Issue 55 Autumn 2008

Page 41

Melbourn’s Churches together

Melbourn’s Churches together Christian Aid for Melbourn this year included a cake stall at the Coffee Stop, Fun Quiz night, a Church Service and the Street Collection. The total raised this year was £1422. A big Thank You to all those who gave and collected. There will also be a Fundraising Coffee Morning & Tea Afternoon on the Friday 19th September at 26 Beechwood Ave. (261147) After the very successful Light Party last year it is intended to have another this year. It will be for children age 4 to 11 years on Fri 31st October, 5.30 to 7pm. at the Baptist Church Hall. Look out for the posters and invitations nearer the time.

Dates for the diary Fri Sept 19th, 10–12am – 2–4pm, Christian Aid Fundraising Coffee morning & Tea afternoon at 26 Beechwood Ave Sun Sept 21st, 2.30pm, Harvest Festival Service, Moorlands Sun Oct 26th, 6.30pm, Bible Sunday Service: All Saints’ Church Fri Oct 31st, 5.30–7pm, Light Party for Children age 4 to 11yrs. Baptist Church Hall Sun Nov 9th, 10.45am, Remembrance Service, Melbourn Cross, followed by service in All Saints’ Church Sat Nov 29th, 11am–5pm, Christmas Tree Festival, Holy Trinity Church, Meldreth Sun Nov 30th, 11am–5pm, Christmas Tree Festival, Holy Trinity Church, Meldreth, Followed by Advent Carol service at 5.30pm Wed Dec 10th, 9pm, Carol singing at The Black Horse

All Saints’ Community Hall Opening day Saturday 21st June. A large number interested villagers gathered on Saturday 21st June to witness the opening of the new Community Hall by Dr Gerald Avison of TTP and Miss Daphne Black, long term resident of Melbourn and member of All Saints’ congregation.

The proceedings were opened by Rev Andrew O’Brien, who in his speech outlined the history of the building of the new Church Hall, which was first mooted 10 years ago, soon after the O’Brien family arrived in Melbourn. The old Church Hall was built in 1960 and was in a very sorry state of repair despite the efforts of church members to maintain it. It was demolished in 2006, and just over 2 years later a beautiful new building has been erected in its place. After prayers by the Archdeacon of Cambridge, the Ven. John Deer, the plaques were unveiled by Dr Avison and Miss Black and the whole party proceeded into the Hall where champagne, provided by Sir David and Lady Wright, was served. A dance group from the Village College then entertained the assembly, and delicious refreshments, provided by the Women’s Group were available. Finally, the beautiful cake, baked and decorated by Roy Boote (taking 3 months!), was cut by Bob Howard, who, immediately after retirement, had taken on the job of Project Manager. Also present was David Savage, the artist, who designed the beautiful stained glass porch window depicting life in Melbourn. He had come down from York with his wife especially for the occasion. David is one of a very small number of stained glass artists in the country, and is at present working on 7 or 8 corporate commissions for hospitals and companies throughout the country. melbournmagazine


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