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What’s on
Melbourn Open Gardens
Melbourn Open Gardens, organised by SOAS, (Supporters of All Saints’) will be on Sunday 7th June from 11am-5pm. ‘Passports’ to cover all the gardens on offer will cost £3 per person from committee members shown below or £4 on the day available at The Cross from 10:45am. Snack lunches and teas will be available in the All Saints’ Community Hall. George Howard 260686, Doreen Johnston 220197 and Shaun Coles 260327
Cambridge Open Studios
Many of you will already know about the Cambridge Open Studios, when during the month of July nearly three hundred artists working in Cambridgeshire will open their doors at the weekends to share their knowledge and enthusiasm for their craft. It is a unique opportunity to see where and how artists work and to talk to them and learn something of his or her way of working, of thinking and of creating a work of art. The brochure, which is widely available in shops, libraries etc, covers artists working in ceramics and pottery, drawing and painting, jewellery, glass and enamelling, metalwork, photography, printmaking , textiles and weaving, woodcarving and mixed media work – so pretty much something for everyone. The brochure comes with two maps, one showing the studios in Cambridge itself and one showing the out of town studios, which stretch from Godmanchester in the west to Newmarket in the east and from Littleport in the north to Melbourn in the south. It can be a very pleasant way of seeing the countryside on a summer day! In the past, Melbourn has been put on the map by Sylvia and Anthony Hopkinson working from The Bury, but now that they have moved into Cambridge the gap is being filled by Mavis Howard and George Meliniotis. Mavis works as a textile artist and for the past 10 years has exhibited at the Thaxted Festival as part of the Small CHAT group whilst George is an artist working mainly in oils and acrylics painting landscapes, seascapes, animals and scenes of Cambridge – he has exhibited in the past in the Hertfordshire Open Studios.
Because George lives in Rose Lane which has limited access for cars (and NO parking) both studios will be accessed via Mavis Howard’s house in Station Road (there is a convenient door between the gardens !) They will be open on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th weekends in July from 11 am to 6 p.m. and both will have an ample supply of brochures so please don’t hesitate to contact either of them for a brochure or more information. George Meliniotis 01763 261154 www.artmelini.com Mavis Howard 01763 260686 www.mavishoward.co.uk. www.cambridgeopenstudios.co.uk
Contemporary Art Textiles
For the ninth consecutive year the group smallCHAT is exhibiting at the medieval Guildhall in Thaxted, during the prestigious annual Music Festival.
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KS3 Girls Football Since that start of term Rebecca Morley from the South Cambs School Partnership has been leading football sessions for the KS 3 girls. On a Friday lunch time she has led a girl’s football club where she has been working on skills, tactics and game play. We are hoping to build a successful KS3 girls football team to join the older girls in the football grand prixs that are held three times a year in Cambridge. The next grand prix is on the 12th March.
Rebecca has also been teaching football to some of the year 7 girls on a Friday. The class have looked at numerous skills and have been able to introduce these into their indoor and outdoor football games. It is hoped that the girls have enjoyed the sessions and will want to continue playing football in and out of school.
Melbourn & District U3A
University Of The Third Age There are several new groups now running in the U3A including Garden Enthusiasts, Painting and Sketching, Local History, and Discussions. With over 440 members and so many active groups the U3A is well worth joining to gain a little knowledge, listen to a monthly speaker and to meet people who want to lead more active lives in retirement. A modest subscription of £10 a year plus any costs charged by a group is certainly value for money in these straitened times.
The AGM will be held at Foxton Village Hall on Wednesday 19th August when the groups will have stalls showing what they have to offer so why not come along in the early afternoon and see for yourself? Or contact Arthur Alderton on 01763 260399 if you want to find out now. Colin Limming
Workers’ Educational Association
The next courses run by Royston WEA will start in September 2009. Details nearer the date from Doreen Wood 01763 242230 or David Allard 01763 242677.
Notre Ecole
We have been busy as always throughout the spring term at Notre Ecole. The children at our Wednesday afterschool group have been learning the French for farm animals and pets. We have played a number of games around this theme, including animal dominoes, guessing games and heads down, thumbs up. We made a picture of a farm and labelled the animals and we were even able to play outside one sunny afternoon, which was a pleasant change after such a snowy winter. Children at the Thursday afterschool group have been revising the French for places in town. We have been giving directions, practising naming the rooms in a house and describing people. Both groups sampled French pancakes at the beginning of February to celebrate “Chandleur” and then at the end of term and to celebrate Easter we made Easter bookmarks. Adults in the Wednesday beginners group have been looking at “re” verbs in the present tense and also learning how to buy clothes, shoes and accessories in France. We have practised numbers and at the beginning of April we learnt about the “poisson d’avril” – April Fools tradition in France.The more advanced group have discussed their outings and holidays, practised grammar and played games to improve their vocabulary. If you or your child would like to join us, please call Marine on 01763 222876 or Janet on 01763 261231 for further details. We are a French native speaker and a graduate of European Studies with French and we would love to see you at one of our groups. Learn French in a friendly atmosphere *French for Children *French for Adults “Games, role-play, songs etc.” All levels, Conversation” Every Wednesday Every Wednesday from 3.45pm to 4.30pm from 8.00pm to 9.00pm Every Thursday GCSE lessons available from 4:15pm to 5:00pm by arrangement. Individual lessons also available. Tel. Marine - 01763 222876 or Janet - 01763 261231 (We have both been CRB checked)
Little Foxes Baby & Toddler Group
Little Foxes is a friendly, fun, good value, baby & toddler group. The baby & toddler group provides a great opportunity to meet other mums and for the children to play together. It is run by mums & child carers for babies and children up to 5 years old. There are a baby area, dressing up clothes, trikes, trampolines, duplo, cars, dolls, etc. There are creative activities, song & story time and refreshments for the adults & children. Foxton Village Hall Hardman Road Foxton Tuesday (term time only) 09.30 – 11.00 £1.50 per session