Issue 59 Autumn 2009

Page 47


United Reformed Church Coffee on Fridays Fridays 10.30am until 12.30pm. Drop in for coffee and a chat, usually one or other of our ministers is present and there is also the opportunity to buy Fairtrade goods from Robert’s stall.

Historic Churches Cycle Ride This years cycle ride takes place on Saturday 12th September and again this year Melbourn URC will provide participants and open up our church to provide a welcome for cyclists, provide a drink/biscuit and use of our facilities!!

Midweek activities A monthly mid week Reflective Service will begin in October providing an hour or so of contemplative readings, imagery and music, a time to escape the hustle and bustle. We are also beginning a series of Bible Study sessions, these also will begin in October see diary dates for information.

Harvest And Scarecrow Festival On the weekend of 19th to 20th September the church will open its doors for all to visit the Harvest Display and a series of scarecrows made by various community groups. On Saturday the church will open from 11am until 4.30pm with various displays and refreshments available. From 2.30pm there will also be a chance to listen to some organ music, a selection of musical genres. On Sunday there will be children’s activities from 10 – 10.45 am in the hall. Our Harvest Festival service begins at 11am followed by a bring and share picnic lunch and at 1.30pm the chance to buy any of the Harvest displays. It is not too late to bring a friendly scarecrow along, for details contact Anne Field tel 220869.

Baptist Church Communion is held on the first Sunday of every month at 6 p.m., Coffee Break takes place on Wednesday mornings from 10.30 to 12 noon in the Church Hall. Everyone welcome.

The Craft Club is also on Wednesdays mornings at 9.30 am. Again, all are welcome.

Christian Aid Week in Melbourn I would like to give a big ‘Thank You’ to those who gave or bought cakes, joined in the Quiz night, came to the Churches Together service at the United Reformed Church and did the House to House collection, in Melbourn. The cake stall raised £299.00 – The quiz night raised £129.00 – Church Service raised £121.50 – Street collection raised £775.50. Making a grand total of £1325 slightly less than last year. Date for the diary. I will be having a fund raising coffee morning and tea afternoon again this year. It will be on September 25th from 10.00 to 12 noon & from 2.30pm to 4.30pm at 26 Beechwood Ave. All are welcome Helen John Christian Aid Secretary for Melbourn

All Saints’ Church Christmas Bazaar Saturday 14th Nov 11am to 3pm A new competition will be included this year, for the best Cup Cakes; with separate categories for Gentlemen, Ladies and Young People. There will again be a Cake Stall, so we hope that you will bake for this popular stall. We look forward to seeing you there.

SOAS (Supporters of All Saints’) 100 Club The May draw was made 3rd June by Rev Andrew O’Brien: the first prize of £21.66 goes to Sue Toule (5) of 81 Beechwood Avenue and the second of £10.54 goes to Joan Statter of 60 Orchard Road. The June draw was made 2nd July by Rev Andrew O’Brien: the first prize of £21.70 goes to Helena Ellis (37) of 11 Mortlock Street and the second to Margaret Lewis (48) of 41 Beechwood Avenue. The July draw was made 1st August by Mike Rawlings (the melbournmagazine

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