9 minute read
Church News
Melbourn’s Churches together
Christian Aid for Melbourn this year included a cake stall at the Coffee Stop, Fun Quiz night, a Church Service and the Street Collection.
The total raised this year was £1422. A big Thank You to all those who gave and collected.
There will also be a Fundraising Coffee Morning & Tea Afternoon on the Friday 19th September at 26 Beechwood Ave. (261147)
After the very successful Light Party last year it is intended to have another this year.
It will be for children age 4 to 11 years on Fri 31st October, 5.30 to 7pm. at the Baptist Church Hall. Look out for the posters and invitations nearer the time.
Dates for the diary
Fri Sept 19th, 10–12am – 2–4pm, Christian Aid Fundraising Coffee morning & Tea afternoon at 26 Beechwood Ave Sun Sept 21st, 2.30pm, Harvest Festival Service, Moorlands Sun Oct 26th, 6.30pm, Bible Sunday Service: All Saints’ Church Fri Oct 31st, 5.30–7pm, Light Party for Children age 4 to 11yrs. Baptist Church Hall Sun Nov 9th, 10.45am, Remembrance Service, Melbourn Cross, followed by service in All Saints’ Church Sat Nov 29th, 11am–5pm, Christmas Tree Festival, Holy Trinity Church, Meldreth Sun Nov 30th, 11am–5pm, Christmas Tree Festival, Holy Trinity Church, Meldreth, Followed by Advent Carol service at 5.30pm Wed Dec 10th, 9pm, Carol singing at The Black Horse
All Saints’ Community Hall
Opening day Saturday 21st June.
A large number interested villagers gathered on Saturday 21st June to witness the opening of the new Community Hall by Dr Gerald Avison of TTP and Miss Daphne Black, long term resident of Melbourn and member of All Saints’ congregation.
The proceedings were opened by Rev Andrew O’Brien, who in his speech outlined the history of the building of the new Church Hall, which was first mooted 10 years ago, soon after the O’Brien family arrived in Melbourn. The old Church Hall was built in 1960 and was in a very sorry state of repair despite the efforts of church members to maintain it. It was demolished in 2006, and just over 2 years later a beautiful new building has been erected in its place.
After prayers by the Archdeacon of Cambridge, the Ven. John Deer, the plaques were unveiled by Dr Avison and Miss Black and the whole party proceeded into the Hall where champagne, provided by Sir David and Lady Wright, was served. A dance group from the Village College then entertained the assembly, and delicious refreshments, provided by the Women’s Group were available.
Finally, the beautiful cake, baked and decorated by Roy Boote (taking 3 months!), was cut by Bob Howard, who, immediately after retirement, had taken on the job of Project Manager. Also present was David Savage, the artist, who designed the beautiful stained glass porch window depicting life in Melbourn. He had come down from York with his wife especially for the occasion. David is one of a very small number of stained glass artists in the country, and is at present working on 7 or 8 corporate commissions for hospitals and companies throughout the country.
The Walkers Partnership
Free Wills advice at our special Saturday morning Wills Clinic from 9am – 12pm on 14th June 12th July 1–3 Lower King Street, Royston, Herts. SG8 5AJ Tel: 01763 241121 info@walkerspartnership.co.uk
The Hall promises to be a great asset to the community, and is already the venue for various events, including Yoga on Monday mornings, Coffee Stop on Saturday mornings meetings of the Women’s Group, Melbourn Gardening Club and Royston Family History Society. It has also hosted an Art Exhibition.
To book the Hall please contact Rosemary Gatward 261225
URC dates
5th September 7.30pm for 8pm start Bible Study at Melbourn URC 10th September 7.30pm Reflective Service, Melbourn URC 13th September Historic churches cycle ride 20th September Harvest/Farming Display at URC from 10am details nearer the time 21st September Harvest Service 11am URC Friday 3rd October 7.30pm for 8pm start Bible Study at Melbourn URC Wed 8th October 7.30pm Reflective Service, Melbourn URC 26th October 6.30pm Bible Sunday Melbourn and Meldreth Churches together shared worship at Melbourn Parish Church Friday 7th November 7.30pm for 8pm start Bible Study at Melbourn URC Sun 9th Nov 10.45am Remembrance Service Wed 12th November 7.30pm Reflective Service, Melbourn URC Sat 6th December Christmas Bazaar 10am until 12noon, followed by opportunity to share a hot lunch
During December Melbourn and Meldreth Churches Together will be Carol Singing at The Black Horse (Wed 10th December at 9pm) and at the Melbourn VillageCcross (Sat 20th Dec at 10.30am)
Every Friday Coffee with the ministers 10.30am – 12.30pm, come and have a chat over a cup of coffee. Fairtrade stall selling wide range of Fair trade goods.
SOAS Open Gardens
On a day that started bright and sunny, then turned cloudy and chilly, and then warmed up a smidgen, SOAS (Supporters of All Saints) are pleased to announce that their funds for the maintenance of All Saints’ were increased by £547.84. This was our third year of ‘Melbourn Open Gardens’ and the committee will aim to expand next year’s event. Our thanks go to our garden hosts and those volunteers who helped in providing light lunches and teas in the new All Saints’ Community Hall.
