3 minute read
River Mel Restoration Group (RMRG
River Mel Restoration Group (RMRG)
A big thank-you to all those who joined members of the River Mel Restoration Group for the successful litter-pick on Saturday 22nd November 2008. We were extremely fortunate with the weather and the enthusiastic participation of forty volunteers collected seventeen bags of rubbish from in and around the River Mel in Melbourn. Special thanks must go to Greg Hall from RiverCare (an organisation jointly funded by Anglian Water, ENCAMS and the Environment Agency) who helped with the organisation of the event and provided all the safety-gloves and litter-picking equipment. The litter pick was the first step towards launching a restoration project on the River Mel in Melbourn. The RMRG has already undertaken restoration work on the River Mel in Meldreth. The Group is now looking to recruit volunteers from Melbourn to help carry out similar improvements to the River Mel where it flows through the grounds of Melbourn Village College and the Parish Recreation Ground.
Why is this work so important? The Mel is a chalk river that supports significant populations of wild brown trout, bull head and water crowfoot. It is also arguably one of the best areas in South Cambridgeshire to see water voles. Over the years its chalk bed has silted up, threatening the existence of the species that depend on it. The improvements planned for the river are designed to speed the flow and will clear away the accumulation of silt to reveal the chalk river bed again. This will lead to improved habitat for all its associated wildlife.
Plans for the improvement works have been drawn up following detailed consultation with Melbourn Village College, Melbourn Parish Council, local landowners and the Ecology Officer from South Cambridgeshire
Water vole pictured on the Mel picture by Maureen Brierley
Old Timers Disease
Three older ladies were discussing the travails of getting older. One said, “Sometimes I catch myself with a jar of mayonnaise in my hand in front of the refrigerator and can’t remember whether I need to put it away, or start making a sandwich.” The second lady chimed in, “Yes, sometimes I find myself on the landing of the stairs and can’t remember whether I was on my way up or on my way down.” The third one responded,” Well, I’m glad I don’t have that problem, knock on wood,” as she rapped her knuckles on the table, then told them “That must be the door, I’ll get it!”
A bank is a place where they lend you an umbrella in fair weather and ask for it back when it begins to rain. Robert Frost District Council. The necessary consents have been obtained from the Environment Agency and relevant landowners, so we can now start the work in the river.
The first working party in Melbourn was on 24th January 2009. Subsequent working parties will be held approximately 6 weekly (see list below). We meet at the Pavilion on the recreational field at 9.15am for a 9.30am start and have a coffee break midway through the session. We aim to finish by 12.30pm.
The group is very grateful to all those who have already shown an interest and have supported our work both directly and indirectly. This has been shown by joining our working parties, supporting fund raising events and by becoming members, thereby increasing our ability to gain grants to fund the buying of equipment, insurance and other essential items. In particular, we are extremely grateful for the financial support the project has already received from the Cam Valley Forum, Melbourn Parish Council, the Melbourn Village Fete committee, and Wrights Mower Centre. You can help on an individual basis by joining one of our working parties or by becoming a member of the Group (membership £10 per household a year). For further details please contact Maureen Brierley on 01763 262752, or join us at any workparty. We always have a warm welcome for new members.
Working parties for 2009
9.15am for 9.30am start Meet at the Pavilion Melbourn Recreational field Saturday 21st March Saturday 25th April Saturday 6th June Saturday 18th July Saturday 5th September Saturday 21st November