Issue 55 Autumn 2008

Page 13

MELBOURN PARISH COUNCIL 28 Station Road Melbourn Cambs SG8 6DX Telephone 262494 e-mail: Chairman Donald Mowatt 23, High Street SG8 6AL


Vice-Chairman Maureen Townsend 32 New Road SG8 6ER


Clerk & Office Avril Mellor, 28 Station Road, SG8 6DX


E-mail Website Councillors Val Barratt 2 Station Road SG8 6DX 261227 Irene Bloomfield 78 Russet Way SG8 6HF 222558 Colin Charter 58 Bramley Avenue SG8 6HG 262278 Janice Guest 1 Mortlock Street SG8 6DB 260894 Rosemary Gatward 94 High Street SG8 6AL 261225 Dean Hardingham 1 Portway SG8 6EU 232757 Michael Linette 11, Chapel Lane 262534 Donald Mowatt 23 High Street SG8 6AL 268388 Clive Purbrook Glebe House High Street SG8 6DZ 260899 Andy Qulina 77 Orchard Road SG8 6BB Jocelyn Robson 91 High Street Mike Sherwen 3 Hale Close SG8 6ET 260070 Christopher Stead 70 Russet Way 260743 pm Maureen Townsend 32 New Road SG8 6BY 260959 Richard Wakerley 32 Chalkhill Barrow SG8 6EQ 262247 Employees Handyman and Caretaker Peter Andrews Emergency mobile. 07778-682245 Village Ranger Keith Rudge, 4 Dolphin La, SG8 6AF Internal Auditor Peter Chilvers, 68A High Street, SG8 6AJ


221212 260742

County Councillor David Charles McCraith 104 North End, Bassingbourn (send agenda by e-mail) County Hall 01223-833555 District Councillors Janice Guest, 1 Mortlock Street, SG8 6DB Val Barrett, 2 Station Road

260894 261227

South Cambs M.P. Andrew Lansley

01954 212707

South Cambs M.E.P. Robert Sturdy

01954 211790

The Parish Office at 28 Station Road, is entered by the door at the front of the building directly opposite Sheene Mill. The Parish Office is now open on Mondays from 9 am to 1 pm, on Tuesdays from 2 pm from 4 pm, and on Thursday from 9 am to 1 pm. The office is not normally open on Wednesdays or Fridays. As the Clerk is sometimes out on Parish business it is better to ring 262494 to ensure that she is in the office. Meetings of the Planning Committee are normally held on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of every month commencing at 7.15 pm. Council Meetings are normally held on the fourth Monday of each month at 7.15 pm at Vicarage Close Community Centre. The Press Royston & Buntingford Mercury Tom Ship, Media Centre 40 Ware Road, Hertford, SG13 7HU 01992 526639 Royston Crow Heath House, Princes Mews, Royston, SG8 6RT 245241 Fax 242231 Cambridge News David Williams, 3 Melbourn Street, Royston, SG8 7BP 249144 Fax 244502 BBC Radio Cambridge Reception Newsroom

01223 259696 01223 358510

From the Parish Clerk – Avril Mellor I hope you had a nice relaxing summer break and are now looking forward to the beautiful colours of the autumn foliage. A new hand-carved oak village notice-board has been ordered to replace the one which was blown done and then found to be so damaged it was not possible to re-erect it. There is also a hand-carved oak notice-board waiting to be erected inside the gateway to New Road Cemetery. When the proposed lychgate has been purchased this notice board will in placed within it. The wall to All Saint’s Churchyard has been damaged by tree roots and recently became unsafe. As a result the tree has had to be removed and the wall rebuilt. Maintenance of closed churchyards falls to local authorities and in this respect Melbourn is no exception so the cost of this work has to be met by the Council. The Council is also responsible for the upkeep of both Orchard Road and New Road Cemeteries. I was privileged to be invited to the opening of Moorlands Court on Friday 18th July where I witnessed Andrew Lansley, CBE MP cut the ribbon and Mr Hugh Duberly CBE, Lord-Lieutenant for Cambridgeshire plant a tree with help from one of the care assistants. I was given a tour of part of the building by District Councillor Guest and I was most impressed by the high quality, not only of the building itself but also of the fixtures and fittings. We were treated to a delicious afternoon tea and students from the Village College did a very professional job of providing the back ground music. I missed the village fete this year as I was on holiday but I understand that it was once again a very good day with something on offer for all ages. I would like to congratulate the Fete committee on organising another successful event.

District Councillor Janice Guest Since writing in the Melbourn Magazine last, we have had a local election and I am pleased to have Mrs Val Barrett with me as the second District Councillor for the Melbourn Ward. Val and the Melbourn team worked extremely hard at election time and it was a very worthy outcome - my congratulations to Val. As you are no doubt aware, following the May election the Conservative group hold the majority on South Cambs District Council and the new Cabinet has been formed and all newly elected members have been selected to serve on various committees. I serve on Planning, Corporate Governance and Licensing; in addition I attend the meetings of 2 other local organisations on behalf of South Cambs, who have received funding from them. Following these meeting I am then expected to report back to full Council. One of the major concerns of the Council at the present time is the possibility of the housing stock transfer because it has to be made clear to all tenants that this is still under consideration and all tenants will be fully consulted before any decision melbournmagazine


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