Our funds at mid July stand at £17,000 plus – this and much more will be needed in the near future as necessary work is carried out on All Saints’ church.
The May draw was made by Rev. Andrew O’Brien. There were 62 members. First prize of £20.66 goes to Joy Hyde (42) 15 The Lawns and second prize goes to Joan Statter (21) 60 Orchard Road.
The June draw was made by Rev Andrew O’Brien. There were 62 members and the first prize of £20.66 goes to Avril Mellor (27) of 93 Beechwood Avenue and the second prize of £10.34 goes to Janet Batchelor (29) of 14 Elm Way.
The July draw was made by Councillor Val Barrett. There were 63 members and the First prize of £21 goes to George Howard (9) of 23 Station Road and the second prize of £10.50 goes to Mr & Mrs Woodcock of 79 Orchard Road.
If you would like to join the ‘100 Club’, please contact Kersti Llewellyn-Beard at 10 Cross Lane, Melbourn, SG8 6AG (01763 220703). George Howard
Noah the Donkey
Hi there, everyone – my name is Noah! I am only little, just one year old, and I have just left my mummy to go and live with Elaine at Lovely View Stables in Barley.
(Supporters of All Saints’ Melbourn)
SOAS Events
There will be a quiz, by Colin Limming, on Saturday 18th October at the new All Saints’ Community Hall, and SOAS will also be at the Church Bazaar on November 15th. The only other definite date that we have is for a concert, in the church, by the Royston Choral Society on 7th March and we will bring this to your attention again in due course. The SOAS 100 Club now has sixty three members. For details of the £1 per month input to qualify for a first or second prize representing half of the pot, contact Kersti Llewellyn-Beard at 10 Cross Lane, Melbourn, SG8 6AG (01763 220703). Our funds at mid July stand at £17,000 plus – this and much more will be needed in the near future as necessary work is carried out on the All Saints’ building. George Howard
What is SOAS
SOAS is a nondenominational charity and aims to enlist the support of the Melbourn Community to preserve the village character and heritage. Funds raised by SOAS through membership contributions and cultural events are spent on the upkeep of All Saints’ Church building. Membership subscriptions are discretionary with a minimum of £3 per person or £5 per family per year. Application and/or Banker’s order forms can be obtained by telephoning Shaun Coles on 260327.
Funds Disbursment as at 1/8/2008 Roof £3000 Central heating Porch £11000 £376
Piano Lady Chapel Repairs Total
£500 7684 £22560
Cash in Hand £17769
Funds Raised £40329
I may be living in Barley, but I belong to Melbourn! Yes, it is true. How many parish churches do you think there are in Britain who own their own donkey? I don’t think there can be many and Vicar Andrew says that makes me Very Special.
The reason that I belong to Melbourn is so that you can have your very own donkey at the Christmas Crib Service. I have heard all about it from the other donkey Nutmeg who is now forty years old and finds it very difficult to walk round the church with Mary and Joseph. I think he was quite naughty in church last year! I understand that there are HUNDREDS of children at the Crib Service in Melbourn each year (well, lots anyway) and in order to get me used to noise and people I think they are planning to bring me to some of the Family Services, so you may be seeing me before Christmas. Please don’t make a lot of noise when you see me, or I may get frightened!
Unfortunately, I am always hungry and eat quite a lot and I have to see the Donkey Doctor every so often for injections and things so if anyone would like to help to pay for some of my food I am sure Vicar Andrew would be very pleased! I am very lucky, because Elaine is letting me stay with her in Barley with lots of horses in case I get lonely. Don’t forget, my name is Noah – that is a very special name from the Bible! Noah (the Melbourn Donkey)
Saturday 15th November: 11.00 am – 3.30 pm at All Saints’ Community Hall and Church This year we will have a new venue for the Bazaar and will be using the new Community Hall. We hope that as it is a central location in the village people without cars will be able to walk to the event. It will also be a great opportunity for everyone to see the Hall up and running.
If anyone has any new ideas for stalls or would be willing to come and help on the day, please contact Rosemary Gatward (261225). There will be the usual array of stalls such as sweets, cakes, crafts, raffle, vicar’s hamper, SOAS, Father Christmas, etc. We look forward to seeing you on 15th November.
From David Burbridge The Word of God Faith in Jesus Christ worketh by love, The fruit of The Spirit of Jesus is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, temperance, and ye shall not fulfil the lusts of the flesh, adultery, fornication, idolatry, hatred, strife, seditions, envyings, murder, drunkenness, revellings and the like. St. Paul to the Galations Chap 5.
Barrington Table Tennis Club advance notice: we will be hosting a 24 hour Table Tennis Marathon
raising funds for the Teenage Cancer Trust on Friday/Saturday 3rd/4th October 2008 Please join us and come and take part, All ages/family entries welcome! If you would like to help raise as much as possible for the Teenage Cancer Trust we can provide you with a sponsor form or just pop in and have a quick game: £1 for 10 minutes. Supper/breakfast/lunch and liquid refreshments will be on sale to help with our fund-raising For further info please contact: Philippa Priddle 01223 502335 julian.priddle@ntlworld.com Amanda Davis 01223 870670 amanda.davis1@tesco.net