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Church News

Community Education Val Tookey 260566 Little Hands Karen on 01763 260964 Melbourn Playgroup Jane Crawford 07842 151512 notre Ecole Janet Whitton 261231 Primary School Headteacher Gary Casey 223457 Toy Library Yasmin Croxford 220246 u3A (univ. of Third Age) Chairman Arthur Alderton 260399 Village College Warden Elaine Stephenson 223400



Melbourn Playgroup

At the end of last year we finished our busiest year ever with another very successful Sports Day. As usual we wish all the best to our many leavers and their families who have now all had a wonderful start to their Reception year at school.

This has been a good start to the new term with all our existing children and the new ones that have started with us over the last few weeks. Our topic for this term has been “Bears”. This has seen us going on Bear Hunts, making bear prints and taking our playgroup bear, Melba, out for the day.

We are looking forward to Christmas when we will be having concerts, parties and we hear that a Very important Person may be coming for a visit with some presents for all our children!

If you would like to know more about us please ring on 07842151512 or look at our website at www.melbournplaygroup.btik.com.

Melbourn Primary School

My first term as the Acting Headteacher of Melbourn Primary School has reinforced the old adage “The more things change the more they stay the same.”

The school has welcomed four new teachers, two new teaching assistants, fifty one new Reception children and five new children in other year groups. In fact the school now has three hundred and two children on roll, (the largest number for over 4 years) and has risen from ten classes to eleven. However, even with these significant changes, the life of the school continues on its yearly cycle.

On the 23rd of September the Eurovision Song Contest came to the school hall as children from Years 1 to 6 performed songs from different European countries

continued on page 39

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