crew and creatives from a show has really helped to develop my knowledge of theatre.’ Josie, 2019 MTC Ambassador

MTC Ambassadors -66-

MTC AMBASSADORS Behind-the-scenes access for Year 11 theatre-lovers.

This year-long extension program for a select group of Year 11 students offers insight into the world of professional theatre. Each month the Ambassadors meet with artists and MTC staff, and share their experiences of theatre with like-minded peers. Participation is free of charge.

Students are nominated by their teachers, and each school may nominate only one student. We strongly encourage teachers to nominate students who identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander, those from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, and those with disabilities.

2021 MTC Ambassadors will enjoy a blended virtual and face-to-face program, combining theatre excursions with Zoom workshops, to provide rare insight into the MTC production process.

‘I’ve gained so many new experiences and perspectives, as well as a group of like-minded, kind and passionate people I’m honoured to call my friends.’ Sebastian, 2020 MTC Ambassador

Nominate a Year 11 student at Nominations close Wednesday 3 March Generously supported by the Youth Ambassadors Giving Circle


REGIONAL WORKSHOPS Our suite of on-demand workshops are available exclusively to schools in regional Victoria.



Through the lens of VCE Theatre Studies, explore the lifecycle of an MTC production. Students learn about what MTC staff and artists do in the planning, development and presentation stages, with concrete examples of tasks and duties.


90 minutes, Year 10+ Format: Virtual EXPLORING MACBETH

Explore the ways in which actors can create and embody characters in fun, physical exercises that use your voice and body. Gain insight into the work of actors at MTC and how a professional rehearsal room operates. 2 hours, Year 8+ Format: Virtual or face-to-face

Learn more about the characters and context of Shakespeare’s classic tragedy through the lens of the 2017 MTC production. Easily accessible performance tasks bring the text to life in your classroom. 2 hours, Year 9+ Format: Face-to-face

These workshops are free or low-cost for schools in regional Victoria For more information visit Enquiries: 8

The Geraldine Lazarus Regional Enrichment Program is made possible by the Gailey Lazarus Charitable Foundation.

‘This was a very enriching experience for teachers and students alike.’ Teacher, Tallangatta Secondary College



VICTORIAN CHALLENGE AND ENRICHMENT SERIES Interactive online workshops for high-ability students at Victorian Government schools.

Explore how MTC makes theatre through a range of analytical and creative tasks designed to challenge and extend your students’ thinking and performance-making. Participants make predictions, explore script excerpts, discuss concepts and manipulate theatrical conventions, while learning more about professional theatre practice.

The 90-minute virtual workshops are delivered via Webex, and are available at a range of times during school hours and after school. MTC’s Victorian Challenge and Enrichment Series is free and exclusive for Years 9-10 students at Victorian Government schools.





Tue 16 March, 10am

Tue 8 June, 10am

Tue 16 March, 4pm

Tue 8 June, 4pm

Fri 19 March, 10am

Wed 9 June, 1.30pm

Tue 23 March, 1.30pm

Fri 11 June, 1.30pm

Tue 23 March, 4pm

Wed 16 June, 10am

Fri 26 March, 1.30pm

Wed 16 June, 4pm

‘I gained a better understanding of theatre and how even the smallest of things can connect to an audience member.’ 2020 VCES Participant

Supported by the Victorian Government

Register Year 9 & 10 students at 11


Help us ensure everyone has a safe and enjoyable experience by reading our latest guidelines and FAQs for school groups before your visit. For more information visit





The rest of Season 2021 will be in announced in March, including our VCE Theatre Studies Unit 4 Playlist production supported by Education Packs and Pre-show Talks. Selected 2021 productions will also be available to stream via the new MTC Digital Theatre.

A new approach to high school Work Experience: a week of virtual workshops and panels where students will work together on creative projects and discover a range of careers in theatre.

Launches in Tuesday 16 March

Mon 5 July – Fri 9 July via Zoom Applications open in Term 2 Supported by our Education Giving Circle donors

DIGITAL PD Learn more about how MTC makes theatre in a day of intensive Zoom workshops and panels with MTC staff and artists. Sat 15 May via Zoom Bookings open in March Supported by the Gailey/Lazarus Charitable Foundation

BET T Y AMSDEN YOUTH SCHOLARSHIP COURSE A life-changing week of intensive drama workshops. This program is aimed at students who would not otherwise have access to an extracurricular drama program due to economic, geographic or personal barriers. Participation is free of charge. Mon 20 Sept – Fri 24 Sept at Southbank Theatre Nominations open in Term 2 Supported by the Betty Amsden Foundation


VIRTUAL SCHOOL VICTORIA PA RT N E R S H I P Our partnership makes high-quality theatre education accessible to all.

Virtual School Victoria exists to meet the educational needs of Victorian students whose circumstances prevent them from accessing mainstream schooling, such as geographic distance, medical reasons (physical or social and emotional), travel, or sports/performance involvement. Since 2017, MTC and VSV have co-delivered an online Year 8 drama program. Together with


the expertise of VSV teachers, the course features high-calibre theatre practitioners as teaching artists. VSV now also offers VCE Theatre Studies and VCE Drama, supported by a suite of media-rich learning resources from MTC. To learn more, visit

TA K E A V I R T U A L T O U R O F S O U T H B A N K T H E AT R E Step behind the scenes in a virtual tour of Southbank Theatre. Explore the dressing rooms, stand on stage, climb up to the lighting bridge, and discover how we make magic on stage. Take the tour at

The Sumner at Southbank Theatre




03 8688 0963

140 Southbank Blvd Southbank, VIC 3006



03 8688 0974

100 St Kilda Rd Southbank, VIC 3006

MTC is a department of the University of Melbourne

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