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Candlemas Winter Flower Festival
Candlemas Winter Flower Festival at All Saints’
The second Winter Flower Festival, organized by Rebecca Gatward, was a huge success, and this year, as well as flowers, there was also music to be enjoyed. The event raised almost £2,000 for the Church.
joined together, for example to invent French soap opera characters, for a quiz about famous quotations and to celebrate Epiphany. At the end of November we very much enjoyed a ” Beaujolais Nouveau” evening at Marine’s house where we sampled the wine and were able to socialise with others who are learning French.If you or your child would like to join us, please call Marine on 01763 222876 or Janet on 01763 261231 for further details. We are a French native speaker and a graduate of European Studies with French and we would love to see you at one of our groups.
Notre Ecole
Learn French in a friendly atmosphere *French for Children *French for Adults “Games, role-play, songs etc.” All levels, Conversation” Every Wednesday Every Wednesday from 3.45pm to 4.30pm from 8.00pm to 9.00pm Every Thursday by GCSE lessons available from 4:15pm to 5:00pm by arrangement. Individual lessons also available. Tel. Marine - 01763 222876 or Janet - 01763 261231 (We have both been CRB checked)
Workers’ Educational Association (WEA)
The next courses run by Royston WEA will start in September 2009. Details nearer the date from Doreen Wood 01763 242230 or David Allard 01763 242677.
Melbourn & District University of the Third Age.
We have had a great programme of speakers during the winter months at our monthly meetings at the Village College every third Wednesday in the month. There has been a wide variety of speakers and our audience total has held up very well despite some uncertain weather. The programme goes on now right through to November 2009 and we have even booked speakers as far ahead asJune 2010.
The learning and active groups have also enjoyed their own programmes and we have now added Art & Drawing Classes, Local History, and Discussion to our lists. The Luncheon Club and the Garden Enthusiasts Groups are not now active but it is hoped they will start again in the near future. There are now some 420 members who have decided that they don’t want to watch daytime TV but would rather join a group and learn more about a particular subject.
If you need to know more about us ring Arthur Alderton on 01763 260399. Colin Limming.
Relay for Life is a unique event which honours Cancer Survivors, remembers those lives taken away by cancer and educates the community into cancer prevention.