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Church News
United Reformed Church
Services Our regular Sunday morning service is at 11am, we meet afterwards for coffee. Anyone is most welcome to join us. Friday Coffee Weekly Friday Coffee mornings, 10.30am until 12.30pm. Drop in for coffee and a chat, usually one or other of our ministers is present and there is also the opportunity to buy Fairtrade goods from Robert’s stall. URC Organist celebrates 50 years of service + photo Our organist Derrick Thurley has completed 50 years of service playing the organ. It was with great pleasure that we were able to give thanks and mark this devotion and loyalty during our Mothering Sunday parade service on the 22nd March. We presented Derrick with an engraved glass bowl and certificate together with a plaque, which will be put up in the church. There was also a celebratory cake with the picture of an organ on it, which we shared with a cup of coffee after the service. We were also pleased to hear that Derrick intends to carry on playing for a few more years. Meeting Lane Burial Ground + photo This small, separate part of our Burial Grounds had for many years been regarded by some as one of the very few wildlife sanctuaries within the village and had been subject to only occasional and minimal maintenance.
The “wild” nature of the area had been a concern for a while but had latterly started to attract unfavourable comment from , amongst others, the Parish Council and at our Church meeting of 18th February it was agreed to have a working party on Saturday 14th March to try to “tidy up” the area. The consensus view as to what we wished to achieve was to re-establish it as a place of remembrance whilst also retaining it as an “undisturbed” wildlife sanctuary.The weather was kind to us and we had around 20-25 willing pairs of hands arrive to spend their Saturday morning clearing the area, many not connected with the church but willing to lend a hand to improve the area. Many positive comments have been received and a management plan will shortly be in place to maintain the good work that has been done. Many thanks to all who turned out to lend a hand.
URC Orchard Road Burial Ground The Church has also spent considerable time and effort on improving our main burial ground and has made the Ashes Plot a kerbed area. We were also saddened to have a
diseased chestnut tree felled in the early part of the year. On the 17th May a special service will be held to re-dedicate the graves contained in the Ashes plot.
Melbourn and Meldreth Churches Together
Scarecrow Harvest Festival Weekend 19th – 20th September 2009 Last year our harvest activities including opening up the church on the Saturday with a display of farming through the ages with proceeds going to help the farming crisis charity. This was very successful, especially the scarecrows made by our young people. This year we have decided to include the scarecrows as part of the weekend and invite all community groups who would like to be involved to contribute their own scarecrow to be displayed, if the weather is fine outside but in case of rain we will display around the church and in the church hall. For further information please contact Anne Field 01763 220869.
Easter Good Friday Walk of Witness
A number of each of the local churches met at the Community Hall at 9am on Good Friday and walked around the village, stopping to pray for the groups around the village and Easter activities going on.
Melbourn Baptist Church
Sunday Services are at 10.30 am (with children having separate activities and a service in the Hall, rejoining the adults later) with Evening Communion at 6.00pm on the first Sunday of the month. Everyone is welcome and most people stay for refreshments afterwards.
‘Toddler Plus’ weekly Tuesday sessions and ‘Craft Morning’ weekly Wednesday sessions , both at 9.30am, will run throughout the school term (but not during half term, or summer holidays after July 17th).
Both sessions are held in the Baptist Church Hall and anyone interested is welcome. In rotation with other churches, MBC also holds a short service at Moorlands every third Sunday at 2.30pm. More details can be found on our website: www.melbourn-baptist.org.uk/ Summer Events: 31st May 10.30 -12noon: Baptismal service 27th June Melbourn Village Fete
The Word of God from David Burbridge The preaching of the cross is, to those who perish, foolishness; but unto us who are saved it is the power of God. St Paul in Corinthians 1, 18 You Are Invited ... In June we shall be celebrating our first successful year of operation. During this year the hall has been used for many varied functions from U3A yoga classes to Christening parties, from supper for an African Bishop to a carpet sale, from an art exhibition to health screening. This is all in addition to the usual run of Brownies, Guides, Rainbows, Womens Group Gardening Club and Royston Family History and so on. In other words, the hall has really been used as a community centre.
We are constantly being complimented on the cleanliness and welcoming aspect of the hall, the first class amenities and equipment, the space and the light etc.
So we are going to celebrate our first year by having a birthday party at Coffee Stop on Saturday 20th June from 10.30 to 12 noon. We hope that everyone who has used and enjoyed the hall will come and have a cup of coffee and a cake with us on our birthday. The Brownies are in charge that day so it should be fun and we look forward to seeing as many people as possible! Do please just turn up and join us, and if by any chance you have not yet been inside our hall it will be an opportunity for you to have a look around. Mavis Howard
SOAS (Supporters of All Saints’) 100 Club
February There were 62 members. First prize of £21 to Barry Fennings (3) 12 Chapmans Close and the second of £10.50 to Rosemary Gatward (57) of 94, High Street. March There were 63 members. First prize of £21.00 to Mr & Mrs Yallop (61) at 17 The Moor and the second of £10.50 to George Gatward (67) at 94 High Street. April There were 63 members. First prize of £21 to Doreen Haddrell (4) of 11 Dickersons and the second of £10.50 to Terry Shaw (54) of 4 Spencer Drive.
(Supporters of All Saints’ Melbourn) What is SOAS
SOAS is a nondenominational charity and aims to enlist the support of the Melbourn Community to preserve the village character and heritage. Funds raised by SOAS through membership contributions and cultural events are spent on the upkeep of All Saints’ Church building. Membership subscriptions are discretionary with a minimum of £3 per person or £5 per family per year. Application and/or Banker’s order forms can be obtained by telephoning Shaun Coles on 260327. Funds Disbursment as at 1/8/2008
Roof Central heating Porch Piano Lady Chapel Repairs Total Cash in Hand Funds Raised
£3000 £11000 £376 £500 7684 £22560 £20000 £42560